world´s biomes

World´s Biomes

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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World´s Biomes . Adaptations. Tundra. Location : upper northern hemisphere  60 °-70 °. Climate : less than 25cm of precipitation annually, summer 3 °C to 12°C, winter -20°C to -30°C. Physical features : permafrost. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: World´s Biomes

World´s Biomes

Page 2: World´s Biomes


Adaptations are

characteristics that enable

organisms to better survive

and reproduce.




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Photograph by Rich Reid, National Geographic

Location: upper northern hemisphere 60°-70°

Climate: less than 25cm of precipitation annually, summer 3°C to 12°C, winter -20°C to -30°C

Physical features: permafrost

Plant adaptations: plants grow close to the ground. Shrubs, short grasses lichens and mosses

Animal adaptations: animals have compact bodies. Grow slowly and reproduce less--- less energy needed

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Boreal Forest Location: northern hemisphere 45°-65°

Climate: 30 cm to 85 cm precipitation annually (mostly snow)

Physical features: terrain is rough, marshes, shallow lakes , soil is wet

Plant adaptations: mainly coniferous trees (have cones), evergreen trees, waxy leaves

Animal adaptations: small mammals burrow in winter, insulating coats, reptiles and amphibians are rare

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Temperate Deciduous Forest Location: 23.5° north latitude, 23.5° and 38° south latitude

Climate: 75 cm to 180cm or rainfall, -30°C to 30°C

Physical features: large seasonal changes, 4 distinct seasons, enriched soil

Plant adaptations: plants go in 4-5 layers, deciduous tress shed leaves, thick bark

Animal adaptations: some mammals hibernate, many birds migrate south

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Temperate Rainforest Location: 38°-61° north latitude, 38° - 56° south latitude

Climate: rainfall exceeds 200cm a year, 5°C to 25°C, coastal fog

Physical features: narrow strips along coastlines backed by mountains, ocean winds bring lots of moisture

Plant adaptations: very tall trees, mosses and lichens on trees

Animal adaptations: most animals live near forest floor for protection

National Geographic

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Grassland (Temperate and Tropical)

Photograph by Phil Schermeister, National Geographic

Location: temperate: above 23.5° north latitude, below 23.5° south latitude; tropical:5 °to 20 ° N and S of the equator

Climate: temperate less rain than tropical; temperate winters are cold

Physical features: land is mainly flat, soil rich and fertile

Plant adaptations: limited rainfall so few trees, roots are deep and plants regrow after fire, flexible stalks

Animal adaptations: large grazing mammals , flat teeth

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Tropical Rainforest

Photograph by Timothy G. Laman, National Geographic

Location: 4800km wide around the equator

Climate: rainfall approx. 250cm per year, 20 °C to 25°C all year

Physical features: poor soil, dark forest floor

Plant adaptations: largest number of different species, plants grow in may layers, leaves have narrow tips

Animal adaptations: greatest diversity of animals on earth, most animals live in trees

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Desert (Hot and Cold)Location: hot deserts on every continent, cold deserts in dry regions in the interior of continents

Climate: rainfall less than 25cm annually; hot deserts: hot days, cold nights; cold deserts: warm summer days, cold winter days

Physical features: soils are often salty

Plant adaptations: roots extend metres away from the plant to absorb water, thick waxy leaves

Animal adaptations: hot deserts: reptiles thick skin and scales; cold deserts: animals burrow

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Permanent Ice (Polar Ice)Location: polar land masses and polar caps of the Arctic, Greenland, and Antarctica

Climate: annual precipitation (snow) less than 50cm; -30 to 14°C

Physical features: very strong winds, little soil

Plant adaptations: lichens (fungi and algae) tolerate drought and cold, some mosses, brief growing season in Arctic

Animal adaptations: thick coats and fat layers for warmth