worship: a life changing experience. what is worship? worship = to bow down before worship = worth...

Worship: A Life Changing Experience

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Page 1: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship: A Life Changing Experience

Page 2: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

What is Worship?

Worship = to bow down before Worship = worth + ship Humbling ourselves before the

God of Heaven

Worship is a humbling act that can Worship is a humbling act that can only be fully done by a humble only be fully done by a humble person.person.

Worship humbles us because it allows us to concentrate on who He is in contrast to who we are.

Nothing destroys worship any more than sideward glances.

Thoughts that focus on how well we are doing and who is not doing it as well as we are will destroy our own worship.

Worship is the major threat to Satan for it demands we crucify the central feature of his power, pride.

If worship does not humble us, it is not worship.

Page 3: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship: A Life Changing Experience

Worship = to bow down before Worship = worth + ship Humbling ourselves before the

God of Heaven Is it changing our lives?

Page 4: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Time Devoted to Assembly Worship

1 week 4 hours 1 year 200 hours

20 work days 5 years 100 work days 10 years 200 work days 40 years 800 work days

Page 5: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship: A Life Changing Experience

Worship = to bow down before Worship = worth + ship Humbling ourselves before the

God of Heaven Is it changing our lives? If our lives are not

changing, we are not worshipping.

Page 6: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Preparing and Focusing Our Minds through Song

The Lord’s Supper

Song Worship:

Page 7: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Our Mind:

Constantly capable of scanning the universe

a marvelous and

monstrous thing

It must be devoted to choosing what it thinks about.

When the mind's energy and time are consumed with everything, it loses its power to change or improve anything.

Page 8: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

1 Thessalonians 5:21

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;


a marvelous and

monstrous thing

Page 9: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Our Mind In Worship: Lord’s Supper

Matter of the mind.

a marvelous and

monstrous thing

Physical elements/acts very simple Value is only reached via a focused and narrowed mind

Problem – No instant spiritual concentration switch

Page 10: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Singing to Sharpen the Calvary Image

What we understand, feel and decide about the cross is at the heart of Christianity.

The Cross gives us both the meaning and the power for our desire to live transformed lives.

We want to see Him who was perfected through suffering.

Page 11: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Hebrews 5:8-9

Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation, NASU

Page 12: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. NASU

Page 13: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship Wheel

Thought: Christ/Cross

Response: Sorrow

Page 14: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship Wheel

Thought: Christ/Cross

Response: Sorrow

- - Love

Page 15: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship Wheel

Thought: Christ/Cross

Response: Sorrow - Gratitude

- Love

Page 16: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship Wheel

Thought: Christ/Cross

Response: Sorrow - Gratitude

- Love - Remember

Page 17: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Worship Wheel

Thought: Christ/Cross

Response: Sorrow - Gratitude - Joy


- Love - Remember

Page 18: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

1 Corinthians 10:14-22

Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. 15 I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say.16 Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ?

Page 19: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

1 Corinthians 10:14-22

17 Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread. 18 Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar?

Page 20: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

1 Corinthians 10:14-22

19 What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons.

Page 21: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

1 Corinthians 10:14-22

21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. 22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than He, are we? NASU

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1 Corinthians 10:14-22

Thought - Flee from Idolatry

Response – Song

“Live for Jesus” #335

Page 23: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Live for Jesus # 335

Live for Jesus O my brother,

His disciple ever be;

Render not to any other,

What alone the Lord’s should be.

Live for Jesus, wandering sinner,

Under Satan serve no more;

Of the promised prize a winner

Thou may’st be when life is o’re .

Live for Jesus in life’s morning;

At the noon-tide hour be His,

And at eve when day is turning,

And inherit end-less bliss .

Live for Jesus live for Jesus;

Give Him all thou hast to give;

On the cross the world’s Redeemer,

Gave His life that thou mightst live .

Page 24: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

1 Corinthians 10:14-22

Thought - Cup of blessing which we bless (bless = eulogize, praise or give thanks)

Response - Songs: I Stand Amazed #186

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I Stand Amazed # 186

I stand amazed in the presence

Of Jesus the Nazarene,

And wonder how He could love me,

A sinner condemned, unclean.

When with the ransomed in glory

His face I at last shall see,

Twill be my joy thro the ages

To sing of His love for me .

He took my sins and my sorrows,

He made them His very own;

He bore the burden to Calv’ry,

And suffered, and died alone.

For me it was in the garden

He prayed, “Not my will but Thine,”

He cried with tears in His sorrow,

And sweat-drops of blood for mine .

How marvelous! how wonderful!

And my song shall ever be:

How marvelous! how wonderful

Is my Savior’s love for me!

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Malachi 1:6-14

O priests who despise My name. But you say, 'How have we despised Your name?' 7 "You are presenting defiled food upon My altar. But you say, 'How have we defiled You?' In that you say, 'The table of the LORD is to be despised.'

Page 27: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Malachi 1:6-14

8 "But when you present the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you present the lame and sick, is it not evil? Why not offer it to your governor? Would he be pleased with you? Or would he receive you kindly?" says the LORD of hosts.

Page 28: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Malachi 1:6-1411 "For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations," says the LORD of hosts.

Page 29: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Malachi 1:6-14

13 "You also say, ' My, how tiresome it is!' And you disdainfully sniff at it," says the LORD of hosts, "and you bring what was taken by robbery and what is lame or sick; so you bring the offering!

Page 30: Worship: A Life Changing Experience. What is Worship?  Worship = to bow down before  Worship = worth + ship  Humbling ourselves before the God of Heaven

Malachi 1:6-14

14 "But cursed be the swindler who has a male in his flock and vows it, but sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord, for I am a great King," says the LORD of hosts, "and My name is feared among the nations." NASU

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Let us remember that to despise the table of the Lord is to offer that which is not our best.

Our best can only be that which flows freely from our loving hearts guided by His will.

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Where He Leads Me I Will Follow #334

Where He leads me I will follow,

I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way .

I’ll go with Him thru the judgment,

I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way .

I’ll go with Him thru the garden,

I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way .

I can hear my Savior calling,

Take thy cross and follow, follow me .

He will give me grace and glory,

And go with me, with me all the way.

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“Do this in remembrance of Me.”
