worshipping with us on the trinity new bible study€¦ · sometimes the sim-plest explanations...

On the Trinity Here are a few quotes regarding the Trinity that you may find useful. Sometimes the sim- plest explanations work best! “God for us, God alongside us, God within us.” - Richard Rohr, Franciscan friar and RC priest “God needs to be a Trinity in order to be love. For love requires three things: 1) a lover 2) a beloved 3) a relationship between them.” "God is one being who consists of three per- sons" is no more contradictory than saying that "There's one triangle that consists of three corners” - Evan Minton, a young Christian apologist "Bring me a worm that can comprehend a man, and then I will show you a man that can comprehend the Triune God." - John Wesley, founder of Methodism Many ThanksAnd Moving Coffee Hour Downstairs This Sunday A big Thank You!to Wayne and Maria Szal- ma for clearing out the Parish Hall and the kitchen so that 6 applications of wax could be applied to the floor. This project has taken the whole week just so it could be done right with proper time for curingthe wax. So were going downstairs to the All-Purpose Room for Coffee Hour today. We wanted to move it outside, but it appears that were look- ing forward to a lot of rain, so were downstairs instead. This only has to happen every 6-7 years! Worshipping With Us Episcopal worship is parcipatory. We stand, we kneel, we respond vocally during parts of the service, somemes with singing! Please join in at your level of comfort. If youd like to learn more about what we as Episcopalians believe and do, or if you have any quesons, please fill out one of the yellow cards in the pew and give it to Mother Susan or one of our ushers. We hope you feel welcome here and that you will come back oſten to feed your faith. A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church All are invited to the Altar to receive. If you would like a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive only the bread, extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to de- cline the wine. For the wine or grape juice you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gently on the chalices base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharisc Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth. MOWING SCHEDULE Spring is here! We need to get our Lawn- mowing Schedule in place. If you are interest- ed and available to help out with mowing the Church grounds please add your name to the Mowing List in the Parish Hall. Thanks in ad- vance! NEW BIBLE STUDY Thursday a.m. Bible Study has begun a new series called First Light”. This is a 12- session DVD study of the historical Jesus and the Kingdom of God with John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg, two of the worlds leading Jesus scholars on location throughout the Galilee and Jerusalem. The first session is The Matrix of Jesus”. No books to order, no homework to do!!! Just come and join us on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m., in the Con- ference Room. Watch the DVD and join in the discussion. Contact Mel Caron with ques- tions, 478-234-3698. Food Pantry Next week, June 2 & 3 we are collecting Peanut Butter for the Pitman Food Pantry. All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted. JUNE ADULT FORUM JUNE ADULT FORUM will be held on Sunday, June 3, following the 10 a.m. service in the Con- ference Room. We connue with our series Painng the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith”. This months session is en- tled An Evolving Faith. Quesons like: What keeps you in the Church? Do you resist change of any kind within your church? Do you desire more authencity within Chrisan church- es? Why should the church exist in the 21 st century? Has it outlived its purpose? These are quesons being asked around the world as churches of every denominaon experience de- creased numbers of the faithful. What quesons should the church be asking – what are you ask- ing? Join us for this fascinang presentaon and undoubtedly smulang conversaon!

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Page 1: Worshipping With Us On the Trinity NEW BIBLE STUDY€¦ · Sometimes the sim-plest explanations work best! “God for us, God alongside us, God within us.” - Richard Rohr, Franciscan

On the Trinity

Here are a few quotes regarding the Trinity that you may find useful. Sometimes the sim-plest explanations work best!

“God for us, God alongside us, God within

us.” - Richard Rohr, Franciscan friar and RC priest

“God needs to be a Trinity in order to be

love. For love requires three things: 1) a lover 2) a beloved 3) a relationship between them.”

"God is one being who consists of three per-

sons" is no more contradictory than saying that "There's one triangle that consists of

three corners” - Evan Minton, a young Christian apologist

"Bring me a worm that can comprehend a man, and then I will show you a man that

can comprehend the Triune God." - John Wesley, founder of Methodism

Many Thanks…

And Moving Coffee Hour

Downstairs This Sunday

A big “Thank You!” to Wayne and Maria Szal-

ma for clearing out the Parish Hall and the

kitchen so that 6 applications of wax could be

applied to the floor. This project has taken the

whole week just so it could be done right with

proper time for “curing” the wax.

So we’re going downstairs to the All-Purpose

Room for Coffee Hour today. We wanted to

move it outside, but it appears that we’re look-

ing forward to a lot of rain, so we’re downstairs

instead. This only has to happen every 6-7


Worshipping With Us

Episcopal worship is participatory. We stand, we kneel, we respond vocally during parts of the service, sometimes with singing! Please join in at your level of comfort. If you’d like to learn more about what we as Episcopalians believe and do, or if you have any questions, please fill out one of the yellow cards in the pew and give it to Mother Susan or one of our ushers. We hope you feel welcome here and that you will come back often to feed your faith.

A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church

All are invited to the Altar to receive. If you would like a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive only the bread, extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to de-cline the wine. For the wine or grape juice you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gently on the chalice’s base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharistic Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth.


Spring is here! We need to get our Lawn-mowing Schedule in place. If you are interest-ed and available to help out with mowing the Church grounds please add your name to the Mowing List in the Parish Hall. Thanks in ad-vance!

CLASS will meet on Sunday, June 5, follow-ing the morning service in the Conference Room. Our topic this month will be "Evil, Suf-fering & A Loving God." Mark your calendar for the next study of Up-pity Women of the Bible! We'll begin on Thursday, September 8 at 9:30 a.m. (following Morning Prayer). Our focus for this study will be the book of Judith. Watch for more details toward the end of summer.


Thursday a.m. Bible Study has begun a new

series called “ First Light”. This is a 12-

session DVD study of the historical Jesus and

the Kingdom of God with John Dominic

Crossan and Marcus Borg, two of the world’s

leading Jesus scholars on location throughout

the Galilee and Jerusalem. The first session is

“The Matrix of Jesus”. No books to order, no

homework to do!!! Just come and join us on

Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m., in the Con-

ference Room. Watch the DVD and join in

the discussion. Contact Mel Caron with ques-

tions, 478-234-3698.

Food Pantry

Next week, June 2 & 3 we are collecting

Peanut Butter for the Pitman Food Pantry.

All donations are greatly appreciated and



JUNE ADULT FORUM will be held on Sunday, June 3, following the 10 a.m. service in the Con-ference Room. We continue with our series “Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith”. This month’s session is enti-tled An Evolving Faith. Questions like: What keeps you in the Church? Do you resist change of any kind within your church? Do you desire more authenticity within Christian church-es? Why should the church exist in the 21st century? Has it outlived its purpose? These are questions being asked around the world as churches of every denomination experience de-creased numbers of the faithful. What questions should the church be asking – what are you ask-ing? Join us for this fascinating presentation and undoubtedly stimulating conversation!

Page 2: Worshipping With Us On the Trinity NEW BIBLE STUDY€¦ · Sometimes the sim-plest explanations work best! “God for us, God alongside us, God within us.” - Richard Rohr, Franciscan

T h i s W ee k a t G oo d S h e ph er d M a y 26 t h t o Ju n e 1s t

Trinity Sunday May 26 & 27

Saturday 5/26 - 4:30 PM Open for Prayer!

5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

Sunday 5/27 - 9 AM Open for Prayer!

9:15 AM Choir Practice

10 AM Holy Eucharist

Monday 5/28 - Memorial Day

Parish Office closed

Tuesday 5/29 - 9 AM Morning Prayer

Thursday 5/31 - 9 AM Morning Prayer

9:30AM Bible Study

Pentecost 2 June 2 & 3

Saturday 6/2 - 4:30 PM Open for Prayer!

5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

Healing Prayer Service

Sunday 6/3 - 9 AM Open for Prayer!

9:15 Choir Practice

10 AM Holy Eucharist

11:30 AM Adult Forum

Tuesday 6/5 - 9 AM Morning Prayer

9:30 AM Caring Hands

Wednesday 6/6 - 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Thursday 6/7 - 9 AM Morning Prayer

9:30AM Bible Study


We are so glad you're here! But when you park near the church, please be considerate of our neighbors and make sure you have fully cleared their driveways. Thank you!

Forward Day by Day

The new issue of Forward Day by Day for May,

June & July is on the table at the back of the

church. Please take one, they are filled with won-

derful meditations for every day.

T h e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h o f t h e

G o o d S h e p h e r d

The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott, Rector 732-759-4358

[email protected]

The Rev. Carl Dunn, Deacon 609-868-7102

[email protected]

Parish Office 315 Highland Terrace

Pitman, New Jersey 08071

Phone: 856-589-8209 / Fax: 856-582-2306

Email: [email protected]



Deb Prieto - Sr. Warden

Len Clark - Jr. Warden

Chuck Lezenby - Clerk of the Vestry

Aimee Burgin – Assistant Clerk of the Vestry

Diane Wall, Elizabeth Nelson, Jack Daugherty

(Class 0f 2018)

Gail Morton, Jim Wynkoop, Frank Jackson

(Class of 2019)

Georgeanne Moore, Steve Mackay, Lauren Kaltwasser

(Class of 2020)

Lee Braidwood - Treasurer

George Funk - Asst. Treasurer

Parish Office Hours

Monday through Thursday 8:30AM to 2:30PM. Friday - 8:30AM to 1:30PM


May 26 & 27, 2018

Pastoral Emergencies

If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for you, hospitali-

zation, death in the family, please call the Church Office

856-589-8209 or after Office hours please call Mother

Susan at 732-759-4358.