wq thursday nov 17, 2016 - zephyr technology free · pdf fileas psychotronic scientists, ......

Eos, Goddess of Dawn; With Pegasus, her mount. Symbolizing Dawn of New Age Coming... Wisdom Quest Group PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 (937) 429-3847 Great Meeting Location at: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2884 US Route 68; Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 Next to last Thursdays: 7--9pm Coffee and Cookies and good Networking Fellowship [email protected] http://zephyrtechnology.com/html/wisdom_quest_group.HTM Speaker ! Thursday, NOV 17, 2016 7pm at the U/U Thanksgiving Approaches Sure, Those Indians Gotta Eat... N ovember 17, 2016 Thanksgiving: Like You Mean It. OK then~So Stop Complaining lest Go Hungry Herman Meinke Speak Speak Speaker! "Avatar of Our Time" Herman Meinke Speak Speak Speaker! "Avatar of Our Time" Treehouse For Earth's Children: 22906 Mooney Street Farmington, Michigan 48336 (248) 473-0624 www.TreehouseForEarthsChildren.com Hey You! "Hermatyk Alkemy Course" (Short Form) Special Presentation at Wisdom Quest Only... Hard to say what we be conjuring up... (Hint: Ask Mickey Mouse in Sorcerer's Apprentice ) Ok, some "Ormus" then.

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Page 1: WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016 - Zephyr Technology FREE · PDF fileAs Psychotronic Scientists, ... "Power Struggles" please or else this Honky Magic no work. ... WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016

Eos, Goddess of Dawn; With Pegasus, her mount.

Symbolizing Dawn of New Age Coming...

Wisdom Quest Group PO Box 55

Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 (937) 429-3847

Great Meeting Location at: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

2884 US Route 68; Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 Next to last Thursdays: 7--9pm

Coffee and Cookies and good Networking Fellowship

[email protected] http://zephyrtechnology.com/html/wisdom_quest_group.HTM

Speaker ! Thursday, NOV 17, 2016

7pm at the U/U Thanksgiving Approaches Sure, Those Indians Gotta Eat...

November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving: Like You Mean It. OK then~So Stop Complaining lest Go Hungry

Herman Meinke Speak Speak Speaker!

"Avatar of Our Time"

Herman Meinke Speak Speak Speaker! "Avatar of Our Time"

Treehouse For Earth's Children: 22906 Mooney Street Farmington, Michigan 48336 (248) 473-0624 www.TreehouseForEarthsChildren.com Hey You! "Hermatyk Alkemy Course" (Short Form) Special Presentation at Wisdom Quest Only... Hard to say what we be conjuring up... (Hint: Ask Mickey Mouse in Sorcerer's Apprentice )Ok, some "Ormus" then.

Page 2: WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016 - Zephyr Technology FREE · PDF fileAs Psychotronic Scientists, ... "Power Struggles" please or else this Honky Magic no work. ... WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016

This i s where we meet . The Unit arian/U niversal i st Fel low ship kindly rents thei r space t o us. . .

German Art Genius, Otto Dix, http://www.ottodix.org/ captured freakout of WAR 100 years ago. What would the artist see today? Maybe nowadaze, since few artists want do Human Figures anymore (since that might trigger stereotypes of race, gender-benders laced with micro aggressions, desperately in need of some safe space from all those slurs.) Maybe we oughta look to cartoonists then , like Robert Crumb, eviscerating Vietnam era propaganda:


Yes, Wisdom Quest only meets at the U/U. Frankly, some of our material may be "too much, too soon" for the kindly Christian contemporary types of the Unitarian/Universalist Fellowship. Gee Whiz ----> Flying Saucers, Free Energy, Alternative Healing, New Age Revolution: Now, what be "Politically Correct" about all that? Not very much, fer sure. Thus, we understand how many folks at the U/U don't want to get any of us ~ on them

November, 1916 Baby: one hundred years ago, Our World changed for evermore. White Man killing White Man. This thing was a "Civil WAR" to decide which faction of the White Race would continue to rule this here Planet Earth; completely and utterly. Now try the Battle of the Somme. Started in July 1916 and finishing up by November 1916. All who fought; all did lose. England lost: all those "Pals" battalions wiped out and exterminated: the young men from whole villages, raised as "Kitchener's New Army". The "Neo-Cons" won, in their "Harvest of War". (Hey, that remains the whole point of WAR! See William Bramley's: "God's of Eden"; whereby the slithering Old Testament Gods of the Bible feed upon us parasitically; specifically fear, terror and suffering that WAR brings: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/godsofeden/ ) As Psychotronic Scientists, our job is "to know" inwardly how Nature really works. Nowhere in The Creator's kingdom, do members of same species kill their own kind, not even for food or territorial breeding and such. Only MAN, does this WAR thing! And nowhere else in our Mother Nature's Realm, do kill our own children as Blood Sacrament of Feminism: As Scientists of the USPA, might we be learning about Nature herself rather than obscure tactics of Water vortexing centripetally about gender neutral toilet drains? (Lao Russell hints might be time for Mother to intervene here. GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya_YG51xYQs Don't believe? That Hildabeast masturbates for WAR; that way she'll get to be "Big Man" and show who really wears the pants ; Hillary Clinton: “When I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them.” The Trumpster, as a Man of the people, knows that us common folk got no more truck with endless WAR; and for this "anti-establishment attitude" ~ no punishment can be too severe. http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2016/04/14/trump-peace-candidate/ Explaining perhaps the womanly hand-wringing about "Sexism, Racism, Homo-ism and Alicia Machado "fat shaming" et al...

Page 3: WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016 - Zephyr Technology FREE · PDF fileAs Psychotronic Scientists, ... "Power Struggles" please or else this Honky Magic no work. ... WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016

How close are Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton? As a 19 year old Muslim student at George Washington University in 1996, Huma Abedin began working as a White House intern (Intern? Did you say Intern, like Monica Lewinsky?) assigned to then-first lady Hillary Clinton. The two have been together since, with Abedin traveling the country as Clinton's "Body Woman" throughout and until this very day. Read more: http://www.politico.com/gallery/2013/07/how-close-are-huma-abedin-and-hillary-clinton-169489#ixzz4PHNueeCj

As Scientists of the Psychotronics Association, our job means getting with Nature's program. Viktor Schauberger had a simple solution: "Comprehend First, Then Copy Nature". Wilhelm Reich, M.D. same way: Reich discovered "Orgone Energy". That means "Life Energy". It's ALIVE ! Like all living things must be polarized: Male Father ~ Female Mother. In Nature herself: Not much room for "Inclusive, Tolerant and Fair" or even "perpetually offended" as in Social Justice Warriors. BOYS: NATURE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! Well, how does Nature work? Try big families~ That's how everybody and everything else does it. Ok, do it Hillary's way and have that abortion; Love whom you will and "takes a village idiot" and all that. Then, some fine day wake up: Strapped to a gurney in the Oncology Ward, awaiting your Chemo. Had you kept with Nature's destiny: you'd be covered in loving Grandchildren by now. Our Mother: Nature, She plays fair; but she sure plays for keeps!

Stronger Together?

So, what is the point here? The People: Have no need for the el i te "m edia" . So says George Orwel l from dystopian novel, "1984". The 1% Global E l i tes, You know: Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is the name given to a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district, receiving global attention and spawning the Occupy movement against social and economic inequality worldwide. Sometimes when the Barn is burning, the horse gets scared and tries to run back into the perceived safety of its familiar stall. Good thing Farmer Trump anticipated this to lead us all to freedom and safety. Bedwetting Liberals hate this, you bet. Especially Making America Great Again. ANGER ~ HATRED Be LIBERAL REACTION. Why? Because we are "Armored" that is why ~ https://orgonomictherapy.com/2013/07/29/armoring/ In a Reichian sense.

Working folks are for Trump 110 % and now are "coming out" Baby!

Page 4: WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016 - Zephyr Technology FREE · PDF fileAs Psychotronic Scientists, ... "Power Struggles" please or else this Honky Magic no work. ... WQ Thursday Nov 17, 2016

Repetition being the Mother of Skill: Nothing wrong then of repeating some basic stuff: Wisdom Quest is the last chapter of the United States Psychotronics Association. Well Then: WHAT IS PSYCHOTRONICS? Answer: We are familiar with the term: "Electronics" ; which sort of means technology and hardware of that mysterious force called "Electricity". Thus by analogy, "Psychotronics" means the technology and hardware of that force or energy called "Psycho" (ha ha) Or maybe "Psychology" or even "Psychic". "Fortune Teller" is the pejorative term used by conventional Science to describe all manner of Psychic Phenomena. Even former national U.S.P.A. president, Dr Peter Moscow PhD, had to submit to the indignity of getting a Fortune Teller's License for his "Wholistic Philosophy Consultants" operation in Louisville Kentucky . But no matter: "Subtle Energy"; "Zero Point Energy"; or "Scalar Energy" all are commonly and interchangeably used. Personally I prefer "Orgone" or Life Energy (from Wilhelm Reich); and always: "The Force" from all those Star Wars movies. Perhaps the more inclusive term will be "The Creator" or simply God; as illuminated; and then described by Walter Russell with wonderful and perfect help in balance from his also "Illumined" soulmate, Lao Russell. Née Daisy Stebbing from England; only 34 years Walter's junior, but what a pair these two made! From their joint book, "The Electrifying Power of Man-Woman BALANCE"; we read on page 67 a most profound theorem: "When a Man or Woman works alone, their power is but one, but when Man and Woman work together, as One, their power multiplies as of the cube, which is eight times One". One will get you eight! wow. But Woman~Man gotta be on the same page as "One". No "Power Struggles" please or else this Honky Magic no work. So, want to get ahead: then partner up with your opposite sex Soulmate; and let our Mother Nature do the rest... Still takes beaucoup work though, an endless amount, given lovingly. And this be what we learning in Wisdom Quest! Nature's simple ways... Might as well; because We Know that the UFO Flying Saucer Aryan Blondes been coming and slipping around into our affairs as of late. Just remember the story of Dean and Mary Hardy from just last month. Some evidence suggests the reason for the "Coming of the Guardians" be a "Smokey the Bear" function: that only we can prevent Forest Fires (in our planetary case, the Atomic Suicide that us ignorant and willful children have caused on Earth. Here is the best link: http://www.philosophy.org/store/p10/Atomic_Suicide%3F.html

Yes, make it God then (but hold the B'Bible please). Keeping it real: Mother Nature is good enough for me. Thus "Psychotronics" must be something about that old time Religion: Mother Nature's Wise Ways... So, "Nature's Eternal Religion" be Source of the Wisdom We Quest. (Proof ? Ye shall have none...) and like Walter Russell might would have said: "With Mistress Nature, Alone She Will Teach" This means to delve into knowing cause, seek to meditate alone. Perhaps then the answers will come swirling forth from deep within, where they have lain patiently awaiting to be summoned! Simple, eh? But the "office" (meaning function) of this practice lies in the daily doing thereof. B.M. F.


Wisdom Quest Schedule : WQ Xmas Party, Thurs 5-12 pm 12/22/16 ! Location of WQ Xmas Party: 3490 Clar-Von Drive; in beautiful Beavercreek, O-HI-O 45430 Drumming; Pot-Luck; Big Campfire; a few beers of course; and joking 'round the fire... § And then in cold January 19, 2017 on Thursday, 1/19/17; Kim Pl inovich https://sites.google.com/site/edenwrld/home/private-sessions/providers from Eden Wel lness wi ll do some body massage on Wisdom Quest volunteers for some Heal ing, the "hands-on" old fashioned way. (And maybe special "sliding scale" for those who want to sign right up for whole program!) What fun. Cal l Kim Pl inovich, LMT (937) 319-101 to schedule now .