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“During 2012, we have seen a 340 per cent increase in digital subscriptions and the CRM integration helps Henderson quantify the revenue impact of this increased digital engagement.” Joel Miller, eBusiness Manager, Henderson Global Investors Henderson Global Investors is one of Europe’s largest investment management groups with over £65 billion in assets under management. Employing 1,000 people across 15 locations worldwide, they provide clients with access to investment professionals representing a broad range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, property, and private equity. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the firm has improved reporting, given staff mobile access to data, and is significantly enhancing the service it provides to customers. Business Needs In 2010, Henderson embarked on a strategy, known as HGi, of using cross- channel digital communications to promote its thought-leadership credentials among clients in the investment community. Henderson industry experts regularly generate valuable information in the form of articles, videos, and blogs, and the aim was to promote this knowledge. Henderson wanted to give customers the ability to personalise content. Joel Miller, eBusiness Manager at Henderson, says: “Our HGi strategy is about sharing Henderson investment knowledge with clients and partners on an unprecedented scale.” To deliver this strategy, Henderson needed to replace its existing customer relationship management (CRM) systems with a single, powerful CRM solution. Solution Tim Worsley, Senior Project Manager at Henderson Global Investors, says: “We quickly decided on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, because it was so easy to integrate with other systems and data sources, and was a good fit with our existing skills. We now have 300 CRM users with 138,000 contacts, 38,000 active companies, and about 5 million activities.” Henderson also implemented ExactTarget email marketing and CWR Mobility mobile access Microsoft Dynamics CRM add-ons. Microsoft Dynamics CRM and its add-ons were integrated with the Henderson web infrastructure to create the HGi system. Benefits The Henderson HGi initiative provides its clients with a personalised experience across web, email, social media, and syndication feeds—Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a core component of this solution, filtering and distributing the relevant content requested by each customer. Miller says: “The deep integration between HGi and the Microsoft Dynamics platform allows Henderson to understand and respond to clients’ needs and manage individual experiences directly within the CRM toolset.” Automated email marketing. “Our websites offer customers the ability to ‘follow’ items such as investment topics, funds, or authors. For example, you might follow our Chief Economist Simon Ward, or the topic ‘fixed income’. These preferences are then synchronised with the CRM system,” says Worsley. Using the ExactTarget add-on, Microsoft Dynamics CRM generates a unique and Customer: Henderson Global Investors Website: www.henderson.com Customer Size: 1,000+ Country or Region: United Kingdom Industry: Financial services Customer Profile Henderson is a FTSE-listed, London- based, investment management group handling more than £65 billion (U.S.$99 billion) of assets. It operates across 15 locations worldwide. Software and Services Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM For more information about other Microsoft customer successes, please visit: www.microsoft.com/casestudies Microsoft Dynamics Customer Solution Case Study Global Investment Firm Promotes Thought Leadership with CRM Solution

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Page 1: WriteImage CSB Global asset management firm …download.microsoft.com/.../Files/710000002229/Henderson.docx · Web viewAuthor Rebecca Williams Created Date 03/21/2013 07:29:00 Title

“During 2012, we have seen a 340 per cent increase in digital subscriptions and the CRM integration helps Henderson quantify the revenue impact of this increased digital engagement.”

Joel Miller, eBusiness Manager, Henderson Global Investors

Henderson Global Investors is one of Europe’s largest investment management groups with over £65 billion in assets under management. Employing 1,000 people across 15 locations worldwide, they provide clients with access to investment professionals representing a broad range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, property, and private equity. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the firm has improved reporting, given staff mobile access to data, and is significantly enhancing the service it provides to customers.

Business NeedsIn 2010, Henderson embarked on a strategy, known as HGi, of using cross-channel digital communications to promote its thought-leadership credentials among clients in the investment community. Henderson industry experts regularly generate valuable information in the form of articles, videos, and blogs, and the aim was to promote this knowledge. Henderson wanted to give customers the ability to personalise content. Joel Miller, eBusiness Manager at Henderson, says: “Our HGi strategy is about sharing Henderson investment knowledge with clients and partners on an unprecedented scale.” To deliver this strategy, Henderson needed to replace its existing customer relationship management (CRM) systems with a single, powerful CRM solution.

SolutionTim Worsley, Senior Project Manager at Henderson Global Investors, says: “We quickly decided on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, because it was so easy to integrate with other systems and data sources, and was a good fit with our existing skills. We now have 300 CRM users with 138,000 contacts, 38,000 active companies, and about 5 million activities.” Henderson also implemented ExactTarget email marketing

and CWR Mobility mobile access Microsoft Dynamics CRM add-ons.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and its add-ons were integrated with the Henderson web infrastructure to create the HGi system.

BenefitsThe Henderson HGi initiative provides its clients with a personalised experience across web, email, social media, and syndication feeds—Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a core component of this solution, filtering and distributing the relevant content requested by each customer. Miller says: “The deep integration between HGi and the Microsoft Dynamics platform allows Henderson to understand and respond to clients’ needs and manage individual experiences directly within the CRM toolset.”

Automated email marketing. “Our websites offer customers the ability to ‘follow’ items such as investment topics, funds, or authors. For example, you might follow our Chief Economist Simon Ward, or the topic ‘fixed income’. These preferences are then synchronised with the CRM system,” says Worsley. Using the ExactTarget add-on, Microsoft Dynamics CRM generates a unique and

Customer: Henderson Global InvestorsWebsite: www.henderson.com Customer Size: 1,000+Country or Region: United KingdomIndustry: Financial services

Customer ProfileHenderson is a FTSE-listed, London-based, investment management group handling more than £65 billion (U.S.$99 billion) of assets. It operates across 15 locations worldwide.

Software and Services Microsoft Dynamics− Microsoft Dynamics CRM

For more information about other Microsoft customer successes, please visit: www.microsoft.com/casestudies

Microsoft DynamicsCustomer Solution Case Study

Global Investment Firm Promotes Thought Leadership with CRM Solution

Page 2: WriteImage CSB Global asset management firm …download.microsoft.com/.../Files/710000002229/Henderson.docx · Web viewAuthor Rebecca Williams Created Date 03/21/2013 07:29:00 Title

personalised email digest of content created across the business, based on each client’s specific interests. Email analytics are then stored within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. “We can see deliverability statistics, open rates, and individual link clicks,” says Worsley. With this information, Henderson can refine the personalised information delivered to its clients. This has provided significant benefits to the company. Miller says: “During 2012, HGi has driven a 340 per cent increase in digital subscriptions.”

Mobile access, quality data. When out of the office, Henderson sales people have instant access to Microsoft Dynamics CRM via their BlackBerry mobile devices, using the CWR Mobility add-on. The solution has been well received by sales team members because they can retrieve and update customer data on the move, allowing them to be better prepared and significantly more effective. In addition, the ability to instantly record outcomes of meetings—such as entering meeting notes or updating contact information—means the quality of the CRM data is greatly improved and hence more valuable to the business as a whole.

Better reporting. The integration between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services has provided staff with a powerful suite of self-service tools, enabling better reporting of activities and marketing effectiveness, often without involving the IT team. “The Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services tool fits in perfectly with how we operate,“ says Worsley. “One of our executives said it’s the best management information reporting he’s ever had.”

Comprehensive view of clients. Staff now have easy access to all the information they need about clients—addresses, interaction history, sales opportunities, and status—in a single, comprehensive view. And thanks to the familiar interface of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, training costs have been minimised, while users can choose to access information from either desktops or mobile devices.

Flexible extensibility. To build up an even richer understanding of its clients, Henderson subscribes to a number of third-party, finance industry data sources.

Using the company’s existing development resources and thanks to the flexibility of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Henderson has created a sophisticated technique for importing data from these external sources—a solution that matches and de-duplicates records as they’re imported. “The system we’ve developed allows us to import financial analytics about the companies we work with, showing metrics such as their total assets under management, what percentage of that money is invested with Henderson, and what investment areas they’re active in,” says Worsley. “This helps us build up a complete picture of our customers and allows us to focus our sales and marketing activities more effectively.”

Easier acquisitions. When Henderson acquired rival firm Gartmore—which had previously been using a Siebel system—it needed to integrate the firm’s CRM activities fast. Worsley says: “We integrated its data into our systems in record time, and that’s all down to our ability to import information easily. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the engine at the heart of our sales and marketing operation. It's a key component of the Henderson HGi initiative, so it's great to know that Microsoft backs the product with massive investment. We have no doubts about the future viability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.”

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

Document published March 2013