written report (good teaching)

WHAT IS GOOD TEACHING? All students have had hundreds of teachers in their lifetimes. A very few of these teachers they remember as being exceptionally good. What are the qualities that combine to create an excellent, memorable teacher? Why do some teachers inspire students to work three times harder than they normally would, while others inspire students to skip class? Why do students learn more from some teachers than others? There is a saying, "Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime." This is the philosophy of a good teacher. Give your students an answer and they can solve one problem, but show students the techniques needed to find the answer for themselves and they can become self-sufficient in the field. Students need to be shown how to apply the new techniques you teach to problem solving. Good teaching also requires courage—the courage to explore one’s ignorance as well as insight, to yield some control in order to empower the group, to evoke other people’s lives as well as reveal one’s own. There are principles that involve good teaching that should be applied in a learning environment. Those are the following: 1. Good teaching involves skill in guiding learning. A good teacher must be an expert in what he is teaching. The skill should be acquired to be one. He should have the background in knowledge, and the professional skill. A good teacher starts with a firm knowledge of the subject, and builds on that with a clarity and understanding designed to help students master the material. The best teachers then go one step further. Because good teachers are interested in the material being taught, they make the class interesting and relevant to the students. But knowledge is worthless unless it is delivered to the students in a form they can understand. He has the ability to convey to students an understanding of that knowledge, and the ability to make the material interesting and relevant to students. He can explain complicated material in a way that students can understand and use. 2. Good teaching is kindly sympathetic. A teacher has a concern and respect for his students. He is a person who helps the student to learn. Teachers play a major role in modifying the behavior of the student and

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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WHAT IS GOOD TEACHING?All students have had hundreds of teachers in their lifetimes. A very few of these teachers they remember as being exceptionally good. What are the qualities that combine to create an excellent, memorable teacher? Why do some teachers inspire students to work three times harder than they normally would, while others inspire students to skip class? Why do students learn more from some teachers than others? There is a saying, "Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime." This is the philosophy of a good teacher. Give your students an answer and they can solve one problem, but show students the techniques needed to find the answer for themselves and they can become self-sufficient in the field. Students need to be shown how to apply the new techniques you teach to problem solving. Good teaching also requires couragethe courage to explore ones ignorance as well as insight, to yield some control in order to empower the group, to evoke other peoples lives as well as reveal ones own. There are principles that involve good teaching that should be applied in a learning environment. Those are the following:1. Good teaching involves skill in guiding learning.A good teacher must be an expert in what he is teaching. The skill should be acquired to be one. He should have the background in knowledge, and the professional skill.A good teacher starts with a firm knowledge of the subject, and builds on that with a clarity and understanding designed to help students master the material. The best teachers then go one step further. Because good teachers are interested in the material being taught, they make the class interesting and relevant to the students. But knowledge is worthless unless it is delivered to the students in a form they can understand. He has the ability to convey to students an understanding of that knowledge, and the ability to make the material interesting and relevant to students. He can explain complicated material in a way that students can understand and use. 2. Good teaching is kindly sympathetic.A teacher has a concern and respect for his students. He is a person who helps the student to learn. Teachers play a major role in modifying the behavior of the student and making them go on the right path towards learning and understanding. The teacher is a person who not only helps the student to learn the subject, but is also a person who guides the student on the correct path of life.A good teacher will be kind to the students as this will bring out the best from the student. Though it is also good to be strict with the students, being kind will bring out more from the student. He should feel comfortable in the presence of the teacher for good learning to occur. No two students are alike in any way. There are differences in the level of understanding and other processes. The teacher who identifies this and makes appropriate changes in the teaching method will make a good teacher. This is the most important quality of a good teacher.3. Good teaching is well planned.The creation of a good class requires an immense amount of work. You don't simply come up with clear explanations and examples and experiments for class off the top of your head. You don't create fair, consistent, high quality tests and homework assignments five minutes before you hand them out. You don't figure out ways to integrate new materials and research into a class in an understandable way on the drive in one morning. You work at this sort of quality all the time. You spend time with your students so you can learn about holes in their understanding. You read and write and create to build an exciting and interesting class every day. A good teacher will plan the various activities in advance. Planning is very essential for effective teaching. Inadequate preparation on the part of the teacher will cause a lot of time to be wasted. It will also cause the students to lose confidence on their teachers' abilities. This will lead to bad and ineffective teaching. So a good teacher should plan all the activities.4. Good teaching utilizes PAST EXPERIENCES of the learner. Teachers have authentic experiences of their profession. Class management, lack of students interest, boring contents, absenteeism and misbehaviors of the students are some common experiences of the teachers. Students also bring experiences of different nature from different walks of life. If looked with an enlightened eye these experiences are not limited to a certain subject area. They include scientific, social, environmental, mathematical, economical, and so many other kinds of experiences. Home, family, community, media, and school offer rich experiences, significant to the lives of the students.The teachers/teacher educators using experiential learning theory need to have some very important characteristics. Firstly, they should be patient to listen more and speak less. Because learners need time to express their authentic experiences and their feelings about those experiences. The skill of probing and prompting is very useful in such kind of teaching. Secondly, the teachers need to encourage and appreciate the learners orally or through gestures. Because the silence or lack of eye contact with the speaker can negatively effect the learners participation. Thirdly, equal allocation of time and importance to students reflective observations make the process rewarding. Additionally teachers competence in group/pair work and provision of a democratic environment are the some of the significant requirements for the success of the process.5. Good teaching stimulates more SENSES in the process. Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need-or expect-their instructors to inspire, challenge, and stimulate them: "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place." Whatever level of motivation your students bring to the classroom will be transformed, for better or worse, by what happens in that classroom.6. Good teaching requires THINKING AND REASONING in the process.Critical thinking skills figure prominently among the goals for education, whether one asks developers of curricula, educational researchers, parents, or employers. Being one of the good teachers requires this ability for him to communicate well in his students.7. Good teaching diagnoses DIFFICULTIES.A good teacher identifies what are the problems that every student encounters in his process of learning and be able to determine solutions for it as well.8. Good teaching is remedial. Often times, there would be mistakes or even mishaps. That is an absolute truth in daily life especially in teaching or even in learning processes. Remedy is a must. Second chances should be given accordingly. As a person, students need experiences for him to acquire new knowledge to apply with. As my Professor Sotto said you should learn from your mistakes but it doesnt mean that you have to omit mistakes just to learn. In line with that, you should also teach in a way that your students will learner how to make it, not just how to take it.

9. Good teaching is purposeful. You cannot do things right the way you wanted it to be if you dont have any goals or purposes in life for you to comply with. In teaching, there should be a blue print on every left and rights on the lessons that your students will undertake. Purpose leads you to a plan. A plan that will lead you to your desired results. Results that must have innate with them the purpose of a teacher to his student, to share knowledge.

10. Good teaching utilizes. Utilizes in a sense that the classroom must be an oasis of knowledge and the teacher as the facilitator. Were talking not just academic knowledge, were also talking about values. Values that every student needs for them to encompass elsewhere challenges that are on their way. Values that every teacher should have for his students to acquire from. As to utilitarian movement connotes, the way you express matters, but what you expresses matters most.11. Good teaching considers evaluation as an integral part of teaching. Nowhere in this world is perfect, except God. Teachers as part of this enormous world, is not safe of being imperfect. Likewise with his students, teachers also have lapses or they are being lead by unsorted path. A mirror couldnt make a person to see all the details there unto. Thats why teachers and students need evaluation. As to teachers, they need colleagues and students evaluation for them to know what is not enough and what is missing when it regards on their performance. Educations sake wise, the teacher must understand individual differences with that of his students. Evaluation is a must in both ends for education to meet its purpose.