wtmberendsenfinancialcrisis taylor

ON MONEY, THE GUFF, WEAKEST LINKS AND TAYLOR © November 2010, WTM Berendsen I already plea for long that the real solution for the economic crisis is just creating money without putting any debts against it. Which is, for sure, the solution to solve the current problems. But, it is not enough. As on the long term, of course more is needed. Just because of greed in our society at large, we have imbalances and weakest links. Greed not specifically from the banking sectors, but more from the companies and organizations employing people. Without the greed or just with less greed, there would be less imbalances and weakest links. But even then more money would be needed to finance the growth as besides weakest links we have the opposite to the guff. Meaning that money is limited in supply, at least more limited than what entities in our society at large need. Our money system just HAS to be opened up. This by not creating debts when money is being created. The last couple of years, first customers did borrow money to actually finance and enable the “growth” of our economies and people within. But, it was not real growth but largely a perceptual one. For short period of time. In that period it SEEMED that everything was OK but of course it was not. As borrowing money to finance growth or an economy just to enable to run is of course not healthy and does lead to problems at certain moments. Then, when the financial crisis appeared (which was, of course, the result of problems already in the system for LONG already but appearing more and more) the solutions of governments was to borrow money just like the citizens had to do. Which is good for having the economies at least running for a while still. But, of course also this is not the solution and actually a rather unhealthy situation. One of the reasons that this problems did occur, is because of a false understanding of Taylor, efficiency. Companies try to be more and more efficient but the profits of the improvement in efficiency are not forwarded enough to the employees. While this same employees are, of course, the people who buy entities (products and services) in our society, our economies. Without them having enough money to do so, we get into a downward spiral as the one we are

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Post on 14-Dec-2014




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This file is about connection of financial crisis and less optimal economies with the notion of efficiency as brought forward by Taylor but probably misunderstood by most of people.


Page 1: Wtmberendsenfinancialcrisis taylor

ON MONEY, THE GUFF, WEAKEST LINKS AND TAYLOR © November 2010, WTM Berendsen I already plea for long that the real solution for the economic crisis is just creating money

without putting any debts against it. Which is, for sure, the solution to solve the current

problems. But, it is not enough. As on the long term, of course more is needed.

Just because of greed in our society at large, we have imbalances and weakest links. Greed

not specifically from the banking sectors, but more from the companies and organizations

employing people. Without the greed or just with less greed, there would be less imbalances

and weakest links. But even then more money would be needed to finance the growth as

besides weakest links we have the opposite to the guff. Meaning that money is limited in

supply, at least more limited than what entities in our society at large need. Our money system

just HAS to be opened up. This by not creating debts when money is being created.

The last couple of years, first customers did borrow money to actually finance and enable the

“growth” of our economies and people within. But, it was not real growth but largely a

perceptual one. For short period of time. In that period it SEEMED that everything was OK

but of course it was not. As borrowing money to finance growth or an economy just to enable

to run is of course not healthy and does lead to problems at certain moments.

Then, when the financial crisis appeared (which was, of course, the result of problems already

in the system for LONG already but appearing more and more) the solutions of governments

was to borrow money just like the citizens had to do. Which is good for having the economies

at least running for a while still. But, of course also this is not the solution and actually a

rather unhealthy situation.

One of the reasons that this problems did occur, is because of a false understanding of Taylor,

efficiency. Companies try to be more and more efficient but the profits of the improvement in

efficiency are not forwarded enough to the employees. While this same employees are, of

course, the people who buy entities (products and services) in our society, our economies.

Without them having enough money to do so, we get into a downward spiral as the one we are

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in at current times. But in the end this is all about TOO LESS money as if there would be

enough it would just also arrive at the workers in one way or the other.

Money does circulate through our society, but we have more and more entities that need parts

of the money. So, the same money or a growing amount of it but not growing fast enough has

to be shared with more and more people. So more and more of this entities get less and less

than what they actually would need to survive or prosper.

Another result for the efficiency is that less and less people are actually really needed to

produce or create the same amount of goods and services. Which is good as long as enough

money is still in the system and people DO get their money from at least somewhere. In

future, the income just HAS to origin more and more from governments, and this

governments should just surplus the income of people who can not work when needed. Of

course governments have to encourage people who do not want to work but who can, but at

the same time this is only realistic if there is work to do and enough wage for it. Which is

mostly NOT the case in current times.

The economic and financial crisis is a result of imbalances of the internal economy and

beyond. Efficiency of our society has risen and is still improving, but workers are not being

paid more if it does. Also, there are many changes in our society influencing the income of a

lot of workers. Flexwork is becoming standard more and more. But, of course, it matters a lot

whether this flex workers can work fulltime or not. Less and less can not, having a downward

influence on our economies at large.

Besides of this issues, the global economy gets more and more linked and our economies and

entities within grow in more holoplural ways instead of / opposed to the linear reductionist

money system. For instance the connections with a country like china but also of course a lot

of other countries and growing dependencies there also lead to a lot of possible problems

appearing when business goes bad worldwide. Also individually speaking we are growing

more and more in holoplural instead of linear ways. So in several ways, our realities are

becoming more and more holoplural. More plural but growing more and more towards and

according to holoplurality. This CAN offer a lot of chances and possibilities, but for that our

society and economics have to become logic and complete again.

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As at the moment we have the reductionist money system and wrong management by our

governments (according to linear understandings instead of more holoplural ones) as opposed

to the more holoplural and therefore different growth of entities in our society at large. The

money and reductionist understandings being not only a limiting factor, but even a destroying

one. Destroying not only the possibilities but also the lives of A LOT of people in many ways.

With our closed money system it is probably even bad that we are helping the poorer

countries with money from us. This leads to more debts of our countries for financing growth

in third world countries. The general perception is that this growth in the other countries will

actually also return back to us. It will, but only in the long run. In short run, it only increases

our debts. And besides that, which is even worse, it will slow down the growth or even

possibilities for our own economies. For sure

But also because of the globalizations, the imbalances of lower countries and linkages with

our countries is increasing the impact of lower incomes on our own wealth. The lower income

countries also need to spend and if they do not, the higher income countries will actually

suffer from it. It is in the end then just all about lower income inhabitants versus higher

income inhabitants, the lower income inhabitants growing and growing.

And while this lower income inhabitants are growing, there is actually less and less work to

do for them. As efficiency is actually growing in increasing rate, but foremost again our

money system is closed and therefore actually also we have less and less to spend. Less and

less to spend, less and less to be produced, even less income for the lower incomes.

Downward spirals slowly sucking out the blood out of our economies and society.

Higher income just save more money than lower incomes. The money is not even only

becoming less and less, but also stays more and more with the higher incomes. Who will not

spend money that quickly but instead will save the money. While lower incomes just spend

their money much quicker mostly. There is a large difference in turnover rates of money.

Because of too less money, more money going to the lower incomes will increase the

spending again and get economies going again. Spending money is of course needed for

growth, but still this growth can not be REAL growth without MORE MONEY being created

WITHOUT putting debts against it. We already have TOO MUCH debts. Both individuals

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and governments and society at large. This debts where created to keep our economies

running at an artificially high rate. Which can only become real in case governments will

indeed create more money without putting any debts against it. Besides that for the long run it

I will just for sure be needed that people more and more receive money for actually not

working at all. Detachment more and more from income and working of people.

At the moment, money can not be compared with the idea of the guff, simply because money

is not unlimited but just limited. Money IS growing, but in anotherness ways than entities in

our society do and require. OUR MONEY SYSTEM HAS TO BE ALTERED AND