wvfims wv oasis 1099 1099 form wv oasis object code name

WVFIMS Object Code wv OASIS Object Code 1099 Reportable Object 1099 Form Type wv OASIS Object Code Name wvOASIS Object Code Definition 001 1200 N PERS SERV PERM POS(W/ PR DEDUC) Compensation paid to permenant full-time or part-time employees with payroll deductions, e.g., Federal or State withholding, social security, retirement, etc. 002 1201 Y 1099-MISC PERS SERV TEMP POS(W/O PR DEDUCT) Payments to temporary or intermittent employees and individuals serving on commissions or members of a board that are not elibible for state benefits (pension/insurance). These payments may include a set fee for service or a per diem but may not include travel expenses that are reimbursable under an accountable travel plan. Also, includes payments to personnel without payroll deductions, e.g., payments to full-time students, JTPA payments, patient payments, inmate payments, National Guard, and fire suppressions when no payroll deductions have been taken. 003 1202 N PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT Reimbursement to/from another state agency or fund for payroll expenses excluding employee benefits. New 1203 N OVERTIME New 1204 N ATTRITION State Budget Office approval required before budgeting. 004 1206 N ANNUAL INCREMENT Annual compensation to an eligible employee as defined in the state code (W.Va. Code §5-5-1). The Annual Increment shall be paid from Appropriation 00100 or from another appropriate appropriation from which salaries are paid, (e.g., Dam Safety, Appropriation 60700; GAAP Project, Appropriation 12500; Litter Control Conservation Officers, Appropriation 56400). Annual Increment must always be paid using Object Code 1206 . New 1207 N NON-CLASSIFIED Higher Education use only New 1208 N FACULTY Higher Education use only New 1209 N CLASSIFIED Higher Education use only New 1210 N GRADUATE ASSISTANTS Higher Education use only New 1211 N ADJUNCT FACILTY Higher Education use only New 1212 N STUDENT LABOR Higher Education use only New 1213 N STIPENDS Higher Education use only 010 2200 N PEIA FEES Fees and charges to those agencies covered by PEIA. (Do not include premiums) 010 2201 N PERSONNEL FEES Fees and charges to those agencies covered by the Division of Personnel. 011 2202 N SOCIAL SECURITY MATCHING Agency share of federal social security and Medicare taxes (FICA). 012 2203 N PUBLIC EMPLOYEES INS Premiums paid to Public Employees Insurance Agency for public employees’ and retirees’ health insurance. (For the annual 1% Public Employee Insurance Reserve transfer [W.Va. Code §11B-2-15]; see Object Code 3272.) 013 2204 N OTHER HEALTH INSURANCE Payments made by PEIA or other state agencies to third party carriers. 014 2205 N WORKERS COMPENSATION Workers’ Compensation premiums or assessments paid from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, predicated on the rate established by the Insurance Commissioner or workers’ compensation provider for each agency. For questions on rates, contact your payroll office, Offices of the Insurance Commissioner, or workers’ compensation provider. 015 2206 N UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Premiums or assessments paid to WorkForce WV. 016 2207 N PENSION AND RETIREMENT Funds paid to approved retirement plans and/or annuity plans. 160 2208 N WV OPEB CONTRIBUTION For employer mandated annual required contributions to fund Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) associated with the West Virginia Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund. 163 2209 N WV OPEB REMAIN CONTR For employer remaining annual required contributions (above mandated amount) to fund OPEB associated with the West Virginia Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund. Object Codes for Personal Services and Employee Benefits 1 of 12 wvOASIS Budget Objects as of April 2, 2014

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001 1200 N PERS SERV PERM POS(W/ PR DEDUC) Compensation paid to permenant full-time or part-time employees with payroll deductions, e.g., Federal or State withholding, social security, retirement, etc.

002 1201 Y 1099-MISC PERS SERV TEMP POS(W/O PR DEDUCT) Payments to temporary or intermittent employees and individuals serving on commissions or members of a board that are not elibible for state benefits

(pension/insurance). These payments may include a set fee for service or a per diem but may not include travel expenses that are reimbursable under an accountable travel

plan. Also, includes payments to personnel without payroll deductions, e.g., payments to full-time students, JTPA payments, patient payments, inmate payments, National

Guard, and fire suppressions when no payroll deductions have been taken.

003 1202 N PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT Reimbursement to/from another state agency or fund for payroll expenses excluding employee benefits.


New 1204 N ATTRITION State Budget Office approval required before budgeting.

004 1206 N ANNUAL INCREMENT Annual compensation to an eligible employee as defined in the state code (W.Va. Code §5-5-1). The Annual Increment shall be paid from Appropriation 00100 or from

another appropriate appropriation from which salaries are paid, (e.g., Dam Safety, Appropriation 60700; GAAP Project, Appropriation 12500; Litter Control Conservation

Officers, Appropriation 56400). Annual Increment must always be paid using Object Code 1206.

New 1207 N NON-CLASSIFIED Higher Education use only

New 1208 N FACULTY Higher Education use only

New 1209 N CLASSIFIED Higher Education use only

New 1210 N GRADUATE ASSISTANTS Higher Education use only

New 1211 N ADJUNCT FACILTY Higher Education use only

New 1212 N STUDENT LABOR Higher Education use only

New 1213 N STIPENDS Higher Education use only

010 2200 N PEIA FEES Fees and charges to those agencies covered by PEIA. (Do not include premiums)

010 2201 N PERSONNEL FEES Fees and charges to those agencies covered by the Division of Personnel.

011 2202 N SOCIAL SECURITY MATCHING Agency share of federal social security and Medicare taxes (FICA).

012 2203 N PUBLIC EMPLOYEES INS Premiums paid to Public Employees Insurance Agency for public employees’ and retirees’ health insurance. (For the annual 1% Public Employee Insurance Reserve transfer

[W.Va. Code §11B-2-15]; see Object Code 3272.)

013 2204 N OTHER HEALTH INSURANCE Payments made by PEIA or other state agencies to third party carriers.

014 2205 N WORKERS COMPENSATION Workers’ Compensation premiums or assessments paid from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, predicated on the rate established by the Insurance Commissioner or workers’

compensation provider for each agency. For questions on rates, contact your payroll office, Offices of the Insurance Commissioner, or workers’ compensation provider.

015 2206 N UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Premiums or assessments paid to WorkForce WV.

016 2207 N PENSION AND RETIREMENT Funds paid to approved retirement plans and/or annuity plans.

160 2208 N WV OPEB CONTRIBUTION For employer mandated annual required contributions to fund Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) associated with the West Virginia Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund.

163 2209 N WV OPEB REMAIN CONTR For employer remaining annual required contributions (above mandated amount) to fund OPEB associated with the West Virginia Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund.

Object Codes for Personal Services and Employee Benefits

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020 3200 N OFFICE EXPENSES Those supplies normally used in the operation of an office and are primarily considered expendable in nature, e.g., letterhead, copy machine paper, toner, typewriter

cartridges, calculator ribbons, staplers, tape dispensers, microfilming supplies, photographic film, magazine subscriptions, books and periodicals, cassette tapes, etc. Storage

charges for office file documents.

021 3201 Y 1099-MISC PRINTING AND BINDING All types of printing and supplies for printing, duplicating and reproducing, binding of printing, and rebinding of books contracted to commercial printers or State-operated

printing shops. Use of non-state operated printing shops requires approval by West Virginia Correctional Industries.

022 3202 Y 1099-MISC RENT EXP (REAL PROP) BLDG Rental or lease of real estate, buildings, office space, meeting rooms and parking spaces. Lease or rental agreements covered by this object code must have prior approval

by the Real Estate Division, Department of Administration. (Not lease purchase.)

023 3203 N UTILITIES Sanitation fees, trash/garbage disposal, fire service, police protection fees, septic tank maintenance, and cable television charges. Also includes late charges/penalties

covered by PSC. Exempt from formal, competitive bidding and approval of the Purchasing Division (except for trash hauling and dumpster rental when there is more than

one PSC approved hauler in the area. An agency purchase order (WV-88), or Agreement (WV-48), is required for cable service and trash hauling in excess of $2,500 per


024 3204 N TELECOMMUNICATIONS Monthly charges for the following services: office telephones, teleconferencing, long distance charges, data circuits for computers, installations and moving charges,

Internet charges, late charges/penalties covered by PSC, line charges for facsimile equipment and telephone pole rental. Hotel internet charges incurred during travel

should be charged to Object Codes 3211 and 3212.

025 3206 Y 1099-MISC CONTRACTURAL SERVICES Charges for services performed on a continuing basis (weekly, monthly, etc.), e.g., janitorial custodial service, pest control, moving expenses, microfilming service, laundry

service, referees at games, slaughtering of meat, photo developing and prints. Also includes food service contracts, such as the student board plan for the residence hall

cafeteria, athletic and other event food concessions, operations of the student center cafeteria, feeding student athletes prior to games and at the training table, and

feeding residence hall staff during orientation. Also includes services performed on as needed basis, e.g., snow removal, window cleaning, grass mowing, tree trimming, and

locksmith services.

025 3207 Y 1099-MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Services performed by state agency attorneys, engineers, architects, CPAs, performers, artists, guest speakers and process servers. Expenses incurred by judges and other

legal officers in holding court such as court reporters, stenographic services, juror fees, witness fees or any other expense for holding court or preparation for holding court.

025 3208 Y 1099-MISC CONSULTANTS AND CONSULTING FEES Fees for service, per diem, and/or honorariums for consultants in accordance with an approved agreement with the spending agency.

025 3209 Y 1099-MISC SECURITY SERVICE For bonded security guards or services provided by an outside firm and not an individual on the state payroll.



Payments made for services provided by a vendor for research or educational reasons, e.g., transportation of bodies and burials for the indigent.

026 3211 N TRAVEL EMPLOYEE Payments for authorized in-state and out-of-state travel expenses for persons who must travel as part of their job function/or position in accordance with the State Travel

Regulations as issued by the Travel Management Office, Division of Purchasing, Department of Administration and other approved travel plans. This object code is

applicable to state employees, board members, commission members, consultants, contractors, and students, patients, and inmates of state schools, hospitals and

institutions. Includes athletic travel, team and associated individual travel, student recruiting expenses, and passports.

Object Codes for Current Expenses

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026 3212 Y 1099-MISC TRAVEL NON EMPLOYEE Payments for authorized in-state and out-of-state travel expenses for persons who must travel as part of their job function/or position in accordance with the State Travel

Regulations as issued by the Travel Management Office, Division of Purchasing, Department of Administration and other approved travel plans. This object code is

applicable to state employees, board members, commission members, consultants, contractors, and students, patients, and inmates of state schools, hospitals and

institutions. Includes athletic travel, team and associated individual travel, student recruiting expenses, and passports.

027 3213 Y 1099-MISC COMPUTER SERVICES INTERNAL Charges for computer services by IS&C, WVNET, State Auditor’s Office, legislative computer system, or any other authorized entity for contractual or professional support

services for computers and software, programming, website hosting, machine time, transaction fees, maintenance and support for computer hardware, and/or other

related computer services. A written agreement (WV-48 or equivalent) is required for professional and contractual services.

027 3214 Y 1099-MISC COMPUTER SERVICES EXTERNAL Charges for computer services by IS&C, WVNET, State Auditor’s Office, legislative computer system, or any other authorized entity for contractual or professional support

services for computers and software, programming, website hosting, machine time, transaction fees, maintenance and support for computer hardware, and/or other

related computer services. A written agreement (WV-48 or equivalent) is required for professional and contractual services.

028 3215 N H/E INT-AG CON AGREE/FEES Expenses for services received from administratively linked two year/four year institutions of higher education. (For Higher Education use only.)

029 3216 Y 1099-MISC VEHICLE RENTAL Auto, aircraft (i.e., fixed wing and helicopter), farm equipment (off road) rental, earth moving, hauling, and DOH emergencies for snow/flood.

030 3217 Y 1099-MISC RENTAL (MACHINE & MISC) Rental of data processing equipment, computers, printers, copying machines, word processors, telephones, safe deposit boxes, water cooler, fees for usage/rental of

portable comfort stations (i.e., port-a-pot), or any other equipment not owned by the spending agency. Includes rental of specific materials or equipment necessary for the

production of a program or exhibit except for Training and Development.

031 3218 N ASSOC DUES & PROF MEMBERS Dues for membership in associations that benefit the state or the agency, including payments to governmental or private accrediting agencies for required

license/accreditation services for hospitals or educational institutions, require the Department Secretary’s or designee’s approval. Also for an employee’s current

professional licensing fee that is necessary (i.e., required) to perform his or her CURRENT job or enable the employee to remain current in the job related field. (Attorney

General’s Opinion, July 1993.) A written agreement (WV-48 or equivalent) is not required.

032 3219 N FIRE/AUTO/BOND/ & OTHR IN All premiums for casualty, liability, vehicle insurance, employee bond and fidelity insurance. Request for payments to outside insurers must be approved by State Board of

Risk and Insurance Management.

033 3220 N FOOD PRODUCTS For purchase of food and food products from the Department of Agriculture - Land Division or from public vendors if unavailable from Department of Agriculture - Land

Division for consumption by residents and/or inmates of state institutions. Includes food handler card and purchase of bottled water.

034 3221 N SUPPLIES-CLOTHING Articles of clothing purchased or rented for state employees, inmates and patients, e.g., uniforms, linens, blankets, and material purchased for repair and maintenance of

the above. Household supplies include items purchased for cleaning, laundering, detergents, disinfectants, light bulbs, garbage cans, trash bags, etc. Any expenditures for

athletic or recreational supplies which are not specifically included in any other object code.

034 3222 N SUPPLIES- HOUSEHOLD Articles of clothing purchased or rented for state employees, inmates and patients, e.g., uniforms, linens, blankets, and material purchased for repair and maintenance of

the above. Household supplies include items purchased for cleaning, laundering, detergents, disinfectants, light bulbs, garbage cans, trash bags, etc. Any expenditures for

athletic or recreational supplies which are not specifically included in any other object code.

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035 3224 Y 1099-MISC ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONAL Newspaper ads for legal public notice requirements, procurement bids, radio and television spots, special sponsorships, publicity advertising to include pamphlets, road

maps, event/booth fees, and bill boards. Expenditure by the Governor's Office, West Virginia Development Office, Lottery, Tourism and Division of Natural Resources - Parks

for food, nonalcoholic beverages, and related expenses for the entertainment of guests and authorized employees in surroundings conducive to business discussions for the

purpose of economic development. These expenses must not be incurred for personal or social purposes, nor merely reciprocal in nature. Expenditures by any spending

agency for display booths and promotional items at trade shows, travel shows, fairs, and similar events must follow guidelines as issued by Division of Purchasing,

Department of Administration. (Marketing Services to procure advertising should be paid under Object Codes 3206, 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210.)

036 3225 Y 1099-MISC VEHICLE OPERATING EXP For vehicle operating expenses, including helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. Oil, grease, car washes, minor maintenance repairs such as headlight replacement, tire repair,

wheel alignment, windshield wipers, etc.

037 3226 N SUPPLIES-RESEARCH Research: Material primarily used for a laboratory environment, e.g., beakers, test tubes, blood slides, lab mice, chemicals, etc., Educational: Material primarily used for, but

not limited to classroom instruction, pencils, papers, erasers. Included in this object code are interlibrary charges and student reimbursement for PDA’s for 3rd/4th year

students for Higher Education. Medical: Personal hygiene/care products for patients, clients, and/or inmates and medications. Note: Bills for physicians are not included in

this object code. (See Object Code 3293.)

037 3227 N SUPPLIES-EDUCATIONAL Research: Material primarily used for a laboratory environment, e.g., beakers, test tubes, blood slides, lab mice, chemicals, etc., Educational: Material primarily used for, but

not limited to classroom instruction, pencils, papers, erasers. Included in this object code are interlibrary charges and student reimbursement for PDA’s for 3rd/4th year

students for Higher Education. Medical: Personal hygiene/care products for patients, clients, and/or inmates and medications. Note: Bills for physicians are not included in

this object code. (See Object Code 3293.)

037 3228 N SUPPLIES-MEDICAL Research: Material primarily used for a laboratory environment, e.g., beakers, test tubes, blood slides, lab mice, chemicals, etc., Educational: Material primarily used for, but

not limited to classroom instruction, pencils, papers, erasers. Included in this object code are interlibrary charges and student reimbursement for PDA’s for 3rd/4th year

students for Higher Education. Medical: Personal hygiene/care products for patients, clients, and/or inmates and medications. Note: Bills for physicians are not included in

this object code. (See Object Code 3293.)

038 3229 Y 1099-MISC ROUTINE MAINT CONTRACTS Charges for routine maintenance contracts/warranties for office equipment/machinery, elevators, heating, air conditioning, aircraft (i.e., fixed wing and helicopter) and

communications equipment.

039 3230 N MANUFACTURING SUPPLIES Material and supplies used in the manufacture of a finished product, such as material used in making paint, clothing, license plates and furniture.

040 3231 N RESALE GOODS Those items purchased for the purpose of resale (e.g., food, candy, souvenirs, etc.) in places such as student unions, state parks, book stores, college cafeterias; computer

paper at IS&C; supplies purchased by Prison Industries. Food handler card related to preparing food for sale to customers. Can include incidental costs related to obtaining

merchandise, such as shipping, storage, etc.

041 3232 N CELLULAR CHARGES Monthly charges for the following services: Cell phones, pagers, Blackberries, cellular modems, PDA’s with cellular connectivity or any other device connected via a wireless

connection where there is a monthly service charge assessed.

042 3233 Y 1099-MISC HOSPITALITY Hospitality expenses include food, nonalcoholic beverages, facility rental, entertainment and other expenses relating to conducting state business. A Request for Hospitality

Form TMO3 must accompany the invoice regardless of the amount. Includes snacks/refreshments served during training classes.

043 3234 Y 1099-MISC EDUC TRAINING (STIPENDS) Fixed sums paid regularly to an employee of a state agency or an outside participant (under contract) attending school. The allowance is for reimbursement of expenses in

performance of work outside the scope of normal job duties and employment contracts and may be paid to faculty or students. Payments may also include payments to

individuals for participating in medical research study or studies. Stipends are allowed for periodic payments to graduate assistants, dormitory resident assistants and

officers of student government associations or similar student organizations.

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044 3235 N ENERGY EXP MTR VEH/AIR. Expenditures for petroleum supplies purchased to operate motor vehicles, equipment, and aircraft for State use. Includes gasoline, natural gas, diesel fuel, aircraft fuel, etc.

045 3236 N FARM EXPENSE Expenditures for operation of a farm. Primarily for the purchase of feed, grain, seed, fertilizer, pesticides and veterinary supplies.

046 3237 Y 1099-MISC SUBSISTENCE To be used by agencies authorized in W.Va. Code, e.g., West Virginia State Police and Division of Natural Resources. State Code reference must be provided.

047 3238 N ENERGY EXPENSE UTILITIES Expenditures for natural gas, electric, fuel oil or any other substance used for heating, cooling, light, or power. Includes charges/penalties covered by Public Service

Commission and Department of Environmental Protection for annual emission fees. Exempt from formal, competitive bidding and approval of the Purchasing Division

(except for propane gas and coal which must be competitively bid).

048 3239 Y 1099-MISC DISCHARGE & PAROLE ALLOW As required by penal institutions.

049 3240 N INMATE PER DIEM EXPENSES Disbursements from Division of Corrections to other penal institutions for housing and maintaining inmates.

051 3241 Y 1099-MISC MISCELLANEOUS Allowable employee recognition awards, except those paid from personal services and benefits, and those supplies or services which cannot be classified under any other

object code. Use Object Code 059 for expenses related to student activities.

052 3242 Y 1099-MISC TRAINING & DEV - IN STATE Costs that are associated with training, development, and education, including those materials solely purchased for in-house training (transparencies, films, videos, etc.);

rental of training facilities; video teleconferencing charges related to training and education; any professional consulting services in the conducting of training; and tuition

reimbursements for job-related course work and IS&C site training fees. This object code is applicable to State employees, board members, commission members,

consultants, contractors, and students, patients, and inmates of State Schools, hospitals, and institutions. See Object Code 042 for refreshments served during training. See

Object Codes 3211 and 3212 for travel expenses.

052 3243 Y 1099-MISC TRAINING & DEV - OUT OF STATE Costs that are associated with training, development, and education, including those materials solely purchased for in-house training (transparencies, films, videos, etc.);

rental of training facilities; video teleconferencing charges related to training and education; any professional consulting services in the conducting of training; and tuition

reimbursements for job-related course work and IS&C site training fees. This object code is applicable to State employees, board members, commission members,

consultants, contractors, and students, patients, and inmates of State Schools, hospitals, and institutions. See Object Code 042 for refreshments served during training. See

Object Codes 3211 and 3212 for travel expenses.

053 3244 N POSTAL Those charges for postage, box rent, postage meter or any charges connected with the United States Postal System or charges by Central Mail.

053 3245 N FREIGHT Charges for either shipping or receiving material. This will include courier service charges, motor freight, air freight and other express charges, such as fuel surcharge. United

Parcel Service or similar companies charges are to be considered freight charges.

054 3246 N SUPPLIES-COMPUTER Lines, cable, connector, packaged computer software and licenses, computer hardware, modem, CD ROM, printers, scanners, computers (includes laptops), monitors, and

other computer supplies or equipment (does not include computer publications) for use in the office and classroom. (Less than $5,000 each.) (More than $5,000 see Object

Codes 5210 and 8203.)

054 3247 N SOFTWARE LICENSES Lines, cable, connector, packaged computer software and licenses, computer hardware, modem, CD ROM, printers, scanners, computers (includes laptops), monitors, and

other computer supplies or equipment (does not include computer publications) for use in the office and classroom. (Less than $5,000 each.) (More than $5,000 see Object

Codes 5210 and 8203.)

054 3248 N COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Lines, cable, connector, packaged computer software and licenses, computer hardware, modem, CD ROM, printers, scanners, computers (includes laptops), monitors, and

other computer supplies or equipment (does not include computer publications) for use in the office and classroom. (Less than $5,000 each.) (More than $5,000 see Object

Codes 5210 and 8203.)

054 3249 N OFFICE EQUIPMENT-CURRENT EXPENSES Lines, cable, connector, packaged computer software and licenses, computer hardware, modem, CD ROM, printers, scanners, computers (includes laptops), monitors, and

other computer supplies or equipment (does not include computer publications) for use in the office and classroom. (Less than $5,000 each.) (More than $5,000 see Object

Codes 5210 and 8203.)

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056 3250 Y 1099-MISC ATTY LEGAL SERVICE PYMTS Payments to attorneys who are external to state government for legal services provided (i.e., indigent defense counsel, other defense counsel, legal research, mental

hygiene legal services and other related legal services.) Pay using an invoice (I-document).

057 3251 N ATTY REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE Payments to attorneys who are external to state government for reimbursable expenses such as telephone, travel, postage, expert witness, court reporters, private

investigations or other related expenses. Pay using an invoice (I-document).

058 3252 N MISC EQUIPMENT PURCHASES All purchases of equipment with a dollar value of less than $5,000, except computer-related equipment (see Object Codes 3246, 3247, 3248, and 3249). Includes firearms

and medical equipment. Also includes burial vaults, headstones, or markers for Veterans Assistance. Refer to Asset related object codes for purchases over $5,000.

059 3253 Y 1099-MISC STUDENT ACTIVITIES Expenses relating to activities for students, including expenses for student group meetings.

080 3254 N PAYMENT OF TAXES Used for the payment of taxes levied on an agency to an authorized collecting agent, such as the payment of personal property tax, motel/hotel tax or other payments of

taxes. Taxes collected on behalf of the State, such as Consumers Sales Tax, should be remitted to the appropriate state agency via a revenue transfer adjusting entry.

081 3255 N PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payments of claims and settlement agreements, and other directly related expenditures awarded by the Insurance Commissioner, WorkForce West Virginia, PEIA, CHIP,

BRIM, and other state agencies which pay claims and/or settlement agreements. This object code is appropriate for payments to the actual victim of a crime, but not for any

expenses paid to others as a result of the crime. Payments to others as a result of a crime should also be processed using the appropriate object code for the original type of

payment. Claims awarded through the Court of Claims on behalf of state agencies for items such as, but not limited to, acquisition of land, disbursements to physicians and

hospitals for medical services, attorney fees, and payments to a vendor for any other unpaid debt of the state should be processed using the appropriate object code for

the original type of payment being made, as if the state agency had processed the payment.

083 3256 N GRANTS Disbursement of funds for the payment of grants such as fairs and festivals for the Department of Agriculture and the Division of Culture and History; the payment of

agricultural awards, awards for contests, educational scholarships, entitlement grants, financial aid for students, Upward Bound stipends, economic loans or other

appropriate authorized expenditure. Agency must have granting authority and may determine the guidelines stating how the grant funds are to be expended.

083 3257 N AWARDS Disbursement of funds for the payment of grants such as fairs and festivals for the Department of Agriculture and the Division of Culture and History; the payment of

agricultural awards, awards for contests, educational scholarships, entitlement grants, financial aid for students, Upward Bound stipends, economic loans or other

appropriate authorized expenditure. Agency must have granting authority and may determine the guidelines stating how the grant funds are to be expended.

083 3258 N SCHOLARSHIPS Disbursement of funds for the payment of grants such as fairs and festivals for the Department of Agriculture and the Division of Culture and History; the payment of

agricultural awards, awards for contests, educational scholarships, entitlement grants, financial aid for students, Upward Bound stipends, economic loans or other

appropriate authorized expenditure. Agency must have granting authority and may determine the guidelines stating how the grant funds are to be expended.

083 3259 N LOANS Disbursement of funds for the payment of grants such as fairs and festivals for the Department of Agriculture and the Division of Culture and History; the payment of

agricultural awards, awards for contests, educational scholarships, entitlement grants, financial aid for students, Upward Bound stipends, economic loans or other

appropriate authorized expenditure. Agency must have granting authority and may determine the guidelines stating how the grant funds are to be expended.

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084 3260 N CASE SERV (HHR/VOC REHAB) Payments for a variety of case services to meet and/or maintain the needs of clients, including travel reimbursement to transport clients to receive services, room and

board (paid directly to clients), medical supplies for clients which include medications, medical records and other rehabilitation equipment. Also, to support the covered

children and adults within the Children and the Family Adult Services Programs, Independent Living, the Family Assistance Programs and the Early Care and Education


086 3261 N TAX MAPPING Disbursements by Department of Revenue, Tax Division for surface and mineral maps.

088 3262 N BOND SALE COSTS Those costs incurred by the State spending agency in the sale of bonds (e.g., broker commission, bond counsel, trustee fees, insurance fees and other associated costs

related to the sale of the bonds), but shall not include the normal disbursements to retire bonds (see Debt Service Object Codes 3288,3289,3290, and 3291).

089 3263 N BANK COSTS For outside state government bank service charges, including credit card processing fees, fees and handling fees. Does NOT include State Treasurer’s Office fees (see object

code 3324).

090 3264 N ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS Disbursements by Division of Human Services to claims recipients, e.g. food stamps, foster care for children, clothing, homeless and T.R.I.P, and other public assistance


093 3265 N REIMBURSEMENT Expense to Expense transfers for services provided in accordance with applicable state law and not identified by a specific object code(s). May also include authorized

reimbursements to county and/or Local Governments which are not processed as expense to expense transactions.

093 3265 N REIMBURSEMENT Expense to Expense transfers for services provided in accordance with applicable state law and not identified by a specific object code(s). May also include authorized

reimbursements to county and/or Local Governments which are not processed as expense to expense transactions.

094 3266 N MISC LAND EXPENSE Includes moving expenses directly related to land acquisition by the State and minor property damage.

096 3267 Y 1099-INT OTHER INTEREST AND PENALT To be used for all interest and penalty payments, including IRS penalty interest and other payroll related interest assessments, e.g., interest on back wage settlements,

prompt payment interest, interest payments to U.S. Treasury for audit findings, etc. (Does not include Debt Service interest.)

097 3268 Y 1099-MISC LOTTERY PRIZES Payment of lottery prizes.

099 3269 N NATURAL DISASTER GRANTS Payments made to victims as a result of a declared natural disaster in West Virginia. These payments only include actual disaster payments made to a claimant and do not

include any expenses associated with disaster recovery or unemployment assistance payments.

100 3270 N FUND TRANSFERS Transfer of operating funds from one state agency to another not related to any prior expenditure. Transfers from appropriated funds are specifically governed by W.Va.

Code §11B-2-17.

101 3271 N LEGISLATIVE DIRECTED TRSF Utilized to record Legislative Directed transfers when the recipient is not a state agency. This object code should not be used if there is a direct relationship to any goods or

services received by the paying agency or the state.

101 3271 N LEGISLATIVE DIRECTED TRSF Utilized to record Legislative Directed transfers when the recipient is not a state agency. This object code should not be used if there is a direct relationship to any goods or

services received by the paying agency or the state.

110 3272 N PEIA RESERVE TRANSFER Statutory transfer of funds in accordance with W.Va. Code §11B-2-15. The amount of this transfer shall be one percent of the agency’s annualized expenditures from state

funds, excluding Federal Funds based on filled full-time equivalents as determined by the State Budget Office as of the first day of April for each fiscal year. The only

exclusions are Higher Education and its affiliates.

111 3273 N COUNTIES & MUNICIPALITIES Remittance to counties and municipalities for statutory distributions.

113 3274 N PAY OF COAL SEVERANCE TAX Distribution of coal severance taxes to counties and municipalities.

114 3275 N INVESTMENTS Disbursements for investment purposes by the Treasurer’s Office.

115 3276 N MMBRSHP LOANS & RTRMT FND Disbursements for employees withdrawing from retirement funds.

116 3277 N PENSION BENEFITS To be used for those individuals who receive monthly retirement checks and whose retirement benefits have been fully vested.

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117 3278 N WTHDRWL FROM RTRMT FUNDS To be used when individuals leave employment before their retirement benefits are vested and disbursements/withdrawals are made from the retirement fund.

118 3279 N PURCHASE OF BONDS Disbursements for United States Savings Bond purchases.

119 3280 N ABCA USE ONLY Distribution of mini-distillery gross sales collections to market zone retailers. (For ABCA use only.)

123 3281 N PAYMENTS - NATIONAL GUARD Payments by the Adjutant General’s Office or their designee for quarters and subsistence for National Guard while on active duty when activated by the Governor. (For

Adjutant General’s Office use only.)

124 3282 N COST ALLOC ADJ/SETTLEMENT To be used to allocate expenditures to the proper funds when an agency estimates a "draw down" and later determines actual expenses for a project.

125 3283 N INDIRECT COST REIMBURSEMT To be used to appropriately restate and transfer expenses in a fund that is being reimbursed for administrative overhead costs by the federal government.

127 3284 N TRUSTEE PAYMENTS Remittance of bond sale proceeds to third party administrators.

128 3285 N FEDERAL SUBRECIPIENT DISB Disbursements of federal awards made to subrecipients (do not include other state agencies) to carry out a federal program. The definition of subrecipient is any

nonfederal entity, not-for-profit organization, county or municipality that expends federal awards received from a pass-through entity, (i.e., a state agency) to carry out a

federal program, but does not include an individual who is a beneficiary of such a program. This object code should be used for federal awards only and is not to be used for

processing vendor payments or payments made with state funds.

129 3286 Y 1099-G TAXABLE GRANTS & SUBSIDIE Payments for USDA Agricultural subsidies. (See Object Code 3292 for others.)

130 3287 Y 1099-MISC RECLAM OF NON-STATE PROP Labor and/or materials to return areas disturbed by industries, businesses or private citizens to environmentally regulated standards. Ownership of the areas does not

transfer to the State. (See Object Code 6200 for state-owned property.)

151 3288 N DEBT SERV (BONDED-PRIN) Expenditures for principal payments on bonded debt.

152 3289 Y 1099-INT DEBT SERV (BONDED-INT) Expenditures for interest payments on bonded debt.

153 3290 N DEBT SERV (LEASES-PRIN) Expenditures for principal payments on lease purchases, including capital leases and notes payable. Do not include Operating (Rental) Lease Payments.

154 3291 Y 1099-INT DEBT SERV (LEASES -INT) Expenditures for interest on payments on lease purchases, including capital leases and notes payable. Do not include Operating (Rental) Lease Payments.

155 3292 Y 1099-G TAXABLE GRANTS-SUBSIDIES Subsidized energy financing or grants for projects designed to conserve or produce energy but only with respect to section 38 property or dwelling unit located in the

United States. Also for other taxable grants. For Agriculture, see Object Code 3286.

156 3293 Y 1099-MISC MEDICAL SERVICE PAYMENTS Payments for medical care which means the amount paid for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease and for treatments affecting any part or

function of the body and is primarily, but not limited to, to alleviate or prevent a physical or mental defect or illness and includes the equipment, supplies and diagnostic

devices for these purposes. The fees for these services will be paid to doctors (e.g. dentists, surgeons, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, dietitians, medical

examiners, pathologists, practitioners, etc.), also to include, but not limited to, hospital services, ambulance services, qualified long-term care services, nursing services,

medical laboratory fees drug testing, acupuncture, treatment facilities for addiction, and veterinarians.

158 3294 N PREPAID TUITION PAYMENTS Disbursements to a third party processor or disbursements made directly to an institution of higher education for tuition benefits provided under the state’s SMART529

plan. (For Treasurer’s Office use only.)

159 3295 Y 1099-MISC ROYALTIES Royalties paid by a publisher (state agency) to an author (an individual) or the author’s literary agent for the license to use the author’s literary works.

161 3296 N IMPREST FUNDS For requests of cash to be used on site or deposited into an authorized account established outside the State Treasury for utilization by state agencies for the purpose of

making change, to perform authorized investigations or to assist in the enforcement of laws in which information is limited to preserve the details of such investigation.

Imprest Funds must have prior approval of the State Treasurer’s Office.

162 3297 Y 1099-MISC DEBT SERVICE-BOND ADM FEE Expenditures for administrative fee payments on bonded debt.

164 3298 Y 1099-MISC SUPPLEMENTAL PURSE AWARDS Moneys awarded to qualifying participants based on purse earnings. (For Racing Commission use only.)

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165 3299 Y 1099-MISC CRIME SCENE CLEANUP Where a criminal act necessitates the professional cleaning of the scene and results in direct expenses that qualify for disbursement from the Crime Victims Compensation


166 3300 N CRIME SCENE CLEANUP/CLAIM Where a criminal act necessitates the cleaning of the scene and results in expenses that qualify for reimbursement to the claimant from the Crime Victims Compensation


167 3301 N SUP CT PUB CAMPAIGN FINAN Distribution of public campaign funds to candidates for the Supreme Court of Appeals participating in the public campaign finance process. (Secretary of State/State

Election Commission use only.)



Disbursement of federal awards money made to another state agency to carry out a federal program. Boards of education and higher education research and development

corporations are not considered state agencies for this object code. This object code should be used for federal awards only and is not to be used for processing vendor

payments or payments made with state funds. (See object code 3285 for disbursements to entities not designated as state agencies.)



New 3305 N LOAN CANCELLATIONS AND WRITE OFF Higher Education use only

New 3306 N AMORTIZATION EXPENSE Higher Education use only



Higher Education use only



Higher Education use only

New 3309 N BAD DEBT EXPENSE Higher Education use only

New 3310 N PERKINS PRIN./INT. COST ACCEPTED Higher Education use only

New 3311 N PERKINS FEES ACCEPTED Higher Education use only

New 3312 N RETIREMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Higher Education use only

New 3313 N CAPITALIZED INTEREST EXPENSE Higher Education use only

New 3314 N UNDERWRITER'S DISCOUNT Higher Education use only

New 3315 N DISPOSAL OF PLANT FACILITIES Higher Education use only

New 3316 N LOSS ON DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS Higher Education use only

New 3317 N DEPRECIATION EXPENSE Higher Education use only

New 3318 N PROPERTY TAXES Higher Education use only

New 3319 N FEES ASSESSED BY FOR PRINCIPAL Higher Education use only

New 3320 N TUITION AND FEES RETAINED BY BOARD Higher Education use only

New 3320 N TUITION AND FEES RETAINED BY BOARD Higher Education use only

New 3321 N REFUNDS TO GRANTORS Higher Education use only


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174 3323 N DISALLOWANCE PAYMENTS Payments related to an audit or review finding. Does NOT include interest paid on audit findings (see object code 3267).

175 3324 N STATE TREASURER'S OFFICE FEES Payments for banking services provided by the State Treasurer’s Office including stop payments, returned check fees, and e-Government fees.

New 3325 N WAIVERS Higher Education use only

133 8206 Y 1099-MISC COURT REPORTER FEES Supreme Court Use Only

134 8207 N JURY FEES Supreme Court Use Only

135 8208 Y 1099-MISC WITNESS FEES Supreme Court Use Only

136 8209 N JURY BOARD AND ROOM Supreme Court Use Only

137 8210 Y 1099-MISC MENTAL HYGIENE Supreme Court Use Only

138 8211 Y 1099-MISC DRUG TESTING Supreme Court Use Only

139 8212 Y 1099-MISC MEDICAL/MENTAL Supreme Court Use Only

140 8213 Y 1099-MISC PUBLICATION FEES Supreme Court Use Only

141 8214 N PRINTING-SUPREME CT CASES Supreme Court Use Only

146 8215 Y 1099-MISC OTHER COURT EXPENSES Supreme Court Use Only

147 8216 Y 1099-MISC INTERPRETERS FEES Supreme Court Use Only

070 5200 N OFFICE EQUIPMENT-ASSETS Any article that is purchased for use or is to be located within the office and any purchases of equipment used in the field of communications, e.g., desks, bookcases, two-

way radios, copiers, printing equipment, etc.; includes vehicular two-way radios and the installation of the radios. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

070 5201 N COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Any article that is purchased for use or is to be located within the office and any purchases of equipment used in the field of communications, e.g., desks, bookcases, two-

way radios, copiers, printing equipment, etc.; includes vehicular two-way radios and the installation of the radios. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

071 5202 N MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Articles of medical equipment, e.g., x-ray equipment, dental chairs, etc. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

072 5203 N RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL Equipment purchased for primary use in school classrooms or labs or in occupational therapy, e.g., sewing machine for teaching or enhancing sewing skills, welding

equipment which has a primary function of welding instruction, etc. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

073 5204 N HOUSEHOLD EQUIP & FURNG Equipment purchases for items normally found in the home or the operation of a home, e.g., dorm furniture, drapes, bedding (not linens), carpeting, room air conditioning,

etc. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

074 5205 N BUILDING EQUIPMENT Those items that become part of the real estate after installation. Garbage disposals, furnaces, air-conditioning (not room air-conditioners, unless walls are altered for

permanent installation). (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

075 5206 N VEHICLES Vehicles that are purchased primarily for transportation of people and light hauling, e.g., cars, station wagons, buses, vans, pick-up trucks, trailers. Construction and farm

vehicles (tractors) are not classified in this object code. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

076 5207 N LIVESTOCK/FARM/ & CONSTR Purchases of livestock and farm equipment (includes riding mowers and lawn care equipment). Purchases of heavy equipment used in construction, e.g., trucks, graders,

dozers, etc. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.)

077 5208 N BOOKS AND PERIODICALS All books plus periodicals when bound for permanent filing. Films, Internet library access, VCR tapes, CD’s and recordings (value greater than $5,000). This would include a

single book purchased with a value of less than $5,000 if when added to a collection, the total value of the collection would exceed $5,000 (e.g., State Code books).

078 5209 N OTHER CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Any equipment purchases greater than $5,000 not classified in any other object code.

Object Codes for Equipment

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170 5210 N COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Any computers, laptops, computer hardware, monitor, lines, cable, connector, modem, CD ROM, printers, and other computer equipment (does not include computer

publications or software) purchased for use in the office or the classroom. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.) Any lease purchase should be charged to Object Code

3290 and/or 3291. (Value less than $5,000, see Object Codes 3246, 3247, 3248, and 3249.)

061 6100 Y 1099-MISC OFFICE REPAIRS Labor and/or materials used in the repair of an office machine such as a typewriter, computer, calculator, copying machine, reupholstering a chair, two-way radios (hand or

vehicular), telephone repairs, etc.

061 6101 Y 1099-MISC COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Labor and/or materials used in the repair of an office machine such as a typewriter, computer, calculator, copying machine, reupholstering a chair, two-way radios (hand or

vehicular), telephone repairs, etc.

062 6102 Y 1099-MISC RESRCH/ED & MED EQPT REPA Labor and/or material used in the repair or maintenance of equipment located in the classroom or laboratories. Also, for repairs or maintenance of any medical equipment.

063 6103 Y 1099-MISC BLDNG/HSEHLD EQUIP REPAIR Labor and/or material used in the repair and maintenance of equipment normally located within a repair or machine shop, custodial equipment such as floor polishers,

dorm furniture such as a refrigerator, and heating and air-conditioning system repairs.

064 6104 Y 1099-MISC ROUTINE MAINT OF BLDGS Labor and/or materials used for maintenance or to make repairs to a building either internally or externally. Includes inspection/certification of fire hydrants, fire

extinguishers, fire alarms and automated security systems. Repairs that increase the life or value of the building are to be reported under Object Code 7401 or 7403.

065 6105 Y 1099-MISC VEHICLE REPAIRS Repair of vehicles used primarily for individual(s) transportation; autos, vans, buses, station wagons, aircraft (i.e., fixed wing and helicopters). This object code is to be used

for repairs considered major repairs as opposed to regular maintenance. (Use Object Code 3225 for regular maintenance.)

066 6106 Y 1099-MISC ROUTINE MAINT OF GROUNDS Labor and/or materials for maintenance activities, such as painting fencing, planting annual flowers, stenciling or striping of parking areas, etc. Activities that increase the

life or value of the grounds are to be reported under Object Code 6201 or 7403.

067 6107 Y 1099-MISC FARM & CONSTR EQPT REPAIR Labor and/or material for repair and maintenance of heavy equipment such as dozers, tractors, end loaders, riding lawn mowers, etc.

068 6108 Y 1099-MISC OTHER REPAIRS AND ALT Labor and/or materials for repairs to power tools, hand tools, and miscellaneous small equipment. This object code should be used for repair or maintenance of

occupational equipment or athletic equipment and any other repairs and alterations for object codes not classified above (Object Codes 6100, 6101, and 6107).

144 6200 Y 1099-MISC RECLAMAT OF STATE OWNED P Labor and/or materials to return areas disturbed by industries, businesses or private citizens to environmentally regulated standards. Ownership of the areas transfer to the

State. (See Object Code 3287 for non-State owned property.)

148 6201 Y 1099-MISC LAND IMPROVEMENTS Labor and/or materials for improvements to State-owned grounds only, e.g. paving the approach to the building, landscaping or building demolition. This object code is to

be used only for those projects that upgrade value. (See Object Code 7403 for non-State owned property.)

149 6202 Y 1099-S LAND PURCHASES Disbursements for the acquisition of land, regardless of value. Charges and fees for title searches and tax stamps are included. Payments for property damage and moving

expenses are to be charged to Object Code 3266.

092 7400 Y 1099-MISC BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Disbursements for the construction of buildings.

143 7401 Y 1099-MISC BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Labor and/or materials used to alter a State-owned building, either internally or externally, in such a fashion as to improve the overall life or value of the structure when an

agency or institution owns the building. (See Object Code 7403 for non-State owned property.)

150 7402 Y 1099-S BUILDING PURCHASES Disbursements for the acquisition of buildings.

157 7403 Y 1099-MISC LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS Labor and/or materials used to alter a leased building (either internally or externally) or grounds of building, in such a fashion as to improve the overall life or value of the

structure when an agency or institution does NOT OWN, but leases, the building.

Object Codes for Repairs and Alterations

Object Codes for Buildings

Object Codes for Land

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120 8200 Y 1099-MISC CNTRCTR PMT CAP ASST PR Payments to contractors for the construction of capital infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, water systems, rail lines, etc.

121 8201 N PURCH MATERIAL/SUPPLIES The acquisition of materials and supplies that will be placed into an agency’s physical inventory and perhaps be stockpiled for lengthy periods of time. Examples include

stone, lumber, salt, equipment parts and paint.

122 8202 Y 1099-MISC CNSLT PMT FOR CAP ASST PR Fees for services by consultants (including architects and engineers) undertaking design, contract inspection, etc. of capital asset projects. An approved agreement with the

spending agency must exist.

171 8203 N COMPUTER SOFTWARE Any computer software or licenses purchased for use in the office. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.) Any lease purchase should be charged to Object Code 3290

and/or 3291. (Value less than $5,000, see Object Codes 3246, 3247, 3248, and 3249.)

171 8203 N COMPUTER SOFTWARE Any computer software or licenses purchased for use in the office. (Value greater than $5,000 for each item.) Any lease purchase should be charged to Object Code 3290

and/or 3291. (Value less than $5,000, see Object Codes 3246, 3247, 3248, and 3249.)

172 8204 Y 1099-MISC INTANGIBLES Any separately purchased mineral rights, timber rights, water rights, patents, trademarks or easements (not for highways). (Value greater than $25,000 for each item.)

173 8205 Y 1099-MISC INTERNAL GENERATE SOFTWAR Software is internally generated if it is created or produced by the government or an entity contracted by the government, or if they are acquired from a third party but

require more than minimal incremental effort on the part of the government to begin to achieve their expected level of service capacity. Only the Application Development

Stage may be capitalized, which includes design, software configuration and software interfaces, coding, installation of hardware, and testing, including the parallel

processing phase. All other activity, including preliminary project activities (conceptualization, evaluation of alternatives, determination of needed technology, and

selection) and Post-Implementation activities (application training and software maintenance) should be expensed. (Value greater than $1,000,000.)

Object Codes for Other Assets

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