wvsu guidelines for student organizations 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011



    (Approved by the BOR March 4, 2011)


    I. Background

    A. RationaleB. Organizational StructureC. Scope of the Guidelines

    II. Classification of Student Organizations

    A. According to Scope of MembershipB. According to Nature of Activities

    III. Accreditation of Student Organizations

    A. The Accreditation CommitteesB. Types of AccreditationC. Applying for AccreditationD. Bases for Evaluation of Application for Accreditation

    IV. Specific Rules for Student Organizations

  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    WVSU Policies and Guidelines for Student Organizations and Activities(Approved by the BOR March 4, 2011)

    I. Background

    A. Rationale

    Balancing between academics and co-curricular activities is part of a students life.Education is not confined in the four walls of the classroom alone. Students learn aboutresponsibility and leadership through student organizations and related activities. As aneducational institution, WVSU provides learning opportunities for students to develop theirtalents, abilities and leadership skills by allowing them to manage their student organizations ina framework by which they can be assisted and supervised by faculty advisers to ensure that

    their activities can promote proper growth and development.

    B. Organizational Structure

    All student organizations are under the umbrella of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA)which will supervise and coordinate matters pertaining to student organizations and theiractivities. Specifically, university organizations and their activities will be handled by the OSA.College organizations and their activities will be handled by the respective college committees

    for student organizations (CCSO) assigned and chaired by the college deans/directors forthis purpose. External campuses may have their own similar organizational structure.

    C. Scope of the Guidelines

    The WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations and Activities covers all studentorganizations including those at the external WVSU campuses. However, the external

  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    III. Accreditation of Student Organizations

    A. The Accreditation Committees

    A student organization can only operate legitimately once accredited by the

    university. The Office of Student Affairs grants accreditation to university organizations.College organizations are given accreditation by their respective deans or directorsthrough their CCSO assigned for this function. Notices of accreditation of the collegeorganizations are submitted to OSA for confirmation. Designations as Advisers ofcollege organizations are issued by the OSA upon recommendation of the deans ordirectors of the colleges.

    The Accreditation Committees are composed of the following:

    University Organizations College Organizations2 student representatives from the USC 2 representatives of the CSC2 advisers of university student orgs 1 adviser of college student organization2 guidance counselors 1 guidance counselor of the college1 coordinator of student orgs (who shall 1 dean or director (who shall serve as

    serve as chairman) chairman)

    B. Types of Accreditation

    1. Probationary AccreditationThis is granted to student organization with at least fifteen (15) members besides

    its set of officers, applying for the first time or applying again after being inactivated forone year or more.

    2. Full Accreditation

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    8. Financial Report for theprevious academic year *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (SO Form H)

    9. Original or certified true copies of valid copy of gradesin the previous semester of officers

    * - Not required for applying new organizations

    (Note:TheSO Forms are downloadable from the WVSU website.)

    D. Bases for Evaluation of Application for Accreditation

    Applications for accreditation shall be evaluated according to the documents submitted.

    All accredited school organizations are required to have accomplished at least three (3)major activities during the academic year. The activities should be in line with theorganizations goals and objectives as stated in their Constitution and By -laws and in theircalendar of activities. Only activities which have involved or benefited communities, otherstudents, faculty or staff and not only its members are considered major. Examples ofthese activities are outreach programs, trainings and symposiums. Acquaintance parties, fund-raising activities and business meetings are not counted. An organization may lose itsaccredited status if it fails to meet the following criteria.

    Completion of planned activities that conform tothe organizations objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 pts.Participation and assistance in university/collegeprograms/projects/activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 pts.

    Growth in terms of membership and expanded programs . . 5 pts.

    Contribution to student development and welfare

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    2. Representation through the USC in committees involving student welfareand interest.

    3. Officers and members of fully accredited organizations may be appointedby the University President or their college dean/director in community


    C. Limitations of Rights and Privileges

    1. Only accredited organizations shall be allowed to conduct activities.2. Sororities and fraternities are prohibited from recruiting freshmen students. Initiations

    inflicting moral and physical damage are strictly prohibited.3. Willful violation of the WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations shall be ground for

    withdrawal or revocation of accredited status of the student organization.

    V. Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities of Advisers and Officers

    1. Advisers of student organizations must be full-time faculty members of the university anhave the consent of their respective deans or directors and department chairs. Non-teaching personnel who have the expertise or knowledge in the area covered by thestudent organization may serve as a co-adviser. A faculty adviser can be an adviser of

    just one (1) student organization.2. The duties and responsibilities of officers and advisers should be embodied in theConstitution and By-laws of the student organization and extend to on and off -campusactivities.

    3. As a mature and experienced mentor in the university, the adviser provides and givesadvice to the officers and members of the organizations on how to achieve their goalsand objectives and how they can improve the image of WVSU. The adviser inspires

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    1. All activities including those using WVSU facilities must have an approved permit as

    recommended by the adviser and OSA Dean for university organizations orCollege Dean/Director for college organizations. Use of facilities must beendorsed by the venue approving officers. Permits must be processed early for

    persons concerned to see the feasibility of the request especially those involving theuse of school facilities and reach the OSA or CCSO at least seven (7) working daysbefore the activity. Permits filed a day before the activity will NOT be considered unlessthe activity is urgent and organized by the administration.

    2. Permit B is used for non-academic activities conducted by the university or collegeorganizations. Approval is by the OSA Dean or College Dean/Director, VPAA (foractivity outside the university and inside WV) and the University President (for activityoutside WV). For non-academic activities during class days, the classes or studentsconcerned must have a request for exemption from classes approved by the college

    dean and VPAA.

    Non-Academic Activities- are activities conducted by the university or college

    organizations which are not part or requirement of their academic classes

    3. Permit A is used for academic-related activities. Approval is by the Director ofInstruction and VPAA (for activities within WVSU). The University Presidentapproves for activities outside WVSU. The OSA is given a copy of the permit.

    Academic Activitiesare activities initiated by the subject teacher as part of the

    course requirements

    4. Waivers must be attached to permits for activities after 8:00 PM and/or that are out-ofcampus.

    5. All student activities must observe the curfew hour established by the university. Aspecial permit shall be secured for activities beyond the curfew hour.

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    3. It is recommended that student organizations open bank accouns with the WVSUMPCoop Bank or any reputable bank. Authorized signatories are the chairman,treasurer and adviser. Bankbooks shall be submitted to CCSO or OSA at the end of thschool year for safekeeping and taken back at the beginning of the school year uponaccreditation of the organization.

    4. Financial collections must be immediately deposited in the bank and not be allowed tostay long with a person or in an office. Advisers must ensure that money is safely keptand properly used.

    5. Funds of student councils and student organizations shall not be lent to anyone.

    B. Fund-Raising

    1. Fund raising activities may be allowed provided the student organization secures officiapermit from DSWD and BIR. The purpose of the fund-raising must be specified on the

    permit. When tickets are issued, they shall be numbered with signatures of thechairman and adviser of the organization and controlled by the organizations facultyadviser and officers. The generated income must be properly expended, monitored,accounted and reported in the financial report.

    2. Solicitation letters with reply slips must be numbered for accounting of the auditor andadviser.

    C. Disbursement of Funds

    1. Collection and disbursement of funds of the university and collegestudentcouncils shall be accompanied by a resolution recommended by the Adviser,College Dean/Director and OSA Dean, and approved by the Vice President forAcademic Affairs.

    D. Financial Liquidations & Financial Reports

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    ( Rev. SO App p. 1 Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City

    Application for Accreditation of New and Renewing School Organizations


    1. Application for Accreditation with Advisers Consent ( ) SO Form (A & B)

    2. Organizational Profile (Forms C) ( ) SO Form C

    3. List of officers for the academic year includingthe course & year level, home address, contactnumber, recent 1x1 picture and signature ( ) SO Form D

    4. List of members with I.D. No., course & yearlevel with signature ( ) SO Form E

    5. Calendar of Activities for the incoming school yearwith planned activities, date schedule, venue &

    other important information ( ) SO Form F

    6. Accomplishment Report of projects & activities during theprevious academic year including awards and recognition received.

    These must be accompanied with supporting documents such asapproved permits, pictures, certificates & write ups in school paper ( ) SO Form G

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    ( Rev. SO App p. 2 Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City

    Procedure for Application for Accreditation of New and Renewing Student Organizations

    Important - Only accredited organizations can schedule activities using the WVSU facilities.

    1. Download and print the Procedure and Guidelines with Application Forms from WVSU website

    (pages1-10). Accomplish the forms and arrange and secure them neatly in a long-sized folde

    with a fastener. Print the name of the organization on the front cover and submit the

    application with all requirements to the:Office of Student Affairs (OSA) for University organizations

    College Committee on Student Organizations (CCSO)- for college and class


    Deadline for submission of application is 4th week after the opening of classes in June.

    The Accreditation Committees are composed of the following:

    University Organizations College Organizations2 student representatives from the USC 2 representatives of the CSC2 advisers of university student orgs 1 adviser of college student org2 guidance counselors 1 guidance counselor of college1 coordinator of student orgs (who shall 1 dean or director (who shall serve

    serve as chairman) chairman)

  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    ( Rev. SO App p. 3 Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City

    Rules and Guidelines Governing Student Organizations

    1. Only approved or accredited organizations can schedule activities using the WVSU facilities.

    2. Organization with activity using the WVSU facilities must have permit endorsed by the adviserand approved by the authorities as specified in the permit.

    3. The OSA Dean or CCSO Chair must be informed about the presence of speaker in a

    symposium, lecture or conference scheduled by the student organization as reflected in therequest for permit.

    4. Consent of the faculty adviser is required in the organizations activities, including those thatare outside the WVSU premises.

    5. The OSA Dean or CCSO Chair must be informed in writing in case an activity is cancelled orpostponed.

    6. The OSA Dean or CCSO Chair must be informed of changes in the set of officers or theamendments in the Constitution and by-laws of the organization immediately after the changesare enforced.

    7. Recruitment of freshmen by fraternities and sororities is strongly prohibited. Violation of this

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    (SO Form A & B Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City


    Date of Filing _______________Name of Organization____________________________________________

    New Old - Number of years of existence ___ University Based College Based: ______________(Name of College)

    Number of Members: ______ Category: Cultural Fraternity Cause-orientedService Religious Sports

    Sorority Interest Others______________

    Name of Adviser : ______________________________________Position/Designation : ______________________________________College/Unit : ______________________________________Contact Person : ______________________________________Address : ______________________________________Telephone Number : _____________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________

    Objectives of the Organization:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    (SO Form C Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City


    Name of Organization ____________________________________________Acronym: ________Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________

    Date Established: ___________________________Total Number of members since established to present: _________________________

    Membership Distribution:As of current School Year _______________

    For College Organizations

    Gender Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior TOTAL



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    (SO Form D Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State University Page 6OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City


    Name of Organization


    Name ______________________________________ Position _________________________________College/Course/Year & Sec. _________________________ __ Contact No. __________________________ Address _________________________________________________Signature __________________________

    Name ______________________________________ Position __________________________________College/Course/Year & Sec. _________________________ __ Contact No. __________________________ Address _________________________________________________Signature __________________________

    Name ______________________________________ Position __________________________________College/Course/Year & Sec. _________________________ __ Contact No. __________________________ Address _________________________________________________Signature __________________________

    Name ______________________________________ Position __________________________________College/Course/Year & Sec. _________________________ __ Contact No. __________________________ Address _________________________________________________Signature __________________________

    Name ______________________________________ Position __________________________________College/Course/Year & Sec Contact No






  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    (SO Form E Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State University PageOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City


    Name of Organization






  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    (SO Form G Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo


    Name of Organization: ______________________________________________________ Acronym ___________

    A. Services to the University


    Level(Natl., Regional,

    Local) Venue Date Target Group

    B. Services to own Organization/College


    Level(Natl., Regional,

    Local) Venue Date Target Group

  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    (SO Form H Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State UniversityOFFICE OF THE STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City


    Use this format when making: Name of Organizationa) Liquidation after an activity, or

    b) Financial Report at the end of the Academic Year _____________________________________Category according to Nature of Activities

    FINANCIAL STATEMENTfor the Period______________________________Name of Activity: ________________________________________________

    Date Held: ______________________________________

    Starting Bank & Cash Balance as of ______________ ____________________ Php ____________________

    Add: IncomeNature of Sources Amount

    ________________________________________ __________________ ________________________________________ __________________ ________________________________________ __________________

    ________________________________________ __________________ ________________________________________ __________________

    Total __________________ PhpTOTAL INCOME

    (STARTING BALANCE + INCOMELess: Expenses with Receipts

    West Vi St t U i it P

  • 8/3/2019 WVSU Guidelines for Student Organizations 2011


    (SO Form F Mar 11/eij) West Visayas State University PageOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS

    La Paz, Iloilo City


    Name of Organization: _____________________________________________________ Acronym: _______________

    A. Services to the University: Activitiesspearheaded by the University held in/outside the University to which the organization or members are rendering the services

    Objectives ActivityProjected

    Time Frame VenueProposed

    Budget Persons Involved Success I

    B. Services to Own Organization: Activities spearhead by the org for the growth and development of its members and realization of its objectives and goals

    Objectives ActivityProjected

    Time Frame VenueProposed

    Budget Persons Involved Success I

    C. Community Extension Services: Activitiesspearhead by the org for the benefit of members of the community other than the University community; nature of participation should be in the nthe organization and not as an individual

    Objectives ActivityProjected

    Time Frame VenueProposed

    Budget Target Group Success I

    Prepared by: ____________________________________ Attested by: _______________________________ / _______________________________Secretary Chairman Adviser

    (Use another sheet i