wvvvv.geappliances - partselect€¦ · loading and using the washer ..... 9, 10 troubleshooting...

wvvvv.GEAppliances.com Safety Information ....... 93 Operating Instructions Control Panels and Settings ............. 4-7 Features ................... 8 Loading and Using the Washer .............. 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ............ 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support . . Back Co_er Warranty ................. 15 WlSR2o7o WVSR 1060 WBXR2090 WHDSR209 WDSR2080 WCSR2090 $2000 Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # Serial # _Am can find then_ in tile upper fight corner on tile back of w_m _ v_zlsheI: 175D1807P450 49-90783 88-83 JR

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Page 1: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support


Safety Information ....... 9 3

Operating InstructionsControl Panels

and Settings ............. 4-7Features ................... 8

Loading and Usingthe Washer .............. 9, 10

Troubleshooting TipsBefore You Call

For Serxice ............ 11-13

Consumer Support

Consumer Support . . Back Co_er

Warranty ................. 15

WlSR2o7oWVSR 1060






Write the model and serialnumbers here:

Model #

Serial #

_Am can find then_ in tile upper

fight corner on tile back of w_m _v_zlsheI:

175D1807P450 49-90783 88-83 JR

Page 2: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support


-- WARNING,IForyoursafe_theinformationinthismanualmustbefollowedtominimizetheriskoffireor explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of fife.

__'._/_ WATERHEATERSAFETYUnder certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used fortwo weeks or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances.

If the hot water has not been used fin" two weeks or more, prevent tile possibility of damage or iqim y byturning on all hot water tilucets and allowing them to run fin" several minutes. Do this befin'e using any

electrical appliance which is connected to tile hot water system. This simple procedure will allow anybuilt-up hydrogen gas to escape. Since tile gas is flammable, do not smoke or ttse an open flalne orappliance during this process.

PROPERINSTALLATIONThis washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Instaflation Instructionsbefore it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive one by visitingwww.GEAppliances.com, or by calling 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737).

• Install or store x_here it will not be exposed to

temperatures belo_ fl'eezing or exposed to

tile weatheI;

• Properly ground washer to confornl xdth allgover_ling codes and ordinances. Follow detailsin Installation Instructions.

YOURLAUNDRYAREA• Keep tile area tlnderneath and ai'otlnd VOtlY,

appliances ti'ee of combustible materials suchas lint, paper; rags, chemicals, etc.

• Close supervision is necessary if this appliance isused bv or near children. Do not allow children

to play on, with or inside this or any other


Page 3: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support


Use thisapplianceonly for itsintended

purpose asdescribed inthis Owner'sManual

WHENUSINGTHEWASHER• Never reach into washer while it is moving.

_Mfit until the machine has completely stoppedbefore opening the lid.

• Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or

adds such as vinegar and/or rust removei;

Mixing different chemicals can produce a toxicgas which may cause death.

• Do not wash or (hT articles that have beencleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted with

combustible or explosive substances (such aswax, oil, paint, gasoline, degrease_s, d_T-cleaning

solvents, kerosene, etc.). These substances give

off vapo_ that may ignite or explode. Do notadd these substances to the wash water; Do not

use or place these substnnces around your

washer or dryer during operation.

• The latmd_ T process can reduce the flame

retardancy of flJbfics. To a\xfid such a result,careflflly tbllow the gammnt ill_lntltilCt/li'ei"sV_';Ish and care ins[i tlctions.

• To minimize the possibili F ot electric shock,

tmplug this appliance fl'om the power supplyor discmmect the washer at the household

distribution panel by removing the fllse orswitching off the circuit breaker betore

attempting any maintenance or cleaning.NOTE: Tm'ning the Cycle Selector knob to an

off position does NOTdisconnect the appliancefrom the power suppl>

• Never attempt to oi)e_;Jte tiffs appliance if it isdamaged, malfimctioning, pmtially disassembled,

or has missing or broken parts, including adamaged cord or plug.

WHENNOTINUSE• Turn off water fimcets to relieve pressure on

hoses and valves and to minimize leakage ifa break or ruptm'e should occm: Check the

condition of the fill hoses; they should bereplaced e\'ei T 5 veai_.

•Betore discarding a washe_; or removing it

fl'om service, remove the washer lid to preventchildren fl'om hiding inside.

• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part _ff

this appliance tmless specifically recommendedin this Owner's Manual, or in published use>

repair instructions that you tmdet_tand andhave the skills to canw out.

• Do not tamper with controls.



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About the washer controlpanel(models WJSR2070, WDSR2080, WCSR2090and S2000)

Youcan locate your model number on the back of your washer.

• Add detergent

• Add dilutedfabricsoftener(onmodelswith a fabricsoftenerdispenser)

° Add clothes

• Select load size andotherwash options

° Select wash cycle


• Closelid

• Pull knob

Model WJSR2070










PUllKnobTeoStarf * pushToS_°O




Model WDSR2080











PUlIKno b ToStart. pushTOSt°P



Model WCSR2090











PUll Knob To Start • push To StOP






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Model $2000







/ ÷



6 = RI_-ISE _') = SPIN


Load Size

I,oosely load clothes no higher than the top row ot holes in the washer basket. The water level should just

cover the clothes. A(!just the load size accordingly.

TemperatureSelect the water temperature tier the wash and _inse cycles. _Mwavs ti_llow thb_ic manufi_cmrer's care label or

instructions when laundering.

Wash Cycle

The wash cycle controls the length ot the washing process. The chart below will help y(m match the wash cyclesetting with umr clothing.

WHITES Forheawto lightlysoiledcottons,householdlinens,workandplayclothes.

CASUALSAgentlerwayto cleanclotheaPULSEAGITATEThiscycle agitatesandthenpausesto soakyourclothes,simulatinghandwashing.

GENTLETheHEAVYcyclehasthreeagitate/pausecyclesto cleanyourheavilysoileditems.

TheMEDIUMcyclehastwoagitate/pausecycles,andthe LIGHTcyclehasoneagitate/pausecycle.

Thewasherwill fill withwaterto thechosenlevelwhenthe washeris startedinanypartof the CASUALScycle.If thewasheris startedinthe pause/soakportionofthe cycle,thenthe washerwill completethissoakbeforeit beginstoagitate.Thisis normal.


Page 6: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Aboutthe washer controlpanel(models WVSR1060, WBXR2090 and WHDSR209)

• Add detergent

• Add dilutedfabricsoftener(onmodelswith a fabricsoftenerdispenser)

G"• Select load sizeand

other wash options• Add clothes• Select wash cycle

Quick StartGuide


• Closelid

• Pull knob

Model WVSRI060









PUll Knob To Start + push To StOPLIGHT




Model WBXR2090












Model WHDSR209





LIGHT_+++ ++;+ +




+++_ MEI_UM

_i+++++++_,om+lc_s._sl++ +ARM+ASH




._ LIGHTUll Knob To Start + pusb TO Stop

Page 7: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Controlsettings, vvvvw.GEAppliances.com

_ Load SizeI,oosely load clothes no higher than the top row of holes in the washer basket. The water level should just

cover the clothes. A_!just the load size accordingly:

_ Wash CycleThe wash cycle controls the length of the washing process and the wash temperature. Ym can choose a cooler

wash temperature no matter what color of fifl_fic w_u are washing. _Mways fi_llow the instructions on the tabfic

care label when laundering. The chart below will help you match the wash cycle setting with your clothing.

WHITES Forheawto lightlysoiledcottons,householdlinens,workandplayclothes.HOTWASH


CASUALSForwrinkle-freeandpermanentpressitems,andknits.Providesagitate/pausecyclesto cleanyouritems.WARM WASH


DARKCOLORSF0rn0n-c010rfastc0tt0nsand blends and itemsthat are labeledc01dwash bythe fabricmanufacturer.COLDWASH

Page 8: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Aboutthe washer features.NOTE:Not all features are available on all washer models.

The Agitator Cap or Fabric Softener Dispenser (depending on model)

The agitator cap fits into the top of the [_] Add water to dispenser until it reachesagitator If it accidentall) c()mes off, simply the maxinmn_ fill line.

put it back oil

The fabric softener dispenser automafically

releases liquid lift)rio soitener at the

proper time during the cycle.

Do not stop the washer during the first spin.

This wifl cause the dispenser to empty too soon.

To use, follow these steps:

[Z] Make sm'e dispenser is seem'elyattached to agitato_:

['_ Use only liqtfid fhbric soflenei:Pour into disl)ensei; using, alnountrecommended on package.

Never pour fabric softener directly on cloNes.

It may stalb them.

Do not pour anything into flTeagitator if flTeagitator cap or dispenser is removed.

Separate for cleaning.

Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (on some models)

[Z] Remo_e the dispenser fl'om the top of the agitatm;

I I I ,, I ,_ I I ,['_Se )arate the dis )enser cu ) fl'om the co'_er by gras )ino- the to ) and )ushing downon the inside of the cup with yore" finge_s. Dispenser cup will pop fl'ee fl'om theco'_ ei:

[-_To clean the dispense_; soak both the dispenser cup and the dispenser coxer in thet011owing solution:

• 1 USgallon (3.8 hters) warm water• 1/4 cup (60 ml) heavy duty liquid detergent

• I cup (240 ml) bleach

[-4_]f necessary; loosen buildup with a clean, soft cloth after soaking. Do not use a stiffbrush; )ou ma) roughen the stmfi_ce of the (lispense_:

N Rinse and reassemble dispense_: Place dispenser back on the agitato_:

Liquid Bleach Dispenser (onsomemodels)

The dispenser dilutes liquid chlorine 1)leach before it reaches vet:u"wash load.

[-_ Check clothing care labels for special instructions.

['_ Measm'e liquid bleach careflfll> folhm'ing instructions on the bottle.

• Never pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach dkectly onto clothes or into the wash basket.

• Do not pour powdered bleach into bleach dispenser

r3-] Before starting the washe_; pour measured an/ount of bleach directly into bleachdispense_: Axoid splashing or oxe>filling dispense_: If you prefer to use powdered

bleach, add it into the wash basket with your detergent.

• Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar and/or rust removecMMng can produce a toxic gas which may cause death.


Page 9: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Loadingand usingthe washer.Always follow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering, www.GEAppliances.com

_ Sort/ngWashLoadsSort by color (whites, lights, col(n_), soil level,rid)tic b'pe (sturdy cottons, easy care, delicates)

and whether the fabric produces lint (tesTy cloth,chenille) or collects lint (velvemen, corduroy).

ProperUseof DetergentAdd detergent and stnrt the washer before adding

clothes so that the (lete_Nent can work eflectivelv.Using too little or too much (letetgent is a common

ca use of laundry problems.

You can use less detergent if }ou haxe soft water;

a smaller load or a lightly soiled load.

Loadingthe WasherI,oad dry items loosel 5 no higher than the top

row of holes in the washer basket. When loadingwet items make sure you set the load/water level

high enough to allow the items to move fl'eelv._&'ater level should just cover the clothes. To add

items after washer has started, push in Cycleknob and submerge additional items next to the

agitator. Close the lid and pull Cycle knob outto restart.

• Do not wrap long items like sheets or pantsaround the agitator.

• Do not wash fabrics containing flammablematerials (waxes, cleaning fluids, etc.).

• Agitation will not start with the lid up.

Page 10: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Loadingand usingthe washer. Always follow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.

\!/._ Careand Cleaningof the Washer

_------" Wash Basket: I,eave the lid open after washing to Moving and Storage:_k the service technician toallow moisture to evaporate, lf}ou want to clean the remo_e water fl'om drain pump and hoses. See thebasket, use a clean soft cloth dampened with liquid Installation ]nstructitms packed with product fordetergent, then rinse. (Do not use ha_h or gritty infimnation on how to reinst;tll the shipping rod to

cleane_.) keep the tub stationa_w when mox_ng the washe_:For more inlimnatitm, visit www.GEAppliances.com,

Fill Hoses: Hoses ctmnecting washer to tmu'eto_ call 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2/3/). Do not store

should be replaced every 5 _eai_. the washer where it will be exposed to the weather:

Exterior:hnmediately wipe off an} spills. X,\qpe with LongVacations:Be sure water supply is sh ut eli atdamp cloth. T D not to hit surtitce with shaq) objects, fitucets. Drain all water fl'om hoses if weather will

be below fl'eezing.

FabricCareLabelsBelow are fitbric care label "sxmbols" that affect the clothing you will be laundering.


Machine__washcycle .ore,a, p..........tPres_/

wrinkle resistant

=Gentle/ Do not wash Do not wringdelicate Hand wash

Water • • • • • •temperature Hot W.... CoN/cool

(50°C/120<'F) (40<'C/105°F) (30<'C/85<'F)



Dry Normal Permanent Press/ Gent(e/wrinkle resistant delicate

Do not dryDo not tumNe dry (used with

do not wash)

.no, ® ® •setting

High Medium Low No heat/air

instructionsLine dry/ Drip dry Dry flat

hang to dry


SymuOtS Any bleach Dilly ....... hlorine bleach Do not bleach(when needed) (when needed)

PqIn the shade


Page 11: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Before you call for service.., www.GEAppliances.com

Troubleshooting -tipsSave time and money! Review the charts on the followingpages, or visit www.6EAppliances.com. Youmay not needto call for service.q

WATER Possible Causes What ToDo

Too many suds Type of detergent * Switch to a lower sudsing detergent brand and followinstructions on package.

Very soft water • Try less detergent.

Too much detergent • Meastu'e your detergent careflflly. Use less soap if youhave soft water; a smaller load or a lightly soiled load.

Water leaks Fill hoses or drain hose is • Make sttre hose connections are tight at thtlcets andhnproperly comaected rubber washers are installed. Make stu'e end of drain

hose is correctly inserted in and secured to drain tildlitv.

Household dxaJn may • Check hotlsehold pltmd)ing. You may need to call abe clogged pltmd)e_:

Constmat water pressure • Tighten hoses at the timcets and turn the water off afterto the fill hoses at the each use.

water source • Check condition of the fill hoses; the} shotfld be

replaced every 5 veaI_.

Using too much detergent • Lrse less detergent. Lrse less soap if u)tt, have soft water; aha washer smaller load or a lightly soiled load.

Water temperature Cooler water temperatures • New latmch 3 detergents haxe been foHn tflated to workseems incorrect provide hnproved energy with cooler water temperattu'es without affecting wash

efficiency i)ell'Ormance.

Conlrol is not set properly • Check water teml)erature control (on some models) orCycle knob and at!just.

Water supply is tunaed off • Turn 1)oth hot and cold faucets flfllv on and make sureor improperly cmmected hoses are connected to correct timcets.

Water valve screens are • T/ml off the x_;tter source and remove the water

stopped up connection hoses fi'om the upper back of the washerUse a brush 1)I"tooflq)ick to clean file screens in filemachine, Reconnect the hoses and turn the water back/m,

House water heater is • Make sttre house water heater is delivering waternot set properly at 120°F-140°F (48 °(;-60°(:).

Water won't drain Drain hose is l&_ked or • Straighten drain hose and make sure washer is not sittinghnproperly comaected on it.

• Top of drain outlet should be less than 8 ft. (2.5 m);:1bove tlooI:


Page 12: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support

Before you call for service...

OPERATION Possible Causes What To Do

Washer pauses during The washer normally pauseswash cycle between washing steps and during

the CASUALS wash cycle.

Washer pauses during This is normal • The washer ma_, pause (lurino_ the spin cycle to remoxespincycle soapy water more eflicientlx.

Washer won't operate Washer is unplugged • Make sure cord is l)lugged,, secm'el) into a working outlet.

Water supply is turned off • Turn both hot and cold fimcets hilly on.

Controls m'e not set • Check controls and inake sure Cycle knob is pulled outproperly to ON position.

Lid is open--safety feature • Close lid and reset cycle to the begilming if necessala'.prevents agitation and sphnthagwhen lid is up

Circuit breaJ_er/fuse is • Check house circuit breakels/fllses. Replace fllses ortripped/blown reset breakei: X_'asher should haxe separate outlet.

PERFORMANCE Possible Causes What ToDo

Colored spots Incorrect use of fabric • Check fid)rk softener l)acka°e_ fin" instructions and tollowsoftener directious tor usiug, disl)euser.

• Pretreat stain and rewash.

Dye transfer • Sort _dfites or lighfl) colored itelns from dark coh)i_.

Grayed or yellowed Not enough detergent • Use more deteroent_ (especiall) with larger loads), Beclothes StlI'e to follow detergeut u/autlf'actt/I'ei"s directious.

Hard water • Llse a water conditioner like Calgon brand or installa watei" sotteuei:

Water is not hot enough • Make sure water heater is delix erh_g water at120°F-140°F (48°C-60°C).

Washer is overloaded • Select load size to inatch clothes load.

Detergent is not • Add detergent as wash basket fills with water betoredissolving you load ch)thes.

Dye trm_sfer • Sort ch)thes by coh)i: If tid)ric label states wash separatel_trustable dyes Inav be indicated.

Lint orresidue on Clothes are Mr or line dried • If _ou do not (lr_ your ch)thes with a ch)thes (li) ei;)ourclothes clothes ma_ retain more lint.

Incorrect sorting • Separate lint producels fl'Oln lint collectolS.

Washing too long • X_'ash small h)ads fi)r a shorter time than larger h)ads.

Detergent not dissolving • Add detergent as wash basket fills with watei, betore )ouload clothes.

• Tr) a liquid deter*ellt

• ]_.lse WalllleI" wateI" teulpei'attli'e,

Overloading • i,oad clothes no higher than the top row of holes iu thewasher basket.

• Make sure load size selected inatches clothes load size.

Incorrect use of fabric softener • Check rid)tic softener )acka_*e fin" instructions and fi)llow

12 directions fin" using dis )enser

Page 13: wvvvv.GEAppliances - PartSelect€¦ · Loading and Using the Washer ..... 9, 10 Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Serxice ..... 11-13 Consumer Support Consumer Support


PERFORMANCE(cent) Possible Causes What ToDo

Pilling Result of normal wear on • _,_qfile this is not caused b) the washei, you can slow thepoly-cotton blends and pilling process by washing gam/ents inside out.fuzzy fabrics

Snags, holes, team, rips Pins, snaps, hooks, sharp • Fasten snaps, hooks, buttons and zippei_.or excessive wear buttons, belt buckles,

• ]_emove loose items like pins, objects in pocketszippers mad sharp objects and shaq) buttons.left in pockets

• Ttu'n knits (which snag easily) inside out.

Undiluted chlorine bleach • Check bleach package ii_strtlctions tor i_roper amotmt.

• Never add tmdihlted bleach to wash or allow clothesto come in contact with tmdihlted bleach.

ChemicaJs like hair bleach • Rinse imms that inav have chelnicals oi5 theln before

or dye, permmaent wave washing.solution

Wrinkling Improper sorting • Avoid mi_ug heavy items (like work clothes) withlight items (like blouses).

• Try a lid)tic sotteuer.

Overloading or • I,oad _otu" washer so clothes haxe enough roomincorrect water level to m_we fl'eelv with water covering all of the clothes.

Incorrect wash mad • Match Cycle selection to the _:pe of tid_ric you areday cycles washing (especially lor easy care loads).

Repeated washing in • _'_sh in wmm or cold water.water that is too hot

NOISE Possible Causes What ToDo

Washer is noisy Washer is uneven • To level the ti'ont of the washeI; a(!j ust the ti'ont levelinglegs by rotating the individual leg in the proi_er directionlor up or down. To level back of washeI; lift back ofmachine 4" (11 cm) and set down.

Washer load is • Push the Cycle knob in to stop the washei; open the lidtmbaJmaced and redistribtlte the load evelflV. Close the lid and restart.

Shipping rod is still assembled • To relnove shiplaing rod ti'om washe_; pull yellow tag andha trait attached rod ti'om the bottoln right hand side of washei:

Washer is sitthag too close • Pull washer away froln the wall; about 4" ( l 1 cln) isto wall (causes knocking needed.durhag cycle)

OTHER Possible Causes What ToDo

Labels on the exteriorof the washer will not

peel o# cleanly

Occasionally the adhesiveused on the labels does

not release clemfly

• Use a hair dlyer set at the lowest heat setting, directingthe air at the label fin" a short amotmt of tilne. This will

release the adhesive easily, without damaging the stm'hceot the washei:


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GEWasher Warranty.

All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,or an authorized Customer Care® technician. Toschedule service,on-line, 24 hours a day, vis# us at www.GEAppliances.com,or call 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737).

Staple your receipt here.Proof of the original purchase

date is needed to obtain serviceunder the warrantF

For The Period Of."

OneYearFromthe date of theoriginalpurchase

SecondthroughFifthYearFromthe date of theoriginalpurchase

SecondthroughTenthYearFromthe date of theoriginalpurchase

SecondthroughTwentiethYearFromthe date of theoriginalpurchase

We Will Replace:

Anypartof the washer which tidls due to a defect in materials or workmanship. During this

full one-year warranty, we will also provide, free of charge, all lab(n" and related se_Mce to replace

the defective part,

The transmission,suspension rod and spring assemblyif any of these parts should fifil due to a defbctin materials or workmanship. GE will also replace the washer lid or cover, if they should rust

under operating conditions. During this additional four-year limited warranty, you will beresponsible fin" any labor or related service costs.

The washer #lb, if it should tidl due to a detect in materials or workmanship. During thisadditional nine-year lim#ed warranty, you will be responsible fin" anv labor or related service costs.

The washer basket if it should tidl due to a detect in materials or workmanship, During this

additional nineteen-year limited warranty, you will be responsible fi)r any labor or relatedservice costs.

What Is Not Covered:

• Service trips to your home to teach you how to use

the product.

• hnproper h_stallation, delivery or mahltenmlce.

• Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for

other than the intended purpose or used commercially.

• Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuitbreakers.

• Dmnage to the product caused by accident, f'tre, floods or

acts of God.

• h_ddentaJ or consequentiaJ dmnage caused by possible

defects with this appliance.

• Dmnage caused after delivery.

Thiswarranty is extended to the ow/bal purchaserand anysucceedingowner for products purchasedfor homeuse withlb the USA.In A/ask& thewarranty excludesthe cost of shipping orservice ca/is to your home.

Somestates do not a/low the exclusionor flrnitation of incidental orconsequentialdamages. Thiswarranty gives youspecific legal nghts, and youmaya/so have otherrights which vary fromstate to state. Toknow what your legal rights are, consult yourlocal orstate consumeraffaks office oryour state_ Attorney General

Warrantor:GeneralElectric Cmnpany.Louisville,KY40225


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GEAppliancesWebsite www.GEAppliances.comHave a question or need assistance with your appliance? Try the GE Appliances Website 24 hotu_ a day,any day of the year! For greater convenience and faster selMce, you can now download Owner's Manuals,

order parts, cat;dogs, or even schedule service ondine. You can also "_sk Our Team of EN)erts ......yotlr qtlestions, and so II/rich II/ore...

ScheduleService www.GEAppliances.com

Expert (;E repair seis:ice is onlx one step away fl'om your dooi: Get on-line and schedule vc,ur service at

your conxenience 24 hom_ am (lm of the _ear! Or call 800.GE.(_AI_ES (800.432.2737) during n{mnalbusiness hom_.

RealLifeDesignStudio www.GEAppliances.comGE supports the/!nivei_al Design concept--products, services and environments that can be used bypeople of all ages, sizes and capabilities. _,\'e recognize the need to design fi)r a wide range of ph):sical and

mental abilities and impaim_ents. For details of GE's Univei_al Design applications, including kitchendesign ideas fin" people with disabilities, check out our _,Vebsim today. For the hearing impaired, please call800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322).

Extended Warranties www.GEAppliances.com

Purchase a (;E extended warrant_ and learn about special discounts that are a_ailable while )our warrantyis still in effect. YOtl can purchase it on-line an)time, or call 800.626.2224 during natural business horus.

(;E (_onsumer Home Serxices will still be there after }our warrant}, expires.

PartsandAccessories www.GEAppliances.comIndividuals qualified to seI_'ice their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their

homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today, 24 hom_ eveia' day orby phone at 800.626.2002 during natural business hom_.

Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generallyshould be referred to qualified service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause

unsafe operation.

ContactUs www.GEAppliances.comIf you are not satisfied with the service you receive from (;E, contact us on our _.Vebsite with all the details

including your phone ntlIllbeI; oI" write to: General Managei; Customer RelationsGE Appliances, Appliance ParkI,ouisville, KY 40225

RegisterYourAppliance www.GEAppliances.comRegister your new applim_ce on-line---at your convenience! Timelx, l_r°(luct registration, will allow fin"

enhanced communication and prompt service under the temps of your warranty, should the need arise.You mm also mail in the pre-printed registration card included in the I)ackin'"_ material.

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