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By Adrian Ng Date: 7/5/13

Firefight Mission Brief: In early 2020, crime levels have spiked and Interpol is

useless, the government is in chaos and crime lords are rampaging through the

streets. That is why the Galactic Senate made the decision to request the

Kimonians to help supply the city of Sceitan with an army of clone soldiers.

Clones will fight the wars that the police or the NPO cannot fight, clones don’t

complain and are very good fighters. The only problem is that they are hard to

distinguish if the clones are not allowed to have a distinguishable hairdo, it has

also been a custom that whenever a young clone shows a very distinguishable

skill or emotion at anytime, they are to be given a special nickname so that it is

easier for the superiors like the Prime Generals to call the clone’s by a name

instead of a long serial number. Clones have brown eyes, jet-black hair, very

sturdy features that you might see on a regular soldier in the marines. One

squadron of clones has stood out over the four years since the production of

clones started, the Ghost Squad. The Ghost Squad is a team of six Commando

clones lead by a highly decorated clone commander, Wheels, who has

accomplished many missions in his time serving the galactic senate. He is also

the commanding officer of the entire blue clone platoon.

Villain Record: Drug Lord Riley McHenderson a.k.a “Maze” has been in the drug

dealing business since late 2023 and has recently developed a startling new

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drug, which he calls “Vertigo”, a highly addictive and affordable drug. In it’s purest

form, “Vertigo” can be a very dangerous substance, because once in the

bloodstream it will stop one’s heartbeat in matter of seconds. No one has been

able to track down Maze or any of his inner-circle, not the police, not the NPO,

but we may still have a chance at winning this drug war....

2025, in the Clone HQ situated in the well lit, busy and highly

populated Sceiten:

“Clone Commander Wheels, please report to the mission debrief room

immediately,” said a mechanical female voice. One bald clone among the millions

of other clones off duty in the mess hall looked up, he then took his blue colored

helmet and left for the missions debrief room.

“Wonder what it is this time?” muttered Wheels as he entered the room.

An officer standing behind a circular holo-projector looked up, his name was

Gale, clone mission controller,

“Morning Wheels, good to see you are fit for your next mission, ‘cause it will

probably give you and your men the fight for your life,” said Gale in a very serious


“I highly doubt that it will be harder than the battle for the capital city of Gorgon,

huh?” said Wheels cheekily. “Maybe, here is your holo mission debrief, I want

your men on this case asap, is that clear soldier?” said an unamused Gale.

“Yes Sir,” said a now serious looking Wheels as he walked out of the debrief

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room. Wheels then called his men via his com-link to gather in the main fighter

hanger. When they all arrived, Wheels played out the following debrief video, a

plump figure popped up from the flat surface to the holo mission debrief and it


“Good Morning, I am Captain Ruso of Interpol, we have approached your squad

commander, Wheels, because it seems fit that your team should handle this

mission. Your mission is to track down the drug lord “Maze”, a.k.a Riley

McHenderson. Then a file on what Interpol and NPO had on Maze came up,

which did not cover much.

The plump figure spoke again: “Maze has disappeared and none of our agents

can infiltrate his organization, they’ve either bailed out, or are dead, so that is

why we need you. We are counting on you and your squad commander.” And

with that, the recording ended.

Shred, Wheels’ weapons expert with a sort of blue gear tattoo on his baldhead,

asked, “Right, so any ideas on how to catch this shady Maze guy?”

When no one responded, Freefall, Wheels’ technician who shaved his hair into

two blue arrows, excitedly said,

“I’ve finally figured out where I heard that name before!”

“Where?” asked Orbis, Wheels’ scout who kept the same army cut hair style of a

new clone said excitedly,

“Through one of my bugs that I planted in a bar on our last routine mission, I

overheard some drunken fellow mention that a guy called Maze had a HQ

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somewhere in the Scorpion Nebula, on the humid, dense jungle planet Rancor.”

“Good job Freefall”, said Wheels, “Now let’s start hunting, boys!”

Wheels and the rest of his men filed into a shuttle to the Scorpion Nebula,

the trip was long and boring, but they finally managed to get there, by the time

the twin suns of the dense jungle planet Rancor, home of the most poisonous air

scorpions and plants, had risen. Wheels and his men filed out and started using

their state of the art structure scanners, to try and locate Maze’s HQ.

“Arrgh, nothing works in this jungle, we’re blind!” said an angry Orbis.

“All right then, we’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way,” said Knuckles,

Wheels’ soldier with a haircut that nearly made him bald. And with that, he

pocketed his scanner and started trekking through the dense jungle. Wheels then

looked at the rest of his men’s grim and determined faces and turned around to

follow Knuckles footprints into the woods with the rest of the squad silently

following his lead.

Suddenly, “Sir, you might want to see this!” shouted the distant voice of


Immediately Wheels and his men charged through the undergrowth, blasters

ready to come to Knuckles aid. But when they arrived, they found Knuckles

kneeling over a still form of a man.

Knuckles looked up and said in an excited tone: “Found a map on this guy as

well as other things that might be useful!”

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An hour later, Wheels and his men were hiding behind some bushes, staking out

a massive compound patrolled by guards and howler dogs.

“This must be Maze’s HQ!” said a bewildered Freefall,

“Ya’ think?” said an annoyed Shred.

Wheels was oblivious to this though, because he was focusing on the patrol

patterns of the sentries and dogs. When he was sure he was in tune with that

pattern, he signaled the rest of his men to follow him. Wheels then led his men

through a gap in the patrol time when the sentries are changing and into the open

doors of the compound.

In the dimly lit penthouse on the 10th floor of the compound, a figure was

looking out of a window while another figure behind him was struggling in vain to

escape the iron chair in which he was bounded to. Then the figure bound to the

chair let out a blood-curling scream of pure agony followed by an eerie silence.

The figure at the window smiled,

“This is where failure gets you!” he sung merrily in his head.

A faint beeping sound on his wristband sounded, he then brought his hand up to

his chin and said,

“What is it now, Laurence, shouldn’t you be able to handle it? For god sake, you

are the newly appointed chief of security!” Maze said, obviously bored. On the

other end came a frantic reply

“Sir! There are intruders on level 8 and they are mowing down our men, what

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should we do!” “Keep the attack up, reinforcements will arrive shortly.” “Thank

you sir.”

Then Laurence hurriedly hung up. Maze slowly smiled as he lowered down his

hand and silently thought, “Yes, thank me.” Meanwhile on level 9, there was a

firefight. Wheels’ men were all alive, but they were cornered. They couldn’t

progress with all the blaster fire coming at them from around the corner.

“We can’t hold out much longer, Wheels”, said Knuckles as he let go a torrent of

blaster fire at the giant mass of enemy guards dropping two of them instantly,

“I know that, just keeping firing!” said Wheels as he threw a enemy thermal

detonator out of a open window, but then suddenly a sort of green haze came

from behind the enemy guards and Wheels heard coughing and bodies falling

and someone saying,

“Sir, what have you done?” and with that, Wheels yelled, “Move it, move it!”

Then he ran for his life with his squad hot on his heels. But he saw the green

haze coming out from a vent in directly on top of him and he stopped in his track.

He couldn’t help but wait until the green haze swallowed him and his team whole!

When Wheels woke up, he found himself tied to a chair and the rest of his

men chained to a wall in a well-lit room. Then suddenly a voice from behind

Wheels hollered,

“Well, look at what the cat dragged in!” at the same time, someone grabbed

Wheels and dragged around to face a familiar looking man. He remembered, this

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man was the face he seen in the mission brief, it was the big time drug lord,


“Good to see you already know me, saves me and you both a boring introduction!

If you’re wondering how I know you know me, I will just say that I saw it in your

eyes!” said a cocky looking Maze. “What do you want Maze?” said Wheels. “Oh,

well, just basically a horde of vertigo addicted people for me to control, and for

you to stop poking around in my business! Or else one of your five “brothers” will

get an injection of highly compressed pure Vertigo for them to choke on!” said a

gleeful looking Maze.

Wheels was furious. How had he gotten himself and his clone brothers into this

mess? Now he had to pick between finishing the mission and saving the life of

one of his brothers. Then Maze turned around to grab something, at the same

time he finished that thought, he noticed that Freefall was awake and had

watched the whole scene play out. At the same time, Wheels noticed that Freefall

built a distress button on his belt for situations like this as well as a secret pocket

with a unused laser blade in it. Once Freefall pushed the distress button, the

laser blade immediately dropped out of the hidden pocket and with his finely

tuned reflexes, Freefall kicked it across the room and behind Wheels who caught

it with his bounded hands while Maze was looking away. When Maze turned to

face Wheels with a syringe full of green liquid, Wheels had already started cutting

his rope bonds away. Maze looked back and said

“Sorry to keep you waiting, a slight malfunction in the transmission jammer. Now

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where were me, ahh, yes, you were deciding whether to keep the mission on, or

whether to save the lives of your fellow clone brothers?” “Yeah, I’ve decided, to

take you down and put you in prison with the rest of the criminal scum!” replied

Wheels. Then Maze smiled and said, “Well then, I really wished you could’ve

been a bit more collaborative, cause now I have to kill one of your brothers, then

another one and then finally you. How sad!” Wheels smiled and said,

“Oh I don’t think that you will kill any of us today.” And with that, Wheels gave the

rope bonds one last violent tug with the knife and the rope snapped in two, which

then gave Wheels the chance to launch himself forward and head-butt Maze in

the face, which stunned Maze. Wheels quickly freed his legs, punched Maze in

the gut and freed the rest of the Ghost Squad. Just as he freed his last soldier

and passed out everyone’s weapons, a small army of Maze’s guards burst into

the room firing wildly at anything they saw. Knuckles was hit in the arm and was

thrown back into a wall, which rendered him unconscious. Orbis dragged

Knuckles behind an upturned table and started shooting back at the guards with

the other members of Ghost Squad. In the midst of the chaos, Maze jumped out

of the balcony and onto his private Solar Sailer. Wheels noticed the sudden turn

of events and chased after him. Wheels jumped but missed the sailer by inches

and started plummeting towards the ground below. After the initial shock, Wheels

grabbed his grappling hook from his utility belt and shot out the hook which

latched onto a rail below the sailer. When Wheels was level with the 10th floor

balcony, he threw a thermal detonator into the hull, let go of the hook and landed

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heavily on the balcony. The thermal detonator blew up just moments after

Wheels landed on the balcony, causing the sailer to plummet into the waiting

arms of the jungle below. Wheels immediately turned around and noticed the

bodyguards had fled and his team was already placing detonators around the

complex. When they were done, they obediently waited for Wheels orders.

Wheels had his men individually searching the woods for Maze while Orbis

and Spike, Wheels’ medic who had a kind of bluish hair, stayed behind to look

after the injured Knuckles. Then suddenly Wheels was hit from behind and fell to

the ground, standing over him was Maze, Maze’s eyes were blazing and he was

holding a blaster pistol at Wheel’s face.

Wheels then said in a calm voice, “Put the blaster down, Maze, and there is no

need to go any further, you lost.” Maze furiously replied, “It was perfect before

you came in, guns ablaze to ruin my perfect operation, why?” but Maze couldn’t

finish the sentence because Wheels immediately kicked the gun away from his

face as Maze fired, then stood up, landed a few punches, which sent Maze

sprawling onto the ground. Maze raised a shaking hand and fired a bolt right at

Wheels, but Wheels was too quick and dodged the projectile as it whizzed by,

inches from hitting his face. Instinctively, Wheels raised his own blaster pistol and

fired at Maze from a point blank range. Back at clone operations HQ at Sceiten

City, the Ghost Squad was awarded medals for their valor in taking down the big-

time drug lord Maze. Medal’s of Honor were given out that day, and Ghost Squad

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has still retained its reputation as possibly the greatest clone squad to have ever

been manufactured since the Inferno Squad which was equally famous for it’s

heroic clone soldiers.