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Mahindra Satyam Placement Paper: English  English - I Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 4 : From the two options given below each sentence select the one to fill the blank appropriately.  Q.1 Please fill up this _______ and give it back to me.  a. form  b. f arm Q.2 He is not one to _________ defeat easily.  a. accept  b. except Q.3 Are you ________ that he has been lying to me. a. inf err ing  b. im  plying Q.4 He is an ________ personality.  a. imminent  b. eminent Instruction for Q. Nos. 5 to 10 : Choose the correct option.  Q.5 Modern architecture has discarded the ________________ trimming on buildings and emphasises simplicity of line.  a. gaudy  b. gaunt c. f labber gasting d. f lam  boyant e. f lagr ant Q.6 His attitude to his boss was __________ and caused a good deal of repulsion.  a. r ef ulgent  b. arrogant c. hybr id d. syco  phant i c

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Mahindra Satyam Placement Paper: English 

English - I 

Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 4 :

From the two options given below each sentence select the one to fill the blank appropriately. 

Q.1 Please fill up this _______ and give it back to me. 

a.  form 

 b.  f arm 

Q.2 He is not one to _________ defeat easily. 

a.  accept



Q.3 Are you ________ that he has been lying to me.

a.  inf err ing  b.  im plying 

Q.4 He is an ________ personality. 

a.  imminent b.  eminent

Instruction for Q. Nos. 5 to 10 :

Choose the correct option. 

Q.5 Modern architecture has discarded the ________________ trimming on buildings and

emphasises simplicity of line. 

a.  gaudy b.  gaunt

c.  f labber gasting d.  f lam boyant

e.  f 

lagr ant

Q.6 His attitude to his boss was __________ and caused a good deal of repulsion. 

a.  r ef ulgent

 b.  arrogantc.  hybr id

d.  syco phantic

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e.  aggr essive

Q.7 Discontented wives, dejected lovers, frustrated politicians, all these tend to be




us b.  abstemiousc.  euphemistic

d.   per sif laguse.  quer ulous

Q.8 The government should provide attractive tax ___________ to create the market of 

quality goods. 

a.  r evenues

 b.  str uctur es

c.  r 


ur cesd.  incentives

e.  controls

Q.9 During the ______________ many buildings were __________ to the ground. 

a.  r iots, collapsed b.  distur  bances, brought

c.  f ir e, r azedd.  f loods, r azed

Q.10 You need _______ shoes for walking in the hills. 

a.  good

 b.  comfor tablec.  satisf actor y

d.  stur dy

English - II 

Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 5 :

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the given word. 


a.   Near ly

 b.  Com pletec.  Absolution 

d.  Absolutely

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a.  R idiculous b.  Abstr use

c.  Action 



Q.3 Baneful 

a.  generous b.  k indly

c.  r uinousd.  sever ity

e.  superf luous

Q.4 Prowess 

a.  under standing  b.  keenness

c.  eager nessd.   br aver y

Q.5 Vituperate 

a.  encour age b.  appr aise

c.  abuse


appr eciate

Instruction for Q. Nos. 6 to 10 :

Choose the correct Antonym out of the four given alternatives against each of the following

words : 

Q.6 Zeal 

a.  Disr elish b.  Coldness

c.  Distaste

d.  D


Q.7 Forgive 

a.  Easy b.  Deform 

c.  Punishd.  Inform 

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Q.8 Condemn 

a.  Ignor e b.  Justif y

c.  Induce




Q.9 Escape 

a.  Dislike b.  Encounter  

c.  Decr yd.  R un 

Q.10 Euphoria 


str ident b.  lethar gy

c.  liter ar y

d.  signif icante.  musical

English - III 

Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 10 :

Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it. That genetic engineer ing had the potential to tur n evolution upside down and inside out was

k now

n to

be theor 

etically po

ssi ble. No


was p

r epa

r ed

for  it

when it actually happened. When last week a Br itish scientist r eproduced a sheep from its mother  through genetic cloning, the

news was r eceived all around the wor ld with near-disbelief . In India too scientists r eacted

 broadly in the manner  of  their  wester n counter  par ts. In the Indian Institute of science at Banglor ewher e pioneer ing wor k on genetic engineer ing is under  way, a senior  scientist and chairman of  

the micro biology depar tment Dr . K.P. Go pinathan descr i bed the cloning of ³Dolly´, the Br itishlam b as a f antastic achievement. But he cautioned that ethical questions would have to be

convincingly answer ed befor e attem pts ar e made to similar ly clone human beings. Dr .Go pinathan himself has achieved consider able success in genetic engineer ing. His team is

cr edited with having cloned the luminescence gene of  the f ir ef ly onto a silk worm causing it to glow in the dar k. His depar tment is also at pr esent wor k ing on a method to cultivate in a

silk worm the gene that is r esponsi ble for  the growth of an individual.

Q.1 Genetic cloning 

a.  Has been accom plished by scientists

 b.  Is yet to be accom plishedc.  Will soon be possi ble

d.  Will always r emain an im possi ble f eat

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Q.2 The cloning of ³Dolly´, the British lamb, has raised questions that are primarily  

a.  Cur ious b.  Ethical

c.  Monetar y

d.   No


the above

Q.3 Dr. K. P. Gopinathan, Chairperson of the microbiology department  

a.  Has condemned the cloning of  Dolly b.  R emained indiff er ent of  the cloning of  Dolly

c.  Hailed the cloning of  Dollyd.  Was terr if ied at the f eat of cloning Dolly

Q.4 Dr. K. P. Gopinathan himself  


Has achieved conside

r able success in genetic enginee

r ing  b.  Has f ailed in his r esear ch in genetic engineer ing 

c.  Is contem plating r esear ch in genetic engineer ing 

d.   None of  the above

We talk about democr acy but when it comes to any par ticular  thing, we pr ef er a man belonging 

to our caste or community or  r eligion. So long as we have this k ind of  tem ptation it means thatour democr acy is a phoney k ind of democr acy. We must be in a position to r espect a man as a

man and to extend o ppor tunities for develo pment to those who deser ve them and not to those peo ple who happen to belong to our community or  r ace. This f act of  f avour itism and nepotism 

has been r esponsi ble for  much discontent and ill will in our  own countr y. If any one asks us whyw

e suff 

er ,w

e need no

t point t

othe sta

r s ab


or say that G

od has punished us. We have t

oput itdown to our  iniquities, our disloyalties and our deviations from the ideals which we prof ess. Tr ue

democr ats must not communal pr ejudices and conf licts.

Q.5 When does our concepts of democracy become phoney? 

a.  It becomes phoney when we cease to put our caste or community above the countr y.

 b.  When peo ple sto p suppor ting the gover nmentc.  When we pr ef er a man belonging to out caste, or  r eligion 

d.   None of  the above

Q.6 What should we do to make our democracy a reality? 

a.  We should f avour peo ple of  our communities

 b.  We should put the inter ests of  the other communities befor e our sc.  We should r aise, our selves above the narrow consider ations of caste and r espect a man as

a man d.   None of  the above

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Q.7 What factor is responsible for creating ill will in our country?  

a.  Favour itism and nepotism is r esponsi ble for cr eating ill will in our countr y b.  The f illing of  ill well in our countr y is cr eated by the insensitive natur e of  the peo ple

c.  The f eeling of  ill will in our countr y is the r esult of evil star s

d.   No


the above

Q.8 True democrats must not tolerate 

a.  Corr uption  b.   Nepotism 

c.  Communal pr ejudices and conf lictsd.  All of  the above

Accor ding to  Napoleon, ³It is a approved maxim in war  never  to do what the enemy wishes you

to do, for  this r eason alone that he desir es it.´  Non-violent r esistance acts f ully in accor dancewith N


leon¶s p

r inci ple. Y

our  vi


o pp


wants y

ou t

o f ight in the

way t

o w

hich he isaccustomed. If you utter ly decline, and ado pt a method wholly new to him, you have thus gainedan immediate tactical advantage. The sur  pr ise of  non-violent r esistance is eff ective because the

o pponent is so bound by his violent habits that he is ill pr epar ed to utilize the new tacticshimself . The sur  pr ise of  non-violent r esistance, unlike that of  war , is not due to deceit or  

str atagem but sim ply due to its novelty.

Q.9 The non-violent resister gains an immediate tactical advantage over his enemy because  

a.  He does not use the conventional method of  war  

 b.  He does not f ight at all


He do

es notf ight in a

way his ene

my is accust

omed t

o d.  He does not f ace the enemy dir ectly

Q.10 The non-violent resistance is effective because 

a.  The enemy is not able to use it himself   b.  It is deceitf ul

c.  It is a good str ategyd.  It har dly encour ages the enemy to f ight back