www.tfmm.nl successes of the public-private approach: the taskforce mobility management lars lutje...

www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public- private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)

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Page 1: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management

Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)

Page 2: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)



• Why was a Taskforce needed?

• Taskforce: who, what, how?

• 2008: 6 Covenants

• 2009: Pilots and more covenants

• Road Pricing

• Conclusions

• Discussion

Page 3: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


Why was a Taskforce needed?

• Negative impact of workplace related mobility Economy

Air quality

Social impact

• Corporate sector and government have a joint responsibility

• A Taskforce was created to convert this responsibility into action

• Taskforce is seen as better alternative than legislation and supply directed government approach

Page 4: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


Who is in this Taskforce?

• Member are representatives of Corporate sector

Employee organisation

Local government

National government

Plus some consulting members

• A unique cooperation between government and the corporate sector (PPS)!

Page 5: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


The Assignment

• Reduce peak-hour car-mobility by 5% in 2012

• Create alternatives for peak-hour car use

• Create awareness and changeover within companies

• Three pathways Regional covenants

Change in employment conditions


Page 6: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


2008: 6 regional covenants

• In 2008 six urban regions presented covenants

• Cooperation between local employers, employees and local government

• Each party taking his responsibility

• Hard commitment in this regions

• Other urban regions will now soon follow

• MM has become a theme in the boardrooms!

Page 7: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


2009: Pilots and more covenants

• Help new urban regions to get started• Facilitating regions and pilots financially• Knowledge base for Mobility

Management Campaigning by labour unions to get Mobility

Management into work arrangements

• Get medium-sized firms interested Facilitate working from home Mobility scans

• Encourage employees to change behaviour By creating awareness

• Monitoring and evaluation

Page 8: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


How does the Taskforce work?A new form of Mobility Management


• Focussed on product

• Initiative from government

• Supply directed

• Getting people to use other travel modes


• Tuned to needs

• Initiative from corporate sector

• Encourage conscious decision on if, when and how to travel

• Focus on telecommuting, more flexibility in working hours, roadpricing

Page 9: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


How does the Taskforce work?Inspire people to change behaviour

• Bringing people together to share ideas, knowledge and promote cooperation

• Promote cooperation in urban regions Covenant as alternative to legislation

• Financial support 15 million for 6 designated urban regions

15 million for other urban regions

10 million for national activities

• Help employers to see the benefits of MM Cost reduction, attractive employer, sustainable


Page 10: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


How does the Taskforce work?Help people to change behaviour

• Provide knowledge Expert meetings


Best practices

• Help them to get maximum effect by: Using our knowledge and experience

Guiding when needed (on outcome, but also the process)

Challenge them

Always stimulating cooperation

Page 11: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


Road pricing

• Road pricing will be introduced on a large scale in 2012

• 100 million euro for mobility project that support this introduction are linked with Taskforce

• 6 urban regions with covenant get funds for these mobility projects

• Taskforce provides the alternative, road pricing is a stimulus to use it

Page 12: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


2009 results!

Page 13: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)



• Success needs

a shared problem & sense of urgency

bottom-up and top-down approach

• Cooperation needs

a process approach

with lot’s of room for individual solutions

• For a long-lasting cooperation

create win-win situations

stay pro-active in an inspiring way

Page 14: Www.tfmm.nl Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)


More information

Projectsecretary TFMM

c/o Lars Lutje Schipholt

Van Diemenstraat 230

1013 CP Amsterdam

E-mail [email protected]

Phone 020 423 1323

Internet www.tfmm.nl