x-team: the culture book

The Culture Book

Upload: ryan-chartrand

Post on 20-Feb-2017




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The Culture Book

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Welcome to X-Team“Together, we are building a flatter world, where everyone has access to incredible opportunities, regardless of where they live.”

Ryan Chartrand, CEO, X-Team

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/fivesHigh-fives represent a common language shared between all of the many cultures within X-Team. We use /fives to celebrate our successes, both big and small.

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/fives/fives can happen anywhere, from e-mail to IM to x-team.com and beyond. Think of it as a global currency for appreciation.

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#sleepcanwait is the flag we wave when we create things with relentless passion. It’s a battle cry that says “When our dreams & goals are before us, sleep can wait.”


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#unleashWe’re a community of people who

believe each day is an opportunity to unleash your potential; that growth

is the result of proactive dedication. That is unleashing.

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Our CEO explains the importance of unleashing

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Speaking at conferences, contributing to open source projects, mentoring others, earning StackOverflow reputation, the list goes on of ways that X-Teamers unleash their potential from anywhere every day.


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Path to #unleashThe path to unleashing your potential has a beginning, but no end. Track your progress (and others’) using our app.

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superheroesWe consider ourselves a league of extraordinary superheroes from around the world, each with unique abilities.

We believe when you treat people like superheroes, they will act like them, too.

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We recognize and reward people in the X-Team community with an honorary superhero avatar after they show they know how to #unleash.


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superheroesBonus: Read the comic X-Team: Origins to learn about the lore of our superhero universe.

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respectX-Teamers come from a wide

range of countries, languages, races, genders, and cultures.

No matter our differences, we all share the same attitude and

dedication to unleashing together.

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X-Teamers are encouraged to work from anywhere. Most X-Teamers have many travel stories to share, so use the community to learn the best places to live & work.


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Together, we’ll build a world where everyone recognizes that unleashing your

potential isn’t dependent on where you are.

We wear the X to say:

“I am here, and I can achieve anything.”

why we wear the X