x8 drums on fire mountain

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  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


    Expert Game Adventure from the UKfor 5-8 characters of levels 5-8

    Production: Phil Gallagher &TSR U K Design TeamEditing: Jim Bambra, Phil GallagherTypesetting: Phi l Gallagher, PaulCockburn, Kim DanielArtwork: Brian Williams, Paul RuizCartography: Paul Ruiz

    Distributed to the book trade by Random House, Inc. and in Can-ada by Random House of Canada , Ltd. Distributed to the toy andhobby industry by regional distributors. Distributed in the UnitedKingdom by TSR UK Ltd.DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D are registered trademarksowned by TSR, Inc.O1984 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the UnitedStated of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use ofthe material or artwork cantained herein is prohibited without theexpress written permission of TSR, Inc.

    TSR,Inc. TSR UK Ltd.POB 756 The MillLake Geneva Rathmore RoadW I 53147 Cambridge CB14ADUSA United Kingdom


    ISBN 0-88038-181-7394-54370-XTSR0600Printed In The USA9127

    DRUMS ONFIRE MOUNTAIN- - - - - -by Gra eme Morris an d Tom KirbyTABLE OF CONTENTS

    INTRODUCTIONBackground, The AdventureAbbreviations 23TEKI-NURA-RIA (Encounter areas T1-T17: Map 2)

    Eastern Jungle, Southern Swamp 6Trai l of the Dead 6Slopes of Ni-Malowa, Village/Harbour 8

    Th e Voyage, The Island's Surface 4

    Northern Swamp 7

    UNDER NI-MALOWA (Encounter areas Nl-N32: MapManwu-papas' Tombs 9Kara-kara Chambers 11KalnaKaa's Rooms 13between pages 14 & 15Maerie iKalnaKaa iiPlayers' Sketch Map iiiIllustration 1, Illustration 2 iiiIllustration 3, Illustration 4 iv

    TEAR-OUT SHEET .....

    UNDER KI-ATA (Encounter area Kl-K46: Maps 4a-d)Pursuing KalnaKaa, Standard Features 18Valley Gate (Map 4a) 19Village Gate (Map 4b) 20Heart of the Mountain (Map 4c) 21Sea Gate (Map 4d) 25Going Back 26NEW MONSTERSKara-kara, FundamentalTopi, Agarat, Kal-muru 2728LIST O F TABLESTable 1: Wandering Monsters 5Table 2: Kara-kara War Canoe

    Table 3: Wandering Monsters Under Ki-ataMap 1: Sea of Dread Outside CoverMap 2 : Teki-nura -ria O utside CoverMap 3: Under Ni-malowa h i d e CoverMap 4: Under Ki-ata Inside CoverMap 4a: Valley Gate Inside CoverMap 4b: Village Gate Inside CoverMap 4c: Heart of the Mountain Inside CoverMap 4d: Sea Gate Inside CoverDiagrams 1-2 Inside CoverDiagram 3 Outside Cover



  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


    BACKGROUNDTeki-nura-riaTeki-nura-ria is a jungle-covered islandlocated amid the stormy waters south-eastof the Empire of Thyatis (see Maps 1 &2) .Long ago it was the home of a decadentpeople who increasingly took to a lifebelow ground an d were eventually des-troyed by their own excesses and attacksfrom a primitive, humanoid race known asthe kara-kara (see NEW MONSTERS -page 27). The kara-kara occupied theisland and gave it its name, which meansmountain of death. Over the years, theirtribal memory of how they gained theisland faded and they came to regard theformer occupants as their Ancestors.Th e waters a round T eki-nura-r ia were notonly stormy but also roamed by kal-murus(ship-bane: see NEW MONSTERS - page28), elemental beasts which attacked thecrews of ships from the civilised lands tothe north-west. Th e kara-kara learned totake advantage of this by plunderin g shipswhich the kal-murus had ravaged.

    KalnaKaaKalnaKaa is a magic-user/devil swine,driven from his home after contracting

    lycanthropy. He is cunning and cruel an dhis appearance befits his animal form. Heis fat and swarthy, with small, piggy eyes,black, bristly hair and a matching beardand moustache.He had fled with his daughter Maerie andthree charmed henchmen, and arrived bychance at the island. A t first the kara-karawere hostile, but when they saw KalnaKaain his swine form, they hailed him as theirpig god, Ta pu , and accepted him as theirmaster.Having found a secure base at last, Kalna-Kaa found and explored parts of the net-work of the Ancestors chambers, andtook u p residence in some of them. He alsofound the kal-murus and bent them to hiswill. Then he began to coordinate theattacks of the kara-kara and the elementalsinto a campaign of piracy and revengeagainst those who haddriven him from hishome.

    Rollo BargmannThe attacks began to cost the members ofthe Thyatis Seafaring Merchants Guilddear, and one of them, Rollo Bargmann,volunteered to send out two of his ships(the Belle Venture and the Dawn Lark ) toinvestigate the runiours of unnatural fogsand green-skinned pirates.


    Only the Venture returned, but i t brought akara-kara captive. Rollo Bargmann wasnot a man to resort to torture, but the use ofrogation. Eventually the kara-kara becameinsane an d killed itself, but by then RolloBargmann knew enough to send an ex-pedition to destroy the threat of Teki -nura-ria, a nd all he needed was a group of boldadventurers...

    magic gave him subtler means of inter-

    THE ADVENTUREThe adventure begins in the city port ofThyatis (seeMap l ) ,where the party will beapproach ed by Malmir, the elven seacaptain (fully recovered after his adven-ture). Malmir will introduce himself andexplain that his master, Rollo Bargmann,wishes to hire the adventurers for adangerous but profitable voyage and willask them to visit Rollo Bargmann a t theirvery earliest convenience.If they ask, Malmir will tell theadventurerswhere the merchants house is, but it is wellknown amongst the citizens of Thyatis,who will also vouch for the good characterof Malmir a nd Rollo Bargmann.When the adventurers go to Rollo Bar gmanns house, he will welcome them inand, after the usual introductions, willexplain the problem which is crippling the

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    Seafaring Merchants Guild. He will tellthem all he knows about the kara-kara,their island and the ocean around it. Someof the information which the DM shouldgive the players is contained in the pagefrom the Wise Mariners Almanac an d thepage from the Diary of Rollo Bargmann.Th e rest was extracted by Rol lo Bargmannfrom the kara-kara captive, and is listedbelow:- he shape of the kara-kara island (theDM should give the players the SketchMap from the Pull-out Sheet)- he kara-kara have a long, annual cere-mony durin g which most of them willbe in their underground temple; drumsbeat for the duration of the ceremony- here are hundreds of kara-kara and anopen attack on them would be suicidal- tunnel, forbidden to ordinary kara-kara, leads north-west from the Tra il ofthe Dead (shown on the Sketch Map);the tunnel is said to lead to a valley oftombs where there is a secret way intothe underground temple- he kara-kara have a new leader underwhom they have plundered more shipsthan ever

    Rollo will ask the party to help him an d hisfellow merchants by eliminating the kara-karas new leader. It should not be nec-essary, he will explain, to destroy the kara-kara themselves since until recently theyhave been thought of only as a nuisance. Ifthe adventurers accept in principle, Rol lowill offer the party a formal, writtencontract with the following terms:- he party will leave Thyatis on themorning tide aboard the Belle Venturewhich has been repaired after its earliervoyage (the urgent departure is in orderto arrive during the kara-kara ceremony)- he ship will take them to the island ofthe kara-kara where they will eliminatethe savages new leader- n board ship the adventurers will beunder the command of Captain Malmir,but may do as they see fit on the island- either the captain or his crew will helpthe party on the islandthepayonhesandhepaymaykeepanyhngncudngtreasure) which is found on the island- pon completion of the mission andtheir return to Thyatis, each survivingpar ty member will receive 5,OOOgp fromthe Seafaring Merchants Guild .

    ABBREVIATIONSMonster statistics are listed in tfollowing order:Number; Name; Armour class (AC); Hdice(HD);Hit points(hp);Movement ra(MV); Number of attacks (#AT); Dama(D) ; Save as (Save); Morale (ML); Aligment (AL); Experience point value (XRoll needed to hit armour class ze(THACO - see below); Source (book apage number).Th e following abbreviations are used:C -cleric; F- ighter; MU- agic-usE - lf; L - awful; N - eutral; Cchaotic; S- trength; I - ntelligence;- wisdom; D - exterity; C - ostitution; CH - charisma; B - D&DDungeon Masters Rulebook; E - D&Expert Rulebook.THACO =To Hit Armour Class Zero. This the roll on 1d20 needed by a creaturehit an opponent with AC 0. In most casthe roll needed to hit other armour classeTHAC O minus AC.


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    THE VOYAGE THE ISLANDS SURFACET h e v oy ag e to Teki -nura- r ia i s rough bu tuneven t fu l . Cap ta in Malmir and h i s c reware highly ski l led mariners , an d wil l f i rmlyrefuse an y an d al l offers of help f rom theparty . Malmir wil l navigate the BelleVen ture on a wide sweep around the i s landand approach it from the east. The Venturewill arrive at the island (see area T1) atd awn o n t h e n i n t h d a y of the voyage.Th e adven turers wi l l be pu t ashore in al i feboat (see Expert rulebook - p 4 3 ) an dMalmir wi l l t e ll them tha t the sh ip wi l lwait 5 days. H e wil l teach them a specialwhistle to be used as a signal on theirre tu rn . Th e DM shou ld use the Sketch Ma p(on the Pull-ou t Sheet) to show th e playerswhere the ship is anchored (area T1).Malmir wi l l d i sgu ise the sh ip as a rockus ing a hal luc ina to ry te r ra in spe l l f rom ascrol l . Neither he nor a ny of his crew wil lwi l ling ly accompany the adven tu rers on tothe island. Even if charmed , Malmirand/or the crewmen w ould be very reluc-tant com pani ons s ince their f i rs t loyal ty isto Rol lo Bargman who o rdered them tostay on the s hip .T he kara-kara wi l l no t see the Bel leVen ture a r r ive and wi l l no t spo t i t wh i le i twaits, h idd en, for the party .

    Tek i -nura- r ia can be though t of as consist-i n g of s ix a reas as shown on Map 2: theEas tern Jung le (p 6) , the Sou thern Sw am p(p 6 ) , t h e T ra i l of the Dead (p6) , theNo r t h e rn S wam p (p 7 ) , t h e S l o p es of N i-m a l o wa (p 8 ) an d t h e V i l l ag e /Ha rb o u r(p8). Each of these a reas has on e o r moref ixed encoun ters and mos t have wan der ingmonsters .

    MovementNear ly the who le of Teki -nura- r ia i scovered by dense vegetat ion. T hi s makesmovem ent difficult , and so the DM shou lduse underg round m ovement ra tes for m o n -sters and character s at all times.The Kara-karaT h e a n n u a l c er em on y of the kara-karas ta r t s a t dawn on the appo in ted day andlasts for four days and four nights , en dingat dawn o n the f i f th day . T he adven tu rersarrive at the island at dawn on the third daya n d so they will have 48 hours before theceremony ends. So long as the ceremony isin p rogress , the d rums in the vo lcanotemple (area N15) can be heard al l over thesurface of the is land.

    Du r i n g t h e c e r em o n y , m o s t of the kara-kara wi l l be in the v i l lage (a rea T16) o r thecaverns under the vo lcano Ni -malowa(areas N9-Nl6). The only exceptions to thiswi l l be the guards on the Tra i l of the Dead(area T4 ) and the kara-kara pa t ro ls ( seeWander ing Mons ters ) . These kara-karawi l l a t t ack any in t ruders on s igh t bu t , i fthey fa i l a m ora le check du r in g combat ,they wi l l a t t empt to flee back to theirvi l lage. Any kara-kara warriors ki l led onpatrol should be deducted from the totalnumber g iven fo r the dancing chamber(area N16).If a ny at tacking kara-kara elude the party ,the t r ibe wil l be warned that there areintrud ers on the is land. If no ne of th ewarrior s in a pa trol escapes, the t r ibe wil ls t i l l real ise that there are intruders on thei s land , bu t no t un t i l 3 hours l a te r, when thepatrol fai ls to re tu rn to the vi l lage.T h e k a ra -k ara w i ll n o t wan t to d is rup t theceremony in o rder to deal wi th in t ruders ,and wil l increase the s ize of their patrolsf rom 9 to 13 warriors. H owever, if andwhe n the adven turers hal t the ceremony inthe vo lcano temple (a rea N15) , the kara-kara wil l make every at tempt to destroythem . If they are unable to fo l low the par tyunderground, the kara-kara will send outextra patrols over the whole is land (seeWand er ing Mons ters ).


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    Apart from this, it is up to the DM to decideexactly how the kara-kara will react,bearing the following in mi nd- he kara-kara will not be able to re-build

    the rope bridge in the volcano temple(area N15) if it is cut.- he kara-kara will only be able to gothough the entrances to the tombs of themanwu-papas (areas NI-N8) if they areled by a manwu-papa.- one of the kara-kara will go throughthe Room of Crystals (area N17).-none of the kara-kara knows of thesecret entrances to the chambers underKi-ata (areas Kl-K46).- he kara-kara fear the shadows and othercreatures which roam the island duringthe hours of darkness, and will not befound above ground at night, except inthe village or at the guard post on theTrail of the Dead (area T4).

    The kara-kara believe that KalnaKaa istheir pig god, Tapu , and will tell the partythis if interrogated.

    WanderingMonstersThere are no wandering monsters on theTrail of the Dead or in the kara-karaVillage/Harbour. Elsewhere on the surfaceof the island, the DM should check forwandering monsters every 6 turns byrolling 1d6.In the Eastern Jungle a roll of 1 indicatesthat a wandering monster has appeared.Wandering monsters appear in theSouthern Swamp, Northern Swamp andSlopes of Ni-malowa on a roll of 1 or 2.Th e type of monster appearing is found byrolling 1d20 and checking the score againstthe appropriate column in TABLE 1.Wandering monsters marked (D) appearonly during the day and monsters marked(N) appear only at night. If one of thesemonsters is rolled at the wrong time, theDM should re-roll. Monsters marked (A)can appear a t any time.Once the kara-kara ceremony has beendisrupted, a roll of 4 or 5 on 1d6 (duringdaylight hours only), when checking forwandering monsters, means that the partyhas encountered a patrol of 13 kara-kara.Except for the kara-kara (see above), slainwandering monsters are not deducted fromthe numbers shown in the fixed encounters.The same kind of wandering monster canappear any number of times.

    TABLE 1-WANDERING MONSTERSMonsterastern Jungle Swamps Ni-malowa

    1-4(A) 1-5 (A ) Boars (1-4): AC 7; HD 3; h p 15 each;M V(30'); #AT 1 tusk; D 2-8; Save F2; MA L N; XP 35 each; THAC0 17; B27.5-6(Dl Giant horned chamefeon 1i;ard.s (1AC 2; HD 5 hp 23 each; MV 120' (4#AT 1 bite/l horn + special; D 2-8/Save F3; M I, 7; AL N ; XP 300 eTHAC0 15; B32.

    1-6(A ) Norma l crocodiles (2-7): AC 5; HD 2; each; MV 90' (30'); #A T 1 bite; D 1-8; SF1; ML 7; A L N; XP 35 each; THAC0E47.Giant gecko lizards (1-3): AChp 14 each; Mi' 120' (40'); #AT 1 bD 1-8; Save F2; ML 7; AL N; XP 50 eTHAC0 16; B32.

    7-8 (N)

    7-10 (D) Insect swarm* (1): AC 7; HD 4+; hpMV 60' (20'); #AT lO'xlO'x30' area efD 2 or 4; Save NM; ML 11; AL N; XP THA C0 Automatic hit; E52.

    11-13 (D) Giant racer snakes ( 1 4): AC 5; HD 2; heach; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 bite; D 1-6; SF1; ML 7; AL N; XP 20 each; THAC0B37.

    M V 90' SO'): #A T 1 touch; D -4 +Drapoint of strength for 8 turns;Save F2;12; A L C; XP 35 each; THAC0 17; B3615-20(A) 12-15 (A) Stirges (3-6): AC 7; HD I* ; hp 4 eaMV 180' (60'); #AT 1 beak; D 1-3+drblood; Save F2; ML 9; AL N; XP 13 eaTHAC0 19 (17 on first attack); B38.

    MV 120' (407; #A T 2 claws: D 1-6/1Special: SaveF2; M L 12; AL C XP50eaTH AC 0 17; New monster.18-20 (N) White apes (1-4): AC 6; HD 4; hp 19 eaMV 120'(40'); #AT2claws; D 1-4/1-4; S

    F2; ML 7; AL N; XP 75 each; THA C0 B25.


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    Magical Portals T3. Old VillageThe re are magical portals at areas T3 , T 6and K46 (in the sea-cave at the north-eastern corner of the island). T h e party willnot be able to find these except un der veryspecial circumstances (see page 18).

    JUNGLEhe eastern jungl e is a dense mass of tall,opical trees and undergrowth. T h e kara-

    to forage.

    h e partys ship, the Belle Venture, will bethis bay on the eastern side of(seeT H E V O YA GE - page 4).

    Taran te l lao matter what route they take thro ugh the

    this clearing after 6 turns :

    You have come to a circular clearingwhere the grou nd ha s been flattenedas if by many feet. In the centre is th egnarled stum p of a hug e tree.

    he ground was trampled by the dan cingof a tarantella which lives insidetree stump. Its nest inside theof bones and contains aof black pearls (value - 2670gp).he spider will at tack if the adventurerstarantella: AC 5 ; H D 4*; hp 24; MV 120

    ;# A T 1 bite; D 1-8+pois on; Save F2;8; AL N; P 125; T H A C 0 16; B38.ow vs. Pois on or be convulsed-12 turns. An yone wa tchin g theake a saving throw vs.or start to dance in the same way.to hit andto hit.cing characters collapse from exhau st-

    Th e jungle th ins a l i tt le , and youfind the ruins of a village chok ed bytrees and undergrowth. T he roofs ofthe long, wooden huts have coll-apsed, leaving bare bam boo frames.Only one bu i ld ing remains s tand-ing; a stone tower built against themountainside.

    This vil lage was abandoned long ago bythe kara-kara, an d the ruins of the woodenhuts contain n o th ing of interest or value.T he stone tower is about 50 feet square inplan and originally had three floors, butthese have collapsed. It stands with itseastern wall against the mountain.The re is a magical portal in to the chambersunder Ki-ata (see area K15) at g rou nd levelin the eastern wall of the tower, but theadventurers w ill not be able to find it fromthis side (see page 18). T h e entrance to th etower is through a n open doorway on thewestern side. Just inside the doorway onthe right h and side, stone steps lead down20 feet to a 20-foot-square cellar. T hi s is thelair of three white apes which will attackany intruders.3white apes: AC 6 ; H D 4; h p 24 ,20 ,17; MV120 (40); #A T 2 claw s; D 1-4/1-4; Save F2;ML 7; AL N ; XP 75 each; TH A C0 16; B25.Concealed by the rubbish on the floor is agold and ivory sword hilt (value - 1210gp).

    SOUTHERN SWAMPOnce this area was a bay which the kara-kara used as a harbo ur for the ir old village(areaT3) .W h en h evillagew asabandoned ,the bay silted up and is now covered by aswamp of knee-deep, murky water. Theswamp itself is not dangerous, but it isovergrown by mangrove trees whose rootsform a tangled mass beneath the water.

    TRAIL OF THE DEADAn old pa th run s alon g a gulley betweenthe two volcanoes Ni-malowa and Ki-ata.From the kara-kara gu ard post (area T4 ) atthe south-western end, the path climbs upto where two side valleys (areas T7 a n d T 6 )branch off , and then runs down to th ecauseway in to the northern sw amp (areasT12 and T13) .


    Fixed encountersT4. Mounted Guards

    T he ungle g ives way to the bare rockfloor of a nar row valley ru nnin g upbetween the mou ntai ns. A little wayup the valley, in a strange, boneenclosure are half a dozen kara-kara,tw o of them o n gia nt l izards.

    The six kara-kara guards and their tgian t horned cham eleon lizards will attathe par ty o n s igh t . Th e guards wil l chanpossible (see NEW MO NST ERS, Kakara - page 27). Each lizard has the samorale as i ts r ider , but this drops to 5 ifrider is killed. The kara-kara all hashields and each has two wooden spean d a wooden pick. Each has lOgp worthcrude ivory or coral jewellery.6 kara-kara warriors: AC 8; H D 1+1 (1+h p 5 (8)each ; MV 120 (40); #A T 1 weapoD 1-6; Save F1 (F2 );M L 9 ( 11); A L C ; X Peach; TH AC 0 18; New Monster.2 giant horned chameleon l izards: ACH D 5*; hp 28 each; MV 120 (40); #A Tbite/l horn + special; D 2-8/1-6 ;Save FML 9 (11) or 5; AL N ; X P 300 eacTH A C 0 15; B32.Characters hit by a horne d chameleonsfoot- long tongue will be pulled tomo uth an d bit ten for 2-8 points of damagA hit by its tail will prevent a characfrom attacking in the next round.T h e enclosure has a low wall madebones lashed toge ther. It is roughly squawith a n en t rance on each s ide. Th e kakara believe, wron gly, that it keeps out tshadows which roam the island at night

    T5. T r a p o n t h e P a t hA trail runs along the floor of th egulley, marked by huge, worn pavin gslabs and rounded steps where thepath is steepest. At intervals of tenpaces, pairs of stone sta tues face eachother across the path. Their shapeswere once humanoid but nearly allhave lost a head, an arm or both.Som e have fallen over completely.

    T h e statues l ine both sides of the trail froo n e en d of it to the other, but there is on

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    of undamaged statues. Th is pair isked T5 on Map 2.

    h round at one of the characters (chosentween them duringh l igh tni ng bolt will inflictof damage (halved if thecter makes a saving throw vs. Spells).

    s side valley is the home of a rock. I t will attack the party if disturbed.o treasure.python: AC 6; HD 5* ; h p 35; MV 90#AT 1 bite +squeeze; D 1-4+2-8; SaveN; XP 300; TH AC 0 15; B37.

    hons bite is successful, it coilse round, doing a further 2d4 points ofbe

    e adventurers will not be able to find thecal portal (see page 18) in to theKi-ata (see area K4) at theof this side valley.

    North-western Side Valley

    At the far end of this dusty side valleyyou see a dark opening leading intothe mountainside. The opening isblocked by a gate of brightly paintedbamboo poles adorned with bones.

    be opened easily.

    3)s enter this tunnel at the

    the other end- 60of aron Gates

    Two thick, iron gates block yourway, lashed together with an intri-cately knotted rope.

    Th e gates have hinges set i nto the walls ofthe tunnel. T he knot is magical; a thief hasthe same chance of untying it as of pickinga lock. Any other character will auto-matically fail. Any unsuccessful attempt tountie the knot will tighten it and make itimpossible to untie, even if the thief makesa successful pick locks roll.Th e knot may be cut or burned easily, butthis will trigger a tr ap which will cause ashower of rubble to fall from the ceiling.All characters within 20 feet of the gateswill suffer 2d8 points of damage (halved ifthey make a successful saving throw vs.Wands).

    T9. Mud PatchBeyond the iron gates, the floor of thetunnel dips down slightly and is covered bya layer of mud about 1 inch thick. Thismuddy patch extends right across thetunnel and is 30 feet long.Hidden in the mud are hundredsof strong,sharp, metal spikes which are tipped withpoison. Unless they take suitable pre-cautions, characters walking through themud will step on ld6-1 spikes. Probing themud ahead with a pole, for example, willallow characters to avoid treading on thespikes.Each spike inflicts 1 point of damage whenit is trodden on. The poison causes apainful swelling of the legs, halving thecharacters movement rate for 3d4 hours.Th e effects of the poison are negated by asuccessful saving throw vs. Poison.

    T10. Illusion and Spiders LairTh e light at the end of the tunnel is causedby a hallucinatory terrain spell which willbe broken as soon as the adventurers reachit:

    You press on towards the distantlight at the end of the tunnel.Suddenly, your vision wavers... thelight vanishes and instead you see amass of dusty webs blocking yourway.

    The web is the home of an old, giant blackwidow spider. She will attack the adven-turers as soon as they walk through theillusion. Her poison causes 18 points ofdamage (negated if the victim makes a


    successful saving throw vs. Poison). Entangled in her web are 20 gems (value100gp each).1 giant black widow spider: AC 6; HD 3+hp 16; MV 60 (20) or 120 (40) in web#AT 1 bite; D 2- 12+poison (18 hp); SavF2; ML 8; AL N ; XP 50; THAC0 17; B38

    T11. Exit to the Valley of TombsIf the adventurers go through the secredoor near the iron gates (area T8) thtunnel beyond will lead them to the vallewhere they will find the entrances to thtombs of the manwu-papas. The DMshould refer to the MANWU-PAPASTOMBS on page 9.NORTHERN SWAMPThe swamp is an area of muddy poolovergrown by trees and other plantsVisibility is poor, and progress will oftebe barred by tangled vegetation, but thswamp is not, in itself, dangerous.

    Fixed EncountersT12. Wooden CausewayAn old, 10-foot-wide wooden causewaruns into the swamp from the northeastern end of the Trail of the Dead. It isolid and safe, but blocked at many pointby trees and other plants which spreaacross it from either side. It ends at a 20foot-square platform, surrounded bswamp.If they have not already encountered thhydra which lives in the swamp (see areT13), the adventurers will be attacked by iwhen they reach the platform.

    T13. HydraWhen the adventurers reach the platform athe end of the wooden causeway (area T12or 3 turns after they enter the swam(whichever is sooner) they will be attackeby an eight-headed hydra.1 eight-headed hydra: AC 5; HD 8; hp 64MV 120(40); #A T8 bites; D 1-lO(x8);SavF8; ML 11;A L N ; XP 650; THAC0 12;E52.For every 8 points of damage taken by thhydra, one head is destroyed. Th e creaturhas no treasure.

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    The jungle comes to a sudden endand you find that you have reachedthe top of the mountain. At your feetthe ground drops away into a steep-sided crater with a still, emeraldgreen pool at the bottom.

    e slopes of Ni-malowa are covered in theof dense jungle as the easternof the island. Th e volcano is dormant,

    a (see area T15).e party comes to the edge of the valley

    to the tombs ofDM should refer toTOMBS n pageeslopesdown into the valley are steep


    er route is taken across the slopes ofbe attacked by a

    There is a movement in the under-growth behind you... hen another infront... and on either side... In aninstant you are beset from all sides bya horde of tiny, silent humanoids ,leaping towards you with out-stretched claws.

    opis are in addit ion to any encoun-red as wandering monsters.topis: AC 6; HD 3*; hp 18,16,15,14,13M V 120 (40)#AT 2 claws; D+ Special; Save F2; ML 12; AL C;

    or be affected by theof a slow spell for 1-2 turns.to spells such as sleepurn as wights. Non-edgedns do only half damage to them but

    1 round.

    minerals by the volcano below, and anunusual, outdoor variety of green slime hasgrown in a thin layer across its surface. Itlooks like a layer of weed or algae but isotherwise identical to the undergroundvariety. It will attack any characters whocome down to its pool. Because of the waterin the pool, non-magical fire will onlyinflict half damage on the slime. Charactershit by the monster will turn to green slimein 1-4 rounds unless the s lime is burned offor a cure disease spell is used.1 green slime: AC Always hit; HD 2**;hp 16; M V 3 (1); # A T 1 touch; D Turnsflesh int o slime; Save F1; ML 7; AL L; XP30; THAC0 18; B31.The pool is 20 feet deep. At the bottom is alarge gold amulet bearing a star sapphire(value - 3000gp), three gems (value- 540gpeach), and a pair of matching silverarmbands (value - 335gp each).VILLAGE/HARBOURThe adventurers should be discouragedfrom attacking the kara-kara village, sincethere are so many of these humanoids hereand in the underground chambers (areasN15 and N16) that they are likely toovercome the party in a straight fight.When the adventurers can first see into thevillage, the DM should read out thefollowing description:

    Cradled between two jungle-coveredarms of the mountain is a village oflong, wooden huts with scores ofkara-kara dancing in the open spacebetween them. At the back of thevillage is the mouth of a large cave,filled with the flickering light oftorches. From the depths of the cavecomes the echoing beat of drums andraucous chanting. One glance isenough to convince you that RolloBargmanns warning about thedangers of attacking the tribe openlywas no exaggeration.In front of the village is a small bay,where five large outrigger canoes liedrawn up oh the beach.

    T16. VillageThere are 180 kara-kara in the villageduring the ceremony (the others are inareas N15 and N16).


    30kara-kara warriors: AC 8; HD 1+1 (1+4);hp 3x 9( 12), 27x 5(8); M V 120 (40); #AT 1weapon; D 1-6; Save F1 (F2);ML 9 (11);ALC; X P 15 each; THA C0 18; New monster.130 kara-kara females: AC 9; H D 1+1; hp5each; M V 120 (40); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-4Save F1; M L 9;A L C; XP 15 each; THAC 018; New monster.20 kara-kara young: AC 9; HD 1+1; hp 3each; MV 120 (40); #AT 0; D 0; Save F1;M L 2; AL C; XP 0; New monster.Th e warriors a ll have shields and are armedwith two wooden spears and either awooden pick or a stone-headed mace (seeNEW MONSTERS, kara-kara - page 27).They will attack the party on sight andbegin their chant in order to improve theirhit points, saving throws and morale. T hefemales have stone daggers, and will onlyfight in self-defence. Th e young will notfight. The warriors each have 1Ogp in crudcoral jewellery.Every 2 rounds after the adventurers beginto fight the warriors in the village, 10 morechan ting kara-kara (nine warriors and a9-hit-point leader) will emerge from thecaverns behind the village (areas N15 andN16). There will be a total of 190 malekara-kara (171 warriors and 19 leaders) inthese caverns, minus any previously killedas wandering monsters.If the adventurers flee from the village,only nine warriors and a leader will chaseafter them, while the restof the tribe returnto the ceremony. From then on, however,all patrols of kara-kara encountered aswandering monsters will contain 13 ratherthan 9 kara-kara.The 10 village huts are each 40 feet longand 20 feet wide. They contain onlybedding, stores of food, primit ive tools anddomestic utensils.T17. HarbourThere are five ornately carved war canoeswith outriggers pulled u p on the beach.They have n o sails and require a t least 35rowers to move at full speed.

    Table 2- ara-Kara War CanoeMovement: 18miledday,90 feethoundCrew: 40 (all rowers)Armour Class: 8Capacity: 20,000 cnHull Points: 41-50

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    ug by the Ances -- h e r ace wh i ch i n h ab i t ed T ek i -

    THE MANWU-PAPASTOMBS ( a r ea sm s h av e b e en m o d i f i edy the kara-ka ra to serve as bur ia l c hambe rsr the i r ma nw u-p apa s (wi tch -docto rs) .n e of t h e t o m b s ( t h a t of Kota-ef-ni tek -s N3 a nd N 6) i s somet im es used byn a Kaa an d t h e l i v i n g m an wu -p a p a s a sret entranc e to t h e c h am b e r s u n d e r t h e

    KARA-KARA CHAMBERS ( a r ea s N9 -of t h e i r p i gKalnaK aa is regarded by the kara-k araa p i g god an d wi l l be p res id ing over any invo lv ing m os t of the kara-karaon the i s land .

    : KALNAKAAS ROOMS ( a r e a sN32). T h e room of hang ing crys ta l s17 ) has a lways p reven ted th e kara-ra f rom en te r ing th i s a rea . KalnaKaa , h i san d h en ch m en h av e t ak en u pidence here. A tunn el ( area N32/K1)to t h e m o reer vo lcan o- i-ata (areas K1 - K46).

    N i -m a l o w a a r e 1 5 f ee t h i g h , a l l r o o m s a n dc h am b er s a r e 20 f ee t h i g h , a n d a l l d o o r s a r em a d e of slabs of s tone he ld in i ron f rames .Many of t h e ro o m s a r e i l l u m i n a t ed , b u to t h e rwi s e t h e d e s c r i p ti o n s a s s u m e t h a t t h ep a r t y h a s s o m e s o u rce of l ight . If not , theDM m u s t am en d t h em a cco rdi n gl y .T h e d r u m s i n t h e v o lc a n o t e m pl e ( a r eaN15) cann o t be heard in a reas N4-N7.

    MANW U-P AP AS T O M B ST h e e n t ran c es to t h e t o m b s of t h e m a n w u -p ap as a r e i n a d u s t y v a ll ey o n t h e n o r t h -eastern s ide of t h e v o l ca n o N i -m a l o wa :

    Before y o u is a short , s teep-sidedval ley , wh ich looks ou t over theocean to the nor th -eas t . Jung le t reesg r o w r i g h t u p to the s ides of th evalley but there seems to be n o l i feamid the dus ty rocks on the va l leyf loor . At the head of the val ley, three,s ta rk s tone s t ruc tu res comple te thesense of desolat ion.

    After reading this descript ion, the D Mshou ld show the p layers I l lu s t ra t ion 1 f ro mt h e P u l l -o u t Sheet.


    E ach s t ru c t u re h a s a r e c t an g u l a r p l a t fo rex tend ing ou t f rom the va l ley wal l , wis t ep s l e ad i n g u p to i t a t t h e f ro n t . T hp l a t fo rm s a n d s t ep s a r e b u i l t of massis t o n e s lab s. T h e p l a t fo rm s a r e ab o u t 6 feh igh , 32 fee t long a nd 20 fee t wide . T htops of the upper s labs a re abou t 15 feabove the p la t fo rms .At the back of each platform is a pairr ec t an g u l a r p i ll a rs , w h i c h s u p p o r t o n e mor e la rge hor izon ta l s tone s labs . Betweeea ch p a i r of p i l l a rs is a magical portwhich leads th rough the 10-foo t - th icso l id rock wal l to o n e of t h e t o m b s of thm a n w u - p a p a s .In s c r i p t i o n s on the s ton es g ive clues a sh o w e a c h of the mag ica l po r ta l s can bo p en ed . W h en t h e p a r t y p e r fo rm s t hcorrect act ions, a passage (created by a paswa l l ) wi l l appe ar th ro ugh the rock fab e tween t h e p i l l a r s . T h e p o r t a l s c an bopened f rom the ins ide by touch ing thp lace wh ere the passage wi l l appe ar . Tp o r t a l s r em a i n o p en for 1 t u rn , a n d can breo p en ed an y n u m b e r of times.T h e s o u r c e s of the por ta l s a re ye l lowpain ted c i rc les on the end wal l s of thcorr idors beh ind the en t rances . These at h e o n l y p a r t s of the por ta l s wh ich havem ag i ca l au ra .

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    N1. En trance to th e T o m b of Su-hana-ko

    Th is place has the st i l l , dead air of acrypt. Its rough-hewn walls andfloor are bare, a nd a veil of cobwebscovers the ceil ing. In the darkness atthe far end, you can make o ut fourshadowy alcoves, two on each side.The f irst two are empty, but fromthose beyond comes the enticingglint of gold.

    T h e DM should show the players I l lu-stration 2 from the Pull-out Sheet.The three niches in the slabs above theporta l each contain a jaw-bone from a largepig. They have valueonly to the kara-kara.The horizontal lines with jagged linesbetween them are kara-kara w riting. Th ewriting above the portal reads Su-hana-ko, a name which means dancer. Thename can be read and i ts meaning under-s t o o d by the useof a read languag es spell orsimilar means. IT h e pass-wall portal will op en if anycharacter performs (even approximately)the dance show n by the six carved panelson the stones beside the opening. T h e DMmay even insist that the player concernedperforms the dance!

    N2. Entrance to the Tom b of Kono-tiT h e DM s hould show the players I l lu-stration 3 from the Pull-o ut Sheet.Th ere are three sets of inscriptions on theentrance. The se can be read by mean s of aread languages spell, and a thief (4th levelor above) has an 80% chanceof understand-ing each inscription. T hey read as follows:- n the horizontal slab: Na-ho- kono -timean in g To m b of Kqno-ti. On read-ing the insc ription it will be clear thatKono-ti is a name meaning wiseone.- n the left-hand pillar: Lowa-nekmeaning Order in . . . I .- n the right-hand pillar: Set-atomeaning I . . . all things.T h e three panels in the centre of th e topslab represent (from left to r ight) a spider , abird and a fish. They can be pushed inabout half a n inch a nd slide back out againwhen released.These panels, and the similar ones on thepillars, are arranged in five of the sixpossible orders in w hich the three symbolscan be pu t. If th e adv entu rers realise thi sand push the panels of the top stone in therem aining order , that is: bird - fish -spide r,the pass-wall will open through to th epassage beyond. The inscriptions on thepillars should serve the party as clues tohow the tomb is entered.

    If the panels are pressed in any o ther order,the hidden trap-door in the platform infront of the portal will open, droppinganybody o n it in to a 20-foot-deep pit (2d6points of damage each). This trap cannotbe disarm ed, but it can be avoided. Settingoff the trap w ill not prevent the pass-wallfrom ope nin g if the panels are pressed inthe correct order afterwards.The carved faces on the portal and ateach end of the top slab are only decoration.

    N3.Entrance to the Tom b of Kota-ef-nitekT h e DM s hould show the players I l lu-stration 4 from the Pull-ou t Sheet.The inscr ip t ion on the top s lab readsKota-ef-nitek, a name meaning thetwin. T hi s can be read and understood bythe use of a read languag es spell or similarmeans, and a thief (4th level or above) hasa n 80%chance of understanding it.Th e face on the figure between the pillarsand the one on the bottom right-handpanel of the right-hand pillar are verysimilar . The inscription is a clue to thisand , if they are touched at the same time orwith in 1 round , the pass-wall %ill open.Th e panel with the design:

    is magically tra ppe d. If it is touched, a blastof magical fire will gush ou t and inflict 10points of damage ( 5 if a successful savingthrow vs. Spells is made) on all characterswith in 15 feet. The desig n is the kara-karasdeathsym bol. I tcanno t bereadby meansofa read langu ages spell.

    N4.Crypt of Su-hana-kot \

    The passage opens into a mustycham ber. Before you is a sm all, stonecasket, flanked by a pair of plain,stoppered jars. To right and left,half-hidden by shadows, two statuesma intain a silent vigil.\ JT he ars are stoppered and sealed with wax.Each conta ins an ochre jelly w hich willattack if the lid is removed or if th e jar is


    broken , ga in ing surpr ise on a ro ll of 1-ld6. T h e jellies are only harmed by fircold an d can dissolve wood, leather acloth. Attacks by weapons or l ightndivide them into smaller jellies.2 ochre jellies: AC 8; H D 5* ; hp 20, MV 30 (10); #AT 1 touc h; D 2- 12; SaveML 12; AL N; XP 300 each; THACOB35.The casket is qot locked, but is trap(normal chances of detection). The tworks by firing two crossbow bolts sways, which will smash the jars unlthese have been moved. This will )relthe ochre jellies, but w ill not ha rm thAny character in the lineof fire will takepoints of damage (automatic hit) but wprevent the jar o n tha t side from breakiT h e casket conta ins a sm all, sealed cerajar , a f inely made jade axe-head (valu170gp) and a pair of matching, gbracelets (value - 560gp each). T he (which has no value) contains the cremaremains of Su-hana-ko , a longdeparmanwu-papa of the kara-kara.T h e statues represent on e of the kara-kagods; a creature with the body of a kakara and the head of a boar. They havevalue.

    N5.Crypt of Kono-ti

    The cobwebs were woven by hundredssmall, harmless spiders whic h live on ceiling. T h e two nearest alcoves are filby tw o gelat ino us cubes. The y are difficto see, and will at tack anyone wh o mobetween them, as well as in self-defenCharacters hit must make a saving thrvs. Paralysis or be paralysed for 2-8 turGe lat ino us cubes are unaffected by coldlightning.2 gelat inous cubes: AC 8;H D 4*; hp 19,paralysis; Save F2; ML 12; AL N; XP each; T H A C O 16; BSO.MV 60 (20); #A T 1 touch; D 2-8

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    Each of the farther alcoves contains theskeleton of a kara-kara wearing two goldankle bracelets (value - 575gp each).he door of the secret compartment at the

    f the crypt is trapped. If the trap is notof poisonous gas isreleased when the door is opened. Anyhin 10 feetof the door must make. Poison or be paralysedfor ld12+3 urns. A cure light wounds spell

    kara skeleton and a small, sealed jar. Theof Kono-ti (a manwu-papam long ago) and is wearing an exquisite- 75Ogp). The jar contains 12 ivory- 105gp each).

    6.Crypt of Kota-ef-nitek

    Opening the door, you find a mustychamber - tomb for the haggardcorpse lying on a central slab, and itslong dead attendants slumpedagainst the walls. Suddenly theirlifeless eyes turn on you and theyspring forwards; bony fingers reach-ing out and jaws agape.lab and four of thoseghouls. T he other two


    ghouls: AC 6; HD 2,; hp 12, 10, 9, 8, 7;V go (30); #AT 2 cl aw dl bite +9;B30.agarats? A e 4; HD 4+3*; hp 25,22; MV0 30); #AT 2 claws/l bite + scream;1-3/1-3/1-3; Save F5; ML 11; AL C;0 each; THACO 15; New monster.or be paralysed2-8 turns. Agarats can scream once perAll characters within 20 feet mustor suffer a 11- 4 turns.

    lying on the stone slab was once- 310gp

    - 760gp).


    N7.Kota-ef-niteks Treasure Room

    The air here is dull and silent,seeming to swallow up any soundsyou make. The room is in the shapeof a T, with narrow branches toeither side and a wider part ahead,from which a life-sized crystal skullglares at you from a stone plin th. T oyour left and right, similar plinthsbear large crystal vials.

    Th e room is trapped in an unusual way. Ifany of the three crystal items is lifted fromits stone plinth the room will be filled witha loud whistling sound. This will rise inpitch as the object is moved away from theplin th, going beyond the range of char-acters hearing when it is 10 feet away. Itwill drop in pitch if the object is movedback towards its plinth and will stop if it isreplaced, but will start again if the object isremoved once more. If the object is moved20 feet or more from the plinth, the soundwill reach a pitch where every non-magicalobject inside the room which is made ofglass, crystal or ceramic (including theskull, vials and any similar items carried bythe adventurers) has a 50% chance ofshattering.Th e whistle is magical and the whole roomhas a magical aura. The magic may beremoved permanently by a dispel magicspell (the whistling magic was created by alevel 14 magic-user) or nullified for theduration of a silence 15 radius spell castanywhere in the room. The whistle cannotbe heard outside the room and only affectsobjects and creatures inside it.The crystal skull is very finely made and isworth 2500gp. The vials contain potions.The vial on the eastern plinth holds fourpotions of healing (a colourless, bitterliquid) and the western vial contains twopotions of gaseous form (colourless andsweet).

    N8. Long Corridor

    A rock-hewn passage stretches beforeyou, filled with the faint but persist-ent rhythm of beating drums.\ JThis passage is 1800 feet long. The air andthe walls are noticeably warmer towards itssouth-western end because of the heat fromthe mountains volcanic core.11

    KARA-KARA CHAM BERThe drums in the volcano temple (rooN15) may be heard in rooms N8-Nl6.

    N9.Room with Statues

    T o your relief, you find that thisroom is unoccupied. The plasteredwalls bear faded horizontal bands ofred and green. Four wooden, boar-headed statues with humanoid bodiesface inwards from the corners. Thewood is old and worn but the eyesand tusks of the statues are brightwith inlaid mother-of-pearl.

    The statues are actually wood golemwhich will attack anyone entering troom. If attacked with fire, the golems wtake the normal extra damage (saving -2), but will also give off clouds of thismoke which will obscure charactervision for a -2 penalty on hit rolls. Tgolems havea - 1 penalty on initiativerolThey are immune to cold, missiles ansleep, charm and hold spells.4 wood golems+: AC 7; HD 2+2*; hp each; MV 120(40); #AT 1 fist; D 1-8;SaF1; ML 12; AL N; XP 35 each; THACO 1E50.The eyes and tusks are worth a total 245gp per golem, but the use of fire ongolem will ruin them.

    N10. The Great Manwu-papa

    Glaring at you from the centre of theroom is a kara-kara, resplendent in ahead-dress and long robe of brightlycoloured feathers. Gathered aroundhim are eight other kara-kara, wear-ing loin-cloths and body paint andwielding short, tooth-edged swords.

    The creature in the robes is the kara-karachief manwu-papa. He has a shield and wearing wooden armour under the robeHe is armed with an iron mace +1 and hathe following spells: cause fear, cure lighwounds, curse, hold person and silence 1radius. The manwu-papas curse specauses cowardice. An affected charactemust make a saving throw vs. Spells at thbeginning of every combat, or flee for turns (as if affected by a cause fear spell).

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    His attendants are ordinary kara-karawarriors armed with sharks-tooth swords(treat as short swords). When they see theparty, the kara-kara will begin t ochan t (seeNEW MONSTERS, Kara-kara - page 27).If the kara-kara fail a morale check duringcombat, they will surrender.

    fThis storeroom is unoccupied.Against the far wall, an untidy heapof primitive weapons has beendumped next to three large, un-stoppered jars.

    1 kara-kara manwu-papa : AC 6; HD 6; hp28; M V 120 (40); #A T 1 mace +1; D 2-7;Save C6; ML 9 (11) ; AL C; X P 500;THACO 14; New monster.8 kara-kara warriors: AC 9; HD 1+1 (1+4);h p 5(8) each; MV 120 (40); #A T 1 shortsword; D 1-6;Save F1 (F2);ML 9 (1 1);AL C;X P 15 each; THA CO 18; New monster.Th e manwu-papas robe and head-dressare worth a total of 950gp. He is alsowearinga very fine jadea mulet inlaid withmother-of-pearl (value - 750gp) and a pai rof jade earrings (value - 75gp each). Each ofthe warriors has only lOgp worth of crudecoral jewellery.Thi s is the manwu-papas robing room. Itswalls were once plastered, but most of thishas fallen off and the kara-kara havepainted patterns on the wall in brightgreen, red an d yellow. Th ree wooden pegshave been fixed into the eastern wall. Asack hangs from one of the pegs, alongwith five human skulls lashed togetherwith twine.The sack contains a copper bracelet, 27iron nails a nd a small , sealed bottle filledwith a fierce chilli sauce. One of the skullscontains a small ivory box inlaid with coraland mother-of-pearl (value - 350gp), inwhich is a large pearl (value - 500gp).

    N 11. Manwu-papas Quarters/ \

    A hurried glance around this luridlydecorated chamber assures you that itis unoccupied. It seems to be abedroom for three people; peoplewith a liking for bright red, greenand yellow paint!

    Th is is the bedroom for the three manwu-papas of the kara-kara tribe. They havepainted the plastered walls with pat terns intheir favorite colours.Three wooden beds with mattresses ofpalm leaves stand against the western wall,each with a wooden peg hammered into thewall above it. Tw o of the pegs have sackshanging from them.

    The left-hand sack contains the skull of ahalfling, a pebble with a natural holethrough it, 23 rusty nails and the dried tailof a lizard. The ri ght-hand sack contains arusty iron knife, several pieces of scrap ironand some cremated animal bones wrappedin pa lm leaves. Mingled with the bones are20 small pearls (value - 25gp each).To the left of the beds is a low table with aceramic jug, six beakers and four woodenbowls arrangedon it. Th e bowls hold tasty,exotic fruits, and the ju g contains a thick,sickly, alcoholic drink.

    N12. Prison Pi ts3noxious stench like a du ng heapassails you as you open the door tothis lofty natural cavern. The floordrops away into two yawning pits,leaving only a ledge and a narrowrock causeway to link this door withthe other two entrances.

    The prison pits are 30 feet deep, anddownward-pointing bamboo spikes havebeen set into the sides just below the level ofthe causeway, in order to prevent prisonersfrom escaping.The re are three kara-kara prisoners in theeastern pit, captives from a tribe whichlives on another kara-kara island. Theyhave no weapons or possessions and willcower at the far side of the pit, even if theparty attempts to release them. If they areforced out of the pit they will flee towardsroom N13.3 kara-kara prisoners: AC 9; HD 1+1;hp 4,2,2; MV lZO(40);ATO; D0; ave F1;ML 2; AL C; X P 0; New monster.If the prisoners get through the door , theguards will be alerted and will rush intothis room to attack, chanting as they run.The other pit contains the body of a n elfand three hu man skeletons. Also in the pitis an engraved platinum belt (value -1500gp) which the kara-kara have ignored.

    N13. GuardroomThe guards in this room will rush intoroom N12 if they are alerted by theprisoners, or in to room N15 if the beat ofthe drums stops. Thi s description assumesthat the party encounters them here:


    Facing you across the room are fivekara-kara, chanting in time to thebeat of the drums and waving theirclubs and spears in a strange dance.ITh e guards will attack the party on sightThey are already chanting and so haveimproved hit points, saving throws andmorale (see NEW MONSTERS, Kara-kara- page 27). If they fail a morale checkduring combat, they will surrender ratherthan flee. Each of the guards has lOgpworth of coral and amber jewellery.5 kara-kara warriors: AC 8; HD (1+1) 1+4h p (5 )8 each; MV 120 (40); #AT 1 stonmace or wooden spear; D 1-6; Save (F1 F2ML ( 9 ) 11 ; AL C; X P 15 each; THAC O 18New monster.Th e room has pl ain rock walls, floor andceiling. On the lower parts of the walls theguards have scratched meaningless primitive designs.On the floor against the southern wallextending along its entir e length, is a-Kedofpalm leaves, 6 feet wide and 2 feet thickNear the northern wall is a pile of tastytropical fruits and a jar of water.

    N14. Armoury

    The stack of weapons consists of 50 spears15 stone-headed maces, 40 wooden picksfive swords edged with sharks teeth, and 1shields (see NEW MONSTERS, Kara-kara- page 27, for details of these weapons). Oneof the spears is a spear +2. It is indistinguishable from the other spearexcept for its magical aura.On e of the jars holds water. T he other twocontain a mixture of rotting fruits used tofeed the prisoners in the pits (room N12).

    N15. Volcano TempleThe following description assumes thatthe party will enter this chamber throughone of the doors in the northern corner. Ifnot, the DM should amend it accordingly:

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    Opening the door, you are con-fronted by a blast of hot air and thedeafening roar of drums. T his huge,natural chamber is dominated by agaping pit, filled with a fiery redglow and spanned by a slender ropebridge. On the far side is a crowd ofspear-waving kara-kara.Next to you are the drums, eachpounded by three sweating kara-kara, but your eyes are drawn to acorner of the cavern beyond them.There, you see a pair of brightly-robed kara-kara and, lounging in athrone on a platform above, a gross,pig-like creature.Barely a heart-beat passes before thedrums stop. Th e beaters hurl them-selves towards you followed by therobed kara-kara. The re is a battle-cryfrom the far side of the pit, and thehorde of kara-kara starts to swarmacross the swaying rope bridge.Then , with a squeal of anger and fearwhich shatters the sudden quiet, thepig-beast steps from its throne andvanishes before your eyes!

    T h e pig-like beast in the throne is an imageof KalnaKaa, projected from his laboratory(area N31). Th e throne is largeandm adeofbronze. T h e platform it is on is 10 feetabove the ground. The image cannot beharmed; spells and physical attacks willpass straight t hrough it. KalnaKaa can seeand speak through the image, but cannotcast spells or attack in any way (see areaN31). Realising that his stronghold isunder serious attack, KalnaKaa will makepreparations to flee, (see KALNAKAASROOMS - below) and cease sending hisprojected image.All the kara-kara will chan t if possible (seeNEW MONSTERS, Kara-kara - page 27)The nine kara-kara drum-beaters willattack the adventurers on sight, using theheavy drum-sticks as clubs.9 kara-kara warriors: AC 9; HD 1+1 (1+4);hp 5(8) each; MV 120 (40); #AT 1 club;D 1-4; Save F1 (F2) ;ML9 (11);AL C; XP 15each; THA CO 18; New monster.They will be followed by the two robedfigures who are manwu-pap as armed withmetal war hammers. They have shields andare wearing wooden armour under theirfeathered robes. They can each cast thefollowing spells: cause fear, hold person

    an d cause ligh t wounds. If they use holdperson, they will cast it at single targets.Each of the manwu-papas has 200gp worthof coral a nd mother-of-pearl jewellery.2 kara-kara manwu-papas: AC 5; HD 4;h p 19,15; MV 120 (40); #AT 1 warhammer; D 1-6; Save C4; ML 9 (11); AL C;XP 125 each; THACO 16; New monster.There are 30 kara-kara (three leaders and 27warriors) on the south-western side of thecavern. They each have a shield, two spearsan d a stone-headed club, a wooden pick ora sharks-tooth sword. They each havelOgp worth of ivory jewellery. There arealso 20 young, but these will not fight. Th ewarriors and leaders will cross the ropebridge to attack the party but they can onlycross in single file an d it will take 2 roundsfor the first ones to arrive. Unless they arestopped, five kara-kara will reach thenorthern end of the bridge each roun d afterthat. Any character with a n edged weaponcan automatically cut the rope bridge in 1round. Any creatures on the bridge will fallinto the fiery pit and be killed. The kara-kara will be unable to cross the pit once thebridge is cut.T h e kara-kara on the south-western sidewill th row spears at the party even thoughmaximum spear range (60 feet) is only jus tgreater than the width of the pit. No morethan 10 spears will be thrown each round.30 kara-kara leaderdwarriors: AC 8;HD 1+1 (1+4); hp 3x 9(12), 27x 5(8); MV120 (40); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6; Save F1(F2);ML 9 (11); AL C; XP 15 each; TH AC O18; New monster.20 kara-kara young: AC 9; H D 1+1; h p 3each; MV 120 (40); #A T 0; D 0; Save F1;ML 2; AL C; XP 0; New monster.Once the drums stop a nd the kara-kara inthe dancing chamber (area N16) realise thatthe temple is under attack, they will moveinto this chamber at a rate of nine warriorsan d one leader each round .Th e roof of this cavern is 300feet above thefloor level. It is the plu g of solidified lava atthe top of the volcano (see area T15). Th epit drops down into the heart of thevolcano. Any creature fall ing into the lavawill die, unless totally immu ne to heat.

    N16. Dancing ChamberAt any given time during the ceremony,this 60-foot-h igh, natural cavern will con-tain the bulk of the kara-kara tribe,


    dancing in time to the drums. Any karakara killed on patrol (see WanderinMonsters - page 5) shou ld be deducted fromthe num bers given below.Kara-kara from this chamber will go intthe village or the volcano temple in thevent of an attack. Details are given in thdescriptions of ar e a ~T 1 6nd N15.160 kara -kar a leaders/warriors: ACH D 1 + 1 (1+4);hp 16x9(12), 144 ~5(8 );M120 (40); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6; Save F(F2);ML 9 (1 1) ;AL C; XP 15 each; TH ACO18; New monster.40 kara- kara females: AC 9; H D 1+1; h p each; MV 120 (40); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-Save F1; ML 9; AL C; XP 15 each; THAC18; New monster.40 kara-kara young: AC 9; H D 1+1; hp each; MV 120 (40); #AT 0; D 0; Save F1ML 2; AL C; XP 0; New monster.Each of the warriors and leaders has shield an d two spears, plus a stone-heademace, a wooden pick or a sharks-toosword. They each have lOgp worth omother-of-pearl and ivory jewellery. Thfemales have stone daggers.

    KALNAKAAS ROOMSKalnaKaa, his daughter Maerie and hicharmed companions Bezel, Rufus anGeldered have taken over chambers behinthe volcan o temple (area N15) built by thoriginal inhabitants of Teki-nura-ria. Thkara-kara will not enter these chambersince they are terrified of the room ohanging crystals (area N17).When KalnaKaa discovers that his lair iunder attack (seearea N15) he will warn hihenchmen (area N21) and Maerie (roomN29), then gather up his most treasurebelongings and flee into the chamberunder Ki-ata (see page 17).

    N17. Hanging Crystals

    A mass of glittering crystals, sus-pended by gently swaying stringsfrom the ceiling, fills the circularroom before you. A t first sight, theroom appears to be quite simple,with plain whitewallsand fiveotherdoors, but as you l ook more closelyyou notice that everything seems toswitch around depending 011 exactlyhow you l ook at it.

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    The crystals are magical, and act like amaze. By tan gling together and distorti ngthe characters vision, the strings of crystalsmake the room difficult and confusing tocross. Once a character has started to crossthe room, the DM should determine atrandom which door is reached.Characters will be able to reach (or avoid) aparticular door if it is marked or left open ,but unless they have some special means ofsensing direction, characters will not beable to tell in which direction doors leadfrom the room.The magic of the crystals may be destroyedby a dispel magic (i t was created by a 20thlevel magic-user). A dimension door, findthe path or teleport spell will allowcharacters to cross i t easily. A knock spellwill not affect the crystals. Casting a lightspell here will be so dazzling as to causeconfusion in everyone inside the room.The crystals can be damaged by magicalweapons ( automatic hit) or spells and willlose their magic after taking 80 points ofdamage. Each time they are damaged,however, the crystals will fire two magicmissiles at their attacker. Non-magicalweapons and spells which do not causedamage will not affect the crystals.KalnaKaa a nd his companions know theroom well and can move across it to anydoor they choose in 1 round.

    N18.StoreroomThi s is a general storeroom containing:- 3 bottles of wine in a rack, and three- 0 jars of preserved fruit, meat an d fish- our chests of clothes (male and female,

    various sizes) with six bales of cloth- ive chairs (three broken), a coppercauldron, an anvil and a n old carpet.These items were plundered from shipsand are obviously from a number ofdifferent origins.

    large casks of wine

    N19.Hall of Glass

    Everything in this brightly-lit roomseems to be made of glass. Every-thing, that is, except for a pair ofslinky, black panthers... pantherswith long tentacles and six legs1

    Th e occupants of the room are displacerbeasts. They will attack the party on sight.Because the displacer beasts can bend light,all attacks against them are at -2 to hit an dthey save at +2.2 displacer beasts: AC 4; HD 6*; h p 40,36;MV 150 (50); #AT 2 tentacles; D 2-8/24;Save F6; ML 8; AL N; XP 500 each;THACO 14; E48.Each of the displacer beasts has a collarstudded with 10 gems (value - lOOgp pergem).Th e glass furnitu re consists of a statue of arobed woman, a table, five chairs, fourcandlesticks, and a chandelier (with acontinual light spell cast on it) hangingfrom the ceiling.


    As you open the door you see...nothing! A thick, inky blackness fillsthe space ahead.

    Th e room has a continual darkness spellcast within it . It is completely empty.

    N21.Hall of ShadowsBezel, Rufus and Geldered are sta nding inthe centre of this room with an invisibility10 adius spell cast on them. If the adven-turers can see invisible creatures, the DMshould change the following description toinclude these NPCs:

    Every corner of this grand hall isbrightly lit by glowing gems dottedacross the ceiling and walls. Theceiling is supported by four crystalpil lars, each with a writhing,shadowy shape within. Silently, theshapes glide out from the pillars andmove towards you.

    ~ ~

    The creatures in the pillars are shadows.Because they are so visible, they will onlysurprise the party on a roll of 1 on ld6.Bezel, Rufus and Geldered will attack atonce if they know th at they have been seen.Otherwise, they will wait until three of theshadows have been destroyed. During thistime they will work out the weaknesses ofthe adventurers and exploit these whenthey attack them.


    4shadows: AC7; HD2+2*; hp 16,14,13,9;MV 90 (30); #AT 1 touch; D 1- 4 +drain 1point of strength for 8 turns; Save F2; M L 12;AL C; X P 35 each; THACO 17; B36.BEZEL (cleric) :AC 1; C5; hp 20; MV 90(30); #AT 1; D By weapon; Save C5; ML 11;AL C; XP 300; THACO 17;S 9, 19, W 14, D 9, C 11, CH 13.Spells Memorised:

    First Level - cure light wounds,darkness.Second Level - hold person, silence 15radius.

    Weapons: Mace.Clothing/Pro tection: Plate mail; shield +l;blue cloak.Personal Treasure: 25pp in a belt pouch;

    gold holy symbol encrusted with gems

    RUFUS (fighter):AC 2; F5; h p 35; MV 90(30); #AT 1; D By weapon; Save F5; ML 11;L C; XP 175; THACO 15/14;

    S 15, 19 , W 8, D 10,C 17, C H 10.

    (value - 780gp).

    Weapons: Sword +1, +3 vs. regeneratingmonsters, dagger +2.Clothing/Protection: Plate mail, shield,red cloak.

    Personal Treasure: Belt pouch with 30pp;sapphire-studded scabbard with silverinlay (value -1730gp); golden belt withsilver buckle (value - 520gp); sapphirependant (value - 370gp).

    GELDERED (elf): AC 4; E6; h p 17; MV120 (40); #AT I ; D By weapon; Save E6;ML 11 ; AL N; XP 500; THACO 14/16;S 15, I 15, W 5, D 9, C 8, CH 14.Spells Memorised:First Level - sleep, magic missile.

    Third Level - invisibility 10 radiusWeapons: Short sword +2, agger (hiddeninside the handle is a fine gold key forhis spell book in room N22).Clothing/Protection: Chain mail +1, greenrobe.Persona l Treasure: Belt pouch with 5Opp;

    silver, emerald-studded snuff-box (value- 1100gp); three matching gold rings setwith emeralds (value - 290gp each).

    Th e three henchmen have beeh charmed byKalnaKaa, b ut even if the charm is broken,they will still fight the party. They knownothing about the chambers under Ki-ata,and believe that KalnaKaa uses a poly-morph self spell to assume pig form inorder to impress the kara-kara.

    Second Level - ESP, mirror image.(already cast), slow.

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    MARIArm our Clas s: 4H i t D i ce Thief 7H i t P o i n ts 22Move: 120 (40 )Attacks: dagger ofconcealment +Damage: 3-6 ( d 4 + 2 )Save As: Thief 7 (at + 2)Morale: I 1A l i g n m e n t : NeutralX P V a l u e : 850T H A C O : I5 (dagger +2)

    S 10, I 15 , W 9, D 18, C 12, CH 16Appearance: Maerie is a n a t t ract ive, aub ur n-h a i r e d , s l e n d e r y o u n g w o m a n w i t hbro wn eyes.Pe rsona l i ty : Outward ly p l easan t , she i sruthless ly devoted to h e r f a t he r a n d h i sev il p l ans . Sh e is a ve ry convin c ing l i a r .Clo th ing /P ro tec t ion : Lon g, whi t e robe ,whi t e be l t, dagger of concealment +2 i nthe form of a pla in , go ld r ing ( see below).W e a p o n s : Daggerof concealment +2 i n t h ef o r m of a p la in , go ld r in g ( s ee be low) .Thie f Abi l i t i e s : open locks 55% f i n d /remove t raps 50%, p ick pocke t s 55%move s i lent ly 55%, cl i mb sheer surfaces93%, i de i n shad ows 45%, hea r no i se 1-4 .O t h e r P e r s o n a l T r e a s u r e : T h r e e c h e a p( l g p e a c h ) o rn a m e n t e d h a i r p i n s. + 3 a r e r u m o u r e d to exist.

    Backgroundof KalnaKaa&MaerieF r o m h i s t i m e a s a n a p p r e n t i c e m a g i c- u se r , w h o m h e h a d charmed: B ez el, G el d er e d h i m . H e is c u n n i n g a n d c r u e l , b u t n o tK a l n a k d a h a d b e en f a s c i n a te d by t h e i d e a a n d R u f u s ( se e r o o m N 2 1 ). coward . A l thou gh he wi l l f lee when he f irof s h a p e -c h a n g in g , p o l y m o r p h i n g a n d sees the pa r ty , h i s ma in a im i s to preparlycanthropy . In a l t e r l i f e , he became in- Ka lnaKaa f l ed f rom p lace to place, a lways the best defence poss ib le(eve n i f i t cos ts thfamous for h i s exper iment s on were- dr iven onw ards once h i s a f f li c tion became l ivcsof h i s daug hte r an d hench men ) . In thcreatures. Even so, he was to le ra ted by t h e known . Eventua lly , he an d h i s co mp anio ns f ina l encounte r ( room K43) , he w i l l de f ianl oc al c o m m u n i t y u n t i l , o n e n i g h t , h e w a s a r r ived o n Tek i -nura - r i a where Ka lnaKaa ly f igh t to t he dea th .badly in jured by on e of his capt ives ; a devi l was mis tak en by the kara- kara for thei r godswine. of p i gs , T a p u . Maeries mo the r died wh en M aerie was s t iq u i t e y o u n g b u t , e v e n so, he g i r l i s of faS o o n K a l n a K a a b e g a n to s h o w t h e s i g n s of KalnaKaa reve l s in h i s new pos i t ion of be tt e r cha rac te r t han he r fa the r and ism u clycanthropy an d was dr iven f rom h i s abso lu te power , ru th les s ly us in g the ka ra - mo re loyal t o h i m t h a n h e is to her . Sh e wih o m e . H i s o n l y c o m p a n i o n s w e r e h i s k a r a a n d t h e k a l - m u r us a s t h e i n s tr u m e n t s d o a n y t h i n g to furthe r her fa thers interes tQ u g h t e r M a e r i e a n d th r e e a d v e n t ur e r s of his revenge o n the society tha t re jected at the r isk of her ow n l ife.Pull Out Sheet OTSR Inc., A ll rights reserved

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    user / devil swine)

    class:it Dice:it Points:ove:


    A s magic user3Magic user 944120 (40)staff of str iking orthrowing dagger2-12 or 1-4Magic user 9 (at +3)

    I 1Chaotic3000

    15 (normal weapons)12 (thrown weapons)

    10, I 17, W 11 , D 18, C 16, CH 5arance: In his human form, KalnaKaa

    is a middle-aged, fat, swarthy man withsmal l, piggy eyes, black, bristly hair anda matching beard and moustache.

    and vengeful, but not a coward.

    black cloak (see below),amuletof protect-ion +3 (see below).Staff of striking(22 charges), five

    throwing daggers.

    -First Level: magic missile (x2),sleep.Second Level: mirror image, web, wizardlOCk.Thi rd Level: lightning bolt, protectionfrom normal missiles, slow.Fourth Level: charm monster, poly-morph self.Fifth Level: animate dead.

    can use charm person three times per day(victims have -2 saving throw penalty);change shape freely at nig ht but mustkeep one shape during the day (this isnormally human and he uses polymorphself to assume pig shape if necessary);only hit by magical or silver weaponswhile in pig form;

    can summ on 1-2 boars which will arrivein 1-4 rounds.

    KalnaKaas Black Cloak Amulet of Protection +3KalnaKaa found this cloak during his Th is amule t in the form of a distortedexplorations of the Ancestors chambers. boars head on a fine gold chain has beenAny person wearing the cloak can open any specially enchanted by KalnaKaa. It has theof the magical portals under Ki-ata (see properties of a ring of protection +3 butpage 18) from either side simply by also protects any lycanthrope wearing ittouching the part of the wall where the from the effects of wolfsbane. KalnaKaaboars:AC 7; HD 3; h p 13each; MV 90#AT 1 tusk; D 2-8; Save F2; ML 9;L N; XP 35 each; THA CO 17; B27. portal will appear. can wear it in both pig and human form.

    Sheet 8 1984 T S R Inc. Al l rights reserved

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    N22.Geldereds Room

    As you open the door, a jet-blackcrow caws loudly from its perch on aslender, black lectern in the centre ofthe room. Against the side walls are atable, bed and chair; all black andfinely made like the lectern.

    The crow is Gelderedspet. I t cannot harmthe party. Geldereds spell book is on thelectern. It is held closed by a gold-platedhasp which is locked (the key is inside theelfs dagger - see area N21) and trappedwith a poison needle. Anyone picking thelock without removing the needle, orfailing in a n attempt to remove it will beinjected with the poison. Th is will kill thevictim in 1 turn unless the character makesa successful saving throw vs. Poison. UsingGeldereds key will not activate the trap.The spells in the book are:First Level - hold portal, sleep, magicmissile, read languages, read magic.Second Level - continual light*, detectinvisible, ESP, mirror image.Third Level - dispel magic, invisibility

    10 radius, haste*.A coverlet of rare furs on the bed is worth1500gp.

    N23.Bezels Room

    This small chamber contains only abed, a chair, a small table and a tall,flat cupboard like a wardrobe. Thesmooth white walls are covered witha bewildering mass of tiny notes andsymbols in black ink.

    There is a silver b o x (value - 535gp) on thetable containing a dozen quills, a bottle ofink an d two vials of holy water.Th e wardrobe is not locked but is trapped.Unless the t rap is found and disarmed, astrong spring will make the wardrobe tipforwards suddenly when it is opened. Anycharacter in front of the wardrobe as it fallswill suffer d12+3points of crushing damage(this damage may be negated by a successfulsaving throw vs. Wands).The wardrobe contains Bezels best robeand a staff of healing.Th e collar and cuffsof the robe are studded with hundreds oftiny gem stones (total value - 2OOOgp).

    Th e notes and symbols on the walls are theresult of Bezels philosophical ponderings.They will be meaningless to the party.

    N24.Rufus Room

    This is apparently an armoury, well-stocked with weapons and armour.There are also two battered, woodendummies and a grindstone. Han gingin one corner, and looking somewhatout of place, is a hammock.

    Rufus disdains comfort and sleepssurrounded by his favouriteobjects; weaponsand armour. In all, the room contains:- two battle-axes, four daggers (one ofthem silver), a mace, three spears andnine swords.- 60 arrows (five of them silver-tipped),six bows (three short and three long), acrossbow and 30 quarrels.- five shields, one dwarf-size suit of chain-mail armour, and seven human-sizesuits of armour (three leather, threechain mail a nd one plate mail).

    Th e grindstone is for sharpen ing weapons,and the dummies are targets.

    N25.Colour Room

    As you open the door, you are bathedin a soft, green light coming from thewalls, floor and ceiling of the roombeyond. After a few moments, thegreen light changes to blue, but thedoor you have opened, and the othertwo doors into the room remainplain white.

    The colour of the room changes eachround, starting at green when the partyenters then going on to blue, purple, red,orange and yellow. After yellow it startsagain a t green.Th e northern and southern doors may beopened safely if a darkness or continualdarkness spell is in effect anywhere in theroom. Otherwise, when either of the doorsis opened, all characters inside the roommust make a saving throw vs. Spells (at+1)or suffer a curse. Characters opening thenorthern or southern door from outsidethis room i.e. from inside room N26 or thesecret corr idor) will not be cursed.Th e type15

    of curse depends on the colour of the roat the time. Unless otherwise stated, curses will last for 1year or until negateda remove curse spell.Green - character is paralysed (alsomoved by cure light wounspell).Blue - character is blinded (also moved by cure blindness spePurple .- character is deafened.Red - character is struck dumb.Orange - character is confused for rounds (as if affected by a cfusion spell except thatattacks by an affected characwill be against other pamembers),Yellow - character is terrified fo r 2 tu

    (as if affected by a cause fspell).

    N26.Treasure RoomThi s room contains some of the treastaken by the kara-kara from wrecked shiIt comprises:

    - a large trunk crammed with exotic si(total value - 5000gp).- a small casket contain ing 320 gem(value - 5x 1OOOgp; 15x 5OOgp; lO1OOgp; 2OOx 50gp).- a chest containing.5OOOgp nd exquisjewellery to the value of 15oooP;p.- three sacks; each containing 2OOO(one of the sacks is a bag of hdcting- eight kegs of rare spices (total valu8000gp).

    The trunk, casket and chest are locked bnone is trapped.

    N27.Mirror RoomsThese five rooms are almost identical appearance:

    T h e room is small and square.Ahead, is a blank wall, but the wallsto left and right aremir rors. Reflectedback and forth by the mirrors, theroom seems to extend infinitely inboth directions.

    The mirrors are actually magical barriewhich reflect not only light, but almagical spells. Any spells cast againstmirror will be reflerted bark aganist tcaster! Noise will not pass through thei

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    e mirrors are flexible and if a characteri t will feel and act like a sheetf rubber. If a character pushes hard againstof theb o d y is pressed against it. T hen

    h the mirror into the next room andto being flat.e eastern mirror in room N27e will taketo room N27a, and the wester


    This elegantly appointed room isdeserted. Th e only sound to be heardis the gentle splash of water from afountain at the far end which emptiesinto a pair of sunken baths.

    e walls, floor and ceiling of this roomof pink-veined marble, the same colourrm, scented water.

    ofs. One of the tables bears a gold dish- 280gp) full of tasty fruit and thes a crystal decanter (value - 175gp)f wine with six matching goblets (value -

    Maeries Room

    You see a young woman lying on thefloor, tied fast to a toppled chair. Alook of fear on her face fades to reliefas she sees you.

    he woma n is Maerie, KalnaKaasr. Her abilities, equipment and so

    to be released.er KalnaKaa saw the party i n the volcano

    r u p in order to deceive the party.to be taken along with theso that she can hinder them inof her father. If not , she will

    ropes are tied in such a way that shef i n 1round if necessary.

    She knows the locks on the doors well, an dcould automatically pick either of them.If the party quest ion her, she will tell themthat she is the daughter of Milo Straaks, amerchant in Thyatis, and that she wascaptured by kara-kara from a shipwrecktwo weeks ago an d brought, unconscious,to this room. She will say that the kara-karaare ruled by an evil magician calledKalnaKaa, who wears a pig costume tofrighten her and to impress the tribesmen.She will claim that she has never beenallowed ou t of this room and that, a shortwhile ago, KalnaKaa came in, tied her tothe chair and hurried out. She is lying, ofcourse, but even if the party discovers whoshe really is, she will tell them no moreabou t her father. She is not charmed.If the adventurers discover tha t her r ing ismagical, she will tell them that it is a ringof protection (it is actually a dagger ofconcealment - see Pull-out Sheet).Maerie will be very careful to conceal thefact hat she isa thief and will not a ttack theparty openly until the adventurers catch upwith KalnaKaa (seeareaK43). Until then itis u p to the DM o decide how she can bestuse her thiefs skills to make the partysprogress as difficult and dangerous aspossible. Maerie is a very convincing liar,but there are some flaws in her story (forexample; why does she still have her ring?how would she know that KalnaKaaimpresses the natives by looking like aPig?)Apart from the chair to which Maerie istied, the room contains a table, a bed an d achest. On the table are a mirror, somecosmetics and a comb. T he chest is neitherlocked nor trapped. It contains several setsof female clothes in a wide variety of stylesand sizes (looted from many ships).

    N3O. KalnaKaas BedroomThe western door i nto th is room is locked:

    Th is is a very ordinary-lookingbedroom, with solid wooden fur-niture and plain walls.

    Th e furniture consists of a table, a bed, anda chest. Th e table, bed and chair are verystrong and made to suit a large person.The chest is locked, but not trapped. Itcontains a pig costume which KalnaKaa


    uses when he wishes to look like a pigduring the day, but does not have apolymorph self spell available.

    N31. KalnaKaas Laboratory

    As the door swings into the room, itgrates noisily over shattered frag-ments of intricate glassware whichlitter the floor. On a wooden benchtoone side, dozensof boxes have beenopened and their powdered contentsmixed in heaps. Between the heaps,puddles of bubbling liquid form intorivulets and drip, hissing, to thefloor. I n one corner is a brazier, withfragments of smouldering parch-ment lying amongst its glowingcoals, and i n anothe r corner, clothesare strewn around an open chest.In the middle of it all, untouched bythe mayhem, is a large, bronzethrone, and before it An emptylectern.

    Before fleeing with his most treasuredpossessions (see areas K43 and K44)KalnaKaa destroyed all of his laboratoryequipment, notes, and so on. Magic usersor elves in the party will recognise thedebris as the remains of a magiciansworkshop, but will be unable to findanything of use amongst what remains.Th e clothes strewn around the chest belongto KalnaKaa and are correspondinglylarge.Th e bronze throne is identical to the one inthe volcano temple (area N15). If anyonesits in the throne, an image of thatcharacter will appear in the throne in thetemple. T he character will be able to seeand hear everything which happens i n thevolcano temple, and any sound thecharacter makes will be heard there as if ithad come from the image. No attacks(magicalor physical) can bemade throughthe image i n either direction.Th e thrones are fixed to the floor and willstop working if either one is removed.

    N32. Tunn el EastTh is is the other end of tunnel K1. It is alevel, plain rock-hewn passage, 1 milelong, and leads to area K2 at the ValleyGate under Ki-ata.

  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


    Like th ec hm be rs undkr Ni-malowa (areasNI -N32), the chambers under th e volcanoKiata ( see M a p 49-d) were built by theAncestors More the kara-kara came toTeki-nura-ria, and reflect the strange anddecadent tastesof this lon pva nis hd race.There are four entrances to thesechambers.Three of these are magical portals (seebe1ow)emerginq at different pointsaroundthe island: the V A U E Y G A T E , theVILLAGE GATE and the SEA GATE.Each gate has a group of chambers behindit (KI-KB,see Map4;K9-Ki6, see Map 4b;and K39-K46, see Map 4d, respectively).The fourth entrance is the tunnel (areaN32/K1) which leads from Ni-malowa toroom K2 behind the Valley Gate.Th e largest g roup of chambers were builtaround two volcanic shafts at the HEA RTOPTHE MOUNTAIN (areas K17-K38,seeMap 4c). There are long tunnels which linkthe chambers at the gates and the Heart oftheMountain.Theseareshowninihgmn1 on the module folder.Many monsters inhabit the Ancestorschambers. Some of the Ancestors them-selves are sti ll here ( in the form of shadows)as are many of the magical creatures theycreated, and beings drawn from the elemen-tal planes. Most of the inhabitants, how-ever, aremor tal beasts which never ventureonto the surace of th e island.After settling in the chambers under Ni-malowa, KalnaKaa found the tunnel (areaN32/Kl) leading to Ki-ata. First, heclearedthe chambers at the Valley Gate which henow uses as a secret workshop. Next, heventured towards the centre of the volcanobut was nearly killed by a purple worm(area K18) and never returned there. Final-ly, usinga magical cloak that he had found(see the Pull-out Sheet), he bypassed theworm and made his way to the Sea Gate.Here he gained control of the kal-murus(see area K42) which now attack ships sothat the kara-kara can plunder them.

    PURSUING KALNAKAAWhen KalnaKaa flees after seeing the partyin the volcano temple (area N15), he willmake his way to the Sea Gate chambers viathe tunnel from Ni-malowa (area N32/K1),the magical portal between rooms K5 andK6. and tunnel K6/K40.Since they do not have KalnaKaas blackcloak (see Pull-out Sheet), the party willnot be able to use the magical portal

    between K5 and K6 and will have to explorethe Heart of the Mountain and, perhaps,the Village Gate before reaching the SeaGate.Th e DM should keep careful track of time,since it is important to know what time ofday it is when the party catch up withKalnaKaa (area K43).Th e kara-kara will not enter the chambersunder Ki-ata, nor will Bezel, Rufus orGeldered. Unless she is killed or immobil-ised by the party, KalnaKaas daughter,Maerie will either accompany the ad-venturers in their pursuit of KalnaKaa orsecretly follow the party (see area N29).

    STANDARD FEATURESUnb oth ctw ise sta ted , all corridors underKiaatam 15 feet high, a ll roomsare 20 feethigh and all doors are made of tropicalhardwood. The boxed descriptions assumethat theadventurers have a light source andthat they a n e seen by the inhabitants ofthe chambers. If not, theDM must changesome of the descriptions accardingly.

    Magical PortalsAt fourplaces n the chambers under Ki-atathere are magical portals similar to those inthe entrances to the tombs of the manwu-papas (areas N1-3).When these are acti-vated, they create a ppss-wall through a10-foot-thick rock wall. Details of how toopen eachportal aregiven in the individualroom desaiptions (areas K4, K5/K6, K15and K45).Th e source of each porta l is a disc paintedon one sided he wall through which thepass-wsllappears. The walls are solid rockand unexceptional, and the discs are theonly parts o# he portals which have amagical aura. This means that magicalportaIs cannot be detected as secret doors(by characters or magical items) and thatdetect magic (spell or magical items) willonly reveal a magical portat on the sidewith the painted disc. Find trapa will notreveal a magicaf portal.KalnaKaas black cloak (see the Pull-outSheet) will enable its wearer to open any ofthe portals under Ki-at?, if thcir positionsare known.

    Wandering MonstersTh e DM should check for wandering monsters every 6 turns (1 hour). A roll of 1 on Id8indicates that a wanderingmonsterhas appeared. The type of monster is found by rolling

    ld20 and checking th e score against ToMt1.


    Die Roll Monster

    1-5 Giant centipedes (3-6):AC 9; HD 1/2; h p 2 each; MV 60 20); #AT 1 bite;D Poison (illness fo r 10 days); Save NM;ML 7; AL N; XP 6 each;THACO 19; B28.

    6-11 Insect swarm (1): AC 7; H D 4*; h p 18; MV (crawling) 30 10);#AT 10xlOx30 area of effect; D 2 or 4; Save NM; ML 11 ; AL N; XP 125;THACO Automatic hit; E52.Shadows (1-6): AC 7; HD 2+2*; h p 1 1 each; MV 90 (30);#AT 1 touch;D 1- 4 +Drain 1 point of strength for 8 turns; Save F2; ML 12; AL C; X P 35each; THACO 17; B36.Ochre jelly (1): AC 8; HD 5*; hp 27; MV 30 (10); #AT 1 touch; D 2-12;Save F3; ML 12; AL N; THACO 15; XP 300; B35.




  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


    VALLEY GATE (Map 41)KalnaKaa cleared the inhabitants of thispart of the Ancestors chambers soon afterhe discovered the tunnel from Ni-malowa(areas N32/Kl). He now uses it for hisexperiments with topis (area K5) and usesdisplacer beasts as guards (area K2).

    K1.Tu nnel from Ni-malowaThi s is the other end of tunnel N32. It is alevel, plain, rock-hewn passage, 1 milelong, and leads to KalnaKaas laboratory(area N31) under Ni-malowa.

    K2. Displacer Beasts

    Amid the bones of past victims, fourlarge, cat-like beasts crouch -sinewymuscles taut - eady to pounce.Th e displacer beasts are a female and herthree cubs. They act as guards for Kalna-Kaa, and the bones are the remains of thefood which he brings for them. Thedisplacer beasts will attack any intruderson sight. Because of their ability to bendlight, all attacks on them will be at -2 to hi tand they have a +2 bonus on saving throws.Th e 36-hit-point female has a moraleof 12as long as she is defending her cubs.4 displacer beasts: AC 4; HD 6 h p 36, 18,17, 15; M V 150 (50); #AT 2 tentacles;D 2-8/2-8; Save F6; M L 12or 8 - see above;AL N; XP 500 each; THACO 14; E48.Each of the displacer beasts wears a velvetcollar studded with 1Ogems (value - lOOgpper gem). Most of the bones are of animals,but there are some from kara-kara andhumans. The displacer beasts beddingincludes 50old cloaks, all dyed with brightcolours in swirl ing patterns. All but threecloaks are damaged in some way. Thesethree have a faint magical aura and allowanyone wearing them to pass through themagical portals in areas K4, K15 and K45.

    K3.Dead End TrapTh e end wall of this passage is a trappedstone slab. It appears to be a secret door, butif any attempt is made to open it, the slabwill topple forwards, crushing any char-acters with in 15 feet for 2d8 points ofdamage (negated if the victims make asuccessful saving throw vs. Wands).

    K4.Magical Portal

    A silent hall stretches away beforeyou. The walls are plain, save for avivid red disc painted in the centre ofthe far wall, flanked by a pair ofstatues in the same bright hue.Running along the centre of thefloor is a strip of mosaic whosepattern of bright swirling coloursseems to lead towards the disc.

    The red, painted disc on the wall is thesource of a magical portal (see page 18)between this room and area T 6 at the headof the south-eastern side-valley of theTrailof the Dead. The pass-wall portal will openas soon as any character steps onto themosaic between the statues and will remainopen so long as there is somebody on themosaic. Th e pass-wall will close after 10minutes if there is nobody on the mosaic.The portal can only be opened fromoutside (area T6) by characters wearingoneof the undamaged cloaks from area K2 orKalnaKaas black cloak (see the Pull-outSheet). If a character wearing one of thesecloaks touches the valley wall at the exactposition of the portal, the pass-wall willopen for 10 minutes. During this timeanyone can pass through, whether or notthey have a cloak. None of the damagedcloaks from areas K2 or K16 can be used toopen the portal.Th e patterns on the cloaks from rooms K2and K16 are the same as that on the mosaic.Th e statues on either side of the portal aremade of stone covered with a layer of red-painted plaster. They depict humanoidswith long chins, high foreheads and long,dangling ears. Hidden under the plaster(which can be chipped away easily) thestatues have diamond-studded, engravedgold earrings (value - 5000gp each pair).K5.Living Dead

    A terrible scene of carnage is laid outbefore you. Shelves, Mnches andlarge areas of the floor are coveredwith the shrunken, withered corpsesand mangled remains of beasts, menand half-men. As you watch, some ofthe bestial forms slowly drag them-selves from the mass and lurchtowards you.19

    This is the laboratory where Kalnaanimates topis, and contains the remaisomeof his unsuccessful experiments. here are the results of KalnaKaas atteto produce topis from other creaturepigs, lizards, apes, etc. H e has been unto improve on the usual humanoid varhowever, and these undead have the scharacteristics as normal topis. They attack the party on sight.11 opis:AC6;HD3*; hp23,17,16(x2)11, 9, 8 (x2), 5, 4; MV 120 (40); #Aclaws; D 1-6/1-6 +special; Save F2; M LA L C; XP 50 each; THACO 17; monster.Th e poison of a topi slows characters1-2 turns unless they make a saving thvs. Poison; blunt weapons do half damto them (but stun them for 1 round); clhave the same chance of turning topis turnin g wights.The magical portal (see page 18) wleads into room K6 from this laboratonot marked on this side in any way. Itonly be opened by somebody weaKalnaKaas black cloak (see the PullSheet). The portals source is in area K

    KQ.Hidden PortalThere is a black square painted incentre of the southern wall of this proom. Th is is the source of a magical po(see page 18) between this room and K5. The pass-wall can only be openedsomebody wearing KalnaKaas black c(see the Pull-out Sheet).Th e passage runn ing north-east fromroom is the other end of tunnel K40 atSea Gate. It runs north-east for 1 milethen turns east for another !4 mile. It slgently downwards towards the Sea Ga

    K7.Tunnel EastTh is is the other end of tunnel K17. Itpla in, rock-hewn passage, sk mile long,leads to area K18 under the heart of KiIt slopes gently upwards from west to

    K8.Tunnel SouthTh is is the other end of tunnel K9. It plain, rock-hewn passage, nearly H mlong, and leads to area K10 at the VilGate. It slopes gently downwards fnorth to south.

  • 7/30/2019 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain


    U N D E R K I - AT A (Encounter areas K9-16)VILLAGE GATE (Map 4b)Th is gateway in to the Ancestors cham bersand the rooms s