xmanager on linux

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Xmanager on Linux


    Xmanager RHEL5For XDMCP connection to Red Hat 5 EL1. XDM Configuration1. Change runlevel to 5Openetcinitta! and "et the initial runlevel to 5 a" follo#ing$


    %. Ena!le XDMCP

    For &DM$

    Open etcgd'cu"to'.conf and "et the Ena!le entr( to 1 in the )*d'cp+ "ection a" follo#ing.)*d'cp+Ena!le,1

    For -DM$

    Open u"r"hareconfigd'Xacce"" and re'ove the initial /0/ character for the follo#ingline$

    0 0an( ho"t can get a login #indo# ,,2 0an( ho"t can get a login #indo#Open u"r"hareconfigd'd'rc and "et the Ena!le entr( to true in the )*d'cp+ "ection a"


    %. Fire#all 34CPDP Port"6 ConfigurationOpen DP port 177 fro' the PC to the re'ote ho"t direction.Open inco'ing 4CP port" 8999:8919 fro' the re'ote ho"t to (our PC.;. Re!oot the re'ote ho"t and "tart X'anager0 init ;< init 5

    _____________________________________________From:Rajeev GoelSent:Tuesday, September 16, 2008 5:44 PTo:Rajes! "umarSubject:e#able $dm o# l%#u$

    Enabling XDM Access On Linux

    Edit /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config. Comment out the last line saying

    Dis!layManage"."e#uest$o"t %

    by adding an &'& on the f"ont.

    Edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess. (ncomment the line

    )* )any host can get a login +indo+

    by "emo,ing the fi"st &)&.

  • 8/13/2019 Xmanager on Linux


    he next file to edit de!ends on +hich XDM ,e"sion you a"e using. o" DM based systems0e.g. ed2at3 edit /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf. o" 4DM based systems 0e.g. 5u5E3 edit/us"/sha"e/config/6dm/6dm"c. 7f unsu"e8 editing both +ill do no ha"m.

    7n eithe" case8 find the section

    9Xdmc!:Enable;falseChange &false& to &t"ue& o" &1&.

    (nde"neath this 0i.e. some+he"e inside the 9Xdmc!: section38 ma6e su"e you ha,e aline +hich says

    $o"t;1? init @&. ote that this +ill c"ash any Xdes6to! you 0o"any othe" use"s3 a"e "unning on the machine at the time. 7f you !"efe" notto do this8 you can 6ill and "esta"t the !"ocesses manually.

    Enabling XFS for LinuxEdit /etc/X11/fs/config. Comment out the last line &no-listen =

    tcp& by !utting a &)& on the f"ont.

    esta"t the font se",e" /etc/init.d/xfs "esta"t


    X=>in;% -no#ledge ?a"e > XDMCP: SuSe Linux

    XDMCP: SuSe Linux

    On @u@E linu* "("te'" (ou 'u"t 'anuall( edit the configuration file".

    1. Log in a" root

    %. Open /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager


    ;. Open the file" /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrcand


    edit etcoptgno'egd'gd'.conf

  • 8/13/2019 Xmanager on Linux


    Find the XDMCP "ection and "et Ena!le to true





    A. Open /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess

    Mae "ure there i" no 0 to the left of the in the follo#ing ho"t line

    0 1an" 23#+ &an ge+ a *3gin /in%3/

    5. Open /etc/X11/xdm/xdm_config

    Change the Di"pla(Manager.reBue"tPort line to

    Di#'*a"Manager4reue#+P3r+: .66

    8. Re"tart the "("te'

    Dont forget to open up (our Fire#all port". For help configuring (our fire#all "ee

    >hat port" need to !e opened for XDMCP.

    Ho# do ena!le XDMCP on '( ni* 'achine
