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1 Managing the Amazon Rainforest By Rebecca

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Managing the Amazon


By Rebecca

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SATRO is saving the rainforest by: Implementing sustainable agricultural

projects (Inga Tree Alley Cropping) with the local forest dwellers enabling them to live in harmony with the forest

Working with the Brazilian people to manage rainforest ecosystems in a sustainable way by providing economic alternatives for the local people, (Stingless BeeKeeping, Brazil Nut Gathering) substantially reducing the damage caused by destructive agricultural practices.

Purchasing of land with the IGCA enables these projects to take place and to create Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN)

By Craig

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Inga Tree Alley Cropping An agro forestry system in which crops are grown on strips of land between widely spaced rows of trees. Used to create a miniature canopy which will cover soil in a layer of mulch. This enables sustainable farming on the degraded former rainforest soils, providing the farmers with both food security and cash crops without exposing them to debt or an intolerable workload, and without the need to cut down more rainforest.

By Craig

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STARO options land from the IGCA and secures it, they then place it as a satellite image on their website so that people can ‘save and acre’ which is how they raise their money. They turn the land into national reserves, providing the local people with sustainable occupations such as Stingless Beekeeping, alley cropping and Brazil nut gathering which reduces the slash and burn philosophy and gives them economic stability.

Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN) Created with the ICGAThis allows private landowners to register some or all of their land and it is protected by federal and state laws in Brazil. Nearly 600 individuals, corporations and activist groups have voluntarily registered private property under the RPPN scheme since 1990. Under the RPPN program, land use is restricted to research, environmental education and ecotourism. Environmental groups like the WWF and The Nature Conservancy encourage and help landowners to create RPPNs, especially when land is located near already existing public nature reserves.

By Craig

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Runa Amazon Guayusa tea company empowers indigenous peoples by allowing them to earn income by growing Guayusa on rainforest land that would otherwise be sold to loggers.

The guayusa tree leaf has been brewed like tea for thousands of years by indigenous communities. It takes three years for guayusa trees to produce income after they’re planted compared to 15 plus years for hardwood trees in the Amazon. Runa’s goal is to plant over four million trees and bring its agroforestry model to over 6,000 farming families within five years, generating over $8 million a year in sustainable income for indigenous families.

Runa has reforested about a quarter of a million trees in the Amazon since 2009. They grow the trees in agroforestry systems where they plant food crops, guayusa, fruit trees, and hardwood trees on lands which have been farmed with corn or cows, as a way of recuperating the land and turning it back into a mixed use forest and agricultural system. USAID recently granted Runa $250,000 to reforest 1,200 acres over the next 18 months with about 1,000 farm families.

By Craig

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Guayusa Farmer Association of Napo is a cooperative of 200 indigenous Kichwa farmers that produce and commercialize guayusa with Project partner runa inArchidona, Ecuador

By Craig

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Foundation Runa, the non-profit arm of Runa’s organization, supports social empowerment by providing farmers with a democratic forum to organize themselves and voice their needs and demands. The foundation also works with farmers at the household level to improve financial literacy and empower women to think as entrepreneurs. Runa’s commitment to environmental stewardship goes beyond an organic certification. The social enterprise works with local stakeholders to conduct participatory research and strategic planning for conservation and sustainable land management in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

By Craig

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BOS is an non profit foundation which was founded in 1994 by Dr Willie Smits , once a forest ecologist, who encountered a sick baby orang-utan in a cage whilst in a market in Balikpapan in East Kalimantan. He went back later and found her in a rubbish heap and took her home with him. The number of orang-utans in his care grew and from these beginnings he created the Balikpapan Orang-utan Society (BOS).

He soon realised that the Orang-utan’s natural habitat was disappearing fast mainly due t0 palm oil production and he set up the Samboja Lestari reforestation project on land that no one else wanted, where almost 50% of local people were jobless. The soil had no fertility left in it and there was an almost total extinction of plant and animal life. He has shown that in saving the Orang-utan’s we can save the rainforest and ourselves.

By Craig

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Samboja is a small village with 10,000 people, located on the East coast of Borneo. The area was once covered in lush forest, but due to deforestation, annual fires and floods it was reduced to barren land. In 2001 BOS bought 2,000 hectares of barren grassland in the area and began an ambitious project to bring the local forests back.

They planted low value Acacia Mangium trees to restore microclimate, protect soil and to shade out fire prone grasses. After 8 years they will yield construction timber. Only 4 years after the project started, it has provided jobs for 3,000 local people , there are no more forest fires or flooding and the climate has been restored. How did he do it? They planted sugar palms around the area creating a fire and flood buffer zone. These palms not only protect against fire but provide the local community with 60 different useful products just by cutting branches every day.

By Craig

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As for agroforestry they will grow agricultural crops between trees, so it will reduce competition between the trees and to use crop fertilizer to help trees to grow, while farmers have free land and the system will yield early income and orang-utan’s can get healthy food.

They can also reduce the growing expenditures while speeding up the ecosystem regeneration to save money.

In short terms BOS will stop local people from burning trees to stop them from killing off coral reefs and washing away nutrients. In long terms they will create a fireproof fence made out of sugar palms and place them around villages located around and in the rainforest to keep them safe from fire.

By Craig

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One of the organisations involved is the Forest Stewardship, this is an International NG0s. The FSC was established in 1993. This organisation is independent and non profitable and was established to help the world’s forests. The FSC is represented in more than 50 countries.

Organisation InvolvedOrganisation Involved

By Elna

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What they do?What they do?This organisation provides sustainable wood and then they certify the produced goods that use certified wood. This means customers in HICs can buy wood products from certified supplies. This organisation provides sustainable logging that does not lead to deforestation.

By Elna

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How this helps How this helps manage the Amazon manage the Amazon

sustainably?sustainably?This organisation helps manage the Amazon because it encourages sustainable logging so it doesn’t lead to deforestation. This means for each tree they cut down they will have to plant one or two more. They also work with Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) to ensure sustainable production.

By Elna

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IKEA the global home products company has spoken to Greenpeace and have declared that all their wood products will come from well managed forests to help stop deforestation in rainforests such as the Amazon, IKEA announced at a joint press conference with Greenpeace a global commitment to phase out its use of solid from of solid wood from ancient rainforests. IKEA’s long term goal is to ensure that all the wood in its products comes from well managed forests. The first step is to see that no solid wood is coming from ancient forests or forests with high conservation values. They are now buying wood from Scandinavia, eastern Europe and China.

By Guy

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Affects on the Amazon

What are the affects on the Amazon. Less area of the rainforest is needed to be deforested because of this. Less animal species will be destroyed and subsequently helps the rainforest keeping on growing. As IKEA is the thirds largest wood buyers in the world, in 1999 the company used five million cubic metres of timber alone. You can see these figues add up, by finding other places to get wood from IKEA has saved a lot of rainforest from being destroyed.

By Guy

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The Future • As well as IKEA helping the rainforest itself it

might in the future help the Amazon through different ways. Other competitors will now have to look at themselves and explain to their clients why they are destroying the rainforest by not changing supplier of wood.WWF continues to work closely with IKEA on their sustainable forestry issues and is delighted that the company is using its purchasing power to develop sustainable forest management around the world.

By Guy

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• WWF has realised in recent years the amount of deforestation human kind causes in the Amazon, they have taken it under their wing to try and stop deforestation, WWF has a strong presence in the Amazon, promoting solutions for wildlife protection, sustainable management of natural resources to improve conditions for the people who rely on them. It is also looking to create and expand protected areas. WWF has teamed up with some companies in the paper/tissue industry to show that they aren’t using wood from the Amazon.

By Guy

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Affects on the Amazon• WWF has helped save millions of acre’s of the

amazons rainforest. This is mainly due to changing companies minds on where they should get their wood from. It has also saved thousands of animal life's and even saving some species. WWF work in the Amazon includes participation in the creation of a number of important protected areas including Peru’s Manu National Park in 1973, Bolivia’s Pilon Lajas National Park in 1976, French Guiana’s Amazonian Park in 2007, and Colombia’s Yaigoje- Apaporis National Park in 2009.

By Guy

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The Future• WWF will hopefully continue their hard work

and persuade more companies to find other means of gathering supplies than deforestation in the Amazon. WWF continues its work with the governments of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia to help stop deforestation. Though WWF does mainly rely on donations to fund these projects, they also find other ways to raise money. WWF also gives money to governments in countries to spend it on protecting the Rainforests, paying people to stop illegal deforestation.

By Guy

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Deforestation (Greenpeace) by LoyLogging is one of the main causes of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. It is estimated that between 60 and 80% of all the logging done in the Amazon is illegal. Organisations involved: Greenpeace and IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis also known as; Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources)

Greenpeace exposing hidden illegally chopped down logs in the Amazon Jungle.

What they doGreenpeace is a non-government environmental organisation. Their aim on deforestation is to completely stop it by 2020.

In 1999, Greenpeace set up an office directly in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon jungle. Working along side with IBAMA and local communities, Greenpeace began tracking illegal activities such as illegal logging in the Amazon jungle. IBAMA created a program that helped a species of bird called Spix’s Macaw from going extinct.

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The Rainforest Foundation The Rainforest Foundation is based in the UK. The Rainforest Foundation

tackles deforestation locally and globally. Locally it helps forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies and manage forests for their own wellbeing and protection of their environment. Globally it campaigns to influence national and international laws to protect rainforests and their inhabitants.Since it was founded in 1989 the Rainforest Foundation has helped indigenous and local communities to protect more than 100,000 square kilometers of rainforest .From the start the Rainforest Foundation believed that the best way to protect the rainforests is to let the indigenous people who have inhabited the areas for centuries control and manage the land.Indigenous peoples' participation and their knowledge of the local ecology are now recognised as the most effective environmental management tools. Not only does it support practical projects in tropical rainforest areas, the Rainforest Foundation carries out international advocacy campaigns.

By Amelia

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By AmeliaBy Amelia

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Trees in the Amazon are taken for medical purposes, timber, land, cattle ranching and large/small

scale agriculture.

As if this wasn’t enough cutting, trees are being illegally cut down for their money’s worth.

WWF is an international organisation that has it’s attention brought to the subject and is helping to track down the illegal cuttings and help


By Holly

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What do we do?

-WWF promotes sustainable agriculture

-Tackles illegal logging~ working with state authorities and local communities to create protected areas across the Amazon and supporting government owned forests such as, ‘National Forests in Brazil’.

- Reducing Emissions from deforestation to tackle climate change.

By Holly

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Sustainability • Firstly, by promoting sustainable agriculture such as by agroforestry there is

a wider range of audience to help support the idea, therefore, allowing the forest to grow back to it’s natural state.

• Illegal logging is a difficult subject to tackle, but the more the people are informed the more the government gains rights. Also, satellite images can capture the suspects. Less logging means less harm for the environment.

• By helping take out illegal logging and promoting agroforestry, the emissions produced will lessen which is a great bonus for the sustainability. This is because if global warming is reduced, then environments will not be in danger. This will sustain the future generations a good and secure supply of resources.

By Holly

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The Amazon Conservation Team (ACT):• So far active in the north-east, north-west and southern

regions of the Amazon, the ACT works to sustain the ecosystems and culture of the Amazon Rainforest, while working together with the forest’s indigenous people and tribes.

• The ACT provides funding and aids tribesmen in developing unique conservation plans for their area, growing with them and putting specialized plans into practice to help them learn to live alongside the forest, and teaching them to sustain it themselves.

• The team also runs a ranger training course each year to help train the indigenous people in conservation techniques. Amongst other things, they also run excursions to map the vast reserves in the rainforest to make conservation easier.

• In Colombia, the team worked with the government to create the Alto Fragua Indi Wasi National Reserve, the first of its kind to be actively co-run by an indigenous tribe.

By Jordan

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Amazon Watch

• Amazon Watch campaigns for the rights of indigenous tribesmen in the Amazon Basin, as well as the welfare of the ecosystems and general health of the rainforest.

• After a disastrous oil spill, Amazon Watch campaigned against the company (Chevron). They also opened a school in an area of Ecuador to better educate the tribal leaders on exactly how to defend their land against the oil companies. By Jordan

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REDD- Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries.It is the United Nations collaborative initiative. The programme was created in response to the UNFCCC decision on REDD at COP 13 and the Bali Action Plan.The UN-REDD programme assists developing countries to prepare and implement national REDD+ strategies. It has 42 partner countries spanning Africa, Asia-pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean. Approved a total of 59.3 million USD for national Programmes in these 14 countries. They support the development and implementation of national REDD+ strategies. By Lucia

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After 2007, this came under the remit of REDD and was included. REDD was also charged with monitoring the situation, and with addressing the social and economic issues that had led to deforestation in the first place.REDD acknowledges is the biodiversity issue – all those useful plants and special animals we may loose unless we get a move on.How is it doing? It was never fully implemented at Copenhagen - but then nothing much was.However countries such Norway, Denmark and the UK are already in discussion with LICs such as Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea. By Lucia

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REDD is supposed to make forests worth more standing than cut down. REDD is condemned for allowing “the powerful capitalist countries to maintain their current levels of production, consumption and, therefore, pollution”. While REDD strips communities of their rights to manage their own territories, it does little or nothing to address the root causes of deforestation.

By Lucia

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SAN promotes efficient and productive agriculture, biodiversity conservation and sustainable community development by creating social and environmental standards. SAN develops, manages and own the sustainable agriculture standard and currently included environmental groups in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India and Mexico.

SAN seeks to transform the environmental and social conditions of agriculture through the implementation of sustainable farming practices.

SAN is dedicated to establishing its sustainable agricultural standards as respected and recognized around the world by all actors along the value chain. SAN promotes best practises for agricultural value chain, providing incentives to producers so that they adhere to the standards while motivating companies and consumer to support sustainability. By Lucia

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SAN’s objectives include integrating sustainable agricultural production into local and regional strategies favouring biodiversity conservation and the preservation of social and environmental well-being. The network also aims to increase awareness among agricultural producers, companies, consumers and industries about the interdependence that exists between healthy ecosystems, sustainable agriculture and self directed, rural communities.

Over the past two decades, the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) has worked for biodiversity conservation and human development through the development of social and environmental standards. Since 1992, more than 700 certificates have been awarded to approximately 80,000 farms in 27 countries that have met the SAN standards. These farms cover over 700,000 hectares and include more than 20 different crops. By Lucia

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SAN and CATIE worked towards the creation of a complementary SAN standard for sustainable cattle production systems. This standard includes 5 principles and 36 additional criteria dedicated to the following topics:1.  Integrated cattle management system2.  Sustainable range and pasture management 3.  Animal welfare4.  Reducing the carbon footprint5.  Additional environmental requirements for cattle farmsAdditionally, the current SAN standards on water protection and waste management are being adapted and strengthened for cattle farms.

By Lucia

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STAROSave the Amazon Rainforest


Covering around 500 square kilometres in the Mid Negro river region, STARO raises money for sustainable projects within the Amazon. They help stop deforestation by preventing illegal logging and ‘slash and burn’ cultivation techniques. This allows various tribes to remain living within the rainforest.

STARO was founded by Jessica Hatfeild and Dr. Dieter Bratshi three years ago.

STARO teaches sustainable, economic projects such as stingless bee keeping and Inga tree alley cropping.


By Rebecca, Amelia

and William

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The Stingless Bee ProjectSTARO are helping people who live in the Amazon sustain their lifestyle by giving them stingless bees to keep.The projects aim is to prevent people living in the rainforest moving to urban slums. It gives them an income by selling honey. The bee hives are cheap to build and easy to maintain.This project also helps the rainforest to grow due to pollination.Honey has always been harvested in the Amazon.


By Rebecca, Amelia

and William

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Inga Tree Alley CroppingAlley cropping is a method of farming, where crops are sown in rows between hedges or nitrogen-fixing plants (in this case Inga trees), to enrich the soil. Its also used to create a small canopy to shade the crops and protect the soil from erosion.It allows the land to be cultivated over and over again, unlike native ‘slash and burn’ techniques.This helps stop deforestation in the Amazon, and allows farmers to stay in one place and be able to provide for their family.


The Inga tree can be used because it’s inexpensive, and grows well (and fast) in rainforest conditions.

By Rebecca

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WWFWorld Wildlife Fund

“For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.”

By 2020 WWF aim to conserve 19 of the worlds most important natural places, from the Arctic to the Amazon.


Founded in 1961 by a group of environmentalists, from the small town of Morges in Switzerland. The ‘Morges Manifesto’, included biologist Julian Huxley and Peter Scott, a painter and ornithologist.

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WWF in the Amazon

They help to teach some of the 33 million people relying on the Amazon for their livelihood, how to go about fishing and collecting fuel wood, whilst still preserving the environment.The techniques WWF use to preserve the Amazon rainforest receive high results because they aim to please both the economic development and the conservation factors.Best accomplishments;1970’s; Minimum Critical Size project was set up to see the long term effects of deforestation on the Amazon.1980’s; WWF expanded, over 100 people are now based in it’s offices throughout the Amazon.1990’s; Came up with resource reserves for rubber and Brazil nuts in Róndonia.Worked with Brazil’s government and ARPA to protect 10% of its forests.2000’s; Converted $10.6 million of debt, into funds to conserve 27.5 million acres of the Amazon.Through ARPA they secured over 56 million acres for conservation.

Working with governments in the Amazonian countries, as well as the Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) Programme in Brazil, WWF are working to make nearly 150 million acres of rainforest protected.


By Rebecca

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‘Our mission is to conserve the biological diversity of the Amazon.’

‘The Amazon Conservation Association (ACA) is a nonprofit organization that is active in Peru and Bolivia. Our directors and staff are experienced ecologists and conservationists. We work to protect biodiversity by studying ecosystems and developing innovative conservation tools to protect land in the region while supporting the livelihoods of local communities.’

By Rebecca

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‘Road construction, logging, and land clearing for agriculture are endangering the health of the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon Conservation Association aims to protect the forests by creating a network of state, community, and private lands managed for conservation and sustainable use of resources. We work by forging ties with governments, nonprofits and people who depend on the rainforests for their livelihood, with the goal of saving rare species and habitats and learning from the land. Scientific research guides our approach, which strives for concrete, measurable achievements.

We concentrate our resources in the field, where they have the largest impact on conservation. Because long-term conservation depends on active and informed participation by local stakeholders, we collaborate with people who make a living from the forest and are working to improve their management of resources.’

By Rebecca

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Brazil nuts are the most profitable non-timber forest product in the southwestern Amazon, providing income for local people and incentives for forest conservation. Brazil nut stands cover more than 10 million acres of Amazonian Peru and even larger areas in Bolivia and Brazil. Conserving this forest through Brazil nut concessions is a key element in maintaining the biological connections among protected areas. ACA has been studying Brazil Nuts since 1997 and has been helping Brazil nut harvesters obtain international “green” certification from the Forest Stewardship Council for their product. By encouraging local farmers/businesses to produce brazil nuts instead of timber, deforestation is being lowered. By


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NGO Rainforest Alliance • Boa Vista do Ramos, which means "good view of the

branches" in Portuguese, is a town on the northern part of the Amazon, several hours by river from Manaus -- the largest city in the Amazon. This remote corner of northern Brazil, near the Venezuelan border, is teeming with a diversity of wildlife and cultures.

By Thomas

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Imflora• The Rainforest Alliance's Brazil-based partner, and their

colleagues in conservation are hard at work to help the villagers of Boa Vista do Ramos overcome poverty through the sustainable management and use of their natural resources. Villagers now harvest fish, timber, honey, fruits, medicines and plants from this beautiful area while being careful to protect the forest.

By Thomas

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Imflora is a partner of the Rainforest Alliance and teaches people sustainable forestry

• They educate the local people about the rainforest • This helps the rainforest as the people understand the balance of

nature • Some families fish to earn money • The families of Boa vista depend on the rainforest and river for

everything• The way of life is now sustainable and does not damage the forest.

By Thomas

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Precious woods

• Precious Woods developedthe first sustainable forestmanagement operation in theAmazon Aerial


By Thomas

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Sustainable managements • Sustainable management of existingforests: In Brazil we managetropical forest in a sustainable andlow-impact manner, there by ensuringits long-term preservation. PreciousWoods Brazil is certified in accordancewith the criteria of FSC• Timber industry and trading: Our productsfind applications in the construction,industrial, furniture, and do-it yourselfsectors, with customers inEurope, Brazil, Asia and the USA.• Renewable energy and carbon rights:The use of waste wood to produceenergy and the sale of CO2 emissionrights are integral parts of our approachto the sustainable management offorests and the timber industry. By Thomas

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How this helps

• Reduced impact logging -Properly harvested trees hardly damage the neighbouring trees or young growth. Moreover, timber losses due to logs splitting during felling operations decrease. Finally, competent logging means more safety for the felling crews.

• For all these reasons we apply so called low-impact logging techniques in Brazil. In this way, the timber quality of the fallen trees is preserved, the surrounding flora is undamaged, the canopy remains mostly undisturbed and nature is able to close any gaps in a very short time.• After the felling operations the logs are winched by cable to the nearest skid trail at 100 meter intervals. The logs are then taken to collection points by tractors and skidders which remain on the trails at all times. They

are then picked up by trucks. As a consequence, the impact on the forest soil is very low.

By Thomas

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Small Scale Projects

By Thomas

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NWFP- Non Wood Forest Products

• Some rainforest food products can be collected in a sustainable manner for profit. Most of these include fruits, nuts, and flavourings. Tropical American nuts, like cashews and Brazil nuts, account for US$300 million in sales to the U.S. alone. Many of these foods, particularly Brazil nuts, can be collected only from a fully functioning forest, and cannot be raised in plantations. The Brazil nut tree is a canopy species that grows in forests with full canopies.

• Other products from the forest are Medicinal drugs food colorants rubber rattatan

By Thomas

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How this helps • Harvesting food in place of, or in addition to,

management for timber, is more likely to benefit locals. Such forest use boosts the local economy and provides tangible benefits to those who live in and around forests.

• Land can be used more profitably if the forest is sustained rather than being destroyed for timber

• Problems to overcome are the lack of clear laws over ownership of the forest, monitoring access , over harvesting and poor distribution methods

By Thomas

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SAN's aim to improve the rain forest and make the people’s life improved and more fair, while trying to conceder the environment.

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An example of Stan, is the Cocoa. Cocoa is produced as part of an ecosystem with a mix of trees around is much less damaging to the environment. They do this buy, the farmers learning how to properly sort, dry and ferment the beans using a cooperative processing facility, which then reduces numbers of defective and rotten beans. It also preserves the chocolate’s anti-oxidant properties as well as its potassium content.

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By drying their cocoa using solar rather then the gas powered dryers and selling them by a cooperative, the farmers have increased their production and lowered their own costs, resulting in better living conditions for their families and for the environment!

By doing things like this, it makes a massive difference! After time, it will become even more noticeable and a worthy cause, to the local farmers, people and environment.

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Sky Rainforest Rescue-The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has joined forces with Sky to safeguard a billion trees, covering an area about the size of Belgium.

-Based in Acre in Western Brazil

-Sky are raising the awareness of deforestation and its effects both locally and globally through airing documentary television programmes.

-Whilst online social networking sites such as Facebook are spreading the word whilst encouraging the public to make donations.

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-They support the Acre state government’s voluntary land certificate scheme. This scheme gives financial and technical support to farmers who commit not to cut down trees or set fire to land. -Help farmers get fair prices for their products for sustainable good like native rubber which promotes development without deforestation.  -Improve Acre’s monitoring of illegal threats such as logging and forest clearance.

What They Do

A rubber tapper at work in Acre.

Celebrities have promoted the scheme.

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How is it a sustainable project?

• Their projects reduce the incentive to cut down trees and burn the land whilst promoting development and decreasing poverty.

Quote from the WWF further stressing the need for fundraising for this incentive, “The Amazon is home to thousands of unique and wonderful animals, including howler monkeys, scarlet macaws, harpy eagles and giant otters.”

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Agroforestry -The Jurena Rural Development Association (ADERJUR) with the

Petrobras Environmental Program have implemented a scheme to use agroforestry systems to restore degraded areas.

- It is located in Mato Grosso.

-The scheme also hopes to generate revenue and sequester CO2.

Agroforestry is the growing of both trees and agricultural / horticultural crops on the same piece of land.

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What they do-Over two years, the project will involve 150 small-scale farmers to help them use agroforestry techniques.

-The project will use Environmental Education activities and support social organizations. Helping to support biodiversity.

-Also, the project will promote partnerships, such as that between the Rohden Company, which allows farmers to harvest Brazil nuts in 25,000-hectare forest management area.

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How it is a sustainable project• The use of agroforestry means farmers take

advantage of shelter from the canopy of trees. It prevents soil erosion and the crops benefit from the nutrients from the dead organic matter. Thus, making a continuous effort towards deforestation in the Amazon and managing global warming globally.

Did you know a new monkey was discovered in Mato Grosso in 2020? More reason to protect the area.