yajima ikeda

1 Joint Operation Access Concept (JOAC) and Air Sea Battle (ASB) – impact on US-Japan defense cooperation Col. Yajima (JASDF) Col. Ikeda (JGSDF)

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Page 1: Yajima ikeda


Joint Operation Access Concept (JOAC)and Air Sea Battle (ASB) –impact on US-

Japan defense cooperation

Col. Yajima (JASDF)Col. Ikeda (JGSDF)

Page 2: Yajima ikeda

•   Description of JOAC and ASB? •   The impact of the application of JOAC to the Asia-Pacific region •   Challenges of Japan-US defense cooperation under ASB Concept


Page 3: Yajima ikeda

Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense

(= New Defense Strategy)

- What is this document?

- How does it relate to other concepts?

- What are the main points of this document?


Page 4: Yajima ikeda


Relationship between Joint Operation Concepts


Joint Operation Access Concept (JOAC)

Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020

Sustaining Operation


Defense StrategicGuidance


Page 5: Yajima ikeda

Primary Missions of the U.S. Armed Forces①   Counter Terrorism and Irregular Warfare   ②   Deter and Defeat Aggression③   Project Power to meet against A2/AD Challenges④   Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction⑤   Operate Effectively in Cyberspace and Space⑥   Maintain a Safe, Secure, and Effective Nuclear Deterrent⑦   Defend the Homeland and Provide Support to Civil Authorities⑧   Provide a Stabilizing Presence⑨   Conduct Stability and Counterinsurgency Operations⑩   Conduct Humanitarian, Disaster Relief, and Other Operations

A Challenging Global Security Environment・ Increasingly complex global security environment・ Necessity to rebalance towards the Asia – Pacific Region・ Continued presence and support for the Middle East also necessary・ Continuing to lead global effort and assure access to global commons necessrary


Page 6: Yajima ikeda

Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020

- What is this document?

- How does it relate to other concepts?

- What are the main points of this concept?


Page 7: Yajima ikeda


Relationship between Joint Operation Concept


Joint Operation Access Concept

Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020

Sustaining Operation


Defense StrategicGuidance

* Globally Integrated Operation


Page 8: Yajima ikeda

Becoming Globally Integrated

①   Command US missions globally②   Seize, retain and exploit the opportunity③   Global agility④   Partnership⑤   Flexibility in establishing Joint Forces⑥   Cross-domain synergy⑦   Use of flexible, low-signature capabilities⑧   Increasingly discriminatory to minimize unintended consequences


Page 9: Yajima ikeda

Joint Operation Access Concept (JOAC)

-What is this document?

-How does this relate to other concepts?

-What are the main points of this concept?


Page 10: Yajima ikeda


Relationship between Joint Operation Concept


Joint Operation Access Concept

Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020

Sustaining Operation


Defense StrategicGuidance


*Cross domain synergy

Page 11: Yajima ikeda

Basic idea● Cross-domain synergy● Operational Access Precepts ・ Gain access to requirements and broader mission ・ Prepare the operational area in advance ・ Consider a variety of basing options ・ Seize the initiative through multiple and independent operations ・ Gain advantage in one or more domains, disrupting adversaries’ A2/AD efforts ・ Disrupting reconnaissance and surveillance of adversaries ・ Create pockets of local domain superiority for penetration ・ Maneuver directly toward key objective from strategic distance ・ Attack enemy’s A2/AD defense in depth ・ Maximize surprise ・ Protect space and cyber capabilities while attacking enemy’s


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Relationship between JOAC and ASB


Joint Operation Access Concept

Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020

Sustaining Operation


Defense StrategicGuidance


Page 13: Yajima ikeda

- Progress of ASBC

- Purpose and character of ASBC

- The central idea of ASBC - Diagram of an operation based on ASBC

Air-Sea Battle Concept


Page 14: Yajima ikeda


2009 Then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates directed the examination

Sep 2009 CSAF and CNO signed the memorandum to establish JASBC

Feb 2010 First appearance as Joint Air-Sea Battle in QDR2010

May, Aug, 2010 CSBA published reports on JASBC

Nov 2011 Establishment of ASB Office, Announced “The ASBC Summary”

Jan 2012 Announced “Defense Strategic Guidance” and “JOAC”

Feb CSAF and CNO announced “Air-Sea Battle: Promoting Stability in an era of Uncertainty”

Jun ASB Office announced “Air-Sea Battle : Clearing the Fog”

Sep Gen. Dempsey announced “CCJO: Joint Force 2020”


Page 15: Yajima ikeda


2009 Then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates directed the examination

Sep 2009 CSAF and CNO signed the memorandum to establish JASBC

Feb 2010 First appearance as Joint Air-Sea Battle in QDR2010

May, Aug, 2010 CSBA published two reports on JASBC

Nov 2011 Establishment of ASB Office, Announced “The ASBC Summary”

Jan 2012 Announced “Defense Strategic Guidance” and “JOAC”

Feb CSAF and CNO announced “Air-Sea Battle: Promoting Stability in an era of Uncertainty”

Jun ASB Office announced “Air-Sea Battle : Clearing the Fog”

Sep Gen. Dempsey announced “CCJO: Joint Force 2020”


Page 16: Yajima ikeda

・ Maintain U.S. access to the global commons

・ keep the power projection capability, maintain freedom of mission under A2/AD environment


・ NOT a strategy, or a doctrine・ A limited operational concept ・ NOT a concept aimed at any particular potential adversary・ NOT a new concept, but an advanced joint operation concept using cross-domain operations


Purpose and Characer of ASB16

Page 17: Yajima ikeda

The central idea of ASBC


: Maintain cross domain network

: Organize appropriate units among all Forces




Disrupt adversary's C4ISR networks

Destroy adversary’s A2/AD systems

Defeat weapons launched by adversary


Page 18: Yajima ikeda

Collect TGTInformation

TGT information

TGT information

Example of an operation based on ASBC

Order of Attack


Order of Attack

Submarine Adversary shipswww.mod.go.jp


Stealth Fighter


Operation Center

Page 19: Yajima ikeda

The implementation of the JOAC to the Asia-Pacific region

• Impact to the US defense posture in the Asia-


• Japan’s Role


Page 20: Yajima ikeda


Advantage Challenge Provision Japan’s role


Present Bases

Maximal ReadinessContinuous ISR Allies Cooperation Less POL challenges

Risks ProtectionStrengthen Protection


maximum forward deployment

Disperse risks Host nationC2

Host nation coord.Long range Comms. and TransportationTraining site

Accept additional deploymentMore protection


minimum forward deployment

Minimal risk

ReadinessDeterrenceHost nationC2

Rapid deployment > Transportation > Long Range ISR and attacking measure > ASW > BMD- bases, ships > Robust Cyber, Space capabilityTraining siteHost nation coord.

Ensure use basesKeep U.S. suppliesMore protection

* Integrated doctrine, tactics, network


C2= Command and Control

Page 21: Yajima ikeda

Deployment   in   the Asia-Pacific  Region

ARMY NAVY Air Force Marine Corps 21


Marine Corps moves units from Okinawa to Guam and Hawaii, and make rotation through Darwin, Australia



Main island Japan



Page 22: Yajima ikeda

Anticipated role and the Challenges of Japan

To enhance reliability as a US foothold

anti-A2/AD capability, Networked JSDF – U.S. force

Reviewing the Japan National Defense Program Guideline

Reviewing the Japan-U.S. Guidelines for defense cooperation


Page 23: Yajima ikeda

Japan-U.S. defense Cooperation

Under the Air-Sea Battle Concept


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Table of Contents

・ Challenges or problems of ASBC in the U.S. military

・ Importance of ASBC in the the Western Pacific

・ The Influence of defense budget cut on ASBC

・ Challenges of Japan-U.S. defense cooperation under ASBC

・ Conclusion


Page 25: Yajima ikeda

Challenges or problems about ASBC in the U.S. military

・  There is a possibility that the Air-Sea Battle Concept could suffer from the negative effects of parochialism.

・  ASBC may not be given top priority, concerns over its probability.

・  Develop more high-level “jointness”


Page 26: Yajima ikeda

Importance of ASBC in the Western Pacific

・ The Western Pacific is one of the regions where an adversary can establish an A2/AD environment with relative ease.

1 The main operational area is air and sea

2 The U.S. military does limited strategic depth.

3 The distance between the U.S. mainland and the Western Pacific is very far.

4 There are countries with A2/AD capability

5 Most of U.S. forward bases and allies’ bases are in range of potential adversary ballistic missiles

The Western Pacific Geostrategic Considerations

Japan is located between mainland of Asia and the US.Japan has bilateral operation capability.

・ Japan-US Cooperation is important


Page 27: Yajima ikeda

Scenario Reduction Influence   and analysis

1$350 ~ $40


U.S. military remains capable of addressing a wide range of possible threats around the world by pursuing “High-Low-New” modernization plan.The risks are modest and acceptable

2$500 ~ $55


Under a reduced capability, U .S. military can manage its global mission. But U.S. has to prioritize regions The risks are significant but acceptable

3$650 ~ $70


U.S. military reduce forward maritime presence. U.S. can maintain it’s presence only in selected regions (Western Pacific, Indian Ocean, Middle East, Arabian Gulf)The risks are high

4$800 ~


U.S. has to alter global engagement strategy significantly. U.S. can protect its interests only in Asia and Middle East. But Asian allies and partners question the credibility of U.S. security guarantees. The risks are very high

4 scenarios of defense budget cut

Influence of defense budget cut on ASBC

Reference: Hard Choice by center for New American Security


Page 28: Yajima ikeda

Services Reduction Capabilities


Total cut 8%Reduce CVN (11 →10), Amphibious Ships, Attack Submarine(Virginia-class),Cruiser, LSC, Eliminate future procurement of F-18Lose mine hunting and sweeping capabilities

Air ForcesTotal cut 8%Reduce F-35, MQ-4, Strategic Aircraft, V-22 Osprey Eliminate future procurement of F-16

Ground Forces

Total cut 16% Army 520000 →430000, Marine 187000 →150000Shrinking Army's heavy Capability, GCV, JLTV, JTRS, GMR, Cancel F-35 B,


Total cut 64% Base support, DOD Civilian, Intelligence, Missile Defense, R&D

NoN DODActivities

Total cut 4% Atomic Energy Defense activities, Other Defense-Related Activities

Reduction capability in scenario 4

Influence of defense budget cut on ASBC

Reference: Hard Choice by center for New American Security


Page 29: Yajima ikeda

Challenges for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation under ASBC

Policy Level

・ Japan should support the Air-Sea Battle Concept, and share

the burden as much as possible.

・ Japan should be more involved in the implementation process

and share the contents to the National Defense Program

Guideline and   the Mid-Term Defense Program with US in a

timely manner.


Page 30: Yajima ikeda

Challenges for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation under ASBC

Policy Level

・ Japan has to build the foundation of executing Air-Sea Battle operations.

- Build the political and legal framework which enables Japan to execute

the use of force out of Japanese territory.

- Strengthen Japan-US bilateral operational capability.

・  Execute Air-Sea Battle operations in the Western pacific with other US allies and

partners is important.

・  The Jieitai has to develop jointness and overcome the parochialism among its

three services.


Page 31: Yajima ikeda

Category Japan-US military Cooperation

Networked・ Establish network system to share situational awareness of cross-domain operation.

Integrated・ Establish real time communication system among headquarters and all domain assets. ・ Prepare all kinds of scenarios and exercises


Disrupt ・ Promote cooperation in the cyber field.

Destroy・ Maintain mission flexibility (Japan should strengthen an attack capability )

Defeat・ Increase the reliability and operational capability of missile defense.・ Increase survivability of the bases

Challenges for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation under ASBC

Tactical Level


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・ ASBC is necessary for the US to rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region.

・ To execute ASB operations in the Western Pacific, Japan-U.S. cooperation is necessary.

・ To execute cooperation successfully, the Jieitai will have to overcome its challenges.

・ The Jieitai's operational performance will improve dramatically.

・ Japan-US cooperation under the Air-Sea battle Concept will be a great deterrence to adversaries in the Asia-Pacific region