year 10 snow day work

Year 10 Snow Day Work Revision and Questions

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Year 10 Snow Day Work. Revision and Questions. Background to the Gospel…. What is a Gospel? Who wrote it? When was it written? Where was it written? Why was it written? How important is it?. Mind Map The Person of Jesus . Messiah/Christ. Teacher. Son of Man. Miracle Worker. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Year 10 Snow Day Work

Year 10 Snow Day Work

Revision and Questions

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Background to the Gospel…• What is a Gospel?• Who wrote it?• When was it written?• Where was it written?• Why was it written?• How important is it?

Page 3: Year 10 Snow Day Work

Mind Map The Person of Jesus


Miracle Worker


Son of Man

Son of God

Page 4: Year 10 Snow Day Work

1. What does Messiah mean?2. Why did people in the gospel refer to the Son of David?3. What does Son of man mean?4. What does saviour mean?5. What does Son of God mean?6. At the baptism of Jesus God spoke, what did he say?7. Why is the transfiguration linked with the title Son of God?8. At Jesus trial before the High priest what was he asked?9. The paralysed man showed that the son of man had authority to do

what?10. What did James & John request?11. What did Jesus predict would happen to the Son of Man?12. At the calming of the storm why did Jesus tell the disciples off?13. How did Jesus ‘save’ the 5000?14. What was the Greek woman's response? 15. Who did peter say people thought Jesus was?16. Blind Bartimaeus recognised Jesus as the ________17. What healed Bartimaeus?18. What did Jesus ride on into Jerusalem?19. What did people yell?

10 minutes – Quick questions

Page 5: Year 10 Snow Day Work


Is it natural to be greedy? If so, is being greedy OK?

Explain the term poverty and outline the causes of poverty.Explain the difference between rich and poor countries.Explain how and why Christians respond to the poor overseas.Explain the aims and work of Christian Aid.Explain ways in which individuals might respond to those in LEDC’s (e.g., Fair-trade)

Page 6: Year 10 Snow Day Work

Explain how and why Christians respond to the poor overseas.Explain the aims and work of Christian Aid.Consider ways in which individuals might respond to those in LEDC’s (e.g., Fair-trade)

Using your classwork and your fantastic memory…

Recap and mind-map information about Christian Aid, how Christians respond to the poor overseas and how individuals respond. **Include any relevant quotes**

Page 7: Year 10 Snow Day Work

Crime and Punishment• If I have a problem with

my brain that makes me do bad things am I a bad person? (Do you agree? GRFYASTYHTAMTOPOV)

Explain the terms crime, punishment, reform, retribution, deterrence, protection, death penalty.Outline the causes of crime and the aims and forms of punishment.Explain Christian responses to different kinds of punishment.Explain and evaluate Christian beliefs and attitudes towards the death penalty.

I know nothing about this

I have a limited understanding of this

I am confident I know this very well

Page 8: Year 10 Snow Day Work

Questions…• What is terrorism? (2)• Explain why some Christians believe that acts of terrorism can never be

regarded as a ‘Just’ War. (3)• What reason did Jesus give to his disciples for not fighting at his arrest?

(1)• Give one reason mentioned by St Paul for obeying the authority of the

state. (1)• Explain the term non-violent Christian protest using one Christian

example. (2)• What is meant by the word pacifism? (2)• Describe how a Christian might live as a pacifist today (4) • What did Jesus teach about how to treat enemies (3)• ‘All Christians should be pacifists’ Do you agree? GRFYASYHTAMTOPOV (6)• Outline the Just War theory. (6)• Explain the causes of war (6)