year 2 information

Year 2 Parents’ Workshop Spring 2015

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Year 2 Parents’

Workshop Spring 2015

What are SATs? SAT’s are Statutory Assessment Test’s

All year 2 children have to complete SAT’s to give a level of attainment they have reached at the end of their infant education.

They are given a level in Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and Speaking and Listening

These levels are reported to the Local Authority and are used in school to set a target for the end of year 6.

Your child’s level must be reported by July. We can do the test’s at any time in the year but normally they are done in last half term of the year (beginning of June).

The test’s are done in the classroom and are marked in school by myself.

The test score is not the ‘be all and end all’ I can give a level based on all of the evidence of your child’s ability. For example; class work, other independent work, 1:1 assessments.

End of Year Expectations

SATs An child working at age appropriate levels should achieve a level 2B

at the end of year 2

3b Above expected 3c2a Expected2b2c Below expected1a1b Well below expected1c

Last Year we achieved….

Last Year, we achieved….

Subject Level 2C Level 2B Level 2a Level 3









Maths 100 92 87 80 63 53 50 24

Reading 97 90 87 81 63 57 43 31

Writing 97 86 80 70 57 39 23 16

Maths Test Children will complete a math’s test (level 2,

level 3 or 1:1 assessment tasks with me).

The test covers all areas of maths



Shape, space and measures

Data handling

Using and applying (problem solving)

Some Areas CoveredLevel 2

Reading and writing numbers to 100

Adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers using informal methods

Know the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes

Rotate shapes through turns

Interpret data in simple bar charts, tables and lists etc

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10

Draw lines of symmetry in shapes and reflect shapes and pattern in a line of symmetry.

Level 2

Finding 1 ½ ¼ ¾ of a shape or a set of objects

Using the greater than, less than and equals to signs

Work out the facts for the 2 5 and 10 times tables and the related division facts

Number bonds to 10, totals that make 20 and the multiples of 10 that add up to 100

Doubling to 20 and the related halves

Finding unknowns in a number sentence eg ? + 7 = 12

Some Areas CoveredLevel 3

Add and subtract using 3 digit numbers

Read, write and order numbers to 1000

Work with negative numbers

Use decimal notation and relate to money and measures

Find perimeters and find area by counting squares

Solve one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money or measures, including time; choose and carry our appropriate

Level 3

Round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100

Read and write proper fractions (e.g. 3/7, 9/10), identify and estimate fractions of shapes; use diagrams to find equivalent fractions

Find unit fractions of numbers and quantities (e.g. 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/6 of 12 litres)

Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10

Use practical and informal written methods to multiply and divide two-digit numbers (e.g. 13 × 3, 50 ÷ 4); round remainders up or down, depending on the context eg Mary wanted 50 balloons for a party. They came in packs of 6. How many packs did she need to buy?

New National Curriculumfor Maths

September 2014.

Some things have been removed from the old National Curriculum for year 2 and some things have been added, e.g. rounding to the nearest 10 has been removed, but reading temperature has been added.

The level of attainment expected by the end of each year group has jumped massively.

The current Year 2 will be tested on the old National Curriculum.

However, this presents a problem - I have to teach the old National Curriculum so the children are ready for the tests at the end of the year - I also have to teach the new National Curriculum so the children are ready for the higher demands that will be placed on them in Year 3 and through out the rest of KS2

Some Examples of how the curriculum has jumped in Year 2

Old Curriculum New CurriculumFind one half, one quarter and three quarters of shapes and sets of objects

Recognise, find, name and write fractions ½ 1/3 ¼ 2/4 ¾ of a length, shape, set of objects or quantityWrite simple fractions eg ½ of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of two quarters and one half

Read the time to the quarter hour

Tell and write the time to 5 minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times

Derive and recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10, all pairs with totals to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 with totals up to 100

Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts to 100.

Old Curriculum New CurriculumCount in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s Count in 2’s, 5’s,10’s and 3’s

Polygons as pentagons, hexagons and octagons.

Polygons as pentagons, hexagons, octagons and quadrilaterals such as kites, parallelograms and rhombuses.

Recognise and use whole, half and quarter turns, both clockwise and anticlockwise; know that a right angle represents a quarter turn

Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise), and movement in a straight line

Estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and capacities, choosing and using standard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable measuring instruments

Choose and use appropriate standard unit to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g) temperature (

Oc); CAPACITY (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometer and measuring vessels

Sample Questions

Balance between the Different Mathematical Areas

65 -75% Number, ratio, Proportion and Algebra 25-35% - Measurement and Geometry

Maths Coverage

Each week we cover:

3 days of number and calculation.

1 day of shape, space or measure.

1 day of problem solving.

Math’s Passports




Maths Passports AFRICA

Date Achieved Date Achieved Date Achieved

Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20


Know by heart all addition facts of multiples of 10 up to 100     

Know by heart doubles of all numbers to 20     

Know by heart all halves of numbers to 20     

Know by heart significant halves and doubles—25, 50 and 100     

Know 10 more and 10 less than a number to 100     

To round 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10     

Know doubles of multiples of 10 to 100      

To know the multiplication and division facts for the 2 x table up to 12 x 2


To know the multiplication and division facts for the 5 x table up to 12 x 5


To know the multiplication and division facts for the 10 x table up to 12 x 10


English Curriculum

We use the power of reading across the school where the Majority of our literacy work is done through a story.


More than any other skill, the ability to read is crucial in order to be successful and achieve.

We learn to read so that we can read to learn.

A child that reads widely and for pleasure is more likely to do well at school than those

children who do not.

Reading - Decoding Use phonics in reading to decode words. To know the different spelling patterns and their alternative sounds. For example: a - has many different sounds like ant acorn, bath, was ou - has many different sounds like blouse, boulder, soup and could

Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words.

To read first 200 HFW

To read words ending with –s, –es, –ing, –ed, –er and –est, ful, less ly etc

Read words beginning with – un, de, dis, re,

read words with contractions for example: I’m, I’ll, we’ll.

Use context words linked to a particular story or information book eg the word erupting in a book about volcanoes.

Reread books to build up their fluency and confidence in word reading

Reading - Comprehension

Once a child has the ability to read the words on the page at a fluent pace, the

focus switches to understanding and

vocabulary development. This normally happens around Year 2 and 3.

It is no use reading the

words on the page if you have no idea what it is telling you!

Reading - Comprehension

Recall information

Deduce and infer information - For example; The boy put on his hat, gloves and scarf. Why did he put on those clothes? The man sat hunched on the bench, looking at the ground. How was the man feeling?

Recognise language patterns (fairy/traditional tales, rhyming couplets in a poem)

Features of books (contents, glossary, captions, use of numbers/bullet points in instructional texts)

Discuss thoughts about a book and author’s choice of words eg Why did the author use the word slimy in this sentence?

Understand when a story is set in another culture or time. How do we know? What difference does this make to the story?

The Best Readers…..

Read a lot because they love it!

Can read fluently at a decent pace (sound out unfamiliar words quickly and in their head, can use the context of the sentence to help decode unfamiliar words)

Have a good knowledge of vocabulary (at their age level)

Can talk about the book, finding information directly from it

Can make inferences based on clues in the book

Can discuss the author’s choices of words and layout

Reading SATs

Children will complete a reading test. It has a fiction and non fiction part.

The marks come from the comprehension. There are no marks for reading the text correctly!

Children will either do a level 2 test, a level 3 test or will do a 1:1 assessment with me (level 1)

Writing SATs Children will complete 2 writing tasks; a short

one (20 minutes) and a long one (30-40 minutes).

All children complete the same task regardless of the level they are working at.

Children's other independent writing done throughout the year is taken into consideration

A Level 2 Writer

Children in Year 2 should:

Use adjectives in writing.

Begin to use adverbs like slowly, carefully.

Use some features of a certain writing type.

Use connectives like because, when, so, but.

Use time connectives like first, next, then, after.

Ideas in their writing should be sequenced chronologically and logically.

Writing – Level 2 Extending simple sentences with extra information

with when, how where and why:- Eg The teacher opened the door in the morning. The teacher opened the door quickly. The teacher opened the door by the cupboard. The teacher opened the door because it was playtime.

Use capital letters for sentences and names. Use full stops, commas for lists, question marks and

exclamation marks. Past and present tense used correctly.

A Level 3 Writer Use similes.

To use adverbs more confidently like slowly, carefully.

Use connectives like if, as, due to the fact that, therefore and however.

Use powerful verbs eg The boy launched himself off the roundabout.

Some attempt to use paragraphs.

Ideas within paragraphs are loosely linked.

Be writing at least a page.

Extending simple sentences with extra information about when, how where and why at the beginning of the sentence:-

Eg In the morning, the teacher opened the door. Quickly, the teacher opened the door. By the side of the classroom, the teacher opened the door… Due to the fact that it was playtime, the teacher opened the door. To use speech marks and apostrophes for



Children in Year 2 should be able to spell:

Words containing suffixes.

Make good attempts at using their vowel phonemes.

Most of the first 200 HFW.

Be using come contractive apostrophes.

Spelling SATs

This comprises of:-

Spelling given words to match a picture

Spelling words in a dictated passage

Science SATs Children do not complete a science test. Each half term we learn about a different area of

science. Physical process (electricity, forces) Environment and living process (plants, humans,

animals) Materials

At the end of he year a level is given for each area

Speaking and Listening - SATs

Your child will be assessed on going through the year and will be given a level 1,2 or 3.

They need to show

Confidence to speak in different situations in a clear voice

Use Standard English

An understanding of what has been said and be able repeat back

An ability to explain and talk about their thinking

Give instructions

A developing range of vocabulary

Key Information Homework- We have started using a new homework book

from last week. The homework given will be to consolidate learning throughout the week. It is handed out on a Friday and needs to be completed and handed in by Wednesday. It is usually Maths based due the extra demands of the new National Curriculum .

Spellings – These are put in the children’s contact books. They consolidate the spelling patterns covered in school during the week. They are tested every Friday

Reading – Books are changed on a Tuesday and a Friday. Their banded level is based on their ability to read and comprehend the books read. Judgments are based on my “Guided Reading” sessions with the children and tests.

Some children are still learning Key Words. These are normally tested on a Friday.

Number bonds are tested Wednesday. When they know their addition and subtraction bonds fluently to 20, they move onto their multiplication facts.

Helping Your Child at Home


National Literacy Trust research – parents are the most important reading role models for their children. 71% of young people say their mothers are the most important role model for reading and 62% say their fathers.

Read to themRead with them

Enjoy reading!

But Remember Comprehension! Comprehension!

Supporting your child

Helping Your Child at Home

Writing Helping write shopping lists

Thank you letters

Party invitations

Finding out about things that interest them

Helping Your Child at Home

Maths Learn their number bonds to 20 and apply them eg 6 +

3 = 9 so 60 + 30 = 90 - Play bingo

Help them to learn 2x 5 x and 10 x tables

Getting children to turn objects through ½ and ¼ turns clockwise

Pairs games/ dice games – doubling and halving facts

Show the children a number. They give you the number that is 1 more or less, or 10 more or less.

Helping Your Child at Home

Maths Board games Looking at 2D and 3D shapes in the

environment Identifying right angles around them Cooking – reading simple measuring scales.

What does the unknown marker stand for? Sharing between – sweets, cakes Fractions – cutting cakes into halves and


Helping Your Child at Home

Maths Support the school’s Calculation Policy Fun games – see parent booklet Use the internet to play math’s games


Helping Your Child at HomeMaths

Useful web sites:- Subtraction Yr 1/2 -   Crickweb - This website has a range of Numeracy games. Some are better

than others. The site has activities for children of all ages. Woodlands Junior - This website has lots of games and activities across all

areas of Maths. PBS Kids -This site has a range of educational games for children of all ages

and has plenty for younger children. BBC -The BBC website provides a range of Maths activities for children

across the primary range. On the page that appears when using the link below, you will find a number of different sites some of which have useful parent support information. Maths zone Top Marks