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Year 7

Knowledge Organiser

Homework booklet

Half Term 3




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This term all homework will be set on Show my Homework and will be focused on

learning key vocabulary for each subject using Knowledge organisers.

You will be required to learn prescribed parts of the knowledge organiser each

week; these will formally quizzes in following lessons.

Why are we using knowledge organisers?

The GCSE and BTEC courses now have a greater focus on the retrieval of knowledge.

Students are required to know specific dates, keywords and formula.

By learning the key facts from as early as Year 7, the knowledge will become part of your long

term memory.

If you can retrieve key facts you are able to access higher demand questions.

How do I use a Knowledge organiser?

Each knowledge organiser has the key facts for the topic you are learning

You will have specific homework set around each area of the knowledge organiser

You need to memorise the content of the knowledge organiser before you are quizzed in class

Use the look, and cover, and say, and write, and check method to learn the information.

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Contents Maths ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Geometry ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Angle Rules ................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Measures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Conversions ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Statistics....................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Probability .................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Number Properties and Calculations .................................................................................................................... 13

Algebra ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Science .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17

The Earth and Space ............................................................................................................................................... 17

Variation and Reproduction .................................................................................................................................... 17

English ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Key Terms ................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Myths and Fairy Tales ............................................................................................................................................. 19

History ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Year 7 Black Death .................................................................................................................................................. 20

Geography ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Map Skills .................................................................................................................................................................. 21

Product Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 22

Art ................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Food Technology .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

Literacy and Food preparation and Nutrition – Key Word Spellings ................................................................ 24

Spanish .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Core Language ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

Palabras ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Music .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29

Instruments of the Orchestra .................................................................................................................................. 29

Drama............................................................................................................................................................................. 30

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Angle Rules

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Number Properties and Calculations

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The Earth and Space

Variation and Reproduction

1 Variation Describes how member of the same species have different features eg: Hair colour.

2 Chromosome A long strand of curled up DNA. Humans have 46 chromosomes.

3 Gene A small section of a chromosome.

4 DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid. Genetic material.

5 Egg Cell The female sex cell. Contains half the DNA of a normal cell.

6 Sperm Cell The male sex cell. Contains half the DNA of a normal cell.

7 Ovary The organ that egg cells are produced.

8 Testes The organ that sperm cells are produced.

9 Menstrual Cycle The 28 day cycle of the build-up and break down of the uterine lining.

10 Ovulation Day 14 of the menstrual cycle. When an egg is released from the ovary.

11 Fertilisation When an egg and sperm cell meet and combine.

12 Implantation When the fertilised egg moves into the wall of the uterus.

13 Embryo A ball of cells. The beginning of a new life.

14 Foetus The young, white developing in the uterus.

15 Placenta Grows on the wall of the uterus and is joined to the foetus by the umbilical cord.

16 Umbilical Cord The cord that connects mother and developing foetus. This is how oxygen and nutrients reach the developing foetus.

17 Amniotic Fluid The protective fluid surrounding a developing foetus.

18 Gestation The amount of time an animal is pregnant for.

19 Human Gestation Time 40 weeks

20 Labour The process of childbirth from uterine contractions to delivery.

1 Crust The outermost layer of planet Earth.

2 Mantle The thickest layer of the Earth, in between the crust and inner core. It consists of thick magma and rocks.

3 Outer Core The 3rd layer of the Earth. Composed of liquid iron and nickel.

4 Inner Core The innermost layer of planet Earth. Made up of solid iron and nickel.

5 Solar System Consists of the planets, the sun and asteroids.

6 Planet A celestial body that orbits a star.

7 Sun The star that the planets in the solar system and the Earth orbit around.

8 The order of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

9 Dwarf Planet A celestial body that orbits the sun that is too small to be a regular planet.

10 Examples of Dwarf Planets Pluto, Ceres, Makemake

11 Moon A natural satellite orbiting a planet.

12 Orbit The elliptical pathway of the planets around the sun (or the moon about the Earth).

13 Day 24 hours. The time is takes the Earth to rotate once about its axis.

14 Lunar Month Lasts 28 days. The time it takes the moon to go through all of its phases once.

15 Calendar Month Lasts between 28 and 31 days. A month as listed on a calendar.

16 Year The time it takes for the Earth to orbit once about the sun. On Earth this is 365.25 days.

17 Axis The invisible line through the Earth. The planet rotates tilted on its axis.

18 Galaxy A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.

19 Spiral Galaxy A galaxy shaped like a spiral.

20 Elliptical Galaxy A galaxy with an elliptical (oval) shape.

21 Irregular Galaxy A galaxy with no particular shape.

22 Universe All existing matter as a whole.

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Key Terms Word Classification Punctuation

Verb A word used to describe an action, state or occurrence

Capital Letter An upper case letter used to after a full stop to begin a sentence or to indicate a proper noun.

Common Noun

A word that is used to identify a class of people, places or things e.g. children, countryside, chairs

Full Stop . Used to mark the end of a sentence.

Proper Noun A word use to name a particular people, place or thing e.g. Chris, East Anglia, Nimbus3000

Exclamation Mark ! Used at the end of an exclamatory sentence to show strong emotion.

Adverb A word that is used to modify a verb e.g. ‘He ran quickly.’

Question Mark ? Used to indicate an interrogative sentence or rhetorical question.

Adjective A word that is used to modify a noun e.g. ‘The tall teacher talked to the class.’

Brackets () Used to indicate an afterthought which if omitted leaves a grammatically complete sentence.

Pronoun A word that can replace a noun: I, You, He, She, It, They, Them, We

Subject Terminology

Preposition Time

A word that indicates when something happens in time e.g. ‘During lesson one, the fire alarm rang.’

Simile A comparison made using the words “like” or “as.”

Preposition Place

A word that indicates where something happens in place e.g. ‘A fire broke out in Room 51.’

Metaphor A comparison – made directly or indirectly – without using “like” or “as.”

Sentences Personification Giving human characteristics to

something which is not human.

Declarative A sentence that makes a declaration e.g. ‘She sells sea shells.’

Onomatopoeia Words which attempt to imitate sounds.

Interrogative A sentence that asks a question (not rhetorical questions). ‘How much is that doggie in the window?’

Hyperbole Exaggeration.

Exclamatory A sentence that shows great emotions e.g. ‘I am appalled by your behaviour!’

Pathetic fallacy When a character’s feelings, thoughts or emotions are displayed through the environment around them. For example, when a character is depressed and it is raining.

Imperative A sentence that gives commands e.g. ‘Get out!’

Persona/Narrative voice

The voice/speaker of the poem who is different from the writer.

Subject The person, place or thing that is carrying out an action or being something e.g. ‘The boy shouted loudly.’

Protagonist The leading character in a play/novel etc.

Object The person, place or thing that is having an action done to it e.g. ‘The boy shouted loudly into the megaphone.’

Antagonist The character who struggles with or actively opposes the protagonist of the play.

Paragraphs – TiP ToP Common Errors

Time If your writing progresses to a different day or a different time within a day, start a new paragraph.

Homophone Words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

Place If your writing starts to deal with a new location, start a new paragraph.

There Indicating place

Topic If your writing starts to deal with a completely new idea, start a new paragraph.

Their Indicating possession

Person If you introduce a new person or character, start a new paragraph.

They’re Contraction of they are

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Myths and Fairy Tales Vocabulary Meaning

Cave Painting They are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric origin, dated to some 40,000 years ago in Eurasia.

Gilgamesh An Akkadian poem that is considered the first great work of literature.

Aesop Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE.

Oral story An ancient and intimate tradition between the storyteller and their audience. The storyteller and the listeners are physically close, often seated together in a circular fashion.

Superstitions A term for any belief or practice that is irrational.

Myth A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Werewolves Are mythological or folkloric humans with the ability to shapeshift into a wolves, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction.

Character A person in a novel, play, or film.

Villain A character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.

Hero A hero (masculine) or heroine (feminine) is a person or main character of a literary work who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good.

Narrative theory Starts from the assumption that narrative is a basic human strategy for coming to terms with fundamental elements of our experience, such as time, process, and change.

Perspective A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Fairy Tale Is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters

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Year 7 Black Death

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Map Skills

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Product Design

Word Meaning Learnt

Acrylic A type of plastic which is a thermoplastic but is brittle.


A plastic which can be heated and shaped using a mould or jig. It can keep on being reheated so it a recyclable plastic e.g. Lego/milk bottles.

Design Brief An outline of what your project is going to be.


A list of things a product/design must do or be. This is used when designing and making to ensure the product is correct and “ticks the boxes”.

Coping Saw A saw with a very narrow blade stretched across a D-shaped frame, used for cutting curves in wood

Hand Drill A hand held tool to make holes using a drill.

Pillar Drill A fixed machine drill which has a work surface ledge and drills holes

Orbital Sander A sander in which the sanding surface has a minute circular motion without rotating relative to the workpiece.

Bench Hook

A bench hook is a workbench accessory used in woodworking, and its purpose is to provide a stop against which the piece of wood being worked can be firmly held.


A machine saw which sits at work surface height with a narrow blade stretched vertically on a frame, for cutting thin wood in to shapes.

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Sculpture A three dimensional piece of art often carved, chiselled, from stone, marble, wood, or cast from bronze.

Plein Air This is French for "open air". This is the term often used for painting outdoors

Series A number of artworks that are meant to go together. They are often of the same subject

Still life A painting or drawing of inanimate objects often placed in an arrangement. Examples include flowers in a vase, fruit in a bowl, and bottles of wine.

Fresco A painting made on wet plaster of a wall or ceiling. As the plaster and paint dry the wall absorbs the paint.

Mural A large painting generally painted on a wall or ceiling.


Palette A board where colours of paint are mixed so they are the right colour for the painting. Can also refer to range of colours an artist has used in an artwork.

Perspective A way of painting or drawing that makes some objects appear closer than others.

Medium The materials used in creating a piece of artwork such as paint, marble, clay, or pastels

Colour wheel A tool artists use to help them mix and use colours effectively. Pigment The part of the paint that gives it colour.

Thumbnail sketch

A small, quick rough sketch usually used in the planning stage of a piece of artwork.


Landscape A painting or drawing of the natural land such as fields, mountains, trees and sky

Portrait A drawing or painting of a person or people Self-portrait

A painting or drawing that the artist makes of themsevles.

Still life A painting or drawing of inanimate objects often placed in an arrangement. Examples include flowers in a vase, fruit in a bowl, and bottles of wine.

Cityscape A painting or drawing of a city with buildings, roads, cars, sky. Like a landscape but of the city

Abstract Art that is inspired by looking at the real world but simplifying and changing it to the artist’s personal style.

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Food Technology

Literacy and Food preparation and Nutrition – Key Word Spellings

Key word Definition

1. Hazard

Anything that poses a danger

2. Personal hygiene

Things you do to keep yourself clean

3. Food hygiene

Things we do to keep food clean and safe

4. Kitchen hygiene

Things you do to keep the kitchen environment and equipment clean

5. Consequence

The result of an action eg. You spill water and someone could slip

6. Prevention

What you do to prevent an accident from happening

7. Equipment

All the items we use when cooking

8. Measuring The use of specific equipment to accurately gauge the weight of a food

9. Evaluation The judgements you make about the food you have cooked and improvements that could be made

10. Ingredients

The items of food we use to make our food products

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Core Language

yo – I tú – you él/ella – he/she

Usted – you (polite, sing.) nosotros – we

vosotros – you ( ellos/ellas – they

Ustedes – you (polite, pl.)

Time words

ahora – now antes – before

después – after hoy – today ayer – yesterday mañana – tomorrow otra vez - again siempre – always a menudo – often a veces – sometimes nunca – never la semana pasada – last week la semana que viene – next week


tener – to have ser – to be estar – to be

Referring to things

una cosa – a thing esto – this eso – that algo (más) – something (else) otro – (an)other mucho – a lot (un) poco – (a) little

muy – very todo – all/everything

Making links

y – and o – or también – also pero – but porque – because con – with sin - without

Asking questions

¿Por qué? – why?

¿Qué? – what?

¿Cuándo? – when?

¿Dónde? – where?

¿Quién? – who?

¿Cuánto(s)? – how much/many?

¿Cómo? – how?

Referring to places

aquí – here allí - there


Pienso que – I think that Creo que – I believe that Me parece que – it seems that..

Saying what you did

fui – I went hice – I did ví – I saw jugué – I played comí – I ate bebí – I drank

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Palabras (Pages 70–71) ¿Qué estudias? What do you study? Estudio... I study… ciencias science dibujo art educación física PE español Spanish francés French geografía geography historia history informática ICT inglés English matemáticas maths música music religion RE teatro drama tecnología technology

¿Cuál es tu día favorito? What is your favourite day? Mi día favorito es el lunes/ My favourite day is Monday/ el martes. Tuesday. Los lunes/martes estudio… On Mondays/Tuesdays I study… ¿Por qué? Why? Porque… Because… por la mañana in the morning por la tarde in the afternoon estudiamos we study no estudio I don’t study

Opiniones Opinions ¿Te gusta el dibujo? Do you like art? Sí, me gusta (mucho) el dibujo. Yes, I like art (a lot). No, no me gusta (nada) el dibujo. No, I don’t like art (at all). ¿Te gustan las ciencias? Do you like science? Sí, me encantan las ciencias. Yes, I love science. aburrido/a boring difícil difficult divertido/a funny fácil easy importante important interesante interesting práctico/a practical útil useful

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Los profesores Teachers El profesor/La profesora es… The teacher is… paciente patient raro/a odd severo/a strict ¿Qué hay en tu insti? What is there in your school? En mi insti hay… In my school, there is… un campo de fútbol a football field un comedor a dining hall un gimnasio a gymnasium un patio a playground una biblioteca a library una clase de informática an ICT room una piscina a swimming pool unos laboratorios some laboratories unas clases some classrooms No hay piscina. There isn’t a swimming pool. ¿Cómo es tu insti? What’s your school like? Es... It’s… antiguo/a old bonito/a nice bueno/a good feo/a ugly grande big horrible horrible moderno/a modern pequeño/a small

¿Qué haces durante el recreo? What do you do during breaks? Como… I eat… un bocadillo a sandwich unos caramelos some sweets chicle chewing gum una chocolatina a chocolate bar fruta fruit unas patatas fritas some crisps Bebo… I drink… agua water un refresco a fizzy drink un zumo a juice Leo mis SMS. I read my text messages. Escribo SMS. I write text messages. Nunca hago los deberes. I never do homework.

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Expresiones de tiempo Time expressions a veces sometimes normalmente normally primero first luego then Palabras muy frecuentes High-frequency words algo something donde where hay there is/there are o or pero but ¿Por qué? Why? porque because también also, too tampoco nor/neither y and

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Instruments of the Orchestra

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Keyword Definition

Plot The storyline

Character Specific person in a drama

Stock character Someone who has the same characteristics in any story

Structure Way in which time, place and action are sequenced

Freeze frame A still picture created with focus by performers

Audience People watching the performance

Costume Clothes worn by an actor for their character

Dialogue Conversation between 2 or more characters

Mime Creating illusion something is there that is not

Monologue One character speaks on their own with the audience