year nine homework project winter 2008 war


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Year NineHistory Homework

Winter Term


We are learning to……research, organise and communicate knowledge

…demonstrate an understanding of change over time

Core task: You will organise your work on the History of War into four chapters.

It will be challenging so you will need to keep up!

Chapter 1: Swords and Sandals• How did warfare change during ancient times?

• Was the Roman army the toughest?

Chapter 2: Castles, Crossbows and Cavalry• Describe how Norman castles changed warfare.

• What was the Age of Chivalry?• Why was the longbow so lethal?

Chapter 3: Muskets to Machine Guns

• How did the arrival of gunpowder change war? (e.g. castles, archers)• How did armies fight in the Napoleonic Wars? (e.g. artillery, battleships…)

• Why was the machine gun so lethal? (e.g. tactics in WW1, trenches)

Chapter 4: War from the Skies• Explain how aeroplanes transformed war in WWII

• Describe rocket and missile technology• Include any other information about airborne war that you find

interesting (e.g. When was the jet engine invented? Who by? Was the London Blitz difficult to

live through? How have aeroplanes and helicopters changed? What anti-missiledefences are there? )

Super Challenge Activities: You may wish to complete an extra chapter on warfare in the future. You could

interview some people who are experts on the topic. You could make a video, a modelor a slideshow about the future weaponry. You could include up-to-date information

about the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and modern-day terrorism!

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Success Criteria:(What I’m looking for…)

good knowledge and understanding of warfare (e.g. how it developed, how it changed )• different ways of presenting your research (e.g. pictures, videos, diagrams,

models as well as writing )• Use of a range of sources of information (e.g. library books, text books, different

internet sites )• Clearly structured work using proper terms correctly

• Attempts to draw your own conclusions (e.g. the most important reason why warfare changed is …)

Handy Hints:• Keep your work organised in a folder

• Look carefully at what is required for each chapter• Use your own words as much as possible – avoid simply ‘copy and paste’

• Try to be creative in the ways you present your information

How you can help your child:• Encourage your child to begin their research as soon as possible and organise

their time appropriately.• Help your child to keep organised by noting page references, website addresses

etc and by using a file or folder to keep their work together.• Encourage your child to use their own words as much as possible (e.g. if using

the internet for research it can be useful to print out a page and highlight the keyinformation before trying to put it into their own words).

• Encourage your child to present their work as imaginatively as possible. Theymay wish to make a model of a battlefield/weapon or conduct an interview with

an expert as an extension activity. Go with their enthusiasm!• If there is an opportunity for your child to visit a museum this could help to bring

your child’s project to life. However this is not necessary as they can find all theinformation they need in books and on the internet. Ask in the LRC for help with

your research.

Some Useful Web Links to get you started!


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Deadline is the 1 st week back in the New Year.