yearly plan kssr year1

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  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week /


    Theme / Topic Learning Standards Objectives Added Value

    Week 1 3

    4 21 January









  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 4

    24 28 January

    World of knowledge

    Unit 1Sounds Around Us


    &Speaking 1.1 Pupils will be able to pronounce words

    and speak confidently with the correct

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulusgiven with guidance :

    a) environmental soundsb) instrumental soundsc) body percussiond) rhythm and rhymee) alliterationf) voice soundsg) oral blending and segmenting

    1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with


    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    a) Immitate the recorded

    sounds of the animals.

    Pupils develop MI by singing.


    2.1 Pupils will be able to apply

    knowledge of sounds of letters to

    recognise words in linear and non-

    linear texts.

    2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish the

    shapes of the letters in the alphabet.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulateinitial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words within

    given context according the TB.

    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    a) Distinguish the

    phoneme /m/ and /z/.

    Recognise & articulate the phoneme.

    Pupils develop MI by saying the



  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 Pupils will be able to form letters and

    words in neat legible print including

    cursive writing.

    3.1.1 Able to demonstrate fine motor

    control of hands and fingers by:

    a) Handling objects and

    manipulating them.b) moving hands and fingers using

    writing apparatusc) using correct posture and pen

    hold gripd) scribbling in clockwise


    e) scribbling in anti-clockwise


    f) drawing simple strokes up and


    g) drawing lines from left to right

    h) drawing patterns

    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:a) small (lowercase) letters

    b) capital (uppercase) lettersc) numerals

    d) wordse) phrases

    f) simple sentences

    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    Trace the lines according to the

    sounds of the animals.

    Pupils develop MI by tracing the l ines.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.1 Pupils will be able to enjoy and

    appreciate rhymes, poems and songs,

    through performance.

    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery rhymes, jazzchants and action songs through non-

    verbal response.

    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes, jazz

    chants and sing action song with correctpronunciation and rhythm.

    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    a) Listen to and enjoy the

    song.Sing with actions.

    Pupils develop MI by listening & singing.

    Nonteaching Week

    Chinese New Year

    31 January 4 February

    Week 5

    7 11 February

    World of family and


    Unit 2

    All About Me


    peaking 1.1 Pupils will be able to pronounce words

    and speak confidently with the correct

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    1.2 Pupils will be able to pronounce words

    and speak confidently with the correct

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud andrecite rhymes or sing songs with


    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    a) Sing again using the

    names of other pupils.

    b) Highlight the initial

    sounds of pupils namesthat start with s, a, t,


    Pupils develop MI by singing.

    Reading 2.1 Pupils will be able to apply

    knowledge of sounds of letters to

    recognise words in linear and non-

    linear texts.

    2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish the

    shapes of the letters in the alphabet.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulateinitial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words withingiven context according the TB.

    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    a) Say the phonemes.

    Pupils develop MI by saying the



  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Writing 3.2 Pupils will be able to form letters and

    words in neat legible print including

    cursive writing.

    3.2.1 Able to copy and write in neatlegible print:

    g) small (lowercase) letters

    h) capital (uppercase) letters

    i) numerals

    j) wordsk) phrases

    l) simple sentences

    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    a) Copy and write in neat

    legible print the letters.

    Pupils develop the MI by copying &




    4.3 Pupils will be able to plan, organize and

    produce creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative

    works with guidance based on:

    a) nursery rhymes

    By the end of the lesson :

    Pupils will be able to

    Draw a picture of themselves.

    Pupils develop the MI by drawing.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 6

    14 18 February

    World of family and


    Unit 3

    Lets Be Friends


    &Speaking 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    pronounce words and speak

    confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen and respond to

    stimulus given with guidance :

    d) rhythm and rhyme

    1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy

    simple stories.

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloudand recite rhymes or sing

    songs with guidance.

    1.1.4Able to talk about a stimulus with


    1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    listen and respond appropriately

    in formal and informal situations

    for a variety of purposes.

    1.2.1 Able to participate in daily

    conversations :

    (a) exchange greetings

    Pupils should be able to :

    1. Sing song with correct

    pronunciation andintonation.

    2. Enjoy the story by acting

    out the characters.

    3. Continue telling the story

    creatively with teachersguidance.

    4. Retell the story by;

    i . replacing the


    ii. changing the names

    of the characters.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds ofletters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final soundsin single syllable words within

    given context:

    (a) /s/






    p/ (p)

    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four

    phonemes into recognizable

    words and read them aloud.

    Pupils should be able to :

    1. say the phonemes /s/,

    /ae/, /t/ with correctpronunciation.

    2. Pronounce the wordssat,tap and patcorrectly.

    3. Read the chant guided byteacher.

    4. Repeat the chant with

    other words begins with

    /s/, /ae/, /t/, /p/.

    Replace the words pat in the chant

    with pupils name.


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    m) small (lowercase) letters

    d) words

    Pupils should be able to:

    1. trace and write letters


    2. Fill in the missing letters


    Colour the hidden words and write

    the spelling correctly.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative

    works with guidance based on:

    d) stories

    Pupils should be able to

    1) Make masks of the animal

    characters found in thestory.

    2) Role play the story using

    the animal masks.

    Week 7

    21 25 February

    World of family and


    Unit 4

    Listen to Me


    1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    pronounce words and speak

    confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3 Able to listen and respond to stimulus

    given with guidance :

    voice sounds

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and reciterhymes or sing songs with guidance.

    1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:a) simple instructions in the


    Pupils should be able to:

    1. Pronounce words and speak

    confidently the phonemes /m/

    and /n/ with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    2. Pronounce the words Nat,

    net, nest, nap, mat,

    mop with correct stress and



    3. Listen, say aloud and recite jazzchants with guidance.

    4. Listen and follow simple

    instructions using the gameSimon Says.

    Pupils develop multiple intelligencethrough jazz chants.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to apply

    knowledge of sounds of letters to recognise

    words in linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into

    recognizable words and read

    them aloud.

    2.1.3 Able to blend two to fourphonemes into recognizable

    words and read themaloud.

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    Pupils should be able to:

    1. Introduce the phonemes /m/

    and /n/ using letter cards.

    2. Choose the correct picture cards

    and put it in the right grapheme.

    3. Rearrange the letter cards



    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to form

    letters and words in neat legible print

    including cursive writing.:

    3.2.2 Able to copy and write in neatlegible print:

    n) small (lowercase) letterso) capital (uppercase) letters

    Pupils should be able to:

    1. Trace and write small and capitalletters of m and n.

    2. To form letters m and n using

    modeling clay.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and

    appreciate rhymes, poems and songs,

    through performance.4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants and

    action songs through non-

    verbal response.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works

    with guidance based on:c) jazz chants

    Pupils be able to:

    1.. Do the ant finger puppet.

    2. Present jazz chant in groups usingfinger puppet.

    Week 8

    28 February 4


    World of family

    and friends

    Unit 5

    May I



    1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories

    1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with


    Pupils should be able to :

    - listen to the story and

    predict the ending

    - talk about a picture

    - ask for permission and

    responding appropriately

    - Not to follow strangers

    - Being polite with friends

    (Malaysia Negaraku)


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate initial,

    medial and the final sounds in single syllable

    words within given context: (b)

    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four phonemes

    into recognizable words and read them aloud.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences

    (3-5 words) in linear and non-linear textswith guidance.

    Pupils should be able to :

    - pronounce final sounds of

    the phonemes

    /m/ and /n/

    - read statements and choose

    the correct answers


    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

    a) capital lettersb) full stop

    c) question mark

    Pupils should be able to :

    - use the full s top and

    question mark correctly


    4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in aperformance based on: (c) jazz chants

    Pupils should be able to :

    - chant together substituting toiletwith other places in the school

    Nonteaching week

    Midterm Break

    7 13 March


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 9

    14 18 March

    World of Stories

    Unit 6Dilly Ducks Doughnuts


    1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple


    1.1.3 Able to talk about a stimulus with


    1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus withguidance

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrateunderstanding of oral texts by:

    (b) answering simple WH-questions

    Pupils should be able to :

    - talk and ask questions about the book


    - talk and ask questions about the


    - answer simple WH-questions

    - keep our rivers clean

    (Malaysia Negaraku)


    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate initial,

    medial and the final sounds in single syllable

    words within given context:

    (b) d and i

    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four phonemes

    into recognizable words and read them aloud.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences(3-5 words) in linear and non-linear texts

    with guidance.

    Pupils should be able to :

    - pronounce the /d/ and /I/ phonemes in

    the words

    - match the word segments

    - read the text in group

    - read and pronounce correctly


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

    a) full stopb) question mark

    Pupils should be able to :

    - trace and write correctly

    use full stop and question mark correctly


    4.2.1 Able to demonstrate skills in handling

    books appropriately.

    4.2.2 Able to respond to:

    a. book covers

    b. pictures in books

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works

    with guidance based on:(d) stories

    Pupils should be able to :

    - understand simple instructions

    - make sounds of the animals on thebook cover

    - make animal bookmarksuse the bookmarks to role-play the story on page

    22 and 23


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 14-15

    21 25 March

    World of family and


    Unit 7

    Look at MeListening&Speaking

    Content Standard

    1.4 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able topronounce words and speak

    confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    Learning Standard

    1.1.4 Able to listen to, say aloud andrecite rhymes or sing songs with


    Pupils will be able

    1. To pronounce words and

    speak confidently with thecorrect stress, rhythm and



    *Confidence and self esteem

    Reading Content Standard

    2.2By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print

    and non-print materials

    range of strategies to

    construct meaning.

    Learning Standard

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in

    linear and non-linear texts

    with guidance.

    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of

    3-5 simple sentences.

    Pupils will be able to


    understanding of avariety of linear and non-

    linear texts in the form ofprint and non-print

    materials range of

    strategies to construct


    2. Able to read a paragraph

    of 3-5 simple sentences.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Writing Content Standard

    3.1 By the end of the 6-year

    Primary schooling, pupils

    will be able to form lettersand words in neat legible

    print including cursive


    Learning Standard

    3.2.3 Able to demonstrate fine motorcontrol of hands and

    fingers by:

    i) handling objects and

    manipulating them.

    j) moving hands and fingers using

    writing apparatusk) using correct posture and pen

    hold grid.

    3.2.4 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    p) small (lowercase) letters

    q) capital (uppercase) lettersr) numerals

    s) wordst) phrases

    f) simple sentences

    Pupils will be able to

    1. write letters and words in

    neat legible print

    including cursive writing.2. Able to copy and write in

    neat legible print


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012



    Content Standard

    4.1 By the end of the 6-year

    Primary schooling, pupilwill be able to enjoy and

    appreciate rhymes poems

    and songs, through


    Learning Standard

    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants andaction songs through

    non-verbal response.

    Pupils will be able to perform

    activities to enjoy and appreciate

    rhymes poems and songs

    Week 11

    28 1 April

    World of family and


    Unit 8

    Stay Clean, Be Happy


    1.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite

    rhymes or sing songs with guidance.Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

    Pupils should be able toi) pronounce the words given and

    speak with correct intonation.

    ii) sing the song with mulberry

    bush rhythm.

    *creativity and innovations-confidence and self esteem


    -usage of computer


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-lineartexts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.1 Able to read and apply word

    recognition and word attack skillsby matching words with:

    a) graphicsb) spoken words

    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.

    Pupils should be able to

    i) read phrases and understanding

    the meaning.

    ii) read the text given in-pair




    3.2 By the end of the 6-yearprimary schooling, pupils will

    be able to write using

    appropriate language, form

    and style for a range of


    3.2.1. Able to complete with guidance:

    a) forms with personal details

    b) lists

    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

    d) capital letters

    e) full stop

    f) question mark

    Pupils should be able to:

    i)fill the blanks with correct words

    ii) rewrite/copy the text with correct



  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    enjoy and appreciate rhymes,

    poems and songs, throughperformance.

    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants and action

    songs through non-verbalresponse.

    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songswith correct pronunciation and


    Pupils should be able to:

    i)sing and enjoy songs, rhymes, jazz


    ii)do actions according to teachersinstructions.

    Week 12

    4 8 April

    World of family and


    Unit 9

    Meet My Family


    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and reciterhymes or sing songs with guidance.

    1. 1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with


    Pupils will be able to pronouncewords and speak confidently with

    the correct stress, rhythm and


    Malaysia Negaraku:

    Pupils will be able to know about basic



    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in

    linear and non-linear texts

    with guidance.

    2.3.1(a) Able to read simple texts

    with guidance:

    a) fiction

    Pupils will be able to

    Demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of

    strategies to construct


    Malaysia Negaraku:

    Pupils will be able to know about basic



  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in

    neat legible print:

    (d) words(f) simple sentences

    Pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    Malaysia Negaraku:

    Pupils will be able to know about basic



    4.2.1 Able to demonstrate skills

    in handling books


    4.3.1 Able to produce simple

    creative works with guidancebased on:

    (d) stories

    Pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    Creativity and Innovation:

    Pupils will be able to draw a family tree


    Week 1311 15 April

    World of knowledge

    Unit 10How Many?


    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud

    and recite rhymes or singsongs with guidance.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and


    understanding of oral texts


    a) giving Yes/No replies

    Pupils will be able to pronounce

    words and speak confidently with

    the correct stress, rhythm and


    Knowledge Acquisition:

    Pupils will be able to apply Mathematicsin language.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in

    linear and non-linear texts

    with guidance.

    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of

    3-5 simple sentences.

    Pupils will be able to

    Demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of

    strategies to construct


    Knowledge Acquisition:

    Pupils will be able to apply Mathematics

    in language.

    Writing 3.2.5 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:(c) numerals

    (d) words

    Pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    Knowledge Acquisition:

    Pupils will be able to apply Mathematicsin language.


    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants andaction songs through non-

    verbal response.

    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery

    rhymes jazz chants and sing

    action songs with correct

    pronunciation and


    Pupils will be able toenjoy and appreciate rhymes,

    poems and songs, through


    Creativity and Innovation


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 14

    18 22 April

    World of family and


    Unit 11

    My Happy Days


    Content Std:

    1.5 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    pronounce words and speak confidently

    with the correct stress, rhythm and


    Learning Std:

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and reciterhymes or sing songs with guidance.

    1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple



    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    1. Able to sound the phonemes /ck/ /k/ /c/e.g: cot, duck, kiss

    Added value:

    1. Pupils can read aloud the word that

    teacher shows.


    Content Std:

    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to apply

    knowledge of sounds of letters to recognise

    words in linear and non-linear texts.

    Learning Std:

    2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish theshapes of the letters in the alphabet.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate initial,

    medial and the final sounds in single syllable

    words within given context:

    e.g: /ck/ /k/ /c/


    By the end of the lesson, pupilsshould be able to:

    1. Read the word cards.

    2. Read the chant & story.

    Added values:

    1. Pupils are able to show respect tofriends by accepting each others opinion.

    (Malaysia Negaraku)


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    Content Std:

    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to form letters

    and words in neat legible print including

    cursive writing.

    Learning Std:

    3.2.6 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:u) small (lowercase) letters

    v) capital (uppercase) lettersw) numerals

    x) wordsy) simple sentences

    z) rearrange the words


    By the end of the lesson, pupils will

    be able to:

    1. Rearrange words to form


    2. Complete & copy the


    Added value:

    1. Pupils develop their writing skills.



    Content Std:

    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and

    appreciate rhymes, poems and songs, throughperformance.

    Learning Std:

    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nurseryrhymes, jazz chants and action songs

    through non-verbal response.

    4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a

    performance based on:

    a) stories


    By the end of the lesson, pupils areable to:

    1. Make paper crafts(crown).

    2. Colour the days of the


    Added value:

    1. Pupils develop their MI throughrole play.

    2. Pupils will love the natureespecially the animals.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 15

    25 29 April World of family and


    Unit 12

    When Is Your Birthday?Listenin


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    pronounce words and speak

    confidently with the correct

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to

    stimulus given with guidance :

    d) rhythm and rhyme

    1.1.4 Able to talk about a

    stimulus with guidance.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

    understanding of oral texts by:

    b) answering simple


    By the of the lesson, pupils should

    be able to:

    1) sing a song with teachers


    1) Talk about personal

    experience of celebratingbirthdays with guide.

    2) Respond to simple WH-


    Added value;

    Pupils are able to love and respect their

    teacher and friends.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to apply

    knowledge of sounds of letters to

    recognise words in linear and non-

    linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words within

    given context:

    (d) /k/(ck)



    /r/ (r)

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.4 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear texts

    in the form of print and non-print

    materials using a range of strategies

    to construct meaning.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts with


    By the end of the lessons, students

    should be able to;

    1) Pronounce words with

    medial sounds of e and

    u correctly.

    2) Name and spell the

    pictures given correctly.

    Read a diary with guide fromteacher with correct pronunciation

    and intonation.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to form

    letters and words in neat legible print

    including cursive writing.

    3.2.7 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    a) small

    (lowercase) letters

    d) wordse) phrases

    f) simple sentences

    3.3 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to

    write using appropriate language,

    form and style for a range of


    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

    b) full stop

    By the end of the lessons, students

    should be able to;

    1) Copy and write the months of the

    year, phrases and sentences


    Use full stop in a sentence correctly.

    Week 16

    3 6 May

    World of knowledge

    Unit 13

    I See Colours


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy

    and appreciate rhymes, poems and

    songs, through performance.

    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes, jazz

    chants and sing action songs with

    correct pronunciation and


    4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to plan,

    organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative

    works with guidance based on:

    b) action song

    By the end of the lessons, pupils

    should be able to;

    1) Sing a birthday song with

    actions and correct

    pronunciation as well asintonation.

    2) Make a birthday calendar

    of the friends in the class.


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  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to apply

    knowledge of sounds of letters to

    recognise words in linear and non-

    linear texts.

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a variety

    of linear and non-linear texts in the

    form of print and non-print materials

    using a range of strategies to

    construct meaning.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts withguidance.

    By the end of the lessons, pupils

    should be able to;

    1) spell and pronounce one syllable

    words with medial sounds of e

    and u.

    2) read story and simple sentenceswith guide from teacher.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to form

    letters and words in neat legible print

    including cursive writing.

    3.1.2Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    aa) small (lowercase) letters

    d) words

    f) simple sentences

    3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to write

    using appropriate language, form and

    style for a range of purposes.

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words

    and seen words.

    By the end of the lessons, pupils

    should be able to;

    1) copy and write words and simple

    sentences neatly.

    2) rearrange sentences with

    teachers guide.

    3) spell the names of the colours

    and words with medial sounds of

    e and u correctly.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 17

    9 13 May

    World of family and


    Unit 14

    Say It Nicely



    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce

    words and speak confidently with the

    correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3Able to listen to, say aloud and recite

    rhymes or sing songs with guidance.

    1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to listen and

    respond appropriately in formal and

    informal situations for a variety of


    1.21Able to participate in daily conversations :

    (d )thank someone

    (e)express a simple apology

    By the end of the lessons, pupils

    should be able to;

    1) Recite the jazz chant with actions

    and correct pronunciation as well

    as intonation.

    2) apologise and thank with

    appropriate manner.

    3) Answer simple WH-Questions.


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four

    phonemes into recognizablewords and read them aloud.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct meaning.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts with guidance.

    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.

    Pupils should be able to:

    1. Introduce the phonemes /b/, /r/

    and /h/ using letter cards.

    2. Choose the correct picture cardsand put it in the right grapheme.

    3. Read story and simple sentences

    with guide from teacher.


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neatlegible print:

    (e) phrases(f) simple sentences

    3.2 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to write

    using appropriate language, form

    and style for a range of purposes

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    enjoy and appreciate rhymes,

    poems and songs, through


    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants and actionsongs through non-verbal


    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songswith correct pronunciation and



  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 18

    16 20 May

    World of family and


    Unit 15

    My Favourite Toys



    1.1By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce

    words and speak confidently with the

    correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to

    stimulus given with guidance :

    g)oral blending and segmenting

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite

    rhymes or sing songs with guidance.

    1.14 Able to talk about a stimulus withguidance.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words

    within given context:

    (a) /s/








    (b) //(i)







    (c) /g/







    (d) /k/







    (e) /h/(h)




    /s/ (ss)

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.


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  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 20

    Midyear Examination

    30 May 3 June

    Midyear School Break

    6 19 June

    Week 21

    Midyear Exam Post Mortem

    20 24 June

    Week 22

    27 June 1 July

    Worlf of family and


    Unit 16

    What Is In TheClassroom?


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud andrecite rhymes or sing songs

    with guidance.

    1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with


    1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    understand and respond to oral

    texts in a variety of contexts.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrateunderstanding of oral texts by:

    a) giving Yes/No replies

    Pupils should be able to:

    1) Listen to and repeat songwith correct pronunciation

    and intonation.

    2) Talk about their belongingby answering simple Wh-


    3) Listen to and respond with

    Yes/No replies.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish the

    shapes of the letters in the


    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulateinitial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable wordswithin given context:

    (e) /h/ (h) /b/ (b) /f/






    2.1.3 Able to blend two to fourphonemes into recognizable

    words and read them aloud.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.1 Able to read and apply word

    recognition and word attack skills

    by matching words with:

    c) graphics

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    Pupils should be able to :

    1) read and group wordswith /f/, /ff/, /l/, /ll/, and /ss/


    2) Read and match pictureswith the correct single

    syllable words.

    3) Join in two or morephonemes to form words

    and read aloud the words.

    4) Match pictures with thespoken words.

    Read and complete the sentences by

    filling in the blanks with the correct



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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012



    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    i. Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    a) small (lowercase) lettersb) capital (uppercase) letters

    d) wordsf) simple sentences

    b. By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to write using

    appropriate language, form and style for a

    range of purposes.

    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:g) capital letters

    h) full stop

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sightwords and seen words.

    Pupils should be able to :

    1) Trace and write the wordsin neat and legible print.

    2) Colour and write the hiddenobjects they found in the


    3) Rewrite the sentences andput capital letters and full

    stop correctly.

    Write the correct spelling for each

    pictures given.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    enjoy and appreciate rhymes,

    poems and songs, through


    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songs

    with correct pronunciation andrhythm.

    4.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling pupils will be able to

    express personal response to

    literary texts.

    4.2.2 Able to respond to:

    b. pictures in books

    with guidance.

    4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in

    a performance based on:b) nursery rhymes

    Pupils should be able to :

    1) Sing the song with correctpronunciation and

    intonation and point to the

    objects while singing.

    2) Draw and colour thepictures of things in their

    school bag and label the


    3) Chant the rhymes andsubstitute lyrics with other

    things in the bag.

    4) List out the things theyhave in their bag.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 23

    4 8 July

    World of family and


    Unit 17Show Me The Way


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and

    recite rhymes or sing songs wi th guidance.

    1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    listen and respond appropriately

    in formal and informal situations

    for a variety of purposes.

    1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:

    b) simple directions to places in

    the school.

    Pupils should be able to :

    1) Listen and repeat rhymes

    with the correct

    pronunciation andintonation.

    Listen and follow simple directions to

    certain places in school.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four

    phonemes into recognizable

    words and read them aloud.

    2.1.4 Able to segment words intophonemes to spell.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print andnon-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts with guidance.

    Pupils should be able to :

    1) Join two or more phonemes

    to form words and say

    aloud the words.

    2) Read and spell out the


    3) Read the sentences by

    replacing the pictures with


    4) Read and complete thesentences by looking at the


    Read and role play the actions.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,pupils will be able to write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a range of purposes.

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.

    Pupils should be able to:

    1) Write the sentences in clear

    and legible print.

    Rewrite the sentences by replacing

    the pictures with words.


  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 24

    11 15 July

    World of family and


    Unit 18

    Lets Eat


    1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given

    with guidance:

    (f) voice sounds

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes

    or sing songs with guidance.

    1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

    understanding of oral texts by:

    a) giving Yes/No replies

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - Say the phonemes by hit

    the correspondinggraphemes

    - sing a song with the correctrhythm and intonation

    - pronounce words correctly

    - name and talk about the

    fruits they like and dislike

    - response to the questionsby giving yes or no replies

    Added Value:

    - showing behaviours

    that is respectful andconsiderate of other

    people especially

    friends (Malaysia



    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words

    within given context:

    (f) phonemes /j/, /w/ and /v/

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences (3-5

    words) in linear and non-linear texts with


    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - pronounce the initial,

    medial and the final sounds

    of the phonems /j/, /w/

    and /v/

    - read the lyrics and choose

    the correct answers

    Added Value:

    - nurture their


    intelligence through



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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1.2 Able to demonstrate fine motor

    control of hands and fingers by:

    l) handling objects and manipulating them.

    3.1.3 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    c) small (lowercase) lettersd) capital (uppercase) letters

    f) simple sentences

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - cut and paste pictures of

    food that they like fromnewspaper or magazine

    - form letters j , v and wusing modeling clay

    - trace and write the letter j,v and w

    - name the object and write itin the space given

    - replace the underlined

    words and rewrite thesentences

    Added Value:

    relate the new knowledge

    acquired in a meaningful

    manner in their lives


    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songs

    with correct pronunciation andrhythm.

    4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in

    a performance based on:

    (b) action songs

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - sing action songs with

    correct pronunciation andrhythm

    perform in group based on the song

    with guidance

    Added Value:

    - develop their

    musical intelligences

    by singing


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words

    within given context:

    (f) /j/, /v/ and /w/

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts with guidance.

    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - pronounce the initial,

    medial and the final soundsof the phonems /j/, /w/

    and /v/

    - say a word by arrange the

    sound cards to form theword

    - read and write the answerscorrectly

    - choose the correct answers

    - read the story of Jack The

    Big Man with correct

    pronunciation in group

    Added Values:

    - understand the

    important ofworking together as

    in groups


    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neatlegible print:

    f) simple sentences

    3.1.4 Able to copy and write in neatlegible print:

    (f) simple sentences

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - name the object and write it

    in the space given

    - copy the story of Jack The

    Big Man neatly

    Added Value:

    - enable pupils

    independence and to

    take responsibility

    for their ownlearning


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in

    a performance based on:

    c) nursery rhymes

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - perform the nursery rhymes

    by group and using musicalinstruments

    Added Value:

    - creativity

    Week 2625 29 July

    World of family andfriends

    Unit 20

    My PetListening&Speaking

    1.1.5 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes

    or sing songs with guidance.

    1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

    understanding of oral texts by:

    e) answering simple


    Pupils should be able to:

    - sing together with actions.

    - talk about the picture.

    - answer simple Wh-


    - use less plastic bags

    to help save ourEarth.

    - recycling.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words

    within given context:

    (h) /t /(ch)

    / /(sh)

    // //(th)


    2.1.3 Able to blend two to fourphonemes into recognizable

    words and read them aloud.

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts with guidance.

    2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with

    guidance:a) fiction

    Pupils should be able to:

    - say the phonemes of th


    - form segment words into

    phonemes to and understand text by

    presenting a play.


    3.1.5 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    f) small (lowercase) letters

    g) capital (uppercase) letters

    h) numerals

    i) words

    j) phrases

    k) simple sentences

    Pupils should be able to:

    - copy and write in neat

    legible print.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.2.2 Able to respond to:

    b) pictures in books

    with guidance.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creativeworks with guidance based on:

    d) stories

    Pupils should be able to:

    - talk about the pictures in

    the book with guidance.

    - present a play based on text


    Week 27

    1 5 August

    World of family and


    Unit 21

    Fun With Shapes


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak

    confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and


    1.1.6 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with

    guidance :

    (g)oral blending and segmenting

    1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or

    sing songs with guidance.

    1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    understand and respond to oral

    texts in a variety of contexts.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrateunderstanding of oral texts by:

    a) giving Yes/No replies

    Pupils should be able to :

    i) listen and pronounce the wordsread correctly.

    ii) sing the Shape Song with Im A

    Little Teapot rhythm.

    iii) give correct respond to Yes/No

    question through play. (What Is TheTime, Mr. Wolf ?)





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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable wordswithin given context: (f )

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be

    able to read independently for

    information and enjoyment.

    2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:

    a) fiction

    Pupils should be able to

    i) say words with y, x and z

    sound correctly.

    ii)pronounce words which containsthe phoneme (x)

    iii) segment the word and pastes the

    correct shapes accurately.

    iv) read the text (The Fox And TheOx) in




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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    3.1.6 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    l) small (lowercase) lettersm) capital (uppercase) letters

    f) simple sentences

    3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,pupils will be able to write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a range of purposes

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.

    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

    i) capital le ttersj) full stop

    k) question mark

    Pupils should be able to:

    i) write in clear and legible print.

    ii) rewrite/copy the text with correct



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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    enjoy and appreciate rhymes,

    poems and songs, through


    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songs

    with correct pronunciation andrhythm.

    Pupils should be able to:

    i) sing the Shape Song in Im A

    Little Teapot rhythm.

    ii) do simple actions according to

    teachers instructions

    Week 28

    Midterm Test

    8 12 August

    Midterm Break

    15 21 August

    Week 29

    Midterm Examination Post Mortem

    22 26 August

    Nonteaching Week

    Hari Raya Break

    29 August 4 September


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 30

    5 9 September

    World of stories

    Unit 22

    In the Garden


    1.1.2. Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.

    1.1.4. Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

    By the end of the lesson, pupils will

    be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct

    stress, rhythm and intonation.

    Knowledge Acquisition

    Pupils will be able to associate

    the lesson with nature and

    science (plants and animals).

    Malaysia Negaraku

    Pupils will know the

    importance of keeping the

    environment clean.


    2.2.3. Able to read and understand sentences (3-5 words)

    in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.

    2.3.1. Able to read simple texts with guidance:a) fiction

    By the end of the lesson, pupils will

    be able to read independently for

    information and enjoyment.

    Knowledge Acquisition

    Pupils will be able to associate

    the lesson with nature and

    science (plants and animals).

    Malaysia Negaraku

    Pupils will know the

    importance of keeping the

    environment clean.


    3.1.2. Able to copy and write in neat legible print:

    f) simple sentences

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words and seen


    By the end of the lesson, pupils will

    be able to write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a

    range of purposes.

    Knowledge Acquisition

    Pupils will be able to associate

    the lesson with nature and

    science (plants and animals).

    Malaysia NegarakuPupils will know the

    importance of keeping the

    environment clean.


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.2.1. Able to complete with guidance:

    a) forms with personal details.

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words and seen


    By the end of the lesson, pupils will

    be able to write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a

    range of purposes


    Pupils will be able to have

    their own initiatives and

    ambitions in order to succeed

    in life.

    Knowledge Acquisition

    Pupils will be able to associate

    the lesson with mathematics(how to spend money wisely),

    science (animals) and nature.


    4.2.2 Able to respond to:

    a) book cover with guidance.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with

    guidance based on:a) stories

    By the end of the lesson, pupils will

    be able to plan, organize and

    produce creative works for


    Creativity and Innovation

    Pupils will be able to make a

    book based on the story Chad

    the Milkman.


    Pupils will be able to have

    their own initiatives andambitions in order to succeed

    in life


    E li h L

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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 32

    19 23 September

    World of knowledge

    Unit 24

    Lets Go Shopping


    1.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils

    will be able to pronounce words and speak

    confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and


    1.1.3Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or

    sing songs with guidance.

    1.2By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    listen and respond appropriately

    in formal and informal situations

    for a variety of purposes.

    1.2.1Able to participate in daily conversations :

    (c)introduce oneself

    (d)make polite requests


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable wordswithin given context:

    (h) /t /(ch)

    / /(sh)

    // //




    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four

    phonemes into recognizable

    words and read them aloud.

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5simple sentences.


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012



    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    3.1.2Able to copy and write in neat legible print:


    e)phrasesf) simple sentences

    3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a range of


    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.


    4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance ina performance based on:

    b)action songs


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 33

    26 30 September

    World of knowledge

    Unit 25

    How do you get around?


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or

    sing songs with guidance.

    1.1.4Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

    1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    understand and respond to oral

    texts in a variety of contexts.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

    understanding of oral texts by:

    b) answering simple


    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    - sing a song with the correctrhythm and intonation

    - pronounce words correctly

    - name and talk about thetransportation.

    - response to the questions

    by giving yes or no replies


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words inlinear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final soundsin single syllable words

    within given context:

    (h) /t /(ch)

    / /(sh)

    // //




    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2..2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.

    2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionaryskills using picture dictionaries.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive


    3.1.2Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:


    3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a range of


    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sight

    words and seen words.


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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    enjoy and appreciate rhymes,

    poems and songs, through


    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants and action

    songs through non-verbalresponse.

    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songswith correct pronunciation and


    4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative

    works with guidance based on:

    a) nursery rhymesb) action songs


    English Language

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    English LanguageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 34

    3 7 October

    World of stories

    Unit 26

    The Tiny Thimble



    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or

    sing songs with guidance.

    1.1.4Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

    1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    understand and respond to oral

    texts in a variety of contexts.

    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

    understanding of oral texts by:

    b) answering simple



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    g s a guageYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable words

    within given context:

    (h) /t /(ch)

    / /(sh)

    // //(th)


    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four

    phonemes into recognizable

    words and read them aloud.

    2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.3 Able to read and understand

    sentences (3-5 words) in linearand non-linear texts with guidance.

    2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be

    able to read independently for

    information and enjoyment.

    2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:

    a) fiction


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    g g gYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive

    writing.3.1.2Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    f) simple sentences

    3.2By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils

    will be able to write using appropriate language,

    form and style for a range of purposes

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentenceswith guidance.

    3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:

    a) capital letters

    b) full stop

    c) question mark

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sight

    words and seen words.


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    g g gYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    4.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling pupils will be able to

    express personal response to

    literary texts.

    4.2.2 Able to respond to:b. pictures in books

    with guidance.

    4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative

    works with guidance based on:

    a) nursery rhymes

    b) action songs

    c) jazz chants

    d) stories

    Week 3510 14 October

    World of Knowledge

    Unit 27So Hairy and Scary


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.13 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or

    sing songs with guidance.

    1.1.4Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.


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    g g gYearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.2.1.4 Able to segment words into

    phonemes to spell.

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print and

    non-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.

    2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary

    skills using picture dictionaries.


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    Yearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive

    writing.3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:


    e)phrasesf)simple sentences

    3.4 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,pupils will be able to write using

    appropriate language, form and style for a

    range of purposes

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.

    3.2.4 Able to spell common sight

    words and seen words.


    4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    plan, organize and produce

    creative works for enjoyment.

    4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative

    works with guidance based on:

    b)action songs


    English Language

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    Yearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    Week 36

    17 21 October

    World of knowledge

    Unit 28

    Earth Detective Listening&S


    1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,

    pupils will be able to pronounce words and

    speak confidently with the correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation.

    1.1.3Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes orsing songs with guidance.

    1.1.4Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.


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    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    apply knowledge of sounds of

    letters to recognise words in

    linear and non-linear texts.

    2.1.2 Able to recognise and articulate

    initial, medial and the final sounds

    in single syllable wordswithin given context:

    (a) /s/ (s) //


    /t/ (t) p/


    (b) //(i)







    (c) /g/ (g) //(o)

    /k/ (c) /k/ (k)

    (d) /k/


    /e/ (e) //(u)

    /r/ (r)

    (e) /h/ (h) /b/ (b) /f/






    (f) /d / (j)

    /v/ (v) /w/





    (g) /j/(y)



    (h) /t /(ch)

    / /(sh)

    // //




    2.1.3 Able to blend two to four

    phonemes into recognizablewords and read them aloud.


    English Languagel h f k

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    Yearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be able to

    demonstrate understanding of a

    variety of linear and non-linear

    texts in the form of print andnon-print materials using a

    range of strategies to construct


    2.2.3 Able to read and understandsentences (3-5 words) in linear

    and non-linear texts with guidance.

    2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary

    schooling, pupils will be

    able to read independently for

    information and enjoyment.

    2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:

    b) non fiction


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    English LanguageY l S h f W k SK SERI INTAN

  • 8/3/2019 Yearly Plan KSSR Year1


    Yearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012

    31 October 4 November

    Week 39

    8 11 November

    World of family

    and friends

    Unit 30

    Goodbye, GoodbyeListening&Speaking

    1.1. 2 Able to listen to, say aloud andrecite rhymes or sing songs with


    1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

    understanding of oral texts by:

    a) giving Yes/No replies

    n) answering simple


    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    should be able to:

    pronounce words and

    speak confidently withthe correct stress,

    rhythm and intonation

    understand and respond

    to oral texts in a variety

    of contexts

    Added Value:

    1. Team work

    2. Self-confidence


    2.2.2 Able to read and understand

    phrases in linear and non-lineartexts.

    2.2.4 Able to read a paragraph of 3-5

    simple sentences.

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    will be able to demonstrate

    understanding of avariety oflinear and non-linear texts in the

    form of print and non-print

    materials using arrange of

    strategies to construct meaning.


    English LanguageY l S h f W k SK SERI INTAN

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    Yearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012


    3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat

    legible print:

    a)small (lowercase) letters

    b)capital (uppercase) letters



    f)simple sentences

    3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 word sentences

    with guidance.3.2.4 Able to spell common sight

    words and seen words.

    By the end of the lesson, pupils

    will be able to:

    a) form letters and words in neat

    legible print including cursive

    writing.b) write using appropriate

    language, form and style for a

    range of purposes


    4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

    rhymes, jazz chants and action

    songs through non-verbal


    4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,

    jazz chants and sing action songs

    with correct pronunciation and


    By the end of the lesson,

    pupils will be able to:

    a) enjoy and appreciate

    rhymes, poems and songs,

    through performance.

    Week 40

    14 18 NovemberFinal Week of the 2011 School Session


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    Yearly Scheme of Work SK. SERI INTAN

    KSSR Year 1 - 2012