years 5 and 6 space planning weeks beginning 6 …...years 5 and 6 space planning weeks beginning...

Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 th July 2020 Monday 6 th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going to watch 2 videos about the Solar System and then create a fact file. As you watch the videos, you need to take notes about what you discover. We would suggest watching the videos through once then watching them again and pausing them as you go so you can write your notes. Remember that when taking notes, you do not need to write down full sentences. Just jot down key words and numbers but make sure they will make sense to you when you look back at them. First watch this video from BBC Bitesize. ‘What is the Solar System?’ Now watch this video from YouTube ‘Exploring our Solar System.’ If you want to find out more, you could also explore these websites: Once you have a comprehensive set of notes, you are now going to use them to create a Solar System Fact File in your learning journal. Complete this on a double page spread in your book so you have lots of room. Things to consider: Make sure you have a bold, colourful title. Use sub-headings to organise your writing. Include some illustrations to help add interest. Check your spelling is accurate. Use a dictionary (either paper or online) to help you check topical vocabulary is spelt correctly. Make sure you use capital letters when writing the names of the planets. Please send us a photo of your work as we would love to see it.

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Page 1: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

Years 5 and 6 Space Planning

Weeks beginning 6th July 2020

Monday 6th July

Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English:

Today, you are going to watch 2 videos about the Solar System and then create a fact file. As you watch the videos, you need to take notes about what you discover. We

would suggest watching the videos through once then watching them again and pausing them as you go so you can write your notes. Remember that when taking notes,

you do not need to write down full sentences. Just jot down key words and numbers but make sure they will make sense to you when you look back at them.

First watch this video from BBC Bitesize. ‘What is the Solar System?’

Now watch this video from YouTube ‘Exploring our Solar System.’

If you want to find out more, you could also explore these websites:

Once you have a comprehensive set of notes, you are now going to use them to create a Solar System Fact File in your learning journal. Complete this on a double

page spread in your book so you have lots of room.

Things to consider:

Make sure you have a bold, colourful title.

Use sub-headings to organise your writing.

Include some illustrations to help add interest.

Check your spelling is accurate. Use a dictionary (either paper or online) to help you check topical vocabulary is spelt correctly.

Make sure you use capital letters when writing the names of the planets.

Please send us a photo of your work as we would love to see it.

Page 2: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

Lesson 2 Years 5 and 6 Music:

Listen to the Music on the You Tube clip. It is Mars from Gustav Holst Planets.

Now answer the questions below:

What instruments can you hear?

How does the music make you feel?

Does it remind you of anything?

What does it make you think about the planet Mars?

Does music change?

If so, how?

Listen to the first piece again and this time depict the music through a line drawing. Choose a coloured crayon which you feel ‘matches’ the piece and may be guided by the following instructions: ‘Start with your crayon in a corner of your paper. While you are listening to the music, draw how the music sounds to you by letting your crayon wander across and around the paper. Feel the music in your hand. Make shapes with your line drawing that look like how the music feels.’

Now listen to Venus by Gustav Holst and follow the same process as above.

Now answer these questions:

How are the pieces of music different?

How are they similar?

Which piece of music do you prefer?


You may wish to record your answers in your book or you can report your answers on a video.

Page 3: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

Tuesday 7th July

Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English:

Use the PowerPoint (see resources) to remind yourself of the order of the planets based on their distance from the sun. This song is quite fun too

You are going to create a mneumonic poster to help you remember the order of the planets. A mnemonic is a tool that helps us remember certain facts or

large amounts of information. They can come in the form of a song, rhyme, acronym, image, phrase, or sentence.

For example:

Can you think of your own?

If you don’t fancy doing a poster, you could turn it into a song or rhyme and film it.

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Lesson 2 Years 5 and 6 Science:

Now you have learnt the order of the planets, this afternoon you will make your own solar system. The planets will need to be in the correct order from the

sun. Please think about adding detail such as rings, colours, spots.

Below are a few examples of how you could make your solar system. Please be as creative as you like.

Do not forget to email your photo into school so we can see your completed work. Have fun!

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Wednesday 8th July

Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 Science:

Focus: Knowledge and Understanding

Today we are going to think about how the movement of the Earth affects us every day.

Watch this BBC Bitesize video to find out about Day and Night -

Now watch the PowerPoint to help you consolidate this knowledge.

You are going to investigate how shadows seem to ‘move’ on the ground during the day.

What do you notice?

Are the shadows all the same size? Length?


Page 6: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

Lesson 2 Years 5 and 6 Science:

Now you have learnt how shadows are made, you are going to have some fun using your hands to make puppets.

You will need to make the room dark so close the curtains or pull the blinds. You will then need a light source, such as a light, lamp or a torch. Now position

your hands so they are blocking the light on the wall and try to make some of these shapes.

Page 7: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

Now you have experimented, you are going to make a shadow puppet.

You will need, scissors, card, tape, a wooden stick (this could be a pencil, a lolly stick, a stick you have found or a skewer) and a light source, such as a torch or

a lamp. Watch the video below on how to make a shadow puppet. You can be as creative as you like an if you like, you can make more than one.

Thursday 9th July

Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 Science

Focus: Knowledge and Understanding

To go into Space, you need to train and have the correct equipment. One of the important pieces of equipment an astronaut needs is a good space suit.

Watch this video about Neil Armstrong’s space suit –


Page 8: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

And this one about Tim Peake’s space suit –

And finally this last video about the latest SpaceX space suits


You are challenged to design a space suit for the future. You have seen the differences between the suits over the years,

how do you think it will look in the future?

You can either do this in your learning journals or on a plain piece of paper.

Look at this website. It gives you some ideas about materials used:

Draw your idea for a future space suit

Label the different materials that you would use and the properties of the materials

For example: Plastic (strong and rigid)

What do the different parts of the suit provide? (hearing protection, a cooling element or electronics for communication?)

Write clear sentences explaining the purposes of each part of the suit

For example:

The helmet uses a polycarbonate plastic. This is strong and rigid so that it protects the head. It also contains two microphones so that the astronaut

can communicate with others. One is kept as a spare in case there is a problem with the first. The helmet is easily detachable from the suit and is

comfortable to wear. (Don’t forget to write in full sentences, use adjectives for description and to check your punctuation and spellings.)

Please take a photo and email it to us. We would love to see your creations.

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Lesson 2 Years 5 and 6:

Create a paper plate Sundial

Before watches and clocks were invented, we had to improvise when it came to telling the time. The humble sundial laid down the groundwork.

Wait until midday – when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Head outside with a paper plate, and experiment with the most ancient and natural method of telling the time – the sundial!

You will need a paper plate or circular piece of paper, a straw, a ruler and pencil.


1. Use the pencil to poke a hole through the very centre of the paper plate, and write the number twelve on the edge of the plate with a pencil or pen. 2. Using the ruler as a guide, draw a straight line from the number twelve to the hole in the centre of

the plate.

3. Put the plate on the ground and poke the straw through the hole.

4. Slant the straw toward the line and carefully turn the plate so that the shadow of the straw falls along the line to the number twelve. 5. Fasten the plate to the ground with some pushpins. 6. Predict where do you think the shadow of the straw will be pointing in one hour’s time?

Why do you think this? 7. One hour later, at one o’clock, check the position of the shadow along the edge of the plate and write the number one on that spot.

Continue each hour predicting the position and then checking and marking the actual position and time on the edge of the plate. Did you guess correctly?

8. At the end of the day, you will have your very own sun clock. On the next sunny afternoon, you will be able to tell time just by watching where the shadow of the straw falls on your clock.

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Friday 10th July

Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6

Focus: Deepening knowledge and understanding

Look at the PowerPoint - Tim Peake PPT.

After looking at the PowerPoint, can you think of some really good questions which you would ask if you were going

to interview him? Write them out in your learning journal and make sure they are punctuated correctly. Try to think

of at least 10 questions.

Tim Peakes has recently brought out a book where he answers a lot of questions about his time on the ISS.

He has answered a lot of questions from children. You can hear him on BBC Bitesize,

And here he answers questions on Blue Peter,

Having watched these videos, look back through your questions. Did he answer them?

If not, they may have been answered in the following written interview,

Page 11: Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6 …...Years 5 and 6 Space Planning Weeks beginning 6th July 2020 Monday 6th July Lesson 1 Years 5 and 6 English: Today, you are going

Lesson 2 Years 5 and 6 Art:

Now you have learnt a little about shadows and light, you will draw your own planet and bring it to life using shading.

Watch the You Tube video until 1 minute 10 seconds on shading techniques.

Now practise your pencil pressure by initially using a light pressure, then applying more pressure so the pencil marks appear darker.

Now continue to watch the video until 1:37 and practice drawing your own rectangle and divide into several squares. Fill the squares from right to left,

starting with the darkest value going to the lightest

Now skip to 4:07 and learn about light hitting the sphere and causing shadow

Practice shading a circle. Can you now a draw a planet with shading?


Follow this YouTube video and draw an optical illusion.