yehia el zont in crisis management

STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP IN THE LIGHT OF INELUCTABILITY OF CHANGEAFTER THE REVOLUTION OF JANUARY 25 TH"STRATEGIC VISION Prepared and presented by YehIa El ZOnt Researcher in Humanities Management Science [Type the document subtitle]

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Prepared and presented by

YehIa El ZOnt Researcher in

Humanities Management Science

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Strategic Leadership

in the light of

ineluctability of


After the Revolution of

January 52 th

"Strategic Vision"

Prepared and presented by

YehIa El ZOnt

Researcher in Humanities

Management Science

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Notice: This research has enabled to obtain the Grade of Management-Leadership from the Egyptian Police Academy on 72 October 7122


To those concerned by future leadership…

To scholars in Management Science and practitioners…

To leaders in various areas… For a brighter future… To all those who contributed in this modest thesis… convinced of its importance in this stage…

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Thanks and appreciation

Praise be to Allah, prayer and peace be upon His Messenger and the Seal of the Prophets, Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. I thank God Almighty for having enabled me to complete this study and I express my gratitude to all those who participated and helped me obtaining this high-leveled degree, rich in contents and so beneficial… to all of them I express my thanks, my appreciation and my gratitude.

I also thank in particular:

Dr. Hisham Arafa The Scientific Supervisor

Dr. Gamal Tawfiq Lecturer in Research Methodology

My Professor Saad El Zant Head of the Center for Strategic Studies and


Who, through their wise guidance and bright advices enabled

me to complete this study in its final drafting; their support

and for having motivated me and transmitting me scientific

and practical experience in addition to invaluable moral

values. May God bless them for that… I also thank all mo

colleagues and friends.

And our final prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

and peace and blessings on the Master of the first and the last

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our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and all his family

and companions.

The Researcher


There is no doubt we are living an era dominated by major

institutional conflicts and failures… A time combining painful

endings and hopeful beginnings… a period where all what

seemed rooted becomes obsolete and dies and where

something else is eager to appear.

When we look at the world map and see the continents stable

and forming a global island surrounded by water from

everywhere, we discover the magnitude of the role required

by the major changes… Earth was not divided in that manner

and without the trembling, earthquakes and cracks the Earth

would have been a single mass and we would not have seen

this map as it is known nowadays.

The former Czech President and playwright Vaclav Havel

said: "There are good reasons suggesting that the modern

era has ended and there are many things showing that we

are going through a transitional period and it seems that

something is on its way to disappear and that something

else arises in pain; as if there is something crumbles,

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disintegrates and consumes itself, while another thing not

yet not clearly distinct arises from emerges from rubble."

Therefrom and applying on the nature of our national

organizations, we note that the civilizational changes taking

place in Egypt - at this stage – require in turn an earthquake to

design once again its cultural and humanitarian face, and draw

the most luxurious and bright colors and provide it with hope

and determination.

To play its role, the new leadership needs new human

resource, valiant…able to overcome obstacles…introducing

new tracks… leader… optimistic and

interacting…electronically thinking… a leader relying on

people… trusting them… using methods of global quality and

management engineering and information technologies… a

leadership concerned by the creating the future instead of

formalities and technicalities devoid of any content.

And when States are facing the growing challenges and seek to

engage into the future, the intellectual earthquake becomes a

must, as it requires a new modeling of the mind and definition

of possible and impossible changes and previous concepts and

criterion of thought generated by these challenges regress…

this earthquake is the element renewing the vitality of minds

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and contributes in sorting ideas and masterfully constructs

the bridge through which societies move towards future.

Thus, the future of Egypt now depends on the ability of

existing organizations and sectors to respond to and interact

with the earthquake of minds and building such capacity is

what we called "Management of the Future". So, how could we

grasp its opportunities?

Philosophy of building and manage the future is a strategic

cycle that should be present in the programs for developing

Egypt at this stage. This is what I am trying to highlight and

give myself an opportunity to contribute even modestly

through this modest book to build capacities of the decision

makers (at all levels, orientations and patterns) in designing

its promising future, based on values of creativity, scientific

thought, reconstruction, justice and interconnexion, arming it

with tools of appropriate cultural change and granting it skills

helping it to deal with (political – administrative – cultural –

social – security) environment becoming more complex and

intermixed, which produced entirely new systems and

ideologies compared to what we experienced during the past


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We are trying to work and contribute in developing the

production of sciences of changes and to be the precursors in

dealing with these sciences in this field and to set up a new

look on the nature of changes and explore the future and

predict its course through strategic leadership and its unique

specificities in managing organizations and capacity of

creating such organizations ready to face crisis, exceptional or

unexpected events – a direct management and not a reactive

one – and get ready to face them in order to deal with them

and limit its risks and threats and control them and exiting

from them towards future opportunities reflecting aspirations

of the society with all its communities and categories and

targeted elements including citizens and those who have also

the right to obtain services from leaders (each in its place) at

highly leveled standards, so they can feel the efforts deployed

to their profit – on one hand – and their dignity and humanity

– on the other hand.

This perception of the importance of managing the future has

led to the necessity to establish a kind of strategic coalitions

among a range of human sciences (such as management –

sociology – psychology – behavior) which will result in that

these sciences, integrated and reformulated theories will be

an integral part of the sciences of the future… aiming at

providing a scientific methodology to remind people

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belonging to this homeland and ensure a real benefit from

changing and rooting on a scientific basis able to achieve the

security and civilizational change.

…pursuant to the requirements of events of January 52th 5111

we are still living the effects, only the urgency or rush may

settle the course and outcome of throes currently experienced

by the Arab World.

Change is a necessity, it is also a struggle. In the attempts to

reach the bottom of the current impasse, we have to realize

that at the bottom of the historical moment, we discover that

the continuation of the current situation is impossible because

it means further deterioration and also the fall of a nation

among the most ancient nations in History and in human


This is why we need "change", but change has its projects

which differ and vary – as we notice it now all over the Arab

World level where parties emerges in an incomplete form as

well as random coalitions and civil society random

associations – to an extent making the fight being a logical

consequence of the conflicting projects of change. These are

not the type of projects that enable a kind of participation, as

they do not represent solutions able to exist alongside but

final historical options of the type "Either…or…?"

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Therefore the necessity of change and its conflicts coincides

and create this situation and this crisis. We have to carry out

this change and we must fight since we try to make the


The change proposed in the following pages is "the

Renaissance, the modernity and the Informatics" which

include Renovation and Development and the condition of

originality and authenticity… it is a project that is opposed to

projects of exiting from identity and cultural reference, and

confirms that the solutions comes out from the fact that the

nation belongs to its civilization and its capacity of true


Current protests or criticism or revolutions are the results of

long series of political, economical and social causes in each

country, at the regional level and global level as a whole.

Thus…they do not arise from a sole factor, even if the role of

impacting factors is not stable and even if in a single case

between the beginnings and the endings. In other words, these

movements did not occur as a result of a decision made by a

single group, whether internal or external and it is sometimes

able to decide the contrary, meaning the stop of the revolution

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or the insurgency or the protest and decide, subsequently, the

return to a normal life, after having achieved the private or

general goals it was aiming.

It is not possible, of course, to discover the start of the

movement of the "Arabic Spring" through positions and

writings of the affected bodies… whether systems or

beneficiaries of such systems or even their supporters… It is

also impossible to rely on the conclusions of the alleged

protectors of human rights and freedom in the world…those

pretending to speak on behalf of the "world community" or

the international public opinion.

What occurs and continue in form of protest movements

whether huge or small, limited or extensive, looking like

insurgencies and maybe revolutions are the expression of a

"historical inevitability" whose stages cover the long and

sinuous history though directed generally– according to an

ascending line – towards freedom and human development

and reinforcement and validation of its gains, increase and

magnification of its achievements, and building new

foundations in the monument of its civilization on this unique

planet in this strange universe… is the one worthy to lead the

world and dominate it with its will.

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In this regard we would like to draw the attention on the fact

that among the worst mistakes about understanding and

interpretation of the events – changes, insurgencies and

revolutions – is the confusion between the aims and the tools

used to achieve them. The most dangerous types of confusion

consists in establishing a relationship of similarity and

reduction between interests of power and categories and

social classes and between individuals who played

influential roles throughout the stages of turns, changes

and revolution.

When subjective factors overwhelmed and amplified in an

abnormal manner, there were abuse, confusion of the path

and huge damages. Deviation starts small then grows. Point

of contacts appeared and contacting links seemed at first look

geographically farther than we thought than being a purely

local Egyptian production.

The starting point, though it seems generally gloomy,

however the injustice occurring afterwards may go

beyond all limits and all rights and all objective facts.

We do not intend to judge the events of January 52th 5111

because History is not merciful to those who initiated it and

thought they have said the final and decisive work; as the

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events continue and the sufferings are still occurring and the

baby still does not see the light… it is still in the womb of the

events… and most importantly there are doubts in

determining the legal father of the baby which leads us as

researchers to deepen our study in this direction considering

that we are an integral part and a pillar of the social system of

the State, in addition to our social inevitable responsibility

towards our follow citizens.

We intended through these digressions to assert the basis or

the objective nature of the unprecedented protest operation

that Arab World is still witnessing… and the confirmation of

such basis or essential factor does not negate other factors,

internal or external, political or economical, of security or

mood or even vendetta and psychological factors buried in the

depth of the unconsciousness in some segments of the society

and its categories, falling within the range of implications or

arising from the increase of sufferings.

We are always living in the middle of open conflict. It is

basically generated from a tendency in control and

domination and devoting them to the interest of social forces

aware of their interests in general or struggling for fighting

injustice and control and predominance and deprivation and

poverty and tyranny…

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However the embalming of experiences and people on one

hand and reliance on transfer without criticism (which is

addition and deletion), and deviations and small interests on

the other hand have caused retractations and losses and

confusions, that confirmed once again the comprehensiveness

of the conflict and the contradiction that are in fact the real

"birth" of the "History", meaning progress, liberation and

civilization…this is what we sincerely hope from a purely

national vision.

We would like, here, to highlight strategic joint element

(external environment – internal environment) between the

protest movements, the insurgencies and revolutions… and

also a major strategic difference.

Regarding the joint element it concerns displacement towards

freedom… and also the common is the attempt to exploit the

protest movement in order to serve aims of regional and

International influencing forces, fearing for their interests or

seeking for them, depending on the concerned country and its


The Syrian case represents a model of such context, as the

foreign interventions are increasing in a frantically race, in

addition to internal reactions burdened with seizures and

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confiscations and intimidation and eager desire for freedom,

for participation and exit from the state of emergency and

exception to a state of permanent stability.

Regarding the difference, all this is growing next to what was

ongoing and still continues in matter of propaganda speeches

and hollow rituals, to build with the help of the efforts

deployed by writers and media figures and ordinary of

exceptional activists attempting to explain what is happening

and trying to justify it and giving it the true or counterfeit

legitimacy it deserves – each according to its agenda. All this is

taking place and offers us finally a state of hope and distortion

amidst great sufferings and sacrifices of the rest of the citizens

confirming what we said in the beginning.

Accordingly…it is necessary to free the large targets from

the small and selfish interests and inevitably free the

noble targets from the burden of mediators and tools,

particularly interests of individuals…to be noted that

revolutions are not achieved immediately and according

to a final pattern unchanged and irremovable…this is why

the true revolutionary patriots in the historical continued

and extended sense cannot rest… as world will continue

to oppress poor and weak people…and those people must

continue to fight and protest and the Revolution is not

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merely a political concept of changing regimes but there

are scientific revolutions based on knowledge and culture

and civilization…forever!

Importance of the Study

The importance of the study and its value is based on the

fact that it addresses an important topic and is

essentially linked to change and evolution such as the

social need thereof reflecting on the political systems

governing a State and the way of managing wisely its


It also highlights the importance of the research in

seeking for new horizons that should not be ignored,

particularly the necessity to understand the nature of the

stage which is consistent with the requirements of the

phase that Egypt is passing through after the events of

January 52th 5111 and an attempt to anticipate the

future through presentation of a part of the problems

and questions that would eventually create future


The importance of the study also consists in getting

acquainted with the concept of leadership and its role in

dealing with the crisis in the midst of which we are living,

as it one of the concepts widely expanding in our

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contemporary society and is affecting in one way or

another all the aspects of life…

Since the language of our epoch consists in anticipating

future, in order to deduce before it happens what we

should do to face it in the best effective and efficient way

and if possible to participate in modeling it, it was

necessary to find a strategic leadership with special

management skills and genius in a very critical moment,

not only for Egypt but also for the whole Arab World; this

leadership should possess the capabilities to overcome

political challenges in the current crisis.

Putting forward a strategic vision that could help the

decision makers in dealing with future events with all

their implications and threats and seeking for promising

opportunities in the light of the experience of our long-

standing organizations.

Problem of the Research

The problem of the research is that anyone who follows

the crises faced by Egypt since events of January 52th

5111 will find that there is an intellectual confusion that

hit most of those who made it and those who are

directing the current events.

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This intellectual confusion that hit the Egyptian society

has resulted in a total unawareness or understanding of

the current events and the nature of the phase, which

affected naturally their behavior and conduct and

consequently made them lose the compass and a sound

vision of the future.

The absence of intellectual and psychological readiness

of the society enabling it to absorb such a volume of

information from the (visual – written and audio) media

in addition to the virtual world of course.

Besides an almost complete inability to learn from

previous crisis and accumulation of lessons that they

benefit from in order to avoid and prevent future crisis

that could result in a catastrophe completely ruining the


In this context, there is a serious lack of efficient

administrative leadership with creative capabilities and

well qualified intellectually and psychologically and

having cumulative experience enabling them to

overcome the crisis and control its consequences and

benefit from lessons and even re-investing them..

Aims of the Research

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Looking forward to building a better society based on

knowledge and modernity through sufficiency and justice; no

doubt that this trend would have a direct impact on the citizen

and also on the regime, as well as on the methods of achieving

business, management and performance of responsibilities

and activities.

The nature of current events we are living and their

scientific definition.

Getting acquainted with the philosophy of change

through introduction to humanities (sociology,

administration and behavioral psychology.

In the context of these data, the evolution of the state

bodies, upgrading them and improving their working

methods become part of vital national requirements…

the administrative body in any system is its major nerve

and essential basis.

Getting acquainted with the leadership and its role

through their definitions and types and requirements

and importance in such phase.

Attempt to reach some results regarding the nature and

specificity of the organizations headed by creative

leadership for organizations ready to face crisis.

Understanding of the Crisis Management and being

acquainted with its major phases.

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Monitoring and analyzing the main mechanisms of crisis


Getting acquainted with the way to manage the crisis.

Getting acquainted with the specificities and possibilities

of the executive management and the creative


Highlighting the role of creative leadership in crisis

management at different phases: strategic role and

technical role.

Raising the potential and activating the static in the soul

to continue effort in training and education and research

and practicing and applying in order to create a

successful leader first in ourselves then in those we are

responsible for…the reform operation and assessment of

its services and developing its activities become a matter

of urgency and perhaps a duty… particularly since its

internal and external environment is passing through a

crucial stage of its history and existence.

Working out the strategy during the next stage after the

events of January 52th 5111.

Critical vision

I would like to say as a conclusion of this part (and if I may

express, the temporary exit from the scientific pattern of the

research), that the prevalence of negativity and indifference

and weak management and lack of discipline and contempt of

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science and scientists and researchers and disrespect of

systems and laws, all these are environmental secretions

lacking in their composition, refusing change and opposed to

its achievement and preventing it from happening and

accepting stagnation and backwardness.

In Egypt we live an era of change and progress, an era full of

developments reinforced by technical and technological

changes, inventions and both communication and knowledge

revolutions, and an era of information…all of these represent a

very hard challenge for decision makers; this is why we

consider that getting acquainted with the change science and

its ability to achieve the change and control it in an

appropriate manner to reach the goals desired by the whole

humanity is essential and should be ignored. A change in the

features of the epoch and dealing with it has become

absolutely essential and is reflecting without any doubt the

true development of the mankind civilization.

Assumptions and questions of the study

In the light of the problem and aims of the study, this study is

based essentially on the assumption that: "there is an implicit

relationship between forecasting the future and readiness to

face it – through understanding the nature of the phase lived

by the country – understanding the changes that occurred in

the Egyptian society following the events of January 52th 5111

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– and between the capacity of the leadership to deal with the

crisis situation and efficiency of crisis management"… this

study seeks to answer the following questions:

What is the leadership and what are its characteristics

and specificities and patterns and rooting scientific

theories? And what is the difference between them and

the management?

Nature of crisis and terminology and connected concepts

and how to manage them?

What is the role of the leadership in crisis management?

What is the crisis management?

What is the strategic leadership and what are its


What is the suggested strategy during the next phase

after the events of January 52th 5111?

Research Methodology

The team preparing this research has used the descriptive and

analytic method and deductive approach which describes the

changes of the study through the study of the subject of the

study namely the leadership between reality and expectation,

and deduction of some results to find a scientific and

methodological mechanism to predict the future and present a

suggested strategy to find an opportunity through which we

may cross the tunnel of crisis generated by these events.

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Tools used in this study

The researchers will use a number of major helpful tools as

well as the following general tools:

A number of books and researches and specialized

scientific and academic periodicals.

A number of scientific thesis

A number of cultural and social books and periodicals

concerned with the matter.

In this context we will try to access to the future through the

events we are living and analyze them in a descriptive way

based on a set of tools and scientific helpful and general

research tools in order to search their depths and understand

their motivations and their causes in order to reach

deductions and a set of recommendations and proposals.


The researcher faced a range of difficulties due to severe

time constraints which led us to take time and rights of

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the family and this had a great psychological and social

impact on the family members.

The abundance of scientific material and the weight of its

scientific balance requiring us to read a large number of

books and references in order to find an original scientific

material enabling to count on it.

The proposed perception of the study

We have divided the study into four chapters…In the first one

we have addressed the leadership and started as a first step by

enumerating its definitions and specific concepts and

introduction to its study, and as a second step we highlighted

the leadership in the managing thought and types of

leadership and concluded with the third part representing the

ethics of leadership and its problems particularly in

developing countries.

In the second chapter that we devoted to answer to the special

assumption of the study, the nature of crisis and the

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terminology and concepts connected thereof and the way of

managing them; and the role of leadership in managing crisis.

…We divided it into three parts, the first one concerning the

definition of crisis; the second part devoted to the leadership

and its role and mechanisms in crisis management and the last

part for the creative leadership in crisis management.

We dealt in Chapter three the strategic leadership and

divided the chapter into three parts, the first one to answer

the question of the research and study regarding the meaning

of strategy and what are its characteristics and patterns and its generating scientific

theories? And the difference between it and the management?

We then briefly went on in a digression we considered

important within the context of the research and its logical

narrative ideas to highlight in the second part the

comprehensive national strategy, its importance and essence

and the importance in relying upon… we concluded the

chapter with a last part presenting the role of data building for

the institution and its influence on its strategic planning.

The above rooting leads inevitably to the fourth chapter and

the answer to the last question regarding the study

assumption, namely the nature of strategy during the next

phase after events of January 52th 5111, and what are its

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characteristics and what is the future vision we can offer for

such phase? And proposing a strategic vision based on this

leadership in two parts and finally concluding with a number

of results leading us to recommendations and proposals

hoping they will promote our deep-rooted organizations and

benefiting to the country …our beloved Egypt.

Possible vision for the contents of the Research


Importance of the research

Problem of the Research

Aims of the Research

Critical vision

Assumptions of the Research questions

Research methodology

Research tools

Difficulties faced by the Research

Suggested vision of the Research

Chapter I: Leadership

Part One: Definition of the leadership and introduction to

the study of leadership management and management


Part Two: Leadership patterns and its ethics and problems

in developing countries.

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Chapter II: Role of the leadership in crisis management

Part One: The Crisis

Part Two: Leadership and mechanisms of crisis


Part Three: Creative leadership in crisis management

Chapter III: Strategic Leadership

Part One: Strategy…Containment and planning

Part Two: Comprehensive national strategy

Part Three: Database building of the Organization and its

impact on planning

Part Four: Characteristics of the strategic leadership

Chapter IV: Security strategy during the next phase after

the events of January 72th 7122.

Part One: Security strategy

Second Part: Strategic vision of the future

Results of the Research

- Conclusion

- Recommendations

- Bibliography

- Contents

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Finally…heritage of science in Egypt is rich with its men – the

Science – sparing no efforts in keeping up with its modernity

and managing its knowledge… I am personally convinced that

we are about to establish a human Egyptian

civilization…teaching the world as we did before…The

Egyptian civilization and leadership cycle is to come, God

Willing… We believe this is the ineluctability of change as it is

also the aspirations and wishes of peoples.

And since God only is perfect, we apologize for any mistakes

or unintentional omissions as we only wanted to be diligent in

presenting a modest study in an attempt through which we

could express what we have deduced from the current

moment we live…and to highlight the meanings of the events

and their philosophy…and specify their features and also shed

light on some social phenomenon that could help us

understanding the phase and prepare ourselves to new

coming events that could be more hazy and possible

catastrophic crisis…as well as the role of the wise and

conscious leadership in managing and dealing with them…and

deducing the future opportunities from learned lessons and

initiating anticipated mechanisms for events to come through

a strategic vision enabling leaders to achieve scientific and

knowledge roots deepening for the next phase…

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God willing,

Yahya El Zent


Notice: This research has enabled to obtain the

Grade of Management – Crisis Management from

the American University in Cairo on 72 August


Role of Leadership and

Strategic Planning

In Crisis Management

Applied to Revolution of

January th

Prepared and presented by

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Yahya El Zent



…To my late mother and father, may God have mercy on them…in commemoration..

…To my elder brother Dr. Saad, in gratitude…

…To my dearest wife and mother of my children Omar, Tareq and Nermine…in gratitude…

…To my wife's father Dr. Mohamed Nada and wife's mother Dr. Noha Shawky…in gratitude..

…To all those who helped me in this modest assumption…convinced by its importance…

The Researcher…

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We are all living now in a world of crisis, a world of major entities and major crisis and conflicting interests. The more interests are increasing, expanding and conflicting, the more crisis are generated and vary and intensify. History lessons have confirmed that at the same time where major powers seek to impose their control and influence, there is a definite desire of the small entities for independence and survival and growth… Such desires collide with the endeavors of major powers, and this generates crisis.

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Furthermore in the relationship of disagreement between administrative entities within a same economical system and aspects of alienation existing between an individual and his work and performance in the same employment, and between his ambitions in his activity and requirements of behavior within a same social context and between the openness of thought and the variety of its schools, all this was a reason for outbreak of crisis. The majority of administrative decision makers in our country rely upon the administrative system in a daily manner; they are involved and engaged in the routine life and their personal concerns, seeking to manage their own needs, distracted from listening to the importance of the scientific management in their administrative entities they are responsible of and refusing any new approach to the management science.. Hence the emergence of our crisis and their deep impact due to the fact that the decision maker lacks knowledge of the scientific roots and overwhelmed by random, improvised and emotional factors; thus issuing unwise decisions leading finally to harming the administrative entity. Despite the occurrence of crisis is an old phenomenon, we gave it due attention only during the past years as the crisis accelerated and diversified and intensified through sudden transformations and vanished within time and space that separate entities which felt that no matter how big they are they still work and interact with a world wider than their private world and therefore the sense of the universality of the crisis increased whatever its specificities. We are living in a world full of various crises: economical – social – cultural – moral. World is a sole entity, economically, politically, administratively, culturally and socially connected and interacting. Any administrative entity, whatever small sized is not immune against the effects of crisis and events in the world. So, the use of scientific methods as a method for dealing with crisis has become inevitable in order to avoid destructive consequences. …Therefore, the management of crisis is a material, in-kind, moral and spiritual one altogether… It is an interactive management, permanent and continuous, connected to the existence of a life and will of developing progress whether for the working system or the State. This is why the researcher considers that this scientific management is a one with inevitable conflicting dimensions against inertia and ossification and against negativity and backwardness, considered as the climate in which the crisis are emerging and interacting and expanding ignorance and fear from taking decisions are the most important reasons leading to crisis since the majority of crisis faced by the security organizations need a scientific and wise management to get rid of them. The epoch we are living in is full of crisis; the question to be asked is no more whether the crisis is coming or not? But the question is what would do the Institution when the crisis arrives? This is the philosophy of the research and the person conviction of the researcher, as the term of crisis

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ranges among terms and daily life human concepts associated with the human being since creation of the world as Almighty God said:" We created man in the liver [Sura of the country: 4]. It is therefore a universal law bound by God to his creatures in Earth enabling them to seek for satisfying their daily and personal needs and sounding the depths of the universe in all its aspects and components and dimensions and Man will only seek knowledge in such elements if he falls under pressure of need and craving desire… Except that we notice that a large number of leaders ignore this reality; they think that their organizations are immune against crisis and that crisis cannot, whatever it is, affect or harm the institution or surprise it at the time where this crisis is effectively within its tissue and structure. The past two decades was marked by the acceleration and depth and sharpness of global transformations under which the different types of organizations are acting, and this leads to the impossibility for the organizations and validated traditional planning methods to forecast in short term and benefit from previous experience in planning for analyzing historical events. Such mechanisms are no more able to face the challenges of the future and adapt to successive global changes. Moreover, the relative importance of the internal criteria established by the organizations themselves has decreased, compared to external criteria imposed and determined by the best global organizations. When human stray from his path and want to reach his goal he must have a map indicating the features of the place he is located in then he needs a compass determining the orientations, and without a compass or a guide indicating the path he is unable to decipher the codes of the map and his presence becomes equal to nothing. The strategic planning becomes therefore the compass guiding the organizations and indicating the right path they should follow…Some people define it as being an organized effort to reach decisions and systems and strategic plans to achieve the required benefiting goals and accomplish the aims of the institution namely the satisfaction of the needs of the targeted category of agents. Crises have resulted in serious economic losses and damages which affected hundreds of

communities and organizations all over the world. The crisis management became a major

obstacle in the path of these communities and organizations and their development. The positive

dealing with such crisis requires the integration of the crisis management and risks in

development plans equally in the States and Organizations, through relying on a developed

knowledge database and awareness of the decision makers.

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Crisis management consists in managing the possible and attempting to control what is not

controllable. As it was proven by the past events, the crisis management is no more an optional

decision but has now an important strategic dimension imposed by the new facts generating

accumulated problems and transformed into catastrophes followed by crises or the contrary.

It is an invitation to all leaders and managers to learn not repeating the behaviors that generate

problems and crises, particularly those who are always sitting on hot tin; and despite all sufferings

they incur, they come once again and sit on it. The secret in the successful leadership in hot

positions and crises is to help us promoting a personal system of early warning in addition to use

of scientific methods to make quick and decisive decisions to prevent crises or reduce their effects

and control their movement.

In this research we present simplified data and experiences that can reach non-specialists or

immersed in behavioral and administrative sciences in the field of crisis management.

This research also presents some of the administrative and leadership arts during adversity and

crisis, as it shows us the way of achieving the best results in a climate full of changes and

unknown and leadership in difficult conditions. Confrontation of difficulties and crisis is not as easy

as we would expect amidst economical, political, social and religious growing and complex


In such conditions leadership requires the use of any available means with a clear vision of ways

and scientific means.

Despite all trouble I had to face while writing the subject of this research on crises and particularly

the available scientific sources, and simplification of the signification without prejudice to the

construction, I feel however that I contributed in providing the persons concerned by the research

and study and training with elements that could help them in their work and quest.

With the appearance of the strategic planning as the latest means of planning in the organizations

that led to the change of the ways of planning by these organizations in developing their own

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strategies and implementing it. The strategic management has become an essential tool for the

organizations helping them to learn and develop if they want to elaborate a type of singularity and

efficiently respond to world accelerated changes. The term "Strategic management" is used to

express the same concept reflected by the strategic planning.

The first contemporary management scientist to deal in his management researches, the

Professor of Business History in the American Harvard University (Alfred Chandler) is the one

who dealt in his book published on 1965 the organizational structures of the big American

Companies and proposed four types of strategies related to development and evolution confirming

that the development and evolution of the organizational structures essentially rely upon strategy.

In year 1962 the professor of Management in the Ashton University (Joan Woodward) prepared

a research connecting the organizational changes with the adopted technical strategy.

In year 1976 (Wahlen Wahenger) exposed his concept of strategic management through a

research presenting a comprehensive pattern of strategic management; then came the two

scientists (Keiter & Trugo) involved in the field of strategy and asserting that it is the (driving

force) representing the field of products or markets or capabilities considered as the source of

strength of the society and constitutes the framework of its general strategy.

Given that the determination of the (driving force) contributes in formulation of the comprehensive

goals and aims of the constituent units under the assumption that the comprehensive goals

represent the link between the comprehensive strategy and strategies of their constituent units.

The book issued on 1982 by the Counselor in Mackenzie collection Professor (Omaya) entitled

(The strategic Mind) is probably representing one of the best researches in this field and had a

huge impact in the development of the contemporary strategic methodology in business.

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In 1991 there was the theory of (John Thompson) on the development of the strategic

awareness, arising from diagnose of comprehensive change of the institution connected with the

strategic formulation centered around the determination of the path and how to reach the target…

He sustains in this field that the competitiveness and distinction of performance together with

creativity and invention constitute the three connected dimensions and in 1991 also, the Business

Counselor to the (Mackenzie) collection, Mr. Litchi Oh Mi published together with a team of

business professors a book entitled: The Strategy (underlining that determination of goals and

formulation of strategy should be done in terms of customers and commodities and added value

and not in terms of overcoming the competitor. He concluded with a presentation of what was

called the contemporary strategy that focuses on refinement and dedication and exploitation of the

talents of the Holding Company and its affiliated companies in confirming the core of competence

in order to concentrate the continuity of development within the new global environment.

In year 1995, the Professor in California University (George Webb) published a book where he

criticized the Multinational companies pointing out that they did not convert their global concepts

and have no comprehensive global strategy; he deduced after a long study namely referring to the

largest world companies (Coca Cola, MacDonald, Canon, Volkswagen) and concluded to the

necessity for these companies to change their concepts and methods in order to keep up with

changes in the world through mutual interdependence among branches of the company all over

the world to reduce expenses and stereotyping and benefit from self education.

Use of the strategic planning expanded on a large scale in different and organizations and their

activities and practical experiences of strategic planning operation proved that the organizations

involved in strategic planning have better performances than organizations without strategic


Strategic planning as a method of management differs from other types of efficient methods of

management in the fact that its essential principles and methods and theories have been

developed and enriched by a mixture of field experiments and specialized methodological

academic thought resulting from the need for developing performance of the organizations on the

long-term to ensure their survival and create vital conditions benefiting from the available

opportunities in an efficient way, relying on strategic planning as a genius scientific method to

reach goals.

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Results of studies attempting to experiment the nature of relationship between performance or

organizations and adoption of strategic planning indicate that there is a positive relationship

connecting them. These studies have referred to the fact that the organizations strategically run

benefited from a performance surpassing the performance of organizations not strategically run.

Importance of the research:

The importance of the research is highlighted by the fact that the concept of the crisis became of

one the largest expending concepts in our contemporary society, and in some way affecting all

aspects of life… Since the language of the current epoch is a language of extrapolation of the

future in order to gather before it happens, what is necessary to face it with the highest degree of

efficiency and capacity; it was necessary to have a leadership with the skills required to manage

the crisis and the capacities enabling it to overcome the major challenges of the crisis namely the

surprise, the threat, the speed and the ambiguity.

It also highlights some concepts and considerations that should be taken into account within the

framework of the organization and be acquainted with mechanisms preventing risks and threats

faced as follows:

Societies in their different aspects should lead their orientations and undertake

organization and coordination between all categories of the society and its activities; this

leadership is reflecting in the society and gives it its specified character, whether good of


Stating the importance of the strategic planning to face crisis and dangers to which

organizations are exposed

Stating the modern approach of the strategic planning for organizations which is a

preventive approach, in other words the attempt to forecast what will happen.

Stating how to face crisis through its management

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Stimulating officials, particularly the senior management so they may be aware of the

importance of adopting the method of strategic planning in facing crises.

Problem of the Research

The problem of the Research resides in that the person acquainted with the crisis to which

public and private organizations are exposed in Egypt or even the State itself, notices a

great similarity in the causes of these crisis or the existence of repeated patterns in

methods facing then, in addition to a nearly total incapability to learn from some crisis and

accumulation of lessons from which they may benefit in avoiding and preventing crisis. In

this context there might be a lack of efficient managing leadership having the creative

capacities with talents to manage the crisis as well as mental and psychological capacities

and a cumulative experience enabling them to overcome challenges of the crisis in order to

control implications of the crisis and managing it successfully and drawing profitable

lessons, and take advantage of some of its elements.

This research also aimed at being acquainted with the extent of practicing the strategic

planning in crisis management and its impact on facing crisis constituting an obstacle to its

growth and progress rather than reorienting it according to our will. This may be

summarized regarding the problem of the research by asking the following questions:

To what extend is the strategic planning concept clear in the mind of the leadership?

What are the factors to be taken into account when carrying out the strategic planning? And

what are the mechanisms and their availability to the leaders in charge of it?

It is therefore possible to say that the strategic planning is one of the means to prevent crisis and

one of the paths of searching for future opportunities…

To such extent that we may ask the following question… what is the value of the sound

planning in light of the absence of whoever enjoys the distinctive elements – vision and

capability – to make a decision and apply it and the courage to issue it so that it could

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grasp the components of the future…firmly controlling – without neglect or outbid – the

tools and mechanisms of work and enjoying personal characteristics able to influence and

convince others and requesting their involvement and change of ideas to adapt with the

requirements of the current facts and expectation of future?...Planning without leadership

means chaos…as we will see hereafter.

In connection with the assumption of the research, the crisis management is a unique

business operation; as the organization is exposed to an unexpected event whose premises are

often absent – despite the fact of its accumulative causes – and it needs decisive measures and

quick decisions consistent with the gravity of the developing situation and consequently the

management holds the control of the initiative in leading events and influencing them and

orienting them according to the requirements of the situations…to avoid damages or to seize an


The leadership skill – we were referring to – resides in imagining the possibility of

changing the crises and its dangers to an opportunity to liberate the creative capacities that

exploits the crisis as an opportunity to remodel the conditions and find wise solutions; no doubt

that the positive orientation pave the way to manage the crisis and live and creative interaction

with the great faced challenge to the extent enabling it to transform the risk into an opportunity

that can be exploited and change the discouragement of the ordeal into a climate stimulating

the creative efforts.

This is the reason behind our assumption of: "the role of leadership and strategic planning in crisis

management; because I am convinced as a junior researcher, that a belief is reinforced by the

knowledge of the ancient world including its successful patterns and is reflected by the fact that

the leadership enjoying a strategic vision – and moreover – has the capacity of designing skillfully

a scenario for the future and having the elements of producing leaders enjoying charismatic

personalities and accumulated experiences and open minded and vast culture and a basis of

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morality and values…is by all means a leadership capable of managing crisis and even exploiting

them to the interest of the organization or the institution or the State governing it.

…There is no reverse pattern we could present as an evidence of the soundness of our

convictions – From the events of January 52th 5111 we may say that we had leaders who lost the

capacity of dealing with the crisis because they lost the compass…the inevitable result

…unfortunately the new leaders are still unable neither to manage the crisis nor to take advantage

of its results …the matter concerns the equation of a country we are trying to decipher its strange


The management within any organization is always reflecting a dynamical attitude reacting

with the movement and containing complex attitudes. Management seeks to achieve

specific goals within the context of various conditions some of which help it and push it

forward (opportunity) and some others inhibits its action and constitute restrictions


The essential basis in this context is summarized by the fact that this complex attitude,

associated with a high degree of ambiguity and hesitation requires from the Organization

or the Institution special capabilities with double orientation; first it has to exploit the

available opportunities at a high degree of efficiency and effectiveness and simultaneously

seeking to avoid dangers and obstacles or elaborating a specific strategy to adapt with.

On such ground it appears that the strategic planning is going towards building specific strategies

aiming at establishing mechanisms capable of acting to use the available elements in the light of

various dangers and threats to achieve the principal targets of the Organization; we point out here

that this is among the most important priorities of the leadership when dealing with a crisis, on

attempting to prevent or abort of manage its elements and their impact. The aim of building up

such specific strategies is oriented to the achievement of the three following results:

Activate the ability of the organization in using its available capabilities in an efficient

manner leading to the implementation of the set targets.

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Reduce the capacity of risks to restrict its work whether by facing them or suppressing or

freezing their effects on the strategy of the organization towards development.

Reinforcing its capacity of efficient management of the changes falling under its direct


The researcher considers that the strategic planning is one of the major elements of

management of organizations currently and the paroxysm in the results of the thinking

phase prior to the implementation of any action and reflects the vision of the leadership,

because the strategic planning is a chain of big and sound decisions that are forecasting

the future to achieve the general set up targets.

Therefore…in order to achieve a success in the strategic planning it is necessary to establish a

strategy including:

Determination of the major and clear targets, and arrange the agenda of priorities and provide a

great amount of material, human and judicial possibilities after carrying out a good assessment of

the general situation and prediction of the future eventualities and various conditions, provided it is

marked by comprehensiveness, realism, follow-up and that they are supported by mechanisms of

evaluation and self-assessment.

From what has been said above, we conclude that the topic of strategic planning if among the

most important matters since it is an organized effort to reach decisions and essential activities

and focusing on the future regarding the nature of the organization, its action and the reason of its

action, etc…, and an effective management tool helping the organization to implement its work in

a better way under all conditions to which it is exposed, and focusing on all concerned persons to

achieve the target itself, and assessment and analyzing the orientation of the organization and

responding to its changing environment. Furthermore, the assessment of the organization after

implementation of the strategic planning is the best way to respond to the dynamical conditions of

the environment.

What is the impact of the strategic planning in facing crisis?

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What is the extent of clarity of the concept of crisis management compared with the

concept of management in crisis or even handling crisis?

Aims of the research

- Understanding the meaning of Crisis Management and acquaintance with its major


- Specifying and analyzing the most important mechanisms of crisis management.

- Identification of the characteristics and capacities of the creative leadership and also the

traditional leadership.

- Focusing on the role of the creative leadership in crisis management through its various

stages: the strategic role and the technical role.

- Stir the potential and activating the static in the souls to continue efforts in training,

education, research, practice and application in order to create a successful leader in

ourselves and then in those who are relying on us.

- Identify the concepts of strategic planning and crisis management

- Stating the main factors that should be taken into account when carrying out strategic


- How can the strategic planning face the crises?

- Reaching some results regarding the nature and specificity of the organizations headed

by the creative leadership for the organizations ready to face crisis.

- Offering some suggested strategies to activate the role of leadership in crisis


Assumption and interrogations of the research

- In the light of the problem and aims of the research, this study is based essentially on the

assumption of: existence of a relationship between the prevision of the future and

preparation thereto – through strategic planning – and between the ability of the

leadership to deal with the crisis situation and efficiency of the crisis management:

- This research seeks to answer to the following questions:

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What is the concept of a crisis?

What are the types of crisis?

What are the characteristics and phases of a crisis?

How to face a crisis and to plan for it?

What are the characteristics of the strategic planning in the organizations?

What are the major obstacles to the strategic planning in the organizations?

What is the effect of the strategic planning on the crisis management?

What is the extent of participation of the executive leadership in organizations in

setting up the strategic planning in this field?

What are the requirements for the success of the strategic planning in these

organizations in order to raise the efficiency of organizational performance and to

limit crisis?

Methodology of the Research:

- In this research, the descriptive and analytical methodology was used to describe the

changes of the study namely the crisis management and strategic planning and strategic

leadership…and accordingly the analysis of these major and further changes to reach the

results of the study… We also relied upon some references and scientific researches

concerned with this topic.

The suggested plan for this research is:


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Importance of the research

Problem of the Research

Aims of the Research

Interrogations of the Research

Methodology of the research

Chapter One: Leadership…theoretical introduction

- Part One: Leadership

- Part Two: Characteristics and talents of the leader

- Part Three: Strategic leadership and its characteristics

Chapter Two: Strategic Planning

- Part One: Concepts…requirements…advantages…justifications…patterns

- Part Two: Crisis Management

Chapter Three: The Crisis…Theoretical introduction

- Part One: Crisis – its nature – its dimensions – its characteristics

- Part Two: Crisis Management

Chapter Four:

- Part One: Strategic leadership of the crisis

- Part Two: Role of the creative strategic leadership in crisis management

Chapter Five: The Revolutionary crisis

- Part One: Revolution of January 52th 5111 – the causes

- Part Two: Stages of the revolutionary crisis.

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of Change

How can it be………………………….. Grasping future opportunities?

Name of the author: Yahia El Zont

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Grasping future opportunities


Name of the author:

Yahya El Zent


The Publisher Madbuly El-Saghir

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Written and prepared by

Yahya El Zont

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We live an epoch of raging conflicts and major

organizational failures, an epoch combining painful endings

and hopeful beginnings.

An epoch where everything that seemed deeply rooted is starting to get old and dying while

another thing is seeking to come up.

Or, if we refer to the words of the former Czech President and playwright "Vaclav


"There are good reasons suggesting that the modern era has ended and there are

many things showing that we are going through a transitional period and it seems

that something is on its way to disappear and that something else arises in pain; as

if there is something that crumbles, disintegrates and consumes itself, while another

thing not yet not clearly distinct arises from emerges from rubble, and the Arab

Individual that will ride the horse to win the race…

Looking forward to the 51st Century…he should read this book…the new century

requires a new person…a knight…intrepid and thinker.

A knight able to maneuver..a leader seeking for meanings and

thoughts…opening his mind and heart for renewal and innovation.

The new century needs a new man…daring…jumping barriers…entering new


A leader…optimistic and interacting… thinking electronically, a leader relying on

people… trusting them… employing global quality methods, engineering

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management and data techniques. A leader concerned by future more than


Importance and aims of the book:


Philosophy of change

When we look at the world map and see the continents stable and forming a global

island surrounded by water from everywhere, we discover the magnitude of the role

required by the major changes… Earth was not divided in that manner and without

the trembling, earthquakes and cracks the Earth would have been a single mass

and we would not have seen this map as it is known nowadays.

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Madbuly El-Saghir

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And the cultural changes need in turn earthquakes to remodel the human civilization

and draw the brightest and noblest colors and granting it elements of hope and


And when States are facing the growing challenges and seek to engage into the

future, the intellectual earthquake becomes a must, as it requires a new modeling of

the mind and definition of possible and impossible changes and previous concepts

and criterion of thought generated by these challenges regress… this earthquake is

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the element renewing the vitality of minds and contributes in sorting ideas and

masterfully constructs the bridge through which societies move towards future.

Thus, the future of mankind now depends on the ability of existing organizations

and societies to respond to and interact with the earthquake of minds and building

such capacity is what we called "Management of the Future" and consequently

grasping its opportunities.

Philosophy of building and manage the future is a strategic in the programs for

developing societies provided in this book to build the intellectual capacity of the

individual and societies in building their bright and promising future based on the

creative values and scientific thought and reconstruction and justice and linkage

and arming them with the tools of civilizational change.

We are trying to work for the development of building the change of science and to

be among the first to write in Arabic in these fields and to establish new theories

and visions on the nature of changes and forecasting the future.

This awareness of the importance of the future management led to strategic

coalitions between a group of human sciences (such as management and sociology

and psychology) which will lead to the fact that these sciences and theories will be

an integral part of the future sciences.

This book relies on some scientific and practical patterns of development, as its

theories are subjected to experiment and benefit from successful assessments.

Ideas and theories were discussed with specialists professors of Arabic and

international universities and activists on site and specialists in similar field of


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The Aim

To provide a methodology for youth thought and a real stimulation for change of

rooting under a scientific background building the capacities of societies towards

cultural change. We hope that this book will be a guide for the change lovers and

cultural transformation whatever the ideological differences of readers, their religion,

ethnic groups or nationalities.

The Purposes

1. Dissemination of the culture of change and developed thinking methodologies and

civilizational changing strategies.

5. Providing the scientific tools to contribute in occasioning cultural revolutions

in the world of sociological action.

3. Providing consultations to people and organizations seeking to develop their


Its role is to develop thinking methodologies in general. Even when tools of change

and development exist in a society, the mind is still reluctant to use them or is

inhabited with some thoughts preventing change; wright thinking methodologies

may exist but need support and deepening. Thus the importance of this book

resides on developing thinking methodologies with support of what is useful and

refinement of what requires treatment and eradication of what is not fitting with a

transformational mind.

This topic is among one of the major studied themes and includes researches

connected with the provision of the mind with developed thinking methodologies

qualifying the societies to find futures appropriate responses to faced challenges;

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consequently theses researches focus on elaborating the general cognitive map

and the essential intellectual premises and methods and thinking talents to anyone

who may confront the change operation.

Use of the latest clarifying scientific techniques achieved by the modern world.

Thus the research material exists from its frozen pattern to a model with which

masses interacts and demands in order to arise concern for the future sciences.

Did you think about your future?

Did you meditate the opportunities you can exploit?

Do you know yourself and your capacities which are the secret of your


Have you meditated the type of persons you are dealing with every day?

Have you forecasted the difficulties you will face under the new world system…and

the markets opening their doors to all imaginations and minds?

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This book says that the authentic Arabic minds are able to continue the path until

the end and can also win…I hope, dear reader that you will be one of those


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No doubt that the question of change has become one of the major topics in our current world, a

world of rapid changes, a world of non-stop process where those who do not follow

the path are delaying.

Since we are part of such process and that man is the creature to whom God has

granted the world, it is absolutely necessary to be influenced and respond to such

changes provided to protect our cultural, historical and religious specificities so that

we are able to preserve our identities and not to delay in the process of progress

and world we live in; we must also reacty with positive spirituality between

influencing and being influenced.

Change and preparation to it must be comprehensive and include human

necessities and requirements and also include all areas of life with their various


No doubt that regarding the principle, the change is made by human and for

humans and what they interact with, accordingly human is the major axis and the

essential tool in the same time in the changing operation in order to achieve the

aims of human kind.

We therefore consider that seriousness and aware will and goodwill are

indispensable for change with a balanced management; because the will of change

is the management of the human essence with all its specificities; therefore it is

essential to deal wisely and behave moderately.

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Necessity of the change:

No doubt that change is extremely important; it’s a necessity for life itself;

therefore it must be a permanent phenomenon in all fields in our

economic, social and political lives and according to the following basics:

1. Productive interaction with the principle of change

5. Renewal and vitality in the application process

3. Grasping opportunities of creativity in all areas of life

4. Concern in global development including the various innovations

2. Supporting and encouraging desire for development and promotion

6. Training in reform processes and problem-solving

7. Strategic concern to production, through investment and


8. Using all technological methods and means in changing processes

9. Adaptation to the world innovations

11. Following the priorities of the stage with balanced connection

between variables

Means of change:

- We currently need absolutely getting acquainted with the science

of change science; this need requires us to determine the


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- Carrying out the change requires awareness of its importance to

understand and explain and sensitize people responsible for

change. Those who prefer to hang on the present and the past

may represent a major obstacle in front of any reform effort

adopted by any institution in its planning, which requires inevitably

a clear orientation of these people regarding acceptance and

management of change.

- Organizing short training sessions for members of these institutions

– if change concerns institutions – so that such training sessions

enable them to get united around a common goal and vision and

consequently the means to adopt in performing their mission in

addition to determining methods through which they may provide

each other with its experience.

- It is necessary to study modern systems and management

structures particularly what was written and practically

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experimented during the past two decades because they contain a

clear vision of the weakness of old methods offset by innovations

at all levels and human communities.

Progressing vision:

Propagation of negativity, disinterest, management weakness, lack of

discipline, mockery of science and scientists, disrespect of systems and

laws, are environmental secretions lacking in their compositions, refusing

change and opposing it and preventing their achievement and accepting

inertia and backwardness.

We are living an epoch of change, an epoch of efficiency and rise, an

epoch of continuous innovations supported by technical and

technological changes and inventions and also the knowledge and

communication revolutions…the epoch of data…all constituting a terrible

challenge to decision makers; we therefore consider that acquaintance

with the change science and its importance and capacity to produce

change and control it is appropriate to achieve expected hopes of human

kind and inevitable and should not be ignored. Change has become one

of the characteristics of the epoch and dealing with it has also become

extremely important and no doubt reflects the reality of human civilization


Page 61: Yehia el zont   in crisis management



Yahya El-Zent

Notice: This book is entitled the Philosophy of change - Grasp of future

opportunities and is now available on market.

Perception of an initial proposal for the sections of the book:

Chapter I: Value of life and life as a value

Part I: Performance Art in a future perspective

Part II: Black Hole

Part III: Confrontation of the epoch

Chapter II: People are two types; of which type are you?

Part I: Know yourself

Page 62: Yehia el zont   in crisis management



Part II: Foundation of the personal activity

Part III: Permanency of business and its preservation

Chapter III: Conflict of generations

Part I: Trees come out from seeds

Part II: Knight without horse

Part III: Training

Chapter IV: Who are you…?

Part I: Keys of the personality

Part II: Patterns of personalities

Part III: Your alignments to your characteristics

