ymca bogotá, colombia · wscf canada / solidarity fund 1,875 princeton university 1,650 wscf...

YMCA Bogotá, Colombia 27th February - 5th March, 2015

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Page 1: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

YMCA Bogotá, Colombia27th February - 5th March, 2015

Page 2: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

2World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report


We are Many, We are One-Sent to Build God�’s Peace.

Page 3: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

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Page 4: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

3World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

1. Purpose and Process of the Assembly

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4World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

2. Summary of the General Assembly Sessions

The Women and Men Pre-Assemblies.

The Men�’s Pre-Assembly

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5World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Three Keynote Speeches

The irst Bible Study

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6World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

New Laws for Peace, Metaphors & Feminism,

Worship of praise and prayer

A one and half day Exposure Program

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7World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Centro de Memoria Paz y Reconciliacion

The Assembly

The Strategy Working Groups

The Governance Work of the GA

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8World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

3. Highlights of the WSCF Reports: The State of the Global Federation

Our Global Perspective

Horacio Mesones, WSCF Chairprson Christine Housel, WSCF General Secretary

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9World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report


Our Regional Perspective

Amos Mushendwa, Africa Sunita Suna, Asia-Pacifi cNatia Tsintsadze, Europe

Luciano Kovac, North America Elsy Wakil, Middle East Marcelo Leites, Latin America and the Caribbean

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10World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Movement Expansion

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11World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

4. Advocacy and Solidarity Work for Colombia and Palestine A rming Dialogue on Gender and Sexuality

The Call for Justice, Peace in Colombia

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12World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

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13World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

5. Election of O cersand Executive Committee Members

Inter-regional Of icers

Regional Representatives

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14World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Regional Proxies

6. Towards a Change Process and the Way Forward for the Federation

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15World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

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16World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

7. GA Evaluation from the Participants

On GA Logistics and Support:

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17World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

On the GA Program Content:

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18World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Open Questions:

What did you like most about WSCF-GA?

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19World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

How can we improve the WSCF-GA? What are the Strength and Weakness points?

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20World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Any ideas for an ONLINE tool for a next GA or for the Constitution change in the future?

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21World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

8. WSCF 35th General Assembly


INCOME (in USD) Summary (see details in the next page) Church Partners and Institutions (37) 342,912 Individual Contributions (52) 26,798 SCM Contributions received by IRO 13,355 Registration Fee 12,874 Accommodation Contribution Partners/Senior Friends 5,170


EXPENDITURES (in USD) Travels 178,129 Visa & immigration costs 10,277 Hotel accommodation 44,410 Conference center 32,791 Local transportation 4,332 Resource people 4,052 Communication & Material 2,836 Translators 6,786 Stewards 3,000 GA preparation 24,160 GA coordinator 14,482 Medical Insurance 5,662 Other expenses 6,229 General admin (10%) 33,715

TOTAL EXPENSES 370,861 Net Result 30,251

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22World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report


Church Partners and Institutions (37) 342,912 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) 50,000 Council for World Mission (CWM) 40,287 Arcus Foundation 40,000 General Board for Global Ministries (GBGM) of the United Methodist Church


Karibu Foundation 25,400 Waldesian Church Italy Otto Per Mille Fund 19,317 United Church of Canada (UCC) 14,826 National Church Council of Finland 14,719 Christian Aid 10,901 WSCF Centennial Fund 10,000 Church of Sweden 10,000 Waldesian Church Otto Per Mille Fund 8,533 Methodist Church UK 7,000 WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 5,620 US Trustees Anonymous 5,000 WSCF Canada 4,577 United Church of Christ (UCC) 4500 United Church of Christ �– USA Area Executive for Southern Asia Desk


Anglican Church of Canada 3,937 United Church of Canada (annual grant WSCF LAC) 3,500 Ash Wed. Appeal 60% Allocation (US Trustees) 3,177 United Methodist Women 3,000 Disciples of Christ �– USA Area Executive for East Asia and Pacific


Episcopal Church USA 2,852 US Trustees A. Hageman 2,500 Presbyterian Church Libertyville (LAC funds) 2,200 National Council of Churches USA 2,000 Week of Compassion, Disciples of Christ 2,000 WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches of BernJura & Soleure 1,036 Church�’s Auxiliary for Social Action India (AP funds) 1,000 UCC Disciples of Christ Africa Desk 500 Reformed University 500 United Church of Christ USA Europe Desk 400

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23World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

SCM Contributions 13,355 SCM Australia 3,283 SCM Taiwan 2,458 SCM Canada 2,368 SCM Norway 1,180 SCM Malaysia 240 SCM Slovakia 300 Korea SCM 623 WSCF LAC 800 Visa Reimbursements from SCM delegates 2,103 Individual Contributions (49) 26,798 Salters Sterling / Michael Hanna 8,206 Thomas Wieser 5,574 Bruce MacLeod (Africa funds) 2,500 Bungaran Saragih (AP funds) 2,000 Anonymous Individual donor 1,000 Anonymous Individual SCM donor 1,000 Dorothy Wyman 500 Timothy Oyeyinka 500 Felix Kokou Aklavon 359 Zuzana Babikova 340 Eilidh Whiteford 330 Kathy and George Todd 300 Patt Petterson 250 George Abraham (AP fund) 250 Anonymous 224 Abraham Abraham (AP fund) 220 Carlos and Tania Ham 220 John Lindner 200 Manju James and Vinod Johnson 200 Elizabeth Tapia 200 Clare Chapman 150 WSCF NA 150 Desiree Kameka 150 Colin Dwyer 150 Jack Ferlino 150 Trond Gunnan Rasmussen 130 Tamara Bernard 100 Baldwin Sjollema 100 Anna Harrison 100 Jorge Domingues 100 Toddie Peters 100 Ann Teicher 100 Kerry Flynn 100 Anita Palathigal 70 Inbaraj Jeyakumar 53 Derrick McQueen 50 Emily Tynes 50 Michael Adee 50 Mark McMeley 50 Itang Young 50 Joya Colon-Berezin 40 Milka Hanook 32 Linsey Mercer 30 Registration Fees 12,874 Accommodation Contribution Partners/Senior Friends 5,170

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24World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

9. List of Delegates and Participants to the 35th WSCF General Assembly

Name Country DesignationChristine Housel USA IRO StaffJean Luc de la Soujeole Switzerland IRO StaffAmos Kamugisha Mushendwa RS AfricaSunitaSumati Suna India RS Asia PacificNatia Tsintsadze RS EuropeMarcelo Leites Urguay RS LACElsy Wakil Lebanon RS Middle EastLuciano Kovacs Italy RS North AmericaHoracio Mesones Argentina EXCOBronwyn Claire Australia EXCOShantha Ready Alonso USA EXCOYouhanna Kamal Shawky Egypt EXCOIsatu Ville EXCOPaul Martin Nguimgo Cameroon EXCOHiu Fan Chung Hong Kong EXCOImmanuel Gopalakitnan Sri Lanka EXCOAnnika Foltin Germany EXCOMarco Alfredo Fornerone Italy EXCODianet de la Caridad Martínez Valdés Cuba EXCOOscar Eduardo Reicher Salazar EXCOMarianne Amir Rofael Azer Egypt EXCODany El Obeid Lebanon EXCOYoussef Zaky WahibZaky Egypt EXCOCydney Proctor Canada EXCOLogan Boese USA EXCOMawunaGhislaine Jacqueline Madjro Bénin DelegatesJean Marie Nzambimana Burundi DelegatesNadeige ShimbaKilongo Congo DelegatesAkissi Ninon Claire Konan Côte d'Ivoir DelegatesFekadu Genala Ethiopia DelegatesMengistu Bedassa Ethiopia DelegatesAkua Bema Adomako Ghana DelegatesKevin Kimani Kahuro Kenya DelegatesThoraRodrique Mohau Lesotho DelegatesMiezaka Andriamalagasy Razafindralambo Madagascar DelegatesChristopher Gervas Chimangeni Malawi DelegatesShali Dama Omwene Kapepo Namibia DelegatesTimothy Opeyemi (replacingHarold)

Oyeyinka Nigeria Delegates

Yvette MukagajuIzabayo Rwanda DelegatesJean Pierre Habimana Rwanda DelegatesAluel Jervase Manyuat Adiang South Sudan DelegatesNaomi John Rushima Tanzania DelegatesKodjo Mawuli Aklavo Togo DelegatesPamella Nuwarinda Uganda Delegates

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25World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Name Country DesignationSharon Moola Mushokabanji Zambia DelegatesAdam Van Australia DelegatesEdward Tarun Roy (Marvin Gomez) Bangladesh DelegatesHam Kimhoun Cambodia DelegatesChienLoke Wong HongKong DelegatesInbaraj Jeyakumar Vedanayagam India DelegatesAdolfinDeslina Datang Indonesia DelegatesYeoJin Song Korea DelegatesMing Ern (Ernest) Lee Malaysia DelegatesTunTun Oo Myanmar DelegatesAjit Kumar Tamang Nepal DelegatesScott Michael McSorley New Zealand DelegatesMilka Hanook Pakistan DelegatesEinstein Zapata Recedes Philippines DelegatesKahagallalage Saman Jayasuriya (Tharaka) Sri Lanka DelegatesYi Lin (Irene) Wu Taiwan DelegatesAntonio Bernardo Scheunemann Da Silva Timor Leste DelegatesKrista Henrika Autio Finland DelegatesValentin Tranchand Germany DelegatesAnnette (Maria) Klinke (Esfandiari) Germany DelegatesRachel Power Ireland DelegatesLina Leonaviciute Lithuania DelegatesTonje Catharina Eide Norway DelegatesAudun Stranden Norway DelegatesMarta Ca pi ska Poland DelegatesPetru Lucian Cîrlan Romania DelegatesZuzana Babicova Slovakia DelegatesAre Kaspersen Sweden DelegatesClare Wilkins United Kingdom DelegatesMaría Gloria AlmanBornes Argentina DelegatesTeodocia Flores Otoya Bolivia DelegatesEdoarda Sopelsa Scherer Brasil DelegatesJohana Nuñez Colombia DelegatesAlexander Mulet De Los Reyes Cuba DelegatesMarco Giovanny Panchi Jima Equador DelegatesKarina Martha Mireya García Carmona Mexico DelegatesKathia Alba Peru DelegatesRamy Farouk Hanna Egypt DelegatesMaria Yousry MakaryGabra Isaac Egypt DelegatesSherry Samuel BotrosKaliney Egypt DelegatesPeter Amir Ibrahim Abdo Egypt DelegatesFadiGhaithFathullah Al Ajdh Iraq DelegatesHind Farahat Jordan DelegatesCharbel El Saykali Lebanon DelegatesAlexandre Roumi Lebanon Delegates

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26World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Name Country DesignationGuitta Kahaleh Lebanon DelegatesNare Saghdejian Lebanon DelegatesBayan Issam Hanna Barham Palestine DelegatesMina Gerges AdliFakhouri Sudan DelegatesSonia Almassad Syria DelegatesBrandi Jenessa Dawn Friesen Canada DelegatesCarter Habeeb USA DelegatesLouis Tillman USA DelegatesTing Jin Yong Malaysia Search committeeFlorence Kanyike Uganda Search committeeYarkus Perez Chile Search committeeKokou Hodenou (Félix) Aklavon Togo CandidatesMasimba Lovemore Kuchera Zimbabwe CandidatesJurgette Nectarinia Montes Rocas Phillipines CandidatesDavid Anirudha Das Bangladesh Senior friendsDavid Raton Halder Bangladesh Senior friendsRichmond Milton Bangladesh Senior friendsWilliam Salters Sterling Ireland Senior friendsMicheal Victor Hanna Ireland Senior friendsMarkus Ilari Rantakari Finland Senior friendsGabriela Miranda Garcia Guatemala Senior friendsJorge Domingues USA/Brazil Senior friendsElizabeth Muriel Findlay Anderson USA Senior friendsWilliam Mead Muhler USA Senior friendsKenneth Guest USA Senior friendsGeorge Mathew India Resource peopleMichael Garcia Philippines Resource peopleJohnston McMaster Ireland Resource peopleCarolyn Heather Williams UK Resource peopleAnalia Kim Argentina Resource peopleHumberto Shikiya Argentina Resource peopleMarcelo Schneider Brazil Resource peopleRogelio Dario Barolin Uruguay Resource peopleDon Reasoner USA Resource peopleDr. Fulata Lusungu Moyo Malawi Partner, WCCIsaiah Kipyegon Toroitich Kenya Partner, ACT AlliancePeter Prove Australia Partner,EAADinesh Suna India Partner, EWNRev. Peniel Jesudason Rufus Rajkumar Switzerland Partner, WCCMartina Viktorie Kopecká Czech Republic Partner, WCCTyler Dale Hauger Norway Partner, KaribuAna Veronica FlachierLudeña Ecuador PartnerPaul St Patrick Anthony Gardner Jamaica Partner, GCFJoy Eva Bohol Colombia PartnerJenny Neme Colombia Partner

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27World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

Name Country DesignationDeivit Andres Montealegre Cuenca Argentina PartnerRudelmar Bueno de Faria USA PartnerRev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana USA Partner,SCUPERev. Edward Pratt USA PartnerRev. LeKisha Reed USA Partner, UMC GBGMLorenzo Vargas USA PartnerAmy Blythe Crawford Canada Partner, UCCRev.Chris Ferguson Canada Partner, WCRCMilton Mejia Colombia Colombia resource peopleMaricel Mena Colombia Colombia resource peopleAbilio Pena Colombia Colombia resource peopleEleazar Torreglosa Colombia Colombia resource peopleDiego Higuita Colombia COLOMBIAN guestsMilciades Pua Colombia COLOMBIAN guestsJavier Rodriguez Colombia Colombian guestsGloria Ullua Colombia Colombian guestsEduardo Martinez Colombia Colombian guestsErik Norman Colombia Colombian guestsSaara Vuorensola Barnes Colombia Colombian guestsSarahí García Gómez Officers Lac guestsFelipe Adolf Ecuador Lac guestsCarlos Tamez Costa Rica Lac guests


�“We are Many, We are One, Sent to Build God�’s Peace.�”


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28World Student Christian Federation 35thGeneral Assembly Report

�“Others will have differing memories and reflections. My own estimate of the 35th General Assembly of the World Student Christian Federation is that it was a soberingly good experience challenging us all to work harder for Justice while at the same time making whatever structural, governance

and financial changes are agreed to be necessary. The Federation, now 120 years in operation, still has a major contribution

to make to the universities and colleges of this planet and the work of articulating a global vision for a divided world will be an exciting

adventure of Faith. I am most deeply grateful for the invitation to contribute this piece.�”

- Salters Sterling.

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Our Global Perspective

Horacio Mesones, WSCF Chairprson Christine Housel, WSCF General Secretary

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Our Regional Perspective

Amos Mushendwa, Africa Sunita Suna, Asia-Pacifi cNatia Tsintsadze, Europe

Luciano Kovac, North America Elsy Wakil, Middle East Marcelo Leites, Latin America and the Caribbean

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Movement Expansion

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Page 49: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>>"#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report


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Page 50: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>!"#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report

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Page 51: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>="#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report


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Page 52: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>@"#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report

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

Page 53: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>A"#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report

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

Page 54: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>B"#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report

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`<(; 244$7(#% 637 >+(%&%N(,$D( /8*,4 C7+38*# 637 >+(%&%!3#,*% B3<(; !*%&3 1$73 637 >+(%&%




Page 55: YMCA Bogotá, Colombia · WSCF Canada / Solidarity fund 1,875 Princeton University 1,650 WSCF Canada (NA funds) 1,405 Canterbury Downtown & Episc. Dioc. New York 1,200 Reformed Churches

>C"#$%&'()*&+,)'-.$/0)/1,'2+&+$1)/#,'''35thGeneral Assembly Report

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