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  • 8/14/2019 yoga sidhandam.doc


    yoga sidhandam

  • 8/14/2019 yoga sidhandam.doc


    NADI RULES1. Weak planets: The planets are said to be weak, ifa) The planet is in debilitation

    b) The plane is defeatedc) The planet is in enemies housed) The planet is in between two enemy planetse) The planet is in association with Rahu and Kethuf) The planet is in Combustion) The planet is in association with enemy planetsh) The planet is aspected by enemy planets.!. "TR#$% &'($T"

    The planets are said to be stron ifa) The planet is in e*altationb) The planet is winninc) The planet is in friendly house

    d) The planet is in between two friendly planetse) The planet is in own sinf) The planet is in association with friendly planets) The planet is aspected by friendly planets+. ( planet will always ie Karakata results of the con-oinin or) aspectinplanets./. 0rrespectie of the "in in which a planet is located it will ie beneficialresults iffriendly planets are aspectin the considered planet from the followinplaces.1 2 3 "ame direction) from considered planet+ 4 11 #pposite direction) from considered planet

    ! 5 1! front and rear) from considered planet0t will ie bad results if enemy planets are aspectin the considered planetfrom theaboe places.

    262. 0f a planet is not con-oined with or aspected by any other planet the aboeaspects) itwill ie the Karakata results of Rasi 'ord) in which it is placed.7. en thouh a planet is not con-oined with or aspected by any otherplanet, it will iebeneficial results, if it is inoled in planetary e*chane with friendly planetandcon-oins the friendly planet or ettin the aspect of friendly planet aftere*chaninthe house. 0t will ie bad results if it is inoled in planetary e*chane withenemyplanet and con-oins the enemy planet or ettin the aspect of enemy planetaftere*chanin the house.

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    4. Wheneer a planet is located in the same star pada in which "un islocated, it is saidto be in combustion. The planet will not ie much result. 0f the combustplanetinoled in planetary e*chane with friendly planet or con-oinin the friendlyplanet or

    ettin the aspect of friendly planet after e*chanin the house. 0t will iebeneficialresult. 0f the combusted planet is inoled in planetary e*chane with enemyplanetor con-oinin an enemy planet or ettin the aspect of enemy planet aftere*chaninthe house, it will ie bad results.8. When a debilitated planet is inoled in planetary e*chane and con-oinsthe friendlyplanet or ettin the aspect of friendly planet after e*chanin the house, wemustassume that the debilitation is cancelled $eechabhana). 0f it con-oins

    enemy planetor ettin the aspect of enemy planet after e*chanin the house, it will iebadresults.3. en thouh a planet is in debilitation, if friendly planets are aspectin thedebilitated planet from the followin places you must assume that thedebilitation iscancelled.1 2 5 3 same direction) from debilitated planet+ 4 11 opposite direction) from debilitated planet! 1! front and rear) from debilitated planet0f enemy planets are aspectin the debilitated planet from the aboe places,

    it willie bad results only.16. When an e*alted planed is inoled in planetary e*chane and con-oinsan enemyplanet or ettin the aspect of an enemy planet after e*chanin the house,it willie bad results. 9ence we hae to assume that the e*altation is cancelled.chabhana). 0f it con-oins a friendly planet or ettin the aspect of friendlyplanetafter e*chanin the house, it will ie beneficial results.11. ( retrorade planet will always aspect the rear sin with half aspect.

    1!. Retrorade planet will ie beneficial results if a friendly planet is placedin 1!th sinfrom retro planet. 0t will ie bad results if an enemy planet is placed in 1!thsin fromretro planet.

    211+. 0f a debilitated planet is in retro motion and if a friendly planet is placedin 1!th sin

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    from retro planet it will ie beneficial results. 9ence, we hae to assumethat thedebilitation is cancelled. 0f an enemy planet is placed in 1!th sin from theretroplanet, it will ie bad results only.

    1/. 0f an e*alted planet is in retro motion and an enemy planet is placed in1!th sin fromretro planet it will ie bad results. 0f a friendly planet is placed in the 1!thsin fromretro planet it will ie ood results only.12. 0f a planet is placed alon with Rahu then that planet looses its strenth.en if it is ae*alted planet.17. (lways consider the planetary Karakatas for interpretin the charts

    To know,a) the character, appearance of the person consideri) ;upiter as ;eeakaraka for emalesb) for ducation consider

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    called %ochara or transit. (ccordin to the position of a transit planet fromnatal moonor lana in the birth chart, the effects will chane. We read that the ;upiter inthe !ndfrom natal moon ies rewards, profit and ain of money. "aturn in the !ndfrom the

    natal moon ies sorrows and accidents. These are only eneral principles.Theseprinciples will not be applied to our charts. The yoas combinations) presentin thehoroscope will become operatie, durin the transit of the slow moinplanets "aturnand ;upiter and other slow moin planets Rahu and Ketu.

    ;upiter is dharma karaka, he represents the free will of the person. Therefore;upiter will ie the personnel result accordin to the sin he transits and theaspecthe receies from natal planet. ;upiter will indicate the desire or the ambitionof the

    person accordin to the nature of the planet aspectin from birth chart."aturn iskarma karaka, he represents the fate of the person. Therefore "aturn willie theresults which are the rewards of the karmas performed in the preious birth.0t will bea ood result if the person has performed ood karmas, it will be a bad resultif theperson has performed a bad karma in his preious birth. The effect of theplanets willbe felt only when the transit planets and the planets in the birth chartinteract with

    each other. 0f the transit planet is not associated or aspected by any natalplanet thenthere will not be any sinificant eent in the persons life. (ctually thekarakathwa,result of the aspectin natal planet will be felt when the transit planetsespecially"aturn and ;upiter receies such aspects. The ae of the person must be keptin themind while iin the timin of the eents. When natal =enus aspects transit

    ;upiterthe person will et married. This result is applicable only to the unmarriedpeople. 0fhe is a married person, for the same aspect we hae to predict that there willbe abirth of dauhter. When natal

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    person into consideration.0t must be kept in the mind that the transitin planet may et the aspect ofnatal planets either from the same sin in which he is transitin or !nd , +rd ,2th , 4th , 3th, 11th or 1!th from transitin sin. >or e*ample, "aturn is transitin

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    0n the aboe chart, in the year 1383, when "aturn was transitin Ehanus rasi,

    the natie ot appointment in %ot. Eept. 0n the birth chart %uru andChandra bothare in "imha rasi, which is 3 th sin from Ehanus. Therefore the transit "anilocated inEhanus ets the aspect of natal ;upiter and

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    $atal Ra : %ain in speculation, laGiness to father$atal Ke : worry throuh children, naties father will hae diine thouhts

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    friends$atal inancial ain to father$atal

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    ?haas. We consider only the Karakatwas of the planets for prediction.We know that if two planets are in same sin, it will be considered that theyare incon-unction. 0f a planets is placed in the seenth sin from the other it isconsidered thatthey are aspectin each other. 0n addition to the aboe, the $(E0 system

    considers theplanets which are placed in the same direction are said to be in con-unction.

    The planetswhich are placed in opposite direction will aspect each other. The planetswhich areplaced in the front sin and rear sin of a planet will strenthen or weakenthe planetbased on the friendship or enmity between them."ame direction 1, 2, 3 from considered sinifactor#pposite direction +, 4, 11 from considered sinifactor>ront H rear sins !, 1! from considered sinifactor9ere, we must understand that the aspectin planets will ie their

    Karakatwa resultto the aspected planet.Ist Step:>irst decide what sub-ect you want to analyse and select the correctsinifactorkaraka) which is releant to the sub-ect under consideration>or e*ample:

    To know the character and appearance of the personConsider %uru as ;eeakaraka for males"ukra as a ;eeakaraka for >emales>or profession, consider "ani>or education consider ?udha

    IInd step:>rom considered sinifactor see any planet is located in the followin places.1,2,3 same direction) from the considered sinificator+,4,11 opp. direction) from the considered sinificator.

    28!,1! front and rear) from considered sinificator0f any planet is located in the aboe places, then that planet will aspect theconsideredsinificator. The aspectin planets will ie their Karakata result to theconsideredsinificator. >or e*ample, let us consider %uru as ;eeakaraka. 0f "urya isaspectin%uru, then the character of the natie will be ien as below:Reliable, philanthropic, popular, social worker, simple in nature, openhearted, shorttempered,if ?udha is aspectin %uru, then, the character of the person will be ien asbelow:0ntellient, softspoken, witty and humorous, etc. 0f more than one planet isaspectin

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    %uru, then the natie will hae mi*ed character. 0n this manner, we can findout thecharacter and appearance of the other family members also, education,carrier,disease and marriae of the natie also can be analysed by considerin theappropriate sinificator karaka). 0 reAuest the reader to et well ersed with

    thenature of rasis and Karakatas of planets before enturin in to prediction.*ample 1:K;( KT "KR("0?0RT9 C9(RT"R@(C9($E%R?E9(R(9"($0

    0n the aboe chart, let us consider %R as ;eeakaraka because the natieis amale and analyse the character and appearance of the person.%uru is located in "imha alon with ?udha same direction)

    There are no planets in the 2th from %uru same direction)There are no planets in the 3th from %uru same direction)There are no planets in +rd from %uru opposite direction)There are no planets in 4th from %uru opposite direction)"ukra is located in 11th from %uru opposite direction)

    There are no planets in the !nd from %uru front sin)"urya and Chandra are located in 1!th sin from %uru rear sin)

    Therefore we hae to follow the combinations as follows:

    %R I ?E9(%R I "R%R I C9($E%R I "R(s ?udha is aspectin %uru from same sin) the natie will be intellient. (s"urya is aspectin %uru from 1!th sin) the natie will be popular. (sChandra isaspectin %uru from 1!th sin) the natie will be settlin in a different place.(s "K is aspectin %uru from 11th sin) the natie will look handsome, hewill be fond of lu*ury.

    23(s three female plants Chandra, "ukra, ?udha are aspectin %uru, he will bealways surrounded by females.

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    Ku-a is aspected by Rahu he will hae uneen teeth settins Rahu is in the3th sinfrom Ku-a,same direction).*ample !:%RKT

    R("0?0RT9 C9(RTR(9C9($E"($0"KR(?E9(K;("R@(0n the aboe chart, let us consider %R as ;eeakaraka because the natieis amale and analyse the character and appearance of the person. This is the


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    KT0n the aboe chart let us consider %uru as a ;eeakaraka because the natieis amale and analyse the character and appearance of the person.%uru is located in "imha alon with "ukra, "urya and ?udhaChandra is located in the 1!th sin from %uru Rear sin)

    There are no planets in the !nd sin from %uru >ront sin)There are no planets in the 2th sin from %uru same direction)Ku-a and "ani, both are located in the 3th sin from %uru same direction)

    There are no planets in +rd, 4th and 11th sin from %uru same direction)(s "urya is located alon with %uru in the same sin, he was politician,socialworker,&olitical party leaders. 9e was ery popular.(s ?udha is located alon with %uru in the same sin he was a oodspeaker,ood writer, ery intellient.(s "ukra is located alon with uru in the same sin he was a actor, hewas

    writin cinema script, drama script.(s Ku-a is located in the 3th sin from %uru, he was ery bold, he wasfihtin withoernment for arious purpose.

    (s Chandra is located in the 1! th sin from %uru, he had lot of traellinaspect.(s the sinifactor of forehead ?udha is aspected by %uru, he was hainbaldyhead.(s Chandra and "ukra are located in successie sins, he was hainplumpicheek.

    (s Rahu is located in !nd sin from Ku-a, he was hain uneen teethsettins.K;( is a sinificant of teeth).

    71PARIVARTHANA YOGA (PLANETORY EXCHANGE)We know that nine planets own the twele rasis, and we know the owner or)ruler of each rasi. "ometimes it so happens that the planet ( will occupy thehousesin owned by planet ? and the planet ? will occupy the house or) sinowned byplanet ( durin their motion. This phenomenon is called planetory e*chane

    or)&ariarthana yoa in astroloy.*ample 1)R("0%R"R@(0n the aboe chart "urya is located Ehanus and %uru is located in "imha. Theowner of Ehanus rasi is %uru. The owner of "imha rasi is "urya. Therefore it is

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    eident that the planets "urya and %uru both are inoled in planetarye*chane.

    The une*pected eents, may be ood or) bad will take place in naties life, ifpariarthana yoa is present in naties horoscope or) some sudden chaneswill takeplace. Therefore while analyGin the horoscope, astroloer must ie

    importance tothis pariarthana yoa. The meanin of this yoa must be carefully studied.'et usanalyse some horoscopes in which pariarthana yoa is present."R@("KR(C9($ER(9?0RT9C9(RT?efore&lanetary

    *chane%RKT"KR(%RC9($ER(9 (fter &lanetary*chane"R@(KT0n the aboe chart %uru and Kethu are located in "imha. (s %uru is alonwith Kethu

    in the same sin the natie will hae reliious thouht. 9e will be doinspiritualsadanas. "urya, "ukra and Chandra all these three planets are located in

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    self control and fall prey to these attractie ladies because of thispariarthana yoa.

    Therefore in the first part of the life the natie will lead a life of sanyasi. 0nthe secondpart of life he will be after attractie ladies losin his self control.*ample +:

    %RKT"($0?0RT9 C9(RT?efore&lanetary*chaneC9($E"KR(R(9"R@(K;(

    ?E9(%RKT"($0(fter &lanetary*chaneC9($E"R@(R(9"KR(K;(?E9(

    0n the aboe chart, "urya is located in "ukras sin Tula and "ukra is locatedin"uryas sin "imha. Therefore it is eident that the planets "urya and "ukraboth areinoled in planetary e*chane. The natie of this horoscope is a female.

    ;eeakaraka "ukra is located in "imha alon with Chandra and Rahu. Chandra is akarakafor adultry and Rahu is the karaka for secret affairs. Therefore this lady willhaesecret affairs with many people. Eue to planetary e*chane when "ukracomes Thularasi, there "ukra will -oin Ku-a. %uru will aspect "ukra from

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    be almost like a prostitute. 0n the second part of the life she will deelopairaya dueto the race of spiritual uru and she will practice spiritual sadana.KARTHARI YOGA0f a planet is hemmed between two planets in the horoscope then theKarthari yoa is

    said to be present in that horoscope. The Karthari yoa is present in thehoroscope, if1) Three planets are located in successie sin in serial order!) Three planets are located in successie star padas in serial order+) Three planets are located in the same sin but in successie derees inserialorder/) Three planets are located in the same direction, either in successie starpadaor) in successie deree in serial order.

    7+%R "R@( ?E9(R("0"R@(%R?E9("R@( (swini !pada%R5?harani51pada?E9(5Krithika51padaC9(RT J( C9(RT J?R("0"R 2%R 16?E9(12% R !R("0"R@( 16K;( 12C9(RT JC C9(RT JE0n chart J(, the planets %uru, "urya and ?udha are located in successiesins

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    ?udha is in 126 deree of Kataka. 9ere, %uru is hemmed between "urya and?udha.0n chart JE, the planets "urya, %uru and Ku-a are located in different sins,butin the same direction and in successie derees.

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    R(90n the aboe chart, %uru is in retroression in Kataka Rasi alon with Chandraand "ukra. Ketu is located in the 1!th "in from %uru. The planets Chandraand "ukraboth are females, Ketu is inally, hewill runaway from these ladies and takes "anyasa, because %uru is runnin towardsKetu inretroression.* +:

    72R("0K;( "($0 R ) %R0n the aboe chart, "ani is in retroression in Tula Rasi. 0n the !nd sin from"ani, Ku-a is located. 0n the 1!th "in, %uru is located. Ku-a is dead enemy of"ani. %uruis a friendly planet for "ani. "ani is a Karma5karaka, the sinificator ofprofession. 9ere,the natie suffers from enemy harassment in professional career Ku-a is akaraka forenemies). "ani in retroression approaches %uru for help, therefore thenatieoercomes the difficulties with the help of a friend.* /:R("0R(9 %R R ) "R0n the aboe chart, %uru is in retroression in Tula Rasi. 0n the !nd "in from%uru, Rahuis located in =rischika. 0n the 1! th "in from %uru, "urya is located in Kanya.Rahu isthe mouth of Kala purusha is tryin to swallow the ;eea karaka, %uru. %uruis afraid ofRahu. Therefore, %uru is runnin towards "urya for his help. "urya isparamatma.

    77ARRIAGEH!" t! #n#$%&e '#ed $*e !* # pes!n1) Consider "ukra as a sinificator of wife in case of males and consider Ku-aas

    husband in case of females.!) >ind out the answer for the followin from the 9oroscopea) Whether the person will et married or not 0f the answer is $#, we neednotanalyGe the horoscope further.b) 0f the answer is @es then find out when the person will et married.c) Whether it is oin to be an early marriae or late marriae. 0f it is latemarriae,

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    find out what is the reason for delay and suest remedies. 0f any obstacle inthemarriae suest remedies to remoe the obstacle.d) >ind out the nature of wife or husband. 9ow will be the life condition aftermarriae.e) Whether marriae life is successful or failure.

    0f "ukra aspects %uru or "ani then the male natie will definitely etmarried.0f Ku-a aspects "ukra or "ani then the female will definitely et married.0f "ukra aspects %uru, it will be an early marriae in case of males0f Ku-a aspects "ukra, it will be an early marriae in case of females.0f "ukra aspects "ani, it will be late marriae in case of males.0f Ku-a aspects "ani, it will be late marriae in case of females.0f Ketu aspects "ukra then there will be obstacles for marriae in case ofmales. enif he ets married he will hae misunderstandinBdisputes with his wife.0f Ketu aspects Ku-a then there will be an obstacles in the marriae in caseof

    females. en if she ets married she will hae misunderstandinsBdisputeswithhusband.0f %uru aspects aboe the ! combinations then there will be acompromise.0f Rahu aspects "ukra, either marriae will be delayed or denied in case ofemale.en "he ets married she will not like her husband.0f "ukra, Ketu, and Ku-a are located in the same sin or same directionthen thereis a possibility of separation or diorce. 0f this combination is aspected by%uru thenthere will be some compromise.0f ?udha , Ketu and Ku-a are located in the same sin or same directionthen there isa possibility of separation.0f "ukra, Rahu and Ku-a are located in the same sin or same directionthen there isa possibility of separation. 0f the natie is >emale then she will ill5 treat herhusband.0f ?udha and Ketu are located in the same sin or in the same direction,whether thenatie is male or female, they will fall 0n loe with opposite se*. 0f thiscombination isaspected by either by "ukra or %uru then it will end in loe marriae. >urther,if thiscombination is aspected by Ku-a, then there will be a failure in loe affair orloe

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    marriae. 0f this combination is aspected by Chandra then the natie will etillfamedin the society.0f "ukra is aspected by Chandra, then the female natie will et spoiledbeforemarriae. "he will become prenant before marriae, this will force her to run

    away74with her loer. 0f this combination is aspected by %uru, then she will committheadultery only in the mind.0f "ukra is hemmed between Ku-a and ?udha, "he will hae relationshipwith herhusband and her loer in case of males.0f Ku-a is hemmed between ?udha and "ukra, he will hae relationshipwith wife andanother lady.0f Ku-a is hemmed between Chandra and "ukra, he will hae relationshipwith twoladies.0f "ukra is hemmed between ?udha and "ani, she will be happy with loeronly.0f "ukra is aspected by Rahu, then the lady will become widow.0f ?udha aspects %uru or "ani, the person will hae %irl friend other thanhis wife.0f "ukra in case of males, Ku-a in case of females is aspected by more thanone slowmoin planets i.e., "ani, Rahu H Ketu) then marriae is denied if thiscombination isaspected by %uru then the marriae will take place after the performin of&(R09(R(.Whether it is a male or female horoscope, if "ukra, Chandra and ?udhaaspect eachother, then the person will be loose characteriGed. These people will sleepwith anyperson, if they et a chance.0f "ani aspects "ukra in male horoscope, then the wife will be a workinlady. 0f thiscombination is present in female horoscope, she herself will be a workinlady.0f Rahu aspects "ukra, then there is a possibility that wife will be physicallyhandicapped.0f Chandra aspects "ukra in female horoscope, then the female natie willrun awaywith her loer.9ere L(spect L means the aspectin planets will be in 1,2,3 same direction)or +,4,11opposite direction) or !H 1! front H rear sin ) from the aspected planet.H!" t! #n#$%&e t+e N#t,e !* W*e>ind out from 9oroscope where "ukra is located. 'ook in the followin places

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    from "ukra whether any planet is located.0.e. 1, 2, 3 same direction), +, 4, 11 opposite direction), ! H 1! front H rearsin).0f "urya is aspectin "ukra then, the wife will an able administrator, shewill becomin from the respectable or royal family, she is popular, philanthropic,

    kindhearted, social worker etc.0f Chandra is aspectin "ukra then the wife will be an unsteady minded,artistic, shewill be ill5famed in the society, blameworthy etc.0f Ku-a is aspectin "ukra, then the wife will be short tempered, stubborn,dominatin,selfish etc.0f ?udha is aspectin "ukra, then the wife will be intellient, soft spoken,fun seekinetc.0f %uru is aspectin "ukra, then the wife will be reliious minded, she willbe hainall ood Aualities.0f "ani is aspectin "ukra, then the wife will be laGy, she will hae her ownearnins.0f Rahu is aspectin "ukra, then the wife will be laGy, secretie, liar etc.0f Ketu is aspectin "ukra, then the wife will be reliious minded.0f more than one planet is aspectin "ukra, the wife will hae the mi*edAualities ofaspectin planets.

    78The Mualify of the 9usband Ku-a) can also be analyGed in the samemanner.T+e T'e !* ##-e1) When the transit %uru or transit "ani is aspected by natal "ukra, thepersonwill et married.!) When the transit %uru is aspect by natal Ku-a, the person will et married.N! ##-e:* 1:K;( KTR(=0?E9("KR(R("0

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    * !:%R"($0?E9(KTR("0

    emale 9oroscope. 0n this 9oroscope Ku-a and "ukra both areaspected byKetu. 0.e. Kethu is placed in the 3th sin from Ku-a and sukra. The Retro "ani isalsoaspectin this combination. 9ence she is not married.* /:"KR( R(9R(=0?E9(R("0>emale chart"($0R )C9($EK;(%R KT

    This is a >emale 9oroscope. 0n this 9oroscope Ku-a is aspected by Rahu. 0.e.Rahu0s placed in the 3th sin from Ku-a. "ani is located behind Ku-a. 9ence there isnomarriae for her. This combination is aspected by %uru. 0f she would haeperformed

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    &(R09(R( in her youn ae she would hae ot married.* /:R(=0?E9(%RC9($ER(

    "KR(K;(R(9 R("0KT


    This is a

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    This is a female horoscope. This person ot married at the ae of 17. 0n thishoroscope,Ku-a is aspectin "ukra and %uru is also aspectin this combination. (s, Ketuis located

    alon with Ku-a, it appears that there is an obstacle in ettin married. ?ut,%uru is alsoaspectin this combination, therefore the obstacle was remoed andmarriae took placeat early ae.L#te ##-e:* 8:"(T R(9K;("R@(?E9(R("0

    %R"KR( KT

    This is a male horoscope. This person ot married at the ae of !4. 9ere,"ukra isaspectin "ani. "ukra is aspected by "ani and Rahu. 9ence, the delay inmarriae.D.!/e C#ses:* 3:K;( "($0KTR("0R(9


    This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, Ku-a, "ukra and Ketu are in thesamedirection. This person has diorced.

    4!* 16:"(T"R@(C9($ER(9R("0KT?E9( "KK;%R

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    This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, Ku-a, "ukra and Ketu are in thesamedirection. This person has also diorced.Ad,$te%:* 11:?E9(

    "KR("R@(KT%RC9($E R("0K;(R(9"($0

    This is a horoscope of a female. 0n this horoscope, Ku-a is aspected by "aniand Rahu.(s Ku-a is located in "imha, 9usband is from Royal >amily, but he ispowerless. "ukra is

    aspected by ?udha and Chandra. Therefore, this lady will hae abnormalse*ualbehaiour, the husband will not be able to satisfy her in se*. To aoid thislady, he will bespendin his time outside the house. This lady will commit adultery.

    4+E0t#1#t#$ A**#s:* !:"KR( C9($E%R"R@(?E9(K;(KT"($0R("0R(9

    This is a male horoscope. 0n this horoscope, %uru and ?udha are located inKumbhaRasi. This person is hain a irl friend other than his wife.* 1+:K;( KT "KR(R("0"R@(C9($E%R?E9("($0R(9

    This is a male horoscope. 0n this horoscope, %uru and ?udha are located in"imha Rasi.

    This person is hain a irl friend other than his wife

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    E$!pn-:* 1/:R(9R("0"KR(

    "R@(4/KT C9($E %RK;("($0?E9(

    This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, "ukra and Chandra are locatedin samedirection. The female natie of this horoscope ran away with her loer at theae of 1/.* 12:KT "($0"KR(%RR("0"R@(?E9(K;(R(9C9($E

    This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, "ukra and Chandra are locatedin samedirection. The female natie of this horoscope ran away with her loer at theae of !6.Ad,$te%:* 17:K;(C9($E%R"($0"R@(KT?E9("KR(R("0R(9

    This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, "ukra, ?udha and Chandra arelocated insame direction. The female natie of this horoscope had se*ual relationshipwith manypeople. "he was hain abnormal se*ual behaiour.* 14:C9($E K;(KT

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    R("0 R(9"($0%R?E9("KR("R@(

    42This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, Ku-a, ?udha, "ukra and Ketuare locatedin same direction. The natie of this horoscope, a brahmin fell in loe with anon5brahminboy. "he could not marry him because the parents did not aree for theirmarriae. "hemarried a brahmin boy, but she is not happy with him.* 18:C9($EKT R("0R(9K;( "R@( ?E9("KR(%R"($0

    This is a female horoscope. 0n this horoscope, "ukra and ?udha are located inTulaRasi. Chandra is aspectin "ukra from

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    L!.e ##-e:C9($E?E9(KT"R@( K;(%R

    "($0"($0 9"?($E9#R#"C#&"R@( ?E9(KT"KR( "KR(W0>"9#R#"C#&C9($ER(9R(9 %RK;(

    0n husbands horoscope, ?udha and Ketu are located in

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    440n the aboe horoscope, %uru, Chandra and Rahu are located in the samedirection. Thenatie isited forein countries.* !:"R@(?E9("($0"KR(K;(R(9C9($ER("0KT%R0n the aboe horoscope, "ani, Chandra, Rahu, "ukra and Ku-a are located inthe samedirection. The female natie married a boy who was workin in abroad andwent alonwith him to abroad after marriae.* +:"KR("R@(%RKT?E9( K;(C9($ER("0"($0R(90n the aboe horoscope, Ku-a, Chandra and Rahu are located in the samedirection. Thehusband of this natie is workin in abroad.PROFESSION:"ani is the Karaka for the profession.0f "urya aspects "ani, then the person will be in %ot. "erice or he will bedoin hisfathers profession.0f Chandra aspects "ani, then the person will be doin a profession whichreAuires lotof traellin or the profession will be connected with food products, liAuidarticles,trael aents etc.,0f Ku-a aspects "ani, then the person will be in a profession connected with

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    machinery or police dept., Eefence serice, fire serice etc.,0f ?udha aspects "ani, then the person will be a teacher or writer orbusinessman.

    480f %uru aspects "ani, then whateer is the profession, the person will haerespect.

    9e will hae comfortable career.0f "ukra aspects "ani, then the profession is connected with money orlu*ury articles.0f Rahu aspects "ani, then the profession will be connected to smulin,secretoraniGation etc.,0f Ketu aspects "ani, the profession will be connected with reliion.0f "ani is aspected by more than one planet, then the person will haeincome fromdifferent sources.9ere, the aspect means the planet may be in the followin places from"ani

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    0f Rahu or Ketu aspects either "urya or Chandra, then the person will haedefectieeye siht cataract, colour blindness, sAuinted eyes etc.,).0f "ukra aspects Chandra, then the person will hae abnormally bi eyes.* 1:K;(


    43%R R )0n the aboe horoscope, "urya, Chandra, Rahu, "ukra and %uru are in thesamedirection. "ani is also aspectin this combination. Therefore, the naties eyesiht isweak. 9e underwent eye operation.*!:%R"KR(KT "($0 R )C9($E"R@(?E9(R )R("0K;( R(90n the aboe horoscope, "urya, Chandra and retrorade "ani are in the samedirection.Rahus aspects also will fall on "urya and Chandra. Therefore, the natie ishain weakeyesiht.E# Dse#se:0f Rahu aspects ?udha, then the person will hae ear trouble.N!se Dse#se:0f Rahu aspects %uru, then the person will hae uly nose.0f %uru is in retroression, then the person will hae uly nose.0f Ketu aspects %uru, the nose will be small.T+!#t Dse#se:0f Chandra aspects ?udha, the person will be sufferin throat infection.0f Ketu aspects ?udha, then there will be an e*tra rowth in the throat.Dent#$ Dse#se:0f "ani aspects Ku-a, then the person will hae tooth ache or toothdecayin.0f Rahu aspects Ku-a, then the person will hae uneen teeth settin. Theteeth will

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    look uly.0f %uru aspects Ku-a or "ukra aspects Ku-a, then the person will haehealthy teeth.

    86* 1:C9($E

    R(9"KR("R@(?E9(R("0"($0K;(%RKT0n the aboe horoscope, "ani and Ku-a are located in the same sin.

    Therefore, thenatie suffers from toothache. %uru and Rahu are located in the samedirection.

    Therefore, he suffers from rheumatic pain. "ani is a sinificator of diestionbladder, Ku-ais sinificator of fire. Therefore, the natie suffers from "tomach ulcer.S2n Dse#se:0f Chandra aspects ?udha, then the person will hae skin disease.0f Rahu aspects ?udha, then the person will hae black marks on the body.0f Ketu aspects ?udha, then the person will hae red marks on the body.0f more than one fiery planet aspects %uru, the person will hae pimpleson the faceor on the body.0f %uru, Ku-a and Rahu are in the same sin or in the same direction, theperson willsuffer from small po*.0f %uru or "ukra aspects ?udha, then the skin will be ery soft.0f Ku-a aspects ?udha, then the skin will be rouh.* 1:R(9%RR("0K;( "R@( C9($E?E9("KR(KT0n the aboe horoscope, ?udha, Chandra, "ukra and Ketu are in the samesin. Thenatie is sufferin from white 'eprosy.3$!!d e$#ted Dse#se:

    810f Rahu aspects Ku-a, then the person will hae polluted blood.0f Ketu aspects Ku-a, then the person will hae defectie blood circulation.0f "ani aspects Ku-a, then the person will hae polluted blood.

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    0f Ku-a aspects %uru, then the person will be sufferin from hih bloodpressure.He#t e$#ted Dse#se:0f more than one fiery planet aspects %uru, the person will hae heartdisease.%uruIKu-a

    %uruI"urya%uruIKetu* 1:"($0 R(9K;("R@(?E9(R("0%R"KR(KT0n the aboe horoscope, %uru and Ku-a aspect each other. The natie of this

    horoscopesuffers from heart diseases. 9e underwent open heart surery, as there wereholes inthe heart.* !:?E9("R@(C9($E"KR(R(9"($0K;(

    R("0%RKT0n the aboe horoscope, %uru and Ku-a aspect each other. The natie of thishoroscopehad heart attack.

    8!* +:KT %R"($0R("0"R@(C9($E?E9("KR(K;(R(90n the aboe horoscope, %uru and Ku-a aspect each other. The natie of thishoroscopedied due to heart attack.

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    Ast+#'#:0f one or more than one watery planet aspects %uru, then the person willbe sufferinfrom breathin trouble.%uruIChandra%uruI"ukra.

    Un#$ P!4$e's:0f "ukra aspects Chandra, then the person will be sufferin from Eiabetes.>or the aboe combination, the followin diseases may also cometerus trouble,0ndiestion,rinary 0nfection,Kidney trouble,?ladder troubleR+e,'#t/ P#n:0f Rahu or Ketu aspects either %uru or "ani, then the person will besufferin fromrheumatic pain.

    * 1:"($0R(9R("0"R@("KR(?E9(K;(%RC9($E

    8+KT0n the aboe horoscope, "ani and Rahu are located in the same direction. Thenatie ofthis horoscope suffers from Rheumatic pains.P!$!:* 1:KT"KR(?E9("R@(R("0C9($E"($0%RR(90n the aboe horoscope, Retroraded %uru and Rahu are located in the samesin. ?oththe feet of the natie is affected with &olio.P$es:0f %uru, Ku-a and Ketu are in the same sin or in the same direction, thenthe person

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    Will be sufferin from piles. 0f Chandra also aspects this combination, thenthere is apossibility that the person will be sufferin from Cancer.Spn#$ C!d ds!de:0f Rahu aspects ?udha and Ku-a, then there will be spinal cord disorder.Ve+/$e A//dent:

    0f %uru, Ku-a and Rahu are in the same sin or in the same direction, thenthe&erson will meet with accident.0f "ani, Ku-a and Rahu are in the same sin or in the same direction, thenthe&erson will meet with accident.* 1:"($0 ?E9("R@(K;(R(9R("0


    8/%R C9($E0n the aboe horoscope, %uru, Ku-a and Rahu are located in the samedirection. Thenatie of this horoscope met with accident ! times. %uru 5 %eeakaraka,Ku-a (ccidents, Rahu Kalapurasha)* !:?E9( "R@("KR(%RK;(R(9 R("0KTC9($E"($00n the aboe horoscope, %uru, Ku-a, Rahu and "ani are located in the samedirection.

    The natie of this horoscope died in an accident.S,/de:0f Chandra, Ku-a and Rahu are in the same sin or in the same direction,then the&erson will hae suicidal tendency.#dness ! Ins#nt%:0f Chandra and Rahu are in the same sin or in the same direction, theperson will be"ufferin from mental hallucination.-#ne:0f "urya and Chandra are in the same sin and if this combination isaspected by

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    "ani and Rahu, then the person will be sufferin from emale child."ukra isthe sinificator of "emen in case of

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    0f "ani aspects "urya or "ukra, then the child birth will be delayed.The difference of $akshatra &adas between "urya and "ukra will indicate theno. ofchildren.* :"urya is in "wati + &ada. "ukra is in ;yestha 1 &ada. "o, the difference of

    $akshatra&ada between "urya and "ukra is 4. Therefore, the person may hae 4childrenma*imum.

    87L*e Sp#n:%uru is the Karaka for ;eea. Rahu is the karaka for Eeath.The difference of $akshatra &adas between %uru and Rahu will indicatethe lifespan.0f Rahu and %uru are in the same sin are in the same direction, then theperson isshort lied. 0f friendly planets aspect %uru, then the life span will beincreased.0f %uru is hemmed between two enemy planets, then the life span will bereduced.0f %uru is hemmed between Ku-a and Rahu, then the person will dieune*pectedlydue to either heart attack or ehicle accident.0f "ani is hemmed between Ku-a and Rahu, then the person will dieune*pectedly.0f "urya is hemmed between Ku-a and Rahu, then the father of the natiewill dieune*pectedly.

    PARIHARAThere are many kinds of &ariharas namelyRecitin slokas and sthotras.Chantin mantras.Conductin homas.&erformin poo-a for $aa %rahas.&erformin poo-a for Eeities.Wearin precious stones.Wearin coloured clothes.Wearin talisman etc.,#fferin Eaanas Charity)

    The parihara should be prescribed by takin into account of the leel of mindof theperson.0f the person is a learned man hain edic knowlede), he should beadised torecite the slokas, sthotras or chantin mantras.0f the person is hain little bit of reliious ideas, he should be adised toperformpoo-as.

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    0f the person is not hain any idea of reliion, he should be adised towear emstones or wearin coloured clothes or offerin daanas.H,'#n Re$#t!ns+p1) 0f %uru and "urya aspects each other then the relationship between thenatie

    and his father will be ood. The relationship between the natie and his sonalsowill be ood.!) 0f %uru and Chandra aspects each other then the relationship between thenatieand mother will be ood.+) 0f %uru and "ukra aspects each other then the relationship between thenatieand sistersB wifeB dauhters will be ood.

    84/) 0f %uru and Ku-a aspects each other then the relationship between thenatie andbrothers will be ood.2) 0f %uru and ?udha aspects each other then the relationship between thenatieand riends will be ood.7) 0f "ani and "urya aspects each other then the relationship between thenatieand his father Bson will not be ood.4) 0f "ani and Chandra aspects each other then the relationship between thenatieand his mother will not be ood.8) 0f "ani and Ku-a aspects each other then the relationship between thenatie andhis brother will not be ood.3) 0f "urya, Ketu and Chandra are located in the same sin or in the samedirectionor in successie sin then there will be a dispute between father and mother.16) 0f "urya, Ketu and Ku-a are located in the same or in the same directionor in thesuccessie sin then there will be a dispute between father and brothers.11) 0f ?udha, Ketu and Ku-a are located in the same sin or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then there will be a dispute amon brothers.1!) 0f "ani, Ketu and Ku-a re location in the same sin or in the samedirection or inthe successie sin then there will be a dispute amon brothers.1+) 0f %uru, Ketu and "ukra are located in the same sin or in the samedirection or inthe successie sin then there will be a dispute between the natie and hiswife.1/) 0f Ku-a, Ketu and "ukra are located in the same sin or in the samedirection or inthe successie sin then there will be a dispute between 9usband and wife.

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    12) 0f %uru, Ketu and Chandra are located in the same sin or in the samedirectionor in the successie sin then there will be a dispute between the natie andhismother.17) 0f %uru and Rahu are located in the same sin or in the same direction or

    in thesuccessie sin then the person will be away from his family.14) 0f "ukra, Rahu and Ku-a are located in the same sin or in the samedirectionthen the husband and wife will not stay toether.S!'e I'p!t#nt Y!-#s1) 0f "ukra aspects "ani the person will be rich. 9e will be en-oyin all thelu*uries.9e will hae his own house, #wn ehicle. >inancially, he will be sound. 9e willbebenefited throuh wife.!) 0f %uru aspects "ani, then the person will hae comfortable carrier. The life

    will beery smooth. 9e will en-oy honor and respect. 9e will en-oy all the lu*uries.9ewill et the -ob ery easily. 9e will et the cooperation of reputed people.+) 0f ?udha aspects "ani, then the person will hae comfortable business. 9ewill etcooperation from all the sides. 9e will earn a lot of money in business. 9e willbuylands, property etc./) 0f Ku-a aspects "ani then the person will be facin hardship throuhout hislife.ery one will be harassin him. 9e will find it ery difficult to et a -ob. en

    if heets a -ob he will not be well paid. The employer will find fault with him. #ftenhewill be chanin his -ob. 9e will neer et satisfaction in carrier.2) 0f "urya aspects "ani then the person will be facin hardship throuhouthis life.9e will be troubled by the %ot. or %ot. officers. 9e will be findin it erydifficultto et a -ob. en if he ets a -ob he will not be well paid. The employer willfindfault with him. 9e will neer et satisfaction in career.7) 0f Chandra aspects "ani, then the person has to trael unnecessarily. #r hewillhae displacement ery often. Whateer money he earns it will be spent. 9ewillet blame in carrier. 9e will neer hae mental peace.

    884) 0f Ketu aspects "ani, then the person will suffer without any -ob throuhouthis life.

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    en if he ets a -ob he will not hae satisfaction. #ften he is chanin his-ob.(nd he will hae a dispute in carrier. The person behae like a recluse.8) 0f Rahu aspects "ani then the person will undero initial subordination. Thisiscalled the E(R0ER(@#%( in astroloy. ?ut in the later part of life he will

    becomean eminent personality with lot of e*perience.S#n%#s Y!-#1) 0f Ketu aspects either "ani or %uru then the person will hae spiritualthouhts.!) 0f %uru, "urya and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then the person will practice R(;(@#%(.+) 0f %uru, Chandra and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirectionor in the successie sin then the person will practice ?9(KT0@#%(./) 0f %uru, Ku-a and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the same

    direction or inthe successie sin then the person will practice 9(TT(@#%(.2) 0f %uru, ?udha and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then the person will practice %$($(@#%(.7) 0f %uru, "ukra and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then the person will practice K$E('0$0@#%(B"(9(;(

    @#%(.4) 0f %uru, "ani and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection or in0f Ketu aspects either "ani or %uru then the person will hae spiritual

    thouhts.8) 0f "ani, "urya and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then the person will practice R(;(@#%(.3) 0f "ani, Chandra and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirectionor in the successie sin then the person will practice ?9(KT0@#%(.16) 0f "ani, Ku-a and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection or inthe successie sin then the person will practice 9(TT(@#%(.11) 0f "ani, ?udha and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then the person will practice %$($(@#%(.1!) 0f "ani, "ukra and Ketu are located in the same sin, or in the samedirection orin the successie sin then the person will practice K$E('0$0@#%(B"(9(;(


    83!2s+# Y!-#

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    1) 0f %uru and Ketu are located in the same sin or in the same direction or inthesuccessie sin then the person will attain

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    0f "urya is placed in the same sin or) in the fifth or) in the ninth or) in thesecondor) in the seenth sin from %uru or) "ani , then the person will become apolitician.* 1: 9oroscope of "hri Chidambaram."($0

    K;(R(9R("0"KR(?E9(C9($EKT%R"R@(P$#net#% C!'4n#t!n n E0 5: Res,$t%uru and "urya are located in thesame sin.

    The natie is a politician.* !: 9oroscope of our *5&rime

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    "R@(P$#net#% C!'4n#t!n n E0 8: Res,$t%uru and ?udha are located inthe same sin.

    The natie is a ood writer* /: 9oroscope of writer and speaker.

    R(9C9($ER("0"($0"KR(KT%R?E9(K;("R@(P$#net#% C!'4n#t!n n E0 9: Res,$t%uru, ?udha and Ku-a are located in

    the same sin.The natie is a ood writerand speakerAtst/ T#$ents:

    3!0f "ukra is placed in the same sin or) in the fifth or) in the ninth or) in thesecondor) in the seenth sin from %uru or "ani, then the person will hae talent ineither oneof the followin(ctin,

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    3+* 7:R(9 %RR("0C9($E"KR(

    "($0 K;(KT"R@(?E9(

    This is the horoscope of famous siner 'ata

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    R(9%R"($0"KR("R@( ?E9(9oroscope of the famous Cine actress "ilk "umitha.

    P$#net#% C!'4n#t!n n E0 >: Res,$t"ukra, %uru, "ani and Rahu are located inthe same direction.

    The natie was Cine actressAst!$!-e:0f Ketu is placed in the same sin or) in the fifth or) in the ninth or) in thesecondsin from %uru or) "ani then the person will hae knowlede in astroloy.

    32* 16:C9($ER(9"($0%R"R@(?E9( R("0"KR(KTK;(

    The horoscope of the famous (stroloer "hri ?. "urya $arayana Rao.P$#net#% C!'4n#t!n n E0 5?: Res,$tKethu is placed in the fifth sin from saniand ninth sin from uru.

    The natie was an (stroloer*:11:R(9C9($ER("0"($0KT"KR(?E9(K;(%R"R@(9oroscope of famous (stroloer "hri

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    0f Ketu is placed in the same sin or) in the fifth or) in the ninth or) in thesecondsin from %uru or) "ani then the person will hae more inclination towardsmoksha.%uru5;eea, "ani5Karma, Ketu5

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    P$#net#% C!'4n#t!n n E0 5: Res,$t%uru and Ku-a are located in the same sin, The natie is short tempered."ukra is in the 1! th "in from %uru,Chandra is in the ! nd sin from %uru and?udha is in the 11 th sin from %uru."ukra, Chandra and

    ?udha are female planets.9e is always surrounded by ladies.Chandra aspects "ukra + rd aspect) 9e is hain more se*ual thouhts.?udha and Ketu are located in thesame direction, i.e kethu is placed in thefifth sin from budha9e had many loe affairs.9e had property dispute withhis father"ani, "urya and Ketu are located in thesame direction9e is hain dispute with his father.

    %uru is hemmed between "ukra andChandra "ukra is in the rear sin andChandra is in the front sin).

    The mother and wife arealways Auarrellin. 9e is"andwiched between thesetwo ladies. "ister is also nothappy with him."ukra is located in the ! nd sin from "ani, 9e is hain his own house,own ehicle."urya aspects "ani both are in same sin) 9e is workin in %oernment>actory

    ?udha aspects "ani both are in same sin) 9e is runnin "tationary shopKu-a aspects "ani + rd aspect) 9e was workin as Carpenter%uru aspects "ani + rd aspect) 9e is comfortable in CareerTIE OF EVENTSAGE TRANSIT IN ASPECT RESULT

    38!1 "ani

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    9e ot married,!+ %uru Kanya $atal %uru is located inKanya. $atal %uruCombines with transit %uru.9e had a male child!7 Kethu Kataka $atal ?udha and $atal

    Ketu are located inKataka rasi. $atal ?udhaCombines with transitKethu9e had land dispute withhis father.+65+1 "ani Kataka%uru

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    eastern direction i.e sukra is placed in 2thsin from uru.9e is lookin handsomeand soft5spoken."urya and ?udha are aspectin %urui.e surya and budha both located in

    the +rd sin from uru9e is ery kind, co5operatie andself5sacrificin in nature.Chandra and Rahu are located insuccessie sins.Chandra5

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    feeds manufacturin companyfor some time, "ani5work,Chandra5food, Ku-a5animal).9e was inoled inbuildin construction work also,"ani5work, Chandra5water,

    Ku-a5brick, stone, soil, mortar etc.,TIE OF EVENTSAGE TRANSIT IN ASPECT RESULT+ Rahu Kumba 0n the birth chart,"urya is located in Kumba.9is father e*pired,13 %uru Kataka $atal Ku-a wasaspectin Transit%uru "ame sin).Ku-a is sinificatorfor marriae.9e ot married.

    "ani Kumba $atal "ukra wasaspectin transit"ani + rd aspect)"ukra is sinificatorfor marriae9e ot married.Rahu

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    161!8 %uru

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    3 th aspect).$atal %uru wasalso aspectin transit"ani 2 th aspect).9e purchasedlanded property.

    ++5+8 "ani KanyaTula=richikaWhen "ani wastransitin Kanya, natalKu-a and natal Chandrawere aspectin transit"ani. When "aniwas transitin Tula,natal Ketu was in thesame sin Tula. When"ani was transitin

    =rischika, natal Chandraand natal Ku-awere aspectin transit "ani.=ery difficult period.TIE OF EVENTSAGE TRANSIT IN ASPECT RESULT

    16!+3 Rahu

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    death, 9e had le pain2652! "ani