yogendra ko book analysis

Chapter: One 1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction to the study This present study has been accomplished to submit to the Department of English Education, T.U. Kirtipur, Kathmandu in partial fulfillment for the Master' Degree in English Education that the student teachers have to carry out it as a part of practicum in M. Ed. programme. This intensive study in the course book "Meanings into Words" is divided into 5 units. First unit deals with introduction, objectives, significance and limitation of the study. Second unit deals within introduction and objectives of the course and course contents in detail. Third unit consists of analysis of the course book. Similarly forth unit concentrates on suggestions and recommendations. Finally fifth unit consists of conclusion. 1.2 Objectives of the study Each study has its objectives: general and specific. The following are the objectives of the study: 1.2.1General Objectives 1

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Chapter: One

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction to the study

This present study has been accomplished to submit to the Department of

English Education, T.U. Kirtipur, Kathmandu in partial fulfillment for the

Master' Degree in English Education that the student teachers have to carry out

it as a part of practicum in M. Ed. programme.

This intensive study in the course book "Meanings into Words" is divided into

5 units. First unit deals with introduction, objectives, significance and

limitation of the study. Second unit deals within introduction and objectives of

the course and course contents in detail. Third unit consists of analysis of the

course book. Similarly forth unit concentrates on suggestions and

recommendations. Finally fifth unit consists of conclusion.

1.2 Objectives of the study

Each study has its objectives: general and specific. The following are the

objectives of the study:

1.2.1General Objectives

a. To analyze the course book "Meanings into Words"

b. To present general information of the course

c. To provide some recommendations for pedagogical improvements.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

a. To state the general introduction of the course book

b. To present contents of the course in detail


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c. To state appropriateness of the course to the target group

d. To point out internal and external aspects of the course book

e. To point out some strengths and weaknesses of the course book

f. To help the teachers for the betterment of their study

g. To help the students and the persons who are directly or indirectly

involved in studying of the course book.

1.3 Significance of the study

The present study focuses on finding our strengths and weakness of the

textbook entitled 'Meanings into Words'. It is expected that this

evaluation/study will be directly or indirectly significant to those people who

are involved in teaching and learning activities. More particularity it will be

significant to the teachers, syllabus designers, textbook writers and those who

are interested in ELT.

1.4 Limitation of study

This study is limited only to the textbook/ course book "Meanings into Words"

offered in class XII by Higher secondary Education Board of Nepal.


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Chapter: Two

2 Introduction to the Course

A textbook is used in the study of a particular subject or syllabus, usually

containing an orderly presentation of subject matter i.e. language items or

teaching items. It is a book that provides the core materials for a course. It aims

to provide as much as possible in one book and is designed so that it could

serve as the only book which learner necessarily use during a course. Basically,

it includes work on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, functions and the

skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. In short, it often accompanied

by tests, exercises and other instructional - aids. Thus, a textbook is a book

containing facts about a particular subject by people studying that subject.

A textbook is taken as the course book in our context as it has been followed by

each and every teacher. Truly speaking, a text book helps both teacher and

students. It can help the teachers to know what should be taught/ learnt, and the

order in which it should be taught/ learnt, to identify what method of

instruction to be applied in the classroom, to bring equality in their teaching. It

provides neatly, attractively and economically, all or most of the materials

needed, helps them with attractive, neat and economic items, helps a new

teacher to grasp the subject matter, helps to save their time. Last but not the

least it can act as a very useful learning-aid for the student. It also can afford

the student a means of reviewing and reorganizing his/her knowledge. The

students who do not go to class regularly use the textbook for their self- study.

Thus, it is a very helpful device in teaching and learning process. However, it

should be used as a means not an end.

As I’m concerned with the analytic report of the compulsory English of grade

XII under HSEB, this report is based on my experience and discussion with

subject teacher Mr. Rudra Mani Bhattarai (Internal supervisor) of Harisiddhi

Higher Secondary School, Harisiddhi, Lalitpur.


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2.1 Description of the Course

It is one of the two textbooks prescribed for compulsory English of grade XII.

This book contains a Work Book, a Student's Book, a Teacher's Book, Test

Book, a Book Cassette of all recorded material and Cassette (Drills). The

workbook contains extra written practice of the language taught in each unit. It

contains 15 units, to accompany students Book units 1-16. The Test Book

contains 5 progressive tests and a final achievement test. The Drills give

intensive manipulation practice for key structures introduced the units, for use

in language laboratory. Likewise, the Teacher's Book includes a general

description of the course as well as detailed teaching notes on each unit. And a

cassette includes all the recorded materials in the students’ book. Two kinds of

teacher's book are available in the market. The students Book contain 16

teaching units. Each of which is based on a major functional or notional area of

English. Each unit includes presentation material which introduces key

language items, Intensive controlled practice, free communicative practice and

writing activities, listening and reading passages and a language summary

which lists the main points covered in the unit.

The textbook “Meaning into Words” upper intermediate is a part of the

compulsory English course under HSEB in grade XII. It is an integrative

course especially deals with the grammatical aspects of English language. The

book was written by Adrian Doff, Christopher Jones and Keith Mitchell. I

taught that course ‘Meaning into Words’ during my practice teaching.

2.2 General Objectives of the Course

The course aims to teach four language skills in an integrative way. It attempts

to bridge the gap between traditional and communicative approaches of

teaching language. The course has the following general objectives:

To develop an understanding and command of grammar in terms of

form, meaning and use.


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To train them in the functional, notional and grammatical areas

of English language use.

To improve students English in the area of reading, writing, listening

and language use.

To provide students techniques in the use of English for

academic communicative purposes.

To teach them structure in a context.

2.3 Specific objectives of the course

This course has following specific objectives:

To teach students language use and functions.

To enable them to establish a link between structure and meaning.

To provide them with more examples of language in context.

To engage them in more fruitful reading.

2.4 Course contents in detail

The textbook ‘Meaning into Words’ contains seven broad areas of language

functions. They are:

Action: this area consists of language used for talking about the

desirability and possibility of action.

Description: this area consists of language used for physical description

of place things and people.

Personal information: this area consists of language used for giving

information about you to other people


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Narration: this area consists of language used for talking about past

events and telling stories in the past.

Past and present: this area consists of language used for relating past

and present.

Comparison: this part consists of language used for making comparison

and evaluation;

Explanation: this section deals with the language used for explaining

things and speculation about things.

Each of those areas is divided into a number of units, which are arranged in

such a way that to provide content in natural, progressive and logical and

increasing order of difficulty in language leaning. The course "Meanings into

Words" incorporates the following contents in detail.

1 Experience

Present Perfect and Past tense; special Present Perfect structures; be used to.

2 Appearances

Look + adjective/Like/as; seem + infinitive; physical characteristics of people.

3 Relating past events

Past Perfect and Past tense; non-defining relative clauses

4 Attitudes and reactions

Verbs and adjectives for expressing attitudes; 'if there's one …it's….', way;

character adjectives


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5 Duration

Past duration structures; how long…?, for/until; in/by; duration structures using

different tenses

6 Reporting

Reported speech structures; 'reported thought'; reporting verbs

7 Deductions and explanations

Must/might/can+ infinitive forms; second conditional, third conditional;

'significance' structures

8 Advantages and disadvantages

Effect verbs; (dis)advantage of /drawback of/ trouble with/good(bad) thing

about; there's no point in/ it's no use /might as well; second conditional

9 Clarifying

Information questions; indirect questions; tag questions; identifying structures;

reported questions.

10 Wishes and regrets

I wish/ if only+ would past perfect tense; second and third conditionals; should

( n't) have done; could/needn't have done

11 Events in sequence

When+ past simple and past perfect; as soon as; before/not before /not until;

had only just…..when…;no sooner had…….than….

12 Comparisons

Large and small differences; numerical comparisons; comparisions involving

different tenses


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13 Processes

When+ present simple and present perfect; before/not before /not until; passive

structures; change of state verbs

14 Predictions

Bound to / certain to / sure to/ likely to; if unless/ as long as/ provided that; first

and second conditionals

15 News

Present perfect, present and past tenses; supposed to; other passive reporting


16 Revisions


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Chapter: Three

3. Analysis of the course book

3.1 Evaluation of the book

No doubt, the textbook seen as important and effective in one context of

learning has become less effective in other contexts of learning. That's why; the

textbook should be evaluated properly. Teachers, basically are the textbook

evaluators in the sense that teachers who are the ultimate users of the textbook

are always better evaluators of that textbook than the authority such as

education officers, head teachers, and so on. The reason is that they are taken

as front liner practitioners. Evaluating textbook is a difficult, challenging and

intellectual task because evaluator must consider the several factors that are

related to the textbook i.e. linguistic aspect, pedagogical aspect, socio-linguistic

and psycholinguistic aspect of target group, teaching and learning situations,

experience and expertise of the teachers, level and needs of the students,

features and qualities of the textbook, and so on. In order to judge or evaluate

the usefulness of any textbook, many scholars have provided a comprehensive

list of criteria. Such as, Harmer (2001, p.301) has provided 12 criteria, Ur

(1996, p.186) has provided 18 criteria, Andrew Littlejohn has purposed two

main sections: publication and design. But, I think none of them is adequate.

We can generalize some useful criteria based on the different views given by

various scholars .They are as follows:

a) Internal aspect

b) External aspect

We can also evaluate the text book in three levels i.e. a) surface level of

analysis (statement of description), b) deep level of analysis (task analysis) and

c) deducing level of analysis (making subjective decision/ generalization/



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3.1.1 Internal aspect

Internal aspect of the book refers to its content features or subject matter.

Generally internal aspect of the textbook comprises content, language,

exercises, and other supplementary elements, which are analyzed below for the target group

A designed textbook must be appropriate to the target group in terms of their

cognitive and academic level. With reference to this aspect, the textbook

should be designed considering content, language, exercise and other elements.

It means that a textbook should include appropriate content, language,

exercises and other elements for the target group. They are discussed in the

following way.

A) Content

The subject matter of the textbook should be adequate and suitable to the age,

level, and interest of the students. In fact, content should be significant and

valid. Content must be important, meaningful and factual to be significant.

Similarly, content may be regarded as valid when it is authentic, true and

accurate. Thus the content validity and significance of particular course is the

most important thing. “Meaning into Words” has incorporated such contents

which aim to develop the learners physically, mentally, emotionally ready for

higher education. It is so tough that learner will feel difficult in learning.

Moreover, they are selected without the need analysis of Nepalese learners and

societies. In nutshell, contents are not appropriate to the Nepalese students.

However, content used in this book is valid because it has authentic, true and

accurate subject matter.

B) Language

Language used in the book should be authentic not artificial. Putting it another

way, a good textbook should have appropriate vocabulary, correct spelling,


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short and simple sentences, clear expression, logical sequence. It means that a

good textbook should avoid unnecessary idiomatic and metaphorical

expressions. Language used in “Meaning into words” is simple and

understandable. Students can understand the texts. Most of the vocabularies

and structures are repeated of secondary level. Those who have got ideas in

grade 9 and 10 will not find such tough time to understand the lessons in grade

12 but texts are more authentic and functional in this regard students might feel

little bit problem in understanding. In fact, language of this course book is

entirely based on western culture. Nepali learners of English may feel difficult.

Those students who have passed SLC from government added schools may feel

difficult to learn and habituate themselves with the language but those students

who have passed SLC from English medium school may feel easy to learn and

use the same kind of language as used in the book.

C) Exercises

An exercise is a set of questions or tasks in a book, which is designed to help

students to learn a particular skill and to test their knowledge. A good textbook

should have enough appropriate exercises for class and homework. So,

exercises are also appropriate to the target group linguistically. But the

exercises included in this course book require students’ speculation ability and

convert them in their real life situations. So, in this case of exercise it’s ok but

in the case of critical reading and writing they may feel difficulties. Moreover,

due to the exercises taken out from foreign contexts, Nepalese students feel

them difficult.

D) Other elements

Apart from language, content and exercises there are some other elements

which should be evaluated i.e. footnote, glossary and so on. So, evaluator

should try to find out whether these are used properly or not. This course book

has not incorporated the sub- aspect of appropriateness for the target group.


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The sub- aspect encompasses footnote, glossary, appendices and references

which are lacking in this course book. Organization of items

Content used in the book should be arranged appropriately. It means that it

should be organized on the basis of two principles; logical and psychological.

Former is concerned with that type of organization in which writer organize

content rationally whereas later one is that type of organization in which the

writer organize content on the basis of pupils' need, interest, pre-experience,

abilities, and so on. Likewise, Writer should organize the content meaningfully

by considering vertical and horizontal organization. So the evaluator should use

those criteria to evaluate the textbook to find out whether the teaching items

and other elements of the book are graded appropriately or not. The selection of

the language item is found good in the book but the only problem I found is in

the gradation of those items. The language items presented are not properly

arranged. The inconsistency found in the arrangement makes the students feel

much difficulty in the learning.

3.1.2 External aspect

External aspect of the book refers to its physical or peripheral features.

Generally physical/external aspect of the text book comprises layout of the

book, lettering and spacing, printing and binding, paper quality, and

availability, which are analyzed below. Layout of the book

The layout or cover page of the book should be attractive to motivate the

student towards reading the book. In other words, it should have direct impact

upon the students. This book has good and attractive cover page with quality

paper. Though the cover page seems good and attractive, it is not more


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informative and effective. The cover page is well laminated and its color also

seems good. Size of the book

The size of a textbook depends on the content it covers. The size of this course

book is average and seems good uniformity .The size of this book is 7.2'' *9.6"

while measured. But in principle, the size of the book should maintain

7"*2which is the standard size. Paper quality

The paper quality is the most important physical aspects of the textbook .The

quality of paper of existing higher secondary level textbook is almost good. Pricing

Pricing is also one of the physical aspects of the textbook. The cost of this

course is not so expensive, it costs Rs.95/ in Nepal. Regarding the class of

Nepalese people the market price of this book seems reasonable. Printing and bind

Regarding printing of this book, I don't want to make comments. The binding

of this book is durable and it permits the book to open freely. Lettering and spacing

Textbook's texts should be legible. They should not strain reader's eyes. The

size of the letters for topic and exercises, the top, bottom, left and right

margins, space between words and sentences, etc. seem good. However, the

size of the letters especially in the tape scripts at the end of the book is not



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3.2 Analysis

3.2.1 Strength of the course book

The strong points found in this course are bulleted as follow:

The course includes variety of structures along with pictures and texts,

which are good to draw students’ attention.

It helps to develop an understanding command of grammar in terms of

form, meaning and use.

It encompasses seven broad areas of language i.e. action, description,

personal information and narration, past and present, comparison an

explanation, which provides clear vision of the course to the teacher.

It integrates all language skills i.e. listening speaking reading and


It provides plenty of exercises, activities for pair and group work. Pair

work and group works are very useful for developing language skills.

The use of illustration and pictures help students to learn effectively and


The course includes summary of language at the end of each units helps

students to revise what have they learnt and teacher to focuses on such

points. Moreover, to prepare specific objectives before the lesson.

New grammar points and structures have been introduced by means of

reading passage, pictures, and so on.

Writing exercises are introduced to develop students’ grammar along

with imaginative and creative ability.


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Course book incorporates texts based on foreign cultures and life styles

which help them to familiarize with outside culture.

3.2.2 Weaknesses of the Course book

The weak points found in this course are attempted as below:

The course is entirely based on western culture. It consists of words and

expressions which reflects western culture and value.

As the course was written by foreign writers, it seems they could not

study the learners’ background information before designing.

The course lacks footnotes glossaries, appendices and reference sections

which are also crucial for better understanding of the course.

The listening texts and exercises are given, but it is useless in Nepalese


Teacher’s book of this course is not straight forwardly available in the


It is said that the course is solely for the students of south Asia but it

includes nothing about south Asia.

Some pictures in the book are not overt for the students. They face

setbacks while describing them.

Meaning into words is a standard course in terms of its subject

matter. So it demands qualified, well trained teachers which is

lacking in our contexts.


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Chapter: Four

4.1 Suggestion and Recommendations

This course is a standard one on the basis of its content, language, exercises

and attractive illustrations. It provides an excellent grammar reference section

and covers imaginative power and critical thinking of students. But the main

point, it is whole heartily related to western values and norms, culture and life

styles etc. which creates boring for students because the learning will not be

real life related and can’t arouse their interest. The course should reflect the

nationality and culture. Therefore, I have attempted some suggestions which

will be helpful for new dimension of this course book.

Grammar should be more illustrative with nice and colorful pictures.

Things to be incorporated in the course should focus both urban and rural areas.

The course should include those grammatical and functional points that are used in day to day life or communication.

Vocabulary section is not enough. More exercises should be given for this aspect.

There are ample listening passages and exercises but are of no value. So it is required to give training to the concerned teacher to teach this skill effectively.

It has tried to incorporate grammatical and functional points through text and context but the texts included in the course became short and few which don’t help students.

The texts and teaching items should reflect the Nepalese context and culture rather than western and open societies.

Language items to be presented should be properly arranged or grouped.


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Unit: Five

5.1 Conclusion

It is purported that there is nothing as perfect and ideal in the world. So, as

there are many strong points and weaknesses of any course books. Analysis

made on them helps to be improved in the days to come. ‘Meaning into Words’

is a standard course book in terms of its subject matter; it means there is no

question against its quality and standard. Subject matters have been selected to

meet the need of the students’ of 21st century. This book aimed to be

communicative in nature by reducing the scene discrepancies between

structural and functional courses.

The course is attractive, interesting motivating contextual and relevant for the

students of western society or countries. For Nepali learners its being tough,

being out of context and culture. Students merely learn contents but not actual

language in the name of learning English. This book seems it was not designed

based on the need analysis of Nepalese students’ and Nepali society. But it is

forcefully imposed in Nepalese context, by the way if some modifications are

done on the basis of such suggestions and recommendations imparted by such

evaluators; it works in our context too; on the part of learners in the particular

and for the nation in general.

Internal Supervisor External Supervisor

Mr.Rudra Mani Bhattarai Dr.Tara Datta Bhatta

Harisiddhi Higher Secondary, School Associate Professor

Harisiddhi, Lalitpur Department of English



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Bhattari,G.R. (2001). Evaluating Textbooks. Kathmandu. Ratnapustak


Doff, A. et. al. (2000). Meaning into Words. Student’s Book. Uk: CUP.

Doff, A. et. Al. (2000) Meaning into Words, Upper – intermediate- Teachers’

book, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Harmer, J (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching (third edition),

London: Longman.

Harmer, J. (2008). How to teach English. London: Pearson Longman.

Tomlinson, B. (1997). Materials Development in Language Teaching (Ed.).

Cambridge: CUP.

Rai,V.S. (1998). ELT Materials and Practices. Kathmandu: Bhudipuran


Ur, P. (1991). A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory.

Cambridge: CUP.


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Offered to Higher Secondary Level Grade XII

Submitted to

The Department of English Education

In partial fulfillment for the master of education in English

Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University

Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Submitted by

Yogendra Chapagain

M. Ed. Second Year

T.U. Regd. No: 9-1-9-584-2004

Exam Roll No: …………………Class Roll No: 069


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The present work i.e. an intensive study of meanings into words is a fruit of my meticulous endeavor made during my practice teaching at Shree Harisiddhi Higher Secondary School, Harisiddhi, Lalitpur. As a student teacher, I taught ‘Meaning into Words’ for grade 12 in that college.

First of all, I would like to express my profound gratitude to Dr.Tara Datta Bhatta who was my facilitator during micro teaching, whose scholarly guidance and suggestions remained fruitful. He has always been an infallible source of inspiration for my academic pursuit.

I would like to present my heartfelt thanks to my internal supervisor Mr.Rudra Mani Bhattarai for his assistance, suggestions and supervision during my practice teaching. Similarly I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to my external supervisor Dr.Tara Datta Bhatta for his inspiration and worthy suggestions.

I’m equally grateful to the principal and teachers of Harisiddhi Higher Secondary School for their kind considerations revealed upon us by providing classes for practice teaching. My special thanks go to my students of grade 12 who became co-operative, helpful and made classroom interactive during my teaching.

I am exceedingly grateful to Professor Dr.Jai Raj Awasthi, the vice-chancellor of Far-Western University for his continuous guidance and suggestions. His remarks and comments in my academic life remained as a long imprinted impression in my mind. Likewise, I am indebted to Prof. Dr.Govinda Raj Bhattarai, Prof. Dr. Tirth Raj Khaniya, Prof. Dr. Anju Giri, Prof. Dr. Chandreshwor Mishra, Dr. Anjana Bhattarai, Dr. Vishnu Singh Rai, Dr. L.B. Maharjan and other faculties from the department of English Education, who have always been source of inspiration and encouragement for my academic prosperity.

We would record our appreciation to those authors whose works have been consulted and cited here.

Finally, all our practice teaching colleagues, who added fuel to my curiosity to teach in this school, deserve my special thanks.

Date: 2069-06-03 Yogendra Chapagain


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Acknowledgements …………..………………………………..I

Contents …………………………………………………II-III

Chapter 1: Introduction ……………………………………1-2

1.1 Introduction to the study ………………………………...………1

1.2 Objectives of the study ………………………………………….1

1.3 Significance of the study …………………...……………..…….2

1.4 Limitation of the study ……………………………………….…2

Chapter 2: Introduction to the course ……………….……3-8

2.1 Description of the course.……………………….……...……….4

2.2 General objectives of the course …….………………..


2.3 Specific objectives of the course……………………..………..…5

2.4 Course contents in detail …………………………………………


Chapter 3: Analysis of the course……………...…………9-15

3.1 Evaluation of the book…………………...……..………………9

3.1.1 Internal aspect ………………………….………………10

3.1.2 External aspect …………….……………….………….12


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3.2 Analysis ……………………..………………………..……….14

3.2.1 Strength of the book……………………….....………….14

3.2.2 Weaknesses of the book…………………………………15

Chapter 4: Suggestions and recommendation..…….……..16

Chapter 5: Conclusion ………………………………………17
