yong petition

Petition to Keep Mr. Yong at RHS ! To: Dr. Bruce Bearisto, Superintendent of School District #38 From: Richmond Secondary School Students (Petition started by Stephanie Liou at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/yong-rhs ) We the undersigned are students at Richmond Secondary School. Mr. Gordon Yong has been our teacher this year while other teachers have gone on leave, and we are unwilling to see him go. His teaching ability and brilliant personality will be sorely missed. Having Mr. Yong as our teacher would benefit our academic growth and enjoyment of the Humanities immensely. But more than that, he is a mentor, an inspiration, a dedicated member of our school community, and someone that Richmond High would truly hate to lose. Thus, we are petitioning to you, the administration, to keep him at our school as a permanent teacher. Please take a look at how many students have signed this petition, and some of the truly touching comments that have been written. Thank you for considering our petition. # 97: Jun 10, Tim Matiachuk # 96: Jun 10, 2008, Wilson Lau Mr. Yong is a genius. We all acknowledge the completely unconventional demeanor of his person, that I have to admit that I enjoy. His tests are horrible (just like history is to be), his knowledge in the subjects we study and that we don't study is astounding, his involvement in our school community is admired and, despite the completely cliched comment this is, he is always there with a helping hand, and one of his brilliant comments. I repeat, Mr. Yong is a genius that RHS cannot stand to lose. # 96: Jun 10, 2008, Ria O. Although I don't have him as a teacher, I have many friends who do: they are always talking about what a great teacher he is, because he makes learning actually FUN. For an IB student, having to learn about governments and wars and stuff in order to get a diploma is pretty awful (jk!), but you have this awesome, caring, dedicated and really funny teacher to teach you this?! That's pretty hard to come by... All his students love him, even students who AREN'T his students love him... So why don't you let him stay?

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Page 1: yong petition

Petition to Keep Mr. Yong at RHS!To:Dr. Bruce Bearisto, Superintendent of School District #38

From: Richmond Secondary School Students(Petition started by Stephanie Liou at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/yong-rhs)

We the undersigned are students at Richmond Secondary School. Mr. Gordon Yong has

been our teacher this year while other teachers have gone on leave, and we are unwilling to

see him go. His teaching ability and brilliant personality will be sorely missed. Having Mr.

Yong as our teacher would benefit our academic growth and enjoyment of the Humanities

immensely. But more than that, he is a mentor, an inspiration, a dedicated member of our

school community, and someone that Richmond High would truly hate to lose. Thus, we are

petitioning to you, the administration, to keep him at our school as a permanent teacher.

Please take a look at how many students have signed this petition, and some of the truly

touching comments that have been written. Thank you for considering our petition.

# 97: Jun 10, Tim Matiachuk

# 96: Jun 10, 2008, Wilson Lau Mr. Yong is a genius. We all acknowledge the completely unconventional demeanor of his person, that I have to admit that I enjoy. His tests are horrible (just like history is to be), his knowledge in the subjects we study and that we don't study is astounding, his involvement in our school community is admired and, despite the completely cliched comment this is, he is always there with a helping hand, and one of his brilliant comments. I repeat, Mr. Yong is a genius that RHS cannot stand to lose.

# 96: Jun 10, 2008, Ria O. Although I don't have him as a teacher, I have many friends who do: they are always talking about what a great teacher he is, because he makes learning actually FUN. For an IB student, having to learn about governments and wars and stuff in order to get a diploma is pretty awful (jk!), but you have this awesome, caring, dedicated and really funny teacher to teach you this?! That's pretty hard to come by... All his students love him, even students who AREN'T his students love him... So why don't you let him stay?

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# 94:Jun 10, 2008, Lester Lao He is an awesome teacher

# 93:Jun 10, 2008, A R We need Mr. Yong at our school next year. His approach to history and teaching in general different.

# 92:Jun 10, 2008, Michael Suarez Mr. Yong is swim team coach...i think...ok well sponser teacher!! and without him, no swim team?!?! keep yong!!

# 91:Jun 10, 2008, Joey Xiang

# 90:Jun 8, 2008, Polly Zou Mr.Yong should't leave!!!!!

# 89:Jun 5, 2008, Sunny Pao Please don't leave us, your like the awesomest teacher ever :)

# 88:Jun 4, 2008, Sara Lawrence

# 87:Jun 3, 2008, Daniel Capa He finds way to make class interesting and fun

# 86:Jun 2, 2008, Paige Zhang All that has been said is said, but definitely needs to be said more. Mr. Yong is a really awesome teacher and person, outside of just lectures and homework. He supports the people that he teaches and is a great mentor!

# 85:Jun 1, 2008, Micah Au Mr. Yong makes learning history an experience, not just another class.

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# 84:Jun 1, 2008, Paige Qin even though I can't think of better words to describe Mr.Yong than what Nick has already wrote, we deserve to know Mr.Yong a bit more=D

# 83:Jun 1, 2008, Manhar Grewal PLEASE KEEP MR.YONG!!!!! Hes a really good teacher and advisor!

# 82:May 29, 2008, E Tso yong is an idealogy

# 81:May 29, 2008, Terry Yu LOL IM NUMBER 81!

# 80:May 29, 2008, Reeti Soni Mr. Yong's an awesome teacher....i'd love to have him as my teacher again next year!!!...keep him at RHS!!

# 79:May 29, 2008, Roopy Burmy Mr Yong is awesome. the guy has a very bright personality. history would be nothing without him :P

# 78:May 26, 2008, Jenny Lin

# 77:May 26, 2008, Veronika Dikun Mr. Yong is awesome. He is always there to answer questions or just talk. Most teachers can't relate to their students, but Mr. Yong is the exception. History has never been much fun for me, but in Mr. Yong's class I feel like I understand the big picture. Keep him at RHS!

# 76:

May 23, 2008, Cyrus Sie Mr Yong is solid.

# 75:May 23, 2008, Anonymous :)

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# 74:May 22, 2008, Amna Chaudhry Mr. Yong is such a great teacher and I'd hate to see him leave!

# 73:May 22, 2008, Yusra Qaiser A REALLYYY COOL TEACHER!

# 72:May 16, 2008, Stephany Blandino Mr. Yong rocks, he really is an awesome teacher and as a future IB history 12 student I feel that it is important he continue teaching at RHS. Not only is he a great teacher but he is a very kind and inspirational person who has really put all his efforts into making history fun and creating a good relationship with all of his students. Teachers like Mr. Yong are hard to find and it would be a shame to not see Mr. Yong teaching at RHS next year. WE NEED HIM!!!!!!!

# 71:May 16, 2008, Nick Zhygan A great teacher, History mentor and a true inspiration to his students. His efforts in enriching our lives through education have been very motivating, uplifting and most of all interesting! Because when it comes down to it - interest is truly what drives education, and promotes the basis of a solid learning environment. Being a student fortunate enough to be taught by Mr.Yong has been a real privilege and I see myself as lucky for having had the experience. Not every teacher is able to bestow lessons unto their students that have a lasting and profound effect, but he has succeeded time and time again, really showing that there is more to learning (and History) then thick books and long tests. I hope that he is able to remain at RHS and be an inspiration to students in the years to come.

# 70:May 16, 2008, Valeria T Mr.Yong is truly a fantastic teacher, he is always there to help, to talk to, and history class can't get any better! Mr.Yong, thank you for everything!

# 69:May 14, 2008, Daniel Khuu

# 68:May 12, 2008, Justin Tsang By far one of the most supportive and kind teachers I know by far =)

# 67:May 12, 2008, Julie Ribi Mr Yong is cool =]

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# 66:May 10, 2008, Elizabeth Cheng STAY STAY STAY...and again STAY =)

# 65:May 8, 2008, Can Atik, Turkey

# 64:May 7, 2008, Annie X He is the best mandarin substitute teacher ever =)

# 63:May 7, 2008, Anonymous

# 62:May 7, 2008, Silky Wyld

# 61:May 5, 2008, Anonymous mr yong is young n sexy

# 60:May 5, 2008, Anonymous

# 59:May 5, 2008, Darson Du

# 58:May 5, 2008, Graeme Lee Mr. Yong is more than just an excellent teacher, but a great friend and a mentor for anyone in any of his classes.

# 57:May 5, 2008, AnonymousThanks for supporting the swim team!

# 56:May 5, 2008, Jamin Chen EPIC GG?!?

# 55:May 5, 2008, Tina Lin

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# 54:May 5, 2008, BiLL Fowlie

# 53:May 5, 2008, Sarah A thx for supporting swim team!

# 52:May 4, 2008, Robbi Avelino Thanks for teaching us some Bahasa Malay, Mr. Yong, it really came in handy.

# 51:May 4, 2008, Herman Du

#50:May 3, 2008, Khris Mendoza Mr. Yong displays a comprehensive knowledge of his teaching material and has the ability to inspire his students to do their best

# 49:May 3, 2008, Tariq Kassam I completely agree with the details of this petition. Mr. Yong has been an inspirational figure in the lives of many of the students here at Richmond High, and is more than qualified to remain a critical part of the RHS staff. His friendly, hard-working and compassionate nature make him a strong candidate, and I whole-heartedly believe Mr. Gordon Yong belongs at Richmond High school.

# 48:May 3, 2008, Camille Wong even if Mr. Yong has never taught me and probably doesn't even know who I am, for the sake of other future IB history students I think he should stay. My friends love him for who he is and his teaching.

# 47:May 3, 2008, Margaret Lau

# 46:May 2, 2008, Vivien Chiu

# 45:May 2, 2008, Anonymous

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# 44:May 2, 2008, Nina Lee Mr.Yong not only is a great teacher, but a very understanding and caring person. His teaching abilities are no doubt amazing, and he is also able to bond well with all his students. YOU MUST STAY MR. YONG!

# 43:May 2, 2008, Ming Fung Chan Mr. Yong is a veeerrry good teacher la! We must keep him with us asians in RHS.

# 42:May 2, 2008, Carina Ip :)

# 41:May 2, 2008, Gabrielle Balao Please keep Mr. Yong!! [ Insert great comment here ].

# 40:May 2, 2008, Emily Ng

# 39:May 1, 2008, Darren Yaneza

# 38:May 1, 2008, Twinky Ip

# 37:May 1, 2008, Henry Lai Even though Mr. Yong is not my academic teacher, his presence is immensely appreciated. Not only is he willing to help students on their way to academic success, but he has that "teacher's touch". This, in my opinion, is the most valuable aspect of being a teacher. A teacher just being able to teach alone is not sufficient. Mr. Yong's presence gives me the sense that he is very outgoing, talkative, enthusiastic, and generous in terms of his characterization. From what I hear, I think he is one of those teachers where one can address social problems to. Mr. Yong is one of those "hard-to-come-by" teachers that will take their time to listen and give advice to any student, whether academic-related or not, not because they have to, but because they care. It is quite evident that Mr. Yong enjoys teaching. The calibre of impact due to his absence will be profound, and will be felt by the students of Richmond Secondary.

# 36:May 1, 2008, Anonymous

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# 34:May 1, 2008, Jerry Tang Dedicated and supportive. Able to engage students and fully ultilize their potential.

# 33:May 1, 2008, Ryan Cheung

# 32:May 1, 2008, Anonymous

# 31:May 1, 2008, Tax Monkey Mr. Yong is hot. Why would you want to let him go. Of all people I think Ms. Zhao should go.

# 30:May 1, 2008, Anonymous demostrates good spirit of a high-school teacher.

# 29:May 1, 2008, Anonymous

# 28:May 1, 2008, Karen Cheng

# 27:May 1, 2008, Christina Blake Mr Yong is not only a great person to be around, but also a very helpful person. I don't have him for any of my classes, yet he still helps me with my schoolwork when I have trouble. Having Mr Yong as part of the RHS staff will impact a whole new generation of students who are aware of their presence on this planet and make changes for the better in society. His ways of teaching is not only profound, but inspiring as well. He will make a great addition to the RHS staff.

# 26:May 1, 2008, Brooks Lai Mr. Yong is an awesome person! He is so caring and dedicated. Also, he's is great at teaching and I can actually understand the material. I hope he can stay at RHS! We all love Mr. Yong! =)

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# 25:May 1, 2008, Yves C mr yong is the nicest teacher in the world!!!!!!!! he's also a very good one too YEAH!!!

# 24:May 1, 2008, Natasha Chang

# 23:May 1, 2008, Annie Wu Mr.Yong is awesome. No words necessary.

# 22:May 1, 2008, Helen Gao

# 21:May 1, 2008, Jojo Lo Please let Mr.Yong stay in Richmond High! He makes History class more exciting than video games!

# 20:May 1, 2008, Fanny Zhang ZOMG STAY.

# 19:May 1, 2008, Gordon Ng Mr. Yong's awesomee!! Like Mr.Furugori always says: You'd be foolish not to consider him.

# 18:May 1, 2008, Anonymous

# 17:

May 1, 2008, Victoria Yang woots mr yong!

# 16:May 1, 2008, Ingrid Chen Mr. Yong is one of the most dedicated and caring teachers I've ever met. STAY MR. YONG!

# 15:May 1, 2008, Dawn Yin I think Mr. Yong's teaching materials and methods are GREAT. I ACTUALLY understand what he says in history class (I'm in IB, so thats saying something). He's SUCH a great person, and I think he would be a great addition to the staff. Plus, all the students love him.

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# 13:May 1, 2008, Sean Chen YEA MR YONG!

# 12:May 1, 2008, Anonymous I have never before had a teacher as caring and willing to help his students as Mr. Yong. His support and approachability makes learning a much more pleasant. He is definitely a teacher that RHS needs!

# 11:May 1, 2008, Anonymous He proves to be a very insightful teacher who encourages his students to continue pursuing their goals. Mr. Yong's caring, understanding, and patient personality would prove to be a great contribution to the Richmond Secondary School as once a colt, he will always be a colt as well.

# 10:May 1, 2008, Dorothy Yang Mr. Yong is an amazing teacher who makes school much more interesting and enjoyable. He is very knowledgeable and is always willing to help his students.

# 9:May 1, 2008, Anonymous Mr. Yong is a wonderful teacher and is very committed to his job which inspires his students to work hard. It would be a shame to see him leave and an unnecessary loss for RHS. Thank you Mr. Yong and good luck next year =)

# 8:May 1, 2008, Jeffrey Tam As stated earlier, Mr. Yong is extremely charismatic and considerate, and I believe it would be a gift for coming students to be under his teaching, than not.

# 7:May 1, 2008, Natalie Peters Mr Yong is one of the BEST teachers i have ever had! He is so supportive and helpful to all his students! KEEP MR YONG!!

# 6:May 1, 2008, Anonymous He is an amazing teacher and all the students enjoys the atmosphere he creates in a classroom that is beneficial to our learning.

# 4:Apr 30, 2008, Khalil Kassam

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# 3:Apr 30, 2008, Lisa Ma Mr. Yong is truly one of the most considerate and caring teachers I have encountered during my time at Richmond Secondary. He stays after school almost daily to help his students with their educational endeavours and we all love him to bits =)

# 2:Apr 30, 2008, Alisha Mawji Mr Yong rocks our socks:)

# 1:Apr 30, 2008, Stephanie Liou I fully support this petition! History class will not be the same without Mr. Yong...and neither will Richmond High. It would be our terrible, terrible loss, and it's a loss that I am not at all interested in! Mr. Yong is one of those rare teachers that is truly inspiring – inspiring to the point that I have willingly invested significant personal time into putting together this petition. Honestly, it's not often that students will get this enthusiastic about a teacher. In the spirit of successful, happy education, let him stay!!!