younger children - fall

it Fruit Spir of the Spirit Fruit Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-Control Growing Godly Character Galatians 5:22-23 Younger Children - Fall Celebrating Grace, Inc. 6501 Peake Road, Building 800, Macon, GA 31210 (877) 550-7707 [email protected]

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Page 1: Younger Children - Fall

itFruitSpirof theSpiritFruit

Love Joy Peace Patience

Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-Control

Growing Godly Character

Galatians 5:22-23

Younger Children - FallCelebrating Grace, Inc. 6501 Peake Road, Building 800, Macon, GA 31210 (877) 550-7707 [email protected]

Page 2: Younger Children - Fall

℗ & © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.Producer: Michael Graham at The Lodge, Indianapolis, IN

Executive Producer: James Barnard

Demonstration Recordings1. Growing in the Spirit – Words and Music by Carol Huffman

Dickerson © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

2. I Will Always Be with You – Based on John 14:27/Wordsand Music by Elizabeth Gage © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. I Will Enter His Gates – Based on Psalm 100/Words andMusic by Sandy Wilkinson/Arranged by James Barnard © 2018Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

4. Love the Lord Your God – Based on Matthew 22:37/Wordsand Music by Milton LeDoux and Joanne LeDoux © 2018 Billingsly Square Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

5. Celebrate the Birth of Jesus – Words and Music by DavidL. Ray/Arranged by Vicki Hancock Wright © 2018 CelebratingGrace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

6. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly – Traditional Polish Carol/Arranged by Keith Christopher © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

7. On Christmas Night All Christians Sing – Traditional Carol and English Melody/Arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram© 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

8. Advent Candles – Words and Music by Glenn and SusanEernisse © 2014 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

9. Alleluia, Allelu Vocalise – Based on “Infant Holy, InfantLowly”/Arranged by Keith Christopher © 2018 CelebratingGrace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

10. Grow It! Energizer – © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, adivision of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

11. I Am Slowly Going Crazy – Traditional © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

12. Pawpaw Patch – Traditional © 2018 Celebrating GraceMusic, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

13. Pawpaw Patch Vocalise – Traditional © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

14. Sheep May Safely Graze – Johann Sebastian Bach Arr.© 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of CelebratingGrace, Inc. All rights reserved.

15. The Noble Duke of York – Traditional © 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

16. Varsovienne in 3 – Traditional Polish Dance © 2018Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.All rights reserved.

17. Varsovienne in 4 – Traditional Polish Dance © 2018Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.All rights reserved.

18. O How I Love Jesus – Words by Frederick Whitfield/MusicAmerican Melody, 19th cent.

19. Now Thank We All Our God – Words by Martin Rinkart, tr.Catherine Winkworth/Music by Johann Crüger, harm. by Felix Mendelssohn

20. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing – Words by CharlesWesley/Music by Felix Mendelssohn, harm. by William H. Cummings

21. Come, Thou Almighty King – Words Anonymous/Music byFelice de Giardini

22. Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound – Wordsby John Newton/Music from Benjamin Shaw and Charles H. Spilman’s Columbian Harmony, 1829/Arr. by Edwin O. Excell

23. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee – Words by Henryvan Dyke/Music by Ludwig van Beethoven, harm. by EdwardHodges

24. Growing in the Spirit25. I Will Always Be with You26. I Will Enter His Gates27. Love the Lord Your God28. Celebrate the Birth of Jesus29. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly30. On Christmas Night All Christians Sing31. Advent Candles32. Alleluia, Allelu Vocalise33. I Am Slowly Going Crazy

34. Pawpaw Patch35. Pawpaw Patch Vocalise36. The Noble Duke of York37. O How I Love Jesus38. Now Thank We All Our God39. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing40. Come, Thou Almighty King41. Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound42. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Accompaniment Recordings

Younger ChildrenFall

Terry D. Taylor Managing Editor

James Barnard Music Editor

Paula W. Farrar Production Assistant

Design Editor, Younger ChildrenDesign Editor, Older Children

Carol Dickerson Design Editor, Preschool

Design Editor, Younger Children

Pam Mullins Graphic Designer, Preschool

Chad HunterGraphic Designer,

Younger and Older Children

Fruit of the SpiritWriters

Preschool—Debbie StevensYounger —Keith Watson

Older—Debbie Rice

Tom McAfee President and Chairman

David Bolin Electronic Design Editor

and Worship Matrix Developer

Kim Hester Worship Resources Coordinator

Tiffany Hitchcock Director of Customer Care

Mary Ruth Marshall Marketing Associate

Anna Beth Shepard Customer Care Representative

Robert Williams Distribution and Warehouse


Page 3: Younger Children - Fall

Curriculum Components

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

CURRICULUM SONGS• “Celebrate the Birth of Jesus” • “Growing in the Spirit” (Theme)• “I Will Always Be with You”• “I Will Enter His Gates”• “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”• “Love the Lord Your God” • “On Christmas Night All Christians


MOVEMENT/ACTIVITY SONGS• “Advent Candles”• “Alleluia, Allelu Vocalise”• Grow It! Energizer• “I Am Slowly Going Crazy”• “Pawpaw Patch”• “Pawpaw Patch” Vocalise• “Sheep May Safely Graze”• “The Noble Duke of York”• Varsovienne in 3• Varsovienne in 4

HYMNS—Fall• “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”• “Now Thank We All Our God”• “O How I Love Jesus”

HYMNS—Spring• “Amazing Grace! How Sweet the

Sound”• “Come, Thou Almighty King”• “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”

KIDPAGES“Celebrate the Birth of Jesus”• What Do We Do at Christmas?”

KIDPAGES (cont’d)“Growing in the Spirit” (Theme)• Fruity Fun“I Will Always Be with You”• Melody Matchup“I Will Enter His Gates”• Symbols and Cymbals“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”• What’s Different?“Love the Lord Your God”• Love the Lord Sudoku“Now Thank We All Our God”• Hymn of Thanks“On Christmas Night All Christians Sing”• Good News!

ACTIVITIESTheme – Pass the Fruit, Please!A – “Big, Tall Redwood”B – Leaping Lily PadsC – Line-Space SprintD – Accompany a ClassicE – “Apple Tree”F – Rhythm Sticks in 3 and 4G – Fruit RhythmsH – Pawpaw PrestoI – Christmas BellsJ – Mystery MelodiesK – Fruity Speak-Play-Sing


GENERAL• Fruit of the Spirit Theme Poster• Crescendo Dynamics Visual• Decrescendo Dynamics Visual

• Fruity Vowel Visuals• Road Map Visuals• Scarecrow Body Scale Visuals• Staccato and Legato Visual• Tempo Cards

SONG-RELATED“Celebrate the Birth of Jesus”• Celebrate! Song Cards“I Will Always Be with You”• Harmonized Ending Visual“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”• “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” Rebus 1• “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” Rebus 2• “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” Sequence


WARM-UPS/ENERGIZERS• “Alleluia, Allelu” Vocalise• Grow It! Energizer• “I Am Slowly Going Crazy” Energizer• “Pawpaw Patch” Vocalise• “The Noble Duke of York” Energizer

DEMONSTRATION VIDEOS• Grow It! Energizer Video• “Growing in the Spirit” Sign Language

Video• “Love the Lord Your God” Sign

Language Video• Pass the Fruit, Please! Theme Activity

Video• Rhythm Sticks in 3 Video• Rhythm Sticks in 4 Video

Curriculum materials are located in the following folders: • Songs (full choral score with keyboard accompaniment, Student Page [melody and lyrics only], and instrumental parts)• Song Teaching Steps (step-by-step directions to teach each song)• Activities (Checklist, Activity Visuals, Activity Teaching Steps, and Activity Pages [when needed])• KIDPages (Checklist, learning pages for children, and teaching steps for leaders)• Session Plans (step-by-step plans for 15 weekly sessions)• Song Teaching Visuals (Checklist and visuals used when teaching songs)• Hymns (six hymns—three for fall semester and three for spring semester)• Warm-ups/Energizers (Checklist, Warm-ups, Energizers, Vocalises, Teaching Steps, and related visuals)• MultiPrint (similar curriculum components compiled into single PDFs for easy printing)• PrintReady (multipage visuals combined into one image for large-format printers or multimedia presentation software)• Demonstration Videos (demonstrations of choreography, movement activities, and sign language)Recordings• Demo Recordings with voices are included for all songs and hymns.• Accompaniment Tracks without voices are included for all songs and hymns.• Movement and Activity Recordings are included.• Demo and Accompaniment Recordings for spring semester hymns are included as well.

Page 4: Younger Children - Fall




















y y y y

Joyfully (q »100)



‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ. œ.

y y y y


Ó Œ œ œI will

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.œ œ

œ. œ.œ. œ.

y y y y




with bounce

‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ

jœ œ jœ œ œ œen ter His gates with thanks


‰ jœ œ œœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ. œ.

y y y y

2nd time only


*Clarinet (concert pitch)

- -











œ œ ˙

œ œ œ œjœ ‰ œ œ

giv ing in my heart. I will

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.œ œ

œ. œ. œ. œ.y y y y

‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ

jœ œjœ œ œ

en ter His courts with


‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ. œ. œ.y y y y

˙ Ó

˙ Œ œ œ

praise. MakeFor

1. 2.


‰ jœœœœ.‰ jœœœœ.

œœœœ# œ œ

œ. œ. œ œ

|æ Jy ‰ Œ


- -

Score I Will Enter His GatesWords and Music by

Sandy WilkinsonArranged by James Barnard

© 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.

All rights reserved.

For Unison Voices, Accompanied, with Opt. Bb Clarinet and TambourineBased on Psalm 100


*Part for Bb Clarinet available separately.




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‰ œ jœ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œjoy





œ œœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ. œ.

y y y y




‰ œjœ œ œ œ

œ œComeOh,


Jœ œ jœ œ,

mer*LORD, all



‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.œ œ

œ. œ.œ. œ.

y y y y



œ œ œ œfore Him with a


œ œœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ. œ. œ.

1y y y y

-- -

















˙ Œ œ œsong! I will


jœœœœ.œœœœ# œ œn

jœ. œ jœ. œœ


|æ Jy ‰ Œ



œ œ œ œ#


œ œ œ œthank ful un to


œ œœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ# .‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ œ

2y y y y

˙ Ó

˙ ÓHim.


œ œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œœ

|æ Jy ‰ Œ

- -

I Will Enter His Gates - page 2


*In the Old Testament, LORD in all caps reflects the Hebrew name for God, YAHWEH.




Page 6: Younger Children - Fall











œ œ œ ˙Know that the LORD,

œœ œœ œ ˙̇

œ œ œœ œ œ





œ œ œ œ ŒKnow that the LORD,

œœ œœ œ ˙̇

œ œ œœ œ œ

.œ jœ œ œKnow that YAH WEH

..œœjœ œœ œœœ#

œ œ œ

œ œ œ












œ œ œ Œis our God!

œœœœ œœ œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

.œ jœ ˙

.œJœ œ œ

He has made us.

..œœ Jœ ˙̇

œ œ œœ œ œ

.œ jœ ˙

.œ jœ œ œ,

He has made us.


.œœjœ ˙̇

œ œ œœ œ œ

I Will Enter His Gates - page 3





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.œ jœ .œjœ#

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ#We are His chil dren and He

œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ#œ œ œ

œ œ œ

œ œ œ





œ œ ˙

œ œ -̇cares for us.

œœœ œœœ ˙̇̇-

œœ œ ˙-œ-

œ œ# œ#





‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ. œ.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿


a tempo

a tempo

a tempo

a tempo













Ó Œ œ œI will

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.œ œ

œ. œ.œ. œ.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿


‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ

jœ œ jœ œ œ œen ter His gates with thanks


‰ jœ œ œœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ. œ.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿




œ œ ˙

œ œ œ œjœ ‰ œ œ

giv ing in my heart. I will

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.œ œ

œ. œ. œ. œ.¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

- - -

I Will Enter His Gates - page 4





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‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ

jœ œjœ œ œ

en ter His courts with


‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ. œ. œ.¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

˙ Ó

˙ Œ œ œpraise. Make a

‰ jœœœœ.‰ jœœœœ.

œœœœ# œ œ

œ. œ. œ œ

|æ Jy ‰ Œ


‰ œ jœ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œjoy ful noise to the

œ œœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ.œ. œ.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿




- -











‰ œjœ œ œ œ

Jœ œ jœ œ,

œ œLORD, all the earth! Come be

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.œ œ

œ. œ.œ. œ.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œfore Him with a

œ œœ.‰ jœœœ.

‰ jœœœ.‰ jœœœ.

œ. œ. œ. œ.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

œ œ œ œ œ ˙

˙ Œ œ œsong! I will



jœœœœ# ‰ œœ œ

jœ. œ jœ.jœ

œ‰ jœ


|æ J¿ ‰ Œ




I Will Enter His Gates - page 5





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‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ

˙ Œ œ œpraise! I will

.˙ œ œ‰Jœœœ.




œ. œ.œ. œ.

y y y y






‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ

˙ Œ œ œpraise! I will

.˙ œ œ‰ Jœœœ.

‰ Jœœœ.

‰ Jœœœ.


œ.œ. œ.


y y y y














‰ œ Jœœ# œ

˙ Œ œpraise, the


jœœœœ.œœœœ# œœœœ

jœ. œ jœ. œœ


Jy y Jy y y




˙ œ jœ.‰

...˙̇˙ Œ



œœœ Jœœœ.

œœ œ œ œ œ œ jœœ.

y Jy. ‰

I Will Enter His Gates - page 6





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44 ..2

Joyfully (q »100)

Ó Œ œ œI will


with bouncejœ œ jœ œ œ œ

en ter His gates with thanks- -


œ œ œ œjœ ‰ œ œ

giv ing in my heart. I will

jœ œjœ œ œ

en ter His courts with

˙ Œ œ œ

praise. MakeFor

1. 2.



- -


œ œ œ œ œjoy





œ œComeOh,


Jœ œ jœ œ,






œ œ œ œfore Him with a-

- --

&# ..


˙ Œ œ œsong! I will

P 2

œ œ œ œthank ful un to

˙ ÓHim.- -


œ œ œ ˙Know that the LORD,


œ œ œ œ ŒKnow that the LORD,

.œ jœ œ œKnow that YAH WEH-


œ œ œ Œis our God!

.œJœ œ œ

He has made us.

.œ jœ œ œ,

He has made us.


œ œ œ œ œ œ œ#We are His chil dren and He


œ œ -̇cares for us.


∑a tempo


Student Pages I Will Enter His GatesWords and Music by

Sandy WilkinsonArranged by James Barnard

© 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.

All rights reserved.

For Unison Voices, Accompanied, with Opt. Bb Clarinet and TambourineBased on Psalm 100


*In the Old Testament, LORD in all caps reflects the Hebrew name for God, YAHWEH.




Page 11: Younger Children - Fall


Ó Œ œ œI will

Pjœ œ jœ œ œ œ

en ter His gates with thanks


œ œ œ œjœ ‰ œ œ

giv ing in my heart. I will- - -


jœ œjœ œ œ

en ter His courts with

˙ Œ œ œpraise. Make a

Fœ œ œ œ œ

joy ful noise to the- -


Jœ œ jœ œ,

œ œLORD, all the earth! Come be

œ œ œ œfore Him with a

˙ Œ œ œsong! I will




˙ Œ œ œpraise! I will


˙ Œ œ œpraise! I will

F˙ Œ œ

praise, the

f ...˙̇˙ Œ


I Will Enter His Gates - page 2

Student Pages




Page 12: Younger Children - Fall

&# # #

44 ..2

Joyfully (q »100)


‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ2nd time only

Pœ œ ˙ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ

&# # # ..


˙ Ó ‰ œ jœ œ œ œF

‰ œ Jœ œ œ œ1 2

&# # #12 2

œ œ œ œ# ˙ Ó4B

.œ jœ ˙

&# # #19

.œ jœ ˙ .œ jœ .œjœ#


œ œ ˙accel. 2a tempo

&# # #24

‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œP


œ œ ˙ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Ó

&# # #28

‰ œ jœ œ œ œF

‰ œ Jœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

&# # #32

‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œP


‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œF

‰ œ Jœœ# œ


˙ œ jœ.‰

Bb ClarinetI Will Enter His Gates

Words and Music by Sandy Wilkinson

Arranged by James Barnard

© 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.

All rights reserved.

For Unison Voices, Accompanied, with Opt. Bb Clarinet and TambourineBased on Psalm 100





Page 13: Younger Children - Fall

ã 44 ..y y y y

Joyfully (q »100)


Tambouriney y y y y y y y

Ay y y y y y y y y y y y

ã ..7

|æ Jy ‰ Œ y y y y


y y y y1

y y y y |æ Jy ‰ Œ


y y y y


|æ Jy ‰ Œ



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¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿


|æ J¿ ‰ Œ y y y y



y y y y

FJy y Jy y y


æy Jy

. ‰

Tambourine I Will Enter His Gates

Words and Music by Sandy Wilkinson

Arranged by James Barnard

© 2018 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.

All rights reserved.

For Unison Voices, Accompanied, with Opt. Bb Clarinet and Tambourine

Based on Psalm 100





Page 14: Younger Children - Fall


“I Will Enter His Gates”

“I Will Enter His Gates” Song Teaching Steps, page 1 Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Do a circle dance to teach Section A (meas. 4-13).• Stand in a circle. If the group is large, form more than one circle.• Distribute scarves. Hold the end of the scarf in the right hand and the

end of the left neighbor’s scarf in the left hand.• Slowly walk through the dance steps:

° Walk in a circle to the left while facing into the circle, stepping to the side then together for eight beats.

° Switch directions, and step-together eight beats to the right, ending by touching the ground with left foot on beat 8.

° Walk forward toward the center of the circle, beginning with left foot, touching right foot on beat 4.

° Walk backward, beginning with right foot, touching left foot on beat 4.

° Repeat the forward and backward steps.• Practice the stepping patterns until the children are successful.• Play Demo 3 through measure 13. Begin stepping on measure 4, beat

1, on enter, performing the dance steps twice.• Drop the scarves from left hand on beat 4 of measure 13, following

the word Him.• Rehearse the dance with the music until children have largely

mastered it.

2. Sing Section A.• Echo sing measures 4-7, emphasizing the crescendo in measure 7

from P to F. (Move your finger from P to F on the Crescendo Dynamics Visual during the crescendo.)

• Sing measures 4-13, leading children to sing measures 4-7 with you.• Echo sing measures 8-11 of Verse 1.• Sing measures 4-13, leading children to sing all of Verse 1 and

measures 4-7 of Verse 2.• Echo sing measures 8-13 of Verse 2. Explain the text:

° mercy—God treats us with goodness and kindness even when we do not deserve it.

° endures—lasts forever; does not end.• Sing Verses 1 and 2. • Sing Section A with Demo 3, and do the circle dance through

measure 13.• Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 100, and discuss how the text of the

song is like the psalm. (The message of the psalm is in a different order in the song, but it is the same.)

MATERIALS NEEDED• Score• Student Pages• MP3 or CD Demo 3• MP3 or CD Track 26• MP3 or CD Player• Scarves (one for each child)• Crescendo Dynamics Visual• Bible marked at Psalm 100• Staccato and Legato Visual• Pineapple and banana

(optional)• Tambourine (optional)

PREPARATION• Print and prepare visuals.• Copy Student Pages.

POSSIBLE TEACHING SEQUENCE• Rehearsal 1: Step 1• Rehearsal 2: Step 2• Rehearsal 3: Steps 3-4• Rehearsal 4: Steps 5-6• Rehearsal 5: Steps 7-8• Repeat Steps as needed.

Crescendo Dynamics Visual




Page 15: Younger Children - Fall

• Ask someone to explain the message of the song and psalm. (Be thankful to God, and sing praises to Him.)

3. Dance to Section B (meas. 14-21).• Display the Staccato Visual, and explain that staccato means “short

and choppy; not smooth”—like the surface of a pineapple.

OptionHave a pineapple and a banana on hand for children to feel their rough and smooth surfaces.

• Sing Section B in a staccato (choppy, accented) style as you keep the steady quarter-note beat by shaking your scarf in quick, short pulses.

• Repeat, inviting children to move their scarves with you.• Display the Legato Visual. Explain that legato means “smooth and

connected,” kind of like the smooth skin of a banana. • Sing Section B in a smooth, legato style, waving your scarf over your

head in a smooth fashion—two beats to the left and two beats to the right in each measure.

• Repeat, inviting children to move their scarves with you.• Ask which style (staccato or legato) seems better for the song. Lead

them to choose legato as the better option.• Sing Section B, moving in the legato style through measure 19.• Cross the scarf down to the left and across the body for two beats

and down to the right and across the body for two beats in measures 20-21 (two figure 8s), observing the rit. (getting gradually slower).

• Rehearse the motions as you sing Section B until the children are proficient.

• Have children grab the end of left neighbor’s scarf after us in measure 21. (As they dance to the whole song, they will grab the scarf as the accompaniment plays meas. 22-23.)

4. Sing Section B.• Echo sing measures 14-17 and 18-21, observing the rit. in measures

20-21.• Explain that Yahweh is a name for God that means “I Am.” In the Old

Testament, LORD in all capital letters reflects the Hebrew name for God—Yahweh.

• Sing measures 14-21 together.• Sing Section B, and perform the scarf movement.• Have children grab their neighbor’s scarf with their left hand after they

sing us in measure 21.

5. Sing and dance to Sections A and B.• Play Demo 3, performing the circle dance while singing the song.

Stop the recording after measure 31.

“I Will Enter His Gates” Song Teaching Steps, page 2 Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

Staccato and Legato Visual




Page 16: Younger Children - Fall

• Drop the scarf from left hand on beat 3 of measure 31 (on the rest after song).

6. Sing and dance to the Ending (meas. 32-35). • Display the Crescendo Dynamics Visual. • Sing measures 32-35, observing the dynamic levels as you point to

the levels on the visual.• Make counterclockwise circles with the scarf in front of your body on

the half-note beat in measures 32-34. Make the size of each circle fit the different dynamic levels (F—large circle, P—smaller circle, F—large circle).

• Move the scarf down to the waist in front of the body on the word the (beat 4 of measure 34).

• Toss and release the scarf overhead on beat 1 of measure 35 on Lord.• Practice the motions while singing measures 32-35, ending on the E

(bottom note) in measure 35.• Invite children to sing with you when they catch the Ending.

7. Teach the harmonized ending (meas. 35).• Echo sing measures 34 and 35, ending on the lowest note.• Have a few of your children sing the middle note with you as the

pianist plays all parts.• Assign all other children to sing the melody (lowest note), and assign

a leader to sing with that group. • Lead both groups to sing measures 34-35 together.• Teach the highest note to a few of the melody singers, and assign a

teacher to sing with them.• Sing the Ending in three-part harmony.• Switch parts, and repeat. Have assisting teachers move to their new


8. Sing the song, and do the circle dance.• Play Track 26.• Sing and dance to the song, observing dynamic markings and musical

instruction like rit. and legato.

Teaching Tips• Skip Step 7 if ending the song on a unison melody note (lowest

note—E).• Once the song and dance are mastered, rehearse the song in

regular choral standing position if you will not dance when you present the song.

• Teach a few children how to play the tambourine part, and assign one or two of them to play during a performance.

“I Will Enter His Gates” Song Teaching Steps, page 3 Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




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Crescendo Dynamics Visual (General Use) Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




Page 18: Younger Children - Fall

staccato legatoStaccato and Legato Visual (General Use) Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




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Fruity Speak-Play-Sing

Fruity Speak-Play-Sing Activity K Teaching Steps, page 1 Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

SMALL-GROUP ACTIVITYFruity Speak-Play-Sing provides an opportunity to read rhythms in §meter; sing do, mi, and sol; and memorize the nine fruit of the Spirit.

MATERIALS NEEDED• Fruit Basket Visual• Fruit of the Spirit Add-ons• C, E, and G

Boomwhackers®, melody bells, or hand chimes, enough for each child to have one or two

• “O How I Love Jesus” Student Pages (optional)

• “On Christmas Night All Christians Sing” Student Pages (optional)

PREPARATION• Print and prepare Fruit

Basket Visual.• Print Add-ons on card stock

and cut apart.• Print Student Pages.

1. Speak the fruit of the Spirit.• Display the Fruit Basket Visual with the teal Add-ons placed as


86 .œ .œLove, Joy,

.œ Œ .Peace,

œ jœ œ jœPa tience, Kind ness,

œ jœ Œ .Good ness,- - -

œ œ œ œ œ œFaith ful ness, Gen tle ness,

œ jœ .œSelf con trol- - - - - -

• Echo speak each fruit of the Spirit.• Pat a steady beat together, and speak the entire rhythm from the


2. Play the fruit of the Spirit.• Play the chart, using a G Boomwhacker or other melody instrument

for the Add-ons and a C Boomwhacker for self-control.• Distribute G and C melody instruments, and have children play the


3. Sing the fruit of the Spirit.• Have children play while singing the melody on the chart.• Have children sing the melody without playing the instruments.

4. Create new melodies.• Replace some of the teal Add-ons with yellow Add-ons.

Teaching TipDo not replace the first Add-on. Children will be more successful if the starting pitch remains the same.

• Distribute E melody instruments to be played for the yellow Add-ons.• Play the new melody while whispering the names of the fruit of the

Spirit.• Sing the new melody together.• Replace some of the teal and yellow Add-ons with red Add-ons.

Fruit Basket Visual

Fruit of the Spirit Add-onswww.gro



Page 20: Younger Children - Fall

Teaching TipIf children are younger, omit using the red Add-ons.

• Repeat, playing and singing the new melody.

Extension• Distribute “O How I Love Jesus” or “On Christmas Night All

Christians Sing” Student Pages.• Display Add-ons arranged like one of the following examples:

º “O How I Love Jesus”

86 .œ œ œ œLove, Faith ful ness,

.œ .œJoy, Peace- -

º “On Christmas Night All Christians Sing”

86 .œ œ jœLove, Pa tience,

œ œ œ œ œ œFaith ful ness, Gen tle ness,

.œ Œ .Joy- - - - -

• Have children search the music to find the rhythm pattern you displayed.

Fruity Speak-Play-Sing Activity K Teaching Steps, page 2 Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




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q.q eself - con - trol Œ


Fruit Basket Visual (Activity K)) Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




Page 22: Younger Children - Fall




q e

q e q e

Love joy

peace pa - tience

kind - ness good - ness

q q qgen-tle-ness

q q qfaith-ful-ness

Fruit of the Spirit Add-ons, page 1 of 3 (Activity K) Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




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q e

q e q e

Love joy


kind - ness good - ness

q q qgen-tle-ness

q q qfaith-ful-ness

pa - tience

Fruit of the Spirit Add-ons, page 2 of 3 (Activity K) Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




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q e

q e q e

Love joy

peace pa - tience

kind - ness good - ness

q q qgen-tle-ness

q q qfaith-ful-ness

Fruit of the Spirit Add-ons, page 3 of 3 (Activity K) Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.




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Younger KIDPage“Love the Lord Your God”

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger© 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

Love the Lord Sudoku

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37


“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with

all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30




Page 26: Younger Children - Fall


Love the Lord SudokuMATERIALS NEEDED

• Love the Lord Sudoku KIDPages• Pencils• Bible marked at Matthew 22:37 and Mark 12:30• MP3 or CD Demo 4 (optional)• MP3 or CD Player (optional)• “Love the Lord Your God” Student Pages

GUIDING CHILDREN• Distribute KIDPages.• Read Matthew 22:37 from the Bible. • Read the verse a second time, having children speak the words heart, soul, and mind at the

appropriate times.• Guide children to complete the first puzzle by writing either a heart (love), an S (soul), or an M

(mind), in the squares so that there is only one of each symbol in every row and column.• Read Mark 12:30, and have children listen for one more way in which we should love the

Lord. (strength)• Guide children to complete the second puzzle, which includes barbells for strength, by

writing either a heart (love), an S (soul), or an M (mind), in the squares so that there is only one of each symbol in every row and column.

Extension• Play Demo 4 quietly as the children work.• Distribute “Love the Lord Your God” Student Pages. Have children count the number of

times love the Lord is found in the song. (nine)

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger© 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

Younger KIDPage Teaching Steps“Love the Lord Your God”

Love the Lord SudokuPossible answers:www.g





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Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.


Session Plan 1

Preparation• Ask an adult helper to be your photographer.

Have the person take digital photos of each child for you to print and place on a poster or in a pocket chart to designate Activity Group members for future sessions.

• Give the Theme Activity Plan to one small-group leader to do with the whole group.

• Display Fruit of the Spirit Theme Poster. Leave this visual displayed throughout the semester.

• Print Student Pages for all the songs and hymns for use during the semester.

• Watch videos to learn sign language and movements.

VIDEO (click on the link to go to the video)

• Pass the Fruit, Please! Theme Activity Video


• Grow It! Energizer Video


• “Growing in the Spirit” Sign Language Video


• “Love the Lord Your God” Sign Language Video


Materials Needed SONGS

• “Growing in the Spirit”

• “Love the Lord Your God”


• Grow It! Energizer Visual

• Scarecrow Body Scale Visuals

• Fruit of the Spirit Theme Poster

• Scripture Strips


• Grow It! Energizer


• “O How I Love Jesus”


• Crayons and markers

• Name tags*

• White drawing paper

• Theme Activity Plan

• Bible marked at Galatians 5:22-23 and Matthew 22:37

• Fruit of the Spirit Fall Younger Devotional 1


• MP3 or CD Demos/Tracks

• MP3 or CD Player


• Camera

* Step by Step: Tools, Tips & Templates for Fruit of the Spirit can be purchased online at




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Younger Session Plan 1 Page 2 of 5

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

Early-Arriver Activity:Name Tags and Photos/Draw a Fruit

• Place crayons and markers on a table.

• Assist newcomers with choir registration.

• Let children write their names on name tags and decorate them with crayons or markers.

• Have them take turns getting a photo made by the photographer.

• After getting their photo taken, give children white drawing paper for them to draw their favorite fruit.

Activity Groups • Theme Activity—Pass the Fruit, Please!

Large GroupGrow It! Energizer1. Demonstrate the movements.

• Display the Grow It! Energizer Visual.

• Demonstrate and practice the motions with the children. Each motion, except Watch It Grow, takes place over four measures (16 beats). Watch It Grow occurs over two measures (8 beats).

° Dig—Insert shovel to the left across the body on beats 1 and 3. Lift and toss the shovel contents on beats 2 and 4.

° Plant—Step right, together, right, together while simultaneously throwing right hand open waist high as if dropping seeds. Repeat to the left, using left hand. (For younger children, step back and forth while dropping seeds with alternating hands.)

° Water—Do a sprinkler motion from left to right over 8 beats. Repeat.

° Fertilize—Step in place while circling right fist, palm down, to emulate a seed spreader for 8 beats. Switch fists, and repeat for 8 beats.

° Watch It Grow!—Place right hand over eyes, and move head from left to right for 4 beats, as if looking for something in the distance; repeat with left hand over eyes, moving from right to left for 4 beats.

° Pull the Weeds—Bend at waist. Pull weeds with right hand on beat 1, toss on beat 2, continuing for 8 beats. Switch hands, and repeat.

° Let It Rain!—Lift hands out to the side and up over the head on the pickup and do spirit fingers for 4 beats while slowly moving hands down in front of the body. Do this action 4 times.

° Pick the Fruit—Pretend to pick fruit with the right hand from a tree on beats 1 and 3 and place fruit in a basket on your left hip across your body on beats 2 and 4, in a disco-type move.




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Younger Session Plan 1 Page 3 of 5

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

° Wash It!—Make a circular scrubbing motion with one hand over the imaginary fruit in the other hand, one rotation per beat. Wash with one hand for 8 beats then switch and wash with the other hand for 8 beats.

° Eat It!—Pretend to bring a large slice of watermelon to the mouth and take a chomp to end on one, strong, final beat.

2. Perform Grow It!• Perform with Demo 10 as you track the visual with a pointer. (NOTE: There is an 8-beat

introduction before motions begin.)

Vocal Warm-up1. Sing the scale.

• Display the Scarecrow Body Scale Visuals.

• Sing and sign up and down a C-major scale, demonstrating Body Scale motions for each pitch. Refer to the visuals to help children know the correct positions for each pitch.

& w w w w w w w wdo re mi fa sol la ti do'

• Lead children to sing the scale, sustaining each pitch for four beats.

• Encourage them to sing quietly, listen to each other, and think about where the pitch “feels” on their bodies.

• Lead them to sing a D-major scale then an E-major scale to extend their range. Instead of singing solfége syllables, have them sing loo or bah for a tall, open vowel sound on the higher notes.

&# #

w w w w w w w wdo re mi fa sol la ti do'

&# # # #

w w w w w w w w

do re mi fa sol la ti do'

“Growing in the Spirit”1. Move to introduce the song.

• Demonstrate the sign language motions for each phrase in Section A (meas. 3-10).

° I am growing—Place left hand in front of body, palm facing in. “Hide” right hand behind left hand, then bring it upward slowly while spreading fingers.

° in the Spirit—Form an O with your left hand in front of body. Touch right pointer finger and thumb together and place inside the O, then move right hand upward, as if pulling a string from the O.

° more like—With fingertips of each hand closed together to a point, touch fingertips of right hand and left hand together.




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Younger Session Plan 1 Page 4 of 5

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

° Jesus—Touch third finger of right hand into left palm, then third finger of left hand into right palm.

° in every way—Make a C with your right hand, and circle it over your heart.

° Repeat motions for I am growing, in the Spirit and more like.

° Him—Point upward with right hand.

° each day—Place left arm in front of body parallel to the floor; place right elbow on left hand, still pointing up, and slowly move right pointer finger to left elbow.

• Speak the text of Section A while leading everyone to do the motions.

• Teach sign language motions for the Ending (meas. 28-30).

° Jesus, help me—Position praying hands in front of body.

° grow more like—Repeat motions for I am growing.

° You—Repeat motions for Him.

° each day—Repeat motions for each day.

• Play Demo 1, and perform the motions during each occurrence of Section A and the Ending.

• Repeat until the children can perform motions with confidence.

2. Introduce the theme for the year.• Display the Theme Poster.

• Ask a volunteer to read Galatians 5:22-23.

• Discuss how fruit trees must be planted, cared for, and take root before they can produce fruit.

• Remind children that, like the apple tree grows apples and the pear tree grows pears, we can “bear fruit” that shows what Jesus is like.

• Lead a discussion about each of the fruit of the Spirit. Refer to the Theme Poster to discuss the situations associated with each characteristic.

Add scripture to the Theme Poster.1. Read scripture.

• Distribute Scripture Strips from Pass the Fruit, Please! Theme Activity to nine children.

• Ask each child to read their scripture and place it under the appropriate fruit of the Spirit on the Theme Poster. Remind them that the strips match the color of the fruit on the poster.

“O How I Love Jesus”1. Listen and move to introduce the song.

• Play Demo 18.

• Sway right and left to the dotted-quarter-note beat as children mirror you.

2. Sing the Chorus (meas. 9-16).• Echo sing the Chorus while gently swaying to the beat.

• Play Demo 18 again. Have children sway during the Verse (meas. 1-8) and sing the Chorus.




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Younger Session Plan 1 Page 5 of 5

Fruit of the Spirit Fall—Younger © 2018 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved.

“Love the Lord Your God”1. Listen and move to introduce the song.

• Sing Love the Lord your God in measures 9-10.

• Play Demo 4 through measure 39. Pat the steady half-note beat while listening to count the number of times the Love the Lord your God phrase occurs. (four times)

• Demonstrate the signs for Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and Love the Lord your God with all your mind.

° Love—Cross fisted hands over chest.

° God—Point up with right pointer finger.

° heart—Draw a heart on chest with pointer fingers of both hands.

° soul—With the left hand in an O position at the waist, pretend to pull a string up from the O with the right thumb and pointer finger.

° mind—Point to right temple with right pointer finger then move finger slowly outward while holding the note on mind.

• Demonstrate Love the Lord your God in measures 37-39 as follows:

° Love—Cross fisted hands over chest.

° Lord—Point up with right pointer finger.

° God—Open hand, palm facing left, and move from above head down middle of body slowly over four beats.

• Play Demo 4 again. Lead children to sign the Love the Lord your God phrases at appropriate times.

Closing• Ask a volunteer to read Matthew 22:37.

• Have everyone speak the verse together, signing words they learned for “Love the Lord Your God.”

DevotionalUse Devotional 1 from Fruit of the Spirit Fall Devotionals—Younger Children. Devotionals can be downloaded for free by going to and clicking on Curriculum Devotionals.www.g



