your 411 oct/nov 2011

[1] This year we will meet on Monday, October 10 at Faith Baptist Church in Knoxville, Maryland, which is about 10 miles southwest of Frederick. Each year we gather together for a time of worship and fellowship. We get an update from our church planters on the progress their new works are making, and we hear from Bruce Conley, our Director of Missions. This year our theme is “Connections: Together you are the body of Christ.” It is taken from a passage in 1 Corinthians 12:27. We always have a great time together learning about how Blue Ridge is helping our churches to serve their communities to reach them for Christ. Make sure you come early to spend some time checking out our incredible Disaster Relief Units and then plan to stay late to enjoy a time of food and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Multiple churches and missions will be sharing some of the exciting things that God is doing in their churches. You definitely don't want to miss this! FOUR-1-1 YOUR News and information: For the Blue Ridge Baptist Association churches,church members, and friends. Join us for the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware November 13 - 15, 2011 at the Clarion Hotel in Ocean City Maryland. We will focus on Making Disciples at home, in the city, in our world, and in the church. Date: November 13-15, 2011 Location: Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel 10100 Coastal Highway Ocean City, MD 21842 800-638-2100 For more information, visit OCT/NOV 2011 2011 Annual Meeting BRBA 2011 ANNUAL MEETING

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Your 411 for October novemer 2011


Page 1: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


This year we will meet on Monday, October 10 at Faith Baptist Church in Knoxville, Maryland, which is about 10 milessouthwest of Frederick.Each year we gather together for a time of worship and fellowship. We get an update from our church planters on the progress their new works are making, and we hear from Bruce Conley, our Director of Missions.

This year our theme is “Connections: Together youare the body of Christ.” It is taken from a passage in 1 Corinthians 12:27.

We always have a great time together learningabout how Blue Ridge is helping

our churches toserve their communities to reach them for Christ.

Make sure you come early to spend some time checking out our incredible Disaster Relief Units and then plan to stay late to enjoy a time of food and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Multiple churches and missions will be sharing some of the exciting things that God is doing in their churches. You definitely don't want to miss this!

FOUR-1-1YOUR News and

information:For the Blue Ridge Baptist Association churches,church members, and friends.

Join us for the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware November 13 - 15, 2011 at the Clarion Hotel in Ocean City Maryland.

We will focus on Making Disciples at home, in the city, in our world, and in the church. 

Date: November 13-15, 2011Location:Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel10100 Coastal HighwayOcean City, MD 21842800-638-2100

For more information, visit

OCT/NOV 2011

2011 Annual Meeting

B R B A 2 0 1 1 A N N U A L M E E T I N G

Page 2: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


The last two years of recession in our nation (and around our world) have created tough times for many in and around our churches.  Many people are out of work, and having trouble finding work.  Giving is down in most of our congregations, so percentage giving to missions (including Associational missions) is also down. Our budget at the Blue Ridge Association office has been suffering from a $2,000. a month deficit (approximate) all year, which has caused us to dip into saving just to pay monthly expenses.  To adjust for that - I have recommended a 20% reduction in salaries for all 3 Association staff members for 2012, so that we can plug the leak. 

Some have asked me if I am discouraged by this financial downturn.  Well, in my humanity - of course it disappoints me that we are put in a position that we have to diminish staff salaries for a season.  But in my spirit, I must say that I am actually ENCOURAGED by what I see happening in our Association.

Even in a financial crunch - we are doing more .... with less.  We have actually expanded the services and resources that we provide to our churches this past year!  One current project being put together is our new BLOCK PARTY TRAILER, which should be ready by the end of 2011.  This mobile "outreach on wheels" will contain such items as:

• moon bounce• sound system• lawn games for children• concession equipment (snow cone/popcorn/cotton

candy/drinks)• 10 X 15' canopy + tables + chairs ....lots more!

We have also received a gracious donation of a used 15 passenger Ford van, which will be put into service and be made available to loan to churches who need transportation for mission trips, senior or youth events, etc.  I am amazed and grateful that we are able to do

so much more than we ever have before - even in a fragile economy.

Also .... I see God moving in our churches even in the midst of this financial storm.  One church is starting a satellite work just 15 miles from their home base.  Another is stepping out in faith and going through "Transformational Church", praying that God will improve and refine their ministry.  Another is taking a active stand in supporting the biblical definition of marriage in our State government, and one new church to our association experienced dozens of professions of faith and baptisms this past summer!

How can your church experience better results even in the midst of a poor economy?  Well, here are a few suggestions:  

1.Position your church to explore extraordinary ways to help and bless others.

History demonstrates that people are more open to the things of God when life throws them into unexpected and

overwhelming circumstances. Capitalize on the opportunity to reach out to families that are experiencing hardship, or individuals who have lost their jobs by providing food, basic needs, and let them know that you really do care about them.  This has to be more than just a food bank - do your best to connect with people on a personal, emotional, and spiritual level.  Let them know that folks at your church are praying for them too.

2. As a church - celebrate your successes.

Pastors, remind your people that they are directly connected to the success of your ministry, and that every gift given to the church is needed, wanted, and is multiplied by God for Kingdom purposes. God's people realizing the connection between their tithe, and offerings and God’s work is vital to the long-term

Ministry & Outreach Can Thrive - Even In A Tough Economy

Page 3: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


compelling vision of your church.  Encourage your members, and thank them for their faithful support.

What is it that your church is doing exceedingly well?  Celebrate that in a worship service, or with a fellowship event of some kind.  Commend leaders and workers who do their jobs with excellence, whether it be within the church itself, or in outreach to the community. 

3. Just as you celebrated your strengths - find a few weaknesses (not too many) and work them out.

Too many churches just "live with" things in ministry that are a hindrance ... but because of discouragement they don't ever really address those issues - thinking that they can never be solved.  This is especially true in a down turned economy, where people tend to say - "Well, we can't do THAT .... we don't have the money for it!"

Have the spiritual leaders of your church list 2-3 common, long term problems that your church has never been able to deal with, and slowly - carefully - with the love and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ himself ... begin to pray about and dream about solutions to those problems.  If you maintain a Christ like spirit ... and allow God's spirit to move, and then involve the church at large in helping to be a part of the solution .... you will be AMAZED at what God can do with those long term ministry problems.

4. Use technology to your advantage. 

One local church recently told me that they didn't appreciate the guest preacher using power point along with his sermon, because they were a traditional church - and use of the projector and a laptop was leaning into a more "contemporary" direction.

Folks, a technical revolution is coming that is infiltrating all aspects of our society. The church will either roll with it, or you will be left behind. I must admit that I held back from participating in social media for a LONG time, but when I jumped into the pool 2 years ago ... it transformed how I am able to do ministry, and stay in contact with parishioners, partners in ministry, and resources.  It has actually enhanced and cultivated relationships like

I never thought possible.  Any church that does not keep up with advances in technology, will be thought of as antiquated and irrelevant to newer and newer generations of people that we are responsible to reach with the gospel  ... and I fear that inaction on the part of our churches in the area of teaching could be catastrophic.  

Don't fear technology - EMRACE it as a improved means to do ministry and to get the gospel out to the nations.  In February 2012 we will be training our church in how they can become INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARIES .... from their computers at home.  More info. on that to come ....

5. Remember, what goes down must come up.

Remember that phrase from the KJV version of the Bible: "This too shall pass"?  Well, it's true.  Just because the economy is in poor shape right now, that

doesn't mean that we should panic. 1 Timothy 1:7 says: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  

I'm convinced that we in the church must

use the minds that God has given us, to figure out some solutions, to continue to dream BIG about what God WANTS to accomplish in our church families, and then to trust that HE WILL provide the resources that we need.  Does trimming a budget hurt?  YES, of course it does, but let's not make money (or the lack of it) the main thing.

Stephen Covey, author of the best-selling book, "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" once said "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."

What is the main thing? "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  (Matthew 28:19 & 20)

Page 4: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


World Hunger Offering: More Than a Meal.

The Horn of Africa’s long-term cycles of severe hunger have been sharpened by decades of failed crops, economic crises and climatic changes, and the area’s people now are suffering through the worst drought since 1951. The drought has driven up food prices and weakened livestock, thus increasing malnutrition, hunger and famine.

The United Nations estimates about 770,000 people have fled to refugee camps and about $1.3 billion will be needed to address the crisis in the Horn and neighboring countries in eastern Africa.

Southern Baptist hunger projects in the Horn and eastern Africa have totaled more than $250,000 just in the past two years, and Southern Baptists now are mobilizing to meet even more of the need among the 11 million people estimated to be at risk.

One hundred percent of every dollar given to World Hunger Fund is used to help hungry

people. To donate, you can either:

1.Give through your local Southern Baptist church, designating your offering for "Horn of Africa."

2.Give online by visiting the Baptist Global Response website ( and selecting the "donate" button at the

bottom of the page.

100% of your donation

goes to the needy

Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson, and Shane Fuller are confident and focused. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.

While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark.

When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God ... and to their children?

Filled with action-packed police drama, COURAGEOUS is the fourth film from Sherwood

Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. Riveted moviegoers will once again find themselves laughing, crying, and cheering as they are challenged and inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children.

Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That's courageous.

This movie opens Friday September 30 in theaters across the country and the DC region. You can go on-line to purchase tickets at .

Page 5: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


Pastor Clayton Clark is a native Marylander from Woodbine. He now serves as pastor of Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Rohrersville, MD. His wife Sherrie is an indispensable God-given gift to his ministry. They have been married for 29 years, and have been blessed with three grown children and seven grandchildren.

Brother Clayton graduated from Southern Seminary’s undergrad college, Boyce, with a BA in Pastoral Ministries. His M.Div was received at Luther Rice Seminary.

He owned an HVAC for 11 years, and operated out of the Montgomery Airpark. His hobbies include

hunting, fishing, antique farm equipment (especially antique two wheel Gravelys).

He says, “God has placed me in a multi-gifted church and I cannot wait to see how He will mesh the gifts and talents at PVBC to expand His Kingdom, and glorify Himself. I love the beauty of our blessed state, and consider it a privilege to serve where my roots were originally established.”

MEET OUR NEW PASTORClayton Clark is the new Pastor at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

Has collected 307 recipes from members, past and present, families and friends and compiled them into the CELEBRATING FIFTY YEARS OF HEAVENLY DELIGHT cookbook.

This cookbook commemorates the fifth anniversary of the church. These one-of-a-kind cookbooks may be purchased from the church

South End Baptist Church506 Carrollton DriveFrederick, MD 21703



Page 6: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


OCTOBER IS COOPERATIVE PROGRAM MONTH!In 1925 the first draft of the Baptist Faith and Message was presented, and its approval revolutionized the Southern Baptist Convention. With very little debate, messengers from many churches heartily approved along with that document a promise to cooperate together, developing the very first "Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists.”

God did something interesting when our churches dedicated themselves to bind together for the greater good. 

— More missions’ funds were collected during that first year than in the previous 75 years combined.

— Thousands of churches contributed to national and international mission causes for the first time.

— Churches began to consider the benefits of a unified giving plan.

A Pastor by the name of Austin Crouch was elected the first Exec. Committee president that was charged with moving cooperative missions forward, and he made the following remarks shortly before he died

“The Cooperative Program is scriptural. The work supported by the Cooperative Program may be classified under three heads: missions, teaching, and benevolence. … The Cooperative Program is

scriptural in its objectives and methods. Paul gave a fine example of cooperative effort. He had urged the churches in different sections to make contributions for the poor in Jerusalem, and the method of raising this money was according to the instruction found in 1 Corinthians 16:2: ‘On the first day of the week, each of you is to set something aside and save to the extent that he prospers, so that no collection will need to be made when I come’ (HCSB). The appeal of Paul and the Cooperative Program is to individuals and churches.”

Some 86 years later, we look back with thankfulness and amazement at what the Cooperative Program has accomplished. God blesses all of our churches in the Blue Ridge Association, so that we can - in turn - be a channel of blessing to the whole world.

Austin Crouch said more than 80 years ago, “It is still our unshaded conviction that the missionary spirit is still gaining ground, and the success of the Cooperative Program is one of the best proofs of its success.” Those words still ring true for us and future generations as we partner together to

share Jesus Christ with our communities, our Association, our state, nation and world.

Promotional materials are available at

Page 7: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


MEN’S CONFERENCE COMING...Saturday October 22 men from all across the Region will be heading to Reston Bible Church in Dulles VA  for WACMM's Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Conference from 8:30 AM -4:55 PM.  Take advantage of the great early discounts. Inform and invite other men in your church, small group, neighborhood and work. Fathers, bring your sons for a memorable bonding experience!

$39 in a group of ten or more$48 regular registration price$19 for men ages 13-22; ! also for active duty military.


The Keynote speakers will be Stu Weber and Paul Coughlin.There will be other speakers and 18 different seminars.Worship will be led by the RBC Praise Band 

Register on line at:

The Christian Business Men's Committee of Hagerstown invites you to their 15th Annual - Washington County Prayer Breakfast - on Thursday October 13, 2011

Keynote Speaker: Kelly Wright,  Co-Anchor of Fox News Channel’s: “America’s News HQ”

Reservations required by Thursday October 6, 2011

For information and reservations contact Serafini Financial, call 301-739-1500 or email [email protected]


Page 8: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


PASTOR APPRECIATIONOctober is Pastor Appreciation Month

Here are some great ideas to brighten your pastor’s day

• A bulletin board done with your pastor’s history at the church.• A financial gift.• A surprise vacation.• Gift cards to a store or restaurant.• A cake and ice cream social.• A note of appreciation.• A church banquet. Invite dignitaries and family.• Announce this special day in your local paper/newsletter/social

media.• A greeting card with McDonalds gift certificate to pastor’s children.• Have children in your church write down their answer to: What does a pastor do?• Ask him what you can pray about for him.• Tell him what you liked about his message on Sunday (be specific)• “Adopt” his children to prayer for, encourage, and support.• Give his wife a gift.

Let’s get creative, and let us know what your church did to uplift your leadership.

We need a few folks from BRBA to send our summer missionary , Christie Clark a note of encouragement, or a care package with some goodies and a personal note.  If you are able to bless this young college student who desires to become a SBC missionary in the future, you can send your notes and gifts to: CHRISTIE CLARKOklahoma Baptist UniversityBox # 60393500 W. University StreetShawnee, OK  74804

Christie Clark

Remember our Summer Missionary!

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDin the Blue Ridge Baptist Association

MUSICIANS Musicians are needed for the forming of the following possible groups within BRBA:     *  Blue Ridge Baptist Brass (trumpet, french horn, baritone/euphonium, tuba)    *  Blue Ridge Stage Band (trumpets, saxophones, trombones, keyboard, drums, bass, guitar)    *  BRBA Symphonic Orchestra  (all orchestra instruments needed)     *  BRBA Choir  (all voice parts needed, + a accompanist)     *  Blue Ridge Praise Band  (a compilation of our Association's best praise team musicians)  Each of these groups will require a 5 month commitment (Fall or Spring) with monthly, or bi-monthly rehearsals. Groups will be formed based on response.  Contact DOM Bruce Conley at (301) 821-0370, or the BRBA office at (240) 818-8760 express your interest in which group you might enjoy playing/singing in. TRADE SKILLS An electrician is needed now to re-work a illuminated church sign in need of repair.  The association is compiling a list of volunteers with trade skills, who can assist individuals, churches, or mission causes as needs arise.  If you can do electrical, plumbing, carpentry, or other work - please call Mae at the BRBA office at (240) 818-8760, and let us know how we can reach you. DISASTER RELIEF  Volunteers are needed for the various tasks that must be covered in the event of a Disaster Relief deployment.  The Blue Ridge Association has a "Mud-Out" unit that specializes in helping in flood situations, but it has equipment on board to clear downed trees, and other vital services for any disaster stricken area.  We also have the convention's premiere Communications unit and we need Ham Radio operators, and those willing to train to get a amateur radio license - to man this unit.  Interested volunteers can contact Alan R. Caho, Disaster Relief Coordinator at (301) 788-3530.

DISASTER RELIEF TRAINING COURSE A Disaster Relief training course will be offered on October 29 at Faith Baptist Church. Please see page 10 for complete details.


Page 10: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS / ATTORNEYSWe are looking for a small group of professionals to meet with the DOM 2 times a year to use their skills and abilities to look for opportunities to secure tax sale or foreclosure land and/or buildings in strategic locations that can be secured for church plants in our region.  Contact DOM Bruce Conley at (301) 821-0370 if you can serve in this capacity. LOCAL MISSION SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS BRBA is looking for volunteers who have a heart for mission church planting, and have used their skills and abilities to serve in and bless their home church - who would be willing to help a brand new mission church plant with those skills for a 6 month - 2 year term.  There is a wide variety of needed leadership that every new church plant does not have in it's beginning days.  Areas needed span from church treasurer/bookkeeper, to musicians, to children's ministry workers, and MANY other areas.  The expectation is that you would provide the service for the mission church in it's initial stages, but that as the church grows, you would train a new member of that mission church to take the job that you are doing. If you are willing to help a mission church with your talents, call the Association office at (240) 818-8760 and let us know how you want to be available to bless a new church start.

PRISON OUTREACH BRBA is seeking church members in our Association, and other Christians who would work closely with the Chaplains that serve inmates (male and female) at the various correctional institutions in the Hagerstown area.  You would be providing an outreach to, spiritual care and support for incarcerated inmates. If you would be interested in serving on this team of servants, call the BRBA office at (240) 818-8760

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief training will be taking place at Faith Baptist Church, 2212 Jefferson Pike, Knoxville, MD on Saturday, October 29. 2011 8:30 AM-5:00 PM.

Classes include Introduction to Disaster Relief (Yellow Hat certification), Disaster Feeding Operations, Recovery Operations, and Introduction to Disaster Communications. To register online visit Deadline to register is 10/21/11. You may also contact our Disaster Relief Coordinator for more information at [email protected]


The Salvation Army of Hagerstown is seeking volunteers to help at several Bell ringing kettles during the Holiday Season. If you or someone from your church is interested, please contact Major Robert Lyle at 301-733-2440.

Page 11: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011



October•October 1 - 31 - Cooperative Program Emphasis Month

•October 1 - Camp Joshua at Skycroft - see for more info.

•October 3 - Pastor’s Leadership forum - see for information

•October 5 - Pastor’s Fellowship Breakfast - 8:00 AM at Bob Evans’s, 1505 Garrett Drive, Frederick, MD (across from Barbara Fritchie)

•October 7 - Soul-Winning Commitment Day

•October 10 - BRBA Annual Meeting - 7:00 PM at Faith Baptist Church, 2212 Jefferson Pike, Knoxville, MD. See for info.

•October 14 - World Hunger Sunday


•November 2 - Pastor’s Fellowship Breakfast - 8:00 AM at Red Byrd in Keedysville.

•November 4 - Children’s Missions Celebrations Day



5 Jason Smith17 Brenda Coblentz20 Allen Youngbar30 Linda Conley


10 Kristie Graves12 Joan Stalls18 Joan Oyerly22 Clint Guthrie23 Ken Oyerly


October16 Jason and Patty Smith

November6 Bruce and Linda Conley19 Allen and Deb Youngbar

Mark your Calendars

Page 12: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011



Two Special Services October 2 with Dr. Al Reichman. Covered dish luncheon after the 10:30 AM service.


Summit Trace received praise from ARC of Frederick for their participation in Extreme Makeover.

There will be a Four-Wheeler party on October 16.

A Women’s hike is scheduled for October 22 @ 2 PM at Catoctin Park.

COVENANT - Shepherdstown

October 2 We will have a shoebox collection for Samaritan's Purse with with Eduardo Paulin from Mexico.


The first Sundays of Oct and Nov are set aside for food collection.

We will participate with the Feed the Poor event in Frederick October 8.


A team of 13 people are in Haiti giving shoes to needy children and families and doing missionary work. They will return October 11, please pray for this missionary team.


Congratulations to Deb Youngbar on her appointment as Minister’s Wives Network Leader for our area.

The ONE Worship Service is October 7 @ 7 - 9 PM.


What’s happening in your church?

Got something exciting happening at your church? Please share it with us. We would love to know what is happening with your congregation. Please send us articles, updates, pictures and prayer requests. You can

send them to Mae Argilan at [email protected].

Page 13: Your 411 Oct/Nov 2011


Pastor Steve Rose's mother in law (Donna's mom) went home to be with the Lord this weekend.  Please pray for them this week, and for her husband Dwight - who is dealing with health issues of his own in addition to the grief that comes with such a personal loss as this. Summit Trace is having an emphasis on prayer called Stand Firm Against the Devil based on Eph 6:12 starting in October.

NorthStar is having a Soul Stretching Retreat at Skycroft October 13-14. Come and spend 24 hours with God.

The new pastor at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, Brother Clayton Clark’s mother, Deanna Rash was in a head-on collision yesterday crushing her ankle.  She is having surgery this afternoon.Please keep Mrs. Rash, the surgeon and family in your prayers.

Ken Cummins, 67 year old Disaster Relief volunteer from Illinois, fell 20 feet from a tree while reminding hurricane relief in southern Maryland. He had 3 broken ribs on one side and 5 broken ribs on the other. Following a massive prayer effort we received word a few days later that he is on the mend, but is dealing with pneumonia and a collapsed lung. Please continue to pray for his recovery.

James 5:16b“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Prayer is simply raising our hearts to



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20810A National PikeBoonsboro, MD 21713


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