hindsyntexltd.com€¦ · your doorsteps. “with this step 1.55 lakh post offices of the nation...


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Page 1: hindsyntexltd.com€¦ · your doorsteps. “With this step 1.55 lakh post offices of the nation would turn into banks. 96% of 7crore MNREGS labourers are paid through banks. 31 crore
Page 2: hindsyntexltd.com€¦ · your doorsteps. “With this step 1.55 lakh post offices of the nation would turn into banks. 96% of 7crore MNREGS labourers are paid through banks. 31 crore
Page 3: hindsyntexltd.com€¦ · your doorsteps. “With this step 1.55 lakh post offices of the nation would turn into banks. 96% of 7crore MNREGS labourers are paid through banks. 31 crore
Page 4: hindsyntexltd.com€¦ · your doorsteps. “With this step 1.55 lakh post offices of the nation would turn into banks. 96% of 7crore MNREGS labourers are paid through banks. 31 crore


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Union Bank launches sanitation fortnight������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


Union minister for mining,panchayati raj and ruraldevelopment, NarendraSingh Tomar inauguratedIndia Post Payments Bank(IPPB) in the state capitalon Saturday. BJP statepresident and MP RakeshSingh along chief postmas-ter general Alok Sharmawas also present on the oc-casion.

Union minister NarendraSingh Tomar said that PMModi was working on thisproject for past two yearsand after deliberationstried to revive the redun-dant postal offices and thepostmen. Now post officesand postmen would pro-vide banking services atyour doorsteps.

“With this step 1.55 lakhpost offices of the nationwould turn into banks.96% of 7crore MNREGSlabourers are paid throughbanks. 31 crore new bankaccounts have been openedby Modi,” said Tomar. Byadopting this system fundswould reach directly to thebeneficiary unlike pastwhere only 15% used toreach the end user, rest lostin corruption, he added.

BJP state presidentRakesh Singh said that tillnow people used to say‘daakiya daak laya but nowthey would say daakiyacash laya.’ (Now postmanbrings money). The servic-es that begin today would

generally expand to all thepost offices in India, headded.

Chief postmaster generalAlok Sharma informedthat 168 access points havebeen started in MadhyaPradesh in 42 IPPB branch-

es. This includes 40 generalpost offices, 45 sub-post of-fices and 125 branch postoffices. MP has overall 8276post offices in the state. Re-maining 8066 post officestoo would start these serv-ices by December 31.


India Post Payments Bank starts services at 168 points in Madhya Pradesh

Postal department has now started de-livering banking services at your

doorstep. One just has to call and postmanwould arrive at your doorstep. One has toopen an account in the post office and thepostman would come to your house to pro-

vide you the withdrawal amount or de-posit it for you in your account. To openan account one has to send a sms to7738062873. The customer had to registerhis mobile number and aadhar number toavail these services.

What is India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)


The facility to attend to theinjured animals throughone stop center by the stateveterinary department hasfailed to take off as the vet-erinary department haspurchased the vehicle but isyet to appoint staff in it,even after one year of its in-auguration.

Dr. HL Sahu, deputy di-rector of the veterinary sci-

ences said that the facilityhas hit a road block for thelack of staff including doc-tors, orthopediac surgeon,driver attendant and otherfacilities.

Center was supposed to berun via a van, which is aunique concept in India,which had received acco-lades by animal lovers. How-ever it remains so on paper.Several other facilities in-cluding an operation theater,orthopedic surgeries as well

as skin treatment were an-nounced by the department.

However, the ambulancepurchased for the purpose ata cost of over Rs 60 lakh is ly-ing locked in a garage and istaken out for a drive, at regu-

lar intervals, only to ensurethe engine does not breakdown.

The van was supposed tohave doctors, attandants,driver and compounder butit is yet to see anyone.

Vet facilities at doorsteps fails to take off� Veterinary department is yet to

appoint staff even after oneyear of inauguration

� Ambulance costing over Rs 60lakh is locked in a garage


One should try to avail nu-trition from locally availablefoods. Nature provideseveryone the benefits of nu-trition therefore one shouldtry to use locally availablefoods and try to add value toit. This and similar thoughtswere exchanged during aprogramme organised bywomen and child develop-ment department at Acade-my of Administration tomark Nutrition Month, be-ing celebrated pan India.

Nutrition expert DrSumedha Deshpande coined

a slogan, chhat pe sabzi, se-hat achhi (grow vegetableson rooftop for good health).She said that in cities due tolack of space one can userooftops to grow vegetables.She also explained the nutri-tious values of soybean, as itis grown in abundance inMP. Nutrition expert Van-dana Shrivastava said thatsimple foods too can be madein ways more than one to getrid of boredom from one veg-etable. September is beingcelebrated as nutritionmonth. saw presence of par-ents especially mothers, chil-dren, clerics and representa-tives from SHGs and NGOs.

Avail nutrition from localfoods, say experts


Congress state president Ka-mal Nath, addressing therepresentatives of ex-ser-vicemen and their families ata programme at Congressheadquarters here on Satur-day, said “Our Army stoodfor country’s unity and in-tegrity. That unity was cul-ture and civilization. Nathsaid a specific ideology wasattacking the culture, whichunited all regions and reli-gions.” He said that theywould together not let thatideology prevail. Nath in hisaddress said we have to pro-tect the culture of unity ofthe country. Ex-servicemen

command high respect in thesociety. Nath urged them tolet people know the reality.He exhorted the audience toprepare the strategy to tack-le the BJP’s alleged politics ofmisleading, stunts and mis-guiding people.

Specific ideology attackingculture, which unites allreligions, regions: Nath

War veteransfelicitated



Life Insurance Corporation ofIndia (LIC) celebrated 62ndyear of its incorporation onSaturday.

Zonal manager HS ShashiKumar told the media, “LIChas now revamped its portalsystem with latest technolog-ical platforms to enhancedigital experience and pro-viding more and more onlineservices. LIC Mobile App forcustomer is available on An-

droid as well as iOS plat-forms and has over 800,000Active Users. LIC new Cus-tomer Portal has over 100lakhs registered user.”

He said that LIC offers lifeinsurance protection undergroup policies to people belowpoverty line at subsidizedrates under social securitygroup schemes like Con-verged Pradhan Mantri Jee-van Jyoti Bima Yojana (Con-verged PMJJBY) and Con-verged Aam Admi Bima Yo-jana (Converged AABY).


To make school studentsfrom rural areas of thestate more IT(Information Technology)friendly,School EducationDepartment is organisinga National Rural IT QuizCompetition in associa-tion with the TCS (TataConsultancy Service) com-pany.

The quiz programme ismeant and designed onlyfor students studying inclass 10 to 12 in schoolsrun by state governmentin rural areas. The quizwould be organised first atthe school level and thenthe students selectedwould play at state level

competition. The statelevel competition would beheld on September 25 inthe state capital in TTNagar Model School.Schools would have tofinalise their teams beforeSeptember 20 to send theirnames for state levelround.

The team that wins at thestate level would getchance to participate inthe national level competi-tion that would be held inBangalore in the month ofNovember. To providemore guidance to theschool students for partic-ipation model questionand answers have beenuploaded at school educa-tion portal educationpor-tal.gov.in.

National rural IT quiz competition

LIC celebrates 62nd yrof incorporation

BSCDCL rankedfifth in ministryof housing andurban affairs’

survey ������������������


Bhopal smart city develop-ment corporation limited(BSCDCL) has been rankedfifth across the country byMinistry of housing and ur-ban affairs on Friday, in termsof project implementation.

In the survey carried outon the basis of the review ofthe financial and physicalstatus in 100 Smart cities-Nagpur, Vadodara, Ahmad-abad and Pune have beenranked before Bhopal.

Indore has been ranked14th position, Sagar isplaced at 19, Ujjain at 30 andJabalpur is placed at 31strank in the survey.

The major projects whichhave reached completion inthe smart city Bhopal in-clude multi-level parking,integrated command andcontrol center, incubationcenter, B-nest, Biomethani-sation plant, solar plant,public bike sharing, Bhopalplus app, Bhopal smart map,Mayor express, SadarManzil and smart lighting,under which about 20, 000smart LED lights have beeninstalled in the city. Projectswhich are still underway in-clude smart road, SadarMaznzil phase 2, construc-tion of smart quarters, so-lar project at the upper lake,place making project, smartpark, Arch bridge and greenand Blue master plan.




Jain monk Tarun Sagarwho, renowned for his“kadve-pravachan” world-wide, died in Delhi.

He hailed from Damohdistrict of MP. With thenews of his death, a pal ofgloom descended at Gun-hachi village of Tendukhe-da block of Damoh district.

Born on June• 26, 1967, hisoriginal name was• PawanKumar Jain. He had a hugefollowing amongst the Jaincommunity.•

At the age of 14, Sagar lefthis home and became her-mit taking religious train-ing in Chhattisgarh. He ac-cepted celibacy and decid-ed to lead a life of a monk

in 1981. A foot-march wastaken out from Jalon vil-

lage to Gun-hachi villagein Damoh inwhich largenumber ofJain commu-nity membersand MLA

(Jabera) Pratap SinghThakur attended the trib-ute paying programme.

MLA Pratap Singh said,“People cutting across thecommunity line, attendedthe tribute paying progr-mame. It was total shutdown in business commu-nity. As jain spiritualleader had huge following,large number of peoplefrom nearby villages as-sembled to pay tributes.”

Sarpanch Suresh Chan-dra Jain said, “I was in Del-hi with family members ofSant Jain Muni. All thefamily members were pres-ent in Muradnagar (UttarPradesh) near Delhi.”

Renowned Jain monk TarunSagar passes away at 51

CM condolesmonk’s death



Light rain in city; heavy rain likelyin east, northern dists


State capital continued to receive light rain on Saturday andthe condition is likely to prevail for the next couple of days.Monsoon activities became active in eastern and northerndistricts in Madhya Pradesh leading to moderate rainfall atseveral places. Condition is likely to continue for the nextcouple of days, the Met department officials informed. In thelast 24 hours, Betul recorded 17.2 mm of rain, followed byGwalior 56.1 mm, Jabalpur 17 mm, Guna 13.7 mm, Bhopal 1.7mm, Khandwa 19 mm and Satna 24.4 mm. The axis of Mon-soon which was moving over Madhya Pradesh has shifted tonorth over Uttar Pradesh, now running via Uttar Pradesh.But an east-west shear zone is running across the states ofMadhya Pradesh and adjoining states like Chhattisgarh.


Dr Hiralal Alawa, national patron of JAYS,told the media, “We will contest assemblypolls on 80 seats with pact with GondwanaStudents Union (GSU). If Congress or BJPproject tribal CM, we will consider theirsupport.”

He added that on September 2, there willbe mammoth “adivashi adhikar maharal-ly” just to show the strength of tribals.

He said, “We will not go for pact eitherwith BJP or Congress. We will maintainequal distance from both BJP and Con-gress. We will contact the masses to exposethe present government of Shivraj SinghChauhan over education, health, unem-ployment, mass exodus, power and roads.”

Ex- doctor of AIIMS, Delhi’s Alawa said,“It is just show off when state governmentdistributed sleepers to tendu leaves collec-tors. It is harmful for their skins as thesesleepers are cancerous. Tribals have devel-oped blisters in foot. We have boycottedsuch foot-wears”

He added that the fifth scheduled of con-stitution dealing with administration and

control of scheduled areas and scheduledtribes in the country must be strictly im-plemented in MP.

Alawa said that a tribal should be thehead of Tribal Advisory Council (TAC)’S.Its current head is CM Shivraj SinghChauhan.

He added, “Medical colleges, engineeringcolleges, nursing colleges, agriculture, ITIand other professional colleges must beopened in tribal dominated pockets likeDhar, Jhabua, Alirajpur, Badwani, Betul,Jabapur, Mandla, Raisen, Umaria, Sidhi,Khandwa, Shahdol, Hoshangabad.”

Demand to fulfill announcementsrises in meeting on party manifesto

BHOPAL: The demand to fulfill announcements madeby the government was raised in the meeting called forinviting suggestions from various organisations by theBharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on election manifesto.

Pensioners and employee unions from corporationsand boards claimed that the promises made to the em-ployees were not fulfilled in time. They also complainedthat MP has maximum taxes in comparison to otherstates. It was demanded that VAT on petrol and road taxbe reduced. They also demanded that BJP should men-tion in its manifesto that no board and corporationwould be shut down. Trade organisations demanded tosimplify GST and remove its discrepancies.

Election manifesto committee, coordinator, Deepak Vi-jayvargiya said the format would be finalised after meet-ing with CM, Union minister Narendra Singh Tomar andstate president Rakesh Singh.

JAYS to contest in assembly polls on 80 seats

Page 5: hindsyntexltd.com€¦ · your doorsteps. “With this step 1.55 lakh post offices of the nation would turn into banks. 96% of 7crore MNREGS labourers are paid through banks. 31 crore

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