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  • 8/20/2019 Your Higher Self Book


    © BenArion | 1>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And CompletelyTransform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"

  • 8/20/2019 Your Higher Self Book


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    © BenArion | '>> How You Can Unlock Your Inner Power And CompletelyTransform Your Life In 21 ays !r Less"

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    1T*e /iracle of -or#i0eness and t*e

    Illusion of ,eparation

    ( know that ( am responsible for my pro)ections towards people and

    circumstances, no one else. You can heal the "uality *ind and this is

    what this +blueprint+ will hopefully bring forth and hopefully some

    resistance too, because then ( am ser ing my fellow brothers and

    sisters. -o e is about forgi eness. ith this blueprint ( want to

    broaden your hori/ons of Belief. ( want to di e into what ( will call

    0hardcore spirituality.+

    People often )ust hear what they want to hear. e can only see and

    hear what we want accept within our frames of perspecti e, and we

    tend to re)ect anything else as untrue or e en dark. his is duality. (n

    fact, duality is also )ust an illusionary idea. e belie e that there are

    right and wrong things within this world, when it2s actually a grand,

    unconscious mind soap opera. People act and beha e as they do

    because they don3t fully understand that we are 4ne *ind playing that

    we are "ifferent 5go6minds.

    People feel t*reatened ecause t*ey elie0e t*at w*at t*ey are can

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    e taken away from t*em ut it cannot3 it is an illusion4

    ( am warning you that this blueprint is going to be hardcore, and some

    of you will not like it. hat you see within this world is an illusion.Yes, we use the word 0illusion+ because it2s not real, because it2s not

    truth. A dream is filled with what we call 0dream symbols,+ and you

    know that all of these symbols show you what you belie e about

    yourself. e really think that all the hate and differences are someone

    else, but it2s our unconscious mind pro)ecting itself. "o you feel guilt

    or feel afraid of your own unconscious mind8 his is what makes it soreal because you feel afraid and you feel it can hurt you. But if you

    know that what you see is within you, you can choose to forgi e what

    you see and feel, because it3s not yours. (t3s your belief that you are

    separated from 94" that makes you feel guilt and fear.

    (f you did ha e a so6called conscious dream at night, would you engageand belie e in all the dream symbols appearing in front of you8 ithin

    this dream you could think, 04h no, (3m a ictim and ( belie e in what (

    see,+ but you may reali/e that what you see is a pro)ection of your

    own mind, and when you disco er that within the dream you would tell

    yourself, 0But wait, (3m not here, (3m at home in my bed and (3m safe:

    so ( will forgi e these images within my mind.+

    And you may also tell someone within your dream that you are safe

    because you are not there, and they may look at you and say, 0You3re

    cra/y.+ his is how reality is; it2s not more real or less real than a

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    dream. You think you3re 0here+ but you2re )ust a pro)ection of the

    mind; you are actually with 94", always.

    (n the moment when you reali/e that you are the dreamer, you knowthat you are the cause of it and not a ictim, so you change focus. But

    if you3re unconscious of the reali/ation that you3re dreaming, you will

    belie e in your own pro)ections and feel lost within them. =omeone

    who has awakened from the dream will still be within the dream world

    but not >of> it, as you say. =o wake up from your 4 ? "@5A*

    reedom is knowing that >?othing real can be threatened. ?othing

    unreal eCists. Derein lays the peace of 9od.> E rom the eachings of a

    Fourse in *iraclesG

    5 erything you see out there in the world is actually a representation

    of your conscious and unconscious mind in symbols. hose e ents,people, and circumstances that make you feel horrible or disgusted

    are actually a part of your inner suppressed unconscious mind, and you

    think that it3s a separate mind outside of yourself, but it2s actually a

    mirror of what is within you. You pro)ect your guilt, fear, and

    )udgment towards these outer e ents because it makes you feel better

    about it, because it2s not yours. You are only )udging yourself, a part

    of yourself that you don3t want to acknowledge within you. Your mind

    won3t be healed through )udgment or guilt.

    here is no guilt and there is no )udgment in truth. hat is something

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    we made up.

    You think on one le el that you would not do what you see your

    brothers and sisters do to each other, but in truth it3s in yourunconscious mind re ealing itself in e ents, but you3 e denied it2s

    there; you think it2s separate from you. =o instead of you acting these

    fears out within your life, you see it >outside> yourself as someone else

    doing it. he only way to be freed from what you don3t like, the hatred

    and so on, is to forgi e what you see around you, because this will heal

    your unconscious mind and it will be taken care of for the highest goodof all. his is applicable on e ery le el. orgi eness is the key. You

    transmute the collecti e *ind through forgi eness because the *ind is

    holographic in nature.

    All the wars, all the hatred on this planet, are actually a part of your

    unconscious mind that you iew as another part or 0angle+ of yourselfin the 4ne *ind acting out all of your inner fears, darkest beliefs, and

    so on. You can2t escape it by blaming the 0other.+ =eparation is )ust an

    illusion. 5 en distance, time and space are illusions, but this

    eCperience, here and now, is designed this way, to make it feel real.

    (t3s not unreal, but it2s not real either. Fan your mind grasp this, that it

    is both8 (t2s neither this nor that. his is also a trick of the mind.

    o you t*ink you will e free from t*e illusion of uality if you

    continue to elie0e in separation5

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    You see fragmented parts of your own mind within this world; bring

    them back to yourself through forgi eness. Judgment will only keep

    you stuck in the illusion of separateness. here are no others; there is

    only one *ind, fragmented into what seems to different minds, orsouls. hese are only symbols or words; people call our indi idual

    eCperience a lot of different things. (t2s like different companies

    selling the same products, but they ha e different logos.

    94" does not promote itself through any ad ertising agency, but 94"

    will help you to find yourself within "uality through all of the symbolsa ailable. his is why forgi eness helps you to >un6brand> the mind,

    going back to a naked state of being6ness, beyond labels and concepts.

    You will be gi en the symbols you need to awaken from the dream of

    separateness. You are here to find that you are Y4K@ 4 ? D4*5 and

    that what is outside yourself is within you. "uality is )ust a grand play

    that we3 e gotten lost in because we think it3s separate from us.

    he 5go mind is like the most awesome ad ertising agency on the

    planet. (t wants to brand e erything, with its own motion6picture

    commercials, logotypes, packages, colors and so on, and make

    something become what it is not. (t2s only fancy packaging that we

    ery easily get lured into. People don3t want to hear that all of what

    you see in the world is illusions. here are a lot of companies on

    Planet 5arth today that package their products so that they look great,

    but in truth they are really empty and shallow, with no alue at all; we

    only gi e it alue due to our inner pro)ections. (t3s a great trick he

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    illusions of the separated 5go6mind are no different; the 5go6mind will

    do e erything to keep you stuck in this idea that the world is real and


    &nli#*tenment is w*en you can e in t*is world ut not of it and

    you can see your rot*ers and sisters as anot*er you4

    e all are afraid of accepting that the world is )ust an illusion, and we

    all think that the problem is someone else3s. People cannot be

    awakened from the dream too Muickly; they would not be ready toaccept it, and they would actually want to return to the dream rather

    than wake up because they are not ready to let go of it. (t is as it

    should be. Ascension is )ust an eCperience of e ol ing into more

    graceful and harmonious states of being, but it2s still )ust an

    eCpression it2s not more real or unreal than any other eCperience, it2s

    )ust different le els of awareness. You are like an icebreaker workingwith spirit within consciousness; you make it easier for other people to

    access their hearts and awaken. e talk a lot about energies; that3s

    beautiful, but 94" is e en beyond energy.

    e don3t want to hear that our li es are an illusion, because we ha e

    in ested so much belief in our body and this world, and e en beyond

    this world. e should put our trust and hearts in 94" within us. hat

    is eternal.

    (t2s not wrong to be physical, but you will become more 0lightened up+

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    as you say and play with it, as it should be. Because you know that

    94" is your true state and your physical state is )ust a play eCpressing

    itself as symbols. hat you see as someone else doing something you

    don3t like and can2t agree with is actually another you, pro)ected fromwhat looks like a different perspecti e. =o all the blame6fear

    pro)ections you make towards these people2s actions are actually

    towards yourself.

    You are that part of yourself that you don3t like out there. Your only

    way to become free is to forgi e. ould you e er )udge your brothersand sisters that are you8 here are no eCceptions to this truth. All hate

    within this world is actually a call for lo e, so you can lo e what you

    >think> you see by forgi ing it.

    T*is reality is like a mo0ie ein# filmed from many different an#les

    w*ere eac* mind is a uni6ue camera an#le4 T*e mind is like an

    ad0anced mo0ie pro7ector4

    ould you )udge yourself if you knew that e ery angle was a part of

    you within this mo ie called life8 (t doesn3t really matter who is right

    and who is wrong, it2s all illusionary costumes to trick the mind.

    =ome people aren3t ready right now to hear that this world is made up

    and an illusion, and that we ha e to change the dream to correct it. (t

    will still be a dream, but what if you decided to wake up from the

    dream and understand that you are the dreamer of this uni erse and

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    e en beyond8 hat if you could forgi e e eryone, no matter what they

    had done8

    his is not something you learn in one day; it2s something you practiceuntil it becomes a habit, and e entually you don3t ha e to forgi e

    anymore because you A@5 forgi eness and lo e. hrough forgi eness

    you change the whole world. 4ne little e ent of forgi ing someone will

    cause ripples in the eternal ?4 moment throughout all timelines.

    Your spiritual awakening is about stepping out of time by choosing

    forgi eness and reali/ing that there is no one out there that has doneanything wrong that you should )udge.

    Judgment holds you here like glue, it makes it e en more real, but by

    forgi ing you will be free and you will come home to the 4?5 heart of

    94". You will not find truth in the world of forms, gurus, or ascended

    masters. he masters know that they are simply way6showers to 94";they speak to your heart as 4ne, not to the 5go. here are many

    symbols for your own awakening. You ha e to forgi e e eryone and

    therefore >heal> the illusion of separation. 5ither you choose to see

    e eryone and e erything as separate or you choose to look through the

    eyes of Fhrist. Fhrist isn3t a religious statement that is owned by


    Fhrist is )ust a symbolic word for 4ur oneness in 94". he illusion

    works that way; it will always do its best to lure your mind into being

    occupied by "uality and into thinking that good and bad is the true

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    nature of 94". 94" cannot be anything other than hole, Fomplete,

    -o e, 4ne. But the 5go pro)ects its own guilt and fears onto others,

    because it2s not willing to forgi e its own illusions of separation. (t

    feels a lot better to blame someone else, which you will think isfreedom. As long as you continue to blame anyone for anything, you

    will not be free you will be glued to "uality and separation.

    orgi e yourself e ery time you run into what we call >obstacles.+

    hese so6called obstacles are merely a symbol for your unconscious

    mind. An obstacle is a mirror and it will show you what you need toforgi e to feel whole.

    (t2s like healing your unconscious fragmented mind:it is done through

    forgi eness.

    Yes, e erything in the world that we see as mo ing images are )ustsymbols for our conscious and unconscious collecti e mind. Just like a

    dream, when we dream of things we fear, we will see them as symbols

    in our dreams, but it2s )ust a dream. ould you really consider what

    you eCperience in a dream to be real8 You would know it was your

    mind that pro)ected itself into a dream, and within a dream, you don3t

    see with your eyes, you see with your mind, because you are in your

    bed sleeping. (f you could become aware that you are in a dream

    Econscious dreamingG, you would forgi e e eryone because you would

    know that what they do is not real. (t feels real because it was

    designed this way, but this reality is mostly empty. e gi e meaning to

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    the symbols by pro)ecting our inner alues onto them and calling it

    real. (t3s )ust a pro)ection of our mind.

    e percei e dimensions as higher or lower, but really there are nohigher or lower dimensions, )ust different states of awareness. Fosmic

    beings in the fifth dimensional consciousness are more aware that we

    are all one, and know that the body is also not real, only spirit is real.

    e are great storytellers and yes, the earth has a plan, but it3s up to

    each and e ery person what dream they choose to manifest, so therewill be as many dreams as there are >minds.+ he goal is to remind the

    minds that we are all the same *ind, and that we are 4ne, and to

    wake up from the dream and -(Q5 ( D 94" beyond time and illusion.

    But we may pro)ect oursel es into this world to support our brothers

    and sisters, because we lo e to play. -ife is a play some take it ery

    seriously and some take it ery lightly. hat matters is your relation to94", and not the relation to the physical world.

    he ascension of this earth is a wonderful e ent, but it2s )ust like any

    other dream, a more aware dream. You can totally wake up from this

    dream as you would wake up in your bed, and reali/e that it was )ust

    something you temporarily engaged in:And reali/e you ne er left

    94", because you are not in this world, as it would seem. You think

    you are within this world and that you are doing things, but in fact you

    are (? 94", and pro)ecting yourself into this world, )ust as you dream

    something at night, but you3re truly in your bed.

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    You can8t find IT$TH& T'UTH in t*e world of uality4 It8s 7ust a

    mind$distraction a ne0er$endin# ra it *ole t*at will keep you usy

    wit* all kinds of illusions4

    hat you see and eCperience within this world as di ided is your

    golden opportunity to forgi e and mo e beyond the illusion of effect

    and start to understand that you are the cause of it. Your mind cannot

    hold on to things within this world that ha e been forgi en. (t will

    simply be undone. You engage in something you think is real, but it2s)ust a symbol of your di ided mind. Dow you look upon others is how

    you will look upon yourself. here is no other self, there is )ust ( A*.

    You will become so humble that you understand you know nothing

    about anything, and let go of what you see as rue or Kntrue in the

    world because you know that -4Q5 (= ( D(? Y4K and this is what youwill be sharing, no matter what people may think or think. You3re li ing

    in an illusion, trying to teach people what truth is with illusionary

    symbols, and it is Muite funny. But a teacher always gi es hints and

    points towards the =elf, where e erything stems from.

    (magine that you wear two pairs of glasses at the same time. "o you

    see though the clear glasses of spirit or do you choose to look through

    the illusionary splintered mind8

    hate er we want to escape from cannot be accomplished if we are

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    not ready to truly forgi e. (t3s your )udgment and blame that makes it

    real. orgi eness is a miracle that will enter your life.

    All things (3m speaking about are metaphoric symbols as written teCt,and are not representing truth in any way. (mages and words cannot

    mirror truth, they can )ust point the way towards what is already

    within you. ords are "uality, words are limited, so understand that

    (3m humble towards you as a reader you are the ay and you are the

    -ight and ( know you.

    he word 0dream+ can be interpreted in many ways. o dream can

    feel real or unreal; it all depends on your perspecti e. hen you are

    aware of your 94" nature, it will not matter anymore, you will be in

    the 4@-" but ?4 4 ( , as you say. You will only be lo e and heal

    the world by your simple presence, because 94" will shine through

    you. You aren3t afraid that nothing is real or unreal because you will beso >in the moment,+ like an innocent child tra eling through eternity.

    You are a FD@(= , a Fhild of 9od. Yes this sounds really biblical, but (

    can2t put it any other way, so don3t misinterpret it.

    You will truly start to see other people for who they are by listening

    from your heart without your 5go trying to gain attention by being in

    the spotlight to feel important.

    You will care for people and they will feel that. Your >self> is

    unimportant. You will gi e from a space of unconditional lo e, not

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    from a limited 5go idea of lo e.

    You can only find true peace within yourself, not in the world,

    therefore always forgi e. People who don2t feel good are too attachedto the 5go and the world. ( ha e gone through it and ( won2t go into

    details, but (2 e recei ed my part of forgi eness lessons and what it

    taught me was simply$ 4nly -o e (s @eal.

    e think life is about energy and different dimensions, but energy is

    illusion, )ust as this world is an illusion. (t2s a part of this uni ersaldream. here is an e en greater dream beyond this uni erse. People

    are afraid of the idea that this world is not real, because it seems so

    real. hen you ha e a dream at night, and when you wake up, you )ust

    say to yourself, 05 erything is fine>; it was )ust a dream and you go

    about your day. You may reflect on the symbols within your dream and

    interpret the symbols depending on your state of consciousness.

    Yes, we will ha e brighter and more aware eCperiences of our 94"

    nature throughout myriads of worlds and eCperiences, but the only

    @K D that (= cannot be found in symbols within the world. 4nly if you

    can forgi e the world, will you be free and not limited to pro)ections

    within a dream world.

    Ascension is not about going somewhere else or changing anything, it2s

    about waking up from the dream and helping others to wake up from

    the dream, and helping them reali/e that we are 4?5, playing that we

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    are many. (t3s so simple, because in 4neness there is nothing to

    change. (t doesn3t matter what you work with, because it2s not real,

    it2s )ust you who wants it to be real. You can wake up from the dream

    of )udgment and separation. ?o matter how much you e en want tochange people and get them to understand, they will re)ect and e en

    deny your help. (t2s called unconditional lo e to accept this, to Be

    -4Q5, but to not force it onto others. People will get all they need

    from =pirit when they are ready, through their guides, etc.

    or in fact it is we who actually help oursel es. e think we get helpfrom someone out there, like a guide or a friend, but it is you who is

    gi ing yourself help. =eparation is the biggest illusion there is; it2s like

    the biggest trick you can think of, but it2s also a beautiful gift as long

    as you li e within it consciously through your heart. he "uality mind

    will always create eCtraordinary things to make you belie e that the

    world is truth.

    All t*e le0els of reality are really spectacular ut t*ey are 7ust

    sym ols for Trut*4

    You can2t go anywhere else, because there is nowhere else. (t2s the

    space6time illusion that creates our so6called reality. here is no 0out

    there+; there is no 4ther one...

    You are already there, and this can be reali/ed through the practice of

    forgi eness. orgi eness will help you to release the glue between you

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    and your ego and connect you with the ruth of the ( A*. =o it2s

    actually a gift for me, if you )udge me, because then ( A* something

    that you can forgi e, and we can be 4?5. ( won2t )udge you for )udging

    me, ( forgi e you.

    @emember that a lot of what we hear in channelings, etc. are )ust

    symbols that we are ready to hear and can act from. (t2s either true or

    untrue; it2s )ust a mirror for our minds, so we can confirm what we

    belie e in. But ( think it2s time for you to belie e in yourself and do

    what a master would do. @ight now, it does not ha e to be anythingfancy, )ust something you -o e. You cannot fail in your mission; that2s

    also an 5go idea, that we can fail and do something wrong.

    e are sleeping Fhrist beings, all of us. But we ha e put a lot of layers

    onto it, like, you are a 0starseed,+ you are an 0indigo,+ and so on, but

    we need some kind of symbolic language to communicate with, andthe "ifferent Founcils within this uni erse know this. hey ha e to gi e

    us symbols, because they cannot gi e us truth that we will understand.

    You will come to understand that forgi eness will make you wake up

    from the collecti e dream and that there are multitudes of worlds

    dreaming themsel es into being through eternity.

    =o which dream are you dreaming, and what dream do you choose to

    participate in8 4r will you e en choose to awaken from the dream

    completely8 hrough forgi eness we unwrap the layers of denial and

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    )udgment. -4Q5 is your @K5 home; all else is illusion.

    People are frightened and lo e to ha e labels gi en to them, but that2s

    also an illusion. -abels aren2t real; they are only a costume worn byFhrist. "reams don2t limit themsel es; dreams are eternal and there

    are as many ways as we ha e imagination.

    (2m actually oting for open contact with our galactic brothers and

    sisters, as they are a reflection of us. hey A@5 K=. And they also know

    that we are the oters, and we ote through our hearts. 9alacticFi ili/ations throughout all dimensional planes know that they are an

    eternal spark of the 4?5. hey also know that there are as many

    realities as there are "i ided *inds or =ouls. You will find peace in

    knowing that there isn2t )ust one way to eCperience.

    e are here on earth to dream what we want into reality. And peoplewill continue to dream and create separation until they are ready to

    AF5 D5*=5-Q5= and wake up. @eality is )ust a definition and an

    agreement, and we will create new agreements of what -ife is in a

    higher eCpression, and therefore eCperience a broader perspecti e of

    DA (=.

    his is what is happening now on earth. As a collecti e *ind we will

    rise to the occasion and eCpress our self within another tune or le el

    of all that is. But remember that what we eCperience is still

    pro)ections and isn2t where you will find truth. (t2s )ust that we co6

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    create in 4neness instead of "uality.

    =ome really think that there is only 4?5 way and that all else is wrong.

    You will e en wake up from the dream we call the Kni erse and mo ebeyond A-- dimensions, (*5 A?" =PAF5, and be aware of the dream

    we call you and me and all the others. =ome people really en)oy li ing

    in "uality and all its dramas; they lo e it and wouldn2t want to lea e it

    no matter what, and there is nothing wrong in that. 4thers will feel

    that they don2t need it anymore and want to create and eCperience

    other things. =o ascension is for those who are ready; it2s nothingsuper special that will be forced on anyone. (t2s )ust a natural thing.

    Yes, the mind is caught in "uality and through )udgment we make it

    real and we stay focused in this world. orgi e yourself and forgi e the

    world, ( mean true forgi eness. his will loosen the glue of the 5go and

    you will R?4 94". ( will repeat myself, because it2s needed themind needs to hear things many times to get it, as you say. People

    belie e that there is a good way and a bad way to li e life, but none of

    these are real, only -4Q5 (= @5A-. 94" (=, and is e en beyond the

    concept of energy and this temporary uni erse.

    Just because this life is like a dream world does not mean it2s better

    to li e in a higher dimension than here and now. Digher and lower are

    also (llusions. All the tools, like meditation, crystals, and mantras, are

    only tools towards self6reali/ation, that 94" (=. You will find your way

    home through forgi eness.

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    But we ha e to reali/e things step by step from the le el we are at

    now, creating from our hearts. (2m )ust pointing to the >94" DA (=>

    as a reminder. (2m not saying don2t care about this world, (2m )ustsaying that there are many le els of truth. ( know within my heart that

    there are no ultimate truths, and 94" (=.

    5 erything you belie e about others, e erything you pro)ect at others,

    comes from your mind and has nothing to do with the world. People

    will play their roles in this dream until they are tired of it andunderstand that it2s not real, that "uality is )ust an unending game

    pro)ected by the 5go6mind. "on2t wait for any re olutionary changes,

    B5 the re olutionary change yourself and forgi e the world and

    yourself and return to 94". You won2t stop eCisting, but you will not

    be glued to "uality any longer and become lost within it. You will B5 (?

    D(= 4@-" BK ?4 4 ( . his is ascension.

    (f you become angry when reading this, forgi e yourself and start from

    there. hate er comes to you when reading these words has nothing

    to do with the words; it2s a pro)ection from your mind. orgi e

    yourself and you will become aware of the illusion. (t doesn3t matter if

    (2m right or wrong, what matters is that you can forgi e it and know

    that truth isn2t found in words or physical symbols, ( (= within Y4K.

    You will become like Jesus. De li ed and knew about this world as it

    truly was. De knew the >secret of secrets,+ that there is ?4

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    ego will ne er agree with this. 5 ery person is a symbol of what you

    need to forgi e, to be free of your unconscious mind.

    T*rou#* for#i0eness we release it and e0en undo it4 It8s like we cutit from t*e film roll4

    (3m feeling that e erything ( ha e written throughout the years are only

    like carrots luring people into their own heart2s truth, where my words

    don2t matter anymore. (2m )ust like the carrot in front of you that you

    try to grab, but you will reali/e that this is only a part of the game. eall gi e each other hints.

    (3m ery humble in my role because ( know that there is nothing to

    learn or teach other than to wake up from this "uality 5go dream to

    94" reali/ation. 94" is so much more than a word, it2s a complete

    state of B-(== and you will feel things you cannot describe. You will notfeel that li ing in illusions is boring; you will feel that 94" (= @K D

    and that illusion is )ust like a dream. And you will feel it2s natural to

    be a light and way6shower for your brothers and sisters in humble

    gratitude, as you are only helping yourself...

    All these ideas about ascension into the fifth dimension are absolutely

    beautiful, but it does not matter. hat matters is that you look at

    yourself and forgi e yourself and e ery human being that is different

    than you and does not agree with you. "on2t get stuck in the >waiting>

    scenarios, accept that your life will unfold as it should.

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    (f you forgi e and ask your 94" D5A@ to show you only truth and

    highest wisdom, it will be gi en, but it will come to you when you

    least eCpect it. -5 94, -5 94" (f you felt the sensation of total4neness you would )ust feel as if time had stopped, and you wouldn2t

    ha e to change anyone. You are 94" and you shine through e eryone2s

    heart; it2s e en beyond Joy. (t2s beyond the beyond. (nstead of getting

    lost in worlds within worlds within worlds, and dreams within dreams

    and so on, you can focus on your relationship with 94", because this is

    D4 Y4K A@5.

    he higher dimensions are )ust a more aware state of being6ness; it2s

    not better than being here. hen you are ( D(? D5 D5A@ 4 94"

    you will feel complete, whole, peace, lo e, bliss, and you will feel at

    home e erywhere, no matter where you are, no matter what happens

    in the world. You will know that what you see and what you are cannotbe separated. ould you )udge yourself8 (t2s like splintered minds

    within 94" that are on their path of remembering. 5mbrace those

    parts of yourself within the world that feel lost. You will be a tra eler

    within dreams, but you will always be at home within 94".

    You cannot be better than anyone or higher than anyone. (t may seem

    like that, but that3s because the illusion is structured this way.

    T*e more you 7ud#e t*e state of t*is world t*e more you will feel

    trapped y it4444

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    orgi e it and you will feel it isn3t real, but you gi e it fuel, due to the

    fear of letting go of it. 5 erything, including all the terrible

    eCperiences in this world, is a pro)ection of the unconscious mind thatbelongs to all of us, but we want to blame others rather than forgi e

    the world and oursel es. As (2 e said, people could be terrified if they

    understood the truth directly. hey would not understand it; they

    would close their minds e en more and become e en more confused.

    hat3s why it2s being presented with all of these carrots of spiritual

    paths or techniMues that feel comfortable, but it2s only a tool to get tothe neCt tool and so on.

    =ome truths ha e to be gi en in portions. e e en ha e to forgi e

    oursel es for what we belie e is true, because we cannot know truth

    truth is always eCpanding. e learn and remember through practice,

    but our 5go thinks it can practice later and that we first ha e to learn.

    (f you can accept and embrace that you don3t know anything about

    something, you are free. here is nothing to R?4 within illusion of

    form, but our egos really want to belie e that there is something of

    importance here to achie e. e aren3t here to sa e anyone or to

    desperately con ert anyone into their hearts, )ust as you cannot force

    a flower to grow.

    You are *ere to e a conscious dreamer and put it into practice9

    e0eryt*in# else will come as fruits of t*at4

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    =P(@( knows itself already and wants you to come home, but you are

    gi en symbols that you can understand within this world, to bring you

    back to self6 and 94"6reali/ation.

    e ha e all heard that we should )ust accept our feelings and be with

    them, but we all ha e an unconscious mind that needs to be healed.

    he only way to heal it is to forgi e the )udgments you pro)ect onto

    others. he world is within you, so you hold the illusion of "uality by

    pro)ecting blame. By forgi eness you heal the unconscious mind.

    =o see e ery eCternal happening as an opportunity of forgi eness,

    because it2s a symbol for what is within you. (t will set you free. o be

    honest ( feel it2s really hard to forgi e some of the madness on this

    earth, but the more ( practice forgi eness, the more ( understand that

    it frees me from the illusion, and it also heals the collecti eunconscious *ind. e all affect each other; the *ind is holographic.

    5 en the -aw of Attraction is illusion at one le el; people will not like

    me now... )ust kidding.

    5 erything is illusion but at what seems like different le els. hrough

    forgi eness and healing your unconscious mind you will attract

    whate er you need, without e en thinking about what you need and

    why you need it. Attracting things because you >think> you want them

    is not always necessary; it2s )ust a form of denying who you truly are.

    You don3t need to attract 94" to yourself; you )ust need to awaken

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    from the dream. (t2s always our unconscious mind that decides what

    we attract to us. =o we can try to attract whate er we want, but it

    will ne er come, until we forgi e.

    e all ha e a conscious and an unconscious mind. e all ha e

    unconscious reactions, which include "ualistic beliefs systems. his is

    no one2s fault; we are eMually innocent and the mind can be healed by

    practicing the habit of forgi eness. Your pro)ections into the worldly

    e ents are not truth; they2re )ust an unconscious pro)ection of your

    mind that feels guilt and separation. You will understand more andmore that the world is not what you think it is. here is not e en a

    world out there that is real it2s )ust a repetiti e 5go6mind script. (t

    repeats itself o er and o er again, but comes in different eCpressions

    and forms.

    o heal your unconscious guilt and separation, forgi eness is the key,because e erything you label as >their fault,+ 0their problem,+ or the

    blaming of others isn2t coming from someone out there it2s a

    pro)ection from your unconscious mind, but it will disguise itself as

    symbols in the world so this illusion can continue. he 5go6mind is a

    talented storyteller and wouldn2t re eal itself to you. he 5go

    identifies itself with the body and the story. hat you truly are is

    5 5@?A- =P(@( . (t2s your choice to engage with the 5go6mind or the

    inner guidance of =pirit. he truth is that e en the higher dimensions

    are merely symbols for 94". 94" is beyond symbols, but it pro)ects

    itself into this uni erse at a le el we can understand it.

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    ?ew Age teachings ha e many symbols. hese are not truth in

    themsel es; they2re )ust symbols for what you are able to accept in

    the moment and understand. hat2s why it2s called illusion, becauseyou2re not seeing 94" in physical reality, you2re )ust seeing an empty

    pro)ection. -o e is not out there, it2s within you, ne er separated from

    you. 9od can be felt if you fully understand that you are innocent and

    that e eryone else is innocent too, for indeed no one has e er done

    anything wrong, it2s )ust the 5go6mind that keeps this wheel of

    illusionary e olution spinning.

    Lo0e is t*e only trut* and t*at8s w*y for#i0eness is like a s*ortcut

    to awaken from t*e dream of uality4

    You may say, 0But ( belie e in the horrible things out there in the

    world and ( want to heal the world.+ hat2s also an illusion, becauseyou cannot heal anyone outside yourself. You can only heal the world

    by forgi ing it. You belie e that all the madness out there is truth and

    is a part of the learning process, and a part of this "uality eCperiment,

    but it2s )ust the 5go6mind doing its thing, )ust as it has always has

    done, but in different ways and forms.

    You can2t stop it, because you are the only one that can K?"4 it by

    going beyond it. orgi e what you see, because it will e entually reach

    e eryone when they are ready to let go of the madness of their own

    story and trust in =pirit instead of their 5go.

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    placed on the toy. 4nly from your perspecti e this is easy to

    understand. =ometimes from our perspecti es and beliefs, it is the

    same as the child. e will feel a separation if someone says that what

    we eCperience or place alue on is not important, but from a higherantage point we could see that what we hold on to is not truly

    important, e en though we won3t acknowledge that at all times.

    5 ery teaching, word, image, etc. on this earth is a symbol for the

    Fhrist within us, and no symbol is more true than the other. (t2s )ust a

    way for your mind to reflect itself within the illusion of di ersity. heinterpretation of the symbols is dependent on which glasses you wear

    and look through, either through the 5go6mind or the eternal Fhrist6

    =pirit. here is only 4?5 eternal Fhrist within us. *editate on the

    -4Q5 of Fhrist and you will be guided.

    on8t let yourself e distracted y t*e e0eryday loop of t*e

    collecti0e o$mind9 it will keep on spinnin# wit* its own a#enda

    w*ic* is t*e idea of ,eparation : uality4

    9od or Fhrist isn2t out there for you to find 9od is silently waiting for

    you to let go of the struggle and return home. hat is seemingly out

    there is )ust a confused 5go6mind trying to mimic truth, creating le els

    within le els, worlds within worlds and so on, when in truth you don2t

    need that.

    (t2s not wrong to eCperience this world and all its le els of mind6

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    states, but it2s not truth. (t2s all a matter of choosing to be the core or

    choosing to eCperience the layers. (f you know the core, you will know

    that nothing is really important, because what you truly are cannot be

    remo ed. ( (= he layers are symbols of the eternal core of -4Q5. (fyou would choose to be awake within this dream called life, you would

    not fear the world and belie e in "uality, because it2s you who creates

    "uality, by seeing e erything as separated from your true self.

    Train your mind9 it8s like daily meditation to for#i0e e0eryt*in# and

    look t*rou#* t*e &yes of C*rist4

    hen it becomes a habit, you will simply heal the world because you

    see it as whole. You will be at peace because you are the cause of

    peace. People will fight and start wars until they find peace within

    themsel es and understand the illusion of separation. =o don2t eCpect

    anyone else to change )ust because you2 e chosen to awaken.

    (t does not matter if you speak of what peace is with someone who is

    in fear; it has to play itself out. 5 erything you see within this world is

    there because we belie e in it as some le el. But you can step out of it

    and B5 A FD@(= within this world and it has nothing to do with the 5go

    of "uality. You will see e eryone as Fhrist and see the true light within

    all people, no matter what they ha e done. You are only forgi ing

    another part of your unconscious self.

    =o be aware of yourself when you see something you want to )udge,

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    and when someone tells you that you2re wrong, forgi e them and know

    that this is not important. ?o matter what le el of "uality presents

    itself, it2s not truth, it2s )ust a symbol. (t2s better to feel at peace,

    more than being right. You can2t ha e the right answer within theillusion.

    People will not understand what Fhrist is until they open their hearts

    to unconditional lo e and accept that separation is an illusion. =o the

    neCt time you see a drama, know that no one of them is right. hey

    are )ust stuck in the 5go6unconscious6mind and yes, it feels ery real.(f both parties were conscious of the truth they would be at peace,

    because they would R?4 that what they were doing was )ust a

    "uality pro)ection.

    =o let people play that they don2t know, that they are not worthy. You

    can only let them R?4 truth, they whom are truly ready to recei e,and that will usually come from within them as some kind of surrender

    because they don2t want to fight the fight anymore. And this is good,

    because within this >surrender> from within, you allow =pirit to show

    you truth. You as a person can be a symbol for truth, but you should

    ne er force it on anyone else. =o B5 D5 @K D 4 D5 4@-"

    =(-5? -Y (? Y4K@ D5A@ .

    People will think that what they are holding on to is important, but

    you will know that it2s )ust a temporary symbol for the *ind to awaken

    from its own dream. People will be offended if you tell them that what

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    they belie e in is not truth, and ( don2t encourage you do that either;

    it2s not necessary because it2s a part of the dream. You can2t teach

    lo e to someone by gi ing them symbolic truths, but you can point the

    way to the heart, and one step at a time, you will A-R ( D FD@(= .

    here is nothing wrong with teaching people about the different le els

    within (llusion and so on, but the core of who you truly are is -4Q5 and

    you will feel the lo e within your life when you start to forgi e. You

    will heal, you will teach, and you will create your own uniMue symbols

    for truth, from your eCperiences.

    Your pro)ection of words and actions within this world will be a symbol

    for others to awaken from the dream of "uality and =eparation. (t does

    not matter what you do eCactly what matters is -4Q5.

    o clarify the word 0illusion+$ illusion ser es its purpose where you areright now. 5 erything feels real and you will ne er be forced to

    awaken from what you think is truth. hat is real and what is not real

    is all about perspecti e. Fhrist will awaken you from your sleep, and

    what you think is reality or truth will not be what you thought it to be.

    =ome would actually Eas ( mentioned beforeG not be ready to know or

    hear truth because it would frighten them, which is also an illusion.

    he ultimate fear we ha e is death, and it2s a part of the unconscious


    orgi e the fear in the world; the death and destruction is a part of

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    your unconscious mind. here is no separation between you and the

    world. hrough forgi eness you will walk with Fhrist and you will bring

    understanding into this world with clarity, instead of running around in

    desperation and fear of fiCing the problem. People will feel the lo eand you will heal the collecti e unconscious mind through you.

    @emember the 5go6mind will always want to e ol e. (t wants to be

    compleC, it wants to learn and learn e en more; it will ne er get

    enough. he Fhrist within you knows that knowledge is illusion and

    that knowledge is made up. -4Q5 is the true knowledge, because -4Q5(= and will ne er be replaced or upgraded. 94" is eternal, ( A*, and

    you always know that this light is there for you, no matter what.

    orgi eness will undo the patterns of resistance and you will be more

    and more calibrated with the Fhrist energies.

    -o e is e en beyond energy, but within this uni erse, it2s interpretedas -4Q5 energy. *editate on Fhrist each morning and before you go to

    sleep and you will start to notice, subtly at first, but you will come to

    insights )ust by this simple way of connecting.

    (t is when we ha e surrendered and forgi en all of our illusionary

    pro)ections and beliefs of separation that we can truly operate within

    this world in a less attached way with the understanding that nothing

    is important, and actually feel and understand that e erything is

    eMually important.

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    here is nothing to win or lose within this game of duality. Your ser ice

    will matter e en more when your ser ice comes from a place of

    unconditional lo e.

    here is no >me> that wants to be seen and lo ed; you will be here to

    lo e the 4ne. e will be able to see the world as it truly is. ( know

    from my own eCperiences that going through all of these layers of

    illusion is really painful to the 5go, and in the end it is not 0my> will,

    but 0thy> will be done.

    he more you understand and feel your Fhrist nature, the more you

    will be able to interact within this world, as peace, as lo e, and go

    about your day6to6day no matter what is seemingly happening out

    there. he mission is to bring all home to oursel es instead of

    distracting oursel es with the changing >4uter Fhaos.+ As a whole

    being we will be able to help where it truly matters:we will engagewith the illusions in a way that eCposes them without effort, )ust by

    B5(?9 truth.

    You can8t lose somet*in# t*at is w*ole t*at is complete t*at is

    already Lo0e4

    (3m not trying to offend your belief system of this Kni erse and all its

    le els. (3m humble and want to share that truth isn3t out there, as you

    say, it is within you. he way we feel and think about others is actually

    how we feel and think about oursel es. =o be aware of your thoughts

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    and feelings, forgi e them and gi e them to 94". And in the end you

    will think, act, and be as 94".

    Dow you personally interpret my symbolic words in this >blueprint> istotally up to you, (2m )ust a symbol of your conscious and unconscious

    mind. he words are holographic in nature and will be translated

    differently, depending on your perspecti e.

    JK"95 *5 4@ -4Q5 *5, ( "45=?2 *A 5@, B5FAK=5 5 A@5 4?5.

    'Fhange Your -ifestyle S (ntegrate

    Your Dighest Qision ?ow

    5 erything mo es in cycles within this uni erse. 4ne of these cycles is

    now coming to an end and this planet is in a process or e ent which

    can be compared to an upgrade of an old computer$ a new software is

    being downloaded into the consciousness of humanity and 5arth has

    known about this for a long time.

    As e0ery cell in our ody communicates wit* t*e rest of t*e ody

    t*e eart* communicates wit* e0ery *uman ein# on eart* ut also

    wit* ot*er planets and 0ast star systems4

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    e are a part of an e en larger cycle within this uni erse, which

    unfolds on many planes of eCistence. 5 erything is switching or

    adapting itself to a higher freMuency, and )ust as we would switchchannels on a radio, there is noise disturbance in between the eCisting

    planes. Fhange is a process; our minds need space to adapt and

    calibrate within these higher freMuency bands. (t3s a ery real thing, as

    e erything is ibration, sound and light. e are transitioning into a

    new higher perspecti e of what life (= the truth can no longer be


    "on3t wait for anyone else to manifest your dreams Act and know that

    you are the source of your creations. (3 e notice that many people wait

    for things or their dreams to happen. e can3t wait for hea en on

    earth, as it is we who ha e to attune to that lifestyle. 4f course we

    get a lot of support. "on3t wait for any channeled messages to tell youthe latest news about what3s happening, as you are the news itself and

    you decide what you want to happen.

    (nstead of trying to change other people2s beha iours, focus on your

    own beha iour and feelings, as this is within your power to transmute

    and heal. =ee yourself as a cell within a body and your radiation will

    affect the other cells, as freMuency affects matter. hen your

    0instrument> is in harmony, other cells will listen to that and adapt.

    here is no eCternal reality as it may seem there are as many realities

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    as there are people here is enough for e eryone. here is a higher

    field of lo e that many people listen to at this moment in time, and

    some people will hear and others will not. You can3t blame any

    politicians, any sources outside yourself for what is happening, ase eryone is connected. his is why most people get stuck because

    they belie e in what3s outside of themsel es instead of acting for their

    highest )oy ?4 , no matter what the world is like. he system is

    designed to keep people in the limited mind6state and repeat the

    same things o er and o er again.

    hat will happen or what will not happen doesn3t matter. Fhange is

    like a flower it has e erything stored within our "?A and we can

    struggle to not eCperience it, but it3s much easier if we can embrace

    and choose the highest )oy for oursel es in each moment and let life

    unfold. "on3t wait any longer for anything to happen outside of

    yourself before you act on your dreams Be the one that now boldlysets sail with )oy, as what we call >the eil> between our world and the

    higher spheres is gradually shifting.

    *anifestation will follow your thoughts and intent, so it2s all about

    recei ing and focusing on what you want in life rather than what you

    don3t want. here is no one outside yourself that creates reality, as you

    are the creator of your life eCperience. ?ot all people will want to

    follow the path of ruth, -o e and Peace, but you do. =o be the

    change hat3s why you are here to li e and be an eCample of the

    change we call ascension.

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    )ait for no one and not*in# as you are t*e !ne w*o is L!;& I(


    You are here to empower people to see that what we call eCternal

    reality is a reflection of your inner attitude and beliefs. he core of

    empowerment that ( want to remind you about is to R?4 that you

    create life from what you speak, do and belie e, which has nothing to

    do with what is outside yourself. "on3t compare yourself with others or

    worldly circumstances choose to create from your heart instead ofbeing a ictim because you belie e you ha e no power. @eality will not

    change until you choose to B5 the change.

    Act from your willpower with lo e and intent, and life cannot do

    anything else than change. -ife may seem disconnected and random,

    but it is connected and e ery choice you make, e erything you radiate,will ha e an effect on the o erall consciousness, as empowered

    thoughts and feelings transmute lower thought forms. 4ne part of our

    role here on earth is to ground the higher freMuency into the earth and

    its consciousness, or we can also say that we are conduits or antennas

    for *other 5arth so she can recei e this energy.

    You don3t need to know the truth outside of yoursel es which is

    mirrored to you in symbols; truth cannot be found in the world. ruth

    isn3t a thing or a certain belief truth is the symphony of lo e that you

    can feel when you are centered and fulfilled by your (nner space. (t3s

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    an energy beyond concepts, ideas and "uality. =o stop looking for truth

    outside yourself, in people, and in e ents. (nstead, gi e yourself the

    time to slow down and reflect on the (nner peace, which is who you

    truly are.

    "ue to unconscious programming people tend to think and focus more

    on what they don3t want instead of what they really want to be, do or

    ha e within their li es. he unconscious mind attaches itself to the

    problem instead of focusing on a solution. o gi e you an eCample, if

    someone read a negati e post on a particular sub)ect and this person iswasting all their energy on trying to defend or change anyone2s belief,

    then they are )ust feeding their unconscious mind with more fire,

    instead of with the solution that would gi e them more energy and

    inspiration. You cannot create a solution on the same freMuency le el

    as the problem.

    You ha e to raise your ibration by choosing more harmonious and

    conscious thought patterns and let your feelings be your guidance

    system. hen you feel good, you know you think thoughts that ser e

    you. (f you feel ery drained, it3s an indication that you aren3t in

    harmony with your highest ision and intent.

    rue freedom is to know that you are the creator of your eCperiences

    and that no one else can impose themsel es onto you, but many times

    we let people impose their reality onto ours, again due to the

    unconscious programming that we ha e no power.

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    hat we call reality is much of a distraction, as it will gi e you more

    of the same o er and o er again, until you change your mind. (f you

    truly want to li e a life without addictions, without struggle, youslowly lighten up that bulb of awareness within you, tune into feelings

    of gratitude, happiness, or whate er makes you feel lighter, and hold

    this state as long you are capable. (t3s like training your muscles,

    because if you repeat something often enough it will be what we call a

    habit, and your habits will become your lifestyle.

    "on3t let the state of the world show you the way to your )oy, but

    create your )oy from within -ife does not >happen> to you, life is

    created by you. hen you start to take responsibility for your (nner

    peace and always act without getting stuck in what we call outer

    reality, you become a magnet for change. You cannot change this

    world if you are encapsulated in a sphere of fear, belie ing ine erything you see around you.

    You ha e to break yourself free by raising your freMuency, and this will

    also help you to feel e erything and see e erything with a higher


    (t3s better to broadcast thoughts of lo e, which will raise the collecti e

    thought patterns, instead of clinging to your fears of the eCternal

    world. his is what media does best$ create fear and hopelessness in

    the minds of people.

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    or elie0e you are t*e creator of your life e=perience4

    People say that some are wrong and some are right, but they are

    eMually correct. As we all create our perspecti es, we are creatingself6fulfilling prophecies. (f you ask for it, belie e, pro)ect it, ibrate

    it, you will recei e it (t2s that simple...

    =top looking outside of yourself for answers. As you progress to

    mastery of self, you will R?4 that you are responsible for your life;

    this is what the Planet 5arth =chool is teaching us with patience andlo e. (f anyone )udges you, it3s not about the other person in truth, as

    it3s only a limited spectrum of thoughts and beliefs that creates

    separation instead of understanding.

    e ha e been unconsciously programmed throughout this lifetime to

    depend on eCternal things, letting these decide for us how to feelinstead of choosing a state we prefer )ust simply because it3s a part of

    us, and letting it blossom.

    People will ride the cycle of "uality until we choose to take

    responsibility for our pro)ections Ee erything we say, think and doG.

    hen you are free. But it doesn3t matter what ( say here as many

    people will try to find other people to be responsible for their li es.

    ,o ask yourself4444

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    )HAT ! I )A(T T! C'&AT& I( /Y LI-&5

    You always get the core of what you belie e. =ome may belie e that

    they ha e to struggle to get the results they want, and some belie ethat it3s ery simple to get what you want. Both are ery correct, as

    it3s all about their relationship with self. As you start to truly ibrate

    your inner beliefs, they will start to manifest; initiations will come to

    see if you ha e truly mastered unconditional lo e, no matter what

    people think or belie e. o raise your ibration is an inner choice, and

    something you focus on in e ery moment. (t3s not a part6time thing.

    ' 1' and onwards is all about creating your life and being a conscious

    creator. hat will happen8 -et go of dates and start creating from your

    heart right now. "ates will not matter anymore as you aren3t a ictim

    of outer circumstances.

    o raise your freMuency is actually a ery real and physical process; it3s

    not a ?5 A95 belief. (t3s a science in itself freMuency is what

    matters. People can deny this as long as they want to, but those who

    know this truth will take charge of their li es, let go of their

    ictimhood and create good in their li es because they know they are

    worthy and whole. You aren3t separated from humanity, you are

    humanity indi iduali/ed.

    Lo0e is t*e T'U& '&ALITY Let your *eart e free and know t*at

    you aren?t dependent on w*at ot*er people t*ink a out you4

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    You always ha e a choice to create from lo e or fear, no matter what

    happens in the world, and it3s good to practice meditation and to

    understand that you are the bearer of peace and lo e.

    5 ery day, in e ery moment, ( li e through my heart. ( know that my

    heart guides me, e en when (3m not conscious about it. ( am not

    writing to con ince, and ( am not writing to change anyone. ( walk the

    talk in e eryday life, as anyone else, and it3s important for people to

    understand that you ha e to change your thoughts and practice onbecoming consciously aware of your inner energy and emotional

    freMuency. ake responsibility as you create what we call reality; no

    one else will create it for you. People get stuck in other people3s li es

    and think that they ha e to adapt to them or any certain rules. -4Q5 is

    not a rule lo e is what matters.

    People who think and belie e that they are ictims will continue to

    attract that until they understand that they created it all. he

    uni erse is not )udgmental it gi es e eryone what they belie e in and

    think about. "oubt and fear are the only blockages, and these are

    becoming more and more ob ious as they cannot hide from you

    anymore. You ha e to stare them in the face and release them. (t3s a

    process and it3s different for e eryone. ( li e a life in )oy, in what we

    can call abundance, and it3s not about money. (t3s actually about

    feeling good and knowing that you created it to begin with. his is true


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    ( do not know anything eCcept myself. or those who don3t know me

    personally, ( am ery focused and determined when it comes to

    creating within physical reality, as it3s my specialty. he ego is nolonger a threat to me, as it is more a part of who ( am. You can ha e

    an ego and be spiritual, it is not a problem, as long as you are aware

    and present.

    "on3t deny that you are a human being here on earth and don3t try to

    remo e such a di ine gift. Play with it and if people don3t like you, it3snot a problem either, because you cannot hide fore er you know that

    personality of yours is a part of you. his is why people do not always

    feel good because they adapt to things and people they truly do not

    prefer, instead of creating consciously what they do like. (f you

    suppress your )oy and (nner spark, you will feel drained, but if you

    encourage and take small steps towards your ision, you will thri e.

    here ( am at the moment is about fine6tuning the inner sensations of

    freMuencies, as truth is found within. -et your focus simply be to feel

    as good as you can ?4 , and if you don3t feel that good, act and

    beha e to the best of your ability as if you already are what you are

    seeking. hat you are seeking is seeking you, as freMuencies are

    magnetic and it3s a law within this physical uni erse that what you

    focus on and think about most of the time will make itself known to

    you in some way.

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    here is no outer reality that affects us. @eality is a mirror of our inner

    state of mind or thoughts. (f you feel stuck in life, something as simple

    as gi ing yourself the time to stop whate er you are doing and do

    something that changes your focus could get you closer to what you dowant.

    5 ery thought is like a seed, and your ision can be, in e ery now, to

    plant thoughts that gi e you energy and a habit of trusting instead of

    uncertainty. Your lifestyle is what you want it to be. You can blame

    someone else for a while, but your understanding will hit you in theface as you become more aware of the unlimited uni erse that is

    within you.

    (t will feel impossible at first, taking those small steps in trust, if

    e erything is the opposite of what you want. Begin to acknowledge

    that you3 e created e erything that you eCperience right now andaccept it, and tell yourself in any way you know that it3s time for

    change. Be and follow your heart3s ision. You may not know how, but

    you know it will be possible. his is the leap that we all make at some

    time. hen the wheels start to spin, it will be easier and easier to

    trust that what you think and feel is what will manifest. (t is all ery


    You ha e e erything in your life because it3s a match of your freMuency.

    Your brain is a freMuency transmitter of great magnitude, and you are

    broadcasting '

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    program, or like a tape recorder that has repeated itself so many

    times and you feel safe hearing that same show. o reprogram this

    unconscious tape, begin to do things differently. his is where the

    wheat is sorted from the chaff, as making things different is notalways for e eryone. You ha e to break these cycles of habit through

    conscious choice. he uni erse will work with you, always.

    You create all of it; this is why outer e ents within this world will not

    affect you if you3re not in some way (ndulged in them. his is not

    ignorance, this is mastery, because if you train your mind to be in afreMuency of lo e for longer and longer times, this is your mission. You

    will notice that much of "uality will become an illusion, as you know

    e eryone is the creator of their own li es.

    You become the gateway for people to access another way of li ing

    their li es. ( will gi e you an eCample$ if someone listens to disturbing,hateful music on a radio channel and didn2t know how the radio switch

    worked, that person would immediately switch freMuencies to

    something that was in harmony with his!her higher ision.

    5 eryone is where they should be, or else they wouldn3t be there. =o

    don3t let yourself belie e that what you see within this world is about

    sa ing anyone; you are here to consciously tune into another higher

    lo e freMuency, and those who are likened in freMuency will follow. (t3s

    a natural e olution. (t will come in wa es; this is also called ascension,

    in a cool word. he world is truly within you as you look upon it, what

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    start. (nstead of trying to change what is outside you, that you aren3t

    satisfied with, understand that it is so because you are in tune with it,

    or else it wouldn3t be there. You cannot eCperience what you aren3t a

    match to in freMuency. he world isn3t happening to you you make ithappen.

    People who critici/e others and don3t feel good about themsel es

    actually create this reality themsel es, mostly unconsciously. hey

    cannot see or understand that what they think and pro)ect creates

    their entire life. People who are skeptics and )udge others will attractmore that strengthens their beliefs of this perspecti e, as you always

    recei e a reflection.

    You can only be in charge of your own feelings and thoughts, and this

    is ery important to understand as you aren3t a ictim of anything

    outside yourself. You are where you are right now because you createdit. his is empowerment and the first step towards being a conscious

    creator, what we call an ascended *aster to take responsibility for

    5Q5@Y D(?9 that is pro)ected within this reality. "o you think a *aster

    from the higher dimensions would e er come here and critici/e and

    engage in what is wrong within this world8 4r do you think the *aster

    would point people in the direction that they can choose eCactly what

    they want, as e eryone is li ing their creations in full 76" eCperience8

    People are confused and depressed due to that their energy bodies are

    clearing, and it3s depressing for a while to let go of the old self and its

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    limiting beliefs because it was a part of your identity. (t3s not wrong to

    feel as you feel; it3s ery good, actually.

    =o what do you choose to be, do or ha e8 here are no right or wronganswers, as there are no eCternal forces that tell you what to do.

    People are ready when they are ready to understand this.

    hen ( see what we call negati e people, ( )ust see a part of myself

    that is confused and cannot see or understand what they are

    pro)ecting. he mind can become so confused and programmed that itis actually responding like a robot, so it3s not his or her fault. his is

    what many people go through$ they let go of their robotic side and

    become humble and lo ing towards one another, through forgi eness.

    People who are aware of their actions and words do things with intent

    and ne er pro)ect hate towards any other li ing being. his is self6


    ?o one outside yourself can control you. You actually only let people

    control you, and this is hard to understand. Your )ob isn3t to beha e as

    others want you to beha e. Your life is about defining yourself and

    what you want to eCperience within this life. =ome people feel

    offended by others on the street or on the (nternet, but if you truly

    know who you are and what you stand for, you won3t let anyone hinder

    you. here isn3t e en a need to defend yourself against negati e

    people, as the simple act of defense make the negati ity e en more


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    here isn3t any eCternal negati ity; all negati ity is within you and you

    are the one in charge. ocus daily to hold a high ibration, and (

    promise you that your feelings will go up and down like an ele atorand it2ll feels like e erything is )ust happening to you, but the longer

    you focus on keeping this lo ing feeling, you will notice that you are in

    charge and the best thing you can gi e someone is your )oy.

    "on3t let people make you feel responsible on how they feel. People

    who feel that you ha e a responsibility towards them to act andbeha e in a certain way, to make them feel happy, really ha e to find

    this within themsel es. his isn3t always an easy lesson. You can of

    course be a guiding light of hope, because you create happiness from

    within, rather than depending on something else.

    Ascension isn3t always a simple path, as it3s all about understandingyour responsibilities, and some don3t want to take responsibility of

    5Q5@Y D(?9 within. As we create our realities, sometimes people get

    stuck in others2 creations.

    here are wars and conflict on this planet due to limited awareness

    and understanding. Your simple act of taking care of yourself and

    stopping the war within your mind is a huge step for humanity, as we

    are all like interconnected cells on *other 5arth.

    Y!U A'& TH& !(& Y!U HA;& %&&( )AITI(+ -!'4

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    "on3t let anyone else tell you what to belie e or how to beha e, as you

    are the creator of your life, and whate er people choose to belie e or

    do will create the perfect reality for them, until they choosesomething else and understand how their thoughts and feelings relate

    to each other.

    You create your e eryday life and what we call the future. =o

    e erything you think ?4 is like a seed of potential.

    7Being the Dighest Qision of Yourself

    ?othing is random. ?o hostile or negati e eCtraterrestrial forces are

    allowed near 5arth; there are 9alactic Founcils of -ight that o ersee

    our spiritual progress and awakening. hey are acting as midwi es in

    these times of transition to guide us to a higher ibration of


    e ha e guardians in the sky ?o atomic weapons of any sort will be

    allowed on earth. (t3s bold to say this, and you don3t ha e to belie e


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    here are karmic laws in the uni erse which the 9alactic Founcils

    cannot interfere with. hat2s why nothing is random or by chance.

    e should not forget that we actually ha e teams of 9alactic9uardians around Planet 5arth and in our li es at this moment; they

    are what people would call guardian angels. his is natural, and we

    will fulfill this role for other cosmic ci ili/ations in the future.

    5 erything is synchroni/ed and interwo en.

    ocus on your own spiritual path and awakening. 9i e less energy tonegati e propaganda that is outside of yourself. 5 erything that is

    happening on the so6called outside is )ust a fading drama. (tTs a 76"

    world falling apart. his is confusing to the mind. =o be the @K D and

    ground yourself.

    he mindset on earth has been, >Be afraid and be suspicious.+Fompare that to the new mindset, which is B5 -4Q5, B5 J4Y and

    @K= . 4f course some will feel it3s nai e if someone states that.

    People are not used to being happy and in total )oy. his is how it3s

    going to be on earth, so you can change your focus starting today. (t3s

    up to you. hy wait8

    =ome will hold on to the fear, e en when change is happening, because

    of old programmed beliefs. (t3s like a deep trance state that is now

    melting like snow in springtime.

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    People fear that they will be decei ed, but now is the time to B5 D5

    D(9D5= Q(=(4? 4 Y4K@=5- and focus on the actual lo ing guardian

    forces that are here. Knderstand that you are a miracle.

    You are a part of an ad enture, and you chose to be part of it. here is

    no outer threat to be afraid of; you can go beyond this by following

    your heart. ( doubt that people lo e to belie e in negati e things.

    T*ere is (! )AY !UT@TH&'& I, !(LY !(& )AY I( and t*at8s

    t*rou#* your *eart4

    his earth society has been built on distorted ideas and beliefs. hat

    really matters in all of this is the heart within each human being. A lot

    of people are suffering. ( will not go into why they are where they are

    because it2s different for each soul. 5 erything isn3t what it seems to

    be, which (3 e said before. e get caught up in what we see with ourphysical senses, but when we start to feel and see with the heart, and

    it is not a match with what we see in the physical world around us, it3s

    really important to stay firm and trust your heart. he 76" freMuency is

    ery dense and illusions are fro/en on the surface, and sometimes we

    get stuck. *elt this fro/en ri er with your heart and let your feelings

    tell you the truth.

    T*e *eart is intelli#ent and needs no e0idence4

    ruth (=, no matter what beliefs we ha e in the end. =ome people

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    belie e in their own 0knowledge> so strongly that they really think it3s

    truth. o practice detachment and know that your knowledge is

    temporary is good. (t will be replaced with higher and higher truths.

    eeling truth is one thing, but thinking truth is another. 4ur ego lo esto know things and then think about what it knows. ( lo e the

    statement, >( think, therefore (3m confused.+

    4ur heart has no need of knowing; it3s more into being truth in the

    now. o say that ( R?4 ?4 D(?9 isn3t popular from an ego standpoint

    it2s more popular to say, >( R?4 so much look at me.+

    &0eryt*in# we t*ink we know we *a0e to let #o of4 A out myself3 I

    don?t know anyt*in# more t*an L!;&4 Lo0e is t*e answer4

    People who say 0watch out+ may try to manipulate or decei e you, but

    you will intuiti ely feel ery simply if something is positi e ornegati e. here is no need to be in fear. (t2s )ust a simple, 0?o, thank

    you ( can see it for what it is.+ =ee these attempts of negati e powers

    as a desperate effort to try to lure us into illusion. "o you fall for that8

    =ooner or later these things will be ob ious to e eryone.

    ( know within my heart that ( am here on earth to = A 5 that we are

    actually being guided. ( was not born on earth by accident to

    eCperience some random e ents. ( came with intent, to assure you

    that you are -4Q5 and that we aren3t ictims of any outer forces. e

    are he ederation, (n human disguise, right now. ( don3t know why (

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    write this, but you all ha e to understand that (3m not writing this to

    be correct, but as a statement from my soul.

    eachers of -(9D focus only on the positi e and don3t feed thenegati e. ( don3t care one bit about the negati e forces out there,

    because they aren3t important. hey ha e helped us to understand

    what we don3t want, and that is enough. E his is out of lo e, not

    ignorance.G hey will find their way of -4Q5 when it2s time for them,

    so ( only focus on what ( can do to raise my ibration. (t2s not ego, it2s

    your mission. e came to this planet 4 B5 D5 FDA?95, and how canwe be the change8 Y4K -(Q5 ( A= ( ( 5U(= = @(9D ?4 here is

    not one bit of time to gi e focus to any negati e force outside


    =ome may translate this as 0?othing will happen if we )ust sit still and

    do nothing.+ ( want to say to you that by raising your ibration orfreMuency you will affect e erything and do things you couldn3t e en

    imagine you could or would do. he light freMuencies totally change

    your being and the way you look at and percei e things, it3s like you

    get a higher perspecti e on things. e don3t always ha e that higher

    perspecti e, and this makes us confused, because we don3t understand

    why certain things happen.

    (nstead of running around blindfolded and doing things, which won2t

    get you far, it3s better to mo e slowly and lo e yourself more and more

    e ery day. 5 entually you won3t e en care to look at negati ity

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    anymore, because it2s not a ailable to your mindset anymore. (t2s like

    it2s non6eCistent. You ha e switched channel6freMuencies and this is by

    choice. =ome people may want to remain in the channel of iolence,

    etc., but we will do all we can to help them simply by being ourhighest ision, wit