you're getting a degree in what? from where? why?

DEGREE You’re Getting a in WHAT? from WHERE? WHY? An In-Depth Look at What Christendom Alumni Do with their Liberal Arts Degrees CHRISTENDOM ALUMNI ARE SUCCESSFUL AND HIGHLY EMPLOYABLE [FACT]

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An In-Depth Look at What Christendom Alumni Do with their Liberal Arts Degrees


Page 1: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

DEGREE You’re Getting a

in WHAT? from WHERE?


An In-Depth Look at What Christendom Alumni Do with their Liberal Arts Degrees




Page 2: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

“A Christendom College education opens endless opportunities and confers enormous obligations.

The time I spent at Christendom enabled me to earn a valuable liberal arts degree, taught me intellectual discipline and effective work habits, and helped me to prioritize the important things in my life.

Many students in American colleges and universities today acquire a narrow, overly specialized education, but employers and graduate schools are actively seeking well-rounded, liberal arts undergraduates. Following my graduation, I enrolled in Northeastern University’s Graduate School of Professional Accounting in Boston, MA, where 90% of students have liberal arts, non-business backgrounds.

I encourage each of you to consider a future in business. A Christendom degree doesnotprohibitentryintothefield;onthecontrary,itfacilitatessuccess.”

“Christendom's core curriculum represents the best of all possible worlds for those striving to become professors and scholars in the humanities, for it grounds them in the permanent questions and educates them over the whole of the western tradition. My experiences at Christendom are foundational for my life as a professor and scholar engaged in dialogue with the non-Catholicworld.”

Sean Kay

Don PrudloAssociate Professor of Ancient & Medieval History JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITYClass of 1999Major: Theology

Partner PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSClass of 1997Major: English / Political Science

Page 3: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

Christendom alumni, armed with their degrees in liberal arts, are prepared for the world post-graduation. A number go to graduate school, while most end up entering the workforce. Some join seminaries or religious orders, while others get married. No matter what they do, Christendom alumni are well-educated, and have the ability to take on anything that comes their way.

In summary, about 15% of Christendom alumni have gone on to graduate school and attained a graduate degree. Some might mistakenly think that you would need to go to graduate school in order to get a job, if all you have is a liberal arts degree from Christendom. That is not true, since 85% of our graduatesfindandholdchallenging,well-payingjobswithout graduate degrees.

Interestingly enough, in the U.S. today, only about 27% of college graduates end up working in thefieldinwhichtheystudied,andthatisnotsurprising. It is very hard for someone about to graduate high school, or entering college, to know - for certain - what they want to do when they graduate.Andsoitisdifficulttopickacollegebasedonthemajorthatyouthinkyouaregoingto“use”in your career. There are too many variables. People change. The world changes. Job descriptions change. Industries change. Technology evolves. Things never stay the same.

A recent survey of employers by Hart Research Associates,oneoftheleadingresearchfirmsinthenation,confirmsthevalueofeducationintheliberalarts. Check out the survey results in the box on the right.

Almost all Christendom alumni are working in fieldstotallyunrelatedtotheirmajors.Andthisis a good thing. Students normally do not choose Christendom because of this or that major, but rather, because they know that they will be given thetoolstosucceedinanyfieldtheychoose:written and verbal communication skills, ability to solve complex problems, to work well with others, and to adapt in a changing work environment.

If our alumni who majored in English had to work in the“Englishfield,”orourphilosophymajorshadtofindemploymentinthe“Philosophyfield”(whateverthat is?), we’d be in trouble. But that is not the case. Our philosophy majors are now airplane pilots or computer engineers. Our Theology grads are running businesses or schools. And our philosophy majors, well, they do everything! You get the picture.

This booklet is meant to give you an understanding of the very many possibilities there are for graduates of Christendom College - jobs, graduate schools, vocations. A Christendom liberal arts degreegivesyouaflexibilityandadaptabilitythatemployers like, as well as the communication skills, organizational habits, and work ethic needed for grad students, employees, husbands, wives, postulants, brothers, sisters, and priests.

At Christendom College, we prepare our students for a life spent in pursuit of truth and wisdom, with a particular focus on enabling them to become leaders in society, thereby, giving them the tools theyneedtoworktofulfilltheCollege’smissionof“restoringallthingsinChrist.”


95% of employers surveyed give hiring preference to college graduates with skills that will enable them to contribute to innovation in the workplace.

93% agree that “a candidate’s demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problemsismoreimportantthantheirundergraduatemajor.”

Over 90% say it is important that those they hire demonstrate “ethical judgment and integrity, intercultural skills, and the capacity for continued new learning.”

Over 75% want colleges to place even more emphasis on helping students develop critical thinking, complex problem-solving, written and oral communication, and applied knowledge in real-world settings.

Hart Research Associates Survey Results

Page 4: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?


• Frank Nicely ’86 - Theology - Principal, St. William of York School• Lindsay Hurd ’10 - Philosophy - Course Development Editor, The Catholic Distance

University• Matthew Cuddeback ’88 - Philosophy - Philosophy Professor, Providence College• Dave Brown ’92 - Philosophy - History/Government Teacher, the Heights School• Megan Rolla ’11 - Philosophy - Teacher, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd • Christine Ascik ’12 - Classics/History - Latin Teacher, Seton School• Joan Watson ’06 - History - Assistant Director of Catechetics, Aquinas College • Donald Prudlo ’99 - History - History Professor, JSU of Alabama • Matthew Walz ’95 - Philosophy/Theology - Philosophy Professor, The University of

Dallas• Elizabeth Wallace ’05 -History - AMI Montessori Directress at John XXIII Montessori

Children’s Center • Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo ’04 - Theology - Director, Institute of Catholic Culture • Thomas Cole ’04, History - Academic Dean and Teacher, Holy Family Academy • Sarah Marchand ’10 - History - Director of Religious Education, St. Andrew the

Apostle• Rachel Kujawa ’13 - History - Teacher, Ridgeview Classical Schools• Louis Massett ’08 - English - Principal, Tyburn Academy• Christine Nussio ’12 - History - Upper School History Teacher, Oakcrest School • Mo Woltering ’93 - History - Headmaster, Covington Latin School• Emma Boyle ’09 - History - Teacher/Dept Chair, Pope John Paul the Great Catholic

High School• Thereareover125alumniworkingintheDioceseofArlington,VA,inthefieldof

education, religious education, and academia.


• Daniel McGuire ’03 - Classics - Senior Staff Attorney• Matthew Akers ’03 - Philosophy - Attorney/Partner, McCarthy & Akers• John Curran ’91- Philosophy - Supervisory Special Agent, FBI • StevenCurtin’08-Philosophy-SecurityOfficer,Inter-ConSecuritySystems• Phil Menke ’01 - History - Associate Attorney at Coon, Purnell & McKennett PC• Laura Scanlon ’03 - Political Science - Associate Attorney, McCarthy & Akers• Tom McKenna ’85 - Theology - Asst. Commonwealth’s Attorney, VA• MaryPatryn’92-History-Attorney,LawOfficeofMaryPatryn• Nick Murphy ’90 - History - Agent, ATF• Vince Verrocchio ’91 - History - Associate Attorney, Venable• Adam Marchand ’06 - Political Science - State Trooper, Vermont • Anthony Starkus ’01- Philosophy - Attorney• Ted Eidem ’00 - Political Science - Police Detective, Louisville, KY• John O’Herron ’06 - History - Law Clerk, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Virginia • Noreen Daly Barrs ’11 - Political Science - Paralegal• Matthew O’Herron ’93 - History - Attorney/Partner, Turbitt & O’Herron

• Kristina Brennan ’09 - History - Associate Attorney, Babst Calland• Dominick Severance ’08 - Political Science - Associate Attorney at Fenton & Keller• NicholasLowry’11-History-UniformedSecurityOfficer,Inter-ConSecurity

Systems • Andrew Tatum ’09 - Philosophy - Border Patrol Agent, U.S. Customs and Border



• John English ’06 - Philosophy - Surgical Resident • Hope Johnson ’86 - History - Pediatric Nurse• Teri Rusnak ’04 - Philosophy - Registered Nurse • John-Paul Jansen ’00 - History - Oncologist• Anne Jansen ’05 - History - Registered Nurse• Sam Aronhime ’93 - History - Dentist• Elizabeth Young ’05 - Philosophy - Emergency Room Nurse • Neill Mollard ’97 - Philosophy - Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologist• Joe Soos ’93 - Philosophy - Physical Therapist • Jill Menke ’04 - Philosophy - Registered Nurse• Erin MacEgan ’98 - Theology - Registered Nurse • Celine Ament ’09 - English - Registered Nurse• Tess Sciscilo ’07 - History - Registered Nurse• Peter McNeely ’11 - Political Science - Medical School Student, Case Western



• CaptainAndrewCole’09-Philosophy-CommunicationsOfficer,USMC• Lt Michael Inzeo ’11 - Theology - Studying to be an aviator, USMC• David Bushey ’08 - History - Linguist, US Navy• Captain Joe Mazzara ’08 - Philosophy - Artillery, USMC• Kyle Greene ’08 - History - Avionics Sensors Journeyman in the US Air Force• Captain Pat Vande Woude ’05 - History - Helicopter Pilot, USMC• Captain Michael Moore ’05 - Political Science - F-16 Fighter Pilot, US Air Force• LTJGBreeDail’07-History-SurfaceWarfareOfficer,USNavy• IstLtRandBrown’08-PoliticalScience-LogisticsOfficer,USMC• Lt Dave Long ’10 - History - Infantry, USMC• Sarah Flamminio ’08 - English - Linguist, US Navy • CaptainPaulProvencher’08-HistoryandPhilosophy-Infantryofficer,USArmy• Major Gabriel Young ’01 - Political Science - Major and Attorney, US Air Force


• Mary Beth Baker ’08 - Philosophy - Senior Staff Writer, The Pinkston Group• Charlie Spiering ’05 - History - Commentary Staff Writer, Washington Examiner• Lesly DePiante ’04 - History - Assistant Editor, Angelus Press

Alumni & Careers Please note that this is merely a partial listing.

Page 5: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

• Heather Hambleton ’05 - Political Science - Freelance Editor• Agnes Penny ’97 - English - Author• Christian Tappe ’07 - English - Editor, St. Benedict Press• Jaime Gorman ’03 - English - Freelance writer • Theresa Fisher ’03 - English - Author• Becket Adams ’08 - History - Business Editor, The Blaze• Peter Jesserer Smith ’09 - Philosophy - Freelance Writer/National Catholic Register• Christine Smitha ’04 - English - Assistant Editor, Seton Magazine • Chris Wells ’97 - Theology - Broadcast Journalist, Radio Vaticana• Lisa Szczechowski ’01 - English - Technical Editor, Leidos• Ann Schneible ’04 - English - Journalist, Zenit


• Greg Bodoh ’94 - Theology - Owner, Sole Solutions computer programming company • Bennett Ellis ’91- Philosophy - Software architect and programmer, IBM • Phil O’Herron ’00 - Philosophy - Neuroscientist • Kenneth Baltrinic ’93 - Theology - Senior Software Engineer, Berico Technologies • Brandon Vaughan ’05 - Philosophy - Web Developer at nclud• Damian Fedoryka ’94 - Theology - Electrical Engineer, Senior Engineer, Praxis

Engineering• Bryan Hadro ’04 - Philosophy - Web Developer, ESPN • Kyle Kelley ’10 - Classics - Computer Scientist, United States Department of Defense• Anthony Smitha ’05 - Theology - IT Support Specialist, Manus Dei • SeanVieira’09-Philosophy-Analyst(SoftwareEngineer),Lab49• Mike Rohan ’89 - Philosophy - Software Team Lead, KEYW • Matthew Gelis ’87 - Philosophy - Owner, Veraprise web design • Matthew Herter ’95 - Theology - Multimedia Specialist, Edge Digital Group • Charles Shunk ’98 - Theology/Classics - Senior Software Engineer, eComEngine• Kevin Fox ’04 - English - IT Manager, John C. Grimberg Company• Michael Ferguson ’92 - Philosophy - Sales Application Engineer, PTC• Aaron Tatum ’11 - Philosophy - Software Developer, Sole Solutions


• Sean Kay ’97 - English/Political Science - Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers• Michael Meridith ’97 - History - Accountant, Murray & Cavanaugh, P.C., CPA • Mike Williams ’91 - French - President, Strategic Gold Corporation• Arthur Dhanagom ’06 - Philosophy - Staff Accountant at St. John’s College High School • Nick Oligny ’06 - History - Financial Advisor, VALIC • David Hickin ’90 - Philosophy - Director, KeyBanc Capital Markets • Kate Leonard ’02 - Philosophy - Accounting/ Human Resources Manager, The RSR

Company • Michele Velasco ’91 - Political Science - Vice President, Finance, Sirius XM Radio • John Halisky ’04 - History - Team Manager/Consulting Group Analyst, Morgan Stanley

Wealth Management

• Jeff Sciscilo ’04 - Political Science - Associate VP, McLaughlin Ryder Investments • DanDancause’98-Philosophy-Director,QualifiedPlansandInvestmentResearch,GPS

Investment Advisors • Bonnie Wunderlich ’10 - Political Science - Human Resources Coordinator, CW

Financial Services • Sarah Akers ’00 - Theology - Senior Director of Human Resources, FOCUS • Ron Klassen ’01 - History - Senior Account Executive, K&B Underwriters• Brad Thrasher ’10 - Political Science - Loan Originator, Axia Home Loans


• Niall O’Donnell ’03 - English - Associate Director of PR & Marketing, Christendom College

• Robyn Lee ’02 - Theology - Editor, blog• Adam Wilson ’07 - Philosophy - Director of Communications, Cardinal Newman

Society• Draper Warren ’08 - History - Marketing/Conference Project Manager, Seton Home

Study• Lauren Merz ’10 - Philosophy - Intern Coordinator, Media Research Center• Chris Foley ’94 - History - Freelance Television Producer and Avid Editor• Matthew Cameron ’93 - Political Science - Media Producer,• Michael Hichborn ’99 - Political Science - Director of Defend the Faith, American Life

League• Anita Crane ’93 - Theology - Media Booking Specialist, Allen Media Strategies• Adrienne Alessandro ’05 - English - Project Support Specialist III/Technical Writer, ASRC

Federal• Beth Wiener ’90 - Political Science - Marketing and Sales,Vienna Woodworks• Katie Coyne ’12 - Philosophy - Marketing Consultant, CBIZ MHM• Tara Bersnak ’09 - Philosophy - Founder, Fauquier Communications• Andrew Ciskanik ’12 - Political Science - Graphic Designer, Voveo Marketing Group


• JohnGordon’97-PoliticalScience-FranchiseOwner/Operator,Chick-fil-A• Mark Rohlena ’00 - History - CEO, Catholic Charities, Colorado Springs • PeterMcGuire’10-Philosophy-DistrictSalesCoordinator,Aflac• Tim Coffey ’02 - Philosophy - General Manager, Stone Concepts• Paul Almeter ’05 - Philosophy - CEO, Almeter Construction • Jeremy Whitcomb ’09 - History - Store Manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company• Frank O’Reilly ’83 - History - CEO, Petrine Construction • Joe Doyle ’87 - History - Vice President, Doyle Signs• Ben McMahon ’04 - Philosophy - CEO, BSM Properties• Tim Halisky ’01 - History - President, RLA Mid-Atlantic • Alexander Knight ’07 - Political Science - Account Executive, TrueShred• Andy McDonald ’05 - History - Director of Operations for Sarto Marble and Granite• Patrick Dean ’98 - Theology - Partner/Owner, Hvalsoe Hardwoods

Page 6: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

• Andy Day ’06 - Political Science - Regional Director, FOCUS • Jenny Sladky ’88 - History - Business Manager, Tepeyac Title & Settlement,

LLC• Mark Schwerdt ’02 - Philosophy - Executive Director, Gallup Cultural

Center, Southwest Indian Foundation • Rob Brown ’02 - History - Business Manager, Virginia Polytechnic

Institute • JP Minick ’10 - Philosophy - Account Manager, immixGroup • Michael Blackmer ’91 - History - Professional Territory Manager, Merz

Pharmaceuticals • Bernard King ’08 - History - Owner/Principal Agent, Spire Insurance

Services • Brian Hudson ’98 - English - Co-Owner/Director of Federal Sales,

Federal Defense Solutions • Matt Murphy ’91 - Political Science - Area Sales Manager, Morris

Ginsberg • Ben Ranieri ’11 - History - Business Development Executive at American

Dream Restoration • Agnes King ’08 - History - Director of Operations, World Youth Alliance

Europe• Zachary Gossin ’06 - Philosophy - Direct Sales Executive, Logi Analytics• Denny Pregent ’07 - Philosophy - Executive Director, Springhouse

Management• Dan Arnold ’92 - Political Science - Vice President of Business

Development, Salient


• Emily Minick ’10 - Political Science - Policy Assistant, Senate Joint Economic Committee

• Nik Zylstra ’09 - Philosophy - Policy Advisor at Health Canada • Chris Kopeck ‘90 - Political Science - Personnel Management, ATF• Cyrus Artz ’10 - Political Science - Policy Advisor to U.S. Rep. Virginia

Foxx(NC-05)• Kerri Polce ’03 - History - Director of Grants Management, American

Enterprise Institute • Kate Alcantara ’07 - History - Associate Director, Student Division, The

Federalist Society • Tyler Lowe ’11 - Philosophy - Director of Online Education, The

Federalist Society• Daniel Clark ’86 - Political Science - Project Manager, ATF• Gerry Zapiain ’85 - Political Science - Senior International Trade

Specialist - Dept. Commerce• Guy Smith ’89 - Philosophy - Diplomat, United States State Department

Approximately 15% of Christendom alumni have attained a graduate degree. According to the 2010 US Census, only 9% of Americans over 25 have a graduate degree, so as you can see, those earning a graduate degree are certainly in the minority.

Below is a sampling of the schools they have attended

• AmericanInterContinentalUniversity(Business,CurricularDevelopment)• ArizonaStateUniversity(Business)• AugustineInstitute(Theology)• Ave Maria School of Law • AveMariaUniversity(Theology)• BenedictineCollege(Business)• BrusselsSchoolofInternationalStudies(Business)• CarnegieMellonUniversity(English)• Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine• Charlotte School of Law• ChristendomCollegeGraduateSchool(Theology)• ChristianBrothersUniversity(Business)• ClaremontGraduateUniversity(History)• ConcordCareerCollege(Nursing)• Creighton University School of Medicine• Dickinson School of Law• DrexelUniversity(EducationalAdministration)• DuquesneUniversity(Theology)• Eastern Virginia Medical School• Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University• FloridaInternationalUniversity(History)• FloridaStateUniversity(Literature)• FordhamUniversity(Philosophy)• FranciscanUniversityofSteubenville(Theology,Counseling,Philosophy)• GeorgeMasonUniversity(Nursing,History,Linguistics,ElectricalEngineering,International

Commerce & Policy, Spanish)• George Mason University Law School • HarvardUniversity(Classics)• HolyApostlesCollegeandSeminary(Theology)• IndianaWesleyanUniversity(Business)• Internationale Akademie für Philosophie • JohnPaultheGreatCatholicUniversity(Business)

Alumni & Graduate Schools

Page 7: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

• JohnsHopkinsUniversity(Neuroscience,Education,Politics)• L’AcademiedeCuisine(Culinaryarts)• LibertyUniversity(Education)• LoyolaUniversityMaryland,SellingerSchoolofBusiness(Business)• MarquetteUniversity(Philosophy,Counseling&EducationalPsychology)• MarymountUniversity(Nursing,Education)• Montessori Training Center of Minnesota• NationalUniversity(History)• NortheasternUniversity(Business,Accounting)• Oklahoma City University School of Law• PontificalJohnPaulIIInstituteforStudiesonMarriageandtheFamily

(Theology)• ProvidenceCollege(Teaching)• Quinnipiac University School of Law• Saba University School of Medicine• SetonHallUniversity(Theology)• ShenandoahUniversity(Business,Music)• SouthernMethodistUniversity(Theology)• StateUniversityofNewYork(SUNY)(LibraryScience)• St.John’sCollege,Annapolis(LiberalArts)• St.LouisUniversity(History)• St. Luke’s School of Nursing• St. Mary’s University School of Law• TexasA&MUniversity(MBA-InternationalTrade)• TheCatholicUniversityofAmerica(Literature,PoliticalScience,Library

Science, Philosophy, Classics, Theology, Business, Church History, Early Christian Studies, Social Work)

• The Catholic University of America Law School • The College of William & Mary Law School • TheInstituteforthePsychologicalSciences(Psychology)• TheInstituteofWorldPolitics(PoliticalStudies)• ThePontificalFacultyoftheImmaculateConception(Theology)

• ThePontificalGregorianUniversity,Rome(Theology)• ThePontificalUniversityofSt.ThomasAquinas,Rome(Theology)• ThePontificalUniversityoftheHolyCross,Rome(Communications)• TheUniversityofDallas(English,Theology,Business,Psychology,Humanities)• The University of Dayton School of Law• TheUniversityofDenver(LibraryScience)• The University of California Davis Law School• TheUniversityofColorado(French)• The University of Indiana Law School • The University of Louisville Law School• TheUniversityofMarylandUniversityCollege(Management/Accounting)• The University of Memphis-Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law• TheUniversityofMiami(Architecture)• TheUniversityofNotreDame(EducationalAdministration,Architecture,

Philosophy, History, Theology, Business)• The University of Notre Dame Law School • TheUniversityofOxford,England(English,Anthropology)• The University of Richmond Law School • TheUniversityofVirginia(History)• The University of Virginia Law School • The University of West Virginia School of Medicine• TheUniversityofWesternOntario(LibraryScience)• TheUniversityofYork,England(Literature)• University of Louisville School of Dentistry• University of New Hampshire School of Law• UniversityofTennessee-Knoxville(Business)• VanderbiltUniversity(Nursing)• VirginiaCommonwealthUniversitySchoolofMedicine(PhysicalTherapy)• VirginiaTech(Business,Architecture,Accounting)• Washington and Lee Law School • Western New England School of Law

15% Christendom College Students

9% National Average

Students Who Have Earned Graduate Degrees

Page 8: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

• Rev.Mr.ZacharyAkers,FSSP(FraternityofSt.Peter)• Rev. Jacob Almeter - Diocese of Savannah• Sr.MaryImmaculateofEternalFatherAlmeter,OCD(Carmelite,NY)• Fr. Fadi Auro - Archdiocese of St. Louis• Fr. Charles Bak, MSA - Archdiocese of Hartford• Sr.MaryJoannesBaptista,O.Praem(Norbertine,CA)• Sr.ElizabethAnnBarkett,SJW(SistersofSt.JosephtheWorker)• Sr.MaryChristianaofJesusOurKingBarry,PCC(PoorClares,VA)• Fr. Attila Bartal - Romanian Diocese• Sr.SarahBelk(Benedictine,MA)• Sr.KristineBennier(Carmelite,NE)• Fr. Patrick Beno - Diocese of Green Bay • Fr. Kevin Beres - Diocese of Arlington • Rev. Msgr. Michael Bliss - Diocese of Peoria • Sr.SuzanneMarieBodoh,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Sr.JuanitaCruzBodoh(MissionariesofCharity)• Fr. Vincent Bork - Diocese of Arlington• Fr.MichaelBowman,OSB(Benedictine,France)• Fr.JosephMaryBrown(CommunityofSt.John)• Fr.ThomasCahill,MJ(MilesJesu)• Fr.BenCameron,CPM(FathersofMercy)• Fr.LouisCaporiccio,CPM(FathersofMercy)• DeaconSabatinoCarnazzo(MelkiteRite)• Fr.WilliamCasey,CPM(FathersofMercy)• Fr.MichaelCermak(MaroniteMonksofAdoration,MA)• Fr.JacintoMaryChapin(MarianFriaryofOurLady,MediatrixofAllGraces,WI)• Fr. Dac Clement - Diocese of St. Petersburg • Sr.VeronicaAnneCotter,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Sr.MaryGraceoftheHolySpiritCurran,OCD(Carmelite,NY)• Fr.ScottDaniels(PriestsforLife)• Fr.MichaelDiemer,MJ(MilesJesu)• MadreThereseDodge(ReligiousofSacredHeartofFlorence)• Fr. Denis Donahue - Diocese of Arlington• Sr.CatherineJosephDroste,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Sr.MaireK.Duggan,MJ(MilesJesus)• Sr.JuanitaMarieoftheCrossFlagg,OCD(Carmelite,NY)• Sr.ElizabethoftheHolySpiritFields(Carmelite,MN)

• Fr.ChristopherFoeckler,MJ(MilesJesu)• Sr.MaryMichaelFox,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Sr.ImmaculataFrancis,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Br.JohnFrancis(CommunityofSt.John)• Sr.MaryJordanoftheHolyFamilyFriemoth,OP(Dominican,AL)• Fr.FrankFusare,CPM(FathersofMercy)• Sr. Mary Catherine Fye • Sr.AgnesMarieofEternalHighPriestGallagher,OCD(Carmelite,NY)• Sr.MaryMagdaleneofJesusCrucifiedGilbert,OCD(Carmelite,NY)• Sr.SarahGolden(PoorClares)• Fr. Jim Grau - Diocese of Detroit• Sr.EmmanuelGross,OP(Dominican,MaryMotheroftheEucharist)• Fr. Fred Gruber - Diocese of Pittsburgh• Sr.JuanaMariadelaCruzGuarnizo(Carmelite,Spain)• Sr.BenedictaMarieHainoftheHolyCross(SisterServantsoftheEternalWord,AL)• Sr.TheresaHartley(Carmelite,PA)• Rev.Mr.DanielHeenan,FSSP(FraternityofSt.Peter)• Fr. Albert Heidecke - Diocese of Joliet• Sr.M.AugustineHeisler(Carmelite,MO)• Fr. John Heisler - Diocese of Arlington• Sr.MaryMarthaHetzler,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Fr.MichaelHickin(SpiritualDirector,NAC)• Fr.MarianusHough(CommunityofSt.John)• Sr.Rita(Hannah)Kelly(TrinitariansofMary)• Fr. Joseph Kenna - Diocese of Arlington • Fr. James Kyrpczak - Diocese of Metuchen • Fr.ThomasM.Longua,FSSP(FraternityofSt.Peter)• Fr. Bjorn Lundberg - Diocese of Arlington • Fr. Joseph Mahoney - Archdiocese of Boston• Br.JohnMcFadden(Benedictine,ClearCreekAbbey)• Fr. Stephen McGraw - Diocese of Arlington• Sr.MaryJosephofJesusMersch,OCD(Carmelite,NE)• Sr.PatriciaMetzger,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Sr.MarieDominiqueMullen,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Fr. Edward Murphy - Diocese of Jacksonville • Sr.MeliaMurphy,OP(Dominican,ME)• Fr.BasilNortz,ORC(OrdersofCanonsRegular)

Asof2014,ChristendomCollegehashelpedfoster152religiousvocationsamongstitsalumniranks(68priests,50sisters,3deacon,3brothers, and 28 men currently in seminary). Additionally, over the past 36 years, there have been over 360 alumna-to-alumnus marriages.

Below is the list of all the known priests and religious who have attended Christendom College:

Alumni & Vocations

Page 9: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

• Br.RobertNortz(MaroniteMonksofAdoration)• Sr.JohannaoftheHolySpiritO’Donnell(PoorClares,VA)• Fr. Carroll Oubre - Diocese of Arlington • Sr.ThomasMarieofthePassionPanalsek,OCD(Carmelite,SD)• Fr. Kevin Peek- Archdiocese of Atlanta • Sr.MaryAgnesofImmaculateHeartMaryPeek,OCD(Carmelite,SD)• Fr.FrancisPeffley-DioceseofArlington• Fr.ChrisPelster,FSSP(FraternityofSt.Peter)• Sr.AuriesvillePennefather,SSVM(ServantsoftheLordandtheVirginofMatera)• Fr. Jerome Pilon - Diocese of Peoria • Sr.MiriamEstherPodlinsek(Benedictine,KS)• Fr.JosephPortzer,FSSP(FraternityofSt.Peter)• Sr.AgnesMaryAmyQuartararo,OP(DominicanSistersofHawthorne)• Sr.DominicQuinn,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Fr. John Rader - Diocese of Sioux Falls • Fr. Antonio Ramos - Diocese of Sioux Falls• Fr. Greg Roth - Diocese of Saskatoon• Fr. Michael Ruddick - Archdiocese of Ottawa• Fr.GerardSaguto,FSSP(FraternityofSt.Peter)• Fr.RomeoSalcido,MJ(MilesJesu)• Sr.ImmaculataScheidler(CommunityofSt.John)• Sr.MaryCharitasofChildJesusSchneible,PCC(PoorClares,VA)• Fr.VictorShoemaker(CommunityofSt.John)• Sr.MarieoftheIncarnationSiegmund(Carmelite,MN)• Fr. Brian Simon - Diocese of Sioux Falls

• Fr. Christopher Smith - Diocese of Charleston• Fr.MichaelStein(InstituteofChristtheKing)• Fr.AnthonyMaryStelton,MFVA(FranciscanMissionariesoftheEternalWord)• Fr.TonyStephens,CPM(FathersofMercy)• Fr. Michael Taylor - Diocese of Arlington• Sr.EileenTickner,FMA(DaughtersofMary,HelpofChristians)• Fr. Robert Turner - Archdiocese of Hartford• Fr. Thomas Vander Woude - Diocese of Arlington• Fr. John Verrier - Diocese of Peoria• Fr.PaulVota,MJ(MilesJesu)• Fr. Justin Wachs - Diocese of Sioux Falls• Fr. Kevin Walsh - Diocese of Arlington• Fr.MarkWenzinger,OSB(Benedictine,PA)• Fr. Shaun Whittington - Archdiocese of Indianapolis• Fr.BonifaceWillard,OP(Dominican,WesternProvince)• Sr.MichaelJosephofOurLadyofMountCarmelWillen,OCD(Carmelite)• Fr. Peter Williams - Diocese of Burlington• Fr.DavidWilton,CPM(FathersofMercy)• Sr.TeresaWolpert,LIHM(SistersoftheLeavenoftheImmaculateHeartofMary)• Sr.MaryPaulineWolpert,LIHM(SistersoftheLeavenoftheImmaculateHeartofMary)• Sr.MaryLawrenceWright,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Fr.MichaelMaryoftheTrinityWright(Carmelite,WY)• Sr.MaryAnneZuberbueler,OP(NashvilleDominican)• Fr. Matthew Zuberbueler - Diocese of Arlington

Page 10: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

The Truth about the Liberal Arts• Liberal arts students advance more quickly to middle and senior management positions than their


• The liberal arts are more effective in teaching communication skills, general knowledge and information, an understanding of people, an appreciation of ethical concerns, an ability to organize and prioritize, and vitalleadershipskills(Fortune500study).

• Business leaders value liberal arts grads for their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, strong writingandspeakingskills,self-discipline,exposuretodiverseideas,andglobalperspective(Hobart&William Smith Colleges study).

• Strong communications skills are the single most important attribute a candidate can have - and also the onemostlackingamongjobapplicants(PollofhiringmanagersbytheNationalAssociationofCollegesand Employers).

• A broad liberal arts education is preferred for future CEOs - blending knowledge of history, culture, philosophy,andeconomicpolicy,withinternationalexperienceandproblem-solvingskills(TheWallStreet Journal).

• Employersfocusonfindinggraduateswiththerightskillsratherthantherightmajor,asanewemployeewiththerightskillscaneasilylearnthespecificsofanindustry.Employersdesiretransferableskills,skillsemployees take with them to any job, such as written and verbal communication skills, the ability to solve complex problems, to work well with others, and to adapt in a changing workplace - and these are characteristicofaliberalartseducation(SurveybyNationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers).

• Themostdesiredemploymentskills(inorderofimportance):Teamwork,ProblemSolving,InterpersonalSkills, Oral Communication, Listening, Personal/Career Development, Creative Thinking, Leadership, GoalSetting/Motivation,Writing,OrganizationalEffectiveness,Computation,Reading(accordingtoFortune 500 Companies).

“It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.”

- Albert Einstein

“It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing and nowhere is that more true than in these post-PC devices.”

- Steve Jobs

“As you move higher up the school, you have to make choices regarding the subjects you study, you begin to specialize with a view to what you are going to do later on in life. That is right and proper. But always remember that every subject you study is part of a bigger picture. Never allow yourselves to become narrow. The world needs good scientists, but a scientific outlook becomes dangerously narrow if it ignores the religious or ethical dimension of life, just as religion becomes narrow if it rejects the legitimate contribution of science to our understanding of the world. We need good historians and philosophers and economists, but if the account they give of human life within their particular field is too narrowly focused, they can lead us seriously astray.”

– Pope Benedict XVI

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“My Christendom education has given me the

ability to discern things in the work place and

then reason to different conclusions. I think

the wide range of disciplines that are studied

at Christendom make it easier to do a host

of different things, and as a Marine pilot I have


other Marines.

True leaders need to be well grounded in the

Faith and understand that the Catholic way of

leadership is more in demand today than it has

ever been. Christendom provides a haven to

learn and grow before launching out into the


“My liberal arts education gave me a big advantage in law school and continues to aid me in my practice of law. As an attorney, you need to be able to reason by analogy—to be able to take the law and apply it to the actual facts that your client is facing. You also need to be able to write clearly and concisely about complicated matters. The skills I received from Christendom in analytical reasoning, as well as writing about scholarly matters,wasreallybeneficial.”

Pat Vander Woude

Laura ScanlonAttorney MCCARTHY & AKERS, PLCClass of 2003Major: Philosophy

Captain / Pilot UNITED STATES MARINE CORPSClass of 2005Major: History

Page 12: You're Getting a Degree in What? From Where? Why?

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