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  • 8/9/2019 Youths Engage!


  • 8/9/2019 Youths Engage!














    Programme 13




    30Young people are always so full of energy, passion, and dynamism. These are thequalities which we need to build a brighter and better future for Singapore. Forwithout them, we may falter, and be overtaken by others. But with them, we canscale unimaginable heights and conquer all the odds.

    REACH recognises the importance of engaging this segment of our populationto tap on their dynamism and exuberance. And as part of our overallefforts to reach out to more Singaporeans, we have actively soughtto engage our youths.

    This handbook is part of that effort produced in

    collaboration with some of our active youth contributors.It celebrates not only the accomplishments of our rstbatch of Junior REACH Ambassadors (JRAs) - youngSingaporeans who willingly contributed their time andintellectual and physical energy to help shape the futureof our nation and be engagement leaders to their peers.It also lays out the principles of engagement for thebenet of all youths.

    With this handbook, we aim to enhance theunderstanding of our young citizens on engagement,and show how you can come forward to share yourviews on issues that matter to you.

    Your say today may become tomorrows reali ty, andREACH is ready to hear what you have to share.

    So what are you waiting for? Act now!Dr. Amy KhorChairmanREACH


  • 8/9/2019 Youths Engage!



    So, how exactly does REACH factor in citizen engagement?In a nutshell, REACH or reaching everyone for active citizenry @ home, is the set-up through which citizens and the Government can engage each other. Originallyestablished as the Feedback Unit in 1985, REACH was restructured and reinventedas REACH in 2006.

    Along with the change in name has been a signicant step-up in the effort togo beyond just gathering feedback to becoming the lead agency for publicconsultation. And this includes the adoption of ever-evolving new media platformsas our channels of engagement: Facebook, blogs, Twitter, YouTube you name it,weve probably explored it!

    Cool! So how do I get started???Well, thats what this handbook is all about. So read on!!!

    JUSTwhat is citizen engagement?What is citizen engagement? And how can youths like you takethe rst step towards engaging the Government? How can you bean agent of change, to make a difference? But rst, what exactlyis public consultation?

    Quite simply, it is the process of engaging, and of being engagedby the Government, on matters that matter to you. It is aboutSingaporeans working hand-in-hand with the Government toshape the Singapore that they wish to live, work, and play in.

    Your views and suggestions matter, and public consultation is themeans by which to feature them in the policy-making process.

    In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, be the change that you wantto see in the world!

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    ??egaggh Govrm:FrequentlyAskedQuestions

    What kind offeedback canI give? Will allfeedback beaccepted?

    Feedback on all issuesand in all formats iswelcome! But just as

    there are two sides toevery coin, there aremultiple views on anyone issue. So whilesome feedback may beaccepted right away, itmay not be the case forothers. But do not letthat stop you - do yourpart by speaking upand making your voicecount!

    Any rules Ill have to observe?

    Anything goes, as long as you do not break thelaw! But as in any other discourse, treat others withrespect, and they will more likely than not returnthe favour.

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    ?How may I submit my feedback to REACH?You can send your feedback to us through a variety of channels e-mail,the REACH Discussion Forum, Facebook, Twitter, and of course the moretraditional options of our hotline and snail mail. You can refer to page 30 for acomplete listing of our feedback channels..

    Ive submitted my feedback toREACH. So what now?Your feedback will be relayed to the owner-agency for consideration, who may contact youto seek clarication, or to eventually share withyou the outcome of your feedback.

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    Is my feedback censored or edited before beingrelayed on?

    Feedback is forwarded on without any censorship, so you canbe assured that the essence and nuance of your feedback willremain exactly as you intended.

    Will the Government really listen to myfeedback? Im only a kid, after all...

    Feedback from ALL Singaporeans matters. In fact, asthe future of Singapore, you have every right to havea say on what the Singapore of your future will be. Soyour age is no excuse to remain mum!

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    Will anonymous feedback be accepted?

    Absolutely! You can choose to remain anonymous oruse a pseudonym if you so wish. But if you believein your point of view, why not have conviction inyour beliefs, and be prepared to stand by them?Additionally, it would also enable the owner-agenciesto close the loop with you.

    In February 2008, REACHset out to bring on board abunch of active, enthusiastic,and inspirational youths tobecome our rst ever JuniorREACH Ambassadors (JRAs).Their mission: to serve asengagement leaders to theirpeers.

    Our search yielded 70young ladies and gentlemenfrom 14 secondary schools,

    Junior Colleges, ITEs andPolytechnics, who weregame enough to take upthe challenge of this uniqueappointment.



    Jor ReACHAmbaador Programm:tHe ORiGins

    BukBaok scodaryschoolHasgCaholcschoolHwaChogiuonaChauHghschool

    Yhutow scodaryschoolzhoghuascodaryschoolJurogJuorCollgtampJuorCollg

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    Youth Engangement Handbook

    Our pioneer JRAs kicked off their two-year term with workshopson leadership skills and citizen engagement. But all work andno play wouldve made a JRA a dull boy, and we couldnt havethat, could we? So a good dose of fun was thrown into the mixin the form of team-building activities. Sufce it to say thatalong with the active exchange of ideas, much laughter washad, bonds were made, and contact and Facebook details wereexchanged!

    JorReACHAmbaadorProgramm:tHe Fun

    th wa o o h roff: projc ad acv.B bg hr vr-ovavad rorcfl lv, hymaagd o rolv h ralclah bw wor ad play byrg a halhy do of ach hr projc! F wa had

    h plag ad xcg ofvaro projc. Rad o for mordetails on these activities . . .

    One More


    Jor ReACHAmbaador Programm:tHe WORk

    Kopi with the MP: Noting that in Singapore,much sharing on Government policies takesplace in coffeeshops over a cup of kopi, the

    JRAs from Hwa Chong Institution believed thatthis would be the perfect setting for a series ofdialogue sessions. Calling their initiative Kopiwith the MP, they organised a series of livelyand engaging chats with political leaders, fortheir peers to share their views and concerns withyoung politicians they can relate to, including

    Senior Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry ofCommunity Development, Youth and Sports MrTeo Ser Luck, MP for Pasir Ris - Punggol GRC MrMichael Palmer, and MP for Sembawang GRC DrLim Wee Kiak.

    The relaxed and caf-like ambience certainlyput everyone at ease, and views were exchangedfreely, on issues such as the education system,the impact of new media on Singaporeans, sportsin Singapore, and our hosting of the rst YouthOlympic Games.

    Fun all round at the JRA training sessions




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    Survey on Budget 09: JRAs from Ngee Ann Polytechnic conducteda campus-wide survey on students reactionsto the Resilience Package and other measuresannounced in Budget 09. The results of the survey

    were subsequently included in REACHs reporton feedback received on the issue, and submittedto the Ministry of Finance.

    Student Forum 09:Our JRAs from Victoria Junior College wantedmore than just the usual dialogue session, whenthey set out to organise a Student Forum on thePrime Ministers National Day Rally 09. And whatthey came up with was hardly a typical session!

    For, with a live webcast of the event on YouthVibes and a real-time Tweet session at #reachsg,they managed to engage not just the 100-oddyouths who were physically present, but alsomany others who were not.

    Those present at the dialogue also had theopportunity to engage Chairpersons MinisterVivian Balakrishnan and Dr Khor in person as wellas virtually, courtesy of the provided laptops withwireless connection, as well as large projectorscreens which enable them to follow the tweetslive as they streamed in.

    Student Forum 08:Our JRAs from ITE College West and Jurong Junior College pairedup to organise a dialogue session on youths reactions to the PrimeMinisters National Day Rally 08, with ITE College West JRA Nata lieLim and Jurong Junior College JRA Eleanor Mok charing the sessionwith Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports DrVivian Balakrishnan as well as REACH Chairman Dr Amy Khor.

    Students eagerto sharetheirv

    iewswiththe panel






    Students eager to sharetheir views the



    The discussion got thestudents entranced!

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    Whereyou c

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    their video came

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    Jor ReACH

    Ambaador Programm:th Vral Voyag

    Wouldnt it be fantastic if youths had a virtual space to call their own, where they can reect on anddiscuss national issues close to their hearts, with other like-minded youths? Well, they do!

    Conceptualised, developed, and managed by our JRAs, Youth Vibes ( is an exclusive youth-only zone on the REACH website, for all youths to share their views in a

    multitude of ways, from blog entries, photographs, and even audio and video media les:

    REACH-initiated activitiesThe JRAs also played a bigpart in REACH-initiatedactivities, including the

    launch of the REACHRoving Exhibition whichwas ofciated by PM LeeHsien Loong in Jun 08,and the development ofthe Youth Vibes websitefor youths in 2008-09.

    Leonard Yong (left) and Kwan Jin Yao(extreme right) showing the YouthVibes site to Minister and Dr Khorfollowing its launch (below)


    Ambassador Programm:

    Vrsion 2.0True to form, our pioneer batch ofJRAs have taken it upon themselvesto share w ith us ideas to improve the JRA programme for a morefruitful run, and many oftheir suggestions have been incorporatedin our JRA Programme Version 2.0.

    Have we mentioned that they are an awesome bunch? Flip over thenext few pages to get to know some of them better...

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    Soh Yi Da is a human bumblebee; full of energy, buzzing about

    everywhere. His involvement with REACH started in 2003 at thetender age of 14, as a shy, quiet teenager who would listen

    intently as Singaporeans from all walks of life shared their

    views on various national issues. His keen interest in thepolicy-making process was clear for all to see even then.

    Today, Yi Da is a poised young man who no longer only listens,

    but also confidently shares his views on important issues. His

    contributions over the years have been constant and consistent,and in Mar 2010, he was conferred the inaugural Outstanding

    REACH Contributor Award by PM Lee Hsien Loong.

    Even though he was never a JRA himself, Yi Da has come to be

    an engagement leader to the pioneer JRAs, dispensing adviceand guidance as needed. Most recently, he organised a dialogue

    session titled Doing Our Part to Enrich the Learning of MotherTongue for active young citizens with the help of REACH. The

    session, which was chaired by Government Parliamentary Committee

    (GPC) Chairman for Education and Vice-Chairman of REACH MrsJosephine Teo and Yi Da himself, was attended by 45 young

    participants aged between 14 25, who actively stepped forwardto share their views and suggestions on this issue.

    Yi Da looks forward to organising more feedback sessions infuture. I hope to organise a nationwide consultation exercise

    to seek ideas from young Singaporeans on how they envisionSingapore to be like in 2020 and urge them to play an active

    role in shaping Singapores progress over the next 10 years.

    REACH has provided me with opportunities to meet with like-

    minded youths interested in making a difference and contributingto society. Citizens feedback is vital to nation-building and

    young citizens have the ability to spearhead changes.

    To those who think that their inputs will not have any impact on

    Singapores future, he says: Step forward, challenge the statusquo and venture into new frontiers. Be the change you want to

    see in the world!

    Hello! My name is:

    Soh Yi DaI am: Organised

    I love: Cycling, reading and organizing events

    I would like to: Make more things happen



    Yi Da at the Prime Ministers Forum with REACHContributors where he was conferred the OutstandingREACH Contributor Award 2010

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    Singapore played host to the Asia-Pacific EconomicCooperation (APEC) summit meetings from 9 to 15 Nov 09,

    and high-spirited youth contributor Gaille Teo had thehonour of being one of two REACH contributors picked to

    represent Singapore and REACH at the APEC Voices of the

    Future (VOF) 2009 a parallel platform for youths inAPEC economies to engage government and business leaders

    through business meetings, interviews with foreign

    ministers and leaders.

    As she gushed, I was delighted and excited at beingshortlisted! The opportunity to interact with inquisitive

    and open-minded youths from all over the world, and to

    meet political and business leaders has certainly been agreat experience, and I am very happy to have been given

    this very unique opportunity.

    In a quick chat with world leaders over tea, I learnt

    that they were more interested in my viewpoints thanfacts and figures. This made me realise that leaders from

    all over do indeed value the opinions of young people,and that we need to ensure that we make the effort to

    communicate with them.

    Many in Singapore see the political apathy of our youthsas a major problem for our society. But youths arentapathetic they just dont know the right channels to

    share their thoughts, and this frustrates them. This is

    where REACH bridges the gap, notes Gaille.

    Gailles pearls of wisdom for other young Singaporeans?We will inherit a world shaped by todays decisions, so

    let our voices be heard. Let us get active not only in

    pursuit of our own personal interests but also seek tofulfil social and civic obligations for the common good.

    Dare to speak out! Dare to be!

    Hello! My name is:

    Gaille TeoI am: Optimistic beyond question

    I love: Organising stuff, and doing the best in everything, every time.

    I would like to: Learn how to play soccer and sepak takraw

    Gaille (extreme right) with friends from other APECeconomies during their visit to the Istana

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    HY th E ! 25

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    The JRA programme has been a

    fantastic opportunity for me toget to know the Government, and

    to express my opinions on public

    policies. To have such influence atmy age is a gift, which is why I

    cherish my JRA experience so deeply.Being a part of the Youth Vibes Crew,

    and especially a roving reporter, has

    been a highlight of the experience,for I had the opportunity to report

    on an exclusive press conference withMinisters!, raved the aspiring young

    writer who will be studying law at

    the National University of Singaporecome Aug 2010.

    Abinayas experience with REACH has

    left an indelible mark on her. As

    she shares, Every session presentedme with a broader perspective of

    the difficulties faced by decision-makers, and exposed me to many real

    issues the nation faces. I also

    got to meet many like-minded youngindividuals and was able to engage in

    purposeful discussions. I must say,my involvement with REACH has truly

    stretched my mental horizons!

    And her parting shot to young

    Singaporeans? If you have somethingto say, say it!
























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    I have emerged as a more engaged youth. No longer do I hold an

    apathetic attitude towards policy-making, shares Joyce abouther experience as a REACH youth activist, which has seen her go

    from being bo chap to someone who is passionate about what ishappening around her.

    Indeed, for someone who has the joie de vivre like Joyce, the

    JRA programme has been an amazing launch pad for self-discovery.She initiated the set-up of the Current Affairs Club in Ngee AnnPolytechnic, to cultivate in her schoolmates an interest in local

    and global issues. She and her fellow JRAs from Ngee Ann also

    conducted a campus-wide survey to seek the reactions of their peersto Budget 09, with the findings of the survey being shared with the

    relevant Ministries.

    Despite having reached the end of her term, Joyce intends to

    continue her journey in active citizenry. Her words of advice tothe new crop of JRAs: Make the most of the JRA programme. Start

    small, with your friends, and work your way up. Engage other youngSingaporeans so that they can understand and appreciate whats

    happening around them and what they can do to better society.

    Hello! My name is:

    Joyce LeeI am: Outgoing and gregariousI love: Shopping and watching movies

    I would like to: Be better at tennis and squash

    Hello! My name is:

    Nur Saliyana MuniraTulimanI am: Warm and jovial

    I love: Cooking, baking and reading

    I would like to: Always speak my mind and share my thoughts

    In her wildest dreams, Saliyana never imagined that she would be an

    ambassador for active citizenry. But with some persuasion from her lecturerat ITE College East, the boisterous but approachable teenager decided to

    give it a shot. And she has not looked back.

    Adopting a personal approach, Saliyana took it upon herself to be thechannel through which her peers voices could be heard. As she shared,Citizens can voice out their opinions on current issues through the JRAs.

    When they feel comfortable talking to us, they can share their feedbackwith us and we can help relay their feedback to REACH! It was in fact her

    lecturer who noted that her warm and engaging personality would make her a

    natural listening ear.

    Saliyana has even taken this role with her to Republic Polytechnic, whereshe is now pursuing a course in Supply Chain Management. As she exhorts to

    her new schoolmates, Take a step forward and you will realise that many

    behind you share the same view, the same goal. Only when youths get togethercan our voices be amplified, and we can make a difference!

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    Hello! My name is:

    Natalie LimI am: Outgoing, well balanced and terribly sportyI love: Swimming, Badminton, Martial Arts

    I would like to: Train as a lifeguard

    Being a JRA challenges me to stay abreast on current issues, and

    raise questions on the Governments plans for the future. I can alsoreach out to my fellow schoolmates to understand their concerns.

    Appointed by ITE College West as a JRA in Feb 08 when the programmewas introduced in her school, Natalie accepted the position

    despite some initial reservations. Before long, however, she wasexperiencing her most fulfilling JRA moment, as follows: Organising

    and chairing the Post-National Day Rally Student Forum 08 with

    Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan and REACH Chairman Dr Amy Khor.

    Natalie also attended the Prime Ministers Forum with REACHContributors in March 2010, and shares that it was certainly

    refreshing to hear PM Lee share first-hand his perspectives on

    national issues and concerns.

    Looking forward, Natalie hopes that more young Singaporeans willcome forward to engage the Government actively.

    Friends have described 17-year-old Andy as a lightning bolt of pure

    excitement. Andhe put this trait to good use as aJRA at Hai Sing

    Catholic School, being effervescent inencouraging his peers to share

    their views and participate actively on theYouth Vibes sitehe had a role

    in developing.

    And hedescribes it as atruly enriching experience, Ive forged many

    wonderful friendships throughthis experience, and also gained greater

    insightsinto howthe voice of the public can help to shape policies. It

    got me interested to learn about how our country is run. I also saw it asan opportunity to hone my leadershipand interpersonal skills, and serve

    Singapore in every smallway I can, said Andy.

    As for his finestmoments, nothingbeats the encounter he hadat the Post-

    Budget 2008 Forum. Ihad the honour of sitting next to and chairing the

    session with Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan.Anothermajor highlight was

    meeting PM LeeHsien Loong at the REACH Roving Exhibition and speaking to

    himabout REACHs framework.

    To other young Singaporeans, Andy has this advice, Passion is what keeps

    you going in the face of tribulations. Be passionate in what you do, put

    your heart intoit and you will achieve!

    Hello! My name is:

    Andy LuaI am: On a roll, all the time

    I love: Aeroplanes. Would love to be an aviator

    I would like to: Be a better volleyball player

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    LsGet tO itAs we hope youve realised by now, engaging the Government need

    not be a scary or daunting task.

    We want to hear your views, and have made available a whole host

    of channels through which you can, easily.

    And we dont even expect earth-shaking suggestions.

    Start simple, start small.

    emal: [email protected]: hp:// Vb: hp:// @ReACH_sgaporFacboo: hp:// 9-spa-up (9-77325-87)

    (normal sMs charg apply)

    Mal: 512 thomo Road, MCYs Bldg, #15-00 sgapor298136

    Fax: (65) 6354 8128

    Pho: 1800 353 55558.30 am 5.30pm (Moday o Frday)9.00am 1.00pm (sarday)

    now ha yo ow how w ca b ReACH-d (p dd), wha ar yowag for? L ma gagm a way of lf!

    g g