youtube for social marketing and commerce, explained

Using YouTube for social marke4ng and commerce brought to you by…

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Post on 28-Nov-2014



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Posting videos on YouTube, with a link from a retail site to YouTube, is the easiest way to get videos online. But ease of use comes with trade-offs, among them, less flexibility in creating videos that suit your own image and needs, and the fact that Google directs users who find your videos through web search to YouTube rather than to your own site. Learn the pros and cons, along with best practices so you can set up your YouTube program with eyes wide open, and build relationships that convert to real-world business goals. Originally presented at the Internet Retailer Conference and Expo, June 10, 2014; and presented again with updates at Social Media Week Chicago on September 25, 2014.


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Using  YouTube  for  social  marke4ng  and  commerce  

brought  to  you  by…  

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Key  Ques4ons  I’ll  (do  my  best  to)  Answer  •  Who  am  I?    

•  Why  YouTube?    •  What  are  the  key  metrics?  

•  How  to  measure?  

•  Where  to  start?  

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“To  Tube  or  not  to  Tube,  that  is  the    ques5on.”  

-­‐-­‐  not  Shakespeare  

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Tyson:  Karl  J  Kaul/Wonderful  Machine;  Background:  Pat  Gaines/GeCy  Images  

What  is  ?  

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Here’s  what  it  HAS  BEEN  

too  oCen  and  SHOULDN’T  BE…  

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YouTube  is  NOT  a  billboard  

Yet  most  brands  and  agencies  s4ll  treat  it  that  way.    

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Too  oCen,  YouTube  is  treated  by  companies  as  just  a  publishing  outlet,  and  not  a  true  social  plaMorm    

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With  no  social  strategy  or  commitment  to  engage  with  your  audience,  YouTube  becomes  just  a  “dumping  ground.”  

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•  YouTube  is  NOT  stand-­‐alone  content  plaIorm.    

•  YouTube  IS  a  social  media  plaMorm.    

•  A  social  plaMorm  needs  a  social  strategy.    

•  It  needs  to  integrated  into  your  other  social  media  marke4ng  efforts.    

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Your  job  is  NOT  DONE  when  you  publish  the  video.  

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You need to ensure the videos are watched and

result in action

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YouTube  is  a  Shopping  Mall  

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YouTube  is  a  Shopping  Mall  •  Many  stores  to  choose  from.  

•  Many  shoppers  enter  a  store  in  “just  browsing”  mode.    

•  Shoppers  easily  bounce  from  store  to  store  

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Think  of  YouTube  as  a  Casino  

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Why  a  Casino?  •  Your  5me  is  

YouTube’s  money  

•  YouTube’s  revenue  stream  comes  from  adver4sers  

•  Their  goal  is  to  have  you  stay  long  enough  un4l  the  house  wins.    

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The  trick  is  in  knowing  how  to  leave  when  when  you’re  winning.    

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From  the  book  Socialized!™  by  Mark  Fidelman  

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Social  Media  Is…  

People      PlaMorms          Par4cipa4on  

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Social  Media  MARKETING  Is…  

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Increased  speed  of  access  to  knowledge  Reduced  communica4on  costs  

Decreased  travel  costs  

Increased  employee  sa4sfac4on  

Reduced  opera4onal  costs  Reduced  4me  to  market  for  products/services  

Increasing  number  of  successful  innova4ons  for  new  products/services  

Increased  revenue    

Increased  customer  sa4sfac4on  and  loyalty  

Increased  influence  

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“Social  Video”  

What’s  that?  

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“social  video”  according  to  Wikipedia  

(sort  of…)  

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“Social  video  marke5ng  (SVM)  is  a  component  of  an  integrated  marke4ng  communica4ons  plan  designed  to  increase  audience  engagement  through  social  ac5vity  around  a  given  video.”  

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Video  augments  our  human  nature  

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“Video   is   a   highly   effec4ve  

persuasion  technology  

–  Dr.  BJ  Fogg,  Director  of  Persuasive  Technology  at  Stanford  University,  2010  

…It  has  become  one  of  the  most  effec4ve  ways  to  mo4vate  

people  towards  certain  behaviors.”  

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“Video  is  one  of  the  greatest  ways  to  help  personalize  the  brand  and  create  a  TRUSTED  experience.      We  tend  to  trust  humans,  not  some  corporate  logo;  and  video  is  the  best  way  to  do  that  on  a  scaled  basis.”  

–  Frank  Eliason,  Director  of  Global  Social  Media  at  Ci4  and  author  of  “@  

Your  Service.”  

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Video  is  more  persuasive  than  text  and  graphics  combined  

•  More  entertaining  •  More  emo4onal  •  More  interac4ve  

•  More  engaging  

•  More  empowering  •  More  persuasive  

•  More  egalitarian  •  More  personal  

•  More  impacMul  with  sharing  •  Low  entry  barrier  for  par4cipa4on  (Fast,  cheap,  easy!)  

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YouTube  now  top  spot  for  investment:  A  significant  67%  of  marketers  are  increasing  or  planning  to  increase  their  use  of  YouTube  this  year.  

It  is  the  top  area  where  marketers  plan  on  increasing  their  social  media  efforts.  

-­‐-­‐  Social  Media  Examiner,    2014  Social  Media  MarkeSng  Industry  


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Changes  since  2013…  Among  ac4ve  content  creators,  YouTube  rose  to  the  #4  slot  ahead  of  Blogging;  just  below  Facebook,  Twiner,  and  LinkedIn.  

-­‐-­‐  Social  Media  Examiner,    2014  Social  Media  MarkeSng  Industry  Report  

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Social  Media  Pros  swear  by  YouTube  

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ROI  is  even  more  the  top  priority  

Courtesy  of  hnp://  

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YouTube  Opportuni4es  for  Business  •  Unlimited  uploads  •  Free  hos4ng  •  Account  Resources  •  Easy  and  Fast  •  Reach  •  Clickable  links  •  YouTube  SEO  •  “Going  viral.”  

•  Thumbnails  •  Closed  Cap4ons  •  Annota4ons  •  Associated  Website  •  Organic  and  Paid  •  Paid  adver4sing  •  Brand  channels  •  Free  analy4cs  

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Closed  Cap4ons  

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Annota4ons  (links)  to  your  Websites  

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“Buy  Now!”  clickable  ecommerce  

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Most  companies  choose  YouTube  for  their  giant  audience  and  brand  recogni5on.    

But  in  some  instances…  

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YouTube  may  HURT  your  website  rather  than  help  

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YouTube  Has  Challenges  for  Business  •  Latency  •  Traffic  away  from  site  •  Poor  analy4cs  •  Limited  control  over  the  site  experience  

•  No  switching  out  videos  on  your  channel  

•  Limited  player  control  •  No  automa4c  product  page  publishing  

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Big  “Social”  Mistakes  with  YouTube  •  Turning  off  comments  

•  Not  having  a  community  manager  for  your  YouTube  channel  or  network.  

•  Not  being  genuine  

•  Not  being  transparent  

•  Not  listening  

•  Not  engaging  personally  

•  Not  accep4ng  feedback  

•  Not  asking  your  customers  what  they  would  like  to  see  

•  More  concerned  with  trying  to  impress  than  actually  be  helpful.  

•  No  performance  plan  

•  Distracted  by  quan4ty  rather  than  focusing  on  quality.  

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How  to  tell  if  your  company  suffers  from  “Viral  Video  Mentality”  (VVM)  •  A  chronic  compulsion  to  ask  speakers  at  marke4ng  conferences,  “How  do  I  make  a  viral  video?”  

•  A  failure  to  connect  with  actual  business  objec4ves.    

•  Always  “swinging  for  the  fences”  instead  of  looking  for  many  singles  and  doubles.  

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Primary  YouTube  Key  Performance  Indicators  (KPIs)  

•  Audience  reten4on  (average  4me  watched  of  your  total  video  length)  

•  Session  Watch  Time  

•  Subscribers  

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YouTube  SEO  Playbook  Metadata  •  Titles,  Descrip4on    Social  Ac5ons  •  Audience  Reten4on  (4me  

watched)  •  Subscribers  

User  Experience  •  Playlists  •  Custom  Thumbnails  •  Closed  Cap4ons  •  Annota4ons  •  Community  Support  

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Orabrush:  Social  Video  Biz  Success  

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Over  190,000  subscribers  

 and  43  million  views  

 But  more  importantly…  

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The  Orabrush  Social  Video  Strategy  

Engagement    +    


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Conversion  videos  have  a  DIRECT  marke5ng  approach  

•  For  Orabrush,  they  are  similar  to  entertaining,  short-­‐form  infomercials.  

•  They  educate  people,  teach  them  about  our  story,  and  show  our  personality.  They  also  have  a  clear  call-­‐to-­‐ac4on  for  a  purchase  to  be  made.  

•  Success  is  measured  in  actual  sales.  They’re  really  focused  around  ROI,  meaning  if  they  don’t  get  a  posi4ve  ROI,  or  at  least  break  even,  then  they’re  considered  a  “fail.”  

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Engagement  videos  have  a  SOCIAL  marke5ng  approach  

•  Engagement  videos  are  meant  to  build  human  connec4ons  with  the  viewer,  nurture  rela4onships,  and  build  up  “social  capital”  that  will  eventually  convert  to  sales  and  lots  of  word-­‐of-­‐mouth.  

•  Orabrush’s  engagement  videos  start  new  conversa4ons,  bring  people  back,  get  them  to  subscribe,  or  endear  them  to  their  brand.  

•  They  also  exist  to  buy  “mind  share”  with  viewers.  

•  The  goal  is  to  get  viewers  to  interact  with  the  brand  more,  and  understand  their  culture  and  story.  

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TIPS,  RESOURCES,  AND  TUBE-­‐ISMS  Now  for  some  goodies!  

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YouTube  Creators  Playbook  


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More  Good  YouTube  Resources  •  Top  500  Brands  on  YouTube  (Outrigger  Media)  

•  YouTube  Online  Video  Marke5ng  Conferences  (­‐marke4ng-­‐conference)  

•  YouTube  Insights  Q2  2014  hnp://­‐studies/youtube-­‐insights-­‐stats-­‐data-­‐trends-­‐vol5.html  

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My  12  Big  C’s  of  Social  Video  1.  Content  

2.  Context  

3.  Conversa4ons  

4.  Connec4ons  

5.  Care  

6.  Collaborate  

7.  Community  

8.  Customiza4on  

9.  Concise  

10.  Clarity  

11.  Considerate  

12.  Conversions  

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Check  out  my  other  free  slides  

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Don’t  be  Sammy  Sosa…  

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Be  Moneyball  Businesses  should  be  more  concerned  with  hixng  daily  singles,  doubles,  and  triples  on  

YouTube  instead  of  going  for  the  home  run  swing  every  


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(Near)  conclusion…  •  Have  a  social  marke4ng  strategy  

behind  your  YouTube  program  

•  Show  real  connec4ons  between  social  metrics  and  business  goals.    

•  Integrate  it  with  your  other  social  media  marke4ng  efforts.  

•  Don’t  be  fixated  on  going  viral  –  focus  on  being  helpful  

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Take  some  the  Ame  to  engage  with  your  audience  one-­‐on-­‐one  with  video.  

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Screw  Viral  

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Tube  Responsibly  


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THINK  Before  You  SHOOT  

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Congrats  for  making  it  to  the  end!      Copy-­‐paste  the  link  below  for  your  FREE  Guide      

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Presenta4on  Resources