youwin! 2015 nigeria 10 million grant awards


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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The passport to getting 10

million grants awards in 2015

What is youwin?

In my previous article here, I

emphasized that the youth

enterprise with innovation

YouWiN! Scheme is a

scheme by the federal

government of Nigeria to

empower youths and reduce

the high rate of unemployment.

Youwin is here to stay and here

is a brief summary of what this

programme is all about.

In my own words,

The government of Nigeria has

set aside through it partnership

with other bodies 50 million


This money will be given to all

youth who apply for a grant.

The youths must be

chosen after a


The money will be used

to start a business and

employ others.

What is A grant?

A grant is free money

given by a body, agency

or institution to

someone of for a cause.

Grants are usually

awarded. Depending on

the type of grant, you

may need to do some

form of application.

Restrictions and rules

may also be followed.

And finally, the receiver

will NOT pay back and

may be asked to

PAYBACK depending on

the agreement.

The youth enterprise

with innovation

YouWiN! scheme is a


Find out what they

[youwin!] wants. Find out what the givers, investors of

your business idea want from you. For

over three years , the youwin cycles

have continued to show some things

they want from aspiring entrepreneurs.

A Business plan

A plan and summary of

your business and how

you plan to go about it.

See my article on

business plan.

It is a map that tells

your potential investors

that you truly know

what you are saying.

If you called a small child and ask him “who

put water near the fire?” he will begin to

tell you any available person he sees


If you a man who never saw you drive a car

before o look for your car, he will never give

a reasonable reply. Tell him to document

the last film he watched and he will be

happy to help.

When something is documented, it

shows a pattern of flow or thoughts.

Do not allow another person to write your business

plan for you. This is your first contact to tell the

interviewers that you are in this for real.

An Employment plan

They want to know how many

people you will employ. Is it

stated categorically? Do you

plan to employ 5, 10 or 15


This is a secret.

Are you are looking for this award grant money and

have not considered the number of people you will

be employing, then recheck. Check all what you

have done.

No one will give you money to build solely for

yourself except if its your uncle or relative.

Offer them

what they

want What does the youth enterprise

innovation scheme by the federal

government want?

Good question. They want one who ready to fly and

run with a calculated risk.

In a simply way , they want a ready you!


Your business name is


Your business ideas have been


Your business can and will

employ people

You are likable or

You know what you are saying

You are honest

You can and have started

doing it

You are READY.

Your expertise, experience and

action counts.

Can you summarize all you do in 5 minutes?.

This is the test. All what you have written in your

business plan should be summarized.

Five minutes is the test time.

Tell us the figures you got and how?

Tell us the aims, purpose and objectives

Tell us why you chose this business

Tell us why we should give you the


Tell us if you can do what you say.

Start Today by Building

Yourself. Now that you know what youwin

competition, interviews and awards

want from you in 2015, 2016 and

beyond want from you, begin to apply


This is your real passport.

Download your sample

youwin business plan

Click here



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