z --- keep your feet warm and dry lae tf a

R E D T IT OFIIACOUNTY AND O D T READ HAVEK POSTED lBVE IT READ eblibu g Sl YOU MUSTA "I VOL. XV: NO.. 11. PHILIPSBURG, GRANITE COUNTY, MONTANA, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1901. PRICE: $3.00 A YEAR. --- `--Z ---... ...... •-- - - - -- . .. ~. ----------------- - l -- -- '.•! -- " KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY CO TO McLEOD'S Where you : ge ubber Overshoes and Gum Boots (all new stock) for Men, Boys, Women and Children: all sizes, shapes and makes GET A NEW SUIT MADE AT McLEOD'S. HE GUARANTEES A FIT. BEST LINE OF CLOTHS TO PICK FROM IN THE COUNTY ANYTHING IN LEATHER GOODS Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes at Prices that are Right, I buy right and can sell you goods that are new andin style for less money than you can buy old, worn out stock THK BOOT 8 SHOK MAN M'LEOD TI4R BOOT & SHOE MAN -* __, _0___ 4OO00 0 44OO 0 44 "" O " IR00R' D RRK I N RORR'S BER SKNOGER'S BREWERY = Manufactures the Finest and Purest Beer in the State. SWhen you buy Kroger's beer you skip the impulrties that give you headache. You get a pure hop and malt drink, that's why. M"X3T3LZPE IIslai Z C-, 1VIO.LrET A lET.A. N" ""f01MOOO +O<Y000 0000000 00000000 09OO COOODt+ lA"E T F A GIGANTIC PLAN REPORTED THAT MORGAN AND HILL CONTROL THE PAN- AMA CANAL. THEY W\V lS TO COMPLETE l.'1 Would Have the Government Abandon the Nicaragua Scheme ana Allow Private Capital to Take Up and Fin- ish tie cWork at the Isthmus-Dis. tinguished Financiers Said to 'e in Washington to See About It. Chicago, April 2.-A spetial to The Chronicle from Washingtcn says: J. Pierpont Morgan has a gigantic scheme that the United States govern- ment shall abandon its plan of build- ing a canal across the Isthmus of Panama and permit private capital to take up and finish the work already accomplished on the Panama canal. Mr. Morgan, accompanied by J. J. Hill, president of the Great Northern railway and chief stockholder of the Northern Pacific. arrived from Now York on Mr. Hill's yacht during the afternoon. In the eveining Messrs. Morgan and Hill and Senator Hanna, who had been notified of the coming of the distinguished financiers, were in conference at the senator's home. It is understood that before Messrs. Morgan and Hill leave the capital they will hold a conference with Pres- ident McKinley and endeavor to in- tol est the executive in their project It is understood that a syunlicate headed by Mr. M.ogan and Mr. Hill has (eclllr"i at a •• ; frin• :!o )m O•O- iy f th ste:r cf thi1P. ' i a r"nl only of the rc airs of that ... ; but of its proper!v and frantcI•!:,s a:- well. LOCAL BREVITIES Don't forget the ball next Monday evening. T. G. Bo'scl-eider was in the city from Sunrise Wednesday. George Alberts was in the cit' from Rock creek yesterday. R. D. McRae of Stone was in the city Wednesday on business. Joseph Salay left Monday for Sunrise, where he has accepted a position as ei - gineer. 'I he ladies of the Methodist chinch will give a social and bazaar on or about May 1st. Mrs. Jennie Porter h.is been spendii.g several days in the city this week. visit- ing friends - t. Maryv' (; uild have changed thl dat e for their Sociable social from April hiith to April 10th. The pocket-book advertised in The Mail last week as lost has since been res- tored to its owner. John Bray, one of the thrifty ranchers from lower Willow creek, was a business visitor in the city yesterday. The Easter Monday ball to be given at Firemen's hall next Mondvy evening promises to be a pleasant affair. Do not fail to attend. The residence recently vacated by Prof. Jonas Cook is being repapered and nainted throughout and when completed will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hartzell. They intend to move in some time during next week, The committee having the Eli Perkins' entertainment in charge have been coIm- pelled, on account of railroad connections, to change the date from the 17th of April to the 18th. This was done in response to a telegram from his agent. Bitter Root Circle, Women of Wood- craft, gave a banquet at their hall Mon- day evening in commemoration of their first anniversary. An interestine musi- cal program was rendered in connection and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. The regular meeting of St. Mary's Guild will be held at the home of Mrs Conrad Wipf on Thursday, April 11, at 3 o'clock. As arrangements for the social to be given Tuesday April 16th, are to be completed, all members are requested to be present. An operation of a delicate nature was successfully preformed upon Mrs. Robert Kilpatrick of this city at the Sisters" hos- pital in Missoula last Saturday. Mr. Kilpatrick returned from Missoula Wed- nesday and states that his wife is speed- ily recovering and at this time consideed out of danger. L. W. Shodair writes from Bu'te under the date of March 28th that himself and Mrs. Shodair have just returned from a six months trip east and as far south as Florida, where they spent about a month. Most of the their time Mr. and Mrs. Shodair spent in New York City and Pennsylvania. Mr. Shodair states that they had a very pleasant trip, but that both were anxious to get back to Mon- tana. Concerning his reported serious illness, Mr. Shodair says: "I see by the last Mail that someone has seen fit to circulate a report that I was still in Florida in the last stages of consumption. Such I am pleased to inform you is not the case. I expect to visit the 'burg in the near future, and while I have not gained in weight, I hope I am quite a lively corpse." Mr. Shodair writes that he has been "joshed" a good deal about his case of consumption since returning to Butte, but , judging by his appetite it is simply a case of consumption of food. SUNDAY AT TIHE CHUl1CIIES. Catholle Church. Sunday-school at '2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Methodist Church. Snlbiect next sabbath morning Easter) appr priate for the day. In the evn- ing it service by the Sunday-school v. ill be rendered. P'resbyterlan Church. Phllipsnbm'rc-Servwes every Sunday noll•rlinie and eveninir, except the even- in= -1' thie third Snnday of the month. HIi r ;, 11 I. mI. and ':30 p. in. Y. P. h. (. E. every Sundlly evenini at G::it) o't iek. Sunday-schtool every Sundtyv at I0 . nit. Prayer tntiiint tnid bltil,, study ion Wednesday evening at 7:•oi. Gr(iail-Pro-tting on thi' first and third tll: yiis of each month at. :1:30 1)p. i. ,and i I p. tt., resptclively. Sn vday- schnol e• ery Sunnday at '2:130 p. it. James B. Butter. Pastor ABE LINCOLN Was a Rail Splitter. Pi erkins Is a Side=Splitter. Eii Perkins is the only humorous writer and autthor in the lecture fiell. A ilharming entertaintent as well as i hil'sopihicl lecture.'"-Chicago Tri- bune. "There is no pla v, no actor or combin- atitt of actors that holds an nudience for two hours as closely as Eli P'erkins does."-University Magazine. When the editor of the Nebraska State eJournal was asked about Eli Perkins' lecture before the University. hie wrote and printed in the "Journal": "Why, every sentence was a center shot, antd every epigram rnng the tell. Ile is the gireat college lecturer of the time, becaine lie instructst as well as entertnins. lic makes us think and Inugh, and two hours pass as if it were forty imittes." McDonald 's opera holse, April 18th in- stead of 17th as heretofoir announced. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DPrARTMENT er" rite I N'rEIIOR, LAND OFFICE AT HIELENA, MONTANA, April 2. 1901. Notice is hereby given thatl the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be rmade betfore W. E. Moore, U. S. Commissioner at Philipsburg, Montana. on May 13, 1)•01. viz: Joseph Lunn, for H. E. No. 10,5110 for the NWV'l Section 8, Tp. 5 N., R. 14 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land. viz: John W. Hall, John Emmett Carey, J. Lewis Dean and ThoImas Carey, all of Philipsburg. Montana. (iEs )Ilti DI.( IIREENE, Register. First publication April 5-11-tit. THE BOSTON STORE PHILIrSB9nURG, MIONTANA Going Out o'Business STOCK MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST--We are offering some goods at 2Ec, some at 35c. and some at 50c on the dollar. Our goods are all fresh and was purchased for this spring's business. The stock consists of DRYGOOI8,0LOT HINg, SHOKS, NOTION8, KT, and a Big Variety to Select From. W E cannot mention prices for the reason our stock is too large; but a visit to our store will convince you that we mean business. Here is a chance for everybody to lay in a supply at prices never heard of before in Philipsburg. Remember the Place, next door to Weinstein & Co., Bankers. RESPECTFULLY ... The Boston Store... I\dI(TGO9IERY ELECTED REPUEBL . AN CANDIDATE FOR SUPREME JUDGE IN MICH- IGAN WINS. IHAS A MIAJO}ITY t),' -10.C00 Other Candidates on the Ticket Do Nearly as Well-In Ohio Johnsor (Dem.) C::rrlLs Clevelani an•d Jones (Indeper.d-,.ti Carries ToiLc; . Whill the Stato .. Lar.go Showv nti,~t R-- publican Uains--hesults in Ior;ntana. Detroit, Mich., April :!.--R blert 1. M\ontgouIer1 of Grand itapids t(I te:. ha. been re elected justtice of the :-, )ir(•lie co!urt Iy abo.t 4o,0B0 majority, andti Frank W. l''letcher of Alp•na and Henry W. Carey of Alanistee,,' i,.ib liean candidates for regents of the state university, have also been re- olcrted by a majority almost as large. The vote cast was unusuallvy •ght, except in those places where there was a fight on some local issue, There were two constitutional amendments voted on, both of which were dlfeat- ed. One was to fix the salar'y of state legislators at $2,000 for the term and mileage, instead of $3 per day 'vhf n the legislatare- is> in session as at pres- ent, and the olther provided for an in- crease in th- salary of the circuit judge in Bay county. The Democrats made a marke•l gain in Jackson, where their entire ticket was elected. The city went Rilpublican last year. In Owvoso S. D. Emery (Pro. ) was elect- ed mayor, over(.coming a Repullican majority last year 1of 6i50. He was th" on!lit embn r of chat ii!: t. howcv, wle ' r r -' i. hT d) itrolit ,o•h T. \A : Ian I'•'J.) w'f r eo •tedl no lire judge, the only munhi ipal officer volcid for, by 4,28ti. Judge Montgom- cry carried Dletroit by over 2.150( ma- WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN WA AULTIFUL D0Me Surrounded by Fruit Trees, Flowers and Shrubbery? S COME TO MISSOULA 0•.00 WILL BUY AN ACRE OF GROUND, IN- , 0-- -= eluding an orchard five years ohl -about eighty-five bearing fruit trees to the acre. Located in most desirable residence portion of the (garden City. If you are interested do not delay--buy now. The value of this property will double within six months. For Particulars Inquire at the Postoffice, Philipsburg, Montana. _ _ _ • , iolity. Of ti" 1 ch.? ii'npectors elected 11 were Republicans and , Democrats. RE3ULTS IN OHIO. Johnson Elected Mayor of Cleveland acd Jones of Toledo. Cincinnati. April 2.-Fair weather r l',ailed in Ohio for the municipal ani township lections. The unusually large, vote for April indicated more in tcei'st tl:~ ua-;t:al in these local con- tests. T'his was duen to the fact that a full state ticket is to Ibe elected next Novelll: l. together with mennlbers of the l(gis'ilatlur, wil will choose a suc- c'ssor to Senator "Iloraker. In some localities legislative nominations were madle y Ipoillar vote. None s.how any oppo:;ition to 'orakr am ong the R1- publicans and thtre was not enough action of this kind to indicate any preference for John 11. McLean. Tom L. Johnson or aIl! one else as the 1Democrat favored for tihe senatorship. In CleYvland To'm L. Johnson I PDm.) d,'feateid William .T. Akers SRep.) by about 5.000 majority, though the Replilicans carried the rest of the tiket andt control the council. In Toledo Mayor ,Jones, who ran indc- pindnient blt was endorsed by the I,emocrats, was elected for a third te Im. While the Democrats carried the lar'er cities and some of the smaller pln ces. yet the l:',ilhlicans ,hov' s::ght ,ains in the (cat)e as a whole. AI)%'ERTII•E) iE',r''E LIS'T. iPllipshlnrg, April 5.-The following is it list of nnelai'led letters remainling in tlhe pstoHfli•; at Ph'llilipslhnrg. Mont., for tithe week ending April -1, 1101. Per- sons calling for anily of thi letters llllnamed .will please sa5v "advertised :" HIayerIr. Mss II. HRian, Lizzie M. iao•t bin, iJohn \ard. oln Lawre-nce Halk. Postlllmaster. CANDY CATIHIATIC 43 .3c. O60e. - " DrIPelrts. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just ar good." DON'T PAY SUCH HIGH PRICES FOR GROCERIES When you can buy high grade goods from us at the same price you pay for "cheap groceries" elsewhere. Our stock is large, new and complete and customers can get anything they want at our store and at the same time SAVE MONEY BY TRADINC HERE * "_"_ 'GIVE US YOUR ORDERS Pat McGurk, the Reliable Grocer Makes -- Pleasant Driving \\ \TlHE fact that we furnish the rig for you doesn't insure the pleasureof driving, but the fact that we insist on all our horses heing the very best and the equipment it being perfect; you may depend on whatever we will send you. Our rigs are right; we want to prove it to you by sending you one that is right. Ring us up. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLES BLACK AND WHITE HEARSES J. ,. Carmichael, Proprietor. ALLISON & SHERMAN -DEALERS IN- JIOUSK FJRNLSH1MN 8 j _lFUNERAL DIRECTORS4i Upper Broadway, Philipsburg To SPOKANE, HELENA, BUTTE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL -AND POINTS- EAST AND SOUTH. TACOMA, SEATTLE, PORTLAND, CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, SKAGWAY. DYEA, ALASKA. (iEO.S. JOHNSON, Agt., CHAs. S. FEE, _ P. P.T.A. PHalPPSBUaB. MONT. ST. PAUL. MINN. VESTIBULED TRAINS-DINING CARS. TIME CARD-P. & D. BIIANCH. PHILIPSBUBG. No. 124, Mixed, departs ......... .9:40 a. m. No. 123, Mixed. arrives ............ 3:35 p. m. Daily except Sunday. MAIN LINE- -DRUMSIOND. EASTBOUND, No. 12-North Coast Limited...... 8:36 p. m, via Butte. No. 4-Twin City Express..........11:20 a. m. via Helena. WESTBOUND. No. 11-North Coast Limited......12:17 a, m. via Butte. No. 8-Pacific Express ........... 1:24 p. m. via Helena.

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VOL. XV: NO.. 11. PHILIPSBURG, GRANITE COUNTY, MONTANA, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1901. PRICE: $3.00 A YEAR.--- `--Z ---... ...... •-- - - - -- . ..~. ----------------- - l -- -- '.•! -- "


McLEOD'SWhere you : ge ubber Overshoes and Gum Boots (all new stock)for Men, Boys, Women and Children: all sizes, shapes and makes


ANYTHING IN LEATHER GOODSLadies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes atPrices that are Right, I buy right and can sell you goods that are newandin style for less money than you can buy old, worn out stock


-* __, _0___ 4OO00

0 44OO 0 44 "" O "


SKNOGER'S BREWERY= Manufactures the Finest and Purest Beer in the State.

SWhen you buy Kroger's beer you skip the impulrties that give youheadache. You get a pure hop and malt drink, that's why.

M"X3T3LZPE IIslai Z C-, 1VIO.LrET A lET.A.N" ""f01MOOO +O<Y000 0000000 00000000 09OO COOODt+





Would Have the Government Abandon

the Nicaragua Scheme ana Allow

Private Capital to Take Up and Fin-

ish tie cWork at the Isthmus-Dis.

tinguished Financiers Said to 'e in

Washington to See About It.

Chicago, April 2.-A spet ial to TheChronicle from Washingtcn says: J.Pierpont Morgan has a giganticscheme that the United States govern-ment shall abandon its plan of build-ing a canal across the Isthmus ofPanama and permit private capital totake up and finish the work alreadyaccomplished on the Panama canal.Mr. Morgan, accompanied by J. J.Hill, president of the Great Northernrailway and chief stockholder of theNorthern Pacific. arrived from NowYork on Mr. Hill's yacht during theafternoon. In the eveining Messrs.Morgan and Hill and Senator Hanna,who had been notified of the comingof the distinguished financiers, werein conference at the senator's home.It is understood that before Messrs.Morgan and Hill leave the capitalthey will hold a conference with Pres-ident McKinley and endeavor to in-tol est the executive in their projectIt is understood that a syunlicateheaded by Mr. M.ogan and Mr. Hillhas (eclllr"i at a •• ; frin• :!o )m O•O-

iy f th ste:r cf thi1 P. ' i a r"nl

only of the rc airs of that ... ;but of its proper!v and frantcI•!:,s a:-well.


Don't forget the ball next Mondayevening.

T. G. Bo'scl-eider was in the city fromSunrise Wednesday.

George Alberts was in the cit' fromRock creek yesterday.

R. D. McRae of Stone was in the cityWednesday on business.

Joseph Salay left Monday for Sunrise,where he has accepted a position as ei -gineer.

'I he ladies of the Methodist chinchwill give a social and bazaar on or aboutMay 1st.

Mrs. Jennie Porter h.is been spendii.gseveral days in the city this week. visit-ing friends

-t. Maryv' (; uild have changed thl dat efor their Sociable social from April hiithto April 10th.

The pocket-book advertised in TheMail last week as lost has since been res-tored to its owner.

John Bray, one of the thrifty ranchersfrom lower Willow creek, was a businessvisitor in the city yesterday.

The Easter Monday ball to be given atFiremen's hall next Mondvy eveningpromises to be a pleasant affair. Do notfail to attend.

The residence recently vacated byProf. Jonas Cook is being repapered andnainted throughout and when completedwill be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. L. J.Hartzell. They intend to move in sometime during next week,

The committee having the Eli Perkins'entertainment in charge have been coIm-pelled, on account of railroad connections,to change the date from the 17th of Aprilto the 18th. This was done in responseto a telegram from his agent.

Bitter Root Circle, Women of Wood-craft, gave a banquet at their hall Mon-day evening in commemoration of theirfirst anniversary. An interestine musi-cal program was rendered in connectionand a very pleasant evening was enjoyedby all.

The regular meeting of St. Mary'sGuild will be held at the home of MrsConrad Wipf on Thursday, April 11, at3 o'clock. As arrangements for the socialto be given Tuesday April 16th, are to becompleted, all members are requested tobe present.

An operation of a delicate nature wassuccessfully preformed upon Mrs. RobertKilpatrick of this city at the Sisters" hos-pital in Missoula last Saturday. Mr.Kilpatrick returned from Missoula Wed-nesday and states that his wife is speed-ily recovering and at this time consideedout of danger.

L. W. Shodair writes from Bu'te underthe date of March 28th that himself andMrs. Shodair have just returned from asix months trip east and as far south as

Florida, where they spent about a month.Most of the their time Mr. and Mrs.Shodair spent in New York City andPennsylvania. Mr. Shodair states thatthey had a very pleasant trip, but thatboth were anxious to get back to Mon-tana. Concerning his reported seriousillness, Mr. Shodair says: "I see by thelast Mail that someone has seen fit tocirculate a report that I was still inFlorida in the last stages of consumption.Such I am pleased to inform you is notthe case. I expect to visit the 'burg inthe near future, and while I have notgained in weight, I hope I am quite alively corpse." Mr. Shodair writes thathe has been "joshed" a good deal abouthis case of consumption since returningto Butte, but, judging by his appetite it

is simply a case of consumption of food.


Catholle Church.

Sunday-school at '2 o'clock Sundayafternoon.

Methodist Church.Snlbiect next sabbath morning Easter)

appr priate for the day. In the evn-ing it service by the Sunday-school v. illbe rendered.

P'resbyterlan Church.Phllipsnbm'rc-Servwes every Sunday

noll•rlinie and eveninir, except the even-in= -1' thie third Snnday of the month.HIi r ;, 11 I. mI. and ':30 p. in. Y. P. h.(. E. every Sundlly evenini at G::it)o't iek. Sunday-schtool every Sundtyv at

I0 . nit. Prayer tntiiint tnid bltil,,study ion Wednesday evening at 7:•oi.

Gr(iail-Pro-tting on thi' first andthird tll: yiis of each month at. :1:30 1)p.

i. ,and i I p. tt., resptclively. Sn vday-schnol e• ery Sunnday at '2:130 p. it.

James B. Butter. Pastor

ABE LINCOLNWas a Rail Splitter.

Pi erkinsIs a Side=Splitter.

Eii Perkins is the only humorous writerand autthor in the lecture fiell.

A ilharming entertaintent as well asi hil'sopihicl lecture.'"-Chicago Tri-

bune."There is no pla v, no actor or combin-

atitt of actors that holds an nudiencefor two hours as closely as Eli P'erkinsdoes."-University Magazine.

When the editor of the Nebraska StateeJournal was asked about Eli Perkins'

lecture before the University. hie wroteand printed in the "Journal": "Why,every sentence was a center shot, antdevery epigram rnng the tell. Ile is thegireat college lecturer of the time, becainelie instructst as well as entertnins. licmakes us think and Inugh, and two hourspass as if it were forty imittes."

McDonald 's opera holse, April 18th in-stead of 17th as heretofoir announced.



Notice is hereby given thatl the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention tomake final proof in support of his claim, andthat said proof will be rmade betfore W. E.Moore, U. S. Commissioner at Philipsburg,Montana. on May 13, 1)•01. viz: Joseph Lunn,for H. E. No. 10,5110 for the NWV'l Section 8,Tp. 5 N., R. 14 West.

He names the following witnesses to prove hiscontinuous residence upon and cultivation orsaid land. viz: John W. Hall, John EmmettCarey, J. Lewis Dean and ThoImas Carey, all ofPhilipsburg. Montana.(iEs )Ilti DI. ( IIREENE, Register.

First publication April 5-11-tit.


Going Out o'BusinessSTOCK MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST--We are offering some

goods at 2Ec, some at 35c. and some at 50c on the dollar. Our goods are allfresh and was purchased for this spring's business. The stock consists of

DRYGOOI8,0LOT HINg, SHOKS, NOTION8, KT,and a Big Variety to Select From.

W E cannot mention prices for the reason our stock is too large; but a visit toour store will convince you that we mean business. Here is a chance for

everybody to lay in a supply at prices never heard of before in Philipsburg.

Remember the Place, next door to Weinstein & Co., Bankers.RESPECTFULLY

... The Boston Store...




IHAS A MIAJO}ITY t),' -10.C00

Other Candidates on the Ticket Do

Nearly as Well-In Ohio Johnsor

(Dem.) C::rrlLs Clevelani an•d Jones

(Indeper.d-,.ti Carries ToiLc; . Whill

the Stato .. Lar.go Showv nti,~t R--publican Uains--hesults in Ior;ntana.

Detroit, Mich., April :!.--R blert 1.M\ontgouIer1 of Grand itapids t(I te:.ha. been re elected justtice of the :-,)ir(•lie co!urt Iy abo.t 4o,0B0 majority,

andti Frank W. l''letcher of Alp•na andHenry W. Carey of Alanistee,,' i,.ibliean candidates for regents of thestate university, have also been re-olcrted by a majority almost as large.The vote cast was unusuallvy •ght,except in those places where therewas a fight on some local issue, Therewere two constitutional amendmentsvoted on, both of which were dlfeat-ed. One was to fix the salar'y of statelegislators at $2,000 for the term andmileage, instead of $3 per day 'vhf nthe legislatare- is> in session as at pres-ent, and the olther provided for an in-crease in th- salary of the circuitjudge in Bay county. The Democratsmade a marke•l gain in Jackson, wheretheir entire ticket was elected. Thecity went Rilpublican last year. InOwvoso S. D. Emery (Pro. ) was elect-ed mayor, over(.coming a Repullican

majority last year 1of 6i50. He was th"on!lit embn r of chat ii!: t. howcv,wle ' r r -' i. hT d) itrolit ,o•hT. \A : Ian I'•'J.) w'f r eo •tedl nolire judge, the only munhi ipal officervolcid for, by 4,28ti. Judge Montgom-cry carried Dletroit by over 2.150( ma-


WA AULTIFUL D0MeSurrounded by Fruit Trees, Flowers and Shrubbery?


• 0•.00 WILL BUY AN ACRE OF GROUND, IN-, 0-- -= eluding an orchard five years ohl -about

eighty-five bearing fruit trees to the acre. Locatedin most desirable residence portion of the (garden City.If you are interested do not delay--buy now. Thevalue of this property will double within six months.

For Particulars Inquire at the Postoffice, Philipsburg, Montana.

_ _ _ • ,

iolity. Of ti" 1 • ch.? ii'npectorselected 11 were Republicans and ,Democrats.


Johnson Elected Mayor of Clevelandacd Jones of Toledo.

Cincinnati. April 2.-Fair weatherr l',ailed in Ohio for the municipal

ani township lections. The unusuallylarge, vote for April indicated more intcei'st tl:~ ua-;t:al in these local con-tests. T'his was duen to the fact that afull state ticket is to Ibe elected nextNovelll: l. together with mennlbers ofthe l(gis'ilatlur, wil will choose a suc-c'ssor to Senator "Iloraker. In somelocalities legislative nominations weremadle y Ipoillar vote. None s.how anyoppo:;ition to 'orakr am ong the R1-publicans and thtre was not enoughaction of this kind to indicate anypreference for John 11. McLean. TomL. Johnson or aIl! one else as the1Democrat favored for tihe senatorship.

In CleYvland To'm L. JohnsonI PDm.) d,'feateid William .T. AkersSRep.) by about 5.000 majority, though

the Replilicans carried the rest of thetiket andt control the council. InToledo Mayor ,Jones, who ran indc-pindnient blt was endorsed by theI,emocrats, was elected for a thirdte Im.

While the Democrats carried thelar'er cities and some of the smallerpln ces. yet the l:',ilhlicans ,hov's::ght ,ains in the (cat)e as a whole.

AI)%'ERTII•E) iE',r''E LIS'T.iPllipshlnrg, April 5.-The following

is it list of nnelai'led letters remainlingin tlhe pstoHfli•; at Ph'llilipslhnrg. Mont.,for tithe week ending April -1, 1101. Per-sons calling for anily of thi letters llllnamed.will please sa5v "advertised :"HIayerIr. Mss II. HRian, Lizzie M.

iao•t bin, iJohn \ard. olnLawre-nce Halk. Postlllmaster.


.3c. O60e. - " DrIPelrts.

Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk.Beware of the dealer who tries to sell

"something just ar good."


When you can buy high grade goods from us at the same price youpay for "cheap groceries" elsewhere. Our stock is large, new andcomplete and customers can get anything they want at our storeand at the same time



Pat McGurk, the Reliable Grocer

Makes --

Pleasant Driving\\ \TlHE fact that we furnish the rig for you

doesn't insure the pleasureof driving,but the fact that we insist on all our horsesheing the very best and the equipment

it being perfect; you may depend on whateverwe will send you. Our rigs are right; wewant to prove it to you by sending you onethat is right. Ring us up.




Upper Broadway, Philipsburg













No. 124, Mixed, departs ......... .9:40 a. m.No. 123, Mixed. arrives ............ 3:35 p. m.

Daily except Sunday.


No. 12-North Coast Limited...... 8:36 p. m,via Butte.

No. 4-Twin City Express..........11:20 a. m.via Helena.


No. 11-North Coast Limited......12:17 a, m.via Butte.

No. 8-Pacific Express ........... 1:24 p. m.via Helena.