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  • 7/31/2019 Z0931279MS



    GROUP 7: Andromeda (marketing strategy)

    Marketing strategy is the major aspect which helps any company to stand out

    in the market. It is made to sum up all efforts that focus on achieving the goals

    and objectives of marketing. The strategy involves selection of the target

    market and then formulation of the marketing mix that fulfill the demand ofthe targeted consumer (Ferrell; 1998, p.7-22). A successful strategy helps a

    company to get a grip in the market and a weak strategy may cause the

    company to fail in a particular market. It may also need to reposition itself if

    the strategy is not working in right way.

    Marketing strategy of Andromeda (group 7) in the competing market:

    Andromeda is a luxury watch company that has been named after the

    beautiful Andromeda Galaxy. The companys strategy is to relate their

    watches with stars as they are bright, unique and long lasting

    (http://www.galaxydynamics.org). By doing this the company is trying to make

    its product exclusive. The watch market has seen very steady growth over

    recent years. Even during the recent recession there was growth of about 22%

    in the watch market. The major markets where this growth was seen was

    Europe and Asia (Mintel; 2011). Andromeda came up with different product

    line; they introduced two different watches for men and two for women. They

    also gave the consumer the option to customize the watches as per their

    requirements. This is the part of the strategy which made the productexclusive and unique from the other competitors. The watches have been

    named after the stars they are related to (http://www.galaxydynamics.org).

    The primary problem with this new brand is that it has got only two watches

    for men and two for women. This may not be enough for a new luxury brand to

    enter a market and attract customers due to lack of variety.

    The watch market is divided in four groups; Haute Horlogeric, Women jeweler,

    Prestige and High Range (http://www.worldwatchreport.com/2011). They are

    named in the order of their price range and specifications. There is a strong

    growth this sector in the United Kingdom as the market value is currently 1.4billion and is expected to reach 1.6 billion in 2014 (Euromoniter; 2010). The

    target area was therefore decided to be the United Kingdom. However, the

    luxury brand target market area is very small and competitive. It may have

    been better strategy to focus on other markets such as China and other BRIC

    nations, which have a lot of potential to grow (Insight; 2006). It may be more

    successful to launch a luxury brand into these expanding markets. Andromeda


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    is trying to put itself in the prestige segment because brands in the prestige

    segment with the same specification currently hold the large market share. In

    Europe the market share for prestige watches is around 65%

    (http://www.worldwatchreport.com/2010 ). Market research shows that for lots

    of people, a high quality watch is symbol of prestige. Andromedas strategy is

    therefore to produce a high range, excellent quality prestigious watch that will


    This is a highly competitive market with well-known brands such as Omega,

    TAGheuer and Rolex existence (http://www.worldwatchreport.com/2011 ). To

    be a competitor in the market, the pricing of the product was decided to be

    around 800 to 2000 but this may increase depending on the customisation

    been done (for example the addition of precious stones). This is a highly

    competitive price within the prestige market, which is a strong selling point for

    the brand. Marketing segmentation is one of the major aspects of formation of

    a marketing strategy of any company, which uses the differences of

    consumers to classify the market. There are various ways in which the market

    is segmented; these are demography, lifestyle, geography, behavior and many

    others (Beane T. P. and D. M. Ennis; 1987). The target segment chosen was

    men and women around 30-45 in the AB social grade. This is because a survey

    shows that the people aged 25-54 with AB social grades tend to buy more

    watches (Mintel; 2010). However, the survey also shows that people aged 45-

    54 tend to spend more money, buying in the luxury market (Mintel; 2010) and

    this particular market segment was not targeted in the marketing strategy of

    Andromeda. The market has a good potential growth. There is also a growingimportance of female luxury watches as a market segment. As the product is

    more focused towards fashion this is what the consumers have been looking

    for. While segmentation the importance of gifting an expensive luxury watch

    has also been taken into consideration, as approximately 43% of people prefer

    getting watch as a gift than buying it themselves. (Mintel; 2010). Many people

    also prefer giving watch as a gift (Mintel; 2010). Positioning is also one of the

    major aspects of the strategy. Its basically creating positive image in the

    market where the product is introduced (Ferrell; 1998, p 106). Andromeda is

    trying to make its image as a fashion product with emotions attached to it.The product concept of Andromeda is a unique design of watches with

    exclusive function, giving the consumer an extraordinary wearing experience.

    The product is either gold or platinum plated with different color precious

    stones in it which can be customized according to the requirement (as a

    survey say people aging 25-44 prefer wearing precious stones rather than

    customised jewelry (Mintel; 2010)). However, the flaw here is as per the


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    description it is not sufficiently unique to stand out as an exclusive product

    and therefore more work needs to be done on the design concept.

    The launch of the product will be done just prior to Christmas as lot of people

    in the United Kingdom prefers buying gifts during that period and occasions

    such as New Year and Valentines Day are very close to it (Mintel, 2011). Asper the plan the launch party will be at Royal Observatory which is in London

    and not like other brand where they introduce product in a fashion week or

    any sort of high profile event like any luxury watch exhibition (Mintel, 2005),

    which seems a bit dull. The idea of launching Andromeda is far too different

    and a bit weird when it comes to a launch of a luxury brand that to when you

    relate it to fashion and its not so effective. Many guests will be invited from

    different background such as goldsmiths, luxury store managers, partners of

    large companies, the national press etc. As everything is related to stars so

    the promotional strategy is to make consumer feel special by naming the star

    on behalf of each consumer (http://www.astrometry.org/starnaming.php). This

    will be a very unique way to make the presence in the market and catch the

    eye of customer: it is something different which may make a consumer feel

    special. Promotional events such as forming a brand community, giving a

    membership to consumer and organising events where consumers and their

    friends will be invited is a good way to stay connected with consumer and

    create a good PR. The other promotional ways of donations to observatories

    and offering a scholarship to PhD students make no sense as they have no

    relation to a luxury watch brand. Social marketing would be a better option.

    People tend to spend so that they can contribute to a cause and also get thedesired product (Kotler; 1971, p8-12).This creates a positive brand image in

    the society. The other ways of advertising can be through fashion magazines

    or sponsoring high profile events as what the other luxury brand do

    (Mintel;2005). Examples of this include TAGhuer sponsoring Golf tournaments

    (Jardine, 2003). E- Marketing may be one of the best ways to market the

    product as there are lots of people using social media at present. These reach

    out to consumers and can help assess consumer need and want by bilateral

    conversation. It can also help to increase the popularity of brand in the

    consumer (Mintel, 2005). The brand ambassadors are the one who personalityrepresent the product specification. Stars such as Keira Knightley and Jude

    Law would be chosen as the brand ambassadors of the product. They are very

    popular and well known stars and therefore perfect to represent the brand.

    The tag line of any brand makes a huge difference. The tag line of apple

    IPhone is If you dont have an iPhone well you dont have a IPhone has a

    different impact on consumers mind and it makes them feel as if they are


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    missing something. However, for a luxury brand the statement should make

    you feel as if you will stand apart from crowd with the product. So the tag line

    Andromeda is Be unique, feel exceptional, Shine with Andromeda. The tag

    line is perfect as it relates to emotions and fashion which Andromeda was

    actually aiming at.

    Andromedas (group 7) marketing strategy based on segmentation and


    In 1956 segmentation was introduced for the first time by Wendell Smith. He

    explained it is finding the best possible market as a result of knowing the

    difference in requirements of market segment (Wendell Smith; 1956, p7). It is

    subdividing the market in different subset of consumers behaving in same way

    (Bennett, 1995, p165-166) Segmentation is dividing the consumer in groupswith the same priority (Corstjens, 1995), which are measurable and can be

    differentiated from the other segments in the market. It is creating a good

    advertising strategy by knowing consumer and also finding new opportunities

    in a product line (Beane T. P. and D. M. Ennis; 1987). The useful segmentation

    contains characters such as measurability, accessibility and substantiality

    (Kotler, 1980). The information used to decide something should come from

    customer environmental analysis. This analysis can be done through

    conducting well designed research. Segmentation is also divided to two

    different approach i.e. multisegment and concentration approach. The market

    concentration approach is what is been used in this particular strategy where

    it focuses only on the single market segment (Ferrell; 1998, p94). Without

    segmentation a brand cannot enter the market. There are many ways in which

    the segmentation can be done in the market. Here are few of them which have

    been implemented in the strategy formation of Andromeda:

    Geographical segmentation: Over here the market is geographically

    segmented. The needs and demands of the consumer change from place to

    place. They change according to region, country, population density or climate

    (Beane T. P. and D. M. Ennis; 1987). So the place where there is a good market

    for a particular product should be chosen. As the watch market in United

    Kingdom is of 1.4 billion and is expected to be around 1.6 billion till 2014.This

    is one of the major reasons of choosing the United Kingdom. This may restrict

    a brand as there is a fast growing market in China and the other BRIC nations.

    So if those market are targeted it may give stand to a new luxury brand

    (Insight; 2006). For doing this it should be named under a proper British brand


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    or an American brand which has a physiological effect in BRIC nation when it is

    particularly a luxury product and people opt for it.

    Demographic segmentation: Here consumers are placed on definite scales of

    measurement which are easily understood. The information can easily be

    interpreted and gathered. The segmentation totally depends on age, sex, sizeand type of family, race, nationality, region etc. (Beane, T. P. and D. M. Ennis;

    1987). The buyers behavior is generally closely related to characteristics of

    household (sen; 1976). According to the strategy the target segment is man

    and women between the age group 30-45. The range of age in segment is

    very small as compared to Mintel 2010 report shows that people aged 45-54

    tend to spent more on buying the luxury watch which is not considered wile

    segmenting the age in the strategy. So the age group which should be target

    is 25-54 years men women who prefer buying luxury watches (Mintel; 2010).

    Lifestyle segmentation: It is also known as psychographic segmentation. Thissegmentation is generally used in a luxury brand as it basically focuses on the

    social levels i.e. profession, income level and value and interest of a buyer. It

    also depends on way of living and social class (Beane, T. P. and D. M. Ennis;

    1987). People aged 45-54 tend to spent more on buying a luxury watch

    (Mintel, 2010). Wells (1976) said it is a quantitative attempt to place consumer

    on a psychological dimensions. So as per the designed strategy the consumer

    targeted are those from AB social grade who are interested in fashion.

    The main segment attractiveness factors which are analyzed in strategy

    designing are growth of market, size and competitive intensity. It helped in

    recognizing the growing importance of the females in the luxury watch as they

    are much more conscious about the luxury product than men and any luxury

    product make them feel special and differ from the crowd. In general this is

    what women look for. There is a bit gap in the watch market. So the strategy is

    trying to cover the gap i.e. the luxury watches are much sober and not so

    fashionable. So to cover up the gap and gain the competitive advantage it is

    aiming at that particular segment. The approach which is decided to use to the

    target market is focused/ concentrated. It is a single market focus where a

    brand sticks to a particular segment with a same product line. They normallydont prefer to come up with a product which doesnt suit there segmentation

    been chosen (Ferrell; 1998, p.7-22). Positioning is also one of the major

    aspects of strategy designing. Positioning is what a brand do to the minds of

    consumer rather than what it does to product. Every company tries to place

    the product in first place in consumers mind when it comes to preference wile

    purchasing a particular type of product (Mitra & Batman, 1989). It is designing


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    and setting up a particular type of image in consumers mind about the brand

    (Kotler, 1997). When the positioning is compared with the competitor

    positioning it is called comparative positioning. Then it becomes as being on

    top in minds of consumer when it comes to preference and capturing the

    market. It happens when the message reach consumer in more appropriate

    and simplified way. A good positioning strategy helps in strengthening the

    brand value and image in the market. If the positioning is done in a correct

    way it fills up the gap in the market and gives a comparative advantage to the

    brand (Mitra & Batman, 1989). The Andromedas positioning strategy was to

    achieve the mind of the target. They wanted to clarify there designs and

    offerings in consumers mind. They relate the product to the emotions and

    fashion. This is how they tried to target market segment and position.

    Improvement which can be made in the strategy of Andromeda (group7):

    The strategy of Andromeda was good till certain extent but when it comes to

    practicality. There were certain things which were missing when it comes to

    the formation of the strategy. As the launch of a new brand there should be no

    loop hole in the strategy and the strategy should be firm to make a stand in

    the market.

    The product line of Andromeda was small as compared to the other brands

    where there were only 2 watches. This restricts a costumer and doesnt give

    them options. While purchasing any high end product customer generally lookfor option, if there are no option consumer will generally move to some other

    brand (Kim, 2002; p229-250). To create the positioning as a luxurious watch

    company in the market strategy should be something unique where they

    product should be launched with special edition collection or something like

    that. As discussed earlier the market area need to be widen up. A luxury brand

    cannot be restricted to a particular area if it has to make a global presence as

    a Brand. So at a time a product need to be launched at different areas. As the

    product is launched throughout the globe the brand ambassador should be

    according to the well-known celebrities of that particular region. The best

    example for this is Gillette though it is not a luxury brand but it has lot of

    celebrities endorsing according to areas. Finally its the launch plan. As it is

    said well beguine is half done the launch of a product should be much more

    attractive than what they have now. Launching a brand in an observatory is

    sad when it comes to launching the fashionable brand. This will be very

    unattractive and they may lose the initial market stand.


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    The major factor while developing a marketing strategy for any company

    should contain; Capturing marketing insight, Connecting with customers,building strong brand, shaping the market offering, Delivering value,

    Communicating Value and Creating long term growth (Kotler, 2008,p28).

    There were lot of factors which were taken into consideration, but there were

    also few things which Andromeda skipped like creating a long term growth and

    the other things. The overall ideas were good but when it comes to practicality

    there were many things which were missing in the strategy of Andromeda.


    Segmentation :


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    United Kingdom watches market as per the figures given above :

    Segmentation graph: Age group, social grade .


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    This is the graph of positioning strategy of Andromeda :


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