zabarwan times e-paper english 23 march

C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K SUNDAY 23 March | 2014 | 21 Jamadi-Ul-Awal 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 81 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K WEATHER TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM MINIMUM SUNSET ON(SUNDAY) SUNRISE ON (MONDAY) 06:31 AM 06:45PM 4.5 0 C 15.1 0 C FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Light Rain/Snow would occur at a few places over the state. Partly cloudy sky. Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 14°C & 04°C respectively. Inside story On Edit Page See More On Pg 09 See More On Pg 11 Waqf waits for vice chair- man, board of directors Audit report on assets yet top made public Down the memory lane During the last sixty three years peo- ple have witnessed many ups and down along with changes in life style. If one goes back to the era of sixties to eighties, all the changes which took place were very slow and silent with least glaring effect on the life. The population was very thin. Cit- ies were within the reach that peo- ple would normally walk or use cy- cle and very rarely scooter. Car was used only by upper class. The sourc- es of entertainment were limited to talkies, books, magazines and radio. Television came very late in seven- ties with limited hours transmission. Batsmen have to shoulder responsibility Rajendra inaugurates Youth Promotional Coaching Camp in Jammu under CAP Becomes Don in real life too PG 06 PG 10 PG 06 8 structures damaged in fire 2 injured in road accident Srinagar, Mar 22: As the tenure of Waqf board’s Vice Chairman M.Y. Qadri and other Board’s directors ended on February 9, the govern- ment is yet to reconstitute the board, affecting the Board’s functioning. Besides failing to reconstitute the Board the government has failed to NC always advocated peaceful resolution of K Issue: Sagar If PDP wants to join Sangh Parivar, Congress cannot stop it: Taj JAMMU, MARCH 22- In total twenty four candi- dates filed their nominations from the 6-Jammu Parliamentary Constituency. Today which was last date for filing the nominations, 13 candidates filed their nomination papers which included seven In- dependents and six from different political parties before RO-6-Jammu Parliamentary Constituency. Those who filed their nominations today include, Ritu Devi (Bahujan Samaj Party), Gursagar Singh (Socialistic Democratic Party), Mehar Manav Bhagat (Bharatiya Bahujan Party), Abdul Majid Chouhan (Independent), See LS On Page 11.. 24 Nominations filed for Jammu LS Constituency 13 nominations filed on last day Jammu, Mar 22: Asking peo- ple use ballot as a mean to change their destiny, patron of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Moham- mad Sayeed today said his party is contesting Lok Sabha elections to give trusted and credible representatives to the people so that issues re- lated to Jammu and Kash- mir should be staunchly and stoutly highlighted in the Parliament. According to a statement is- sued to KNS, “Being one of the most important State of the country these is need that aspirations and wishes of the people of Jammu and Kash- mir should be effectively tak- en up in the Parliament and only PDP candidates have potential to do so”, Mufti said while addressing functions in different areas of Jammu city. In one function organized by MLA Darhal Ch Zulfikar at Mufti Mohmmad Sayeed’s Retd SSP Mohmmad Malik along with Azaz Hussain, Anwar Mirza, Fazeed Malik, Gulam Mohmmad Malik, Gulam Mohmmad Malik, Tafail Hussain Malik, Afsar Malik Haji, Mohmmad Fa- rooq Malik, Lal Hussain Ma- lik, Mohmmad Arif Malik, Ch Shabir (NC), Gulam Rabani, Abdul Majid, Gulam Jeelani, Haji Mohmmad Tufail joined PDP. In another function held by senior leader Dhaman Bha- sin at Hyderpura area of Ja- nipur, Haji Hyder Ali, Haji Aziz alias Kaki, Haji Soubat Ali, Haji Nazir Ahmad, Haji Alamgir, Haji Yaqoub along with large number of NC workers joined PDP. Ch Hussain Ali Waffa, Ch Zulfikar, Ab Hamid Choud- hary, R K Bali, Ashok Jogi, Bhutto Khan, Mushtaq Ah- mad, Showkat Gujjar, Geeta Thakur, Ritu Gupta, Madhu Gandotra and others were present on the occasion. “We have fielded credible and most trusted candidates in the Lok Sabha elections so as to give voice See Mufti On Page 11.. PDP never bartered peoples’ aspiration for power: Mufti Asks people use ballot as a mean to change their destiny Presents gallantry awards to defence personnel New Delhi, Mar 22: President Pranab Mukherjee today gave away gallant- ry awards to de- fence personnel for their distinguished services. 15 person- nel were conferred Param Vishist seva medals at a Defence Investiture Ceremo- ny at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi today. They include Lt Gen Ashok Singh of Infantary, Air Mar- shal Jaswinder Singh Chauhan of Air Force and Vice Admiral See Prez On Page 11.. Srinagar, Mar 22: The senior Congress leader and minister for health and medical education Taj Mohi-u-Din on Saturday took exception to Peoples Democrat- ic Party’s (PDP’s) admiration for BJP led NDA saying that Con- gress cannot stop PDP from join- ing Sangh Parivar if the party has decided so. “If the PDP has decided to join Sangh Parivar patronized BJP led NDA, how can we stop them. If they want to shun secularism and join communal and divisive forces how we can stop that,” Taj told KNS on phone. He said that if PDP has decided to leave secular credentials for the sake power, Congress has no locus to prevent them from joining the communal and fascist parties. “As is evident from the remarks they have made from the last few weeks, the PDP can go to any extent for power and it is no surprise for me,” Taj ob- served. The minister for health and med- ical education maintained the he is concerned that such remarks have been made by a main- stream party that claims to be- lieve in secularism. “And iIf they want to break the secular fabric of the Jammu and Kashmir, how can we help,” Taj added. When asked that the same line See Taj On Page 11.. Srinagar, March 22: A teenage boy who was shot dead last week in Kashmir’s Naidkhai town, along with four Hurriyat Conference activists, have been booked for attempt to murder, sources said on Saturday. Police had said that a group of youth had at- tacked a police vehicle on March 14 and they had fired in air in self defense. Farhat Ahmad Dar, 18, had received a bullet in his heart, during the protest and had died while on way to hospital. Police on Saturday booked Dar and four Hurriyat Conference activists for attempt to murder in north Kash- mir’s Bandipora district. Official sources told GNS that on March 14, last week, the personals of Indian Reserve Police (IRP) of 8th Battalion fired upon a group of protesters who tried to set ablaze their vehicle in Main Chowk Naid- khai. The FIR mentions that Dar was a part of the mob that tried to set ablaze a police vehicle. In the firing incident, Dar was killed See Naidkhai On Page 11.. Naidkhai Incident Slain teenager, 4 Muslim League activists booked for ‘attempt to murder’ Srinagar, Mar 22: National Confer- ence spokesman, Junaid Mattu has said the PDP has openly started align- ing itself with the Modi led NDA and it is important to place on record that the main initiatives of peace, reconcil- iation and reconstruction in the state have always been taken or facilitated singularly by the National Conference with support sought from successive Governments in New Delhi. According to a statement issued to KNS, Mattu has said that it was the National Conference that courageous- ly initiated the process of reconstruc- tion and rehabilitation as early as in 1996. “While National Conference worked hard and succeeded in effect- ing a historic ceasefire and starting a dialogue with Hizbul Mujahidin in the most crucial and tumultuous phase of political turmoil in the Val- ley, most of the militant Commanders who came forward to talk were target- ed and killed during the government of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.” He said: “How can the same Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and the same PDP that oversaw the annihilation of a moderate and reconciliatory ele- ment in the militant leadership now sing songs of peace and prosperity? Where was Mufti Sahab’s “healing touch” when he overtly or covertly approved the annihilation of those Militant Commanders?” The NC spokesman said: “Mufti has left a lot of vital questions See Mattu On Page 11.. ‘PDP has openly started aligning with NDA’ Initiatives of peace, reconciliation, reconstruction facilitated by NC: Mattu Srinagar, Mar 22: Stating that the Urdu language is one of the vital mediums of communication in Kash- mir and the Sub-Continent, Jammu and Kashmir Urdu Council--an amalgam of various forums promoting Urdu language Saturday felicitated Vice Chancellor Kashmir University Prof Ta- lat Ahmad for introducing Urdu academic Course at University’s South Campus. The felicitation function was organized at VC’s secretar- iat at Kashmir University wherein several personal- ities promoting Urdu lan- guage in and outside the state were present. Chief Ed- itor Kashmir News Service (KNS) Mohammad Aslam was the chief guest on the occasion while as Professor Margoob Banihali was the guest of honor. Chief Editor KNS felicitated Prof Talat See VC On Page 11.. Srinagar, Mar 22: Sala- muddin Bajad, People’s Conference nominee for Baramullah parliamentary constituency has termed Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s idea for a basic policy on Kashmir by all political par- ties in New Delhi as a right concept by a wrong man. According to a statement is- sued to KNS, he said Mufti alluded to the lacking credi- bility on the part of the PDP to match the proposal and carry it forward. Terming it nothing beyond a hypo- critical vote garnering PR stint he said while the Del- hi backed twin oligarchies (PDP NC) may have forgot- ten their pasts, the Political memory of Kashmiri’s is not that short lived. “Their self-delusionary slo- gans of change may dupe their own conscience but do little to paper over the poli- tics of ‘continuity’ of betray- al that these parties have been practicing in Kashmir for so long.” Commenting on the propos- al he said , for a party creat- ed by New Delhi to fracture the Kashmiri vote bank and make New Delhi’s presence a permanent feature of the political construct in Kash- mir what credibility will that party hold to represent Kashmir in New Delhi. “A party representing their (New Delhi) interests in Kashmir how will it be tak- en seriously to represent the interests of Kashmiri’s. A party whose patron in chief is on record having en- dorsed the role of the Indi- an Army in the Kunan Posh Pora Rape on the floor of the parliament, with what integrity will that person or member of his party now plead the case of the Kash- miri’s on that very same floor of parliament.” Bajad said that for a party whose Patron in chief ad- vised the slapping of the abhorred AFSPA in Kash- mir which gives the security forces blanket immunity to prey on as many Kashmiri lives as they will, with what moral authority will they be able to plead the Kashmiri case in parliament. A party who advised and facilitat- ed the designation of Jag- mohan as the Governor of Kashmir unleashing a ‘reign of Terror’ on its inhabitants, what vantage point will that party enjoy to create a con- sensus on Kashmir. See PC On Page 11.. Mufti’s basic policy on Kashmir a right concept from a wrong man: PC VC KU felicitated on introducing Urdu course in South Campus Srinagar, Mar 22: Accusing state government of being a mute spectator and using incidents like Nadimarag for political shields, Kashmir Pandit Sangharash Samiti (KPSS) a body of non mi- grant Kashmiri Pandits has claimed a Pakistani National was made scapegoat of this incident with a cover of weak investigation and evidences by the State Government. According to a statement is- sued to KNS, Sanjay K. Tick- oo, President (KPSS) has said that 11 years passed but noth- ing has been done to book the perpetrators of Nadimarag massacre. “…Except one Pa- kistani National was made scapegoat of this incident with a cover of weak investi- gation and evidences by the State See KPSS On Page 11.. ...... 2003-Nadimarag massacre ...... Pakistani national was made scapegoat on this incident: KPSS Srinagar, Mar 22 (KNS): Eight structures were damaged in fire incidents across the valley, last evening. According to a statement issued to KNS, fire broke out in the residential house of Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat son of Abdul Gani Bhat at Dangerpora, in the juris- diction of Police Station Anantnag. The fire also engulfed the three adjacent houses, resulting in the damage to all the four structures. Fire was brought under control by fire tenders and Police. Meanwhile, fire broke out in the shops of Sajad Ahmad See Fire On Page 11.. Srinagar, Mar 22 (KNS): Two persons were injured in a road accident in Handwara. According to a statement issued to KNS, a platform truck without registra- tion number hit and injured two pedestrians Bashir Ahmad Rather son of Ghulam Rasool resident of Neelipora and Insha Fayaz daugh- ter of Fayaz Ahmad resident of Magam at Neelipora Magam,in the jurisdiction of See Accident On Page 11.. Srinagar, Mar 22): A tree fell on Mubeen Ahmad Bhat son of Ghu- lam Mohammad resident of New Theed while cutting trees at New Theed Nallah, in the jurisdiction of Police Station Harwan. He was shifted to SKIMS Soura, Srinagar where he succumbed to his inju- ries. (KNS) Man died in Harwan Government ushered an era of peace, development in the State Srinagar, 22nd March: Minister for Rural Devel- opment and Panchayati Raj and a senior National Conference leader Ali Mo- hammad Sagar has said that the government has ensured holistic develop- ment of the state besides, ensuring that the people are economically as well as politically emancipated but PDP in a state of despera- tion and frustration is try- ing to hoodwink the people by spreading lies and false propaganda for their petty political interests. The Minister was address- ing public rally in the old city area of Khawaja Bazaar as a part of people to peo- ple contact programme. The largely attended rally was also attended by prom- inent persons of the area. Sagar said that the govern- ment has See Sagar On Page 11..

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24 Nominations filed for Jammu LS Seat 13 nominations filed on last day


Page 1: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 23 March





SUNDAY 23 March | 2014 | 21 Jamadi-Ul-Awal 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 81 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K



06:45PM 4.5 0C 15.10C



Light Rain/Snow would occur at a few places over the state.

Partly cloudy sky. Maximum &Minimum temperatures will be around 14°C & 04°C respectively.

Inside story

On Edit Page

See More On Pg 09

See More On Pg 11

Waqf waits for vice chair-man, board of directors

Audit report on assets yet top

made public

Down the memory laneDuring the last sixty three years peo-ple have witnessed many ups and down along with changes in life style. If one goes back to the era of sixties to eighties, all the changes which took place were very slow and silent with least glaring effect on the life. The population was very thin. Cit-ies were within the reach that peo-ple would normally walk or use cy-cle and very rarely scooter. Car was used only by upper class. The sourc-es of entertainment were limited to talkies, books, magazines and radio. Television came very late in seven-ties with limited hours transmission.

Batsmen have to shoulder responsibility

Rajendra inaugurates Youth Promotional Coaching Camp in Jammu under CAP

Becomes Don in real life too

PG 06 PG 10 PG 06

8 structures damaged in fire

2 injured in road accident

Srinagar, Mar 22: As the tenure of Waqf board’s Vice Chairman M.Y. Qadri and other Board’s directors ended on February 9, the govern-ment is yet to reconstitute the board, affecting the Board’s functioning.Besides failing to reconstitute the Board the government has failed to

NC always advocated peaceful resolution of K

Issue: Sagar

If PDP wants to join Sangh Parivar, Congress cannot stop it: Taj

JAMMU, MARCH 22- In total twenty four candi-dates filed their nominations from the 6-Jammu Parliamentary Constituency. Today which was last date for filing the nominations, 13 candidates filed their nomination papers which included seven In-dependents and six from different political parties before RO-6-Jammu Parliamentary Constituency.Those who filed their nominations today include, Ritu Devi (Bahujan Samaj Party), Gursagar Singh (Socialistic Democratic Party), Mehar Manav Bhagat (Bharatiya Bahujan Party), Abdul Majid Chouhan (Independent),

See LS On Page 11..

24 Nominations filed for Jammu LS Constituency

13 nominations filed on last dayJammu, Mar 22: Asking peo-ple use ballot as a mean to change their destiny, patron of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Moham-mad Sayeed today said his party is contesting Lok Sabha elections to give trusted and credible representatives to the people so that issues re-lated to Jammu and Kash-mir should be staunchly and stoutly highlighted in the Parliament.According to a statement is-sued to KNS, “Being one of the most important State of the country these is need that aspirations and wishes of the people of Jammu and Kash-mir should be effectively tak-en up in the Parliament and only PDP candidates have potential to do so”, Mufti said while addressing functions in different areas of Jammu

city. In one function organized by MLA Darhal Ch Zulfikar at Mufti Mohmmad Sayeed’s Retd SSP Mohmmad Malik along with Azaz Hussain, Anwar Mirza, Fazeed Malik,

Gulam Mohmmad Malik, Gulam Mohmmad Malik, Tafail Hussain Malik, Afsar Malik Haji, Mohmmad Fa-rooq Malik, Lal Hussain Ma-lik, Mohmmad Arif Malik, Ch

Shabir (NC), Gulam Rabani, Abdul Majid, Gulam Jeelani, Haji Mohmmad Tufail joined PDP.In another function held by senior leader Dhaman Bha-sin at Hyderpura area of Ja-nipur, Haji Hyder Ali, Haji Aziz alias Kaki, Haji Soubat Ali, Haji Nazir Ahmad, Haji Alamgir, Haji Yaqoub along with large number of NC workers joined PDP.Ch Hussain Ali Waffa, Ch Zulfikar, Ab Hamid Choud-hary, R K Bali, Ashok Jogi, Bhutto Khan, Mushtaq Ah-mad, Showkat Gujjar, Geeta Thakur, Ritu Gupta, Madhu Gandotra and others were present on the occasion.“We have fielded credible and most trusted candidates in the Lok Sabha elections so as to give voice

See Mufti On Page 11..

PDP never bartered peoples’ aspiration for power: MuftiAsks people use ballot as a mean to change their destiny Presents

gallantry awards to defence

personnelNew Delhi, Mar 22: President Pranab Mukherjee today gave away gallant-ry awards to de-fence personnel for their distinguished services. 15 person-nel were conferred Param Vishist seva medals at a Defence Investiture Ceremo-ny at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi today. They include Lt Gen Ashok Singh of Infantary, Air Mar-shal Jaswinder Singh Chauhan of Air Force and Vice Admiral

See Prez On Page 11..

Srinagar, Mar 22: The senior Congress leader and minister for health and medical education Taj Mohi-u-Din on Saturday took exception to Peoples Democrat-ic Party’s (PDP’s) admiration for BJP led NDA saying that Con-gress cannot stop PDP from join-ing Sangh Parivar if the party has decided so.“If the PDP has decided to join Sangh Parivar patronized BJP led NDA, how can we stop them. If they want to shun secularism and join communal and divisive forces how we can stop that,” Taj told KNS on phone.He said that if PDP has decided to leave secular credentials for the sake power, Congress has no locus to prevent them from joining the communal and fascist parties. “As is evident from the remarks they have made from the last few weeks, the PDP can go to any extent for power and

it is no surprise for me,” Taj ob-served. The minister for health and med-ical education maintained the he is concerned that such remarks have been made by a main-stream party that claims to be-lieve in secularism. “And iIf they want to break the secular fabric of the Jammu and Kashmir, how can we help,” Taj added. When asked that the same line

See Taj On Page 11..

Srinagar, March 22: A teenage boy who was shot dead last week in Kashmir’s Naidkhai town, along with four Hurriyat Conference activists, have been booked for attempt to murder, sources said on Saturday.Police had said that a group of youth had at-tacked a police vehicle on March 14 and they had fired in air in self defense. Farhat Ahmad Dar, 18, had received a bullet in his heart, during the protest and had died while on way to hospital.Police on Saturday

booked Dar and four Hurriyat Conference activists for attempt to murder in north Kash-mir’s Bandipora district.Official sources told GNS that on March 14, last week, the personals of Indian Reserve Police (IRP) of 8th Battalion fired upon a group of protesters who tried to set ablaze their vehicle in Main Chowk Naid-khai. The FIR mentions that Dar was a part of the mob that tried to set ablaze a police vehicle.In the firing incident, Dar was killed

See Naidkhai On Page 11..

Naidkhai Incident

Slain teenager, 4 Muslim League activists booked for ‘attempt to murder’

Srinagar, Mar 22: National Confer-ence spokesman, Junaid Mattu has said the PDP has openly started align-ing itself with the Modi led NDA and it is important to place on record that the main initiatives of peace, reconcil-iation and reconstruction in the state have always been taken or facilitated singularly by the National Conference with support sought from successive Governments in New Delhi.According to a statement issued to KNS, Mattu has said that it was the

National Conference that courageous-ly initiated the process of reconstruc-tion and rehabilitation as early as in 1996. “While National Conference worked hard and succeeded in effect-ing a historic ceasefire and starting a dialogue with Hizbul Mujahidin in the most crucial and tumultuous phase of political turmoil in the Val-ley, most of the militant Commanders who came forward to talk were target-ed and killed during the government of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.”

He said: “How can the same Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and the same PDP that oversaw the annihilation of a moderate and reconciliatory ele-ment in the militant leadership now sing songs of peace and prosperity? Where was Mufti Sahab’s “healing touch” when he overtly or covertly approved the annihilation of those Militant Commanders?”The NC spokesman said: “Mufti has left a lot of vital questions

See Mattu On Page 11..

‘PDP has openly started aligning with NDA’Initiatives of peace, reconciliation, reconstruction facilitated by NC: Mattu

Srinagar, Mar 22: Stating that the Urdu language is one of the vital mediums of communication in Kash-mir and the Sub-Continent, Jammu and Kashmir Urdu Council--an amalgam of various forums promoting Urdu language Saturday felicitated Vice Chancellor Kashmir University Prof Ta-lat Ahmad for introducing Urdu academic Course at University’s South Campus.The felicitation function was

organized at VC’s secretar-iat at Kashmir University wherein several personal-ities promoting Urdu lan-guage in and outside the state were present. Chief Ed-itor Kashmir News Service (KNS) Mohammad Aslam was the chief guest on the occasion while as Professor Margoob Banihali was the guest of honor.Chief Editor KNS felicitated Prof Talat

See VC On Page 11..

Srinagar, Mar 22: Sala-muddin Bajad, People’s Conference nominee for Baramullah parliamentary constituency has termed Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s idea for a basic policy on Kashmir by all political par-ties in New Delhi as a right concept by a wrong man.According to a statement is-sued to KNS, he said Mufti alluded to the lacking credi-bility on the part of the PDP to match the proposal and carry it forward. Terming it nothing beyond a hypo-critical vote garnering PR stint he said while the Del-hi backed twin oligarchies (PDP NC) may have forgot-ten their pasts, the Political memory of Kashmiri’s is not that short lived.“Their self-delusionary slo-gans of change may dupe their own conscience but do little to paper over the poli-tics of ‘continuity’ of betray-al that these parties have been practicing in Kashmir for so long.”Commenting on the propos-al he said , for a party creat-ed by New Delhi to fracture the Kashmiri vote bank and make New Delhi’s presence a permanent feature of the political construct in Kash-

mir what credibility will that party hold to represent Kashmir in New Delhi.“A party representing their (New Delhi) interests in Kashmir how will it be tak-en seriously to represent the interests of Kashmiri’s. A party whose patron in chief is on record having en-dorsed the role of the Indi-an Army in the Kunan Posh Pora Rape on the floor of the parliament, with what integrity will that person or member of his party now plead the case of the Kash-miri’s on that very same floor of parliament.”Bajad said that for a party whose Patron in chief ad-vised the slapping of the abhorred AFSPA in Kash-mir which gives the security forces blanket immunity to prey on as many Kashmiri lives as they will, with what moral authority will they be able to plead the Kashmiri case in parliament. A party who advised and facilitat-ed the designation of Jag-mohan as the Governor of Kashmir unleashing a ‘reign of Terror’ on its inhabitants, what vantage point will that party enjoy to create a con-sensus on Kashmir.

See PC On Page 11..

Mufti’s basic policy on Kashmir a right concept from a wrong man: PC

VC KU felicitated on introducing Urdu course

in South Campus

Srinagar, Mar 22: Accusing state government of being a mute spectator and using incidents like Nadimarag for political shields, Kashmir Pandit Sangharash Samiti (KPSS) a body of non mi-grant Kashmiri Pandits has claimed a Pakistani National was made scapegoat of this incident with a cover of weak investigation and evidences by the State Government.

According to a statement is-sued to KNS, Sanjay K. Tick-oo, President (KPSS) has said that 11 years passed but noth-ing has been done to book the perpetrators of Nadimarag massacre. “…Except one Pa-kistani National was made scapegoat of this incident with a cover of weak investi-gation and evidences by the State

See KPSS On Page 11..

...... 2003-Nadimarag massacre ......

Pakistani national was made scapegoat on this

incident: KPSS

Srinagar, Mar 22 (KNS): Eight structures were damaged in fire incidents across the valley, last evening. According to a statement issued to KNS, fire broke out in the residential house of Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat son of Abdul Gani Bhat at Dangerpora, in the juris-diction of Police Station Anantnag. The fire also engulfed the three adjacent houses, resulting in the damage to all the four structures. Fire was brought under control by fire tenders and Police.Meanwhile, fire broke out in the shops of Sajad Ahmad

See Fire On Page 11..

Srinagar, Mar 22 (KNS): Two persons were injured in a road accident in Handwara. According to a statement issued to KNS, a platform truck without registra-tion number hit and injured two pedestrians Bashir Ahmad Rather son of Ghulam Rasool resident of Neelipora and Insha Fayaz daugh-ter of Fayaz Ahmad resident of Magam at Neelipora Magam,in the jurisdiction of

See Accident On Page 11..

Srinagar, Mar 22): A tree fell on Mubeen Ahmad Bhat son of Ghu-lam Mohammad resident of New Theed while cutting trees at New Theed Nallah, in the jurisdiction of Police Station Harwan. He was shifted to SKIMS Soura, Srinagar where he succumbed to his inju-ries. (KNS)

Man died in Harwan Government

ushered an era of peace, development in the StateSrinagar, 22nd March: Minister for Rural Devel-opment and Panchayati Raj and a senior National Conference leader Ali Mo-hammad Sagar has said that the government has ensured holistic develop-ment of the state besides, ensuring that the people are economically as well as politically emancipated but PDP in a state of despera-tion and frustration is try-ing to hoodwink the people by spreading lies and false propaganda for their petty

political interests. The Minister was address-ing public rally in the old city area of Khawaja Bazaar as a part of people to peo-ple contact programme. The largely attended rally was also attended by prom-inent persons of the area. Sagar said that the govern-ment has See Sagar On Page 11..

Page 2: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 23 March

11 Srinagar, Sunday 23 March 2014 Zabarwan Times














Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Shahana Malik RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: [email protected] Publised at Govt. Quarters , M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844



NOTICEThis is for the information of all those candi-dates desirous for seeking admission to M.P. Ed programme in the University of Kashmir for the session 2014-15 that their Physical Efficiency Test which was postponed due to unavoidable circumstances will now be conducted on 27-03-2014 at 10:00 am at ground “B” of University of Kashmir.`

NO:-f(Phy-test) DPE/KU/14/ET-36Dated:-20-03-2014

Sd/-Director Physical education & Sports

University of Kashmir

Office of the Dean Academic Affairs

CIRCULARIn continuation to this office circular of even No. dated 20.12.2013, it is again notified for the information of the candidates aspiring to apply for admission to MBA/ MFC/MTHM/BBA MBA (5 years Integrated) and B.Tech courses of the University of Kashmir that the admission to the said courses shall be based on the following criteria/ policy. 1. The admission to Master of Business Ad-ministration (MBA)/ Master of Finance and Control (MFC)/Master of Travel and Hospitality Manage-ment (MTHM) programmes shall be made on the basis of three components latest valid CMAT Score obtained by a candidate, Group discussion and Interview. 2. The admission to BBA-MBA (5 year IMBA) programme shall be made on UGAT Score and per-formance in qualifying examination, Group discus-sion and Interview.3. The admission to B.Tech course shall be made on the basis of the latest JEE Main (Paper-I) Score of 2014 4. The admission to M.Pharm programme shall be made on the basis of the latest GPAT score.5. The University shall conduct the Group discussion and Interview separately for MBA, MFC, MTHM and BBA-MBA (IMBA) courses.

The candidates desirous to seek admission to the above mentioned courses must appear in the CMAT/UGAT/JEE/GPAT examinations and submit Score Cards as and when admission notification for these courses is issued by the University.

Sd/- (Muzamil Masood Mattoo)

Assistant Registrar (Academic Affairs)

No.F (Admis-sion-2014) DAA/KU/14/ET-35Dated: 17.03.2014

Jugal Kishore (Bharatiya Janta Party), Kavinder Gupta (Bharatiya Janta Party), Hari Chand Jalmeria (JKNPP), Mohammad Abbas Khan (Independent), Dr Karan Kumar Gupta (Independent), Perseen Singh (Independent), Mohammad Imtiaz (Independent), Ashok Kumar (Independent) and Satish Poonchi (In-dependent) for Elections to the House of the People from the 6- Jammu Parliamentary Constituency.

to the people of Jammu and Kashmir”, he said and re-minded the gathering that PDP had proved that it was the only credible voice of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. “Unlike other political parties PDP has never bartered aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kash-mir for the sake of power”, he said and reminded that despite having just 16 MLAs in 2002 PDP had scripted a new chapter in the history of J&K and restored digni-ty and honour of the people Jammu and Kashmir. “It was result of our convictions that successive govern-ments at New Delhi supported whenever steps we had taken during our tenure”, he said and reminded that previous NDA regime headed by Atal Behari Vajpayee and present UPA government headed by Dr Manmo-han Singh have endorsed PDP’s view points on Kash-mir. He further said that his party has pioneered a political and economic agenda to establish sustainable peace in the subcontinent and to fulfill the wishes and aspirations of all regions and sub-regions of the State.“Establishing lasting peace and to consolidate the rec-onciliation process is on the top of the agenda of PDP”, he, adding "Our party, through its pro-peace policies, has consolidated reconciliation process and facilitated the efforts of establishing peace in this region".“Attaining power is not the only aim of PDP. We, with the support of the people, want to change the present ineffective system”, he said and added that it was aim of the PDP to establish a system where every sections of the society would get equal opportunities of devel-opment and upliftment.Terming PDP as a movement to change destiny of the people, Mufti said that his party has emerged as strong and credible voice of the people of Jammu and Kash-mir because common masses have faith on this par-ty. “The pro people visionary agenda of the party is formulated by incorporating wishes and aspirations of all sections of the society and we never compromised with our agenda for attaining power”, he said and re-minded when PDP-Congress coalition was formed in 2002, PDP’s agenda was prominently incorporated in the Common Minimum Programme (CMP) of the gov-ernment. (KNS)

Niranjan Kumar Nadella.Three Kirti Chakra awards were also given and the recipients are Lt Commander Abhilash Tomy, Major Mahesh Kumar and Wing Commander Darryl Cas-telino. Castelino was awarded posthumously for his role in operation Rahat in Uttarakhand where his chopper crashed with 20 personnel on board after he had helped in rescuing lives of more than 80 people. Mahesh Kumar of Punjab Regiment got the award for his gallant acts in counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir where he killed 4 terrorists in three separate incidents.Caption Abhilash Tomy received the Kirti Chakra for completing world voyage on his sail ship non-stop and without any external support in 151 days.Two Uttam Yudh seva medals and 10 Shaurya Chakra awards were also conferred to the defence personnel.Vice President Mohd Hamid Ansari, Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, Defence Minister A K Antony and Congress President Sonia Gandhi were among the dignitaries present on the occasion.

ushered an era of peace and development in the state, which has induced a sense of fear in the minds of the opposition party which is now resorting to political gimmickry to further their ulterior political motives. He said that this party has always believed in deceit and deception and have always preferred their inter-ests over those of the state.Referring to the steps initiated by the government for withdrawal of AFSPA, Sagar said that considerable progress has been achieved in this regard. He said that PDP is trying to mislead the people of the state by say-ing that they also worked for it but a senior leader of the party has said that they have never ever written to the Centre for its withdrawal in a recent interview.Taking a dig on the recent statement of PDP regarding resolution of K issue, Sagar said that National Confer-ence has always advocated for the peaceful resolution of the K-issue and have been honest in this regard and people are well aware of the stand of National Con-ference whereas PDP always believe in lip service. He said that they don't utter a single word in the Parlia-ment when they were given a chance while as National Conference made its stand crystal clear


Public NoticeThe quality of Ground Water in Achand Saidapora Srinagar has been evaluated and found not fit for drinking purposes. General public is advised not to use under Ground Water for drinking purposes as per the water test report. The test report also published in the said notice.


SAMPLE ANALYSED AT Training Centre Cum District Level Laboratory, Zainakote

Sample Description

Source Tube Well

Place of Collection Achan, Saidpora near Municipal land fill

Status Raw water

Forwarded / Collected by AEE PHE Drilling Sub Div. 1ST . PHE Ground Water Division

Laboratory Ref No CSD/TCZ/DC/14/48-51

Scheme Nil

Date of Collection 24-08-2013

Date of Receipt 24-08-2013

Date of Examination 24-08-2013


Public Notice

The quality of Ground Water in Achand Saidapora Srinagar has been evaluated and found not fit for drinking purposes. General public is advised not to use under Ground Water for drinking purposes as per the water test report. The test report also published in the said notice.

Sd/- Executive Engineer, PHE Ground Water Division



SAMPLE ANALYSED AT: Training Centre Cum Description: - District Level Laboratory, Zainakote Source : Tube Well . Place of Collection : Achan, Saidpora near Municipal land fill Status : Raw water . Forwarded / Collected by : AEE PHE Drilling Sub Div. 1ST . PHE Ground Water Division Laboratory Ref No: CSD/TCZ/DC/14/48-51 Scheme : Nil . Collection : 24-08-2013 . Date of Receipt : 24-08-2013 . Date of Examination: 24-08-2013 . REPORT





feet 120 feet

160 feet

240 feet

1. Turbidity N.T.U 56300 54750 53900 45600 <10 10 2. Colour Hazens Not recordable 5.0 25 3. Taste & Odour - Highly objectionable Unobjectionable 4. pH at 25°C - 7.35 7.40 7.45 7.50 6.5-8.5 8.5 5. Total Settable solids ml/1 550ml/l - - 6. Total Dissolved Solid mg/1 600 650 700 740 500 2000 7. Conductivity at 25 ° C µs/cm 857 928 1000 1057 - - 8. Total Hardness (As CaCO3) mg/1 500 536 610 658 200 600 9. Chlorides (as CL-) mg/1 200 220 234 256 200 1000 10. Fluorides (as F-) mg/1 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 11. Total Acidity mg/1 60 54 48 45 - - 12. Carbon Dioxide mg/1 32 28 24 22 - - 13. Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/1 298 306 321 335 200 600 14. Total Iron ( as Fe) mg/1 1.25 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.3 0.3 15. Calcium (as Ca) mg/l 140 158 165 169 75 200 16. Magnesium (as Mg) mg/l 36.6 38.2 42.1 43.4 30 150 17. Nitrite mg/l 0.073 0.065 0.061 0.050 None Traces 18. Nitrate 5 10 12 15 45 45 19. Ammonical Nitrogen mg/l >1.5 >1.5 >1.5 >1.5 0.05 0.5 20. Manganese mg/l 0.016 0.014 0.013 0.010 0.1 0.5 21. Phosphate mg/l 15 11 9 8.7 0.5 5.0 22. Lead mg/l 4.7 4.3 3.5 3.2 0.01 0.05 23. Dissolve Oxygen mg/l 2.98 2.58 2.25 1.98 4.0 10 24. Arsenic mg/l 0.080 0.068 0.064 0.055 0.01 0.05


Impression: Highlighted parameters are exceeding the drinking water guideline values (BLS 10500 of 2012) water is highly contaminated hence unsafe for human use.

Sd/- Executive Engineer,PHE Ground Water Division


Asstt. Ex.EngineerChemical Sub Division

W/S Master Plan Division Sgr




has been adopted by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, chairman Hurriyat Conference (M), Taj said: “Everybody can make his opinion. I cannot comment on his statements. Since I do not believe in his political belief I cannot re-spond to Mirwaiz’s remarks on BJP-led NDA.”Echoing Taj’s opinion, Ali Mohmmad Sagar, National Conference senior leader and minister for rural de-velopment alleged that PDP changes political colors from time to time. “Sometimes they praise UPA and sometimes they admire Mr Vajpayee. They do not have any perfect political ideology. PDP can do anything for power.”On Mirwaiz’s remarks Sagar said that people are free to express their opinions. “But in what context the Hurriyat (M) chairman has praised BJP led NDA, I think Mirwaiz will be in a better position to elaborate.” (KNS)

while three others had sustained injuries.After the incident, police then lodged an open FIR 61/2014 under section 307 (attempt to murder) RPC and District administration ordered probe and had appointed Additional District Magistrate as enquiry officer.“During the investigations, police booked Dar and four Muslim League activists in the FIR for creating Law and Order problem after it was revealed that a group of Hurriyat protesters was found involved in all the mess,” a police official involved in the probe told GNS.He identified the booked activists as Showkat Hakeem of Rakh Hajin, Assadullah Parray of Hajin, Mehraj-ud-Din Nanda of Hajan, Sajad Ahmad Nawoo of Naidkhai both activists of Muslim League – which is a constituent of Hurriyat Conference led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani. .The official said that on the very first of the incident an open FIR had been lodged in the incident and subse-quently the charges under section 307, 148, 149, 152, 336 and 427 RPC have been registered against the ML activists. (GNS)

about his devious and murderous role during political turmoil in Kashmir unanswered perhaps misguided into thinking that Kashmiris have forgotten the dread-ed and brutal Mufti of the early ‘90s who broke all records of massacres, systemic repression and gross human rights violations. Mufti before speaking about the people and history of Srinagar should come clean on his alleged ‘deliberate negligence’ that resulted in the assassination of Shaheed Mirwaiz Molvi Moham-mad Farooq during the tenure of Mufti as the Home Minister of India.” He said: “PDP is free to align with even the RSS or the VHP since they have a democratic right to forge alliances without worrying about the sentiments of the people they tragically and falsely claim to repre-sent.” However, he added that PDP should know that the people of Kashmir are conscious to the well estab-lished fact that PDP was invented and established by the BJP to weaken, fragment and bifurcate the voice and representation of the people of J&K.”“As Mufti Sahib is understandably trying to repay the favour of 1999 in 2014, while gauging the reverential statements of praise for Modi that have come from Mehbooba Mufti and Muzaffar Baig, it’s evident be-yond doubt that PDP has now decided to act as the State Wing of a Modi-led BJP in 2014,” he added. (KNS)

Ahmad VC KU for the introduction of Urdu academic courses at varsity’s south campus, while as Professor Margoob Banihali stated that the steps taken by the Kashmir University authorities for the promotion of Urdu language are commendable. He urged that more serious steps must be taken so that Urdu could be started in KU’s north and Kupwara campuses.On this occasion, Prof Talat Ahmad while appreciating the concerns of the Urdu council for the promotion of the language stated that the Urdu academic course in-troduced in the south campus shall be pursued with the most serious effort and that this year 1650 students have applied for the PG Urdu course and among the

selected ones 50 will be admitted to the south Campus. The VC added that a permanent faculty will be recruit-ed so that the course could be introduced with a zeal and zest. Professor Bashir Ahmad Nehvi, Dr Mansoor, Professor Nasir Mirza, Sultan-ul-Haq Shaheedi were also present on the occasion. (KNS)

Government. Rest is still a mystery,” Tickoo has said.He has added that Kashmir’s resistance movement against India have given Kashmiri Pandits bullet ridden bodies and exodus as a gift for being neutral and peace loving community. “In addition to that the State Government, which for obvious reasons is run by Kashmiri’s itself have remained spectators and have used these incidents as their political shields as and when required. Till date none of the perpetrators has been punished, rather than stories are made to satisfy that the alleged perpetrators have been killed in en-counters of which, in real, no record exists.”Tickoo has observed that Nadimarag is one of these incidents, which happened on the intervening night of 22-23 March, 2003, as an example that has torn apart the claim of fake “Kashmiryat” which is being boasted by everyone in Kashmir whether from mainstream or separatist camp.Tickoo said that an incident in which 24 Kashmiri Pandits where ‘cold boldly killed by the men with arms holding the flag of so called resistance’. “An incident in which innocent victims were those who continued to live at their places even after majority of the com-munity left the Kashmir Valley because of forced exo-dus. An incident, in which victims were from the age group of three years to 80 years,” the KPSS said.KPSS has urged all the World Human Right Orga-nizations to treat Kashmiri Pandits as Humans also and advocate on behalf of this miniscule communi-ty before the Local Civil Societies and State/Central Government as all the offices have lost their credibil-ity with respect to the issues related to the Kashmiri Pandits living in the Valley. The KPSS has decided that “Samadhis “ of the Nadimarag victims will be built at their respective occurrence places where the names of the victims will be carved to remembers for the times immortal. (KNS)

“For a party who suffers from a major credibility crisis within Kashmir as well wherein each period of insta-bility is somehow perceived to be associated with foul play on their part be it the instability faced by their coalition partner-the Azaad government or during the 2010 crisis where it was largely rumoured to be-ing instigated by PDP to depose the NC government on what basis of credibility will this party espouse the Kashmiri case in New Delhi.”The PC leader said that by sending in suspect repre-sentatives like these to New Delhi it in extension casts aspersions and suspicion on the entire Kashmiri peo-ple. “The same being the case with NC wherein it used its much touted Autonomy report only to win more personal political concessions from New Delhi and to keep the separatists away from talks.”He said that as parliamentarians it stayed in coalition with the BJP in the face of the Muslim carnage of Gu-jrat in 2002 and was constantly apologetic on the part of the security forces even in the face of rising ‘geno-cides’ on their hands. It is time to break this cycle of alien representation and send in true representatives

symbolizing and identifying the pain and sufferings of the common Kashmiri’s and having the ability to bring about true change and empowerment for them. (KNS)

Bhat son of Ghulam Hassan and Aijaz Ahmad Dar son of Mohammad Akbar residents of Sholipora. In this incident both the shops gutted completely. Fire was brought under control by fire tenders and Police. In another incident, fire broke out in the residential house of Ghulam Hassan Sheikh resident of Gopal Pora Tengpora, in the jurisdiction of Police Station Anantnag. The structure got partially damaged in this incident. In another fire incident, fire broke out in the shop of Ali Mohammad Kumar at Nadihal, in the ju-risdiction of Police Station Bandipora. In this incident the shop got partially damaged. (KNS)

Police Station Handwara. Both the injured were shifted to hospital for treatment. Police has regis-tered a case in this regard. (KNS)

Waqf waits for vice chairman,

board of directorsAudit report on assets yet top made public

Srinagar, Mar 22 (KNS): As the tenure of Waqf board’s Vice Chairman M.Y. Qadri and other Board’s directors ended on February 9, the government is yet to reconstitute the board, affecting the Board’s function-ing.Besides failing to reconstitute the Board the govern-ment has failed to make joint audit committee report on Waqf assets public.It has also reliably been learnt that the government is in a fix over the issue whether Qadri’s be granted extension as the vice chairman of the Board or for a fresh appointment for the post. Sources told KNS that the government is yet to take a call on appointment of board directors as well.After taking reins of power in the state, the NC-Congress coalition while appointing vice chairman for Waqf board, also constituted the panel of board of directors so that Waqf’s normal functioning does not hamper.Pertinently, the Chief Minister is the chairman of the Waqf while as Abdul Rahim Rather, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Shiekh Gulam Rasool, Dr Mehraj-ud-din, Mohi-ud-din Matoo, Molvi Showkat Hussain Keng, Molvi Riyaz Hamdani and Nusrat Andrabi were nominated as board of directors.

Page 3: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 23 March


Take a break from your routine, Libra. You might feel like you’re leading an army into battle as you strive for new adven-tures and conquer new realms. Make sure you take a bit of time out today to stop and let your troops rest. You deserve a little rest yourself. Use this moment of stillness to form your plan of attack so you’re sure about how to proceed.

The key for you is to minimize your daily drama as much as possible, Scorpio. You may not realize how much you cripple your-self by the way you exaggerate every aspect of your life. Try not to give so much of your attention to things that really don’t matter much. Petty jealousy and gossip about other people’s lives are es-pecially irrelevant in your world.

Be careful of advertising yourself as someone who is so strong and mentally competent that you’re capable of handling every-thing, Sagittarius. Take note that the strongest mule on the trail usually ends up carrying the most weight. Your emotions are more sensitive than you may think, and certainly more than you demonstrate to others. Be honest about the way you feel and not just the way you think.

Things should flow well for you today with very little ef-fort on your part, Capricorn. Take note that if any quarrel arises, it’s an indication that the person you’re arguing with isn’t nec-essarily the right person to deal with or confide in. Emotional issues are likely to be the hardest ones to overcome, but this shouldn’t be a problem for you. You have the ability to work through these like a pro.

This is meant to be a nice, relaxing day, so treat it as such, Aquarius. There’s no need for you to plan any great strategy at this time. Try to take it easy and not indulge in any unnecessary stress. This is your time to enjoy the moment. Don’t tax your mind by overanalyzing everything that comes your way. Go with the flow and have a great time regardless of what you end up doing.

Your sensual nature is heightened, Pisces, and you’ll find yourself engaged in tender moments and languid peacefulness in the company of others. Soothe your soul by letting yourself slip into situations that give you the emotional freedom to do or say whatever comes to mind. Life should be like a love poem written by a great master. Accept the good energy that comes your way.

Your sixth sense is right on target, Virgo, so trust your instincts today. You’re likely to connect with someone in a wonderful partnership that will help you foster the very plan you want to develop now. Stay close to those things that resonate strongly with your morals. The answer is in front of you; you don’t have to search too far afield in order to find it.

Allow your eager and restless nature to express itself in ways other than through the spoken word, Aries. Show someone that you care through your gentle touch or a big bear hug. Hold on a little bit more tightly than you might normally. There’s an unspo-ken understanding that comes when you communicate through nothing but pure silence. Work on developing this kind of connec-tion with those closest to you.

This is a terrific day for you, Taurus. You should find that your relationships, especially with men, go exceptionally well. Your tender and extremely sensitive nature is finally being recognized as the treasure chest it is. There are many times in which this type of personality is seen as weak, yet today is one of those times in which you’re given the full credit you deserve.

A selfish attitude on your part won’t be tolerated today, re-gardless of the circumstances, Gemini. Don’t make it worse for yourself by pretending that you don’t notice others’ hurt feelings. People are likely to be extra sensitive today, so be careful about trying to impose your will on someone who really wants nothing more than an ear to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.

You could find the hardest person to face is you, Cancer. You tend toward introspection, and you may find yourself shrinking into self-recrimination. You could analyze the important people in your life and yet fail to address the one you really need to look at – you. As you continually strive for perfection, give yourself proper credit. Do something nice for yourself today.

Take advantage of the creative energy in the air today, Leo. Keep your hands moving and your imagination flowing toward something fun and artistic. If you begin to doubt your work, you may fall down a spiral of creative blockage. Don’t get into the habit of constantly judging the quality or outcome of your work. Give yourself free rein to open up and explore whatever comes to mind.

JAMMU, MARCH 22-As part of its series of language conferenc-es, J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages is organizing a 2-day Urdu Conference here on March 24 and 25 in which noted writers and scholars will par-ticipate. The topic of the conference is Urdu ‘Poetry in Jammu & Kashmir’.

The conference will be spread over three paper reading ses-sions excluding the in-augural session where keynote paper will be read out by noted re-searcher and writer Mohammad Yusuf Taing. Prominent writers and authors of different languag-

es will preside over different ses-sions of the conference.

Pertinently, the series of con-ferences started in November

2012 has seen conferences held in Kashmiri, Dogri, Panjabi, Hindi, Pahari and Gojri languages so far.

The conference being held at K L Saigal Hall will begin with two soulful ghazals being sung by fa-mous singer Dharmesh Nargotra.

The conference will conclude with an All-Jammu Urdu Mushiara on March 25.

Writers and scholars who will read out papers on different forms of Urdu poetry in J&K during the conference include Prof. Zahoor ud Din, Ghulam Nabi Khayal, Prof Qudoos Javaid, Dr. Sukh Chain, Prof Asadullah Wani, Dr. Ayaz Nazki, Dr. Liaqat Jafri, Dr. Nazir Azad, Dr. Premi

Romani, Dr. Riaz Ahmad, Dr. Mush-taq Ahmad Wani and Dr. Moham-mad Lateef Mir.


In an attempt to make Ganderbal town ecologi-cally viable and clean, Municipality Committee Ganderbal initiated a cleanliness drive with the dredging of Trout Nallah which runs through the heart of Ganderbal town.

This was stated by the District De-velopment Commissioner Ganderbal, Mr. Sarmad Hafeez. He said that once the dredging of the Nallah would be completed, the focus would be shifted on other areas of the town where exten-sive sanitation and cleanliness will be conducted.

District Development Commissioner Ganderbal in conversation with the local resi-dents appealed them to be environment friendly and cooperate with the administration in making Ganderbal one of the cleanest towns in the Valley. He also thanked them for the cooperation they have shown in making Ganderbal a polythene free town.

DDC Ganderbal Kick-starts “Clean Ganderbal” drive

Academy to hold 2-day Urdu Conference from March 24

JAMMU, MARCH 22: A week long Youth Promotional Coaching Camp was inaugu-rated by Special Director Gen-eral of Police, Mr. K. Rajendra Kumar at Gulshan Ground here this morning.

The camp is a part of JKP’s Civic Action Programme (CAP) wherein more than 400 boys from far-flung areas of the State will be participating in it.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Mr. Rajendra highlighted the role of youth in the devel-opment of society. He said that sports enhance mental and physical ability of the youth, hone their talent in different capacities. The discipline and spirit of team work enable youth to lead towards a right direction, said Mr. Rajendra.

Deliberating on the aim and objective of Civic Ac-tion Programme undertaken by Jammu and Kashmir Police,

the Special DGP said that the programme comprises several schemes for the promotion of youth in sports and cultural arena. The schemes are also taken in hands for uplifting the down trodden sections of the society and physically challenged people, he added.

Mr. Rajendra said that JKP, besides its professional policing, has been organiz-ing many sports and cultural events in twin capital cities and other districts of the State. The progamme has proved quite useful for the people, es-pecially the youth, providing them a platform to showcase their hidden talent.

Mr. Rajendra advised the participating youth to seize the opportunity and take benefit of the experiences in different games. He said that the occasion provides them an opportunity to interact with their colleagues belonging to

other districts enabling them to understand each other. He said that various games have been included in the camp to promote the talent of the par-ticipants in these disciplines. He also lauded the efforts of organizers for ensuring the participation of 400 boys from district Kathua, Samba, Poonch, Rajouri, Reasi, Doda, Udhampur, Kupwara, Gander-bal, Srinagar, Jammu, Anant-nag, Pulwama and Baramulla.

Earlier, the Additional Director General of Police, (Armed), J&K, Mr. S. M. Sahai, who is also the Organizing Secretary of the Camp, dis-closed that the event has been organized for the boys of the age group of (14 to 19) years, chosen from various educa-tional institutions of down trodden areas of the State. He said more than 400 youth are participating in different games.

Rajendra inaugurates Youth Promotional Coaching Camp in Jammu under CAP

Divisional Commandant HG Kashmir urges for rendering service to society

Seminar on biodiversity conservation held at Srinagar

SRINAGAR, MARCH 22: A Civil Defence meeting was held at Regional Civil Defence Control Centre, Kothi Bagh Srinagar here today under the Chairmanship of S.P Divi-sional Commandant Home Guards (HG), Kashmir, Mr. Romesh Kumar Bhat.

The meeting was attended by the Chief Warden Civil Defence Srinagar Mr. Omer K. Nedou, Dy. Chief Warden, Mr. Mauzam Bakshi and other Divisional Wardens and Volunteers. The Divisional Commandant emphasized on all the Wardens to gear up the Civil Defence activities and make the warden service vibrant and active to meet any eventuality.All the Divisional Wardens were directed to review the functioning of Civil Defence set up in their respective divisions and ensure the active participation of the Civil Defence corps in each activity so that their services could be effectively utilized during any emergency. The Chief Warden ensured that they will review the Civil Defence set up and ensure effective activation of Civil Defence services in Srinagar.

At last the Divisional Commandant asked the Wardens and volunteers to be in a state of preparedness for the service to the society for a noble cause, which is the prime role of the Civil Defence Organization.

Power shutdown on March 24SRINAGAR, MARCH 22: According to Power Controller, Power Development De-

partment, Kashmir, in order to carry out laying and stringing work of conductor of 220 KV Wagoora Mir Bazar Transmission Line, power supply from the 33 KV line of Newa shall be affected on March 24, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

SRINAGAR, MARCH 22: A seminar on biodiversity conservation was held here today under the Chairmanship of Prof. (Dr.) G.Q. Allaqaband.

Participants drawn from various district addressed the seminar.They highlighted the need for awareness generation among common masses

regarding various environmental issues.Dr. Allaqaband on this occasion said that living beings need air, water, food, sunlight and favourable temperature.Regarding threat to biodiversity, Dr. Allaqaband said that the environment suffers from defor-estation, soil erosion, water scarcity, loss of agri production and loss of traditional knowledge, culture and local health practices.

He further said that we must have right hand of people for promoting of good agri production, availability of irrigation and pure drinking water resources and also to enhance health security.

Additional DC seizes 33 bags of polythene at BlaBARAMULLA, MARCH 22: As many as 33 bags full of polythene were seized dur-

ing a market checking by Additional Deputy Commissioner, Baramulla today, worth Rs. 2.80 lakh.Additional Deputy Commissioner on this occasion appealed people not to use polythene as polythene is injurious to health.

DEO, Bla organizes SVEEP CampBARAMULLA, MARCH 22: An awareness camp on Systematic Voter’s Education

and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) was held at Baramulla, under the chairmanship of District Election Officer, ( Deputy Commissioner ) Baramulla, Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone.The camp was attended by senior officers of Civil and Police administration, besides other related agencies.More than 300 volunteers and youth were acquaint-ed with significance of SVEEP.

NABARD organizes Agri-clinic and Agri-business camp at Town Hall

BUDGAM, MARCH 22: Na-tional Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) organized today workshop on ACABC at Town Hall Budgam. The audience comprised mainly of agriculture Graduate students and progressive farmers from Budgam district.

This camp was attended by Additional District Develop-ment Commissioner, Budgam, Er. Ijaz Ahmad Bhat, District Development Manager (DDM) NABARD Budgam, Mr. Zubair Wasil, Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling Centre (FLCC) Coordinator, Lead District Man-ager Budgam, Chief Agriculture Officer and Director, Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI).

The Camp was inau-gurated by DDM NABARD with an introduction about NABARD

genesis and its scheme in de-velopment of rural economy. He made aware students and other persons who were present about self-employment and banking facilities for common people in district Budgam. The initiation of developmental activities and the benefits of financial literacy and its impact of economic ac-tivities were stressed by him.

FLC Coordinator Mr. A.H Rafique attended the workshop and spoke on the occasion about banking facility and its various facilities provided by banking system for growth of economy.

DDM NABARD Budgam introduced the concept of Agri-clinic and Agri-business scheme and its benefits to participants. There is a loan along with sub-sidy available to agriculture student who are interested in forming ACABC centre. This

will boost agriculture and Self-employment in district. Budgam is hub for vegetable cultivation and agriculture activities, so ACABC Centre will boost these all activities and people will get latest and modern technol-ogy and products at their own district with the help of ACABC Centre. He explained in detail the concept Self-Help Group, Benefit of forming the Self-Help Groups, various central sponsored schemes and other facilities in farm and non-farm sector which include Kis-san Credit Card and Swarojgar Credit Card.

The LDM stated that the banking machinery was geared up to address the chal-lenge of financial literacy and financial inclusion and was in-volving all stakeholders in the process.

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Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Sunday 23 March 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Down the memory laneDuring the last sixty three years

people have witnessed many ups and down along with changes in

life style. If one goes back to the era of sixties to eighties, all the changes which took place were very slow and silent with least glaring effect on the life. The population was very thin. Cities were within the reach that peo-ple would normally walk or use cycle and very rarely scooter. Car was used only by upper class. The sources of en-tertainment were limited to talkies, books, magazines and radio. Televi-sion came very late in seventies with limited hours transmission. Youths mostly used to read novels, magazines borrowing from public libraries. They were so engrossed with the habbit of reading books that even while taking lunch or dinner they were seen hold-ing a book, magazine or newspaper in their hands. Those days Radio was the favorite companion of everybody- young or old. People would gather at one place and listen to news especial-ly during war times. Can people of old generation forget the famous pro-gramme “Binaca Geet Mala” from Ra-dio Cylone compered by Amin Siyani or”Aap ki Farmaish” on Sundays. How romantic it used to be to listen to radio in the summer afternoons as people would close doors, put curtains down and listen to songs of Lata Ji, Mo-hammad Rafi and Asha Bhosle with close eyes. One can never forget those sweet memories of past when life was so peaceful and comfortable. Gradual-ly 3-Ts that is Tea, Telephone and tele-vision made life complicated. Indus-trialization brought revolution in the society and thereafter man became a walking machine. Ripple effects of in-dustrialization started being felt on the society. People shallowed themselves and open society was now confined to drawing rooms and people cling-ing to television sets. But the decade from nineties to two thousand brought tremendous changes. It happened so sudden that left everybody stunned and in lurch. With the introduction of information technology, the scenario changed to this extent that one could not identify oneself. The advent of cell phones sweeped away the very calm of life. Now one finds everybody clinging to mobiles for hours together. With the passage of the time mobiles started hav-ing all the features like access to email, push mail, internet, messaging and what not. No doubt this contraption is very useful. One can access anybody at any time wherever he or she likes. But at the same time it has detached and distanced people from each oth-er. Earlier face to face interaction was the most powerful medium of commu-nication. But this modern gadget has bewitched every soul to the extent that they would not survive without this. You go to anywhere whether market, restaurant, shopping mall or on the roads, we will find everybody clinging mobile on the ear with one hand and talking endlessly. Sometimes it makes one apprehensive that they may not suffer from cell phone elbow instead of tennis elbow. The things have reached to such a climax that the domestic help-er also demands that a cellphone with all features be provided to him or else he says good bye on the very first day. One is aghast to listen to the demand of small kids for gifting them with mo-bile, I-Pad, I-Phone on their birthdays unlike our generation when we used to expect a new dress, new shoes or an outing. There is no way out but to com-promise with the present trend and watch people fortifying themselves. Everyman has become an island in himself, unaware of the immediate surroundings. The modern generation may name us- “Sentimental fools” but they may be correct as they have their own life and have to be practical in this fast racing world without any defined destination to reach to.

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Tuesday 11 March 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

No cake walk for any party in coming polls

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Saturday 15 February 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

High number of heart and cancer

patients Nursing Sick Units Back to Health

Once blue chip Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) like BSNL, Air In-dia, Hindustan Cables Ltd and Fertilis-er Corporation of India today stand testimony as to how not changing with

the changing times and technology could change their fate and turn them into sick units.However, there has been always a silver lining in this regard as the government has been relentlessly mak-ing efforts to revive maximum number of sick public sector units (PSUs) to take the country’s growth en-gine forward. This was possible with the help of re-vival packages provided by the government to these units. With this aim, the Government set up the Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enter-prises (BRPSE) in December 2004 to advise the gov-ernment, inter-alia, on the measures to restructure/revive, both industrial and non-industrial CPSEs. Since then cases of around 67 sick CPSEs have been referred to BRPSE up to October 2012, out of which the Board has made recommendations in respect of 62 cases, while returning five cases to the concerned ministries for further examination.No wonder, there has been significant improvement in the overall condition of these enterprises since 2004. In comparison to 90 sick CPSEs in March 2005, there were 66 sick PSUs in March 2012. As per the BRPSE recommendations, of these cases, 45 were accepted for revival by the Government.Most of the remaining cases are awaiting nod for

revival while in case of 45 cases accepted for reviv-al, 14 have already turned around including Bharat Pumps and Compressors, Cement Corporation of India, HEC, Andrew Yule and MECON and making profits while others have been infused with revival packages.The companies for which revival packages have been approved include Hindustan Shipyard, HMT and Scooters India. As the CPSEs operate under dynamic market conditions, it is quite natural to see ups and downs in their performance. As far as the reasons for losses and sickness in CPSEs are concerned it varies from enterprise-to-en-terprise. While in some cases, the cause is historical. In case of textile companies which were taken over from private sector on socio-economic consider-ations could not be modernised quickly.Likewise other enterprises in the engineering and refractories sector too failed to modernise. Still others like some consumer goods companies and the new ones, turned sick over the years on ac-count of inadequate job orders, high man-power cost, lack of finance, technological obsolescence, high input costs and competition from cheap im-ports.In addition, other problems common to most sick and loss-making PSUs have been poor debt-equity structure, weak marketing strategies and slow de-cision-making process. As one such policy initiative, the Sick In-

dustrial Companies (Special Provision) Act, 1985 (SICA) brought the CPSEs under its purview in 1991 (made effective from 1992). Under the pro-visions of the SICA, CPSEs with at least five years of registration whose accumulated losses are equal to or have exceeded their net worth may be referred to the BIFR. During the last twenty years -- between 1992 and 2011, 63 CPSEs have been referred to BIFR. The government has made several attempts to over-come “sickness” in these CPSEs through various pol-icy initiatives.The strategies for revival/restructuring of sick CPSEs include financial restructuring involving investment by the government in the form of equity participa-tion, loans, waiver of debt etc and business restruc-turing which includes change of management, hiv-ing off viable units from CPSEs for formation of separate company and closure of unviable units, besides formation of joint ventures.The other strategies include manpower rationalisa-tion by shedding excess manpower and introduction of voluntary retirement schemes. The contribution of each and every company is significant as CPSEs are considered as the backbone of the economy and are equal partners in the nation building.As on March 31, 2012, there were 260 CPSEs in the country. These companies contributed Rs 1.6 lakh crore to the central exchequer by way of taxes, duties, interest on loans and dividend, amounting to 21.4 per cent of government’s revenue receipts.

ndia is a vast country with a popula-tion of about 1.21 billion and a labour force of around 475 million. There is an open unemployment of 9.5 mil-lion as per estimates available for the year 2009-10. Employment is the main source of livelihood and self-ful-fillment for most women and men. About 6% of the total work force in India is employed in organised sector while remaining 94% are in the un-organised sector. Scope of additional employment generation in the orga-nized sector for additional wage em-ployment is less. India has a younger population not only in comparison to advanced economies but also in relation to large developing countries. As a result, the labour force in India is expected to in-crease by 32 per cent over the next 20 years, while it will decline by 4.0 per cent in industrialised countries and by nearly 5.0 per cent in China. We are, therefore, endeavoring to reap this ‘de-mographic dividend’ by providing for higher levels of health, education and skill development. This will create an environment where in the economy not only grows rapidly, but also en-hances good quality employment and livelihood opportunities to meet the needs and aspirations of the youth. The Government has been making constant efforts for reduc-ing unemployment through normal growth process and implementing various employment generation programmes, such as, Swarna Jayan-ti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY); Prime Minister’s Employment Gen-eration Programme (PMEGP) and National Rural Livelihood Mission besides entrepreneurial development programmes run by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. The Mahatma Gandhi Nation-al Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (MGNREGA) also assures every rural household at least 100 days of manual work at minimum wages. Jawaharlal Nehru National Ur-

ban Renewal Mission (JNNURM): The Mission’s aim is to encourage re-forms and fast track planned develop-ment of identified cities. Focus is on efficiency in urban infrastructure and service delivery mechanisms, commu-nity participation etc. Bharat Nirman In Bharat Nirman, critical areas of rural infrastructure – Irrigation, Roads, Water Supply, Housing, Elec-tricity and Telecom connectivity have been covered. This has improved liv-ing standards of the rural population and also created infrastructure which will ultimately enhance the economic activities in the rural areas and gener-ate significant employment opportu-nities for the rural people.Infrastructural Development The investment on infrastructure is proposed to be increased to Rs.45 lakh crore during XII Plan period. About half of this is expected to come from private sector. Skill Development · Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development of any coun-try. Countries with higher and better levels of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of the world. · Government is serious in cre-ating training infrastructure and pro-viding quality employment to youth. According to a study carried out by Quality Council of India, placement rate has increased to about 80% to 99% because of improved infrastructure in the modernized ITIs. Skill Develop-ment Initiative (SDI) Scheme based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) was started during the Eleventh Five Year Plan for early school leavers and existing workers, especially in the unorganised sector to improve their employability. About 16 lakh persons have been trained under the scheme so far. · Sincere efforts are being made

for skill development of a large num-ber of people under various skill de-velopment programmes. The Prime Minister has set a target of skilling 500 million persons by 2022 and the Ministry of Labour & Employment is required to train 100 million. Gov-ernment is systematically working to achieve the target and the training capacity has been increased from 9 lakh in 2006 - 07 to 26 lakh in 2011-12. All the Government ITIs are being modernized. New courses have been introduced and most of the ITIs are running in two to three shifts. During last five years, the number of Govern-ment and private ITIs has increased from 5114 in 2006-07 to 10,344 which is more than double. Government has also planned to set up 1500 more ITIs in PPP and 5000 Skill Development Centres in PPP to enhance the ca-pacity further. 27 Advanced Training Institutes are also planned in PPP to produce adequate number of trainers in the country. Focus Area in the 12th Five Year Plan In the 12th Five Year Plan the thrust of the Government is in bring-ing about an inclusive growth strategy that will provide job opportunities as well as make the young of the country employable. The main focus areas are:a) Thrust on Manufacturing Sec-tor-to make it the engine of employ-ment growth-that would create 100 million additional jobs by 2025.b) To bring in supportive pol-icies to incentivise labour intensive manufacturing sectors such as textile & garments, leather & footwear, food processing, gems & Jewellery to gener-ate more employment opportunities.c) Expanding employment in services like IT, finance & banking, tourism, trade & transport.d) Prioritizing skill training for the informal sector; creation of appro-priate skill sets among rural migrants and urban poor to make growth inclu-sive.

e) Ensuring the employability of skilled persons by involving Sector Skill Councils in preparation of Skill Modules matching market demand.f) Building on the potential of Modular Employable Skill pro-gramme by ensuring combination of modules to ensure employability.g) Extending Social Security ben-efits to Unorganized sector Workers.h) Enable skill loans for poor stu-dents (Credit Guarantee Fund)i) Streamlining the skill devel-opment programs for disadvantaged sections to ensure much larger fund-ing for skill development.j) Setting up of National Skill Registry to link data bases across Min-istries / States to provide a platform linking people who seek/provide em-ployment. Expenditure on social services which include education, sports, art and cul-ture, medical and public health, family welfare, water supply and sanitation, housing, urban development; welfare of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Sched-uled Tribes (STs) and other Backward Classes (OBCs), labour and labour welfare, social security and welfare, nutrition, relief for natural calamities, etc. by the Government (Centre and State combined) has also shown in-crease in recent years reflecting higher priority to social services. National-e-Governance National-e-Governance Plan has identified Upgradation and modern-ization Employment Exchanges as one of the Mission Mode Projects (MMP). The MMP aims to progressively sup-port all Employment Exchanges in the country to make effective use of IT in various activities of employment services. A national web portal will be developed to make all employment related services available on a single window and will work like a virtual job market. This will help Employ-ment Exchanges to provide efficient and quality services at wider scale and speed.

Creating Employment Opportunities for Youth I

An alarming signal for society

The number of heart and cancer patients in the Kashmir valley is in-creasing at an alarming rate day by day. So far, these fatal diseases used to be treated as fallout of urbanization, food habits and sedentary lifestyle. But unfortunately, this is spreading in rural areas too. During the last few years, the number of patients suffer-ing from these life taking diseases visiting Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Science has increased many fold. A major population of the valley has to spend a large chunk of their in-come on medication for grave diseas-es for years together. The more miser-able condition is those of middle class families who have to meet the ex-penditures by their agriculture land, property selling jewelry or by taking loan. As per reports the main cause attributed for the spread of these fa-tal diseases is stress along with other factors .the cases of breast cancer too are on higher side as compared to the other parts of the country in the re-cent past. The stress protein rich food salty tea etc. could be prominent caus-es for this increase but lack of aware-ness amongst the women especially in the villages is taking its toll. Early detection means early cure. But due to many social hesitant the women do not speak out very easily and take it lightly which aggravates the situa-tion. As per expert reports, the breast cancer in India is going to double in next four years. Now this type of can-cer has overtaken cervical cancer. The cost of curing this deadly disease may vary from 10-15 thousand to 3-4 lacs per month depending on the stage and gravity of the disease. Almost all the regions of the world are affected by these diseases.The time has come when the society as well as the health caring agencies has to rise to the occasion for fighting against these grave diseases by awak-ening the masses to change their life style and avoid self medication .The awareness camps should be organ-ised in the remotest area where med-ical facilities are almost nil. The more stunning part of the serious situation is there are thousands of medical shops which sell medicines without the prescription of the doctors, rath-er suggest medicines and the gullible patients consume medicines till it turns otherwise and patients have to be rushed to the hospitals where it is too late. As it is the consumption of medicines in the valley is much high-er as compared to other parts of the country in a way making it safe haven for the sub standard medicines. The health care agencies should put ban on the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing such kind of med-icines. A strict drug policy should be initiated and licenses for medical shops should be given after proper scrutiny and under the guidelines prescribed by rules and regulations set by ministry of health. Defaulters should be served with severe penalty so that people are able to live a healthy life as is the case in other developed and under developing countries.

The situation as re-gards pre-poll alli-ance between con-gress and national conference is now

very clear and the two parties have decided to go together if they want to register their win in some parliamentary con-stituencies in the state. The chief minister Omer Abdul-lah had very categorically said that there is no alternative but to go for alliance with the con-gress party. He said that his party will never go for any poll pact with BJP lead NDA. He said that it is necessary to join hands with congress because both the parties are already in coalition both at Centre and in the state. Now it is evident that in Jammu they will have to face formidable BJP which is strengthened because of the candidature of Narinder Modi as PM and in Kashmir the PDP has strong packets of support and may cause big upsetsif congress and national con-ference do not go together. Still PDP has the chance of going neck to neck with the congress NC alliance. Meanwhile the an-nouncement of Congress par-ty that it will start its election campaign with the union health minister G N. Azad alongwith the PCCI president Saif ud Din Soz from 13th of March. It indi-cates that on one side congress is trying to bridge the differ-ences between its leaders and on the other side it is not taking the electoral battle in J&K very lightly. The state has this time about 70 lakh voters which will use their franchise to elect six members from the state. The valley itself has 36 lakh voters and these voters in the entire state will decide the fate of the candidates in five phases. Elab-orate security arrangements are needed as the separatists have already issued poll boy-cott calls and there may be some kind of unpleasant things here or there which can create fear in the minds of the voters. How-ever, keeping in view the pan-chayat elections the voters may again turn in good numbers to elect their representatives.This time the elections are quite different than the previ-ous elections as the voters are more aware about their rights and politically the situation is somehow confused through-out the country. It remains to be seen who will win the battle royal but it is clear that this time most of the candidates will have tough time to convince the voters in their favour.