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Datum: 21/2- 2014 Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV 2013-15 Šola Elektrotehniško – računalniška strokovna šola in gimnazija Ljubljana, Vegova 4, Ljubljana Jezik/-i: ANG FRA ITA NEM ŠPA ANG Status/-i: PriMŠ Tuji učitelj/- i: Amresh Prakash Torul Koordinator TJ Mojca Fink Vodja ŠPT Mojca Fink SVETOVNI DAN MATERINŠČINE Element Predstavitev Nosilec/ Koordinator Mojca Fink Sodelujoči učitelji 3 (ANG), 2 (NEM), 1 (SLO) Sodelujoči učenci G1.a, G1.b, G2.a, G2.b (118) Kraj izvedbe Vegova Ljubljana Čas izvedbe 11. – 12. 3. 2014 Vrsta Jezikovna dejavnost pri pouku tujih jezikov Vsebina/Ključni pojmi - materinščina, drugi tuj jezik, dvojezičnost, tuj jezik, večjezičnost - slovenski manjšini v Italiji in Avstriji - vpliv materinščine na učenje tujih jezikov Izvedba/Potek Dan materinščine se poveže z dejavnostmi za priprave na ekskurziji prvega in drugega letnika v Italijo in Avstrijo. Pri urah angleščine se razčistijo pojmi kot so materinščina, drugi tuj jezik, dvojezičnost, večjezičnost, tuj jezik ter na kaj moramo biti pozorni, če hočemo svoj jezik ne samo ohranjati, temveč tudi razvijati (globalizacija, ki jo je čutiti tudi v odnosu do maternega jezika, oz. popuščanje angleščini kot mednarodnemu sporazumevalnemu jeziku, kar je pri nas čutiti ne le v besedišču, temveč že v samem načinu izražanja). Dijaki ozavestijo pomembnost materinščine za učenje drugih jezikov. Nato preidemo na obravnavanje slovenskih manjšin, da Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.

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Page 1: Zavod RS za šolstvo · Web viewElement Predstavitev Nosilec/Koordinator Mojca Fink Sodelujoči učitelji 3 (ANG), 2 (NEM), 1 (SLO) Sodelujoči učenci G1.a, G1.b, G2.a, G2.b (118)

Datum: 21/2- 2014 Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV 2013-15

Šola Elektrotehniško – računalniška strokovna šola in gimnazija Ljubljana, Vegova 4, Ljubljana


Status/-i: PriMŠTuji učitelj/-i: Amresh Prakash

TorulKoordinator TJ Mojca FinkVodja ŠPT Mojca Fink


Element PredstavitevNosilec/Koordinator Mojca FinkSodelujoči učitelji 3 (ANG), 2 (NEM), 1 (SLO)Sodelujoči učenci G1.a, G1.b, G2.a, G2.b (118)Kraj izvedbe Vegova LjubljanaČas izvedbe 11. – 12. 3. 2014Vrsta Jezikovna dejavnost pri pouku tujih jezikov

Vsebina/Ključni pojmi

- materinščina, drugi tuj jezik, dvojezičnost, tuj jezik, večjezičnost- slovenski manjšini v Italiji in Avstriji - vpliv materinščine na učenje tujih jezikov


Dan materinščine se poveže z dejavnostmi za priprave na ekskurziji prvega in drugega letnika v Italijo in Avstrijo. Pri urah angleščine se razčistijo pojmi kot so materinščina, drugi tuj jezik, dvojezičnost, večjezičnost, tuj jezik ter na kaj moramo biti pozorni, če hočemo svoj jezik ne samo ohranjati, temveč tudi razvijati (globalizacija, ki jo je čutiti tudi v odnosu do maternega jezika, oz. popuščanje angleščini kot mednarodnemu sporazumevalnemu jeziku, kar je pri nas čutiti ne le v besedišču, temveč že v samem načinu izražanja). Dijaki ozavestijo pomembnost materinščine za učenje drugih jezikov.

Nato preidemo na obravnavanje slovenskih manjšin, da dijaki uzavestijo, kako pomemben je jezik za ohranjanje narodne identitete oz. da je v zamejstvu poučevanje slovenščine za ohranjanje slovenske identitete bistvenega pomena.

ITP učiteljic angleščine in tujega učitelja: v 1. letniku gimnazije se obravnava slovensko manjšino v Italiji, v 2. letniku pa manjšino v Avstriji. V obeh letnikih TU poda primere iz svoje države. Pri obeh urah so učni cilji razvijanje medkulturne, družbene in državljanske kompetence, razvoj besedišča v zvezi z jeziki in statusom manjšin ter bralno razumevanje.

ITP učiteljic angleščine in nemščine ter sodelovalno poučevanje z učiteljico slovenščine v 2. letniku gimnazije – primerjava slovenskega, angleškega in nemškega jezika s ciljem uzaveščenja težav pri učenju tujega jezika. Opomba: učni list pripravijo učiteljice SLO, ANG in NEM skupaj.

Rezultati Dijaki spoznajo pomembnost maternega jezika za razvoj zavesti o jezikovni, kulturni in narodni pripadnosti in kako pomembno vlogo imajo različna kulturna, športna ali verska društva, združenja in organizacije, lokalne samouprave in podobne institucije,

Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.

Page 2: Zavod RS za šolstvo · Web viewElement Predstavitev Nosilec/Koordinator Mojca Fink Sodelujoči učitelji 3 (ANG), 2 (NEM), 1 (SLO) Sodelujoči učenci G1.a, G1.b, G2.a, G2.b (118)

v katerih se združujejo pripadniki etnične skupnosti. Dijaki dokažejo svoje razumevanje in znanje besedišča z reševanjem delovnih listov in s sodelovanjem v diskusiji.

Refleksija udeležencev

Dijaki so spoznali, da dejansko bolj malo vedo o statusu manjšin. Zatikalo se jim je tudi pri pojmu dvojezičnost. Niso se zavedali, da bi bila lahko slovenščina ogrožena, nekateri so celo rekli, da jim je vseeno. Opazen je negativen odnos dijakov, ko pri angleščini omeniš primerjavo s slovenščino, kar kaže, da niso uzavestili razlike med slovenščino kot maternim jezikom in slovenščino kot predmetom v šoli. Udeleženci menimo, da je praznovanje dneva materinščine zelo lepa priložnost, da uzavestimo pomembnost tako materinščine kot večjezičnosti, kot zagotavljanju enake izobrazbe za vse in v boju proti diskriminaciji. Zdi se nam smiselno, da v pouk vključimo slovenske manjšine in da poudarimo, da, če bi njihovi pripadniki imeli že od začetka možnost, da v šolah sledijo pouku v maternem jeziku, nato pa v uradnem ali drugih jezikih, bi bila bolj omogočena njihova enakost in socialna vključenost.

Odzivi publike X

Priloge (glej spodaj)

2 učna lista za 1. in 2. letnik gimnazije: English as a global language and Slovene as a language of minorities (in Italy/Austria),1 učni list za 2. letnik gimnazije: Comparison between Slovene, English and German languages

Sodelujoči učitelji: Navedite število in predmete, lahko tudi imena in priimke. Sodelujoči učenci/dijaki: Navedite razred/letnik in število.Čas izvedbe: datum in trajanje.Vrsta dejavnosti/dogodka, npr. proslava, razstava ali drug kulturni dogodek; jezikovna dejavnost pri pouku ali obšolska, npr. jezikovni tabor, jezikovni teden, strokovna ekskurzija, mednarodna izmenjava, novinarska delavnica, izdajanje šolskega glasila, filmski klub; posebni šolski dogodki, npr. tekmovanje, kviz, dan odprtih vrat, informativni dan idr.Rezultati: oprijemljivi, npr. izdelki, in neoprijemljivi, npr. nova spoznanja in znanja učencev. Refleksija o ciljih, vsebini in izvedbi:Vključite razmišljanja učiteljev, po možnosti pa tudi učencev/dijakov. Odzivi: Zanimivi bodo odzivi neposredne publike, pa tudi morebitne objave v medijih ipd.Priloge: Naštejte in priložite uporabljena gradiva, nastale izdelke, fotodokumentacijo, video posnetke idr.

Gradivo pripravil/i:Mojca Fink, Amresh Torul

Vodja šolskega projektnega tima /Koordinator projekta:

Mojca Fink


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Učni list za 1. letnik gimnazije

21. February - International Mother Language Day

Connect the expressions on the left with the explanations on the right.

mother tongue(first language,native language, arterial language)

a language learned after one has learnt one's native language. More narrowly, a language that plays a major role in a particular country or region though it may not be the first language of many people who use it

second language a person using more languages, a polyglot. Even in the case of simultaneous bilinguals one language usually dominates over the other.

bilingual a language a person has learned from birth or within the critical period, or that a person speaks the best and so is often the basis for his/her identity

foreign language a person using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.

multilingual a language which is not the native language of large numbers of people, is not used as a medium of instruction in schools and is not widely used as a medium of communication in government, media etc.

Read the comprehension text about the influence of English as a global language and Slovene as a language of minorities in Italy, and complete the exercises that follow.

English as a global language and Slovene as a language of minorities

The expansion of the British Empire through colonisation and the influence of the United States through their politics, economic power and media, have spread the English language around the world.

Because English is so widely spoken, it has often been referred to as a "global or world language", the lingua franca of the modern era. While it is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language.


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Some linguists believe that it is no longer the exclusive cultural property of "native English speakers", but is rather a language that is absorbing aspects of cultures worldwide as it continues to grow. It is, by international treaty, the official language for aerial and maritime communications. English is an official language of the United Nations and many other international organisations, including the International Olympic Committee.

English is the language most often studied as a foreign language in the European Union, by 89% of schoolchildren, ahead of French at 32%. Among some non-English speaking EU countries, a large percentage of the adult population claims to be able to converse in English – in particular: 85% in Sweden, 83% in Denmark, 79% in the Netherlands, 66% in Luxembourg and over 50% in Finland, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, and Germany.

Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are available in many countries around the world, and English is the most commonly used language in Science, with 95% of articles were written in English.

This increasing use of the English language globally has had a large impact on many other languages, leading to language shift and even language death.


Italian citizens who belong to the autochthonous Slovene ethnic and linguistic minority live in the Italian autonomous region of Friuli – Venezia Giulia. They remained there after the delimitation of the border between Italy and Yugoslavia after the Second World War. The vast majority of members of the Slovene minority live in the Provinces of Trieste, Gorizia, and Udine. The estimations regarding their number vary significantly; most figures speak of 60,000 to more than 100,000 people (June 1999).

Since 1945, the Slovenes in Italy have enjoyed partial cultural autonomy, including an education system in Slovene. They have a wide net of cultural and civic associations. The Slovene language is co-official in many of the municipalities with presence of the Slovene minority, and visual bilingualism is applied in most of the non-urban settlements with traditional Slovene presence. However, the implementation of these rights largely depends on the local administrations so the situation varies significantly from area to area.

The Slovenes in the Trieste and Gorizia regions have their own public Slovene schools (primary and secondary), while the Slovenes living in the Udine region have only private schools. There are many problems associated with the use of Slovene in public administration and in public life.  After several decades of efforts the Republic of Italy finally adopted the Law on the Protection of the Slovenian Minority in 2001.

The Slovene minority has managed to develop various political, economic, cultural, sports, and other social activities. Politically, it is organised into two central organisations: the progressive Slovenska kulturna gospodarska zveza (Slovene Cultural Economic Union) and the conservative Svet slovenskih organizacij (Council of Slovene Organisations). It has established a number of cultural institutions, such as Stalno slovensko gledališče (Permanent Slovene Theatre), and scientific institutions, such as for example Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut (Slovene Research Institute) along with its branch offices. The press activity is also well-developed (e.g. Primorski dnevnik - daily).

The Slovene ethnic minority in Italy has wide-ranging cultural, political and other ties with Slovenia. The Republic of Slovenia, as the country of their origin, offers financial and other types of aid to its Italian- based ethnic minority.   Adapted from:


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1. Answer the questions.

a) How did the British Empire help spread English language?

b) How did the USA help spread English language?

c) Why is English referred to as a global or world language?

d) What impact has the global use of English had?

e) What is the status of Slovene as a language in the Republic of Italy?

f) In which region does the Slovene minority have the least legal rights?

g) How do the Slovenes in Italy maintain their nationality?

2. Fill in the gaps using words from the list. There are two words too many.

language shift bilingual treaty multilingual migrationminority colonisation lingua franca language death

a) A _____________________ is a language used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue.

b) ______________________ is the act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and sending people from your own country to live there.

c) ______________________ a process that affects speech communities where language skills of the native speakers gets worse and worse, resulting in no native or fluent speakers.

d) A formal agreement between two or more countries is a called a _________________.

e) A ______________________ is a small group within a country that is different because of race, religion or language.

f) The progressive process whereby a speech community of a language shifts to speaking another language is called _________________________.

g) _______________________ refers to the use of two languages for a single purpose.


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Učni list za 2. letnik gimnazije – ITP učitelj angleščine + TU

21. February - International Mother Language Day

Connect the expressions on the left with the explanations on the right.

mother tongue(first language,native language, arterial language)

a language learned after one has learnt one's native language. More narrowly, a language that plays a major role in a particular country or region though it may not be the first language of many people who use it

second language a person using more languages, a polyglot. Even in the case of simultaneous bilinguals one language usually dominates over the other.

bilingual a language a person has learned from birth or within the critical period, or that a person speaks the best and so is often the basis for his/her identity

foreign language a person using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.

multilingual a language which is not the native language of large numbers of people, is not used as a medium of instruction in schools and is not widely used as a medium of communication in government, media etc.

Influence of languages

Read the comprehension text about the influence of English as a global language and Slovene as a language of minorities in Austria, and complete the exercises that follow.

English as a global language and Slovene as a language of minorities

The expansion of the British Empire through colonisation and the influence of the United States through their politics, economic power and media, have spread the English language around the world.

Because English is so widely spoken, it has often been referred to as a "global or world language", the lingua franca of the modern era. While it is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language.

Some linguists believe that it is no longer the exclusive cultural property of "native English speakers", but is rather a language that is absorbing aspects of cultures worldwide as it continues to grow. It is, by international treaty, the official language


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for aerial and maritime communications. English is an official language of the United Nations and many other international organisations, including the International Olympic Committee.

English is the language most often studied as a foreign language in the European Union, by 89% of schoolchildren, ahead of French at 32%. Among some non-English speaking EU countries, a large percentage of the adult population claims to be able to converse in English – in particular: 85% in Sweden, 83% in Denmark, 79% in the Netherlands, 66% in Luxembourg and over 50% in Finland, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, and Germany.

Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are available in many countries around the world, and English is the most commonly used language in Science, with 95% of articles were written in English.

This increasing use of the English language globally has had a large impact on many other languages, leading to language shift and even language death.

Slovene as a minority language in Carinthia

Carinthian Slovenes are the Slovene-speaking population group in the Austrian State of Carinthia. Slovene is an official language in Carinthia and is spoken by 0.3% of Austrians. The language is also represented in the Carinthia media, where four different publications currently exist. However, this region has been ruled by different states throughout history and Slovenes speakers paid a heavy price for it.

The Slovene language area was initially settled towards the end of the migration period (400 to 800 CE) by Slavs who became the predominant group. Under the Holy Roman Empire, with the increasing settlement of Germanic tribes, the Slavic influence over the region faded. By the 19th century, about two thirds of the Carinthians had become German speaking.

After World War I, the Slovene population of the region was split and by the time World War II ended, the atmosphere between the Slovene-speaking and German-speaking groups was extremely tense. A large portion of the Slovene speaking population had no option but to adopt German as their first language.

Then, the Austrian State Treaty of 1955 was signed. It was described as a Treaty for the re-establishment of an independent and democratic Austria, which led to the foundation of the Federal Grammar School and Federal Secondary School for Slovenes in 1957. However, the reality was more complicated and the two language groups had a number of disagreements over the question of a bilingual school system in the region. In 1958, only 20.88%, and in the 1970s, only 13.9% of bilingual pupils registered for German–Slovene teaching.

Since 1989, there has been a secondary school operated by the Roman Catholic Church. Following a decision by the Constitutional Court, school pupils in Klagenfurt are also able to attend a public-funded bilingual primary school, in addition to the one operated by the Church. As a result of a private initiative, the Slovene music school was founded in 1984 and has received public funds since 1998.

In the last two decades, there has been an increased interest by the people of South Carinthia in bilingual education. In the 2007/08 school year, 41% of the pupils in primary schools in the area in which the minority school system applied were registered for bilingual teaching. The struggle is not over, though. Problems have arisen from the fact that these Slovene classes often compete with English classes. Due to the worldwide influence of English, many students prefer not to miss English classes, thereby sacrificing their instruction in Slovene.

Adapted from:

Answer the questions.

a) How did the British Empire help spread English language?


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b) How did the USA help spread English language?

c) Why is English referred to as a global or world language?

d) What impact has the global use of English had?

e) What is the status of Slovene as a language in the state of Carinthia?

f) Why did the Slavic influence in the region of Carinthia fade towards the 19th century?

g) Why did many Slovene speakers in Carinthia have to adopt German as their first language?

h) Which new problem does the bilingual system have to face these days?

Fill in the gaps using the words from the text.

h) A ______________ is a language making communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue.

i) ______________________ a process that affects speech communities where language skills of the native speakers gets worse and worse, resulting in no native or fluent speakers.

j) A formal agreement between two or more countries is a called a _________________.

k) A ___________________ is a small group within a country that is different because of race, religion or language.

l) The progressive process whereby a speech community of a language shifts to speaking another language is called _________________________.

m) _______________________ refers to the use of two languages for a single purpose.


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Učni list za 2. letnik gimnazije – ITP učitelj ANG in NEM


English and German are Germanic languages. But they are not so closely related to be somewhat mutually intelligible as other Germanic languages like Swedish and Danish are. One reason that English and German are more different today than they otherwise would be was the impact of Norman French, which ended Old English in 1066. We know these languages are somewhat different, but in which ways can they be similar?

Izpolni razpredelnico po navodilih učitelja, pred razlago ali po njej.


Slovenščina ima 25 črk in 29 fonemov, od tega 8 samoglasnikov in 21 ...........................................

There are ................. letters in English alphabet.

The number of speech sounds or phonemes in English varies from dialect to dialect. There are 24 consonants and 23 vowels used in BE, plus two additional consonants and four additional vowels used in foreign words only, for example.

The German alphabet

has 26 characters, 3 .................. characters 'ä ö ü' and one special character 'ß'. Despite the fact that this makes for 30 characters, German native speakers only count 26 letters in their alphabet.


Besedni red v slovenščini je prost. Odvisen je od tega, kako želimo razporediti informacije v besedilu. Besede ali besedne zveze, ki so pomembnejše, ...............................................


There are no different forms for subjects and objects. To keep subject and object apart we have to stick to the word order.Word Order in Positive Sentences

subject verb(s)indirect object

direct object


I will tell

you the story

at school


Word Order in Negative Sentences Word Order in Questions Word Order in Subordinate Clauses Position of Time Expressions Position of Adverbs

Word order (die Wortstellung)

in German sentences is both more variable and more flexible than in English.Some German-speakers these days ignore the verb-last rule, particularly with weil (because) and dass (that) clauses. You may hear something like "...weil ich bin müde", but it's not good German! One theory says this bad-German trend comes from the influence of English.


- sklanjanje


No inclinations, except for:



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Samostalniku lahko določimo spol, ..................., ............... in ............................................ .

I - me, ................ - ......................., ................ - ........................,................ - ............................ and ................... - ........................ .



– spreganje

Sprega se v osebi in številu, tako imamo ..... oblik.


- s (third person)



– se ujema s samostalnikom v spolu, ........................ in ............. ..

Stopnjevanje: A) obrazilnoB) opisno stopnjevanje s prislovoma .................... in ................................


does not change according to the noun.

Comparison of adjectivesThe only rule is: ....................................................................................................................................................... .However, there are some exceptions:............................................................................................................................................



Predlog Preposition

There is .................... logic in using the prepositions.



Besedotvorje je zelo zapleteno.

Word formation - easy or difficult?

Making compounds - easy or difficult?


Prevzete besede: German loan words in English: Today the German language nonchalantly


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sposojenke,.........................................,podomačenke,polcitatne besede in ..........................................., kot npr.: šraufenciger, , ziher,fazenbrifer, .........................................................................................................................

kindergarten, rucksack, automat, blitz, gestalt, delicatessen, frankfurter, dreck, Fahrenheit, edelweiss, diesel..................................................................................................................

helps itself to internet jargon as soon as it is coined – "Browser", "Provider", "Server", "Update", "Surfen". Teenspeak overflows with expressions such as "cool", "hip", "kids", "trendy", "sexy", "relaxen".And Germans in the business world are "CEOs", "Bankers" "Managers", "Global Players", "High potentials". They go to the "office", attend "meetings", work in "teams", participate in "workshops" and consider "stock options". Germans alsodescribe their "Job", buy the right products when they go "Shoppen" or spend the evening "chatten" on the internet.

Other Denglish expressions: OK, ticket, city, business, job, mittalken, leaken ................................................