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  • ZKTime Lite-EU

    Time & Attendance and Access Control

    User Guide


  • ZZZKKKTTTiiimmmeee LLLiiittteee---EEEUUU User Guide Access and Presence Control www.zktime.eu

    11/12/2008 Page: 1

    ZKTime Lite-EU: Attendance and/or Access Control Application.

    ZKTime Lite-EU is a computer application which monitors the attendance and access checks of a company. The system includes software and biometric/fingerprint terminals which are connected to the application. With this application, you can obtain checks from the various installed terminals, either by RS-232, TCP-IP, Wi-Fi, Pen Drive, etc. ZKTime Lite-EU supports information storage in the following databases:

    1) Access 2) MySQL 3) SQL Server

    Before using ZKTime Lite-EU you must choose the database on which you will run the application. You can do this with the utility Configurador.Exe, which is installed with the Attendance/Access Software.

    This utility allows you to determine the format of the databases. If you select MySQL or SQL Server, you will be able to select the Authentication type (user or trusted connection), the User name and the Password. For Access, you only need to select the File path to the database, i.e., the folder where data will be stored. Once the configuration is saved, you can run ZKTime Lite-EU application. To verify the correct configuration of the databases, you can click the option Test, which will tell you whether the application can connect to the database according to the specified server type, authentication, user and password.

  • ZZZKKKTTTiiimmmeee LLLiiittteee---EEEUUU User Guide Access and Presence Control www.zktime.eu

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    ZKTime Lite-EU: User Guide When you run ZKTime Lite-EU, after entering (if required) the user name and password, the main screen of the application is displayed, from which you can access all the processes and options of the application.

    The following options are available: - File: You can access the applications master files, as well as maintenance operations such as inter-company data transfers and backups.

    - Terminals: This option gives access to the configuration of the various terminals or clocks.

    - Communications: This option gives access to all data transfers to and from the terminals, such as capture of checks, inputting of employee data, uploading of groups and access zones, etc.

    - Reports: This option allows you to obtain attendance and access check reports, attendance reports, denied accesses, etc. - Help: Click this option to contact technical support for troubleshooting. - Windows: This option displays the windows that are currently open.

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    Besides these options, the main screen has several icons that provide a link to the most used options of the application (staff, checks, terminals, capture checks, close). You can also change the language of the application. The languages currently supported are Spanish, English and Portuguese.

    Before describing each of the options of the application, we will explain the steps involved in setting up application.

    1) Create the company you want to work with (Create company icon or button). 2) Set the terminals or clocks you have installed. Enter the Terminal number, IP

    address, etc., and specify whether the terminal is Access only or Attendance and Access.

    3) Once you have created the terminals, and ONLY if you are going to use the

    application for Access and/or Attendance Control, set the time slots and groups by terminal. This option has an icon on the configuration screen of each terminal.

    4) Define the different centers and departments so you can later assign them to the

    employees. You must create at least one centre and one department. 5) Create the employees. You must specify at least the general data of the employee.

    When the application also controls access, you must also set the time slots and/or groups of each employee. Finally, if you intend to capture the fingerprints from the application, you should do it at this time, before sending them to the terminals.

    6) Create the incidents both for Attendance and Access. If an incident is an

    Attendance Incident, the Attendance and Access Checks obtained from the terminals will be stored under Attendance Checks. Otherwise, if it is an Access Incident, the check will be stored under Access Checks.

    7) Send all the required data to the terminals (Staff, Time slots and Groups if you

    work with Access, etc.). 8) Employees can now check in with the terminals and you can capture the

    information or checks. These checks can be modified, if required, through the

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    Checks process to obtain the desired reports. Under Checks you can also create and delete manual checks.

    The check capture can be done at any time, there is no need to do it daily, since the terminals store all the entry, exit and access operations until they are captured, when they are dumped into the application and deleted from the terminals. There are also some common icons for many of the operations, for instance:

    Prev.: Go to previous record or data Next: Go to next record or data Search: Searches for a specified record or data Save: Saves the current data in the database New: Clears the fields of the screen so you can enter new data Delete: Deletes the current record or data from the database Close: Closes the current window and displays the previous window

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    CREATE COMPANY This option allows you to create the company where data is to be stored and also to modify the settings of an existing company. Click Create company, in the main menu of the application, to display this option.

    The company code has up to three alphanumeric characters. Regarding the Decide value date after, the daily checks are in the range 00:00 - 23:59 by default. In the attendance control, problems can occur when an employee can check in one day and check out the day after (for example: Entry at 20:00 y Exit at 04:30). In this situation, you must change the Start time so the employee can check in and out on the same day. For instance, you can set the Start time at 06:00, so all the checks from 06:00 of one day until 05:59 of the day after are assigned the same value date and, thus, the application will be able to add the working hours. Once you have created the company, you can work with the application. If you have several companies, you can select the company code of the company you want to work with in the drop-down list of the main menu of the application (top left of the screen). This drop-down list always shows all the companies you have created.

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    TERMINAL CONFIGURATION With this option, you can set all the configuration settings of the terminals, either the communication settings or the settings required for access and attendance control.

    To register a terminal, you must enter the Terminal No. (01-99), which must match the number assigned to the terminal (by default, 01), the terminal description and its parameters. These are: Terminal type: * Access Terminal: If all checks are Access checks. This option is used when the terminal opens a door. If so, there are no Attendance checks for this terminal. * Attendance and access terminal: If all or part of the checks are Attendance checks. This option is used when the terminal is for Attendance Control only, or when it is also used for Access Control but, depending on the checked incident, the checks are stored on Attendance or Access. Thus, you can have just one terminal to control both Accesses and Attendance. In this case, if you dont check an incident (00 by default), based on whether it is defined as Attendance or Access, the system will store the check as Attendance or Access respectively. Communication type:

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    * Ethernet communication: The terminal connects to the software through a network outlet (TCP/IP). You must specify the IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) and the port. Currently, the port is a fixed value (4370) which you must keep. Important: if you have several terminals installed, the IP addresses of the various terminals must never be the same. * Series communication: The terminal connects to the software through a COM port. You must specify the port number (COM1 - COM5). We do not recommend installation of this option, since with this kind of connection, if you change computers, the wiring will have to be installed again from the terminal to the new computer. Once you have set the parameters of the terminal and stored the data, the system will be ready for communication with the terminals. If you are defining an access terminal, you can also determine the time slots and access groups you want for this terminal. There are 50 access time slots and 5 groups available. Each time slot represents the times a user can check in at (Correct Access) within any given day (from Monday to Sunday). Outside of this time slot, the terminal will always deny access (access denied). Groups allow the grouping together of several time slots (up to 3 different time slots). Under normal circumstances, you only have to define the time slots. Groups are useful if you wish to set two different time slots for one day. For instance, to allow access from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. In this case, you cannot create a group with the time slots 1 and 2 (time slot 1 from 09:00 to 14:00 and time slot 2 from 16:00 to 19:00).

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    To create time slots by terminal, select the desired terminal and click the icon Slots. Obviously, the terminal data must be stored before you can access the time slots.

    When defining each of the terminals time slots, specify the slot number (01 - 50), its description and the different access hours by day, from Monday to Sunday. If you want to deny access on a specified day, such as Sundays, click the box Do not grant access this day, so that none of the employees assigned to this time slot will be able to access on Sundays. Please note that you must define all possible access time slots by terminal, then selecting the time slots for each employee on that terminal. If you have several terminals installed, the system will allow you to select the terminals each employee has access to by selecting the time slot for each terminal enabled for a specified employee. To make data filling easier, and if you have several access terminals, the application offers an icon that allows you to copy the time slots of a terminal to other terminals, so it is not necessary to enter the data for each time slot again. This data can be modified, once copied from one terminal to another/others.

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    To copy time slots and groups from one terminal to another/others, access the data of the source terminal (the terminal you want to copy the data from), click the Copy data icon and select the target terminals (those you want to copy to) in the section Available terminals. Once selected, move them to the right panel of the screen with the green icons and click Copy. If you make a mistake, you can use the red icons to delete the terminal(s). This option is only available if you have not yet copied the data. Important: When you delete a terminal, all time slots and groups are deleted, as well as the data of every employee stored for that terminal.

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    DEFINITION OF CENTERS AND DEPARTMENTS With these options you can define the centers and departments you wish to create so that they can be assigned to the different employees. Thus, you can breakdown the check reports by centers and departments.

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    STAFF MANAGEMENT This option allows you to set all employee data and settings, as well as the time slots and access groups. You can also capture the fingerprints, if you have the external fingerprint sensor. To access this option, click the Staff icon in the application menu.

    You must enter the general data for each employee, as well as the department and center. If you only use the Attendance Control, it is not necessary to enter any access data. It is vital to enter the Alias. In this field you can enter up to 8 characters representing the employees name. Thus, when an employee checks in with the terminals, his/her name (Alias) will be displayed. In order to display this information when checking in, you must send the employee data to the terminals. This option is under Communications and is explained in this guide. Once you have stored all the employees, you can modify any data by accessing the employee record, either by selecting the employee from the list on the left of the screen, or by clicking the Search icon and selecting the desired employee. You can also delete an employee, but remember that the attendance and access checks will also be deleted. If you want to work with the access control, the time slots and groups by terminal for each employee must be defined here. To do this, access the desired employee and select the Access configuration tab.

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    First, you must check the terminals the employees will have access to. If you dont want the employees to have access, uncheck the terminal box. This will disable access to that terminal. Of course, every time you modify an access setting (in time slots, groups, fingerprints or alias) you must send the employee data to the terminals, so the new configuration can be applied. When configuring access for each employee, this may be done either by time slots or by groups. If it is by time slots, you must specify each of the time slots (up to 3). These time slots, as explained in Terminals configuration, must have been created for each terminal. If you only specify one time slot, the other two must contain the value None. You must not replicate time slots for an employee in the same terminal. If you prefer to configure access by groups, you must select the desired group (Group1 - Group 5) for each terminal. Similarly, you must have created the access groups for each terminal. Finally, ZKTime Lite-EU allows the entry of fingerprints from the application, provided that you have an external fingerprints sensor (USB) supported by the terminals.

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    If you have the sensor, in this section you can record the fingerprints of each employee (up to 10 fingers). You can also assign a password and user privileges. You must pay special attention to this last step. Every time you record a finger (thumb, index or middle, etc.), you will be asked which finger you wish to record and you must place this same finger on the sensor up to 3 times, until the message Fingerprint successfully enrolled is displayed. If this message does not appear, the entire process must be repeated with the same finger. Important: Once you have recorded the fingerprints, you must always save the changes (Save icon). Otherwise, the fingerprints will not be stored and the process will have to be repeated. If you enable a password for each employee, they will have the option to check in either by fingerprints or by entering their code and password in the terminal. Finally, the User privileges of the employee refer to the rights of each employee to access the data and configurations stored in the terminals. These are:

    Regular user: This is the most common. It provides access to the terminal for checking in.

    Recorder: This user can check in and also create other users in the terminals. Administrator: This user can check in, register other users in the terminals,

    and also see and change certain terminal parameters.

    Supervisor: This user can check in and has full access to the data and parameters of the terminals and can also modify any data.

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    Once you have created all the employees, you must use the Communications menu to send all the required information to the terminals (Load... option). Finally, if you want to delete an employee, remember that the access settings and the fingerprint data will also be deleted, as well as the attendance and access checks for that employee. If you use an Access database, the employees picture will not be saved. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT This option allows you to create the incidents you wish to monitor. In principle, an incident is a reason for entry, exit or access. The application creates the incident 00 by default, described as Work (Attendance). You can create as many incidents as you wish (range: 00 - 99).

    For each incident, the system will ask you for the incident code (this being what the employees enter in the terminals) and a description. If no incident is entered in the terminals, the system defaults to the incident 00. You must also determine whether it is an Attendance or an Access incident. If you are using only the attendance control, all terminals must be defined as Attendance only, with the incident configuration being ignored. Thus, all the captured checks will be stored as attendance checks. If, under these circumstances, you define an Access incident and someone checks in with that code in the terminals, that check will be stored as an access check, and not as an attendance check, since that incident is defined as Access. If the terminals are Access control only, the incidents must be access incidents. However, this is unimportant in this case,

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    since when the terminal is defined as Access only all checks are stored as Access checks. Summary: Terminal type Incident defined as... Check stored as... Access Access incident Access checks Access Attendance incident Access checks Attendance and Access

    Access incident Access checks

    Attendance and Access

    Attendance incident Attendance checks

    COMMUNICATIONS MODULE In this module, you can access communications with the terminals. The following options are available:

    1) Capture checks: With this option you can capture all attendance and access checks, which will be stored in the application database. Once captured, the checks are deleted from the terminals.

    2) Set date and time: With this option you can update the date and time in the

    terminals. By default, the date and time supplied for the update are the date and time stored in the computer, though this you can be changed.

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    3) Load employee data: This option sends all the employee data to the terminals. You can select the employees whose data you wish to send. The data sent includes the Alias, access zones, fingerprints (if stored in the application), card, etc.

    4) Delete employee data: This option deletes all the employee data from the

    terminals. You can select the employees whose data you wish to delete. Please note that data is ONLY deleted from the terminals, not from the software.

    5) Load access group and time slots: This option is only used for Access Control

    and allows you to send the time slots and access groups defined for each terminal. After loading this information, it is not necessary to load it again, unless you change the configuration of time slots and groups of the terminals.

    6) Recover data from .COP file: When checks are captured, the system stores a

    copy of the checks in a .COP file. This file stores the Attendance and Access checks of the various terminals and is named for the current year and month. For example, the file containing checks from November 2007 will be named 200711.COP and is formatted as plain text (Ascii). With this option, you can subsequently dump all the desired checks into the application. This option is useful if the database becomes corrupted and checks are lost. You can also use this option to work with two different companies when only one terminal is available.

    You must select the year and month of the capture, and whether you want all transmissions or just one particular transmission. Then, click Load file.

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    All checks are displayed on the screen. If you click Accept, all checks are dumped into the application. If you want to select the checks of a particular employee or a particular terminal only, or within a date range only, update these settings and click the Refresh button. Only checks that match the specified criteria will be displayed. Then, click Accept. 7) Recover information from USB: This option is used when there is no

    communication with the terminals. In this case, provided that the terminal allows, checks can be stored directly in a Pen-Drive or USB memory stick, meaning that a file will be created on the Pen-Drive containing all the checks stored in the terminal. You must specify the department and the file you want to dump, and the application dumps the Attendance and/or Access checks as if communicating directly with the terminal. By default, the file is named X_attlog.dat, where X is the Terminal number.

    IMPORTANT: When you establish communication with the terminals, communication is established by default with all the installed terminals. If you want to communicate with only a particular terminal, you may specify this. This option is available on the main menu, under Terminals > Terminals to communicate.

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    CHECKS MAINTENANCE This process allows you to create, delete, view or modify both Attendance and Access checks. When a terminal captures a check (this also applies to a Pen-Drive), it is stored in this table, where you can display, delete or modify it. With this process you can also manually create checks.

    To display checks, select From/To employee and From/To date. You must also specify the type of check you want to display; Attendance or Access, and the terminal whose checks you wish to see (one or all). If you modify the check selection criteria, click the Refresh button. By default, the system selects all employees, the checks of the current month in all the terminals, and Attendance checks. To add a new check, select the Employee, the Date and Time, and the Incident at the bottom of the screen. Once you have entered the data, click the Add checks button. Then you can add or create another check. When you add a new check, it is displayed in blue on the screen. When you have finished creating checks, click the Accept button (checks will be displayed in black); otherwise, the checks will not be stored and you will have to create them again.

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    To modify an existing check, go to its record (line) and click on it to modify the date, the time (in HHMMSS format) or the incident. Once modified (the line becomes red), click the Accept button to save the changes. Otherwise, changes will not be saved. There are two options for deleting checks. If you wish to delete all selected checks, click the Delete all button in the upper right corner. If you only wish to delete one check, go to the line (record) you wish to delete and click Del on the keyboard. Before deleting a check, the system will ask you to confirm the operation. REPORTS With this option, you can display, print and export the data captured from the various terminals, either Attendance or Access Control terminals. Currently, the application allows you to obtain reports of Employees, Incidents, Attendance and Access checks, as well as Attendance reports containing the total of hours worked.

    The system will ask you to enter certain criteria for each type of report in order to restrict the data to be displayed. Once you have selected the report criteria, click the View icon to display the report. Please note that you can store the reports with the title of your choosing and predefined criteria, thus avoiding the necessity of having to enter them again. When storing a report, specify a title and certain criteria. Then click the Save button. Once saved, the report will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, and can be selected by clicking on its title. You can store, for instance, an Access checks report with the incident Access denied for the Administration department. You can name the report Denied accesses report,

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    set the criteria, such as Access denied incident and Administration department in this case, and store the report. Thus, you only have to select it in the Saved reports section, with the defined criteria selected, and click View to display it. There are several export to other formats (Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) and display options.

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    DATA MAINTENANCE ZKTime Lite-EU offers several utilities for the maintenance of data integrity. These are:

    1) Company data transfer: This option is used to transfer data from an existing company to a new company. By default, all data is transferred. You must specify the date range of the Attendance and Access checks you wish to transfer. This option is useful when you have checks from various years and only want the current year checks. Please note that the source company will keep all the data.

    2) Backup/Restore backup: This option allows you to manually or automatically

    backup all the stored information.

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    If you choose a manual backup, you only have to click the Launch backup button to create a copy on the defined file. If you choose an automatic backup, enter the date you want the backup to be created on and the system will do it automatically. When you have specified the automatic backup date, click Accept to save the setup of the backup in the desired file. To restore a backup, select the file of the last backup. All the data stored on that file will be restored.

    3) Terminal maintenance: This option of the Communications menu is described

    in this section (Data maintenance) since it allows backup of the fingerprints stored in the terminals, and transfer of fingerprints from one terminal to another.

    For these options, you can select the range of employees whose fingerprints you wish to backup, restore or transfer from one terminal to another. Important: For access control, once fingerprints have been transferred from one terminal to another, you must load the employee data for access onto that terminal. Otherwise, an Access denied message will appear on the terminal.


  • Code Name Department Center

    Employees report

    Company: Demos Issue date: Issue time:From: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 00040 - M Goretti Mateos Villar


    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 01-MACG 08/09 02-DGE

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00004 Laura M Contreras Jurado 01-MACG 08/09 02-DGE

    00005 Jos Antonio Galn Prez 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00006 M ngeles Garca Naz 02-MACG 09/10 01-CEP

    00007 Alfonso Gutirrez Cruz 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00010 Marta Molina Lorente 02-MACG 09/10 01-CEP

    00011 Fco. Javier Molina Valds 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00013 Yolanda Muoz Redondo 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00014 Jos Jorge Parra Vega 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00015 Alberto Pizarro Arellano 01-MACG 08/09 02-DGE

    00017 Pablo Rosell Atanet 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00018 Alfredo Snchez Dvila 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00019 Bibiana Snchez Martnez 02-MACG 09/10 02-DGE

    00020 Daniel Uroz Espinar 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00021 Juan Luis Vega Lpez 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00022 Aurora M Vega Querencio 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00031 Silverio Chves Prez 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00035 Jess Moreno Ramos 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    00040 M Goretti Mateos Villar 01-MACG 08/09 01-CEP

    Page 1 of 1

  • Company: Demos Issue date: Issue time:From: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 00040 - M Goretti Mateos Villar


    Incidents report

    Code Description Incident type

    000 Trabajo Attendance incident

    001 Acess Access incident

    002 Holiday Attendance incident

    003 Doctor Attendance incident

    004 Personal Matters Attendance incident

    Page 1 of 1

  • Checks report

    Company: OlavideFrom: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 00003 - Sergio D. Caro Begines

    NameCode Date Term. IncidentTime

    19:56:08Issue time:Issue date: 07/01/2009

    Department: All Center: AllFrom: 01/12/2008 To: 31/12/2008

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 04/12/2008 15:58:38 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 04/12/2008 20:37:02 ## 001-Doctor visit

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 05/12/2008 15:59:12 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 05/12/2008 20:42:48 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 11/12/2008 16:03:49 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 11/12/2008 21:03:50 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 12/12/2008 16:01:31 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 12/12/2008 20:40:44 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 18/12/2008 16:00:21 01 000-Work

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 18/12/2008 21:04:21 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 04/12/2008 16:11:49 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 04/12/2008 20:32:29 ## 001-Doctor visit

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 04/12/2008 20:45:14 ## 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 04/12/2008 21:30:14 ## 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 05/12/2008 16:13:45 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 05/12/2008 20:43:54 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 05/12/2008 20:55:14 ## 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 05/12/2008 22:00:14 ## 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 11/12/2008 17:39:12 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 11/12/2008 21:04:44 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 12/12/2008 16:01:36 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 12/12/2008 20:40:58 01 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 12/12/2008 20:51:14 ## 000-Work

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 12/12/2008 21:39:14 ## 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 04/12/2008 16:00:26 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 04/12/2008 20:39:02 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 05/12/2008 16:03:14 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 05/12/2008 20:45:35 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 11/12/2008 16:04:33 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 11/12/2008 21:04:32 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 12/12/2008 16:01:45 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 12/12/2008 20:40:29 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 18/12/2008 15:59:43 01 000-Work

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 18/12/2008 21:06:14 01 000-Work

    Page 1 of 1

  • 18:11:0207/01/2009Company: Olavide

    From: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 00005 - Jos Antonio Galn Prez Issue time:Issue date:


    Time breakdown report

    Entry Exit Entry ExitDate

    From: 04/12/2008 To: 12/12/2008 Department: All Center: All

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos404/12/2008 15:58 20:37 [001] 04:39

    05/12/2008 15:59 20:42 04:43

    11/12/2008 16:03 21:03 05:00

    12/12/2008 16:01 20:40 04:39

    Employee total: 0019:01

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro404/12/2008 16:11 20:32 [001] 20:45 21:30 05:06

    05/12/2008 16:13 20:43 20:55 22:00 05:35

    11/12/2008 17:39 21:04 03:25

    12/12/2008 16:01 20:40 20:51 21:39 05:27

    Employee total: 0019:33

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines404/12/2008 16:00 20:39 04:39

    05/12/2008 16:03 20:45 04:42

    11/12/2008 16:04 21:04 05:00

    12/12/2008 16:01 20:40 04:39

    Employee total: 0019:00

    00004 Laura M Contreras Jurado404/12/2008 20:32 04:25 07:53

    05/12/2008 20:02 04:43 08:41

    11/12/2008 21:02 06:15 09:13

    Employee total: 0025:47

    00005 Jos Antonio Galn Prez404/12/2008 16:13 20:37 04:24

    05/12/2008 16:17 20:43 04:26

    11/12/2008 16:03 21:04 05:01

    12/12/2008 16:05 20:41 04:36

    Employee total: 0018:27

    Page 1 of 1

  • 19:42:2707/01/2009Company: Olavide

    From: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 10001 - PILAR LEON Issue time:Issue date:

    Time breakdown report

    Name TotalCode

    From: 01/12/2008 To: 31/12/2008 Department: All Center: All

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos 0024:05

    00002 ngela Caldern Caro 0019:33

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines 0024:07

    00004 Laura M Contreras Jurado 0033:31

    00005 Jos Antonio Galn Prez 0023:33

    00006 M ngeles Garca Naz 0018:52

    00007 Alfonso Gutirrez Cruz 0023:50

    00010 Marta Molina Lorente 0023:36

    00011 Fco. Javier Molina Valds 0023:39

    00013 Yolanda Muoz Redondo 0019:23

    00014 Jos Jorge Parra Vega 0017:43

    00015 Alberto Pizarro Arellano 0009:17

    00017 Pablo Rosell Atanet 0023:52

    00018 Alfredo Snchez Dvila 0022:52

    00019 Bibiana Snchez Martnez 0023:48

    00020 Daniel Uroz Espinar 0023:20

    00021 Juan Luis Vega Lpez 0019:12

    00022 Aurora M Vega Querencio 0019:25

    00031 Silverio Chves Prez 0018:34

    00035 Jess Moreno Ramos 0018:55

    00040 M Goretti Mateos Villar 0019:13

    Page 1 of 1

  • Absteneeism report

    Issue date: Company: OlavideFrom: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 00011 - Fco. Javier Molina Valds Issue time: 18:06:02


    From: 04/12/2008 To: 12/12/2008

    Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    400001 Rafael lvarez RamosWeek 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    4 absenceEmployee total:

    400002 ngela Caldern CaroWeek 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    5 absenceEmployee total:

    400003 Sergio D. Caro BeginesWeek 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    5 absenceEmployee total:

    400004 Laura M Contreras JuradoWeek 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    4 absenceEmployee total:

    400005 Jos Antonio Galn PrezWeek 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    5 absenceEmployee total:

    400006 M ngeles Garca NazWeek 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    6 absenceEmployee total:

    400007 Alfonso Gutirrez Cruz

    Week 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    5 absenceEmployee total:

    400010 Marta Molina Lorente

    Week 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    5 absenceEmployee total:

    400011 Fco. Javier Molina Valds

    Week 49: 01 of december - 07 of december ---- ---- ---- Absentee Absentee

    Week 50: 08 of december - 14 of december Absentee Absentee Absentee ---- ----

    5 absenceEmployee total:

    Page 1 of 1

  • 18:10:2007/01/2009Company: Olavide

    From: 00001 - Rafael lvarez Ramos To: 10001 - PILAR LEON Issue time:Issue date:

    Access reports


    From: 04/12/2008 To: 12/12/2008

    Terminal Access granted Access denied Total checks

    00001 Rafael lvarez Ramos404/12/2008 Totales 04 4

    ##-Manual 4 0 4

    05/12/2008 Totales 02 2

    ##-Manual 2 0 2

    06/12/2008 Totales 02 2

    ##-Manual 2 0 2

    12/12/2008 Totales 02 2

    ##-Manual 2 0 2

    10010Total checks

    00003 Sergio D. Caro Begines404/12/2008 Totales 06 6

    ##-Manual 6 0 6

    05/12/2008 Totales 04 4

    ##-Manual 4 0 4

    12/12/2008 Totales 02 2

    ##-Manual 2 0 2

    12012Total checks

    Page 1 of 1

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