zombie apocalypse preparation guide

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  • 7/30/2019 Zombie Apocalypse Preparation Guide


    Preparation GuideDr Aislenot B Eton

  • 7/30/2019 Zombie Apocalypse Preparation Guide


    Zombie Apocalypse Preperation Guide . Copyright Nishikata Press 2012.

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including

    photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system,

    without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the


    Cover and other illustrations by Jack Knight

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    The contents of this book are entirely fictional. To the best of the authors knowledge , there are no such

    things as zombies. None of the information or advice herein is intended to be taken seriously or acted

    upon. Any person who is sincerely concerned about zombies or who intends to make decisions based on

    belief in zombies should seek assistance. Just not from me.

    Please note; a page has been left blank before each new section and chapter to improve layout in printed


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    ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE ........................................................................

    Contents ..................................................................................................... 3

    Preparation ................................................................................................. 4

    Psychological Preparation ....................................................................... 9

    Positive Thinking .................................................................................. 9

    Visualization ...................................................................................... 12

    Physical & simulation Training ............................................................... 14

    Combat Training ................................................................................ 17

    Boredom ............................................................................................... 18

    What to wear to the apocalypse ............................................................ 23

    Other Considerations ......................................................................... 29

    Footwear ............................................................................................... 30

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    Gathering Intelligence ........................................................................... 33

    Food and Water .................................................................................... 35

    INDEX ................................................................................................... 37


    Appropriate preparation is an absolutely essential component of a

    successful survival plan. But many people are confused about what is

    important and what is just a waste of precious time and recourses .

    ake no mistake, you must be fully prepared if you hope to be able

    to survive the munching. But what does appropriate, effective

    preparation consist of? Many people have been lead to believe thateffective Zombie preparation involves stockpiling a huge amount of

    weaponry, ammunition, food and water.


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    This approach is WRONG and following it will likely get you zombified.

    Now I know that is a big claim, but I am more than confident that you will

    soon agree with me.

    Lets consider this logically. A large stockpile of weapons and food

    requires a place of storage. That might be your house for example. But

    imagine how annoying it would be if you had stockpiled your weapons, set

    up the perfect Zombie-proof fort at home and then the apocalypse goes

    and starts when yo u are at the beach! All those guns and ammo arent

    much good to you now are they? No. You were counting on having at your

    disposal an arsenal larger than that of some European countries, but

    instead you find yourself semi-naked and desperately flicking your towel at

    the Zombies as they close in for the kill.

    But lets assume that you are at home when the apocalypse starts.

    Okay, so you have a lot of food and ammunition and you figure you can

    hold out for a good long time. But wait! Can you stay awake shooting

    twenty-four hours a day seven days a week? Because those Zombies are

    not going to be stopping for a coffee break you know.

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    Is your place of refuge really strong enough to stop the Zombies from

    getting in? Keep in mind that even a fully functional nuclear war rated bomb

    shelter wont keep you alive for long. The air -filtering and air-conditioning

    systems are designed keep our nuclear, biological and chemical

    contaminants, but not to withstand zombies ripping it to pieces. And when

    you come up for air, its chow time for the undead .

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    Dr Eton Says

    Zombies do not work and play well

    with others.

    Dont rely on them to cooperate with

    your plans

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    The next approach you might consider is to have a mobile stockpile instead

    of, or as a back-up to, a stationary stockpile. This does increase the odds

    of the stockpile being available to you when you need it, but it is not a

    guarantee. Furthermore, a mobile stockpile will be subject to all the

    problems related to use of an automobile.

    Finally, you might consider using a distributed stockpiling method.

    With distributed stockpiling you do not place all of your weaponry and other

    supplies in a single location, but rather you have multiple mini-stockpiles of

    weaponry and food in various widely separated locations. This has the

    advantage of giving you the best possible chance of being able to access

    your provisions regardless of where you happen to be when the

    apocalypse starts. At least in theory; in practice, however, your stockpiles

    will be found and looted repeatedly. So you will need to continually

    replenish them and find new hiding spots.

    So, if stockpiling weapons and food is not the right way to go about

    preparing for the Zombie apocalypse, then what should you be doing?

    Im glad you asked! The answer awaits you on the next page.

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    The very best form of preparation is psychological . You must get your head

    together BEFORE the Zombies get your head, together. There are a

    number of psychological preparation techniques that are very simple to put

    into practise, but that are also extremely powerful survival aids in the event

    of a Zombie apocalypse.

    The ability to keep a positive mindset in times of crisis is an incredibly

    important but often overlooked and underrated survival skill. One of the

    biggest killers during a Zombie attack (apart from Zombies obviously) is

    depression, despair and the loss of hope that results in fatal inaction.

    Negative thoughts such as Oh my God were all gonna die! can lead the

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    way to this despair and are of no help whatsoever. Always remember that

    others have survived Zombie apocalypses in the past. Where they all

    smarter than you, all better than you? NO (I guess) and if they did it, then

    so can you (probably).

    A great way to keep yourself in a positive mental state is to use

    affirmations. An affirmation is a positive thought that you repeat to yourself

    regularly until it has become ingrained in your unconscious mind and

    accepted as fact. Unlike your conscious mind, the unconscious mind does

    not evaluate statements in a logical and critical way. Rather, your

    unconscious mind is like an innocent child that simply accepts what you tell

    it. You should therefore be sure to tell it things that will leave you

    psychologically stronger, more confident and better able to cope with


    When writing affirmations it is important to write them in the present

    tense so that you are telling your unconscious that the state you desire is in

    fact already in place. Remember that your unconscious mind simply

    accepts what you tell it. Your unconscious will then act powerfully and

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    continuously to ensure that your desire is met. Some example affirmations

    are given below.

    I am coping fearlessly with the Zombie attack

    I know just what to do with this horde of


    I am enjoying the challenge of surviving this


    You say Zombie , I say Shmombie

    I am running like the wind, leaving the Zombies

    for undead

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    I am loving being in mortal danger every waking

    and sleeping moment for the foreseeable future

    Try repeating these affirmations to yourself aloud in a confident voice every

    hour or so during the day and last thing at night for the next few weeks.

    You will soon notice a huge change not only in yourself, but also in the way

    others treat you.

    Visualization is an amazingly powerful psychological technique that will

    really power charge your mental apocalypse preparation. In some ways

    visualization can be even more powerful than affirmations because the

    unconscious mind responds more strongly to visual imagery than to words.

    Visualization has been used for decades by elite athletes to improve their

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    performance when it really counts and it can improve your Zombie

    apocalypse survival chances as well.

    The key to successful visualization is to picture yourself surviving the

    Zombie apocalypse in as much detail as you can. Really exercise every

    aspect of your imagination to vividly see and feel yourself in the desired

    situation. Try the following exercise.

    Find a quiet, relaxing place where you can sit or lie comfortably

    without being disturbed for a half hour or so (especially not by Zombies).

    Do some deep breathing exercises to get yourself into a state of deep

    physical relaxation and then concentrate on picturing yourself having

    survived the apocalypse.

    See yourself standing surrounded by the stinking corpses of those

    who didnt make it. See the chaos and destruction of the aftermath. Really

    see the smoking ruins, see the scattered detritus of a ruined civilization.

    Dont forget to include your other senses as well. Although the

    process is called visualization it can be strengthened one hundred fold by

    incorporating your senses of smell, hearing, touch and humor. Do you

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    smell the rotting corpses and smoke of burning debris? Do you feel the

    hardened gore caked on your face? Can you hear the distant rumble of

    approaching helicopters? Make the scene as real as possible, then fully

    inhabit and experience it and revel in the fact that you have survived.

    Doing the above exercise regularly will instruct your unconscious

    mind to be focussed 100% of the time on the problem of surviving the

    coming apocalypse. So even when your conscious mind is shopping,

    laughing, pi cking its nose or just chilling out, your unconscious mind will be

    eternally vigilant and ready to drag you into action in two shakes of a

    protruding appendix.


    As with any type of disaster situation, your odds of survival will be

    greatly improved of you are physically fit and healthy. It is vitally importantto be in good shape so dont neglect your physical training. Personal

    hygiene is another important factor in planning for survival. Not only does

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    this help to keep you healthy, but limiting the amount of scent you give off

    will also make it more difficult for zombies to detect you.

    Marksmanship and fighting skills have their place, but the most

    important skill is the ability to run very fast . Be sure to spend time

    improving your speed and endurance. Also practice to perfect your ability to

    escape over obstacles like walls and fences and to climb trees and

    buildings that might provide shelter or a hiding place. You want your body

    to consider such feats as second nature so that you can perform them

    instantly and unhesitatingly when the need arises.

    Is there a sporting team nearby with a supporter base that has a well-

    deserved reputation for mindless violence? If so you are in luck! If you can

    anger a crowd of these supporters with insults directed at them and their

    team then you will be able to practice fleeing for your life from a bloodthirsty

    pack of deranged killers. This is the closest you can get to the real thing

    and is far more realistic than paintballing or any other leisure activity that

    purports to simulate combat or similar high intensity situations.

    Furthermore, this exercise is free and you can repeat it as often as you like;

    unless they catch you of course.

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    Computer simulation is another technique that can sharpen up your

    survival skills in preparation for the apocalypse. Computer games that allow

    the player to simulate scenarios that occur in a Zombie apocalypse can be

    an excellent way of polishing up your preparation.

    But one problem with these games is that they tend to put way too

    much emphasis on fighting the Zombies and not nearly enough on running

    away and hiding. Try to concentrate on the latter skills. No game can ever

    come close to recreating the sheer terror of a Zombie-fight and you need to

    feel the weapons in your hands before you can learn to handle them with

    any skill.

    One very important skill to practice is piloting an aircraft. This may be

    vital to your survival so do not neglect it. There is no need to go to the

    expense of paying for real life flying lessons since everything you need to

    know can be learned from MS Flight simulator or similar software.

    This is one skill where simulation is as good as the real thing. Did you

    know that professional pilots do most of their training in a simulator?

    Furthermore, flying is actually much easier than most people imagine it to

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    be so do not be put off by big-talking pilots who love to make their job

    sound hard and complicated. After just a few hours of practice I have

    learned to take-off, fly and land a large jetliner and I hardly ever crash.

    And just think, if I can do that with bug ridden software, imagine how well I

    could do with a real plane. Im not telling you this to blow my own horn; I

    am just letting you know what is possible with a little practise.

    I once met a pilot and when I explained my views to him he laughed

    at me hysterically. This defensive reaction clearly shows that I had hit very

    close to a raw nerve.

    Ok, so if you do things right you might not ever have to do any fighting, but

    just in case you should do a decent amount of weapons practice. But you

    dont want to let this get out of hand and detract from your psychological

    and physical preparation so it is really important to focus on a minimum of

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    weapons and techniques that you can master or at least attain some

    competence in.

    I strongly recommend you become very familiar with shot guns and

    samurai swords (katana). Detailed advice on the use of these and other

    weapons is given in the section on combat. Do not waste time practicing

    distance shooting with your shotgun. When fighting you will only use it at

    close range so concentrate on being able to fire quickly and accurately at

    close range and, very importantly, being able to reload quickly.

    With your katana, you will concentrate on slicing movements

    designed to cut the enemy in half or at least to remove limbs. Again, the

    combat section includes a detailed discussion of the rationale and methods.

    Forget about extensive practice with rifles, pistols and the like. As we

    will see, these are all but useless against Zombies. A general familiarity

    with them will suffice.


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    You might think that your apocalypse experience will consist solely of fear,

    adrenaline and terror. But, strange as it may seem, boredom is something

    that you may have to face during the course of the apocalypse and if not

    properly managed it can be fatal.

    If you are unable to get clear away at the start of the apocalypse then

    chances are that you will have to spend quite a lot of time in hiding from the

    Zombies. During such times you will need to be absolutely quiet and still for

    perhaps hours on end. This might seem easy enough to you now as you sit

    perusing this magnificent book in the comfort of your reading chair with a

    pipe of good tobacco and a gin and tonic close to hand, but in reality few

    people can cope with it for long before they start going stark raving mad.

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    Dr Eton Says

    What doesnt kill you can

    still make you undead.

    Dont get cocky.

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    Keep in mind that it will not be possible to surf through Youtube, fire

    up the PS2 or switch on the television. These will generate noise that could

    attract Zombies. Earphones are no solution because, while they will

    prevent you from being heard, they will also prevent you from hearing what

    is going on around you. Watching that cute Japanese cat that likes to jump

    in and out of cardboard boxes is normally a good way to while away the

    hours, but you dont want to run the risk of being rudely interrupted by the


    What you really need to do to cope with boredom is to practise

    dealing with it in your everyday life (reading this book is an excellent start!).

    You will have to come to accept boredom rather than trying to fight or

    to resist it. Realize that being bored is in really a great blessing in disguise.

    Boredom brings with it the opportunity to enter a Zen-like state in which

    time becomes irrelevant. In this highly evolved mental state hours may

    pass like seconds. You will become one with the universe and will simply

    be. When the time for action comes you will instinctively return to your

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    normal state of mental and physical readiness and respond automatically

    and totally appropriately to whatever challenge presents itself. Neat huh?

    The one potential problem is that it might take decades of practice

    before you are able to achieve this Zen-like state. And you might not have

    decades available before the Zombie Apocalypse begins.

    A good compromise is to keep some colouring and puzzle books with

    you. These allow you to pass the time but do not take long to master.

    Furthermore, they will not prevent you from be alerted by the sounds of an

    impending danger.

    Join the dots; it could save your life.

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    You might think that fashion and appearance are of little or no importance

    when it comes to selecting clothes for the Zombie apocalypse. But you

    would be wrong; possibly even dead wrong. We all know that how we dress

    can affect our moods, our thoughts and even our efficiency. You should be

    aiming to strike a balance between clothes that make you feel good and

    that meet the exacting practical demands of a Zombie apocalypse situation.

    Furthermore, since you cannot rely on getting much advance warning

    of the start of the apocalypse, you will need to be in your Zombie fighting

    gear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (or 24/7 as I say it. Feel free to use

    that if you like). So while that full battledress, helmet, Kevlar armour and

    ammunition bandoliers might be ideal in some respects, since you cant

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    wear it all the time you might be caught with your pants down at the

    moment of truth. It is much better to have a pretty good Zombie survival

    outfit that you are actually wearing rather than the ultimate Zombie

    survival outfit that you arent wearing.

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    Dr Eton Says

    As you develop and improve your

    Zombie survival skills you may findthat your friends and others become

    jealous of you.

    This jealousy might be expressed by

    laughing, hitting, or ostracising you.

    Dont let this get you down.

    After all, if you cant cope with your

    friends laughing at you, what will

    you do when they are trying to eat


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    When it comes to choosing clothes that make you feel good, I will

    leave that entirely up to your own fashion sense and conscience. But be

    sure to choose options that meet the practical considerations listed below

    and avoid corduroy and other materials that make load and embarrassing

    sounds when you move.

    The clothing you settle on should have most of these characteristics:

    Strength and durability

    Layered, so you can layer up or down to suit the season

    Allows freedom of movement but not too loose

    Offers camouflage

    Not brightly coloured

    Impregnated charcoal or similar to suppress odors.

    Consider easily detachable grasping points

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    Most of the above are quite straightforward. But the concept of Easily

    detachable grasping points may be new to you so I will explain. There is a

    species of small lizard in South America that has a long detachable tail. If a

    predator grasps the tail it will quickly detach allowing the lizard to escape

    with its life.

    You can employ the same strategy by lightly sewing a large number

    of lengths of material (approx. 2-3 feet in length) from your clothing. If a

    Zombie attempts to grab you it will likely get a hold off one or more of these

    detachable grasping points giving you valuable time to get away.

    If you want to get a little more technical you can learn even more from

    these little lizards. When the lizards tail detaches it wriggles about violentlywhich acts to keep the predator s attention on the tail and away from the

    lizard. If you incorporate a small plastic bag of strong human scent that

    stays with the detachable length of cloth and breaks open when it is

    removed, you can increase the length of time you have to escape before

    the Zombies get after you again.

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    The utility of your anti-Zombie gear can also be greatly enhanced by

    keeping the following items in your pockets:

    Small LED light- Include one with the option of a red

    light to preserve your night vision

    The Flowcharts from this book

    Strong gloves

    Water purification tablets

    Nutrient rich compact food bars

    Can opener


    Wind up radio

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    If you have long hair you should keep this neat and held close to your head

    with elastic and or pins. Or better still, cut it off ! Long hair is an invitation

    for Zombies to grab hold of it and reel you in like a mackerel on a line. So

    unless you really want to be the fish of the day I suggest you keep your

    hair short and neat at all times. The same principle also applies of course

    to facial hair as well as any other hair you might have that is getting too


    Pockets can be very dangerous things to have during an apocalypse.

    Well, actually it isnt the pockets themselves that are dangerous but the

    contents of the pockets. Coins, keys or lucky charms jingling in your

    pockets act like a siren call to all Zombies within hundreds of yards.

    Wouldnt it be awful if your lucky charm doomed you to Zombification? You

    probably wont even be able to get your money back. So, if you have

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    metallic objects in your pockets, be sure to pack them in something soft,

    like a handkerchief or some rag, to stop them from jingling.


    Did you know that one of the biggest predictors of success in any land-

    based survival situation is having adequate foot wear? Even just slipping

    on a pair of flimsy tennis shoes gives you a great advantage over someone

    going barefoot. This is because shoes protect your feet against injuries that

    can greatly impair your rate of movement thereby magnifying the potential

    negative effect of a whole range of other dangers such as packs of

    Zombies desperate to snack on your frontal lobes.

    Can you imagine how much dangerous debris a Zombie apocalypse

    could generate? And when you consider that just a single small shard of glass could slice your foot open and dramatically reduce your survival

    chances, you can see why it is essential to take precautions. Furthermore,

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    even a tiny cut you barely even notice could have disastrous consequences

    later on due to infection. This may come as a surprise to you, but Zombie

    apocalypses (I promised Id give you the plural form) are notoriously

    unhygienic environments.

    Give yourself the best chance by wearing sturdy but comfortable

    shoes during the day, and light but strong shoes while asleep. Also

    consider using odor-eaters and remember to practise doing up your

    shoelaces while running so that you can be ready for action at a moments


    On a related note, dont even think about going commando .

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    Dr Eton Says

    You might be tempted to include a

    cross or other holy item to ward off

    the Zombies. This might make you

    feel safe, but in fact they do not

    deter Zombies in the slightest.

    If you must wear something, a

    Chuck Norris T-shirt is a better


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    Never forget the old adage Forewarned is forearmed . Now this doesnt

    just apply to keeping yourself on alert for early signs of the apocalypse, it

    also means knowing beforehand where you will go and what you will do

    when the apocalypse does start. That means being thoroughly familiar with

    the terrain between you and your next objectives.

    Have you scouted out your surroundings and identified the best

    available temporary shelter? Is it far enough away that Zombies cannot

    reach it in anything under 12 hours? Does the location give you a good

    view of all possible approaches? Does it offer protection and adequate

    cover if for some reason you are unable to move on quickly? Are there a

    number of good routes away from the shelter?

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    In order to gather this information you will need to spend a lot of time

    getting to know every inch of ground between you and the nearest

    temporary shelter. What transportation options are available? Can you find

    your way there at any time of the day or night? Learn to make your own

    way ther e without reliance on a satellite navigator. You wouldnt want to

    depend on it to get to safety only to have it fail just when you cant

    remember whether you are supposed to turn at the next lights or go straight


    Consider taking a job as a taxi driver or pizza delivery guy. These

    occupations will help you to become very familiar with the roads in your


    Invest in a helicopter ride around the neighbourhood and take your

    camera and video camera with you. Once back on the ground study those

    images like your life depends on it; someday it just might. Prepare a

    detailed and highly accurate map of the area and study it until you are able

    to reproduce it in full within 30 seconds on any surface with any writing

    implement. Study it until you cant bear to look at it again . Study it until you

    see it in your dreams. Then study it some more.

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    Of course you also need to have fully elaborated back up plans in

    place. Can you get to your designated temporary shelter from any location?

    Remember, there is no guarantee you will be at home when the

    apocalypse starts. What if you cant get to your preferred shelter ? Is there

    one or more reasonable alternatives? The answers to all these questions,

    and more, need to be available to you at all times and at a moments notice.


    Dont stress too much about f ood. You can easily keep some nutrient rich

    food bars with you at all times and have some other light weight options like

    dried noodles close at hand. The reason you dont need to stockpile a lot of

    food is because regardless of whether you are in an urban, suburban or

    country environment, there will be food available. There are a number of

    generic survival guides that do an adequate job of covering how to

    scrounge and forage for food so I will not go over that here.

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    In any case, water is far more important than food. While it is

    obviously much preferable to be fed, you can survive for some weeks

    without food, but not much more than a few days without water. In hot

    weather you might not last even a day especially if you are exposed to the

    sun. Again, there are other sources where you can study up on how to find

    drinkable water, but in addition, try to keep a minimum of 10 pints of water

    with you at all times. A small back pack or refillable bladder will make this

    quite easy to manage.

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    affirmation 16

    aircraft 22

    ammunition 10, 11, 28

    apocalypse 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 28, 33, 34, 37,


    Apocalypse - 0 -, 27

    attention 31automobile 14


    back up plans 38

    biological 12

    boredom 24, 26

    buildings 20


    chemical 12

    civilization 19

    combat 21, 23

    contaminants 12

    corduroy 30

    corpses 19

    crash 22


    distributed stockpiling 14


    enemy 23

    escape 20, 31

    experience 19, 24


    fear 24

    fire 23, 26

    foot wear 34


    going commando 35


    head 15, 33

    helicopter 38

    helicopters 19

    helmet 28

    house 11

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    impending 27

    information - 0 -, - 1 -, 37


    katana 23

    knowledge - 1 -


    limbs 23


    mindless 21

    mindset 15

    movement 30, 34


    nature 20

    normal 26

    nuclear 11


    opportunity 26


    pistols 24

    pizza 38

    plan 10

    positive thought 16

    practical 28, 30

    practice 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27

    preparation 10, 15, 18, 21, 23

    problem 19, 21, 27

    process 19

    professional 22


    radio 32

    reason 37

    rifles 24

    roads 38

    run very fast 20


    safety 38

    samurai swords See Katana

    scent 20, 31

    shelter 12, 20, 37, 38

    shotgun 23

    skills 20, 21

    stark raving mad 24

    stockpile 11, 14

    strategy 31

    survival 10, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 28, 34


    taxi driver 38

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    television 26


    unconscious mind 16, 18, 19

    undead 12, 17, 26

    unhygienic environments 34


    very dangerous 33

    Visualization 18


    Zombie - 0 -, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 27, 28, 31, 32, 34

    Zombification 33