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<div class="date">Wednesday, December 10, 2008 </div><h2><a href="http://smittenkitchen.com/2008/12/zuni-cafe-roast-chicken-bread-salad/" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link to zuni cafe&#8217;s roasted chicken + bread salad">zuni cafe&#8217;s roasted chicken + bread salad</a></h2>

<div class="entry"><p><a href="http://smittenkitchen.com/2008/12/zuni-cafe-roast-chicken-bread-salad/" title="zuni cafe roasted chicken and bread salad"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3138/3096275030_7425f78367.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="zuni cafe roasted chicken" /></a></p>I recently realized that I didn&#8217;t have a single recipe for a whole roasted

chicken on this site which seemed wrong somehow, coming from a nice Jewish girlsuch as myself. I know the real reason I don&#8217;t &#8212; which is that I do

n&#8217;t like 75 percent of the roasted chicken I eat (not yours, of course; promise!). Mostly, I find the pieces too big, the meat overcooked and the entire thing kind of like pressed sawdust&#8230; um, not that I need to learn to form an

opinion or something. Sticking to dark meat helps a bit, but not as much as just bypassing the roasted chicken altogether.</p><p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/smitten/3096226850/" title="bread salad

mise"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3041/3096226850_7a711320c0.jpg"width="500" height="332" alt="bread salad mise" /></a></p><p>There is only one home recipe for roasted chicken I have ever wanted to try and it is from the <a href="http://www.zunicafe.com/">Zuni Cafe</a> in San Francisco. Google &#8220;zuni cafe roasted chicken&#8221; and you&#8217;ll see &#8212;

quickly &#8212; that this is something of a religion for people; they are mad for it. And yet, the technique, which hinges on three things, isn&#8217;t actually that crazed, and can be easily replicated at home. Win-win!</p><p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/smitten/3095378487/" title="zuni roasted chicken"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3188/3095378487_56398fac14.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="zuni roasted chicken" /></a></p><p><span id="more-1455"></span></p><p>The first is the size of the bird, which should be small.&#8221;Don ’t substitute a jumbo roaster,&#8221; they warn, &#8220;it will be too lean and won’t tolerate

high heat, which is the second requirement of the method.&#8221; They reason that small chickens flourish at high heat, roasting quickly and evenly, and, withlots of skin per ounce of meat, are virtually engineered for succulence. This is

like music to my ears, people.</p>

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<p>The last requirement is salting the bird at least one day in advance. They insist that it improves flavor, keeps it moist, and makes it tender, and I am notone to argue with people who value this as I do. They don’t bother trussing the chicken — the idea is to get as much skin as possible to blister and color. And they

don’t add any extra fat to it, trusting the skin to provide enough. Which it does, mmm&#8230;.</p><p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/smitten/3096281036/" title="mmm, fond"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3188/3096281036_312ec89568.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="mmm, fond" /></a></p><p>Nevertheless, it might sound a little fussier than your usual roasted chicken

but I can tell you this: It is one-hundred-thousand-percent worth it. I was asproud as a newlywed presenting her first crown roast to a holiday table pullingthat evenly-bronzed, shiny gorgeous bird out of the oven Friday night. I was waiting for the heavens to open up and angels to begin singing hallelujah as neverbefore has a more beautiful chicken emerged from an enclosed heating compartment, but then remembered, once again, that I was Jewish and instead happily settled

for this:</p><p>&#8220;It&#8217;s like butta, Deb. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_Talk">Like butta.</a>&#8221;</p>

<p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/smitten/3095435737/" title="zuni cafe roasted chicken"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3074/3095435737_f86234e1b7.jpg" width="500" height="332" alt="zuni cafe roasted chicken" /></a></p><p><b>One year ago:</b> <a href="http://smittenkitchen.com/2007/12/chicken-and-dumplings/">Chicken and Dumplings</a> (I still tear up a little when I remember how good this was.)<br /><b>Two years ago:</b> <a href="http://smittenkitchen.com/2006/12/new-years-day-2001/">Boozy Baked French Toast</a></p><p><b>Bon Appetit&#8217;s Blog Envy:</b> BonAppetit.com has put together a slideshow featuring a holiday-oriented recipe from nearly two dozen food blogs, including this here one. <a href="http://www.thewednesdaychef.com/the_wednesday_chef/2008/12/nancy-silverton.html">Everything</a> <a href="http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/ginger-jeweled-salad-recipe.html">looks</a> <a href="http://homesicktexan.blogspot.com/2008/12/cheese-logs-cheese-balls-and-aunt-betty.html">stunning</a>, <a href="http://mattbites.typepad.com/mattbites/2008/12/growing-up-there-were-just-some-things-that-this-little-pudgy-boy-would-not-eat-high-on-the-short-list-of-food-items-alo.html">and I</a> <a href="http://glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com/2008/12/sugar-cookies-and-slowing-down.html">love</a> <a href="http://www.elise.com/recipes/archives/000221prime_rib.php">seeing</a> <a href="http://pinchmysalt.com/2008/12/03/butternut-squash-and-sweet-potato-gratin-recipe/">all</a> <ahref="http://www.doriegreenspan.com/dorie_greenspan/2008/12/madeleines-honeyed-and-spiced-for-the-holidays.html">of</a> <a href="http://noteatingoutinny.com/2008/12/03/not-so-strange-birds-part-iii-cranberry-thai-curry-glazed-duck-breast-with-coconut-mashed-potatoes/">my</a> <a href="http://www.pinkofperfection.com/2008/12/spicy_sweet_salty_rosemary_nut.php">favorite</a> <a href="http://www.blue-kitchen.com/2008/12/03/homemade-for-the-holidays-hazelnut-rosemary-jam-cookies/">people</a> <a href="http://www.sassyradish.com/archives/2008/11/potato_latkes.html">together</a> <a href="http://www.rasamalaysia.com/2008/12/creamy-butter-crab-recipe.html">in</a> <a href="http://www.deliciousdays.com/archives/2008/12/02/for-chilly-winters-semifreddo-of-burnt-almonds/">one</a> <a href="http://chocolateandzucchini.com/archives/2008/12/saffron_roasted_cauliflower.php">place</a>. <strong><a href="http://www.bonappetit.com/tipstools/blog_envy">Check it out!</a></strong><p><b>Zuni Cafe&#8217;s Roasted Chicken</b><br />Adapted from the cookbook from the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0393020436?ie=UTF8&#038;tag=smitten-20&#038;linkCode=as2&#038;camp=1789&#038;creative=390957&#038;creativeASIN=0393020436">Zuni Cafe, San Francisco</a></p><p>The original recipe falls over three-plus pages in a small font and includesa fantastic amount of detail. It&#8217;s a great read. However, I prefer recipes

that cut to the chase a bit more, so I have edited this down significantly, into the hopefully dish- and time-saving way I would approach it next time. It is t

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ypically served with the Bread Salad (recipe below) but I see no reason you can&#8217;t use any of your favorite side dishes instead. To me, the real genius isgetting that bird so perfectly roasted all over with only a modicum of fuss.</p><p>Serves 2 to 4</p><p>One small chicken, 2 3/4 to 3 1/2-pounds<br />4 tender sprigs fresh thyme, marjoram, rosemary or sage, about 1/2 inch long<br/>3/4 teaspoon salt<br />3/4 to 1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper<br />A little water</p><p><u>Season the chicken:</u> [1 to 3 days before serving; give a 3 1/4 to 3 1/2-pound chicken at least 2 days] </p><p>Remove and discard the lump of fat inside the chicken. Rinse the chicken andpat very dry inside and out. Be thorough &#8212; a wet chicken will spend too much time steaming before it begins to turn golden brown.</p><p>Approaching from the edge of the cavity, slide a finger under the skin of each of the breasts, making 2 little pockets. Now use the tip of your finger to gently loosen a pocket of skin on the outside of the thickest section of each thigh. Using your finger, shove an herb sprig into each of the 4 pockets.</p>

<p>Season the chicken liberally all over with salt and pepper. Season the thicksections a little more heavily than the skinny ankles and wings. Sprinkle a little of the salt just inside the cavity, on the backbone, but don’t otherwise worryabout seasoning the inside. Twist and tuck the wing tips behind the shoulders. Cover loosely and refrigerate.</p><p><u>Prepare your oven and pan:</u> [Day of, total time is 45 minutes to 1 hour]</p><p>Preheat the oven to 475&#176;F. Choose a shallow flameproof roasting pan or dish barely larger than the chicken, or use a 10-inch skillet with an all-metal handle (we used a 12-inch cast iron frying pan for a 3 1/2 pound chicken). Preheat the pan over medium heat. Wipe the chicken dry and set it breast side up in the pan. It should sizzle.</p><p><u>Roast the chicken:</u> Place the chicken in the pan in the center of the oven and listen and watch for it to start browning within 20 minutes. If it doesn’t, raise the temperature progressively until it does. The skin should blister, but if the chicken begins to char, or the fat is smoking, reduce temperature by 25

degrees. After about 30 minutes, turn the bird over — drying the bird and preheating the pan should keep the skin from sticking. Roast for another 10 to 20 minutes, depending on size, then flip back over to recrisp the breast skin, another 5

to 10 minutes. </p><p><u>Rest the chicken:</u> Remove the chicken from the oven and turn off the heat. Lift the chicken from the roasting pan and set on a plate. Carefully pour the clear fat from the roasting pan, leaving the lean drippings behind. Add abouta tablespoon of water to the hot pan and swirl it.</p><p>Slash the stretched skin between the thighs and breasts of the chicken, thentilt the bird and plate over the roasting pan to drain the juice into the drippings. You can let it rest while you finish your side dishes (or Bread Salad, below). The meat will become more tender and uniformly succulent as it cools.</p><p><u>Serve the chicken:</u> Set a platter in the oven to warm for a minute or two.</p><p>Tilt the roasting pan and skim the last of the fat. Place over medium-low heat, add any juice that has collected under the chicken, and bring to a simmer. Stir and scrape to soften any hard golden drippings. Taste &#8212; the juices will

be extremely flavorful.</p><p>Cut the chicken into pieces, spread on the warm platter (on top of the BreadSalad, if using).</p><p><u>Capitalize on leftovers:</u> Strain and save the drippings you don’t use, they are delicious tossed with sp&#228;tzle or egg noodles, or stirred into beansor risotto. You can also use them, plus leftover scraps of roast chicken, for achicken salad.</p><p><b>Zuni Cafe Bread Salad</b><br />

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Adapted from the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Zuni-Cafe-Cookbook-Compendium-Franciscos/dp/0393020436/ref=smitten-20">Zuni Cafe, San Francisco</a></p><p>I can&#8217;t describe it any better than they do: &#8220;Sort of a scrappy extramural stuffing, it is a warm mix of crispy, tender, and chewy chunks of bread, a little slivered garlic and scallion, a scatter of currants and pine nuts, and a handful of greens, all moistened with vinaigrette and chicken drippings.&#8221;</p><p>As I noted above, I&#8217;ve trimmed down the steps for this recipe significantly so it doesn&#8217;t resemble the original recipe a whole lot. But it remains equally delicious.</p><p>Generous 8 ounces slightly stale open-crumbed, chewy, peasant-style bread (not sourdough)<br />6 to 8 tablespoons mild-tasting olive oil<br />1 1/2 tablespoons Champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar<br />Salt and freshly cracked black pepper<br />1 tablespoon dried currants plumped in 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar and 1 tablespoon warm water for ten minutes or so<br />2 tablespoons pine nuts<br />2 to 3 garlic cloves, slivered<br />

1/4 cup slivered scallions (about 4 scallions), including a little of the greenpart<br />2 tablespoons lightly salted chicken stock or lightly salted water<br />A few handfuls of arugula, fris&#233;e, or red mustard greens, carefully washedand dried</p><p>Preheat the broiler. Carve off all of the bottom and most of the top and side

crusts from your bread (you can reserve these to use as croutons for soup or another salad). Tear bread into irregular 2- to 3-inch chunks, wads, bite-sized bits and fat crumbs. You should get about 4 cups.</p><p>Toss them with just a tablespoon or two of olive oil, lightly coating them, and broil them very briefly, just to lightly color the edges. If you&#8217;d like

to toast the pine nuts (recommended) you can put them on your broiler tray as well, but watch them very carefully &#8212; they cook quickly!</p><p>Combine about 1/4 cup of the olive oil with the Champagne or white wine vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. Toss about 1/4 cup of this tart vinaigrette with the torn bread in a wide salad bowl; the bread will be unevenly dressed. Taste

one of the more saturated pieces. If it is bland, add a little salt and pepperand toss again.</p><p>Heat a spoonful of the olive oil in a small skillet, add the garlic and scallions, and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until softened. Don’t let them color. Scrape into the bread and fold to combine. Drain the plumped currants and fold them in, along with the pine nuts, if they were not already mixed with the bread scraps from the broiling step. Dribble the chicken stock or lightly salted water over the salad and fold again.</p><p>Taste a few pieces of bread &#8212; a fairly saturated one and a dryish one.If it is bland, add salt, pepper, and/or a few drops of vinegar, then toss well.</p><p>If you&#8217;re going to serve the salad under the roast chicken (recipe above), you can pile the bread salad on the serving dish you want to use and tent it

with foil. If you want to serve it separately, do the same, but in a 1-quart shallow baking dish. Hang onto the bowl you mixed it in &#8212; you&#8217;ll use it again.</p><p>Place the salad in the oven after you flip the chicken the final time, for about 5 to 10 minutes.</p><p>Tip the bread salad back into the salad bowl. It will be steamy-hot, a mixture of soft, moist wads, crispy-on-the-outside-but-moist-in-the-middle-wads, and a

few downright crispy ones. Drizzle and toss with a spoonful of the pan juices.Add the greens, a drizzle of vinaigrette, and fold well. Taste again.</p>

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<br /><ul class="commentlist">

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209970"><cite>Mongoose in the Kitchen</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209970" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">1</div><p>I hope the oven is preheated a little more th

an 47 degrees! ;) Sounds amazing &#8211; I have a chicken in the freezer that is looking good for this. Is one day enough to thaw a 3 pound bird? The second day could be the prep day, if there is any more thawing to do.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209971"><cite><a href='http://www.greymoggie.com' rel='external

nofollow' class='url'>Melanie</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209971" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">2</div>

<p>This is my husband&#8217;s go-to roast chicken recipe, and my favorite roast chicken to eat. It works out well that way :) Great to see someone else appreciating Judy Rogers&#8217; recipe!!</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-209972"><cite><a href='http://smittenkitchen.com' rel='external

nofollow' class='url'>deb</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209972" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">3</div>

<p>Temperature is fixed now.</p></li>

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209973"><cite><a href='http://hungrybruno.blogspot.com' rel='ext

ernal nofollow' class='url'>Adrienne</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209973" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">4</div>

<p>Best roast chicken ever &#8211; my roommate who was in the &#8216;ew it&#8217;s dry&#8217; camp along with you ate almost anentire chicken after I told her she should just tryyyy it. I haven&#8217;t tried

the bread salad yet, but it&#8217;s on my list :)</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209974"><cite><a href='http://www.buffchickpea.com' rel='externa

l nofollow' class='url'>Hayley</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209974" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">5</div>

<p>I was just planning on making a panzanella salad, and I think yours would be great with some of the brussels sprouts I just picked up!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209975"><cite><a href='http://ourkitchensink.wordpress.com' rel=

'external nofollow' class='url'>Kristin at The Kitchen Sink</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209975" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">6</div>

<p>I can confirm the one-hundred-thousand percent worth it part. Hands down, best roast chicken ever. I haven&#8217;t tried the bread salad yet, and your photos have convinced me to do it.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209976">

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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209976" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">7</div>

<p>OMG &#8211; I&#8217;ve wanted to make this sooften, but the 3 pages of dense instructions has always sacred me &#8211; now Ithink I&#8217;ll finally get to it!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209977"><cite>Phoo-d</cite>


<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209977" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">8</div>

<p>This is definitely the way to do chicken &#8211; and even Turkey! We cooked our Thanksgiving turkey using the Zuni method (minus flipping the bird in the pan, I left the breast side up) and it was one of the best birds we&#8217;ve made. I like to also shove pats of butter, lemon slices, and sage leaves underneath the skin (Julia Child&#8217;s method). The results

are always fantastic.<br />Phoo-D</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209978"><cite>alphie</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209978" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">9</div>

<p>Any thoughts on whether this would work witha kosher chicken &#8211; kosher chickens are already salted, so I am always nervous to salt more&#8230; that said, can&#8217;t hurt to try</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209979"><cite>Tara</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209979" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

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<div class="commentcount">10</div>

<p>Deb, your post made me laugh out loud! I havealways been a little afraid to roast a chicken, but being a good Jewish girl I

knew I would eventually have to face my fate&#8230;with this recipe as my guide,I&#8217;m going to try it out for my next Shabbat dinner with the fam :) Thanksso much! PS. I adore your site.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209985"><cite><a href='http://www.familyfriendlyfood.com/' rel='

external nofollow' class='url'>Nurit from 1 Family. Friendly. Food.</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209985" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">11</div>

<p>This looks gorgeous.<br />I read that recipe from Café Zuni cookbook a few years ago. Yeah, it was long, soI didn ’t make it. I admire you for doing all this process!<br />There’s a terrific recipe for whole chicken with tarragon and chardonnay by Wolfgang Puck, my favorite chef, (who used to be married to a nice Jewfish girl for many years and together they build the WP food empire). I blogged about it, here:<a href="http://www.familyfriendlyfood.com/2008/07/whole-roasted-chicken-with-chardonnay.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.familyfriendlyfood.com/2008/07/whole-roasted-chicken-with-chardonnay.html</a><br />The recipe is from his book “Wolfgang Puck makes it easy” which has many great recipes. I use this cookbook a lot.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209986"><cite><a href=



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>maggie (p&amp;c)</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209986" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">12</div>

<p>A classic. I&#8217;ve always been intimidatedbut if it really is all that&#8230;</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209990"><cite><a href=



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>Mimi Pond</a></cite>&nbsp;

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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209990" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">13</div>

<p>I like your streamlining of the recipe, whichI made once in all its exhaustive glory, and then settled myself for just the c

hicken. But I will try your compressed version! By the way, the LA Times turkeytranslation of this recipe:<br /><a href="http://www.latimes.com/features/food/la-fo-turkey19-2008nov19,0,4842837.story" rel="nofollow">http://www.latimes.com/features/food/la-fo-turkey19-2008nov19,0,4842837.story</a><br />is, hands-down, the best turkey I&#8217;ve ever made.<br />THANKS, DEB!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209991"><cite>Nicole M</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209991" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">14</div>

<p>I knew you didn&#8217;t have a whole roast bird recipe on here after searching for one before Thanksgiving! It&#8217;s ok Istill found some good sides and dessert. Thanks for the Bon Appetit link, lotsof good looking dishes on there.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209992"><cite><a href=



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>Tabitha (From Single to Married)</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209992" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">15</div>

<p>I am seriously going to try this &#8211; I recently had some that was store-bought and it was awful! I guess I&#8217;m justgoing to have have to make it myself, using your recipe of course!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209994"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209994" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">16</div>

<p>We have fed this to everyone we know. It isdivine.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209995"><cite>Nella</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209995" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">17</div>

<p>Don&#8217;t you just love yourself when the roasted chicken comes out wonderful!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209996"><cite><a href=



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>Joy the Baker</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209996" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">18</div>

<p>ooh deb! until now, i just thought my oven was the box that i pulled cakes and cupcakes out of! do you mean to tell me, that if i put a whole, raw chicken in my oven that it&#8217;ll come out looking like this?! amazing! </p><p>and bread salad? um&#8230; YES!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209997"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209997" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">19</div>

<p>I am one of the crazy people is who obsessed

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with the chicken for two at Zuni! I get it almost every time I go there and I cannot get enough of it. My old roommate, who made recipes from the cookbook atleast twice a week, used to make the chicken but i could never bring myself to go through the trouble, especially since Zuni is within walking distance from myhouse! But this chicken is really worth the effort. And the bread salad is todie for. I am not religious but i think that I may start bowing down at the altar of Chicken for Two. Probably in my top five meals/dishes of all time. And if anyone can get to San Francisco it is worth going to Zuni and ordering it. The menu says it takes 50 minutes but it rarely takes that long.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-209999"><cite><a href=



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>Half Assed Kitchen</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-209999" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">20</div>

<p>Yum. Nigella has a good Brandied chicken too.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210000"><cite>Christine</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210000" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">21</div>

<p>I have cooked a number of birds sort of likethis: simple, with high heat a la Thomas Keller, and I&#8217;m completely sold.

I even emailed a bunch of people after I did it the first time to tell them this method would change their lives! Now I&#8217;ll try the salting and waiting,I&#8217;m sure with even better effects, although I never thought Keller&#8217;s

method could be topped. Glad I have a counterpart in NYC who will likely turninto the gal digging in the case for the wee chicken at the bottom no one else wants!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210002"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210002" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

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<div class="commentcount">22</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve been toying with the idea of making a whole roast chicken for a while now, but always feel that it&#8217;s going to be too much food for 2 people. The idea of using a smaller bird is very appealing.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210003"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210003" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">23</div>

<p>like buttah. you make me laugh. and now my stomach is roaring, too.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210009"><cite>amy</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210009" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">24</div>

<p>Ooh, I&#8217;ll have to try this one. Until then, I swear by Thomas Bouchon&#8217;s My Favorite Simple Roast Chicken recipe I

found on epicurious.com. Perfect almost every time &amp; with little effort.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210010"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210010" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">25</div>

<p>Wow, I&#8217;ll have to try this chicken. Seems like everyone that commented thinks it&#8217;s the best. I&#8217;ve seen this cookbook and everything in it looks fabulous.</p>

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210012"><cite><a href=



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>Nurit from 1 Family. Friendly. Food.</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210012" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">26</div>

<p>I made Cornish hens (for Thanksgiving! Yes, idid!) &#8211; it was the most perfect raosted bird I ever had! It takes only 1

hour to cook. Perfection! And so easy to make. Yum yum yum.</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210013"><cite>Dana</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210013" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">27</div>

<p>This recipe is a regular in our rotating listof most favorite things to make. Ever. Period. You are doing yourself a disser

vice if you don&#8217;t try this recipe. You won&#8217;t be disappointed!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210015"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210015" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">28</div>

<p>it&#8217;s a good thing I&#8217;ll be going there this weekend! ;)</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210017"><cite>Tara</cite>


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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210017" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">29</div>

<p>I&#8217;m a little skeptical. A few years ago I followed the turkey recipe in Gourmet magazine calling for fast cooking using high heat, around 450-500. The recipe testers raved about how evenly cooked and juicy it was, so I risked it for Thanksgiving. How the bird is supposed to get evenly cooked under high heat is still a mystery to me. The laws of thermodynamics still apply in the kitchen. Anyway, I ended up with dry overcooked turkey on the outside and raw turkey on the inside. (Yes, I made sure the turkey was

completely thawed.) Maybe the Zuni recipe works because it&#8217;s a smaller bird? After some major damage control we had food to eat but I&#8217;ll never try that method again.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210020"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210020" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">30</div>

<p>I love roast chicken and can get the best ones from our grocery stores here (in Australia). They also have whats called &#8220;chicken shops&#8221;, kinda like a fast food outlet for roasted chicken and french fries (called &#8220;chips&#8221;) mmmm, getting hungry now!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210023"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210023" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">31</div>

<p>The magical roast chicken! I have much love for it. I really like your spice combination in your recipe. I am anxious to tryit!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210025"><cite>Kate</cite>

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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210025" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">32</div>

<p>My favorite roast chicken in New York is PioPio, generally the one closest to home but they&#8217;re all excellent and reasonably priced. I think I would be a lot more motivated to roast chicken if they weren&#8217;t so deliciously close by.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210027"><cite>Angela</cite>


<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210027" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">33</div>

<p>Looks great! I like to butterfly my chickenbefore roasting it; it&#8217;s faster and the white and dark meat are done at the same time. I wonder how it would work following this cooking procedure?</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210032"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210032" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">34</div>

<p>Do you have a suggestion for flipping the bird (hahaha) without burning yourself? I am a total klutz and that part of the recipe kind of freaks me out.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210033"><cite>ben</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210033" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">35</div>

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<p>We make this Zuni chicken all the time. Usually without the bread salad, though, which is delicious but very rich. Yum. Everyone should make this recipe.<br />Probably your previous chicken tasted like sawdust because it was not very organic? I think the quality of the chicken is essential to its texture &#8211; I have bought roasted chicken from shops before and even Dean and Deluca&#8217;s rotisserie chicken taste very sawdusty to me.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210037"><cite><a href=



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>Amy at Minimally Invasive</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210037" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">36</div>

<p>I&#8217;m really looking forward to making this soon. The Zuni technique produced an AMAZING Thanksgiving turkey this year, actually the very first one I&#8217;ve ever liked. And flipping a chicken shouldbe a piece of cake after handling a 10-pound turkey.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210040"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210040" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">37</div>

<p>Hello! I lurk everyday, and today had to comment. This is a FABULOUS recipe, one I have used many times.Guests swoon.</p><p> I will give you one for a simple roast chicken you can have for dinner any night in a little over an hour: Preheat oven to 475. Wash, dry, stuff bird with garlic cloves/thyme/rosemary whatever suits you. Salt and pepper. Heat 2-3 T butter, 2-3T olive oil in ovenproof skillet. Brown bird on all sides (not really brown, just golden) Turn on side, place in oven 15 minutes. Take out, turn on other

side, 15 minutes.(I use 2 wooden spoons in each end to lift and turn the bird)Lower oven to 375, legs up, legs facing back of oven 30 minutes. Slice immediately. You can make &#8220;gravy&#8221; if you wish with wine, pan drippings. Depending on the herbs you use &#8211; fresh rosemary vs thyme you have wonderful variations. Enjoy!</p><p>This is a no fail chicken recipe, moist everytime. I believe I remember it from Fine Cooking several years ago, or perhaps Cooks Illustrated. It is a NO FAIL

recipe. I do not take credit!</p><p>Thanks for your blog. I check in everyday and am making one of your soups tonight!</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210041"><cite>Salena</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210041" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">38</div>

<p>This sounds delicious. I&#8217;ll have to tryit. Another good one is on Chocolate and Zucchini&#8211; &#8220;Muriel&#8217;s

chicken.&#8221; You cook it slowly in a clay pot. I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it&#8217;s super moist and good.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210042"><cite><a href=



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>SoupAddict Karen</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210042" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">39</div>

<p>The bread salad sounds divine. I wonder if dried cranberries could substitute for the currants (not so much a fan). I havea great go-to roasted chicken recipe &#8211; honestly, I think the secret is inthe size of the bird (small). The bigger the bird, the more difficult it is toget everything cooked through at the same time. I love the serving suggestion presented in the first photo. So appealing&#8230;.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210046"><cite>Lindsey</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210046" title="">D

ecember 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">40</div>

<p>Sounds great. I&#8217;m a little scared of roasting a whole chicken, I&#8217;m more of a &#8220;chicken parts&#8221; gal. </p><p>I&#8217;m a big fan of Pio Pio rotisserie chicken and I have been trying to recreate the infamous &#8220;green sauce&#8221;</p><p>any thoughts.</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210048"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210048" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">41</div>

<p>Darn it, Deb! I JUST made Ina&#8217;s roastchicken for dinner tonight &#8212; came out wonderfully, by the way &#8212; andnow I&#8217;m going to have to try the Zuni one. I&#8217;ve seen it floating around the interwebs before, and I do still find the salting step a trifle intimidating &#8212; but it seems it must be tried! And I DID just buy two new roasting pans.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210057"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210057" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">42</div>

<p>It always amazes me how simple roast chickenreally is once you break it down step by step. I haven&#8217;t made a roast chicken before, and am trying to decide between this recipe, and the &#8220;engagement&#8221; chicken.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210058"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210058" title="">December 10, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">43</div>

<p>There&#8217;s an incredible simple way to juicy chicken: Wrap the bird in two layers of cheesecloth, baste with butter and/or

olive oil. Roast, basting frequently. Dried out meat will be a thing of the past.</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210068"><cite>Susan</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210068" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">44</div>

<p>I heeded the advice of both Julia Child and Irma Rombauer..they both said to buy small chickens and start them in a hot oven.

I clean them well..scraping out the remnants of the guts that get stuck in between the ribs. I rub the outside with 2 tsp of olive oil, sprinkle with with fine herbs, lightly crush the cloves of half a bulb of garlic and throw them in the cavity. No salt..no pepper. Roast at high till it sizzles, then reduce the heat to 325 to finish. No flipping, no foil, no broth in the pan..just dry roastit. It&#8217;s moist and succulent every time. I&#8217;ve never had to spend 2-3 days turning sommersalts for good roast chicken. Speaking of salt..most meat

and poulty, just like us, have plenty of natural salt in their tissues..you shouldn&#8217;t need extra..it will make meat render juice..not keep it. So there!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210078"><cite><a href=



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>Nick Hodulik</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210078" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">45</div>

<p>I love this recipe, and I agree 100% that theoriginal version needlessly&#8211; and confusingly&#8211; reads like <em>War &a

mp; Peace</em>. Thank you so much for condensing it!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210079"><cite>Jeni</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210079" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">46</div>

<p>Two words mean perfect chicken: meat thermometer.</p><p>Well, not really. ;) I completely ignore the USDA, who says that a whole chicken must register 180&deg;F at the thigh, and instead cook then chicken breast side down until the temperature reaches 145&deg; or so, then flip it over and wait until it gets to 160&deg;. The carryover from the oven brings it to around 165

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&deg;, which is high enough for me &mdash; and the chicken is always perfect, never over- or undercooked.</p><p>I also admit I shove the better part of a stick of butter underneath the skin

and in the cavity with my aromatics (rosemary, both under skin and in the cavity, and lemon and onion in the cavity). Most of it melts and runs off during cooking, but it imparts a lovely flavor throughout the meat. I let the butter re-solidify in the the fridge and use it when dealing with the best part of roasting a

chicken &mdash; LEFTOVERS. It makes a lovely flavored pie crust for chicken potpie or heavenly Southern style dumplings. Waste not, want not!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210085"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210085" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">47</div>

<p>I&#8217;m looking forward to giving this a try!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210114"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210114" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">48</div>

<p>Dang it. Now I am hungry&#8230;again!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210130"><cite>Sunshine</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210130" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">49</div>

<p>Jeni &#8211; what a GREAT suggestion with regards to re-solidifying the butter and using it in a crust. I NEVER would have thought about that. Awesome.</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210146"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210146" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">50</div>

<p>This looks great! I’ll definitely try both recipes, probably this Sunday.</p><p>BTW, another simple way to make moist roast chicken is to use a Römertopf or similar type of clay cooker. I usually put the seasoned bird on a bed of chopped onions and tuck some other root vegetables around it. Adding a little wine or chi

cken broth to the pot before cooking adds even more moisture and flavor. Cook at450°F for 90 minutes (start with a cold oven or you’ll break your pot). For crisp skin, remove the veggies and juices after cooking, return the chicken to the potand stick it back in the oven for another 15 minutes with the lid off. (Or justtake the skin off before serving and give it to your dog.)</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210149"><cite><a href=



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>My First Kitchen</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210149" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">51</div>

<p>Fabulous. I appreciate anything that keeps mefrom eating sawdust.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210156"><cite>K</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210156" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">52</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve never commented on your blog before, but I love your site. So many good ideas and recipes.</p><p>So I have a question. This chicken sounds amazing, but is there any way at all I can use a 4.5 pound chicken for this? I have one in the freezer, and I really want to make this for Christmas but I&#8217;d rather not ruin the recipe. Thou

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210164"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210164" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">53</div>

<p>Yes, Thank You for condensing the recipe! I&#8217;ve been hearing about this forever and really want to try this &#8212; I&#8217;ve never roasted a chicken before. I roasted my first turkey 2 years ago &

#8212; followed a co-worker&#8217;s advice to slip bacon underneath the skin androast the bird upside down. It worked! The most moist, flavorful bird I&#8217;ve had to date&#8230;maybe not the prettiest, but who cares!<br />I&#8217;m off to try this chicken asap.</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-210178"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210178" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">54</div>

<p>Hi K &#8212; The idea of the recipe is to use a small chicken. While I am sure it will not be a disaster if you use a big one, it will likely not be as moist and evenly bronzed at that high temperature. That said, I am sure that the other two parts of the technique &#8212; high tempand salting a couple days in advance &#8212; could improve any-sized bird. But,the real deliciousness is in the tiny ones.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210193"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210193" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">55</div>

<p>this is by far the best chicken in town. It&#

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8217;s delicious and moist. And, everyone has a satisfied smile on their faces after eating the chicken at Zuni.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210203"><cite>don</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210203" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">56</div>

<p>Once &#8211; a long time ago &#8211; my fellow boy scouts and myself did a chicken over a fire. The only available seasoningwas spearmint and peppermint (picked fresh). We stuffed the cfavity liberally wi

th this and roasted in a large metal pail as an oven. Your use of herbs here reminded me of that and I think I&#8217;ll try it. Thanks for the recipe/reminder.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210219"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210219" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">57</div>

<p>Stunning pictures! I&#8217;m looking forwardto trying this recipe now that the temps have officially dropped :)</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210249"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210249" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">58</div>

<p>huh-ma-na<br />huh-ma-na</p><p>that LOOks amazing!</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210257"><cite>Laura</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210257" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">59</div>

<p>I love this recipe (and the whole Zuni Cafe Cookbook, for that matter)!!!!<br />Thanks for posting and spreading the word:)</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210260"><cite>Ang</cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210260" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">60</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve always pretty disappointed in ZuniCafe, considering its notoriety, but the chicken is pretty great. Just make sur

e you don&#8217;t go hungry, because you&#8217;ll be waiting for an hour if youorder the bird.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210261"><cite>mixette</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210261" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">61</div>

<p>For years my go-to roast chicken has been Marcella Hazan&#8217;s Chicken With 2 Lemons. But this one is going to get a try immediately &#8211; I&#8217;ve been itching to try the salting method since everyone wrote about it around Thanksgiving.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210266"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210266" title="">D

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ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">62</div>

<p>You have beautiful pictures. Would you mind sharing what camera you use?</p><p>~ JK</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-210271"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210271" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">63</div>

<p>Thank you. We use a Canon D40 these days. We&#8217;ve got all of our photo equipment and more information about how we approach photos in <a href="http://smittenkitchen.com/2007/11/our-approach-to-food-photos/" rel="nofollow">this post</a>.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210274"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210274" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">64</div>

<p>Dude, I think maybe I love your blog so muchthat it&#8217;s gotten to the point that I want to cook what you&#8217;re cooking BEFORE you even post it! I literally was JUST THINKING that I want to try a roasted chicken, but I didn&#8217;t even want to start the process before coming here to see if you&#8217;d written about it before . . . and there you are, on the very day I was coming her to look it up! You&#8217;re my hero! Thank you! We&#8217;re definitely having this for dinner one night next week.</p><p>BTW, I believe we might be neighbors IRL (UWS?) . . .</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210301"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210301" title="">D

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ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">65</div>

<p>I was at Zuni this summer and everyone aroundme was eating this. It smelled divine. My fish was fine, but it was no roast ch


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210304"><cite><a href=



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>Anjuli Ayer</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210304" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">66</div>

<p>Roasting the chicken. A technique that is soocontroversial. After reading this, I have to give a nod to Julia Child&#8217;s

chicken roasting on chicken &#8211; <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ohiUbQyDhk" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ohiUbQyDhk</a></p><p>Of course you will probably never prepare chicken this way, but it is excellent fun to watch and learn about the different chicken sizes/ages and their uses.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210305"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210305" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">67</div>

<p>This looks yummy :) Definitely an impressivedish&#8230;</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210346"><cite>Susan N</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210346" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">68</div>

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<p>Is it a roast chicken or a roasted chicken? Roasted sounds more grammatically correct!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210377"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210377" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">69</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve made roast chicken a few times, an

d it&#8217;s never knocked my socks off. I keep making it just because it&#8217;s fun, plus I love using the leftovers in chicken salad. I&#8217;m looking forward to trying this recipe to see if it&#8217;s worth making just for the chicken!</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-210380"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210380" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">70</div>

<p>Susan &#8212; Roast<i>ed</i> chicken. Actually meant to change that and totally forgot. I am extra-flaky this week.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210387"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210387" title="">December 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">71</div>

<p>I&#8217;m totally making this on Sunday&#8230;i had already planned on roast chicken but hadn&#8217;t decided on the seasonings. My tummy&#8217;s rumbling already!</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210394"><cite>Alexis</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210394" title="">D

ecember 11, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">72</div>

<p>This was delicious, Debbie! The pictures aremaking me relive it!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210465"><cite><a href=



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>Audax Artifex</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210465" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">73</div>

<p>I think the technique is similarto when you place a chicken or turkey into a brine (salt-water) mixtue for a day before you roast it. This is certainly one I will try soon for Xmas.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210601"><cite>Ana</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210601" title="">D

ecember 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">74</div>

<p>Hi Deb! I looooove your blog! Im getting married soon and Im taking notes of all your delicious recipes so I can feed us very

well! In fact, Im collecting all of my favorite recipes (from the web, cookbooks, friends, etc.) in a little book which I am making on tastebook.com. Its a personal book, Im only making one copy for myself and my new home, and I was wondering if I could use some of your photos for the recipes. I think theyre the reason I get so inspired when I visit your blog! Would that be ok? Please let me know! Thanks a million! God bless you!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210617">

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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210617" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">75</div>

<p>I&#8217;m with Audax &#8212; I always brine chickens (just a couple hours) and dry them thoroughly before roasting. Have never had a dry chicken. The salt in the brine doesn&#8217;t render the poultry salty; rather, it changes the structure of the proteins to permit more moisture to

be retained. As my go-to, Cooks Illustrated says:<br />&#8220;Table salt is made up of two ions, sodium and chloride, that are oppositely charged. Proteins, such as those in meat, are large molecules that contain amosaic of charges, negative and positive. When proteins are placed in a solution

containing salt, they readjust their shape to accommodate the opposing charges.This rearrangement of the protein molecules compromises the structural integrit

y of the meat, reducing its overall toughness. It also creates gaps that fill up

with water. The added salt makes the water less likely to evaporate during cooking, and the result is meat that is both juicy and tender.&#8221;</p><p>Also per Cooks, I recommend turning the bird using wads of paper towel to protect your hands. Hold one wad in each hand, and grab the bird by the neck &amp;

tail ends to flip. Works every time!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210626"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210626" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">76</div>

<p>that chicken looks so good i cant wait to tryto make it sometime!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210673"><cite><a href=



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>A Mouse Bouche</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210673" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">77</div>

<p>I love roasted chicken, as a rule. And this looks like something I could eat every day for the rest of my life. thank you for

the recipe and the mouthwatering pics!</p></li>

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210689"><cite>Wineywhites</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210689" title="">D

ecember 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">78</div>

<p>This chicken looks delicious, but the link tolast year&#8217;s chicken and dumplings made me laugh out loud. I love your rec

ipes and your style! Keep posting. I&#8217;m an addict to the blog. :)</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210704"><cite><a href=



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>Get Togetha</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210704" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">79</div>

<p>The food photography on this site is sick&#8230;sick I tell ya!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210705"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210705" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">80</div>

<p>I must have made this chicken 75 times (and Ilive 3 blocks from Zuni shhhh) and I&#8217;ve never been dissapointed! Best eve


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210708"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210708" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">81</div>

<p>I really have to try this chicken. I&#8217;malways disappointed with many recipes. Thanks for sharing.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210736"><cite><a href=



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>Stacey Snacks</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210736" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">82</div>

<p>this is the ONLY thing I make from Zuni Cafecookbook.<br />It is everyone&#8217;s favorite recipe of all time!<br />But the rest of the book is a waste for me!<br />Stacey SNacks</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210743"><cite><a href=



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>Stacey Snacks</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210743" title="">December 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">83</div>

<p>PS<br />I have been making INa Garten&#8217;s roasted chicken every Friday night forever.<br />It is never dry and always perfect.</p><p>Start w/ GOOD chicken. Empire Kosher or Bell &amp; Evans. you know!<br />425 oven. Stuff bird w/ lemon and herbs (rosemary and thyme).<br />Kosher salt and olive oil on the skin. Place on a bed of 2 chopped onions.<br />Roast for 75 minutes. Never fails!<br />Stacey Snacks</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210747"><cite>Tonia</cite>

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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210747" title="">D

ecember 12, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">84</div>

<p>Several years ago Cooks Illustrated did an article on brining your turkey, then taking the back-bone out (yes it&#8217;s a job and some swearing is involved!) flattening the turkey, letting it air-dry forabout 1 hour, then cooking at high temp (475F). I usually do about a 10 lb turkey and it usually takes about 2 hours (give or take 30 minutes). Always reallymoist and flavorfull and better than waiting hours for a dry, icky turkey. I do

the same thing with chicken (less time, naturally). I swear by brining!!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210853"><cite>Julia</cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210853" title="">December 13, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">85</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve always wanted to try this &#8211;you&#8217;ve convinced me to. You should be proud, it looks so golden and gorgeous.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210915"><cite>Anna</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210915" title="">D

ecember 13, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">86</div>

<p>Back on the &#8220;what are you afraid to cook&#8221; post, I was one of the people who listed &#8220;a whole chicken&#8221;at the top of my list. Of course, as soon as I listed it, I realized that it couldn&#8217;t stay there for long, so I pulled out my roasting pan and started looking for recipes I could trust. I finally tried Ina Garten&#8217;s recipe (mostly after you raved about her recipes in numerous posts) and it was amazing! Very flavorful, moist &#8212; and easy. I will definitely try this recipe next!Thanks for being the push I needed to tackle the top of my list!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-210982"><cite>lindsey</cite>

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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-210982" title="">D

ecember 14, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">87</div>

<p>&#8230;it was about a week ago and I was &#8220;perusing&#8221; my favorite recipe sites searching for the best ways to roast

a chicken. on behalf of myself a week ago, I thank you. and on behalf of myself in a few days from now&#8230; yum.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211194"><cite>Aimee.</cite>


<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211194" title="">December 14, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">88</div>

<p>Though I&#8217;ve not read all the comments before me &#8212; this sounds just like a salad Orangette had concocted that I made. SO delicious! <a href="http://orangette.blogspot.com/2006/09/late-september-sung-in-key-of-salad.html" rel="nofollow">http://orangette.blogspot.com/2006/09/late-september-sung-in-key-of-salad.html</a> I see now that it&#8217;s indeed

from the Zuni book. I can&#8217;t wait to make it as you have here. Presentation is stunning! Love it.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211264"><cite><a href=



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>Abby @ mangerlaville</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211264" title="">December 14, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">89</div>

<p>This is my favorite chicken. I go to Zuni&#8217;s just for this chicken. Her book is incredible, I love the detail, incredibly educational. I never attempted this recipe due to the simple fact that their&#8217;s will always be better, due to their awesome wood burning oven. But seeing

the picture of your bird, I have new hope. I think I want to serve this for Chanukah dinner.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211435"><cite>Christina</cite>

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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211435" title="">D

ecember 14, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">90</div>

<p>I made this a couple of days ago and it was delicious! I will never go back. This is my new standard for roasted chicken.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211439"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211439" title="">D

ecember 14, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">91</div>

<p>Did anyone else make a complete mess of theirkitchen making this? There is chicken fat all over my oven now, and the fat ke

pt popping up against the heating coils and making smoke that was burning my eyes. The chicken was delicious, exactly as described, but not worth it. I had to

eat the chicken with my eyes all irritated from the fat and smoke combo. Now Idread going into the kitchen to do clean up.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211500"><cite>mckeenan</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211500" title="">D

ecember 15, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">92</div>

<p>just made this roast chicken last night andit was the BEST ever!!!<br />mck</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211515"><cite>Audrey from Oregon</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211515" title="">D

ecember 15, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">93</div>

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<p>My chicken is brining itself as we speak andwill be cooked tonight. Can&#8217;t wait.<br />To those who say this is comparable to wet brining, (which I&#8217;ve long beena fan of), I read on another blog that the difference is the dry salt rub will extract the chicken juices and allow it to brine in it&#8217;s own liquid&#8230;.makes sense to me.</p><p>I tried another Zuni recipe last night that I highly recommend&#8230;.the Mock Porchetta. Very inexpensive cut of pork and it comes out delish!</p><p>After trying these two recipes, I&#8217;m gonna buy the book, even though the

last thing I need is another cookbook!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211602"><cite><a href=



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>Mimi Pond</a></cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211602" title="">December 15, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">94</div>

<p>Yeah, everyone can chime in all they want with their fave roast chickens, but this is just a great recipe. The entire familyagreed, hands-down awesomeness! Natch I had to monkey a wee bit myself. Currants? I&#8217;ve got raisins. Raisins? Where&#8217;d they go? I did find the dried cranberries, (Deb, don&#8217;t flinch) and dried apricots, and substituted. The family dug the little sweet nuggets interspersed. I used a bag of Trader Joe spring salad mix. I love me my arugula, but it&#8217;s a harder sell with the family. Even my pine nut-hating daughter loved the whole package!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211677"><cite>Rachael</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211677" title="">D

ecember 16, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">95</div>

<p>This was absolutely delicious. I set the smoke detector off 6 times but it was delicious!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211955"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211955" title="">D

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ecember 16, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">96</div>

<p>I use this &#8220;dry brining&#8221; recipe for every kind of meat now&#8211; pork, chicken, beef, lamb. A few hours&#8217; or an overnight rub with salt and a little dried rosemary from Penzey&#8217;s? Yeah, magic. Everyone thinks I&#8217;m fabulous, but I&#8217;m just a Judy Rodgers devotee.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-211972"><cite>Sofia</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-211972" title="">D

ecember 16, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">97</div>

<p>I just made this chicken! Turned out amazing!!! but filled my house with smoke&#8230;a lot of smoke. Is there any way to avoid the smoking? I turned down the oven to 450 like Judy suggests and I didn&#8217;t see any chicken burning&#8230;not sure where the smoke was coming from.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-212010"><cite>SadCajn</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212010" title="">D

ecember 16, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">98</div>

<p>Long-time lurker, first-time commenter. Usually everything here turns out amazingly good&#8230; but not the chicken. I dutifully toweled and salted and herbed and refrigerated my chicken, and then followed

the cooking times exactly. However, I suppose my chicken was too big, because when I took it out of the oven and cut the first drumstick off, I was left holding a bloody nub. My chicken did not cook all the way through. After four minutesin the microwave, it was edible, but STILL. Frustrating.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-212023"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212023" title="">December 16, 2008</a>

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<div class="commentcount">99</div>

<p>Thank you thank you thank you! Like Anna said above, making a whole roast chicken (or anything really) was also one of my big kitchen fears. This turned out amazing and my husband is already begging me to make it weekly. I also used a large cast iron skillet, but for some reason didn&#8217;t end up with any good drippings, still not sure why though. The bread

salad was also fabulous. This is definitely a great roasted chicken to make myJewish mom and grandmothers proud :)</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-212758"><cite><a href=



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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212758" title="">December 18, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">100</div>

<p>that looks just amazing &#8211; to die for really. and who said salads were boring?? x</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-212768"><cite>MERYL</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212768" title="">D

ecember 18, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">101</div>

<p>i&#8217;m new to cooking -</p><p>what are we doing with the chicken drippings after heating them up?<br />are we pouring it over the chicken?</p><p>made the chicken yesterday-yum<br />(big mess in oven and set off smoke detector but it was worth it)</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-212778"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212778" title="">December 18, 2008</a>

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<div class="commentcount">102</div>

<p>You can use them to drizzle over the bread salad, or save them for leftovers (they note they&#8217;d be great with egg noodles or even stirred into a leftover roast chicken salad. I think Orangette has that recipe <a href="http://orangette.blogspot.com/2006/09/late-september-sung-in-key-of-salad.html" rel="nofollow">over here</a>.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-212808"><cite><a href=






>Friday Night Pizza</a></cite>&nbsp;

<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212808" title="">December 18, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">103</div>

<p>I&#8217;m having company for dinner this weekend and stopped here first in my search for a roasted chicken recipe. I need not

look further. One concern: does the small bird comfortably feed four? If not, can I do two birds in one oven?</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-212836"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212836" title="">December 18, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">104</div>

<p>It probably depends more on how big eaters your guests are, and how many sides. We did feed four with it (I also steamed some

haricot vert) but there was not a speck last, something always a little disconcerting when you&#8217;re hosting.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-212996"><cite>Amalia</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-212996" title="">D

ecember 19, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">105</div>

<p>My husband is a long time hater of roast chic

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ken. I rarely made it before, since every time I suggested it he would cringe and I wasn&#8217;t that big of a fan of it to make him sit through a meal of sort

of dry mildly flavorful chicken (I really only liked it because leftovers madeexcellent sandwiches and salads).<br />Until now! I tried this recipe last Friday night and we are both in love! He could not get enough of this recipe, I seriously think he ate half of the chicken. This will quite possibly become what we eat every Friday night from now on!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-214236"><cite>Lindsey</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-214236" title="">D

ecember 22, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">106</div>

<p>I made this the other night and it was amazing! It was my first time making roasted chicken, and honestly the hardest part was finding a bird small enough. My husband and I ate half for dinner, but as Iwas putting away the leftovers I couldn&#8217;t stop sneaking bites! So flavorful and delicious!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-214644"><cite>Alina</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-214644" title="">D

ecember 23, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">107</div>

<p>Deb, Firstly, I&#8217;m a BIG fan &#8211; yougive hope to (and raise the bar for) everyone with a small kitchen. Thomas Kell

er&#8217;s chicken has been my go-to recipe for the last year, in fact my husband won&#8217;t let me try any other&#8230; there are two little birds in the fridge, waiting to be roasted for tomorrow, and I think I might sneak home to salt them this afternoon, and cook them per your instructions instead!<br />Thanks again for all the great recipes, fantastic writing and fabulous pictures,

Happy Holidays from Singapore!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-214650"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-214650" title="">December 23, 2008</a>

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<div class="commentcount">108</div>

<p>Made this chicken tonight and served it simply with oven-roasted potatoes and buttered green peas. It was deliciously moist with perfect skin, but I think I would love something a little more aromatic to flavor it. I usually stuff my bird with onion, lemon, garlic, and any available herb and I was definitely missing those flavors. BUT, I really, really liked therecipe and understand why it&#8217;s so popular. Thank you for sharing this simplified version.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-215924"><cite><a href=



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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-215924" title="">December 26, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">109</div>

<p>made this for xmas lunch yesterday, loved it.Ta from Glasgow.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-216101"><cite>Helen</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-216101" title="">D

ecember 26, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">110</div>

<p>I made this last night for my BF and best friend and they LOVED it. I had to change the recipe a tad because I was missing a

few minor things; but it was fantastic. Your pictures inspire me!!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-217148"><cite>Christine</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-217148" title="">D

ecember 28, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">111</div>

<p>I accidentally bought a big chicken before I

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read the recipe more closely &#8211; about 5lb. Also, we ended up with a big storm in Portland, so I couldn&#8217;t get out to get fresh herbs &#8211; I used dried rubbed sage, which turned out surprisingly well, and we followed the instructions through the roasting stage. We just lowered the heat at the end to 350 and

cooked another 15 minutes or so, testing with a meat thermometer until it reached the right temp. Fantastic recipe, and I was so glad it came out so well evenwith a bigger chicken. We were about to give up on homemade chicken before we found this recipe &#8211; flavorful, moist, fantastic. Thanks. Can&#8217;t wait to

try with a smaller chicken and fresh herbs.</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-218512"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-218512" title="">D

ecember 30, 2008</a>

<div class="commentcount">112</div>

<p>Years ago I had this at Zuni cafe. A memorable meal. And was so excited to actually try it at home once. I had forgotten about it, though. Thanks for the reminder. Cannot wait to try it again.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-219682"><cite>soomin</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-219682" title="">J

anuary 3, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">113</div>

<p>would it be ok to use a glass casserole dishor does the pan need to be metal? I want to try this tonight but only have a glass dish&#8230;can I heat it on the stove then put it in the oven?</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-219756"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-219756" title="">January 3, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">114</div>

<p>I do think you could probably roast the bird

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in the glass, but I would not put glass on the stove &#8212; as far as I understand, it is not safe for direct heat cooking. Do you have a cast-iron frying pan(what I used) or any kind of 10 to 12-inch frying/saute pan? That&#8217;s your best bet for going from the stove to oven.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-219907"><cite>emilym</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-219907" title="">J

anuary 3, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">115</div>

<p>Dear Deb! thanks for the great recipe, I made

it for NYE and it was wonderful. Shopping late lead me to a too big chicken, soI halved it and soldiered on&#8230;&#8230; Worked great! I just pretended thatit was a whole chicken. This will be my go to chicken meal.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-220341"><cite>Gary</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-220341" title="">J

anuary 5, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">116</div>

<p>Great blog.</p><p>As one earlier poster asked, but I didn’t see a response, should I use the salting step if using a kosher chicken which is already salted during the kosheringprocess? Thanks.</p>


<li class="commentbody highlighted" id="comment-220359"><cite><a href=







<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-220359" title="">January 5, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">117</div>

<p>Hi Gary &#8212; There was no response becauseI haven&#8217;t tried this recipe with a Kosher chicken. But I&#8217;d love to

hear back from anyone who has tried it, as I think it will be helpful to futurecommenters. My hunch: Probably go ahead and salt it anyway. The salting processfor Koshering is different I think (I&#8217;m not expert)&#8211; this salting is

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for flavor and moisture, and the salt stays on until the end. Good luck!</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-221993"><cite>jeanology</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-221993" title="">J

anuary 8, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">118</div>

<p>Just finished eating my perfectly roasted chicken. Instead of preheating my dish on the stove I preheated it in the oven, which worked just fine. My chicken was larger than the size you recommended, but it

still turned out very well. Thank you, Deb, for a really easy and delicious rec

ipe.</p> </li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-227575"><cite>Gina</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-227575" title="">J

anuary 19, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">119</div>

<p>I read about Zuni Cafe Roasted Chicken with Bread Salad years ago, prior to going to the restaurant. After having a fabulousmeal, I had to have to recipe. I bought the book and have made it several times.

I must say, my favorite part is eating the bread salad. I made it for a birthday dinner last night and 3 of 3 children even asked for seconds! There was nothing left and I had tripled the recipes and served them to ten people!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-228937"><cite>Sarah</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-228937" title="">J

anuary 21, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">120</div>

<p>Oh, my. Long time listener, first time caller, Deb. This chicken was impressive enough that it was hard to be remotely demure or modest aboutd my success. That is, I entirely failed to be anything but impressed with myself.</p><p>The chicken was delicious, tender, juicy, exceptional, and memorable. I made

the bread salad a bit crispy &#8217;cause I like it like that, but the general

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seasoning concept you provided turned out to be a wonderful complement to the chicken. I tossed my bread salad with baby bok choy tips &#8217;cause I love &#8216;em, and they were wonderful.</p><p>Thank you, thank you!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-233727"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-233727" title="">January 31, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">121</div>

<p>my chicken is sitting in the fridge as we speak. i am hoping it turns out, though I just realized it is a little bigger. thanks for all the wonderful recipes and inspiration to feed my family better.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-234684"><cite>Sarah Gannholm</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-234684" title="">F

ebruary 2, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">122</div>

<p>I absolutely love this recipe/method &#8211;although I must say the Marcella Hazan Roast Bird with 2 Lemons is a little less

labor intensive and is pretty exceptional.</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-243267"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-243267" title="">February 17, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">123</div>

<p>I tried it and the meat was really really tender &#8211; however, the the skin wasn&#8217;t nearly as crisp as I&#8217;d liked it to be. Maybe it&#8217;s my oven *sigh*</p><p>But I will try again in the near future.</p><p>I added some dried, ground peppers and thyme to the salt-and-pepper seasoning

on the outside of the skin, smelled really good! =)</p>

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-246972"><cite>JenS</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-246972" title="">F

ebruary 24, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">124</div>

<p>This was so amazing! I used balsamic vinegarinstead of Champagne vinegar because it was all I had, and it was so, so, so yummy. I also left out the pine nuts and currants due to my currently limited means, so the dish was quite economical. I absolutely loved it and so did my parents

and the hubby. We will have this many more times!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-247126"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-247126" title="">February 24, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">125</div>

<p>i ended up making 2 roast chickens &#8211; one with this recipe and one with a same day preparation recipe (standard rubdownwith oil, stuff with veggies, etc). the one i used for this preparation happened to be the larger one (4 1/2-5 lbs) and it still turned out amazingly. it was

incredibly moist and the crispy skin really did it for me, and made it far superior to the other chicken that i bought and made the same day.</p><p>don&#8217;t you just love side by side comparisons?</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-253220"><cite>Katie in China</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-253220" title="">M

arch 10, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">126</div>

<p>I have made this roast chicken three times inmy tiny little glorified toaster oven. Wow!! Juicy meat, crisp skin, fabulous

. The first time, I amused myself during the cooking time thinking about what Icould make with the leftovers, but we picked the entire bird clean at dinner.

The next time, I knew better! The carcass made delicious chicken stock.</p>

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-260846"><cite>Betsy</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-260846" title="">M

arch 27, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">127</div>

<p>Made this tonight, after obsessing over the recipe all day at work. I wanted to make it tonight, but hadn&#8217;t pre-salted, and I couldn&#8217;t decide if the recipe/technique would work at all. I took

my chances, salted it and only let it sit for about an hour before popping in the pre-heated pan. It was really, really good! I&#8217;m not a roasted chicken

connoisseur, by any means, and I&#8217;m sure it would be even better with thetwo-day-plus salting time, but if any other roasted-chicken newbies are interested in making this at the last minute &#8212; I say go for it!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-284273"><cite>Jaime</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-284273" title="">M

ay 13, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">128</div>

<p>This is a winner, but I have to say my favorite whole-roasted-chicken is still the high roast butterflied chicken from CooksIllustrated. You do cut the backbone out to butterfly it, so maybe it&#8217;s not quite in the same category, but it&#8217;s roasted on a broiling pan with thinly sliced potatoes layered in the bottom of the pan, so all of the drippings carmelize to form deliciously crispy potato sidedish!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-284558"><cite>Andrea</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-284558" title="">M

ay 14, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">129</div>

<p>I made this the other night (it really was delicious) and was left with a ton of chicken. I usually stay away from chicken salad (I have a sort of mayonnaise phobia) but quickly grew tired of picking at the leftovers. I ended up improvising a great chicken salad that uses plain yogur

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t instead of mayonnaise!<br />It includes:<br />cold chopped chicken, plain yogurt, dijon mustard, roasted red pepper spread, raw zucchini, onion, parsley and salt and pepper&#8230;delicious!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-293155"><cite>Mark Rock</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-293155" title="">J

une 9, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">130</div>

<p>Absolutely amazing&#8230; The best thing to

ever come out of my oven.. Great taste and easy to prepare with the straight-forward instructons. A tremendous find.</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-294762"><cite>Nov</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-294762" title="">J

une 14, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">131</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve made this chicken twice now and ILOVE it! However, one issue always makes me hesitant to make it again; both times I&#8217;ve made this I set off my fire alarm. The chicken is never burnt, butas soon as I open the over door a lot of smoke comes out and my annoying fire alarm goes off&#8211;causing my husband and I to run around in a panic trying to get them to stop so the neighbors don&#8217;t complain.<br />I think it might be because the chicken juices are splattering in the oven. I tried covering the chicken with aluminum foil once but the skin didn&#8217;t crisp

up (and that&#8217;s the best part!).<br />Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do? Right now I&#8217;m debating pullingthe batteries out of all the fire alarms so I can make this again.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-298841"><cite>Becky Nelson</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-298841" title="">J

une 29, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">132</div>

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<p>I have an adaption of the Judy Rogers versionfrom Zuni Cafe. The rub is simply sugar, salt and five-spice powder. Where myconcern is the recipe says to &#8220;dry the skin by leaving in refrigerator, u

ncovered, for 48 hours.&#8221; Any thoughts? My 48 hours just started 1 hour ago.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-301544"><cite>britta</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-301544" title="">J

uly 6, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">133</div>

<p>Nov &#8211; I&#8217;ve had the exact same problem twice using a cast iron skillet to make the chicken. It sets off the firealarm and there is a lot of smoke. I&#8217;m planning on making it again this week so we&#8217;ll see. It&#8217;s just too good to give up.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-305973"><cite>Sopheavy</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-305973" title="">J

uly 17, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">134</div>

<p>I made this not so long ago and I love it!!!!However, I&#8217;ve also had the same problem as some other people about it set

ting off the fire alarm. For some reason the juices or grease from the chicken splatters all over the inside of the oven causing it to smoke. As soon as I openthe oven, the house is filled with smoke and my oven is a mess. I am going to attempt it again. This time I&#8217;m going to try to make the bread salad also since I didn&#8217;t last time. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-319087"><cite>jackie</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-319087" title="">S

eptember 18, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">135</div>

<p>the recipe for zuni cafe chicken has an error. the recipe is supposed to say approx. 3/4 tsp of (kosher) salt per lb of chick

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en. not 3/4 tsp total.</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-322863"><cite>Sarah</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-322863" title="">S

eptember 27, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">136</div>

<p>I am a convert. This is the best roasted chicken I&#8217;ve ever eaten, and it came from my own oven! I had the same problems

with smoke that others had and may also try using something other than cast iron next time. I used a local, organic, free range chicken from my farmer&#8217;s

market, but I&#8217;m eager to try a chicken from the grocery store to see the difference! Esp. since I won&#8217;t be able to buy the farmer&#8217;s market chicken in winter. Making stock tomorrow! Thanks for the beautiful blog, Deb, and congrats on your new son!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-325556"><cite>Bimbels</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-325556" title="">O

ctober 16, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">137</div>

<p>This really IS the best roasted chicken I&#8217;ve ever made. I made it for the second time tonight &#8211; the first time,my bird was not small enough (around 4lbs) and I didn&#8217;t dry it thoroughlyenough. I think these two things really are the key. Before the bird stuck tothe pan when I flipped it and the meat wasn&#8217;t dry, but wasn&#8217;t juicyeither. Just ok. </p><p>This time I had a small bird (3 1/2 lbs) and I was sure to dry it. It did not stick, as it did the first time, and the color came out perfect. Following the advice of another poster, I used wads of paper towels to flip the bird and itworked perfectly. The meat seriously WAS like butter!! I was amazed.</p><p>I also made the bread salad. The only modification I made was instead of using the chicken stock or salted water, I used the drippings on the salad &#8211;

I just couldn&#8217;t resist. My bird didn&#8217;t render hardly and fat, I merely added a couple of tablespoons of water to deglaze the pan and then pouredthat over the salad. It was delicious.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-326639"><cite>Nancy</cite>


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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-326639" title="">October 22, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">138</div>

<p>I&#8217;m a bit paranoid and very inexperienced, but if you&#8217;ve got a sec, can you confirm that I am reading it right that a fresh chicken is left seasoned in the fridge for 2-3 days? I&#8217;ve just

followed the recipe and currently have a chicken seasoning in the fridge waiting for Friday. However, in my brain is lodged a rule, acquired who knows where, limiting leaving poultry in the fridge to 24 hours (and googling this sort of thing only adds to paranoia). Have you read Larry&#8217;s Party by Carol Shields?

Where Larry&#8217;s mom unwittingly kills her mother-in-law with badly preserved green beans? That haunts me. Here&#8217;s to a dinner party that ends with all parties hearty!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-329986"><cite>Tim</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-329986" title="">N

ovember 4, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">139</div>

<p>BEST chicken ever.</p></li>

<li class="commentbody" id="comment-330290"><cite>Bimbels</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-330290" title="">N

ovember 6, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">140</div>

<p>I made this chicken once before and it was absolutely amazing. DH and I just kept staring at each other, mouths full and chewing, in disbelief of how good it was. However, I used a kosher chicken and because of that, didn&#8217;t salt it until the morning of. I am trying it for a second time but couldn&#8217;t get kosher, so I brined them (3.25lb birds) and then seasoned/salted them &#8211; all in a 36 hr period so I&#8221;m not sure it will be as good. I&#8217;m trying two birds at once, for company, and am praying

it will be as good, since they&#8217;ve heard me go on and on about this recipefor weeks! One thing I can say &#8211; be SURE you get the bird good and dry &

#8211; because it will stick. I&#8217;m not sure if I read the recipe correctlybut it appears she says to preheat the pan on the stove top, but I just did it

in the oven. The bird has to be dry and the pan good and hot or it will stick.</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-339265"><cite>Michelle</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-339265" title="">D

ecember 28, 2009</a>

<div class="commentcount">141</div>

<p>Ok so this chicken looks amazing and I reallywant to make 2 for new years eve but was wondering if anyone had any tips for r

oasting a chicken in high altitude? We&#8217;ll be heading up to the mountains from Denver and while I&#8217;m more or less adjusted to cooking in Denver I have

no clue about higher altitude. Any help would be greatly appreciated! </p><p>Can&#8217;t wait to try this recipe :)</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-340730"><cite>Dancer who eats</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-340730" title="">J

anuary 5, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">142</div>

<p>I FINALLY made this. One little portion of skin stuck but everything else was great! I was still a little disappointed since

it doesn&#8217;t live up to Pollo a la Brasa. Guess I will need to learn how to make that, too.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-340971"><cite>Allison</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-340971" title="">J

anuary 6, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">143</div>

<p>We made this last night and it was AMAZING. Cooked to 165 (verified by a meat thermometer), so it was moist and delicious with a crisp skin. Easily the best roasted chicken I&#8217;ve had.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-342380"><cite>Nuala</cite>

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&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-342380" title="">J

anuary 13, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">144</div>

<p>I&#8217;m planning on making this for 8 thisweekend (I&#8217;ll do two chickens with the bread salad). Any suggestions on additional side dishes that might go well with this?</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-344789"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-344789" title="">January 25, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">145</div>

<p>DO NOT USE A CERAMIC PAN to put on the stove.<br />I know this probably sounds really obvious but I didn&#8217;t think. It says &#8220;roasting dish&#8221; in the recipe,&#8221; and I put it on the stove and when I put the chicken in it sizzled, as promised, and then cracked in half.<br />I ruined my friend&#8217;s symbolic ceramic dish. Sad!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-351474"><cite>Lacy Cooper</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-351474" title="">F

ebruary 23, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">146</div>

<p>AMAZA-BALLS! I had a 5 pound chicken and just did the max times she gives for each step and AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! Though

did smoke out my house&#8230;.I just took rustic bread and slathered it in thechicken fat sauce and it was also really really good!! THANK YOU!!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-353322"><cite>hippittee</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-353322" title="">M

arch 2, 2010</a>

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<div class="commentcount">147</div>

<p>I recently discovered this recipe &#8212; andholy cow, it&#8217;s become my go to for roasting chicken. Though I would say i

t&#8217;s more to do with the technique of roasting (drying the bird, searing (my word, not yours) on the stove top than the seasoning blend! I also tried it bone-in/skin on chicken breasts with terrific success. </p><p>Thank you so much for sharing your passion &#8212; it has really made a significant contribution to my menu planning.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-356728"><cite>poulet roti</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-356728" title="">M

arch 14, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">148</div>

<p>I&#8217;ve made this recipe dozens of times&#8230;.here&#8217;s what I&#8217;ve found:<br />If you freeze the bird, defrost using the bowl/water method &#8211; not defrosting in the fridge. I&#8217;ve done it 3 times that way (in the fridge), and each

time the bird retained too much water &#8211; even though I&#8217;d dried thoroughly, water was still within the bird. Therefore, the bird sticks, steams andthe skin doesn&#8217;t crisp. So thaw in water, then salt for a couple of days and dry every once in a while during the salting process.</p><p>I use shallots instead of green onions, and omit the garlic. Instead I use garlic oil to toast the bread for the bread salad with. That happened initiallybecause those were the ingredients I had on hand, but now I find I like it better. And I use every bit of drippings on the salad. To die for.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-356731"><cite>Delphine</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-356731" title="">M

arch 14, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">149</div>

<p>I am new to this board and think it is terrific. I have seen comments on turkeys that have been made using the Zuni technique. Do you think cornish game hens would work? Has anyone tried this. I would like to read some feedback.<br />Thanks,<br />Delphine</p>


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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-361699"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-361699" title="">March 31, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">150</div>

<p>I just moved in next door to an amazing bakery, and I can&#8217;t wait to try this bread salad!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-368136">

<cite>Monica</cite> &nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-368136" title="">A

pril 13, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">151</div>

<p>It is indeed really good, but hard to enjoy because your flat is full of smoke, your alarms have been going off, and your oven (part of a tiny, cheap, Sears stove) is a scary mess. I really think it&#8217;s important to be aware of this. Since I&#8217;m all about solutions here (except when I&#8217;m whining), let me second the poster above who recommends the Cooks&#8217; high-heat butterflied chicken in a broiler pan over sliced spuds&#8211; outstanding chicken with no drama or mess. Just came to the site a week ortwo ago and it&#8217;s a treat&#8211;your leek &amp; mushroom quiche is on deckfor tomorrow. Thanks!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-369198"><cite>Carol</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-369198" title="">A

pril 17, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">152</div>

<p>I recently discovered this recipe via Chowhound and it is hands-down the best roast chicken I have ever made, and I&#8217;vemade many. I found that using a small, kosher chicken yields the best results. The key to making sure that your kitchen doesn&#8217;t fill up with smoke is making sure that you don&#8217;t use a pan that is much larger than your bird. I use

my 10&#8243; All Clad stainless frying pan and since the chicken fills up the entire pan there is no opportunity for the fat to burn. When it is done and you remove it from the pan, all that remains is a perfectly golden brown layer of deliciousness, perfect for the bread salad or any other sauce you choose to make (not that it needs anything else). I make this once a week&#8230;at least!</p>

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<li class="commentbody" id="comment-380186"><cite>Chloe</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-380186" title="">M

ay 12, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">153</div>

<p>I made this tonight, and must say that it wasthe best roasted chicken I&#8217;ve ever made (and being a nice Jewish girl mys

elf, I do roast chickens regularly.) I normally make mine with salt, olive oil,lemon juice and garlic, but I&#8217;m never going back to that method now that I&#8217;ve tried this one. </p>

<p>I salted the chicken (which I think was slightly more than 3 1/2 pounds, butstill not that big) yesterday, and stuffed thin slices of lemon under the skin,since I didn&#8217;t have any of the suggested herbs. When I pulled it out of the oven, all golden and crispy, I nearly had to wipe drool off my chin! My Mom and brother agree with me that it&#8217;s the best chicken I&#8217;ve ever made. It was so tender and juicy&#8230; normally, I turn my leftover bones and meat into chicken soup, but this one was so good that I&#8217;ll be making sandwiches instead, before using the bones for soup. </p><p>I couldn&#8217;t believe how flavourful it was, just from the salt, and it was done a lot faster than what I normally do. This is now my recipe of choice.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-380187"><cite>Chloe</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-380187" title="">M

ay 12, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">154</div>

<p>Oh yeah, and it was all I could do not to drink the pan juices straight out of the pan. I poured them on the chicken and used

some of them to reheat the leftovers from the pasta with cauliflower that I made lastnight. Delicious!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-385276"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-385276" title="">May 25, 2010</a>

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<div class="commentcount">155</div>

<p>I visited Zuni a couple of weeks ago, and weordered the chicken. It. Was. Insane. I am dying to make it at home. Can&#8217;t wait to try this version &#8211; thanks, Deb!</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-389357"><cite>Chloe</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-389357" title="">M

ay 30, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">156</div>

<p>I finally made this with a kosher chicken, and it turned out beautifully, though it was ALMOST too salty. I put dried lavender and lemon slices under the skin, as a side effect of my chronic lack of ingredients; the lavender added a lovely, subtle floral flavour to the chicken. It took a little longer to cook than usual, just because it was a slightly larger bird, but overall, it went together well. I think I&#8217;ll stick to using regularchickens for my future roasting endeavours.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-406789"><cite>Ariel</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-406789" title="">J

uly 18, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">157</div>

<p>Okay, I&#8217;ve made this three times and itis the best roast chicken I&#8217;ve ever had. The first two times it filled m

y entire apartment with smoke. By the third time, I finally took your advice and used a smaller pan. It made all the difference in the world! I switched from

my cast iron skillet to a slightly smaller stainless steel pan from IKEA (<a href="http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10101169" rel="nofollow">http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10101169</a>). There was still some smoke, but nowhere near the amount of smoke as before.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-416702"><cite>KC</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-416702" title="">A

ugust 20, 2010</a>

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<div class="commentcount">158</div>

<p>One little mistake in your recipe &#8211; Zuni uses 3/4 teaspoon sea salt PER POUND of chicken. You really need the salt to get the affect of the &#8220;dry brine&#8221;.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-419379"><cite><a href=



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<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-419379" title="">August 30, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">159</div><p>For me, the problem with too much smoke was s

olved by lining the rack below the chicken with foil. This prevented the fat from splattering the bottom of the oven, where it was burning and where the smoke ultimately came from. It makes for MUCH easier clean up as well.</p>


<li class="commentbody" id="comment-424961"><cite>Billie</cite>

&nbsp;<a class="commentlink" href="#comment-424961" title="">S

eptember 14, 2010</a>

<div class="commentcount">160</div>

<p>Going to make this on Friday &#8211; thanks for simplifying the recipe, Deb! So excited!</p>



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