£3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zap.o. box 4767, johannesburg. 6th ... 1.-matters a^gjkg: mr. self...

PHG-'TE; 33 - 8110. 2 Zjt Eloff Street P.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. ■ 6th February, 1953* NOTICE -CF A MEET DIG. Dear Sir, Please note that the next meeting of the Executive Qommitte of the Bantu Men '£3 Social Centre will be held in the Committee-room on Thursday, 12th February, 1953 at 5 p.m, AGENDA: .77---- 1. Minutes. 2* Matters arising from the Minutes. 3. Correspondence, 4. Secretarial Report. 5. New Members, 6 . General. Yours faithfully, SELF MA.MPURU. ACTirG SECRETARY.

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Page 1: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

PHG-'TE; 33 - 8110. 2Zjt Eloff Street

P .O . Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. ■6th February, 1953*


Dear Sir,

Please note that the next meeting of the Executive Qommitte

of the Bantu Men ' £3 Social Centre w ill be held in the Committee-room

on Thursday, 12th February, 1953 at 5 p.m,


1. Minutes.

2* Matters arising from the Minutes.

3 . Correspondence,

4 . Secretarial Report.

5. New Members,

6. General.

Yours faithfully , SELF MA.MPURU. ACTirG SECRETARY.

Page 2: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

2 6 JAN '95i



f rn-m*S°,ntagU^ Pijn»(in the chair) Rev. J.R, Lepke, Messrs, ®rien> R.Mutshekwane, Self Mampuru, A.V/,Mbatha,'

(.Assistant Secretary) and T. Mahambehlala (Office Assistant),

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Messrs. L.C.Eoaa.

Z 3:11(1 C.Boyang. Mr, Self Mampuru apologised forMr. M.A-Hmi/rb.Mr, M,A,Hough

MINTJTES; The Minutes of the previous meeting and those of the special meeting of the Executive Committee held on the 1 1 th and 23rd December, 1952 were taken as read ard confirmed.

1.-MATTERS A^ g jK G : Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were

JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with his behaviour ior -which he was pardoned, and the other to Mr. Billy Mogerts advising him not to enter the promises of the Centre.


nnml i L A was rGad £rom Mr. S.Matshiqi informing the ExecutiveCommittee that, because of unforseen circumstances, he w ^ S d n*t be

start mU S ' na .thG lst 1953 iid requested tosxaix on the 1st March, 1953. AGREED.

s s s i s t i n f t a ^ o f ^ V ’T 0 Mrn* S°,l f asked to continuemight not bp ihl n + roP1y> however, Mr, Mampuru stated that lie

x ? s r s “there w ill "be n o ^a n S e . instrui'1Gnts was rcad* Granted *n condition that

use^of t S - ^ r r said that the following dates we re granted for the U s u r e r ? - i " consultation with cither tho Chairmaf er the Hon.

Ball Team p l^t iS ?1! 9Jh *953 to the Chinese Basket

Team from 8 p'.o. to 10 j!m ! at ?2 ? £h® ^ our°n1° ° ChinoeeBonuses per night, ^ * ’ c Hall plus 6/- Cleaners

Concert f r o m ^ n ^ho . Sy2 dicate of African Artists for Multi-Racial

except for 6/- cieaners B o u ses? ^ llth Janua^ ’ W free of charga

on tho 10th^JanuaryS*l953°ntafhnr G v;®dding reception of her daughter u^ry, at the usual non-members charger. o£

The Committee CONFIRMED the dates as ^ e c i f i e d above.

l . g f p f r S g f t

few admtoistrativc ^ “ * * > ™ * °0

(a) Several members of the Executive ith their membership fees, raneina -p™ -ommittee were in arrears

ecided that the lion. Treasurer write tn ycars* “ v/aa

the displeasure of the Exooutivo Co^itteo a n f a s ^ C ^ t o S ^ e S . ;

Page 3: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

their membership up to date.

(b) The following was the position r ' ncml rship up to the 8th

January, 1953 for members whose membership c/.pires in January.

1* In good standing.................................25.

2. Membership expired 1952 .................21.

3* " " 1951................25.

4. " " 1950 .................35.

5 . " " 1949_____20.

6. " " 1948........ ........32.158.

(c) Reported that an unpleasant incident has taken place at the Centre on the 6th December, 1952 and that the police are investigating. Noted.

(d) As there was no arrangement with the Transvaal Association for Non-European Professional Boxing about both the use of the Office and the Telephone he has stopped their Secretary Mr. Thlopane from using the Telephone.

Mr. Mutshokwane who is an Hon. Treasurer T .A .N .P .B . said that he was surprised that there is no arrangement on record about both the uc of the Office and Telephone becausc their Chaiiman, Dr. Ray E . Phillip was asked to effect these arrangements.lt was resolved, therefore, tha- Mr. Thlopane be told to use the Public Telephone Booth for his ealisc The question of the Office was left in abeyance until the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

(e) It was reported that Mr. A.W.Mbatha has commenced duties with the Centre as from the 1st January, 1953. He was accordingly introduced to the meeting. The Chairman wished him a successful carec ? in the service of the Centre.

4* MEMBERSHIP: The following were admitted into the membership of t,\o Centre:- Messrs. R.Williams, A.Mbengwana, I.Pahad, A .L.Motala, S. Phokontsi, J.Kubeka,P .Eambule,D . Chhagan, A*Bila, E.Ahmed, J .Nxum lc, and J.Noko.

5. RENEWALS; Messrs. F.J.Modibedi, P.Williams, K. I.Kutoano, R.Parshotam, and H .S.M sweli.

6 . (C11BRAL: The Hon. Treasurer reported that as the matter of Mr. Reddy's loss was referred to him and the Chairman they have not yet met. It was decided that it bo brought up at the next meeting.

There being no further business the meeting terminated at 6oQp.':\v

CHAIIMA.N............ ............................... .


Page 4: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

tiOKS: 33 - 8110. P .O . Box 4767f>25, Eloff Street. JOHANNESBURG.

2nd Maroh, 1953.


Dear Sir,

Please note that the next meeting of the Executive Committee

of the Bantu Men’ s Social Centre w ill be held in the Committee—Room

on Thursday, 12th March, 1953 at 5 p.m.


1* Minutes.

2* Matters arising from the Minutes.

3 . Correspondence.

4. New Members.

5. General,


3M/AWM. s'

Page 5: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with


PRESENT: Messrs. M .A. Hough (in the Chair), A .B . O 'Brien , R .S . ?Iut,shekwane, A. Nobanda, I,,C. Koza, P. Rezant, A .B . Mathobela.Self Karjrauru (Acting Secretary), and A.W . Mbatha {Assistant Se c re tary).

■ r0LOGIES: Apologies for.-absence were received from Senator the H o p . \7.G. Ballinger, Messrs* L*V. Hurd, F J . van Wyk, J . Montagu- P ip , G .G . Xorile , and the Deputy Manager, Non-European Affairs Department; Mr* 0 . Boy&ng who is in Hospital was given a leave o absence for the duration of his illness .

MINUTES : The Minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated were taken as read and adopted.


(a) The Acting Secretary reported that, of the five members the Executive Committee who were alleged to have been in arears with their membership, Messrs, P. Lengene and A .B . Mathobela have produced receipts showing that they were in good standing.

The Hon. Treasurer has written to Messrs. L .C . Koza, A . Nobar.da. and G.G. Xorile about their arears , and, as yet, no replj has been received from any of them. Messrs. Koza and Nobanda infor»"med the meeting that they paid their membership up to 1951 but they were issued with no receipts. As there were some proven cases where monies were paid into the Office without receipts being issued by the previous Secretaries it was decided that they be given the benefit of the doubt. They were, however, asked to bring their membership up to date for 1952 /3 . As Mr. Xorile was not at the meeting, the Office was instructed to inform him of this decision*

In discussing this matter, there was a general feeling tha,t it might be advisable if the system of membership was revised so that all membership should become due on the 1st January, each year. Or the point of infrmation the Acting Secretary reported that at present there were 2087 members registered in the books of the Centre made up as follows

Life Members............................................................................. .. 17 =Members who have been members for 2 years or over............. 60,Members in the first year of membership................... .............. .. 108.Members in arears................................................ ......................................... L-0 2 .

ho ST, ~

(b) The Acting Secretary reported that he had found some records showing that the Transvaal Association for Non-European Boxing have made some payments to the Centre for their Telephone calls. In the light of this it was decided that they be allowed t- use the Centre’ s Telephone for both outward and inward calls on payment of 3d per each outward call. The Acting Secretary was . further instructed to look through the Minute Book to pee whether there has been any arrangement about their use of one o: the Centre’ s Offices and report back at the next meeting.

(c) The Chairman reported that he had discussed the question of Mr. P. Reddy's loss with the Hon. Treasurer* and they were of t’ opinion that something should be done for him, Ihe Committee fel that they would be establishing a serious precedent i f they were adopt this recommendation. It was, accordingly decided that be should not be given any compensation for such a loss.

Page 6: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

•1.. COPBISPOBIKITCE: ' “ ------- -■-

(a ^ The*-imioWiiig' dates for the us:e tl£ the Hall were granted iV thd Chaimon ifa consultation with' the Acting Secretaiy and. one other montea* of the-E^bcl^iHre''Comfiii-tteet (l ) Transvaal Upn-Buropea;i Golf Union for holding an Annual Meeting on the 25th January. 195? at £1. ?.* 0„ (2) Sranevaal. Association, for,Hpn-Ewx>pean-Prptessicnal nouclng for* a-hoxing. tourn^Mcnt heJJflj on the 6th F p 'b ru ary 1955- at., f io. 11. 0. and -(3) Beter. MolodlC ffiair a Wedding Eeception, -on the 7th

February, 1-053 at £2.- 8 . 0± . :* v v„ * , - v o

This action was COl'TFIEMED,l7Px-y ni.i

*i «> 1U . < ‘ / v «■ •*-

(b) The following were granted the use of the Hall:-(1) The African Syndicate .for a dance (Eonr- Ji^pingl.the, 27th. Pehi*ttdry, 195^' (Usual Hall Peed). v‘t . ■ .-3 ■ lu'jj . .

• v3l: -V O **2 J(2) -The Gay Gaiotio^ Rcvxi«’ fo®. a: .Variety,,£hot.' an 9bhe 6th March, If;5:(Ustial Hall fW s )V - j J- ’’r . s . . . f f iTrj,a-ir ^g^o:-:o *;•■.q ; -if . Jr0o d\' . 'f.,,-?•

•I- - '■ - '■ '‘j £J\'tO •'! ■!.'>’ .'iwl aOj&ijj?* Oi-. jC’£ U « - J ;>j

(3) Af ricah 'Unitfed1’:Cul^ti3?a&. l fe|Brp7il;Cl3tii£i caii<jfcliic» lS£la :o*> i larch, 1953 for a cVanfcc ,'Pcu3k).f•,T- '

, -.i;.

v4-)- Alexandra Dramatic; Society ■ fop?, a'dance (Ron*-JivingJ on the gO&i

.•Sarch,*1953': (Actual Hall m i ! f , ritbok *•:

.(5) The Bridge Leaguer for a series of Bridge Matches on the following dates:- 26th March, 23rd April, 28th May, 25th June, 3rd and 17tli Septembor, and 1st and 15th October 1953 from 8p.m. to 10.30p.m , at

£2. 8 . 0 . each- night*

(6) Mr. Louis Ilott for a 21st Birthday Party on the 24th April, 1953

•at £5* 11. 0 a

(7) Progressive Forum for the 21st April-a Variety Show ’(l/suai HuTi

Poes),, I7o "deposit’ was made by this group* „ . ,

( (c) A letter - was read: from tho< Transvaal African Teachers1 • -

Association terminating their tenanoy of a room in the Centre* Thls-'i accepted. They wore exempted from paying Notice Pont fo^ the. month

of Februaryy 1 9 5 3 ,

• fr V:(d) An Account bf,£3> ’9. i l .; f.^m a; firsi ti^A U orn^s^ being'' cu­nt'owed by Mr. Cecil nolutsh^^'to^A^iioan' People^'So ibices, vn

Order, during: .the1 tame when; he .was' on sidereal. It was DECIDED that the

amount owed by Mr. Cecil Holutshungu to had been granted a Garnishee employed by the Centre, was conCentre pay this Account and compile a list of the monies' that ITolutshungu owes the Centre for consideration a t ’ the next meeting

of the Executive Committee.

4 . IJHIE5iIP.§JlX? (a) The following wore admitted into the membership of Jlie ?ISncre :„- * *

1. David links. 14. A.Morake. 27. John Lebetlie.2* Johannes Bella. 15. Tembekile Mandela. 28. ">/. Paborifi.3;i Lawrence Simba. 16. Benson Mathebe, 29. Jacob Thekwana.:4, Mart in'"Masha. 17. S. Iigane.* 3 0 . 'P . hlabf. ngana.5. Ganpatram Damodar. 18, A .S .H affajee . ' 31- David Mabeba.5. Kesharial Lala, 19, Benjamin Mabuza. 32. Moses S ib is i.7. G. Kbokazi. 20, J . ITdhlovu, 33 ,'Thabi Morosi.

Duncan Mhlongo. 21. A . Monnakgotla. 34. Idamael IQiamo.■ r George Links. '2 2 , 'L . Mkgaledise, 0 35 .' John F. Hgco'bo.10,J ffJ.Iiumalo. 23. P. Gumede. 36 . J . lekalakala.“-liEshomed BaSat, ’ 2 4 .*M; Skina .” "37 . William Teyise.'2*11. ITgwenya. 25, Vrujlal Eatri. 38. 1. Kabane.13»Poth Mokgokong, 26. S. 2ungu, r° ~ 39, Solly Ginwala.

- ' 0. ;i 'r 1. ■ CT ,7'[: ^lif?

i'.‘I±tT61’.i* -^c ; -ip\ A Jci ti fr ft rP 9. + & ^ 1 1 -t -fe 0 A- 4! v ' •; • -

Page 7: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

;0 , William Shembe. 46 • Kantilal Pranjwang. 52. A . Mopilo,Clsasie Links, 47 . Moses Mo f ok eng.. 53. George Jacobs.Josiah Noko. 48 . Abraham Vilakazi.

, (fiindree P iU ay# 49 Phillip Habonyana.?* ♦ tt Michael Ndhlovu, 50 . Petrus Ntenteni •

O'o 3aghat sing ITagin, 51 Joseph Mpungoso •

(b) The following have renewed their memberships-

•»— 6> lucas Bopape. 12. J , Vanderhaer. 23* ,J .C . Mbatha*i ■

> Ihirozc Pramrose. 13. Samson Nakani. 24. E . Mogotsi.

3* Philemon Kunene. 14* Lawrence Morgan. 25. Moses Molape.

4* Peter Pieddy. 15. Petor Moledi. 26. L . Motsusi.

5* B, Mas eke la . 16. A .B .M olefe. 27. T .T . Marawu.

6« Prank Madumo. 17. John Tyawa. 28. J.W . Christin.

7* P , Tricham. ' 18. P .K . Seabela. 29. J . ■Rammego.

8„ R,J.Oarstens. 19. Obed Mdhluli. 30. P .J . Thabede.

3. Joseph Twayi. 20. Emmanuel Mbelle. 31. M* ITeku.

LO. Simon Vilakazi, 2 1 . John G-yawa. 32. M. Haffajee.

a . Rufus ICosa. 2 2 . E . Osman. 33# P. Mabisela*

34. H. Ifcrotam. 35. J, Mokoena.

•<' GEITERA.L? Mr. Nobanda enquired about the working hours of the iiecretaries. The Acting Secretary reported that he starts working from8 . 30 a„m. to 10. 30 p.m. except On Wednesdays ani Saturdays when he ha.3- a break from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Assistant Secretary starts from 9» 30 a,m . to 10. 30 p.m. except on Tuesdays and alternate Sundays when he does not report to duties at a l l . Mr. ITobanda said he enquired about this because on one Saturday there was nobody in the Office for a considerable time. Tlie Assistant Secretary denied having ever loft the Office for any length of time,

re being 110 further business the meeting terminated at 7 . 5 p.m.



Page 8: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

A v '

V \ B A N T tr M E N ’ S S O C I A L C E N T R E .

PHOUE: 33 - 8110 223, E lo ff Street,

Bear Sir,

P .O . Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 2nd April, 1953.


Please note tL^tthe next meeting of the Executive

CoiKti ttee of the Bantu Ken's Social Centre -will "be held in the

Commit tee -Room on Thursday, 9th April, 1953 at 5 p.m.


1 , Minutes,

3 , Matters Arising from the Minutes.

3 0 Correspondence.

4 C New Mernbe.ro „

b» General.

Yours faithfully , S3 Iff MAMPURU. ACTING SECRETARY.

sh/ a w m .

Page 9: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with


PHES&NT: Mr. M .A. Hough ( in the Chair ) Councillor L .V . Hurd, Rev. J ,R . Lepke, Messrs, J , Montague Pim, A .B , O ’Brien, R .S . Hutshekwane. L .G . Koza, f , Lengene, P . Bezant, A .B . Mathobel*, A . Nobanda, Self vlampuru (Acting Secretary) and A .W . Mbatha (Assistant Secretary).

*u-OIQCXE S : Apologies for absence were received from Mr. P .J . van ‘■'/f• The Chairman reported that Dr. Ray E. Phillips , now ia the United Crates of America be granted leave of absence until November, 1953, A&RESD.

MINUTES: The Minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated, were adopted with the inclusion of the names of Messrs,Vo Lengene and Nob&nda which had been omitted©

2. MATTERS A R I S I N G :1^1 The Secretary reported that of the three Executive Committee

Members who were in arrears with their membership Mr, L .C . Koza has brought his membership up to date. Mr. G .G . Xorile has reported that he was unable to meet his commitments because he was unemployed. VTOESD. Nothing had been heard from Mr. Nob&nda.-, I t was decided hat a letter be written to him drawing his attention to thiB

position.(b) With regard the use of one of the Centre Offices by the

Transvaal Association for Non-European Professional Boxing, the Acting Secretary reported that he has found no Minutes in connection with arrangements for the use of the Office.

Mr, Mutshekwane who iB an Honorary Treasurer for this organisation replied by drawing the attention of the meeting to the fact that he remembered quite well that sometime in 1951, Dr. Ray E 0 Phillips the then Chairman of the Centre reported that the Centre had granted the Transvaal Association for Professional Boxing free aBe of this Office. It was agreed that the Acting Secretary investigate this position in the Minutes of the Centre and report at the next meeting,


The Acting Secretary reported that the following is the extent to which Mr. Nolutshungu owes the Centre

PASS PEES; l&ck, , May 1951 to July 1 9 5 2 ,............. . £1, 1 0 , 0<Louis, August 1952 to November, 1 9 5 2 . . . . 8 . 0«Wilson, September 1952 to November, 1952 6 , 0.


ElEE OF HALL!18 Members cf the NEW RAMA BRASS BAND,. 9 , 0 , C.

Gay Gaeities deposit for Hall on 4 /4 /5 2 I . 5. 0.

PETTY CASH................................................................................. 3 . 5.1®.

AFRICAN PEOPLES SERVICES..................................................... 3 . 9 .11 ,J19 . 4. 9.

Tne Honorary Treasurer reported that in addition to the figures presented by the Acting Secretary there is an amount of £2, 12. 6 . being the cost of 15 membership badges unaccounted for by the ux-Secretary bringing the total of his indebtedness to the Centra to £ 3 1 ,1 7 .3 . NOTED,

Arising from this report it 'WQa noticed that members of the Rama Brass Band were not credited with the payments of their membership fees for jl952 /3 . It was AGREED that they be credited fo ’ 1952/3 and that any subsequent payments be made for 1953 /4 ,

Page 10: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

1 FUNCTIONS: Mr. Mathobela enquired about the behaviour of the ,:-owdduring the night of functions at the Centre. The Acting Secretary reported that the behaviour was quite satisfactory except ”c-r one function on the 27th February, 1953 where there was ro^dinens among boys from Sophiatown. Some of them were injured b

,ie fatally . It was AGREED that in all future functions at the Co;.•; ■’•'o African Policemen should be in attendance, and, that the ■.•omoters of theso functions be charged an extra Fifteen Shillings ~ /- ) fcr this purpose.

The Chairman was asked tc make the necessary arrangements v i"a the Police.

5. FINANCIAL REPORT; In reporting on the Finances of the Centre, ttv Honorary Treasurer, presented na Statement which revealed a general, improvement as compared with the past. This was occasioned by the fact that for the first time in the History of the Centre, membeir -iave raised, other than through their membership fees and Hall fer.v. nonies to the extent of £ 212 .13 .6 by paying for Billiards and Sno- ' Game s .

The Honorary Treasurer asked for confirmation of his action for r.ving written off the Sports Fund debt of £ 4 4 .6 ,2 and debitting the

. . lliards and Snooker Account by the same amount and also for aving transferred £ 3 S .5 .1 from Billiards and Snooker Account to

general funds. CONFIRMED.

The Honorary Treasurer reported that there is £20 standing to the credit of the Boxing Section of the Centre which was raised by them some three years ago for a Tour, It was agreed that it be left for the sole use by this section.

As the Centre has not received any grant from the Deferred Pay Board the Honorary Treasurer was asked to apply for the grant.

The Financial Statement was adopted with a vote of appreciation for the outstanding services rendered through Mr. J . Montague Pim, the Honorary Treasurer, by the firm of Howard Pim & Hardy.

3. DYE FOR MEMBERSHIP BADGE: It was reported that the lye for Membership Badges could not be found in both Offices of the Honorary Treasurer and the Centre. It was decided that efforts be made to ■csearoh for it in Mr, HoughTs Offices as Dr. Phillips :vight have Vept it in the Office; failing which the Honorary Treasurer should writs to the Mint for a new lye and place an order for Badges,

7. CORRESPONDEITCE: The Acting Secretary asked for the confirmation of the following dates which have been granted by the Chairman for the use of the Hall in consultation with the Office and one other member of the Executive Coumittee:-

1. Princess Elizabeth Dancing Club 12th March, 1953,2 . Transvaal Association for Non-European Pro, Boxing 14 /3 /53*3. Jubilee Square Dance Club 19th March, 1953,4 . Squarehill Professional Boxing Club 27th March, 1953,5 . H. Motlana Wedding Reception 25th April, 1953, Usu&l Hall Fees

for Non-Members,And the extension of time for Mr. S. IB t 'h iq i until the end of

March, 1953. CONFIRMED.

New applications for the use of tha Hall were received from anr' t. granted to th© following: -

J&NTA (Western Areas Sub-Branch T .B . ) 10th April, 1953 Dance - ;i - Jiving. Usual Hall Fees,( '0 Transvaal Contrct Bridge Board of Control for 13th April, 2Ptr Vpril, 13th May, 17th June, 12th August, 9th September, and 7th Or ,ober, 1953 for Contract Bridge Tournaments at £ 2 ,2 . for Hall pi e 6/~ BcnuB per night.

Page 11: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with


o) Roafiand Youth for Christ for the 6 th June 1953 at £L. 1 . © lu# 6/- Bonusea.

The Proters Social Club were refused the use of the Hall on tju !-7th April for a Dance because they were not sufficiently known. 5

x'ice was instructed to refund their deposit of £1 . 5 , 0 .

The Rosicrucian Order who had enquired as to whether the Hall .'0 'Id be made available i f and when they apply were te be informed U-Udt it eould be made available.

MEMBERSHIP: (a) The following ware admitted into the membership of the Centre:-

1 . Leslie Afrika. 14 , Albert Mlangeni. 27, John TBhabangu,2 « Abdul Essack. 15. Pster Mahlaba* 28. Hubert Mabandla,3. Andrew Gwangwa. 16, Abel Maehiane. 29. Ambrose Pitso ,4 . Ebrahim Badat. 17. Reginald Mbelle. 30. Jofas Ugwenya.5, Philemon Badida. 18. Paul M&katisi. 31. Solly Patel,•5. Lennox fiele. 19. Jackson Mkhondwane. 32 . Isaac Singwayo.7. Peter Dambuza. 2 0 . Joel Mkhando. 33 . Isaac Sifudi.■3, Billy Goc-rdeen. 2 1 , Joshua Moitse. 34 . T'on Samkange,

Glads ton Gqabaza, 2 2 . Mfolwe Motsisi. 35. Ishmael Tekane.iO . Clifford Gentle, 23* Sidney S. Mhetoa. 36. Adam van Wyk.X. A .S . Joomal. 24. Peter Mwasi.

1 2 . Vivian Kumalo. 25. John Mohale.13. Damin Kaphambe. 2 6 . B .E . Mkhonza.

(* ) CD following have renewed their membership:-

1 . M. Bookholane. 13. S. Mnisi.2, * R .W , Ditsebe. 14. Abe Makhale.3. P .K . Gaeshwe. 15. E . Pitso .4. Johannes K ali. 16. G. Mpuku.5. L .C . Koza. 17. Joseph Pamla.■) c A, Latib. 18. B. Ranohool.« 5 Robert Linda. 19. P . Rampa.

6 c A .K , Latib, 2 0 . Peter Rezant.9. Karim la tib . 2 1 . C. T lad i.J10. Martin Mofokeng. 22 . Dan van Tshabalala.1 1 . H, Makhoncfanet 23. T* Xaba,1 2 . A . Maqubcla,

9, gEKERAL: (l ) The Acting Secretary reported that the Roneo Machine was too old for use and wQ.s wasting lots of paper before any de«ent work could be produced and that the Dealers have informed the Office that they have no spare parts for this Model. It was decided that a new Machine be bought and trade in the old one i f possible. The Chairman, Honorary Treasurer,and the Acting Secretary were appointed © Sub-Committee for this purpose.

(2) Mr. Nobanda brought the attention of the Committe. to the need of fumigating the place. AGREED that the Centre be fumigated.

There being no further business the meeting terminated at 6 .30 p.m.



Page 12: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

• 0_ , spwjTAL laSETETG OP THE EXBOUIIVE C O M T T BE. »niiTHTOF. fiEliD H? 'Nra. CiQ^ATJEE—EOOH OK 'JPJRopA_- ■ . _ _

■pBTqinra- Mr M. A . Hough’ (I21 the Chair) Messrs. J . Monbagae Pi»i F f ^ S r i e n , I . C. K o S , P. lengene, A . B . Mathobela, A . Hobanda,

and A . W . M b ath a . (A s s is t a n t S e c r e t a r y ,

APQLQGI5Sj_ Apologies for absence were received from Councillor X . V.

Hurd and Rev. J . R. Lepke .

1 . MINUTES: In opening the meeting the Chairm an^ked for^tfce^ ^

Gommittee^s sanction in permitting him to deal atior) of theureencv so as to give the Committee time for the coiioiae axion ux Sub-Committee* 3 recommendation as regards the Secretarial po-iti .

2. A P P L IC A T IO N S : Hew applications for the use of the SooiaTcSrtre Hall were received from and granted to the 10I I 0 .ing

(a) S .A .H .T .A . (Western Areas Sub-Branch) were giarrted ^ 22nd May on the usual conditions provided that evidence, to the fact that they

were an officially recognised Sub-Branch to the mother , f


(b) The Syndicate of African Artists were granted the 30th May for

an afternoon Concert 011 the usual conditions.

(r) The application of the Transvaal Association for lloii-Buropeani i f o S L S l Boxing'and -chat of the Transvaal African Teachers

both applied for the 6th June * “ ™ » 0ra w n for this date had already been boohed by the Reeflafld Youth for

Christ organisation.

(d) The Joint Council of Catholic Africans & Europeans were granted

the 12th June for the purpose of staging a Concert*

( p ) The application of the Bantu Musical Festival Committee for the use of the B .M .S .C . Hall on Saturday the 26t h _September ^id !?8th September to the 3rd October 1953 inclusive was * x^ e l d P ^dan g investigation into the Minutes in which their previouo application a.

been dealt with.

ft') mhe a p p l ic a t io n o f the H u r se s A s s o c ia t io n (W itw a te r s r a n d Group)

i l l g S n t e d t h e 5th t o e for a Dance pending further i n s t i g a t i o n s Matron at Baragmmath for ± a«itliioati«i purposes.

/ With r e ^ r d the offer of Dr. H . Zwick to render a Concert to the

Centre it was decided that the matter of finalising this issue be left entirely in the hands of the Chairman and Secretary who will take

a decision.

(h) It was decided to hold the next Executive Committee Meeting on

the 13th May, 1953.

( i ) It was decided to call the Annual General Meeting on the *'/ednesda;y

of*-the 20th May, 1955.

3. APPOIITTMElff_ OF SECRETARY : In opening the discussion on the matter

of appointing a new Secretary to the Centre, Senator the Hon. w. • Ballinger asked the meeting to note the unsatisfactopr posioion

by the appointment of Mr. S. Matshiqi. He pointed out that tne^ Centre's Executive would be well advised in future, bo stipulate definite periods for commencing v.’ork by new candidates failing, which

the position \;ould be advertised immediately,

Page 13: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

4 . SDB-COIMIMEE 'S B E W j l g B m O ^ . - r applications had met

that the Snh^o m ittee appou-te,3 ^ ea of which only two were worth and that four applications were received reccfflmenaea Hr. Baldwin considering. Of these too the Suh-Oommittee experlenoe of a very

Itadau. His application showed au^lifica -eaoh 2r before going,suitable kind f .r the post. :fie '»asa P:ni P oompletion of his

to the Jan H . Hofmeyr School of Sooi ^ ^ office . f the Inspector

training there, he served ac S A s s i s t a n t Supervisor of the

* « - years-

After considerable discussion during , ^ i c h ^ ® s ^Secretary

that past experience Had shown ^ ^ f S s c i p l i n e ^ the

who would “be capable o± st .++(Sp v,ar, accepted and Mr* j-udav.

- a s r ^ * < « s ^ - > 3 . 8 ^ 1£ s s r *

H v a s s i e S B S S F * - - - - —starts work as soon as is possible for nun.

' . , +n arrange with M r . Mampuru to carry

on ^ r ^ e f S order^o guide L * * * 5 , *>r any period up to one

Jilon'fch. ,n • closed at 6 .15 p.m.



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THE 9TH AffRII, 1955 AT 5 r .H .

PRESENT: Mr, M , A . Hough, (in the* Chair) Rev; J . R , Lepke, J .Montague Pim, A , B. O'Brien, A . B. Mathobela, P . Rezant, L . C, Koza, A, Nobanda, Self Mampuru, (Aoting Secretary) and A. W , Mbatha (Assistant Secretary),

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor L .V . Surd.

1 , HUTUTESt The Minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated were taken as read and adopted,

2 . MA.TTERS ARISING:(a) The Acting Secretary reported that there was a hitch between

the Office and Hr, A . Nobanda in connection with the date on which his membership e:;pires. According to the records his membership expires on the 17th March each year and according to him his membership ahocJLd expire *n the 1st October each year. After some discussion it was DECIDED that his membership should be made to expire on the 1st July each year.

The question of Mr* G, G, X orile 's arrears in membership was raised up again and it was DECIDED that as his arrears disqualify him from being an active member he be informed that he can no longer

serve in the Executive Committee whilst sfc disqualified,

(b) In the matter of the Transvaal Association of Non-European • Boxing, presently using one of the Bantu Men's Social Centre Offices, the Acting Secretary reported that in the Minutes of the 10th January, 1952 permission was granted to th© Transvaal Association of Non-European Boxing to use one of the Centre '3 Offices in conduction with one of the Secretaries,

As Mr, R, S. Mutshekwane (Hon. Treasurer of the T .A .N .E .B .) was not at this meeting it was DECIDED that the matter'be loft for the next meeting when Mr. Mutshekwane might be present*

(c) The Honorary Treasurer drew the attention of the meeting to an item in Mr, NoZLutshungu’ s Account in connection with 15 missing Membership Badges that £ 2 ,1 2 ,6 . was the cost price of the Badges but the sale price was £3 ,15*0 , thifl brought Mr, Nolutshungu' a Acoount

to £22 ,19 .9 ,

As Mr, Nolutshungu was never informed of this Account it was DECIDED that a letter bo written to him in this connection,

3, DYE i?0R MEMBERSHIP BADGESs The Acting Secretary reported that following an interview with Mr. C, Nolutshungu ( former Secretary of the B .M .S .C .) he had learned that the Dye was in the possession of the Mint in Pretoria, He had accordingly written to them ordering 200 new Membership Badges. NOTED,

4. CORRESPONDENCE: The Aoting Secretary reported that he had refunded the Proters Social Club the amount of £1. 5, 0, which-they • had enclosed in their application for a Dance on the 7th April, 1953,

Applications for the use of the Bantu Men's Social Centre Hall were received from the following organisations:*-

(a) The Transvaal-Association for Non-European Professional Boxing for tho 11th April, 1953 GRANTED.

Page 15: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

(b) Celtic Football Club for a Concert anf Ballroom and Square

*Dances on the 14th May, 1953 GRANTED.(0) Gay Gacties Troupe for a Variety Musical Show on the 15tli May,

19 53" GRANTED,(d) African Scouts application for the use of the Committee-Room on

the 2nd Tuesday of each month for Committee Meetings GRANTED.(e) Synco College of Music for the 29th May 1953 for a Dance. It was DECIDED that a letter be written to this body asking for their

Constitution and Financial Statement.( f ) Transvaal Association of Non-European Boys* Clubs applied for the use of the E .M .S .C . Hall on Saturdays as from the 11th April, for purposes of running a series of Physical Training Programmes of their Leaders1 Training Courses, Permission was granted 911 the understanding that the trainees of this Association w ill , like the Hofmcyi‘ School

Students, become members of the Club.(g) The Johannesburg & District Amateur Boxing Association were granted the 16th May, 1953 for an Amateur Boxing Tournament provided they produced a Financial Statement of their previous tournament.(h) The Squarehill Colaured Professional Boxing Association were granted the 23rd May, 1953 on the condition that they produced their

Financial Statement.(1 ) The S .A .R . & H Bantu Staff Association were granted the use of the•Committee-Room from the 9th to 12th Juno, 1953 inclusive from

9 "a.m . to 5 p.m. each day at a nominal fee of £3. 3. 0.( j ) The Bulawayo Dancing Group were granted the use ctf the Hall for a Ballroom Dance on the understanding that the Centro would not shoulder any responsibility of organising the function for them.

5 . - SECRETARIAL POSITION: The Chairman informed the meeting that Mr. S. Matnlii'ai has asked to bo released from his appointment as Secretary of tin Centro. After some discussion it was DECIDED that he be released and that the post be re-advertised internally by circular letter from the 13th to the 27th April, 1953. A special •' Ve­nice ting t® consider these applications to be oalled for the 30th April.A Sub-Committee consisting ef Mr, M. A . Hough, Councillor 1. V, Hurd,

and Mr. A , B. Mathobela was appointed to consider applications.

6 . I.IBMBERSHIP: The following were admitted into the member ship of

the Centres-

1 . Reuben Mooi. 13. Jack Adams. 25. Abraham Oliphant.

2 . H . Nkosi. 14. Robert Mahlambi. 26. Gideon Gumbi.

3. Law Thuso. 15. Cyprian Mahlaba. 27. John Erasmus.

4 . Norman Martins. 16. Levy Madi. 28. Leslie Mooi,

5. David R. Mango. 17. Nathaniel Manzi. 29. Kenneth Charles.6 , Sidney Molefe. 18. Zeblon Kumalo. 30. Douglas Courtripfi.

7. Harry Mo3a. T9. Nathaniel Mngqihi.sa, :n . Ebrahim Khan.8 . Zacharia Mawels. 20. Daniel Ranyaoa. 32. 'Rnnrio TIogase,

9. Gerald Martin. 2 1 . Simon R. Chose.

10 . Grant A . Eekane. 22. Joseph Rubushe.

1 1 ; Jeremiah Msezane. 23. Timothy Ndaba.

12 . Baybs Mbau. 24. Mickey Vilakazi.

7. The following have renewed their memberships

1 . Michael M^A.iva. 13. J. Rampa. 25. G. Dona lane.2 . V.G.Moleto. 14. S. Pahlana. 26. R . Donalane.

3. G, Morris*ns, 15. L. R.Petersen, 27. Elliot Sckgotlie.

4. Frank Cain. 16. G. Mbau. 28. V. Moledi.

5. Bigvai Masekela. 17. B. Mrvicbi. 29. Josias Sokatc,6. S. Kulcile. 18. J . Ndabezita. 30, Fred Sekate.rj 1. W. Siljee . 19. W. T.Shomang. 31. Johannes Masilo.

8 . A . Saude. 20 . Self Mamptiru. 32, V .A . Modicelie.

9. I . Nkosi. 2 1 . P . Lengcne. 33, Martin Nthete.10.W, Pooe. 22* J. Mathobela. 34. V.B.Modiselle.11 ,J . Moeketsi. 23. E . Phofolo. 35. Andrew Pooe.12 .John Mfolwe. 24. A. Kunene, 36. Egman Pooe.

Page 16: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with


37. Bennett; Sekate. 38. Stanley Ethoba. 39. A .D . Noliupitsang. 4 0 .U Elliac Modiga. 41 . Joseph Pooe. 42. Albert lilangeni.


(a) Bulldin,g; Repairs: The Acting Secretary reported that the Roof of the building was leaking badly aid it was DECIDED that the Acting Secretary consult the Honorary Treasurer about this leakage.

(b) Mr* Mathobela pointed out that there was a need for the

Centro to run a function IIOTED.

(c) It was reported that the question of replacing the old furniture at the. Centre was receiving attention from the Government

Social Welfare Department,

The Committee were happy to hear from the Chairman that

Dr. and Mrs. Raj' E . Phillips were doing well in America.

Thpro bein/c no fur tin or b-unineGr, the meeting closed at

7.30 p rru



Page 17: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with

1 1 KAY 1955

v- B A IT T U H E If 1 S S 0 0 I A L____0 E II T R E,

PHO>33 _ 8110 P»C. B#x 4-767?227), Eloff Street. JOHAMESBURG.

' ' 8th May, 1953.


Dear Sir,

Please note that the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Bantu Men’ s Social Centre will-he-held in the

Committee—Room on Wednesday, 13th May? 19?? at 5 p»m,


1. Minutes,

2. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

3. Correspondence,

4. Hew Members,

5 . General.

Yours faithfully, Baldwin Mav. Mudau, SECRETARY.


Page 18: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with


THE 13 CK M Y , 1953; AT 5*00 P .M .

PRESENT: Messrs, A . B . Mathobela. (in the Chair)P . Rezant, Self Mampuru* A . O 'Brien,A , ITobanda, 2 5 MAY 1955

1 , C, Koza,

Rev, J . R. Lepke.J . Montague Pim,

ITT ATTENDANCE: B, Mav, Mudau. (Secretary)A , W, Mbatha. (Assistant Secretary)

APOLOGIES: Mr. M. A . Hough,


Minutes of 'the meeting held on Thursday 9th April, 1953 were

circulated, read,- confirmed and adopted,


(a) Membership BadgesJ A letter from the Royal Mint was read and the question of the"1 change in the price from 3/6 to 4/6 per Badge was discussed and accepted with the understanding that the selling price will also be affected by this change in the cost price

to be 6/- instead of 5/- per Badge.

The Secretary was instructed to write to the Royal Mint and

confirm the transaction*

(b) Mr, Self Mampuru reported that the Synco College of Music

had failed to produce the Constitution and Financial Statements as requested and as a result the Secretary was instructed to send back

their deposit*

(c) Mr* Self Mampuru..reported that the Johannesburg and District Amateur Boxing Association had cancelled their application of the 16th May, 1953 and that the date has now been engaged by the Square H ill Professional Boxing Association who transferred their booking

of the 23rd May, to the 16th May, 1953,

After some discussion Mr, J . Montague Pim called upon the house to c6nsider the length of time given this Association to advertise its show and the reasons given for the cancellation.

The Chairman then called upon the house to vote on that the Johannesburg and District Amateur Boxing Association looking fee should be refunded,

RESULTS OP VOTES: 5 Affirmative,

With the majority of 3 the Secretary w©s instructed to refund the Booking Pee of the above Association and the transfer of the Square H ill Professional Boxing Association was accepted*

(d) The Chairman called on the meeting to consider the points regarding the repairs of the Building and expenses involved - the

, meeting AGREED that the matter be left in the hands of the Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary,

2 Negative*

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The Minutes were circulated, confirmed and signed with the

following additions and amendments.

(a) I RESENT; That Mr, P . Resant and Senator the Hon. tf, G.

Ballinger were present.

(b) That section "C" of the Minutes should, read:- “Hie application of the Transvaal Association for I:on-Buropean Professional

Boxing for the 6th June, 1953 for purposes ox staging a boxing

tournament was granted.

(c) Mr* A . Nobanda moved that section (h) of the Minutes should read as follows:- That Thursday the 14th May, 1953 being a . holiday the Executive Coinmittee decide<3 that the meeting be held

on Wednesday 13th May, 1953.


(a) A report on the investigation as to whether the Nurses Association (Witwatersrand Group} is a recognised body with the Matron of Baragwanath Hospital revealed the fact that they are a recognise-d body. The meeting AGREED that they be granted the Lall

for the 5th June, 1953-

(b) AGREED that the preparations for the Concert by Dr. IT.Zwick to be held on the 19th June, 1953 he left in the hands of

tho Secretaries.

(c) Mr, Peter Rezant expressed his disatisfaction regarding the manner in which the Minutes were recorded. To him the Minutes did not convey the objections and arguments raised by him against the appointment of the Secretary. I:ln future the Minutes should reflect our dissentient for record, purposes. ,! He said. NOTED*

The meeting expressed its regrets that Mr. P . Rezant should have raised his points before the Minutes were accepted as a correct record; it is unfortunate that at this stage nothing can be done to alleviate the situation.

3. APPLICATION'S-- A:;;licr;tion& for the use of the Bantu Men’ s Social Centre Hall were received and considered from the fallowing:-

( a ) Application was received and granted to the p.vladi s for the purpose of staging a Concert and D^nce on Friday ',8th ‘Aurust, 1953.

(b) Application was received and granted to the National Council of African Women for the use cf the Bantu Men’ s Social Centre Hall for purposes of staging a Concert and Dance on the 10th July, 1953,

(c) Application was received and granted to the Merry Black Birds Band for the. use of the Bantu Men’ s Social Centro Hall on 1st June, 1953 for purposes of staging a "Cabaret."

(d) Application was received and granted to the Transvaal African Dancing Teachers' Association for the use of the Bantu Men's Social Centre Hall on the 3rd July, 1953 ifrr the purpose of staging a Dance for the Transvaal Championships,

Page 20: £3 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.zaP.O. Box 4767, JOHANNESBURG. 6th ... 1.-MATTERS A^gjKG: Mr. Self Mampuru reported that two letters were JJJ; , , Mr* V'* Silgee in connection with


(e) Application was received and granted to tlia Rosicrucian Order for the use of the Bantu Men's Social Centre Hall for tlie purpose of holding a meeting of their Native Members on the 18th September,


(f ) An application by Mr, S . Ndelu for the Hire of one of the Bantu

Men's Social Centre Offices for the purpose of maintaining ,a

Book-Keeping Office was rejected.

4. TTOvTP'ERSHIB: (a) The following were admitted into the

membership of the Centre

I. Solomon Mokone.2 ; Gideon Nxumalo,3. Edmund Sogoni.4 . Alexander Motsisi.5. Joseph du Preez.6 . Jonathan Dludla.7 . B . Matshiki.8 . Elmont Mvubu.9. Edward Dlamini.10. Petrus Dlamini.I I . William Ngogodo.12. Khabi Mngoma.13. A . E . G ani.

5 . MEMBERSHIP HEITEv7ALS: membership

1. Phineas Khophochane,2. C .C .J , vander Haar.3. Dudley Neku*4 . Edmund Makalima.5. Joseph K iti .6 . E . D. Nxumalo.

^ • G-ciHERAL;

(a) Mr* A . Nobanda moved that the meeting consider the reduction of charges on-Billiards and Snooker from one shillingto a six pence per game, and six pence to a Tickey respetiveljr; that

is 50fc less.

AGBEED that the matter be considered in the next meeting.

(b) Mr. A . B . Mathobela moved that the Bands using the Centre

premises for practices be engaged for raising funds. AGREED to disGuss the matter in the next meeting.

Tli-e2*© being no fur'fchfir "business the- meeting aloeed at 6-30 p .m .


• ,_o

14. R .A . Rasool. 27. Joel Mogase,

15. Vincent du Preez. 28. Edmund Mtembu

16. Edwin Muick. 29. David Mbekwa.

17- Johannes Mokoena. 30. Lucas Lamula.

18. Johannes Maseko. 31. Wilson Cindi.

19. Yfellington lande. 32. Norman Molefe

20. Paul Gladwin,

21. Simon Vilakazi.

22. Simon Nkonde.

23. T/hite Star.

24. Timothy Ntshingila.

25. Enoch Hlongwane.

26. Barney Samson,

(T») -The following have renewed their

7. Humphrey Job.8 . Alfred Marepula.9. Jonathan Cindi.10. E . Mapole.11. Michael Fnlapo.


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/t v f

B A N T U ___ M ’ S ________ SOCIAL CENTRE.

1 3 M 19^

Dear Member,

Amid the clamour of those times we again approach an

opportune moment, in which we have to take stock of our Institution's

achievements during the past year; in order to gauge our capacity

to meet whatever demands may be made up in the years to come.

Although, the past year of 1952 was fairly uneventful,

let us look forward to the year 1953 with ever-increasing coxxrage,

undoubted confidence and with unsbakeable hope. And at the sametime

keeping in mind that our Centre is facing times of Reconstruction

and Reclamation in i t ’ s history; and to meet these, we need to join

our hands in ONENESS. Throwing our whole solves to it , with correct

usage of all resources at our command. In short, building our Centre

on the basis of Tolerance, and Goodwill.

Our 1953 Motto: B .M .S .C . FIRST.

The Annual General Meeting 1953.

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting

of the European Members and that of the Non-European Members of the

Bantu Men’ s Social Centre w ill be held in the Committee“Room.on

Wednesday, 10th June, 1953 at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. respectively.

Gentlemen J It is at these meetings that the Election of

the new members to the Executive Committe will take place and it is

further noticed that it is at this meeting that you have the. right

to exercise or to express your constructive reclamation plans.

Come and Vote for the right to Reconstruct,

According to the Constitution, voting is open to all those

whose membership foes shall have been paid up-to-date.

Pay your fee early for the right to vote the Right man.

The members of the Executive Committee of the Bantu Men’ s

Social Centre are as followsi-


1# Dr. Ray E. Phillips. (President) Mr. A . B. Mathobela. (Vico-

2. Mr. J . Montague Pim. (Hon. Treasurer) President)

Mr. L. C. Kosa.

Mr. M. A , I-Iougli., . . /

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3. -Mr. M. A . Hough. (Vice-President) Mr. Self Mampuru.

4. Mr. A . B. O ’Brien. Mr, P . Rezant,

5* Mr. P. J . van Wvk. Mr. P . L erg ene.

6. Rev. J . R. Lepke. Mr, C. H. Boyang,

7* Coimcillor L. V. Hurd. Mr. G. G. Xorile.

8 , Senator the lion, W, G* Ballinger. Mr, R. S . Mutshekwane.

9. The Deputy Manager N.A .D . Mr. A, ITobanda.

10 , Mr. A . Bovet.

1 1 . Mr. W. R. Slater.

The following three (3 ) European members are elected by

Africans; Senator the Hon. G. Ballinger, Mr. M, A . Hough, and

Mr* J . I2o.iltague Pim.

The Constitution of the Bantu Men* s Social Centre

provides the election of eight (8 ) European and three (3) African

members to serve in the Executive Committee, while the African

members are entitled to elect six (6 ) Africans and throe (3)

European members to serve in the Executive Committee,

According to the above conditions Europeans are therefore

requested to send nominations to take the place of Mr. A . B.

Mathobela whose period of service has expired and the —

European members are requested to send nominations to take the

place of the following retiring members:

A fricans. Europeans,

Mr. C. H. Boyang. Mr. M. A. Hough.

Mr. P . Lengone. Mr. J . Montague Pim.

Senator tho Hon 7/. G. Ballinger

Our Executive Committee, I am sure his gladdened our

hearts by their kindness and unostentetious charity. It may be

truelly said, that, it is they *Who do good by stealth and

blush to find it fame,*

May they have power and energy to continue these noble

services with ever-increasing Patience, Humility, Confidence, Love

and Charity.* * * * * * * * * * ________________ _

Character is to a man What the Roots are to the tree,

* * * * * * * * * *

The following are the retiring members of the Activities

Committee whose belief and conviction is : "That the Devil finds some

work for idle hands to do ." /

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- 3 -

Tennis. Literary. In-door-Game s *

Mr. G. G. 2brile. Mr. c. H. Boyang. Mr. D. Mo garni.

Mr. G. Kgomo. Mr. C. Denalane. Mr. C. H. Boyang.

Tar, H. Molchonofane. Mr. J. Donalane. Mr. A . W. Mbatha.

Mr, S. Hkosi. Mr* M. Leepo. Mr. W . Tshabalala.

Mr. I . J . ITkosi. Mr. R* Peteni. Mr. J . Magoa.

Mr, P. Bezant. Mr, P. Lengene. Mr. C. Monkoe.

Mir. P. J, Modibedi, Mr. H. Mapola, Mr, J. MonnakgotlQ

Mr. V. Moahloli. Mr. H. Mokhonofano. Mr. A. B , Hathobel

Mr. ¥ . Vilakazi. Mr. E . Mdlcdle.

Mr. S. H, Msweli.

Our present world of change demands us to observe;

Elimination...............Substitution. Or never attempt to eliminate

at all 9

Your Centre 's programme of progress is in the hands of

the se men.

Your Centre ’ s programme for retrogression is in your

failure to attend this Important meeting which provides you with

the following rights.

(a) Right to present your Re-constructive plans.

(b) Right to vote the Right man.

(c) Right to Refuse Retrogression,

In conclusion, we extend our most hearty congratulations

to those members of the Centre who, on their own iniuiaoive and

willingness paid, their membership up-to-date; and made full correct

usage of the Centre.

"Our strength is your membership

* * * * * * * * * * ______ _______ ______

"A man shows what he is by what he does with what ho has."

* * * * * * * ***

Yours respectfully,

A . ¥ . Mbatha. (Assistant Secretary) B. Mav. Mudau. (Secretary)

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P .O . Box 4767, 223, Eloff Street,



His Excellency, the Governor-General of the Union of South

Africa; Dr. the Right Honourable E. G. Jansen.


Rev. Ray E. Phillips, Ph.D .


Mr. M» A. Hough.

Mr. A. B. Mathobela.


Mr. James Montague Pirn.


Mr. Self Mampuru.


Mr. P. Reddy.


Senator the Hon. ¥. G. Ballinger, Mr. C. Boyang, The Deputy Manager

(N .A .D .) Mr. M.A. Hough, Councillor L . V. Hurd, Mr. L . C. Koza,

Mr. P. Lcngenc, Rev. J . R . Lepke, Messrs. Self Mampuru,

A. B. Mathobela, R . S. Mutshekwane, A. Nobanda, A. B. O ’ Brien,

Dr. Ray. E. Phillips , Mr. J . Montague Pirn, Mr. P. Rczant,

Mr. F. J . van Wyk, and Mr. G. G. Xorile.


Mr. Walter Webber and Dr. S .S . Molema.

Rev. F. B. Bridgeman, D .D . (Deceased) Mr. Howard Pirn, M .A . , C .B .E .




Dr. James Dexter Taylor, D .D .

ANNUAL REPORT 1 9 5 2 /____

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The year under review has been an eventful one and as a result

life at the Bantu Men's Social Centre has been unsettled. We can

remark though that in spite of a few unpleasant incidents which

called for firm action on the part of your Executive, we can report



The Centre has had different Staff changes during the year. The

Assistant Secretary, Mr. V. Nikane resigned in March to take up

employment at the Modderfontein Dynamite Factory. Mr. F. J . Modibedi

was appointed in his place. The Secretary Mr. C .E . Nolutshungu

resigned in November. Mr. Modibedi then acted as Secretary and

Mr. P. Reddy was engaged as a temporary Assistant Secretary. In

December, 1952, Mr. Self Mampuru was appointed Acting Secretary in

the place of Mr. Modibedi until a full-time Secretary could be found.

The Staff changes were indications of an unsatisfactory atmosphere at

the Centre. Your Committee hopes the new year w ill bring with it

more self-discipline.


There was a considerable decline in the number of members in

good standing. There wfi#<pnly 262. This indicates a laxity in

administrative control but it does not mean that the Centre was

badly patronised.


The Centre again provided its members with a diversified

recreational programme of leisure time activities. Competitions

with outside organisations were not organised during the year; but

there was regular activity in games such as B illiards, Snooker,

Ping - Pong, Chess, Draughts, Volley Ball, and American Basket Ball.

Tennis was played on a small scale until such time as our Number

One Court would be cleared and resurfaced by the Building Contractors

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who occupied the space daring the construction of the nextf Building

next door.

As regards B illiards, we are proud to make mention of the way

in which players made a substantial contribution to the funds of the

Centre by taxing themselves for each game played. This constitutes

a very fine example to other Sports Groups in the manner in which

members can make the Centre more self-supporting.

Boxing and Physical Training remained a popular activity and the

boxing group, under the guidance of a part-time Instructor, Mr. J.

Monnakgotla, attended regular training classes and participated in

Boxing Tournaments arranged by the Boxing Associations.


Our Founders Day celebrations held on the 24th October, 1952,

was an occasion worthy of the day when the club was thought of by

the founders.

This Annual occasion is to pay tribute to those who were

responsible for the establishment of the Centre and to those many

sympathetic Europeans and Agencies who are making it their responsi­

b ility for its maintenance and upkeep.

The occasion was also used to make a farewell presentation to

Dr. and Mrs. Ray E. Phillips who were leaving for the U .S .A . on

furlough for a year. Dr. Ruth Seabury of the American Board of

Commissioners for Foreign Missions and a member of a number of

United Nations Committees was the guest of Honour. The huge crowd

that attended consisting of Europeans and Non-Europeans was highly

impressed by the speech she made on "The Progress of the American

Negro in the Last Decade. 11


The Main Hall has been utilised regularly by various organisa­

tions, Schools and Individuals for the purpose of holding Concerts,

Dances, Receptions, Competitions and other functions. Further

use was made of the Centre premises for meetings, conferences,

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training courses and Band Practices by different organisations, too

numerous to tabulate.


The catering service at the Centre is still being hired out to

Miss. S. Teyise. Meals and refreshments have been provided for the

members at very low prices in spite of the rising costs of foodstuffs.

We are very grateful for the service Miss Teyise renders to the

Centre in this respect.


The Centre again provided Office accommodation for the Transvaal

Association of Non-European Boys' Clubs, the Transvaal Pathfinder

Boy Scouts Association, the Transvaal African Teachers Association,

and the Transvaal Professional Boxing Associations. Lodging was

provided for 12 male Students of the Jan H. Hofmeyr School of Social

Work, the whole Student body obtained Mid-day Meals in the Cafeteria,

and the Gymnasium was made available for classes in physical

education, folk dancing and games.

T H A N K S .

We express our grateful thanks to our many European Donors,

Subscribers end Friends for their financial and other assistance

during the year. We thank most heartily the firm of Messrs. Howard

Pim and Hardy, who, through Mr. J . Montague Pim, our Honorary

Treasurer, and Mr. F .N . Dunn, our Auditor, again rendered the Centre

valuable service in respect of its finances.

Among our donors we must express our special thanks to the

Union Department of Social Welfare, the City Council of Johannesburg,

and the Native Recruiting Corporation for their substantial financial


In the absence of our President on long leave in the U .S.A. we

want to make special mention of the long period of service he has

given the Centre. We all wish Dr. and Mrs. Phillips the very best for

their furlough and look forward to their return to us at the end of

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Our best wishes are extended to the incoming Committee

for 1953.



JANUARY. 19 55 .

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Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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