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2. QQ1152308 3. 4. () ......................................................................... ...2 .................................................. ..............143 .............................................................................150 ....................................................................166 ..............................................................................1 68 ............................................... ..............180 ........................................................ ..................253 ..................................................................284 ........... .....................................................................328 ........................................... ..............................................................349 1 1..................................................................3 84F.............................................................................................3 92.............................................................................................408 5. " 6. 7 ( (31:15-20) (41:1 ) (48:4-11) (3 3:2-20 ) ((; 7. : 3 (160-134B.C. ) 167 160 152 140 161 140 (15:33-34) (7:23-29 ) (32:4-22 ) (6:37;23: 19) (45:15) ()( 1 5 T 8. 4 o 1I 1 J 2 I J 3 2 3 4 ()() 5 l 2 24: 12 3 1: 18; 9: 11 ; 32: 15 9. : 56 5 7 Ii dJ8 9 ;() 0 8 I I () 94 34:27 5 30: 1 06 31 :27;30:20; 1; 3 1: 20 07 17: 15; 9: 10 ; 17: 2; : 3 3; 23: 13 8 20:28 9 28 20:310 10. 6 12 I 1013 1114 1215 I 1316 14 : J0 15 17 17 18 J 1810 24: 19; ~ 25 :4; 9 :26; 1: 15 II 21: 14 12 4:28;28:36 64 IJ 4:29 ; 29: 14; : 13 14 32:41 015 8: 13 016 25:8;29:45 11 26: 12; 24:70 31 :6 11. : 719 r 1920 r 20 (: 21 ) 21 22 22 r 23 24 2S 24 26 25 19 2 1: 14; 106:41 ; 9:26 020 51: 10 021 2: 12 0u 9:26 29 " 31 :27 024 26:40; 9:2 25 6: 10:16;30:6 26 31 :9; 14:1 12. 8 27 26 [""()()() J 2827 :["" 29 28 o J 3029 ()21 1: 10 0m 34:27 29 33 :2; 7:53 ; 3: 19 030 24: 10; 24:23 13. :9 312I I ()2 7129 o 30 - J 31 :6 25 :35 0 329. 326 () 32 J 33 : 34 35 J 77 1 2 8 1 (Misri) 2 (Amshir) 3 4 8 5 !7 44:6; 1: 8 22 330. : 327 6 9 7 ! J91 ! : :9 17 331. 3281/> O:( 29-31),() 332. : 329 (The Testament of J aco b)l 2 (Misri)(I saac) 3 !!!! 4 ! J 5 6 (Michael) : 7 J 8 ? 10 11 12 13 : J 21 46: 1-7 46:30 333. 330 2 1 (Goshen) J 2 3 4 5 ! 6 (Rebecca) 7 8 (Laban) ? 10 (Esau) 11 12 !()! 13 ! 14 !15 ()! 16 17 11 .IJ 18 ! 19 !!20 .IJ 21 22 23 46:34 334. : 331!! 24 I 25 26 I ! 27 !!3 1 2 3 I J 4 I ? J 5 I (Upper Mesopotamia) IF 6 7 8 9 :10 4 46: 1-7 0 335. 332 11 eJ J4 1 2 [ J 3 [ J 4 [ J 5 56 [ J 7 (Ephraim) (Manasseh) 8 [ J 9 [ J 10 11 12 13 14 15 [ :16 17 [ 18 47:27-31 336. : 333 (Amorites) J 651 - J 2 3 : (Reuben) (Benjamin) 0 J 4 ; 5 6 7 8 :;;;(:);;()? 7 10 (Bohairic) 11 12 13 (Gabrie l) 14 15 6 1 (Pharaoh) 6 U 48 8: 12;22: 13 337. 334 2 :? J 3 .!4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Dan). J 11 12 13 U(Mamre) (Ephron) 14 15 16 7:2 ! 3 8 50:6 0 338. : 335 4 5 6 7 r J 9 8 r (Luz) 11 9 (?) dlJ l 11 12 (Arabs) j 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 35: 11-15 339. 336 10;21 22 23 24 1125 ; 27 28 81 2 3 4 5 10 6:9 II 6 340. : 337I ! J6 ! 7 !! 8 !!9 :: 341. | l( 2) ( 3-4) ( 5-9) ( 3) ( 4-14 15-28) ( 1- 6 ;George W. E. Nickelsburg , Jewish Li terature Between the Bible and the Mishnah ,(Philadelphia: Fortress Press , 1981) , pp.212-213. 342. : 339 343. 340 t1 [ 31 :2:34:7J ... ...2 3 [ ... ... J (Phoenecia) 4 5 6 I 7 8 9 () 2 10 : 11 12 13 ()() 14 I () 15 16 () 17 () 18 2 1 I [ ... ...1 ()1 31: 7 1 31: 14 o 1 :7 344. : 341 o 2 3 ()() 4 I () o 5 6 () 7 () 8 49 () 53 1 I [...... J () 2 ; 63 4 I 5 Ir 21 6 7 Ir?? 21 8 9 Ir4 16:3 21 :6; 16:20 20:26 05 106:34-39; 8:8-16 6 36:7; 27:18-22 345. 342 .IJ 710 11 ~ J12 () 9 ? 13 1014 ()41 11 2 ~ , 3 4 ! 5 6 127 13 8 7 22: 16-18; 13; 6:13-18 0 7:36-419 4:26;30:19;31 :28 10 9: 13 11 9:4-19 12 36:22-23; 1: 1-4 1J 2:17;6:15-16; 6:6-12 346. :343?5I () 2 3 14 ; 4 ()() 5 () 156 6I 2 3 () 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;4 31: 16 5 347. 344 7 1 2 [...... 1 3 4 ()5 [6 () 7 ()() 8 ".JJ 9 10 ".......JJ8 1 ~...... 1 2 3 4 () 5 ()9 1 (Taxo) : 2 " ();... ... o 3 ()i 12: 1; 24:21 ; 7: 12; 26:7; 2:37 0 348. : 345? 4 (()5 o 6 7 10 I I 2 3 17 4 5 6 1:3 ; 26: 15; 63: 15; 25: 30 349. 346 7 8 !? 101 1 I 12 13 14 15 ;11 2 3 4 ~? J 0 5 6 ? 7 ? 8 350. : 347 9 I ? 10 ()? 11 ? 12 () ();() () ()?13 [? 14 15 J 16 ()Ii 17 () cl 18 Ii cl 19 ? J12 1 () 2 3 I () 4 () 351. 348 () 5 [ ...... J J 6 7 () () 8 18q 10 11 12 13 ...... J: :18 31 :3-8 0 352. | 29-34 : CAntiquities 8.2.5) (Targum Sheni to Esther) 5: 13 353. 350 (Ornias) (Ourie l) J( 1: 13;5:12) ( 1:13) J(4:12) J (1:8;2:9;3:6;17:4;18:41;20:21) "(11:6) (20:12) (5:1 1) (18:3) (7:4)( 1 : 5) | 354. : 351 (26:1-8) (Enepsigos)? 644 ( 15: 10-11 ) 644 355. 352 1:00 ;() (): E1: l( Ornias) 2 2 ()()3 ?? J4 l 72:18 2 6-7 356. : 353 F5 6 7 -;() J 38 9 - 11 !! dJ 10 11 -!! J 12 -?3 10: 13 9; 12: 7; 10:47 ; 12: 3 5; 1: 1 , 20; 9:27;12:23;15:22;20:20 , 31;21:9 , 15 357. 354 13 I I : T T2 I I ?? J : 2 I ? J :; 3 () o 4 (Ouriel) 5 O () 6 I J 7 4 8: 19; 5:5;9:39; 5:8 358. :I!355 IJ 8 ?I J 53 1 (Beelzeboul) 6 :! J 2 I ? J 3 I J 4 ()() 5 I 73~ 6 I ? J I 3 :22; 9:34;10:25;12:24; 11 15; 12 :31; 14: ;16: 11 6 3 :22; 10:25;12:24; 11: 15 7 4:29-34( ); 1:1; 1:1; 1:1 0 359. 356 (Onoskelis) 41 J ()() 0 2 3 ? J 4 : 5 : 6 7 ()8 ? ? J J 10 ? J J 11 () J 812 9 8 4:29-34 9 2:20 360. : 35751 :() (Asmodeus) 0 2 ? J ? J 3 () ()? J ?() 4 (); 5 ;10 6 ()7 ;: 8 ? J 9 10 6: 1-4; 12; 32: 17; 106:37 0 361. 358 - (Raphael) ,; J 10 --;11 -? J - J11 12 - 13 ;?6 1 -? J 2 - 3 ();11 5: 13 6: 1 362. : 3594 ? J ;;5 (Ephippas) J 6 : J 7 J 8 J I J ;() 12 J 13?() o 7: 14;8: 8; 1: 23 22: 1; 15 :34; 27:46 0 363. 360 Jjl P. 10 I J I L ()() J 14 11 I 7 o 2 ()I ? J () 3 I ? J I ? J 4 ; 5 I J I ? Jl 23: 11 364. : 361 o J 6 ? J ... ...()() 11 (Baltala) (Thallal) (Melchal) dl J 7 :? J ? J 8 ; t8 I ?J 2 o J 15 3 J 4 15 4:3 9; 2:8; 6: 12 365. 362 5 I (Lamechiel) 0 J 6 (Baruchiel)0 J 7 I ? (Marmaroth) 0 J 8 ()I ; O ? (Balthioul) 0 J 9 I ()[ ()(Ouriel) 0 J10 I O (Asteraoth)0 J11 I (Artemis) () 0 16 ()()12 16 19:24;27 ; 34 366. : 363 1791 () 2 -? J -;3 -!? J 4 -? J -J 5 -? J -;() 0 6 ()()()();()() 7 F T:10 1 O 17 7:2 367. 364 I !J 2 I ? J I ; 3 ();() 0 J4 I ? J I J 5 I ? J :6 J 7 ()() 8 ()9 10 I ? J I (Briathos) 0 J 368. : 365111 -() 2 f 3 () 18 4 -? J - J 5 -? J - 6 -;? J -() 19 () o 20 7 () () jjJS 12 1 18 5 :9; 15; 26:5319 7: 14;8: 8; 1:23 020 5: 13 369. 366 21 2 ? J () () 22 3 ( )(), 23 24 () 4 ()() 5 (Obyzouth) .13 1 2 ? J ??? J21 12:1-17 022 9: 18 20 2) 15 :22; 27:22 ; 19: 17 H 9:6 370. : 367 3 I? J I ()() 4 T 1 5 6 I ? J I ; J 7 ot4 1 ; 2 I ? J I 3 (Touxylou) 0 4 (Eros) 371. 368 5 ;6 7 -- (Bazazath) 0 J 8 (Enepsigos) .( Rathanael)151 2 -? J - J 3 -? J -?? 4 : 5 6 372. : 369 7 ; 8 () 25 ?() l 11 ? 12 J 26F 13 14 ()() 15 25 5 :26; 12; 25: 8-17; 8 :20;9: 1 26 7: 14;8: 8; 1: 12 373. 370 (Kunopegos) .16I () 2 :() 0 3 4 : 5 1(Iameth )T6 J 7 1 5171 374. :371-? J - J 2 -? J -:: 3 o J 4 -!-() 27() 2 J 5 Tt8 1 () 2 -? J - 293 ;()4 -? J - (decan) (Ruax) 21 13 ; 6:4; 2: 11; 13:23 02 3 :20; 9:14;13:16-17;14:1 0M 4:3 9; 2: 8 20; 6: 12 375. 3725 11 (Michael), J dJ 6 r (Barsafael) 11 J 1 dJ 7 r (Artosael) 11 dJ 8 r (ropel) (|)11 dJ ? r ( Kairoxanondalon ) 11 (urouel)dJ 10 r ( Sphendonael )11 (Sabael) dJ 11 r (Sphandor)11 (Arael)dJ 12 r (Belbel) [ ...... )11 (Karael)dJ 13 r (Kourtael)11 CIaoth)dJ 14 r (Metathiax)3 10: 13 20 ; 12: 1 Jl 8: 16;9:21; 1: 19 376. : 373Ii (Adonael)dJ 15 I (Katanikotael) :dJ() 16 I ( Saphthorael )IidJ 17 I (Phobothel) Ii( 18 I (Leroel) Ii CIax) dJ 19 I (Soubelti) Ii (Rizoel) dJ 20 I (Katrax) IidJ 21 I (Ieropa) ;()Ii (Iouda Zizabou) dJ 22 I (Modebel) 377. 374 23 (Mardero) ;24 (Rhyx N athotho )~(Phounebie t).Jl 25 (Rhyx Alath)~( Rarideris 26 (Rhyx Audameoth) ~ (Raiouoth ).Jl27 (Rhyx Manthado) ~.Jl28 (Rhyx Aktonme) (Marmaraoth) .Jl 29 (Rhyx Anatreth) IT (Arara)(Arare) .Jl 30 (Enautha)~ (Kalazael) .Jl 31 (Rhyx Axesbuth) 32 (Rhyx Hapax)~; (Phedismos) .Jl 378. :| 375 33 (Anoster) ()11 (Marmaraoth).!l 34 (Rhyx Physikoreth) 0()11 32.!l 35 (Rhyx Aleureth)() 36 (Rhyx Ichthuon)11 (malthe 37 ( R h y xAchoneoth) : (Rhyx Leikourgos) .!l 38 (Rhyx Autoth) 39 (Rhyx Phtheneoth) 40 (Rhyx Mianeth);;11 (Melto Ardad Anaath) .!l 32 25:18-20; 6:23-28; 18 ; 6:2 379. 376 41 42 -119 1 2 3 (Sheeba) l4 -120 1 : o J 2 ()3 ? J 4 ;JJ 5; 10: 1-1 0; 9: 1-1 0 034 10: 1. 13 ; 9: 1-12; 12:42; 11: 31 10:47 ; 12:35; 1:1 20;9:27;12:23;15:22;20: 31;21:9-25 380. : 377 J 5 () -6 -? J 7 -8 -? J -9 10 -11 - J 12 - 13 14 - J 15 -()16 ; 381. 378 17 ;18 19 2 r ? J : J 21 21 1 36 2 3 374 [... ...1 ( Adarkes ) T22 1 :16 10 10; 9: 1-1 0; 12:42; 11 :31 017 r.7:48-50; 7 :23 ; 4:2; f25: 13; 18: 8 52: 17 382. :379 38 2 () 3 4 ;5 6 - J 7 398 () ?-10 f()()0 1 1 38 4:29-34; 1:1; 1:1; 1:1 039 118 :22; 28: 16; 12: 10; 21 :42; 20: 17 , 18; 4:11 ; 2:6-8 0 383. 380 12 13 ()0 () 14 15 ()(Ephippas) . 316 17 ()( ) 1 B () 19 1"? J 1" ()2 I ? J 1"231 1"? J 1" J 2 1"1"(), ()()3 384. :381 4 I 4024 1 I () () 2 ():() 0J 3 414 () 5 ( Abezethibou) T 25 1 ?2 I ; (Amelouth)0 3 424 (Jannes) 40 13:21 ;14:19 9: 12 , 19; 99:7;118:22; 7:2 3; 12: 10; 21 :42; 20: 17; 4: 11; 2 :4 , 7 41 4:29-34 42 7-11 ; 7:36; 7: 11-13; 3:8 385. 382 Uambres) ()5 [""? J ["" 6 ()()7 ()8 9 () 1.1 26 1 44 2 [""[""(Moloch) (Raphan) J 3 () [""4 [""I dl 5 () fD 14:8 9 , 21-23 44 11:1 33;2:13-46; 10:16; 18: 16 , 28; 11 :4 , 5; 6 7; 6:3; 526; 1: 15; 7:43; 18:21 ;20:2-5; 3:55;49:1 2; 23: 10 386. : 383. 11t. 6 7 ; o 8 :: 11: 1-8 0 387. f| - l :1 (Midrash) (), 388. : 385}11(TheTestament of Our Father Adam)l : 2 : 3 :4 :!!! J 2 5 : 3 4 6 : 7 :() 5 8 :?: 10 : 11 : 12 : 6 i 148: 7 2 6:2 3 1: 7 4 1: 24 5 5: 14 6 104:4 389. 386 2: 2 :3 : 4 : o 5 : 6 : 7 :8 : 9 : 10 : 8:() 11 : 12 :3 1 () (Seth) ()2 I 148: 1 U 1: 2 390. : E 387 dl 3 IT? dl : (Sheol) 4 5 ; (Lebuda) ()6 - o () (Enoch) : 4 1 :: 391. 388 2 3 ()():4 5 6 (Assyrian king) (): 9 7 (Zechariah) (among the tressof the tabernacle) () ()() 0 10 (J udah the Maccabee)(Antiochus) ;9 19:35 ; 37 :36 10 1: 11 392. : 3898 !!! J;; O : : 5 393. 394. A AbelAbel-Maoul AbezethibouAbimaAbrahamAbram AchorAculon AdamAdarkes, Adataneses AdonaelAdullamite AendainAfra AinaAmalek Amaltheia s HornAmana AmasaqaAmathinAmelouth Amorites Amshir 395. : 393AnanAngel of the Presence Antiochus AntiquitiesArabs Arael AramArara Arare AretonArtemanArtemis Artosael5l: iAsamAsenathAsherAshkelonAsmodeusAspis Assyrians Assyrian King Asteraoth AstethaAsudiAusitis Azri al Azura 396. 394 Azurad BBaltalaBalthioulBaradBaraka Barak el Baraki ilBarsabaBarsafaelBaruchielBasa Bazazath BedsuelBeelzeboul Belbel Beliar Belisath Beniamin Beosomaza Betenos BethelBethlehem BilhahBohairic Briathos 397. : 395Brit. Lib CCainCanaanitesCappadociansChaldeanCherubimChorosChozeba Compassionate Creation of the Heavens Cusin DDabircamo t Dan DanabaDan elDeborah DecanDinah DokielDothanEEberEblaen 398. 396 Edna EdniElamites Elat Elda ElihuEliphasElyo Ermon EmzaraEnan EnauthaEnepsigos EnochEnoshEphippas EphodEphraimEphratha EphronEr Eros EsauEveF FalacusFaltia E 399. :397Feast of Shebuot FeregGGaash GabrielGadGaderGE GaggiGebalGelachians GelucGerarGersom Gomorrah Goshen Great SaHHam-;3 Hamor Haran Hebron HelifazHeliopolis Hemera Hiram 400. 398 HittitesHoran HushimmnsofKHyonIamethIaoth Iax IeropaIjaka Iouda Zizabou Isaac Ishmaelites Issachar Iv Jabel JacobJambres Jamnia EJannesJapheth Jared JoambresJoannes 401. : 399Jobab JochebedJohn Hyrcanus Judah Judah the MaccabeeKKairoxanondalon KalazaelKaraelKarasoKasiaKatanikotaelKatrKenanKesed Kfalkonagargailyuya King of the Temanites KohathKourtaelKunopegosLLaban LachishLamechLamechiel LandofHam 402. 400 LebanonLebuda Lec Leroel Levi LomniLotLubarLuzMMaccabees MacherMahalalel MakamaronMarmaraoth MarmarothMambresMamreManasseh MarderoMasekMa uk SeaMe at SeaMebriMedesMelcha Melchal 403. : 401Melka Melto Ardad AnaathMemphianMemphis MerariMerciful OneMesopotamia Metathiax MethusalehMidrash Minas Miscellanies(Miscellanies 01 Eliphas (Misri Modebel MolochMooli Mount Qater Mount SeirMu aleleth NNabiNa eltama ukNahor NaphidimNaphilNaphtali 404. 402 NebrodNefin Nemigin NereusNikeNoahNoamOObyzouthOrniasOnanOnoskelis OropelOurielOzeel PPalaeaPap. Chester Beatty Pap. Vindob ParousiaPaternal Splendor PatriarchsPentephrisPersiansPharnak Phandana 405. :403Pharaoh Phedismos PhinehasPhiphePhobothelPhoenecia PhorosPhounebielPhrouon Prince of EITor Purouel QQeltRRabaelRachelRacin Rafa MountainsRafoRaiouothRake elRaphanRaphael Rarideris Rasu eyaRasuyal 406. 404 RathanaelRebeccaRefuth ResunReu ReubenRhyx Achoneoth Rhyx Aktonme RhyxAlathRhyx AleurethRhyx AnatrethRhyx Anoster Rhyx Audameoth Rhyx AutothRhyx AxesbuthRhyxHapaxRhyx IchthuonRhyx LeikourgosRhyx ManthadoRhyx 1ianethRhyx NathothoRhyx PhtheneothRhyx Physikoreth River OceanusRiver Tina Rizoel Rotheos 407. :405Ruax: Ruler of Majesty and Reconciliation 5SabaSabaelSacharSalmanSamon Saphthorael Sarah SeciurSecond Parousia Sedeqetelebab Semei F mh an h l.-p QOquuu i m v Uu MShechem SheebaShelomShemSheol Sifaz iSiloam ESmnn Sitis Sodom 408. 406 Sophar Soubelti Sphandor SphendonaelSpirit StadeStadia StadionSuri Susa SusanSyriansTTamar TappualTargum Taxo TelazTellun TelupTerah Tersi ThallalThamna Therapeute Tharmuth Thrice-Holy Hymn 409. :407TouxylouUUruinWWatcherswoe three timesZZaldefalZavis ZebulonZechariahZefaramZeleu Zelpha 410. Feast of Shebuot Thrice-Holy Hymn woe three times Great Sea Brit. Lib ,Iv Elat Esau Isaac Enoch EnanEphod EphronElihuEliphasEldaEphrathaEphraimEnoshIjaka Issachar 411. F: 409 ElamitesEphippas Ishmaelites(Miscellanies 01 EliphasBasaBarad Ba1tala Baraka BarsabaBazazathBarsafaelBaraki ilBaraki elBaruchiel BelisathBetenosBeosomazaHushim Creation of the Heavens Paternal SplendorTerahTelupTappual TargumSheebaSemei 412. 410 Shelom Shechem Nefin NikeNereusNemiginNebrodKarael Kalazael Katrax Katanikotael GerarQelt GabrielCappadocians Lomni CusinBalthioulPhorosStadia BriathosPentephrisMidrashMebriMe at SeaMisri 413. : 411Merari MedesMetathiax Mesopotamia AendainEnautha Antiochus Zebulon Siloam Mount Seir Dothan DokielIamethIeropaEnepsigos PatriarchsTamar Merciful One Samon SacharSabaelSedeqetelebab Lefuc Levi Refuth Resun 414. 412 3 Rebecca RizoeljbInLandofHamBelbelBedsuel Pap.Chester BeattyEberHnHyonHebron Helifaz DanDan el Danaba BethlehemBethelKesedHoranReuben Beelzeboul Mount Qater PhandanaTouxylou CompassionateJ UAdam 415. : 413 Anan Aram Heliopolis Abel Achor Aina Asam AsherAsudiArtemisAraelAmathinAmana AsenathAculonAbima AstethaArn alekAretonAbramAssyrians ArtemanAssyrian King Adullamite Aspis Asteraoth Amorites 416. 414 ArtosaelAzri alAdonaelAbraham Abel-Maoul Asmodeus AmasaqaAmelouth Arare AraraAdarkesArabs Abezethibou Axesbuth Amaltheia s HornGadGaderGaggi Gadir Karaso Canaanites GebalChaldeanGaashReuLabanLachish 417. :415 Lamech Rachel Racin RafoRabaelRaphaelIaxRafa MountainsRake elRasu eyaRasuyal Rathanael Rarideris Afra PhiphePhinehas Fereg SuriSodom PharaohFalacus E FaltiaMemphianMambres DinahDeborahBohairic 418. 416 PersiansPalaea Therapeute Beliar Jambres Thamna1ErosMu aleleth Ashkelon KohathChorosChozeba Hamor Haran JobabJochebed Onan River OceanusShem Melka Thallal Gersom SimminLamechielWatchersHemera 419. : 417MooliBenjaminPurouelRuler of Majesty and Reconciliation 1asekMaccabees1ardero Marmaraoth Marmaroth Nabi Naphil NahorNaphidim Naphtali Noam Memphis Noah IaothEblaenIouda ZizabouE Ermon Tersi Telaz Uruin Ozeel 420. 418 KourtaelKunopegosEveSalman Decan Naeltamauk.~Kasia Cherubim(!mns01 KasiaMelchaMacherSheolRaphan John Hyrcanus Modebel Leroel LebudaSyriansPharnakSecond Parousia Rhyx LeikourgosRhyx Ichthuon Rh yxAlath Rhyx Achoneoth 421. :419 Rh yx AleurethRh yx Aktonme Rh yx Anatreth Rh yx AnosterRhyx PhysikorethRhyxHapaxRh yx NathothoRh yx ManthadoRhyx PhtheneothRhyx Autoth Rhyx Mianeth Rhyx Audameoth Jabel Japheth Jannes Joambres Joannes Jacob JaredAzura AzuradJamnia Sifaz SitisStadeStadionSphandor 422. 420 Sphendonael Tharmuth TellunRiver TinaKing of the Temanites Judah Antiquities AmshirPhrouon Gelachians Angel of the Presence DabircamoPap. Vindob.Phedismos Melto Ardad Anaath KairoxanondalonOurielAusitisOurouel Oropel Obyzouth OrniasOnoskelis Edna EdniAdataneses 423. :421 Geluc Goshen LuzLubar Cain Kenan PhobothelPhounebiel SethZelpha Bilhah TaxoPhoeneciaGomorrah EmzaraManassehMahalalelMa uk Sea Methusaleh Makamaron Hittites Mamre SopharParousia 424. 422 SabaZavisKfalkonagargailyuyaSarah Seraphim Zaldefal ZefaramZechariahSephantiphans Lebanon RuaxMoloch MelchalPrince ofErrorSeciurZeleuMinas(Miscellanies SaphthoraelLot 425. : fl423ElyoRotheosSusanSusa Soubelti Raiouoth Spirit 426. :: ::: 140 14 : 2367 031 :2739 6030 10 2385 5880: 00 Christian ExtraCanonical Document - Old Testament IVChief Editor: Eric K. C. W ongEditorial Board: L. K. Lo, S. C. Fung, Samuel W.W. Chu , Simon S. M. Wong ,H. Y. Wong , Eric K. C. Wong , Ng Sze Yuen, Craig Y. S. Ho , Nicholas H. F. TaiProduction and Editing: Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd.Publisher: Fung Sau ChungA lI Rights ReservedFirst Edition: July 2003CHINESE CHRISTIAN LITERATURE COUNCIL L TD.141F, 140 Austin Road, Kowloon , Hong KongTel: 2367 8031 Fax: 2739 6030E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.hkcclcltd.orgCat. No.717.04Alm248 ISBN 962-294-121-4 427. l 11 11 E "t ... ....~""..- """i1 : .~ ."- .., --:-. Gudo Ren "1!.." ~iI~ 1600-10 174 ~~ I nl " i? ;:. N 134 Ca t. No 71704A