癌症照護者之心理調適 胡文郁

癌症照護者之心理調適 台大醫學院護理學系所 教授 台大醫院護理部 兼任督導長 101-9-2 胡文郁 癌症之三段五級觀念 五級 三段 預防 治癒性治療 安寧 緩和醫療 死亡 空間軸 (健康照顧場所) 醫學中心 時間軸 (人生各發展階段) 出生 居家療護 安寧緩和醫療 健康軸 (醫護專業服務) 健康促進 醫療的本質癌症患者連續性照護之模式 癌症病人之 持續性需要 出院計畫中不同 科別成組之介入 社區中之 護理機構 連續性照護 病患之預後 預防及早期發現 諮商 因應 舒適 營養 保衛機轉 免疫 造血 皮膚 感覺運動 活動 排泄 換氣 循環 護理專家 護理人員 醫師 社工人員 物理治療師 職能治療師 神職人員 家屬 社區醫院 專業護理機構 復健機構 護理之家 安寧之家 門診照護 居家健康照護 家庭單獨照護 增進生活品質 生理狀況良好 社會功能 症狀控制 癌症照護者 緩和醫療學專論 存活 死亡 癌症病人之整體性痛苦與家屬之照顧負荷 生命存活期 生活品質 熟輕熟重? 癌症末期

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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  • 1. 101-9-2 )

2. (Model of Family Members Perceptions of Death, Family Grief and Coping) (Nuclear Family (Family Grief Functioning)Reactions) (Death(Family (Family Member(Family CopingEvent)History)Perceptions Strategies) of the Death) (Cultural (Family (bereavement care)(grief work) Constraints) InteractionPatterns) Individual Filter From: Moos N.L., (1995)(1) (3) (Wider Society) (Reference Group) (Law enforcement system) (Communications (Welfare system) system) (Educational(Family) (Health care system) system) (Political system)(Religious system)From Lytton, 1980 - / - - - - - 3. (Pain)()(Spiritual concerns)(Physical symptoms)-- (Total suffering)Anger, Guilt, , Depression, Uncertainty, Anxiety, Fear (physical distresslonelinesshelplessnessloss of workand death) (Psychological problems) (Cultural factors) (Social difficulties) From: Woodruff, R.: Palliative Medicine. 4th ed. Oxford University Press, UK. 2004. : Family distress Patient autonomy From: Dr. Carl Rogers ( Taiwan: nationwide guidelines for truth tellingAssess and preparation()Communication with family (), ACTSTruth telling process (Donnelly & Walsh , 1996)()Support and follow up() http://health99.doh.gov.tw/educZone/edu_detail.aspx?Catid=21568&Type=SEARCH ) 4. () ( Bereavement care ) - / 14(The Tasks of Mourning) To accept the realiry of the loss To experience the pain of grief To adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing Videka-Sherman - To withdraw emotional energy and reinvest Worden - in another relationship From: Dr. WordenSt. Christopher, Bohnet, 1984; Parkes & Weiss, 1 , , , A. B. , 1.()1. , 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4.() ,5. , , 5. (Art therapy) A.71.3 B. 37.5 1 23 4 5 2. 15.92. 12.5 3.9.83. 12.5 1 101 004. 36.64. 12.52200 0 0 5. 12.53001 0 05. 19.56. 12.54011 2 1,, C.21.75 402 9 146. 14.6NTUH Hospice 6. ( Staff support ) DNR (Spirituality)The incorporation of a transcendentdimension in life (Kemp, 1999). ; ,2004) Philosophy () Belief () (Spiritual) Faith () - The acceptance without objective proof of (Philosophy or belief) (Religion) something. Religion () An organized effort, usually involving ritual and devotion, to manifest spirituality. 7. - . ., . . . . . . . .(wholeness) Robert Assagioli, 1888-1974 8. . , () Sharing Your Wishes Advance Care Planning Aging with Dignity? ?? ? ? 2012/8/28 9. Freedomof spiritual !