英语国际音标 课件大全

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英语国际音标 课件大全. 音素和国际音标 1 .什么是音素 : 音素是语音的最小单位。 2 .音素的分类 : 元音和辅音。 3 .音素的个数: 共 48 个,元音音素 20 个,辅 音音 素 28 个。 4 .什么是音标: 记录音素的符号叫做音标。 5 .什么是国际音标: 国际音标是由国际语音 协会规定的一套音标,用来 记录世界各主要语言的语音。 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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音素和国际音标 1 .什么是音素:音素是语音的最小单位。2 .音素的分类:元音和辅音。3 .音素的个数:共 48 个,元音音素 20 个,辅 音音 素 28 个。4 .什么是音标:记录音素的符号叫做音标。5 .什么是国际音标:国际音标是由国际语音 协会规定的一套音标,用来 记录世界各主要语言的语音。7. 开音节: a) 辅音 + 元音 + 辅音 +e : name, bike, home, due, plane, shine

b) 辅音 + 元音 : he, go, hi, do, be, tree, three, hello

8. 闭音节: a) 辅音 + 元音 + 辅音 : bad, bed, sit, hot, cup,let, mad, map

b) 元音 + 辅音 : it,is, of, in, on, up, out, ant

9. 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。

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•元音和辅音的定义:•发音时声带振 动,呼出的气流通过口




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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

英语元音 (English vowels)

英语元音音素共 20 个。分单元音和双元音两大类。

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

a. 前元音: / i: /, / i /, / e /, / æ /b. 后元音: / ɑ:/, / ɔ /, / ɔ:/, / u /, / u: /c. 中元音: / ә: /, / ә / , /Λ/

a.  合口双元音: / ei /, / әu /, / ai /, / au /, /i /

b. 集中双元音: / i ә /, / εә /, / uә /



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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

a. 爆破音 / p /, / b /, / t / , / d /, / k /, / ɡ / b. 摩擦音 / f / , / v / , /θ/, / ð / , / s / , / z / , /∫/, /3/ ,/ h /, / r /c. 破擦音 / t∫/ , /dӡ / , /tr/ , /dr/ , /ts/ , /dz/ d. 鼻音 /m/ , /n/, /ŋ/ e. 旁流音(舌侧音) / l /f. 半元音 / w /, / j /


(English consonants) 共 28 个

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Lesson 1Lesson 1

元音 [i:] [i] [ :] [ ] ә ә学习

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.


eme we he equal scene

ee see indeed breeze succeed

ea eat beat neat real defeat

ie yield piece field believe

发 音 规 则发 音 规 则

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

eiseize receive ceiling

i police ski machine

eo people

ey key


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• [i:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 e ee ea • e: me be she he we evening• ee:sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three gr

een• ea:meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean• 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同

的两个词。• 1.seat rain bean cat • 2.gift feet teacher dog• 3.pig star tree jeep • 4.sweet sea fish the

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

iit fit pig miss kiss fill picnic

y city pretty busy sixty

e pretty English England

ee coffee committee

[ i ]

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

eymoney valley

ie carried worried ladies

a village

o women

[ i ]

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• [i] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 i e y ey ay• i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin• e: begin behind jacket basketball• y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny • lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy• ey: monkey money• ay:Sunday Saturday Friday • 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母发音不相同的单词。• 1.sofa sit kick lip • 2.ink gift jam ship• 3.hand picture big sister • 4.hot lick pig jelly

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

urturn fur church furniture further

or word worth worst work

our journey

ir bird birthday thirsty stir

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[ә:][ә:] [ә:][ә:]

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

erserve emergency deserted determine

ear earth heard search

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• [ :] ә 发这个音的字母和字母组合 er ir ur ear or• er: her serve term• ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt • ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain• ear:early learn • or: word work world• 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的单

词。• 1.thirty beer thirsty wheat • 2. bank king her nurse• 3.turtle bird rabbit knee • 4.room run shirt term

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[∂] 舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之短音。

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.


agree ahead admire attend adventure

ar calendar polar

er another order gather

o method Europe second

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曲靖市第二中学英语教研组 Welcome to English world.

orlabor behavior actor doctor

our colo(u)r

ou famous

ur surprise survive

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[ ] ә 发这个音的字母和字母组合 ure er ar or a e• ure: picture• er:teacher brother dinner father sister• ar: sugar• or:doctor • a:panda about above camera sofa China• 根据发音规则,找出发 [ ]ә 的 2 个单词写在后面的横线上。• 1.mother sofa road smile • 2.sit father sister food • 3. hair deer tiger China • 4.sugar soon ear leader

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音标 [i:] [i] [ә:] [ә] 练习1. 找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) h① e feet bread green

( ) p② ig is dog ship

( ) thirty bird③ her food

( ) she④ big in money

( ) sweets⑤ fish teacher we

( ) teacher⑥ sister about girl

( ) tiger⑦ first work shirt

( ) tree⑧ bean clean chin

( ) father⑨ doctor skirt china

( ) happy⑩ sea sit picture

2. 读音标写单词。 [bi:] [bә:d] [si:] [swi:t] [′bizi] [hә:] [′dɔktә] [′sistә] [li:f] [hi:]

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Lesson 2

音标 [ :] [ ] [u:] [u]ɔ ɔ学习

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[ɔ:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 a aw al or oor

a: water

aw: draw strawberry

al: ball wall

or: horse corn fork or short

oor: floor door

根据发音规则,找出发 [ɔ:] 的 1 个单词。 1.tall bird bread poor

2.idea chair sport hare

3.cake bear walk cup

4.drink short bag milk

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• [ ] ɔ 发这个音的字母和字母组合 o a• o: fox coffee dog shop dog• doctor long• a: watch • 根据发音规则,找出发 [ ]ɔ 的 2 个单词。• 1.doctor teacher box clothes• 2.cold zoo clock dog• 3.love boss lot violin• 4.watch beach fox girl

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[u:] 发这个音的字母 / 字母组合 o oo ui u • o: do who whose• oo: food moon too• ui: fruit juice• u: ruler rude • 根据发音规则,找出不发 [u:] 的单词。• 1. juice moon zoo panda • 2. tooth broom eye spoon• 3. head boot noodles pool • 4. noon cool boot watch

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• [u] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 o oo u• o:woman wolf• oo:look good book foot wood• u:bull bullet• 根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音

不相同的单词。• 1.mouth book look pull • 2.push tape sugar foot• 3.wood kind wolf bull • 4.bullet wood cook name

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音标 [ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u] 练习

一.找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) moon① food eat fruit

( ) true② book wood look

( ) four③ small walk bird

( ) got④ clock shop shirt

( ) bus⑤ foot push book

( ) ruler⑦ dog mooncake blue

( ) big⑧ ship horse it

音标 [ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u] 练习

一.找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) moon① food eat fruit

( ) true② book wood look

( ) four③ small walk bird

( ) got④ clock shop shirt

( ) bus⑤ foot push book

( ) ruler⑦ dog mooncake blue

( ) big⑧ ship horse it

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• 四 . 写出单词或音标。• [bru:m] [d :]ɔ [sit] [b :d] ә

• [fut] [wi:] [d g]ɔ [′sist

] ә • look do water good

• too foot clock first

• work sister doctor sea• 五 . 将下列单词与正确的音标用线连起来。• hot [blu:]• football [huk]• blue [ki:s]• hook [futb :l]ɔ• kiss [h t]ɔ