斯洛伐克 - amazon s3...第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡luxembourg → 特里爾 trier →...

16 15晚東歐•西歐 10國璀璨之旅 捷克 斯洛伐克 匈牙利 奧地利 瑞士 德國 荷蘭 比利時 法國 盧森堡 團號:ECGR491T89 出发日期: 抵达法蘭克福每周日 或: 抵达巴黎每周三 1 天【星期日】: 抵达法蘭克福 Arrival Frankfurt 到达法兰克福国际机场后,有专人接送到酒店休息。 住宿︰法兰克福城市之酒店 2 【星期一】 法蘭克福 Frankfurt → 布拉格 Prague 早上從德國法蘭克福起程前往捷克首府布拉格,預料下午時份過境進入捷克,黃昏安抵伏爾塔瓦河畔的東歐古都布拉格 - 有中 世紀寶石之美譽。市內古老建築的尖塔圓頂在夕陽照耀下顯得金碧輝煌,因而又被稱為金色之城,全城散發著古雅的氣息。住宿: 布拉格或鄰近城市 3 【星期二】 布拉格 Prague → 布拉提斯瓦 Bratislava 早上起程前往參觀建於山丘上充滿中世紀風格的嘉斯登古堡 - 昔日的皇宮花園,現今已變為總統官邸及政府大樓。附近的聖維 特斯大教堂建於十世紀初,經歷了許多歲月,見證布拉格的興衰;繼而遊覽昔日金匠匯聚,專製黃金飾物而聞名的「黃金小徑」, 再途經查理士大橋跨過伏爾塔瓦河,到達舊市中心,市政廳鐘樓上有數百年歷史的天文古鐘和十二使徒肖像,準確顯示天文子曆, 市政廳前的廣場是歷史集會、起義的地點,市內狹窄街道縱橫交錯,每個角落都洋溢著古典清雅氣色;下午離開布拉格,前 往斯洛伐克共和國的首都布拉提斯瓦,斯洛伐克與捷克原本是一個國家,一九九二年和平分離,首都布拉提斯瓦保持完整 的古蹟風貌,抵步後途經聖馬丁教堂、布拉提斯瓦城堡。住宿:布拉提斯瓦或鄰近城市 4 【星期三】 布拉提斯瓦 Bratislava → 布達佩斯 Budapest 早上起程前往匈牙利首都布達佩斯,抵達後,遊覽這個被多瑙河分割為二的城市,河之西岸稱為布達,東岸稱為佩斯,布達佩斯 素有「多瑙河明珠」及「東歐巴黎」的美譽。遊覽名勝包括:慶祝建國及紀念馬札爾族人聯盟之英雄廣場,欣賞千年紀念碑及馬 札爾酋長雕像。參觀國會大廈、伊莉莎伯大橋、漁夫城堡、歷代匈牙利國王加冕的馬提亞教堂、及從堡壘山的解放紀念碑俯瞰布 達佩斯全景。領隊可安排自費乘船遊覽多瑙河,欣賞布達及佩斯兩岸風光,實在不容錯過。住宿:布達達佩斯或鄰近城市 5 【星期四】 布達佩斯 Budapest → 維也納 Vienna 早上起程前往奧地利首都維也納,遊覽著名的遜布倫宮。這座壯麗的巴洛克式建築又稱為美泉宮,是一代女皇瑪利亞杜麗莎,於 黃金時代擴建的宮殿,裝潢華麗金碧,御花園遼闊廣大,終年繁花似錦,園內的藝術雕像和噴泉互相配合,充份顯示出奧匈帝國 極盛時期的輝煌。隨後遊覽環城大道,壯觀宏偉的建築,如以新歌德式設計的市政廳、希臘神殿式設計的國會大廈、氣勢雄偉的 霍夫堡皇宮、英雄廣場和國立歌劇院。在市立公園可追憶華爾茲大王小約翰‧斯特勞斯的傳奇事蹟,瞻仰其雕像;市中心的聖史 提芬大教堂及繁華熱鬧的行人購物區更是遊客必到之處。住宿:維也納或鄰近城市(維也納素有「音樂之都」的美譽,其中華 爾茲舞曲更馳名於世。晚上團友若有興趣可由領隊安排,自費欣賞華爾茲音樂曲舞表演晚會。) 6 【星期五】 維也納 Vienna → 薩爾斯堡 Salzburg → 慕尼黑 Munich 早上起程前往景色秀麗的阿爾卑斯山,參觀北麓古城薩爾斯堡。薩城是音樂神童莫札特的誕生地,此城由三座小山環抱著,薩爾 沙河蜿蜒生姿,流經市區,著名賣座電影《仙樂飄飄處處聞》其外景就是在這個青山翠巒的童話仙境拍攝的。抵步後,遊覽薩城 舊城區,漫步在這優雅的小城,令人心曠神怡;遊罷朝德國慕尼黑方向進發,前往下榻之酒店。住宿:慕尼黑或鄰近城市

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Post on 09-Aug-2020




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Page 1: 斯洛伐克 - Amazon S3...第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡Luxembourg → 特里爾 Trier → 哥本倫茨Koblenz → 呂德斯海姆Rudesheim am Rhein → 法蘭克福 Frankfurt

16天 15 晚東歐•西歐 10 國璀璨之旅 捷克 斯洛伐克 匈牙利 奧地利 瑞士

德國 荷蘭 比利時 法國 盧森堡


出发日期: 抵达法蘭克福每周日 或: 抵达巴黎每周三

第 1 天【星期日】: 抵达法蘭克福 Arrival Frankfurt



第 2 天【星期一】: 法蘭克福 Frankfurt → 布拉格 Prague

早上從德國法蘭克福起程前往捷克首府布拉格,預料下午時份過境進入捷克,黃昏安抵伏爾塔瓦河畔的東歐古都布拉格 - 有中



第 3 天【星期二】: 布拉格 Prague → 布拉提斯瓦 Bratislava

早上起程前往參觀建於山丘上充滿中世紀風格的嘉斯登古堡 - 昔日的皇宮花園,現今已變為總統官邸及政府大樓。附近的聖維




第 4 天【星期三】:布拉提斯瓦 Bratislava → 布達佩斯 Budapest





第 5 天【星期四】:布達佩斯 Budapest → 維也納 Vienna







第 6 天【星期五】:維也納 Vienna → 薩爾斯堡 Salzburg → 慕尼黑 Munich




Page 2: 斯洛伐克 - Amazon S3...第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡Luxembourg → 特里爾 Trier → 哥本倫茨Koblenz → 呂德斯海姆Rudesheim am Rhein → 法蘭克福 Frankfurt

第 7 天【星期六】:慕尼黑 Munich → 鐵力士雪山 Mt Titlis → 琉森 Lucerne → 蘇黎世 Zurich



繼往賞雪台漫步,遊目四顧 , 群峰環列,冰川奇景,盡入眼簾;團友可於山頂餐廳享用午餐。遊罷雪山轉赴風景如畫的琉森市,



第 8 天【星期日】: 蘇黎世 Zurich → 萊茵河瀑布 Rhine Falls → 滴的斯湖 Titisee →法蘭克福 Frankfurt



常茂盛而形成一片墨綠森林,樹幹高聳入天。稍後抵達黑森林地區著名的山中湖 - 滴的斯湖。這個位於山區中的湖泊環境優美,



第 9 天【星期一】:法蘭克福 Frankfurt → 波恩 Bonn → 科隆 Cologne → 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam

早上起程前往前西德首都波恩,抵步後瀏覽波恩景點:貝多芬故居、波恩大學;遊罷轉赴科隆,遊覽著名科隆大教堂、購物大街; 午


第 10 天【星期二】: 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam → 風車村 Zaanse Schans → 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam





(荷蘭花展 Keukenhof 期間,增遊一年一度荷蘭花展,資料可查閱:www.keukenhof.com)

第 11 天【星期三】:阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam → 布魯塞爾 Brussels → 巴黎 Paris



第 12 天【星期四】:巴黎 Paris → 凡爾賽 Versailles → 巴黎 Paris







第 13 天【星期五】:巴黎 Paris





第 14 天【星期六】:巴黎 Paris → 漢斯 Reims → 盧森堡 Luxembourg




第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡Luxembourg → 特里爾 Trier → 哥本倫茨Koblenz → 呂德斯海姆Rudesheim am Rhein → 法蘭克福 Frankfurt


在位執政期間,特里爾踏入黃金年代,當時有第二羅馬之稱; 特里爾又是共產主義偉人馬克思的出生地,市內的馬克思故居及


景區; 旅遊車沿著萊茵河畔前進,兩岸風光盡入眼簾 (夏季可安排萊茵河船河),途中經過熱鬧小鎮呂德斯海姆稍作停留;下午


第 16 天【星期一】:法蘭克福 Frankfurt – 返回 Departure


Page 3: 斯洛伐克 - Amazon S3...第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡Luxembourg → 特里爾 Trier → 哥本倫茨Koblenz → 呂德斯海姆Rudesheim am Rhein → 法蘭克福 Frankfurt

16Days 15Nights Eastern Europe • Western Europe



Tour Code:ECGR491T89

Day 1 Sunday: Arrival Frankfurt

Upon arrival at the Frankfurt airport, meet and greet transfer to your check-in hotel, free at your own leisure.

Day 2 Monday: Frankfurt – Prague (Breakfast) After boarding the luxury coach in Frankfurt, sit back and enjoy a scenic ride through some classic German countryside en route to the Czech Republic. Prague, one of Europe’s most ornate cities, is your first destination. You will arrive in the evening, ready to discover this charming capital city with its fairytale architecture, the following morning. Hotel: 3* in Prague or city nearby Day 3 Tuesday: Prague – Bratislava (Breakfast) Your Prague adventure begins with a spectacular walk along the Royal Route, following the traditional coronation path of the kings and queens of old Bohemia. You’ll start from the top of Castle Hill in the Hradcany district, famous for its views over the red-roofed old city, and then tour Prague Castle. The castle has been the historic seat of Bohemia royalty since the 9th century, as well as home to the nation’s presidents in recent times. Your exploration then heads off around the imposing gothic St. Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace, St. George’s Basilica and along Golden Lane, an ancient thoroughfare lined with some wonderful traditional buildings. Later you will stroll across the iconic Charles Bridge, which arches gracefully over the Vltava, and on through the winding alleys to the Old Town Square, where you can see the City Hall and one of Prague’s most well-known sights, the Astronomical Clock. After lunch in the square, you’ll make the scenic transfer from Prague to the Slovakian capital, Bratislava – home to another glorious Old Town. Here you’ll pass through the heart of the city by coach, with views of the magnificent Bratislava Castle and St. Martin s Cathedral. Hotel: 3* in Bratislava or city nearby Day 4 Wednesday: Bratislava – Budapest (Breakfast) Wednesday sees you arrive in Hungary, the fourth country of the tour. Its capital, Budapest, is known as the Pearl of the Danube, and is essentially two different cities joined together: Buda on the west of the river, Pest on the east, each with its own distinct characteristics. One of the best ways of seeing this unique location is by taking a river cruise, which many people choose to do. After a morning of activity, you’ll relax over lunch at Buda Palace, and then have a chance to look at the exhibitions in the Budapest History Museum and Hungarian National Gallery, or do a spot of souvenir shopping. Next you’ll explore both sides of the city on a cultural and historic tour. Highlights on the Buda side of the Danube include the towered terrace of Fisherman’s Bastion, the medieval Matthias Church and a walk up to the summit of Gellért Hill for panoramic views. While over in Pest the sights include the expansive Heroes’ Square and Hungary’s dramatic riverside Parliament Building. In the evening, you can choose to round off an eventful day with an optional dinner in the heart of Budapest, where you can sample traditional dishes such as goose liver, goulash, duck leg and local wine, accompanied by Hungarian folkdance and music. Hotel: 3* in Budapest or city nearby Day5 Thursday: Budapest – Vienna (Breakfast) Today starts with a short journey to another of Europe’s grand capitals, Vienna, where you’ll get to explore the Austrian city’s resplendent palaces, striking churches and prestigious art museums. Your Vienna adventure begins at one of the city’s most popular attractions, Schönbrunn Palace, the Rococo-style summer residence of the Habsburg dynasty, rulers of Europe and the Church for many decades. After lunch in this refined setting, you will take a driving tour past many grand, famous buildings, including the City Hall, the Austrian Parliament, Hofburg Palace and Heroes’ Square. You’ll drive past the statue of one of Austria’s most famous sons, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and also have some shopping time, before adding the Wiener Staatsoper (opera house) to your checklist of key Vienna buildings. Later, opt for dinner in the heart of the city or visit St. Stephen’s Cathedral, before taking a stroll in Stadtpark, which is known for its range of sculptures, including the

Page 4: 斯洛伐克 - Amazon S3...第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡Luxembourg → 特里爾 Trier → 哥本倫茨Koblenz → 呂德斯海姆Rudesheim am Rhein → 法蘭克福 Frankfurt

famous gilded bronze statue of Johann Strauss II. In the evening, we recommend the option of attending a Viennese waltz concert, which will allow you the unforgettable experience of hearing the music of Mozart and Strauss in the place where it was composed. Hotel: 3* in Vienna or city nearby Day6 Friday: Vienna – Salzburg – Munich (Breakfast) From Vienna it’s on to another Austrian gem, Salzburg. The city’s beautiful historic centre, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, is characterized by numerous baroque buildings, and is one of the most picturesque places in Europe. Salzburg is also famous for its musical heritage, being both the birthplace of Mozart, and also connected with hit musical The Sound of Music. You’ll get the chance to see from the outside the house where Mozart was born, explore the city further at your leisure and also have lunch in Salzburg, before heading across the German border to Munich in the afternoon. Hotel: 3* in Munich or city nearby Day 7 Saturday: Munich – Mt Titlis – Lucerne – Zurich (Breakfast) You’ll leave the big cities behind on Saturday morning and head for one of the world’s most famous mountain ranges – the Swiss Alps. The first destination is Engelberg the stunning Swiss resort. From here you can opt to board a cable car that takes you to the summit of the impressive Mount Titlis. To reach to the top of the permanently snow-covered Mt. Titlis is by a combination of gondolas over 3 stages. You’ll ascend the last stage by the world’s first revolving gondola the Titlis Rotair, that delivers spectacular views of the valleys, glaciers, lakes and forests below, and 360˚ vistas of the surrounding mountains. At the summit the sun terrace is the perfect place to pause and appreciate the breathtaking panoramas. There’s a 150-metre ice cavern through the core of a glacier to explore at the top. Other highlights include walking across Europe’s highest suspension bridge for more phenomenal views from Mt. Titlis.

You’ll come down from the hills to the lakeside for your next stop. Lucerne is a picturesque city of bridges and towers located in what many people believe to be the “true” Switzerland – picture-postcard mountains, lakes, cowbells, Alpine villages and meadows full of edelweiss flowers. Here you will have time to wander through the charming streets, and see the famous Lion Monument, which Mark Twain once described as “the most mournful and moving piece of stone in the world”. This is a great place to get souvenirs like Swiss watches and fine chocolates, before travelling to the overnight stop of Zurich. Hotel: 3* in Zurich or city nearby Day 8 Sunday: Zurich – Rhein Falls – Titisee – Frankfurt (Breakfast) In Zurich, a city with a reputation as a leading global financial Centre. There is chance for a picture stop at the impressive Lake Zurich, before moving on to Rhine Falls, Europe’s biggest waterfall. Next you’ll cross back into Germany and the Black Forest, the ancient fir-covered mountain range which is famous for its creepy folklore and mythical tales. Here you will see the beautiful lake Titisee, where you can stop at one of the many lakeside cafés to enjoy some of the region’s best Black Forest cherry gateaux. Cuckoo clocks are made in Titisee, making this the ideal place to pick up a few souvenirs from the local shops and you’ll also get to see a demonstration of how these magical mechanisms work. Finally, you’ll head back to Frankfurt Hotel: 3* in Frankfurt or city nearby Day 9 Monday: Frankfurt – Bonn – Cologne – Amsterdam (Breakfast) The morning begins with a leisurely drive north-west from Frankfurt to Bonn, the capital of the former West Germany until reunification. The national government is now run from Berlin, but Bonn retains a rich history that is well worth exploring. Discover the city’s secrets on an orientation stroll through its streets, walking past highlights such as the Rococo-fronted town hall and Ludwig Van Beethoven Haus, a museum celebrating the life of the much-loved composer.

Then it’s on to Cologne, where you’ll head inside the city’s glorious Gothic Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rest of the afternoon is yours to explore Cologne further, to do a spot of local shopping or to simply relax with a suitably refreshing German brew. After lunch the day is rounded off with a drive into the Netherlands. Hotel: 3* in Amsterdam or city nearby Day 10 Tuesday: Amsterdam – Zaanse Schans – Amsterdam (Breakfast) A day of delights begins with a leisurely trip through the Dutch countryside, where you’ll get to sample at close quarters some of the things that the Netherlands is traditionally famous for: clogs, cheese and windmills. Call in at the hugely popular model town of Zaanse Schans. Next, you’ll head from the quiet countryside to the cosmopolitan city as your journey takes you back to Amsterdam.

After visiting a well-known diamond factory, where you’ll see the unique cutting techniques that have been practised here since the 16th century, you can take an optional hour-long pre-dinner canal cruise, which is a great way to discover more about this unique European city. After disembarking you’ll walk to one of the city’s grandest areas, Dam Square, where the Royal Palace is located and the Queen’s birthday celebrations take place. You’ll have photo opportunities here, free time for shopping or further sightseeing, and then round the day off with dinner.

From mid-March to mid-May the tour will also visit Keukenhof Garden, a 32-hectare seasonal exhibition of beautifully coloured and scented displays of spring flowers - most notably millions of tulips. For more information, please see: www.keukenhof.com Hotel: 3* in Amsterdam or city nearby Day 11 Wednesday: Amsterdam – Brussels – Paris (Breakfast) After leaving Amsterdam in the morning you’ll head south across the border into Brussels, the Belgian capital and political centre of the European Union. On the way, the tour stops to see the distinctive Atomium monument, a cell-shaped structure of stainless steel spheres and tubes built for the 1958 World’s Fair. In the centre of Brussels itself an orientation tour will call in at the exquisite Grand Place, as well as seeing the famous impish Manneken Pis statue.

After some free time, during which you can try some mouth-watering Belgian delights. Then from Brussels it’s south again across the French border and on to the bright lights of Paris. Hotel: 3* in Paris or city nearby Day 12 Thursday: Paris – Versailles – Paris (Breakfast)

Page 5: 斯洛伐克 - Amazon S3...第15天【星期日】: 盧森堡Luxembourg → 特里爾 Trier → 哥本倫茨Koblenz → 呂德斯海姆Rudesheim am Rhein → 法蘭克福 Frankfurt

Paris is your oyster over the next two days as you enjoy guided tours around one of the world’s most celebrated cities. Your Parisian adventures get off to a spectacular start with a drive along the famous Champs Élysées to the Place de la Concorde, which played such a key part in the French Revolution. You’ll also get to see the iconic Arc de Triomphe here too, the imposing monument that sits near the western end of the avenue and commemorates the fallen of the revolution and Napoleonic wars.

You’ll take in another significant historical building next as you head to L’Hôtel National des Invalides, where Napoleon’s tomb is located, followed by a photo stop at the most legendary of all Paris’s icons: the Eiffel Tower. You can then take a leisurely cruise along the river Seine, a great sightseeing option that offers splendid views of iconic Parisian landmarks, including Notre-Dame Cathedral and Pont Alexandre III. Finally, you’ll travel on the coach out through the Parisian suburbs to the splendid Palace of Versailles, the vast regal château that was the residence of the royal family until the start of the revolution in 1789. Today the palace is another popular Parisian attraction. In the evening, you can enjoy one of our optional Paris evening shows. Hotel: 3* in Paris or city nearby Day 13 Friday: Paris (Breakfast) Your Parisian experience begins with a visit to the Louvre, one of the world’s greatest art museums. Here you’ll set your eyes upon some of history’s most famous masterpieces, including the Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace (also called Nike of Samothrace), and Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Opt for a guided gallery tour, which will enhance your experience and allow you to browse through hundreds of works in just a few hours. After an exhilarating morning of walking the gallery corridors, replenish your energy levels with lunch in the museum before heading to the area surrounding the Palais Garnier, Paris’s opera house. Here the rest of the afternoon is yours to choose to either shop at the legendary department stores Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, or make your own arrangements to visit and ascent to the top floor of the Eiffel Tower, for unbeatable views over the city, a truly magical and unforgettable experience. Hotel: 3* in Paris or city nearby Day 14 Saturday: Paris – Reims – Luxembourg (Breakfast) Enjoy seeing the historic attractions of provincial capital Reims, including the city’s cathedral – a key national heritage site, where coronations of French kings took place from the 11th century onwards. History and tradition are equally evident in your next location: Luxembourg, the world’s only remaining Grand Duchy. After arriving in refined Luxembourg City, you’ll be introduced on foot to the main places of interest, including the Place de Constitution and Pont Adolphe, before having time for further exploration on your own. Hotel: 3* in Luxembourg City or city nearby Day 15 Sunday: Luxembourg – Trier – Koblenz –Rudesheim am Rhein –Frankfurt (Breakfast) Today we leave Luxembourg behind and head across another European border into Germany. The first stop is historic Trier, Germany’s oldest city and the birthplace of Karl Marx. You’ll have the chance to see from the outside the house where the influential philosopher was born, which now functions as the Karl Marx Haus museum.

Your walking tour then takes you into the centre of Trier; here you can look around the city’s impressive cathedral, where the celebrated Holy Robe – said to be the tunic of Christ – is preserved and occasionally displayed. Trier is also known as ‘The Second Rome’ (Constantine served as an administrator here for 10 years), and significant legacies of the once-great empire remain today. The highlight is undoubtedly Porta Nigra, the best-preserved Roman city gate north of the Alps, which you’ll get to see and photograph.

After an exciting morning in Trier, you’ll drive on to Koblenz, famous as the location of the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel rivers. Here you have the option of indulging in a relaxing lunch alongside the water, then afterwards you can also choose to add on a scenic Rhine boat cruise for some memorable city vistas. Back on dry land you’ll drive through the wine-making town of Rüdesheim. Then it’s on to Frankfurt am Main, where you’ll discover the delights of Römerberg, a charming plaza with a distinctive medieval town hall as its centrepiece. Day 16 Monday: Frankfurt Departure (Breakfast) After breakfast, free and easy until time for transfer to airport for your flight back and goodbye! NOTE: The Rhine boat cruise is only operational from 3rd April to 31st October. Meal Basis: (B) = Continental Breakfast Arrival Paris on Every Wednesday Arrival Frankfurt on Every Sunday