aug ~:s;, ~ °ir~~~i adtg~-'-:;-~~:i?;: ~ -:;~a-;; - -;(:~~ f 4/t ...violated, with ra41 chi...

: \...; ,. . F. ROM TO . AUG 30 1955 . 5 0 l f SU ·j:l JEct '(" oint Wee ka N o. ,.; or St a t etfr and· Air .. v I" frOlll , eff io '\ 4/t -- - (UNCLASSIFIED) · PRIO LIEUTE NANTS CO -OU F HIDING. On I ... g Auguet 24 and 27. respectb y. 0 DE RRE an enelao :::i ::: M ORA.Morales, came of hiding and pres.nted themselves. to the 0 Urgency Court of Havana. Both are PRIO tollowers ' whose names hav e. 0 i long been connected with revolutionary activities and. both of" 0 . I' whom are named in accusations of terroristic and 1Daurrectionary I plotting pending hearing before the Court. ·· In the absence of _ arrest orders against them, . the two men remain at liberty, subject '-' _ I to their appearance in court when summoned in connection with· . . " the charges . against them. Both made similar statements to the m A . ress to the - effect that they, were respecting Prio' a new "peace ' I ne" and that they would participate in the "civic activity in . ich their party 1s now engaged". . () (OFFIC IAL USE ONLY) Comment. The emergence from unde:rground 81 of these Prfo followers st rengthena optimism that the ex- Presidentts fact i on has in tact abandoned revolutionary tactics, at least until the new line is tried out. (UNCLASSIFIED) OR 'IDDOXO "UNITY" AGAIN THREATENED. ihe precarious "unity " of theOrtodoxoa, jolted once before by internal strite (see Weeka N o. 'J:l), was again threatened laat week. Carlos MARQUEZ Sterling and ti ve other members of the "uni£ied" Ortodoxoa' Directive Council publ i cly charged that within the party there . reigned "the rule of mo ral ceere1on" and the party statute! and the bases of the "Unity Charter" were being 'vi olat e d, with Ra41 CHI BAS, the president, in particular being bias ed in his l eader shi p. '!he . six their intent10n to boycott a Counc- il me eting call ed £.or. and ' 1a advanc e any motion s that might be ap p roved in , . , "' . (j") . -0 ' The mee ting was held as sC·, he, dt4' d. the The on.1y decision coming out · the m eeti'1lg C) committ .. ee headed by Chib !s to t ry t ... p .ersuade ._ . ... __ . ' s . .. ng te! .. . I. th; .o. thers to attend a - later g etherJ.n$ Qf" the ..L ... . . ·17'i'"1.evances. '. f11 0 II . b'" , :z FCFornesJr. ,CABoonatra , F.IDonahll ft :mbw ' . IOFFICIAL USE O NLY .1 ;0 t=-I -- . REPORTER .. ' _ ' L ... J - . '. c . . ACTION COPY - DEPARTMENT OF S!ATE (; tj The action oIDce must return this perman.ent re.'::ord copy to DC(R files with an. ' endorsement of action taken. " . '.

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Page 1: AUG ~:S;, ~ °iR~~~i AdtG~-'-:;-~~:I?;: ~ -:;~a-;; - -;(:~~ f 4/t ...violated, with Ra41 CHI BAS, the president, in particular being biased in his l eader ship. '!he . six de~lared

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. AUG 30 1955 .

~:S;, ~ °iR~~~i AdtG~-'-:;- ~~:I?;: ~ -:;~a-;; -_-;(:~~ 5 0 l f

SU·j:lJEct'(" oint Weeka No. ,.; or St a t etfr ~-lt~ and· Air ~o/-J .. v 1I.s/.II~ I" ~epa~ent. frOlll , S~~r effio ~ . '\ 4/t--- ~ ~ ,

(UNCLASSIFIED) · PRIO LIEUTENANTS CO -OU F HIDING. On I ... g Auguet 24 and 27. respectb y. 0 DE RRE an enelao :::i ::: ~ MORA.Morales, came ou~ of hiding and pres.nted themselves. to the • 0

Urgency Court of Havana. Both are PRIO tollowers ' whose names have . 0 i long been connected with revolutionary activities and. both of" 0 . I'

whom are named in accusations of terroristic and 1Daurrectionary ~ I plotting pending hearing before the Court. ·· In the absence of _ arrest orders against them, . the two men remain at liberty, subject '-'_ I to their appearance in court when summoned in connection with· . . " the charges .against them. Both made similar statements to the m

A. ress to the -effect that they, were respecting Prio' a new "peace ' I ne" and that they would participate in the "civic activity in ~ .

. ich their party 1s now engaged". . ()

(OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Comment. The emergence from unde:rground 81 of these ad~itional Prfo followers s t rengthena optimism that the ex- Presidentts facti on has in tact abandoned revolutionary tactics, at least until the new line is tried out.

(UNCLASSIFIED) OR'IDDOXO "UNITY" AGAIN THREATENED. ihe precarious "unity" of theOrtodoxoa, jolted once before by internal strite (see Weeka No. 'J:l), was again threatened laat week. Carlos MARQUEZ Sterling and t i ve other members of the "uni£ied" Ortodoxoa' Directive Council publi cly charged that within the party there . reigned "the rule of moral andmater,~al ceere1on" and ~hat the party statute! and the bases of the "Unity Charter" were being

'violated, with Ra41 CHI BAS, the president, in particular being biased in his l eader ship. '!he . six de~lared their intent10n to boycott a Counc-il meeting called £.or. ~ th.[ ~~ and ' eondemn~ 1a advance any motions that might be approved in such~eetinc~ ~ ,

. , "' . (j") . -0 ' The meeting was held as sC·,he,dt4'd. .w~~P9Jl~ the ~ssideat .~.

The on.1y decision coming out o£ ·the meeti'1lg f~~! ~o ~"pat:cUl ~a ' ~ C)

committ .. ee headed by Chib!s t o t ry t ... ~' . p.ersuade._ Marq.~ . ... __ .' s .. .. ng te! ... I. th; .o.thers to attend a -later getherJ.n$ Qf" the Coun,~d ~r t~ ..L .... . . ·17'i'"1.evances. '. f11 0 ~ ~ II . b'" , :z ~ ~

FCFornesJr. ,CABoonatra, ~ ~ . r-arn~, F.IDonahll ft :mbw ' . IOFFICIAL USE ONLY . 1 ;0 ~ . t=-I -- .

REPORTER .. ' _' L ... J - . ' . c . . ACTION COPY - DEPARTMENT OF S!ATE (; tj

The action oIDce must return this perman.ent re.'::ord copy to DC(R files with an. 'endorsement of action taken." . '.

Page 2: AUG ~:S;, ~ °iR~~~i AdtG~-'-:;-~~:I?;: ~ -:;~a-;; - -;(:~~ f 4/t ...violated, with Ra41 CHI BAS, the president, in particular being biased in his l eader ship. '!he . six de~lared

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• ''-:..J . 'j P. Ilf . d~· tAL U . L l Encl. No.. "

, . . . ,, \,r--'1-frlJIt Mia"i 0 - " " Dap. No._ . ) '-'--' - . . Fr

Ilit ~\lb' •• 1nSt.rhr· i.~ni &lao CQ plained to ,'th'~ .\lthori~i.a t:hat hi'-- /,', ' ..... .~" t .. ~.n.d ... a1rl,lld. tor the aUl •. ~. by the ' SIKd9JO w~n'Jull 19'1t.~ 'attack.d MArqu •• St.r11na in hi. ottioe , ,

a pi at ,, 1 iJ?l.' hi. moti,.., th~r.tor ,d •• p di.aati.taotlon wi,.th MUqu •• t.r11nlt.."olitic&lcond!J.c~( ae. W •• ka NO., 2 , l~. '

' . (OF~ICIAL USE ONLY) Cent. , Once acain the 0rtodoxol ha,.. demo-llatrp.ted that their "unIty" Js': balanc-edon a: thin edi. and that-'1;hey haye evidently progressed 'but little on the 'road to harmoniOus . internal r~atlons that are essential to 'rebuilding

·Ortodoxia- into a signifl~ant political ' forc • •

(UNCLASSIFI ED) OOMB EXPLODES AT PRIO FAMILY 'lOMB • . Aamall bomb, exploded' at the f'amny mausoleum in Co16n Cemetery ot Carlos PrtoSocarr's~with small ~e and no one hurt. This would

~ appear to be an outrageous demonstration of personalanimQsity against the ex-President.

(UNCLASSIFIED) , CU BAN OPERA 'IDRS CLAIMING RADIOAC'TIVE lvUNmALS .. Nwnerpua claims are being £il ed by Cuban indi Vidual>:3 and compiiiles under the terms ' of Decree No. 1996 of July 16, 1955 (see despatch No. 62, July, ,21, 1955), which places radioactive Iilineralsin a , separate category tor concession of mining rights. Thia enablea

fClaims to be p~aced on areas in which mining rights for other ~minerals already are held by other holders . '

(OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Comment. United States mining interests regard Decree ' No.1996 as unconstitutional ~and therefore are not filing cl .aims. In the absence o£ an early test of unconstitutionality, serious problems may develop for the American companies and possibly for the General Services Administration whose mining properties also may be denounced for radioactive minerals. .

(OFFICIAL USE ONLY) PROBLErVl OF BILATERAA AIR AGREEMENT. " Cuban officials are stating t heir desir e to reopen prompt1yth. discussions! suspended s ince last May, through which they hope to obtain for ~uban airlines an aasured and greater portion o£ the Havana-Miami traffic by modifying ,the present interpretation of

' " the United States-Cuban bilateral air . transport agreement.

(OFFICIAL ,USE ONLY) Comment . Heavy llJ.osses of the Cia. Cubana de Aviaci6n leep pres sure on Cuban officials to find mean a f or t hat company's traffic, t o the extent that uni lateral action contravening the present bilateral agreement is feared if mutually satisfactory interpretation i s not obtained.


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Page 3: AUG ~:S;, ~ °iR~~~i AdtG~-'-:;-~~:I?;: ~ -:;~a-;; - -;(:~~ f 4/t ...violated, with Ra41 CHI BAS, the president, in particular being biased in his l eader ship. '!he . six de~lared

•. -. ~ ... p , -' . of "W 8nd, No .. ·rICI":- . ' 0 ~l - . j

. .' ' .. . ' •. ' .... ~ .~. . ' (CI.mi<",,;,r.- " . =- NO, . . _ I.

e (U LA SIFIED) · Franc.'. trouble. -in rocco . drew &jo~.-at-t ~io. · .. . . _ . Cu~ ·pr •••• · . Frequently •• ntion.a. a. cau.e~:r r . th • . upri.ina. were -France'. incapacity . to .. . a 1n1.' r ' he t •. rrltory; her 1 ok ot .• tron'JOYenuDent ~=z . • hip; th . ardin ••• ~ her refo~ •. 1n,coloni ar.a., ana mi.tak. in aepo.ins Sul.tan Multt,. Yu •• u1' two year. ago. . , . contending that the preaant criai.·prove.thatthe can 1\0 lon er overn . the territo~,- : called for UN action to re.t-ore PUC& to North Atrica, with a plebiscite to be ad.niiniatered . lat.~r. . ID£~ci§n pointed put that the 1000 victim. of recent upriaing.~ltrmperative that -the UN extend ita juriadiction to thi. area. According to ·Excel.ior, the wea1me.a of succeasive French gov.~rnmenta, together withCommuni.tpropaganda, baa encouraged Moroccan. to rebel. For Pren., Libre, France ha. started to lIlend her coloni~ fencea one _day ·too late, and "in ·a day it i. poa.ible to lose ' not only a battle but an entire war." Diar1o_ de la Marina, after tracing the preaent condition to, the OU$ter of SUltan MUley Yussuf, urged the French to : revise their Moroccan policy of the laat 30 months. For El Mundo, it waaan in seapable historical fact that .ubject people. Will, sooner or later, shake oft their colonial fetters, while Alerta interpreted the August . 20 uprising as indicative of a Pan IalamIc movement sweeping over North Atrica, aimed at wiping out coloniali ...

. J . The United States atti~ude on Morocco, aa iIiterpreted by El Mundo, 1a one of keen interest but non-involvement. Th1. newspaper predicted that the French,unless they grant needed reforms , will soon be raced with- another -Indo-China. Alerta hinted that because of strategic American air bases in North Africa, the United States may work quietly behind the scene., as· it did during the British-Egyptian controveray, to bring about a peaceful aolution.

Army. Na!y. Air



Participanta:' CCHall, CABroon.tra, CFP!ck,Jr ., ·· FCFomea,Jr., . WBCaldwell, FJDonahue, J JWaehter, Treadway(Army), Krisel (Navy), and Slaton( Air) . ' .

'lrujillo and Port-au-Prince. -cc: AmEmbassies Ciudad MA(4) , NA (4)

I·AA(2). .. ~ OFFICIAL .USEONLY ,: - .

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